#young flautist
jgys-hat · 28 days
Now I've rewatched The Untamed having now read MDZS, here are some thoughts (in no particular order):
I found myself liking Jin Zixuan a lot more this time around - the first time I watched I found him kind of boring, but this time I really appreciated him for seemingly trying to be kind and fair despite being posh and privileged. I also found his awkwardness endearing... Oh, and Wei Wuxian is a total dick to him on several occasions, to be honest.
I also liked Su She a lot more this time.
I liked Wangxian a more in CQL than in the novel. I think this is because in the novel, WWX can't read LWJ very well, so sometimes I felt that novel!LWJ came off as somewhat of a flat character, whereas in the show the acting gives a better sense of what he might be thinking and feeling at any given moment.
The flashback episode scenes at Cloud Recesses where they're all young, alive and more or less happy are Painful to watch knowing what's coming next...
I really intensely dislike CQL's inclusion of the second flautist plot point. I think the story is more interesting and tragic if WWX really did just overextend himself and lose control.
On a similar note, I preferred that in the novel the curse put on Jin Zixuan was nothing to do with WWX at all - I think something that's got nothing to do with him being pinned on him anyway adds an extra level of tragedy to the story and adds to the themes the story is trying to put across.
I much preferred the greater level of moral ambiguity that the novel had - it made me really sad that WWX does some really awful things but eventually gets to live happily ever after having had a chance to redeem himself, whereas JGY never gets that chance and just dies horribly :(((
I really enjoyed the extra development that CQL gave to the female supporting characters! I feel like CQL gives a much better sense of how Wen Qing is as a person than the novel does.
JIN GUANGYAO THE CHARACTER EVER... Everything I could possibly say about him has already been said by people who are much smarter and better at writing than me, but I love his character so much... He does do some pretty awful things, BUT he gets put in a lot of impossible situations where he would have been absolutely pilloried no matter what he did, poor guy. "JGY did some awful things" and "JGY was genuinely badly treated by a lot of people" are statements that can and should coexist.
The other thing that I find really sad is that JGY meets his end because of the person he (at least in the novel) killed in self-defence and was genuinely afraid of, and not because of anything actually evil he did, like having his dad's pet serial killer murder twenty women... It's really not justice at all, but I think that's likely the point the story is trying to make.
Listen, I'm just so sad about A-Yao... Maybe people should have been nice to him and he wouldn't have committed crimes :)))
He lived so much of his life in fear of one kind or another and then dies humiliated :))) I'm fine this is fine :)))
I am continually astonished that the censors decided "no zombies for you" but something as gross and horrible as the way Jin Guangshan was bumped off is A-OK.
I think that given how different the structure of the drama is from that of the novel, introducing the Yi City trio earlier on was an understandable and sensible change to make.
I think I may need to scream forever about Nie Huaisang's character arc... The fact that by using LXC to kill JGY he's become as manipulative as the person he hated, and has also forced Jin Ling into becoming sect leader at a very young age, just like NHS himself was by the death of his brother, makes me Feel Things...
...As does the fact that his face as he leaves the Guanyin Temple in CQL is not the face of a happy man - it comes across to me as though he's realised that getting revenge hasn't really given him any sense of satisfaction at all. He must know that his peers are unlikely to really trust him again. I love how in his final scene he's dropped the buffoonish act totally, because now his plan has come to fruition he can outwardly be the person he has been inside for a very long time.
NHS is clearly just as capable of Rage as his brother once was, he just expresses it very differently.
Also, the fact that by the end of the story NHS is likely older than his brother ever got to be :)))
I wish CQL had had some way of working in the scene from the novel where NMJ had NHS' things burned - I think it was nice on getting some background on the brothers and on NHS' relationship with JGY.
JGY and NHS were clearly close once, so watching this happen to their relationship is so interesting to me... The betrayal on both sides is just *chef's kiss*... I actually think they're both quite similar in a lot of ways, but that's probably a topic for a separate post!!!
They are both such cool and interesting characters and I love them both!!
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esfawkes · 2 months
A brilliant soul was lost on July 24, 2024, with the passing of Jackson Taylor ___, 31. Known to most of the world as Jack, he was Taylor to his family.
Taylor was born on April 5, 1993, in ___, AL, to Tracy and Wendy Neely as the middle of 3 children. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Gary Lynn ___: a larger-than-life man whose memory and legacy Taylor cherished and carried with him. He is survived by the love of his life, April; his father, Tracy, and his mother, Wendy; his older brother, Nathan, and his wife, Whitney; his younger sister, Bailey; his grandmother, Wanda ___; his aunt, Monnie ___; his grandfather, James Taylor ___, and his wife, Wanda; his uncle, Chris ___; his 2 beloved dogs, Izzy and Lula, and his cat, Charlie—as well as countless other family and friends whose lives he touched.
Despite its brevity, Jack’s life overflowed with accomplishments creative, professional, and personal. He was a community leader dedicated to building others up using his own experiences in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. He was gifted with great natural talent, though it was his tenacity, dedication, and determination which truly defined him. Committed to self-improvement, he embodied the spirit of getting back up after being knocked down.
Creating music was one of Taylor’s greatest joys in life; he was a marimbist, a pianist, a flautist, and a guitarist over the years, and the lyrics he wrote were raw, haunting, and cerebral. Music gave him the opportunity to experience the world beyond his hometown as part of the Music City Drum Corps in 2011. Passionate and intense, Taylor cared deeply for his family and friends. With warmth, empathy, and abundant generosity, he strove to better the lives of those around him and sought to be someone to whom others could turn for support. He wore his heart on his sleeve and was a vibrant, vivid figure with a blindingly bright future ahead of him that he forged with burning resolve and unyielding defiance.
From a young age, he was an autodidact, teaching himself whatever caught his interest to satisfy his own searing curiosity. This extraordinary self-motivation and self-discipline gave him the ability to not only recover but continuously triumph after being laid low. At the start of 2022, he was living in an RV as he took online courses in Cloud Computing at Western Governors University. By January the next year, he and his partner April had bought a beautiful house together that they spent the next year turning into a truly wonderful home.
At the time of his passing, Jack was a Cloud Services Engineer. He held many positions over the course of his career in IT, including working as a Cloud Support Technician, a Cloud Migration Lead, and a Lead Cloud Engineer. He never stopped pushing himself, and given time to realize his limitless potential, his full list of achievements would have been overwhelmingly long.
Jack will be remembered for his sense of humor, which alternated between wry and goofy, and his hugs, which were always perfect and exactly what you needed. He will be remembered for his laugh, his smile, and his refusal to be anyone or anything less than his whole self. He will be remembered for his creativity, stubbornness, and perseverance. And he will be remembered for who he was in the moments that mattered.
Above all, Taylor was unequivocally, unconditionally, and unwaveringly loved by his family, who remain immensely proud of his character, his intelligence, and his creativity, as well as his numerous achievements. Colorful and singular, there has never been and never will be another like him. One of a kind, the world is duller for his absence.
No services will be held, and in lieu of flowers, the family asks that you consider sending a donation to the National Alliance on Mental Illness at https://www.nami.org/.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out for help. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 for free simply by calling or texting 988. Your call is confidential, and you are not alone.
This obituary was written by his loving sister, who wishes more than anything that he was here to read it.
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gauntermetaverse · 8 months
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The intriguing episode of a certain evening, chronicled by none other than Dandelion:
My fingers danced upon the lute, the heart of the tavern's merriment, when suddenly, an accompaniment as mysterious as the moon's path through a starless night joined in. A flute's whisper wove into my melody, an intrusion that I would typically abhor, yet it was played with such skill that I could only admire.The flautist, a gentleman of peculiar aura, called me by name, "Dandelion!" His voice carried the timbre of a seasoned tale-spinner.
"Your ballads lack only one thing," he declared, his eyes glinting with mischief or malice — 'twas hard to tell. "The companionship of a hero, a companion of caliber to match your songs."
I raised an eyebrow, interest piqued. "And where, pray tell, might I find such a legendary figure?"
My tone was jest, but his answer was earnest, wrapped in riddles and served with a side of enigma.
"In due time, young bard. For now, dine with me, and let the fates' threads entwine."
His invitation was an intrigue I could not resist, the promise of destiny too tantalizing to ignore. As we supped, he spoke of roads less traveled and fates intertwined.
"You shall meet a man," O'Dimm said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "a man of steel and sorrow, whose story will be sung for ages to come. Your voice will carry his legacy, but heed this — every tale has its thorn, and every rose its blood."
He grasped my hand suddenly, his fingers tracing my life's lines as if they were roads on a map. "To find your hero, you must first be the hero of your own story. Seek not the comforts of hearth and home, but the thrill of the unknown. For in your search for stories, you will become part of a legend yet unwritten."
His words were a melody that plucked at the strings of my ambition. I felt a shiver of excitement — or was it fear? — at the prospect. To be part of a legend, to have my name sung in the same breath as a man of steel and sorrow... it was a bard's dream.
"Remember," O'Dimm concluded, releasing my hand with a flourish, "the brightest tales are born from the darkest nights. Seek out the White Wolf when the time is ripe, and your songs will never die."
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thatrickmcginnis · 10 days
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SAM RIVERS, Toronto 1989
That Sam Rivers was born just over a hundred years ago is a reminder that the avant-garde tradition in jazz is an old one. The son of a gospel singer, the Oklahoma-born Rivers moved to Boston where he studied at the Conservatory, which helped build his command of music theory and composition that would make him stand out in his career. Briefly a member of Miles' Davis legendary quintet, he recorded his first album for Blue Note Records in 1964, working as a sideman on albums by Blue Note artists such as Tony Williams, Andrew Hill and Larry Young. His work would often straddle bebop and free jazz, and he would perform and record with influential artists such as Anthony Braxton, Dave Holland and Cecil Taylor. In the '70s he and his wife Beatrice opened their NYC loft to performances, and Studio Rivbea became the most famous of the venues in the city's "loft scene".
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I met and photographed saxophonist and flautist Sam Rivers when he came through town with Dizzy Gillespie's Big Band - the trumpeter hadn't been part of the jazz avant-garde for many years, but he frequently hired musicians like Rivers for his band. (Latin jazz trumpet star Arturo Sandoval was also in Gillespie's band when I saw them at Berlin, a club in midtown Toronto.) The perk with playing with Gillespie is that touring conditions were more than decent, and after I talked Rivers into doing a shoot with me, he told me to meet him at the old Sutton Place, a luxury hotel downtown where I did a lot of shooting, as it was the home of the film festival and frequently used to put up big stars by the movie and record companies.
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I found a decent spot for my shoot with Sam Rivers in the mezzanine lobby of the Sutton Place, where an antique couch had been placed in front of a big tapestry. (The spot would become a favorite one for shoots.) The light wasn't brilliant but I put high speed Kodak film in my camera and managed to elicit a good range of expressions from Rivers as I coaxed him through our brief but - in hindsight - very productive portrait session. My live photos of Rivers playing in Dizzy Gillespie's band weren't as successful, as the spotlights were mostly on Dizzy and Rivers stuck to his spot downstage from the bebop star. Rivers and his wife moved their Studio Rivbea performing space to Florida in the '90s, where he was able to put together a larger band, and his private recordings have been mined to produce a series of records documenting his work at Studio Rivbea. Sam Rivers died of pneumonia in Florida in December of 2011.
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scotianostra · 16 days
Happy Birthday Al Stewart, born September 5th 1945 in Glasgow.
Al Stewart grew up in the town of Wimborne, Dorset, England, after moving from Scotland with his mother, Joan Underwood. His father, Alastair MacKichan Stewart, who served as a flight lieutenant in the Royal Air Force volunteer reserve, died in a plane crash during a 1945 training exercise before Stewart was born. He attended Wycliffe College, Gloucestershire as a boarder. After that, according to the song “Post World War II Blues” (from Past, Present and Future): “I came up to London when I was 19 with a corduroy jacket and a head full of dreams.”
And so it was that Al Stewart came to stardom as part of the legendary folk revival in the sixties and seventies and developed the combination of folk-rock songs with delicately woven tales of the great characters and events from history. Stewart has 19 studio albums between “Bedsitter Images” in 1967 and “Sparks of Ancient Light” in 2008, plus the live album “Uncorked” with Dave Nachmanoff in 2009.
Al continues to tour extensively around the U.S. and Europe. He is perhaps best known for his hits ‘Year of the Cat” from the Platinum album of the same name and the Platinum follow up album “Time Passages.” But his career spans four decades as a key figure in British music. He played at the first ever Glastonbury Festival in 1970, worked with Yoko Ono pre-Lennon and shared a London apartment with a young Paul Simon.
The Year of the Cat is the quintessential from Al and is one of my favourite songs from the 70’s, it’s the title song of his Platinum selling album. You can listen to the short version of the song on Youtube, or why not enjoy this live version recorded in April this year in New York. I love the keyboards in the intro, flute solo then a fine guitar solo, before flautist steps forward for a lovely bit of saxophone, it’s a fine display from Al and the band, and in my opinion one of the most complete songs ever recorded.
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publius-and-friends · 4 months
Introduction post because yeah!
Hello! We are a tulpamancy system of three. Our names are Publius, Aulus, and Tiberius.
Publius🏛he/she: I'm the original. My special interest is ancient Rome and that's why our names are so Roman (whoopsies). I am also a flautist, a writer, and an artist. Books are my everything and I love Mary Beard.
Aulus🐝he/they: Hello, I'm Aulus. I love bees. I'm very silly, very artistic as well, and I'm the heart of the system. Always comforting Publius! I'm still a young tulpa, born only a few months ago. Publius was alone until she created me, and I'm glad she did!
Tiberius♟️he/him: Publius says "You make improvements in vocality. You can write introduction," so I do. Am Tiberius Corvus. From two sources, Domina (historical fiction tv show about ancient Rome) and short story Publius wrote for school exams. Am mostly accident. I like Latin language and ravens. Don't like when change plans, when lie, when loud. My words sometimes strange but not on purpose, not to mock. This is only way I can get them out.
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sambhavami · 1 year
The Lost Flute - Part 1 (An Open Door)
Balarama's chariot kicked up the dust on the rustic road as it rustled past the sun-soaked fields and bristling bushes of Mathura's countryside. The sun was already about to kiss the horizon. His arms were wrapped around the half-asleep young girl beside him. She had covered her mouth with the end of her dress, her head resting on Balarama's shoulders. This journey had been long overdue, but it was finally drawing to a close.
"Can I ask you a question, Rama?" The girl asked quietly.
"You know you don't need my permission, Subhadre." Balarama smiled down at her.
Subhadra laughed quietly, "Rama, I've always heard how great of a flautist Kanha is, but I've never seen him play. He always makes excuses when I ask. Did he not enjoy playing the flute?"
Balarama shifted slightly in his seat, "Who told you that? He and that flute used to be inseparable. We wouldn't be able to pry it from his sleeping hands!" He chuckled at the memory.
"So why doesn't he play now?" Subhadra asked.
"I don't know Bhadre, maybe he's just too busy to be indulging in a hobby right now."
"Is that why he didn't come with us today?"
"Probably." Balarama sighed.
Suddenly, he sat up in his seat, "Look, there's our Vrindavan! Do you see those stone houses across the horizon? That's the village! And to the west, those are the pastures. From sunrise to sunset, that is where we lived! Nand-baba used to teach us every day- in the morning follow the sun but when he sets, you turn and run! I must tell you the stories about the times we got lost in the forests and nearly forgot that little poem!"
Balarama stood up from the cushioned seat of the chariot and started waving frantically at a man across the field, "Hey Madhu, MADHU!" He jumped down from the slowing chariot and ran towards him. Soon, a crowd gathered around them. A few boys ran back to the village to announce their arrival. The farmers and the gopas stood with folded hands as Balarama went around inquiring about their lives. 
As some villagers approached them carrying on torched, Balarama turned to Subhadra with a broad smile, "Come on then! We can walk the rest of the way!"
Balarama stopped and turned as the torchbearers fell a few steps behind. Subhadra was approaching him with her bejewelled skirt held high as she trod carefully on the muddy, uneven road as five villagers attempted to light the way as best they could. He laughed, "I probably should have told you to wear a lighter dress!"
"Well," Subhadra raised an eyebrow, "You did say I was going to meet two of the most important people of your life. You can't fault me for trying to impress!" Though her tone was soaked in sarcasm, she smiled warmly.
Balarama smiled back as he took a torch from one of the villagers, "Come on, walk with me!" He said as he put an arm around her.
Standing at the gates of the stone villa, Balarama looked around. There was no one standing to welcome them. There were no extra lights lit or flower garlands hung. "That's strange," he said, almost to himself, "Are they not home? But the others would've told us if they weren't!"
He walked up the stairs leading up to the heavy, wooden gate. The door was unlocked. As usual, he thought. He walked into the sprawling courtyard, Subhadra trailing along awkwardly. In the inner sanctum under the archway, stood a dark figure. Balrama smiled as he saw the man.
"Grand gestures are for strangers, my son can walk right in."
Balarama dashed to embrace the man, both of them tearing up slightly. Balarama turned and beckoned his sister, "Subhadra, meet him. He is our Nand-baba, and Baba, this is my Bhadra, our little sister!"
Subhadra smiled politely and went to touch his feet, utterly unaware of the fact that Nand had gone white as a sheet. Balarama, noticing immediately, quickly ushered his sister to the guestroom.
Balarama walked out to the courtyard to find Nand pouring some soma juice into two large chalices. He sat down beside the old man, "I probably should have told you I was bringing her."
"Yes, you should have." Nand turned away.
"Come on, Baba, you can't lie to me." Balarama took a sip from one of the cups, "It was a tough call you made. There was always going to be only one: either Kanha or her. I have lain awake several nights pondering what I would have done in your position. Before it was so simple- save the saviour, but ever since our Shashi came to us, I cannot make a decision! I love Kanha, but I do not think I would have been able to give up my Shashi, even if it was his life on the line!"
Nand sighed, "I do not care how brave people say I was. Do not tell me how Kamsa was the one who killed her. I sent her to him! I made that decision, to end one life for another. There is blood on my hands that will never be washed away."
"Subhadra is innocent in this. How is it fair to punish her?"
"I am not punishing her. Haven't you heard the rumours? They say she is her, reborn! How can I look in those eyes after what I've done?"
Balarama refilled Nand's chalice, "I get it, Baba, but the rumours are baseless. She is her own person. She doesn't deserve to be seen as someone she is not. Also, is it fair to replace her? She who gave herself to give us victory, in more ways than one! She gave us Kanha! Is it so easy to replace her sacrifice with another child? Subhadra deserves a chance to have you in her life in the same way as we have! Besides, where's Yashoda-maa, does she not want to see us?"
Yashoda had concealed herself in her chambers when the boys had brought news of their arrival.
Krishna had not come with them.
An overwhelming emptiness had suddenly engulfed her. She had watched Balarama walk in from the window in her bed-chamber. He had come up to talk to her after dinner but she had locked the door. After knocking for a few minutes, he had left thinking she was asleep. The truth was that she had stayed awake all night, pacing up and down the room. Up until then, everything had seemed surreal.
There had been a faint hope that Krishna would return, and then everything would go back to normal. Seeing Balarama walk in with their new sister, without Krishna, had suddenly made everything so very real. It felt to Yashoda like the invisible wall between her and Krishna was finally cemented.
As the sun rose, Yashoda straightened her mostly undisturbed bed and went out to face her bland, ordinary day. Outside, she found the young princess standing in the centre of the corridor. Her hair was tied back neatly in a tight braid, and she wore bright yellow apparel. In the darkness of the night, Yashoda had not realized how much her face resembled Balarama. However, her mannerisms reminded Yashoda of Kanha. She stood upright in a regal fashion, but her eyes were lowered in deference.
"May I know who you are?" Yashoda asked, although in her mind she already had guessed.
The girl looked up, "I am Princess Subhadra, daughter of the great Prince Vasudeva and the pious Princess Rohini of Mathura, granddaughter of the illustrious King Ugrasena of the renowned family of Yadavas, ruler of the kingdoms of Mathura and Dwarika, niece of the distinguished Lord Nanda, ruler of Gokula and Vrindavana, and sister to the unparalleled warriors- Prince Balarama, viceroy of Mathura and Prince Krishna, viceroy of Dwarika."
Subhadra's words seemed like a twisting knife lodged in Yashoda's heart. The one this girl spoke of, is Devaki's Krishna, not Yashoda's! Still, the girl is innocent, she thought and forced herself to smile once more. Clearly, the girl had been taught to parrot off her titles from a young age.
She smiled at the girl, "Well, I am Lady Yashoda, Consort to the Lord of the realms of Gokula and Vrindavana, Mistress of the household you currently grace, and maiya to anyone who's interested."
Subhadra's eyes lit up immediately. Dropping the regal demeanour, she sighed with relief, "I hate having to do that, maiya! Rama makes me practice that all the time! He says how we conduct ourselves should always reflect the standing of our illustrious family!"
Yasoda laughed, "Yes, he does find happiness in perfection. I see no reason why he shouldn't inculcate the same values in his sister!"
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kelefox · 11 months
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NaNoWriMo Project Intro: A Phantom of the Opera retelling
fantasy • romance • gender swapped • LGBTQIA+ • secret history • maybe dark • probable whimsy • all the angst
This will be fun! I've wanted to do a Phantom retelling for a while because, well, Phantom – music and theatre and tragic love stories. I thought at first it would be a Christine/Erik ship, but now that I've done some prep... well, we'll see.
third person • past tense • multiple POV
Write 50k for NaNoWriMo 2023! Will that be the whole novel? Nooooo
In a theatre in Adavast, a makeup artist is found dead by their own hand in the orchestra pit.
Suicide isn't so rare. In Adavast, it's not even uncommon. But the artist didn't die by any of the usual means. They painted themselves to death, pouring so much of their soul into the mask they made that there was nothing left. The mask is beautiful to behold, says the flautist who found the body, such that they can barely stand to look upon it. But when the theatre managers go to view the scene, the mask is gone.
All eyes turn to the flautist, but Viviane, the stage manager, and Corentin, rising star of the company, have suspicions of something far more sinister.
Corentin (Christine)
Young countertenor and the newest jewel in the Adavast Opera company. Caught in an affair he knows has no happy ending
Arielle (Raoul)
Slightly odd Society darling who has never forgotten the boy she nearly kissed backstage at sixteen and how beautifully he sang
Viviane (the Persian deserves more POV)
Brilliant stage manager with a grim history. Never leaves the theatre. Worries for Corentin
Estelle (Erik/Phantom)
Secret past. Secret present. Does not believe she has a future but could save the world with a song
Adavast is a star system in a civilisation where humans have become physically indestructible and live for hundreds of years. Around other stars, people are peaceful and prosperous, but in Adavast, they struggle. Temporal variance, the scholars call it, but no one can explain the phenomenon. Magic thrives in one city but never develops in the next. Electrical technology lights up a building while across the street, gas lamps are the only things to work. Society is plagued with despair. No one knows why.
Join me at NaNo!
Follow me on Ream for updates (free to follow, subscribe for more)
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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Richard Schubert as “Tannhäuser” R. Wagner.
Richard Schubert, the celebrated tenor and interpreter of Richard Wagner's romantic heroes, embodied a new ideal of the Heldentenor. Schubert in turn, bad a clearly focused, shining voice that enabled him to penetrate the mighty forces of a Wagner Orchestra. Especially lauded, however, was bis youthfully ideal stage appearance with which he managed to do full justice to the magic of his roles. Thus it is no surprise that it was Richard Strauss who actually discovered him. In one of the Nuremberg "Rosenkavalier" productions conducted by him the musician accompanying the tenor in the aria of the "singer" attracted his attention because of his extraordinary histrionic ability. Strauss was later told that said flautist was a student who was studying singing in order later to become a baritone. He decided to keep an eye on him. Nevertheles he could hardly have known that this young man was subsequently to become one of the most celebrated Heldentenors of the Vienna State Opera. Initially Schubert sang minor baritone roles in Strassburg; bis well-developed top range soon showed which way bis career was to turn. Eventually he managed the transition to the tenor repertoire and he subsequently sang in Nuremberg, Wiesbaden and Hamburg, learning the most important Heldentenor roles as well as many lyric roles. Even when he was celebrated as a Heldentenor he. still continued to sing lyric roles where he could relax and "oil" his voice. While in Hamburg he owed a lot to Egon Pollack, then the intendant of the opera. There, on December 4, 1920, he also sang the tenor lead in the world premiere of Komgold's "Die tote Stadt", a role in which he was subsequently acclaimed in Vienna. In April 1920 Schubert was engaged to sing five performances in Vienna. His Radames initially did not quite fulfill expectations as the Viennese were accustomed to the huge voice of Leo Slezak. Yet he managed to convince as Walter, Tannhäuser and Pedro in "Tiefland". A further guest appearance in the tetralogy of the Ring finally convinced all and sundry that here was a grandiose successor to Erik Schmedes, whose style, however, recalled rather the latter's predecessor Hermann Winkelmann. Unfortunately, Schubert could only be signed up for brief periods of time in each case which were used for cyclical performances of Wagner operas. Hence his excursions into the lyric repertoire were few and far between. Also in Richard Strauss' operas he was acclaimed.
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burlveneer-music · 6 months
Buddy Rich & Alla Rakha - Rich à la Rakha - Sundazed has just reissued this 1968 album on vinyl & CD
Jazz snare & ride cymbal meet classical Indian tabla & pakhawaj! What happens when one of the best jazz drummers of all time combines efforts with one of India’s most renowned tabla players? Voilà! Rich À La Rakha. Calypso-flavored compositions, spontaneous jams, and a genuine instrumental dialogue between the two greats truly makes this a one-of-a-kind listen. Cut all analog and pressed on colored vinyl! In 1968, as young America’s interest in Indian classical music was surging to its peak, Alla Rakha made a landmark record with the big band jazz drummer Buddy Rich. Rich, like Alla Rakha, is an icon, often ranked very near the top of any list of ‘greatest drummers’ regardless of genre. Rich was an exuberant, hot tempered man who frequently alienated friends and peers but, at the same time, “was one of the most technically gifted drummers to ever walk our planet. He had incredible speed and control, power and touch.” Ravi Shankar composed several compositions for both men to play together and brought in smooth jazz flautist Paul Horn (who studied meditation in Rishikesh at the same time as The Beatles in 1968) as well as sitarist Shamim Ahmed to create a musical space within which the two geniuses could experiment. The album Rich à la Rakha, which we share today, is a milestone in the ‘jazz meets Indian classical music’ story. – Nate Rabe (Harmonium: Musical Culture from South Asia and the Diaspora) Includes: Khanda Kafi (Ravi Shankar) • Duet In Dadra • Rangeela (Ravi Shankar) • Nagma E Raksh (Alla Rakha) • Tal Sawari
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marieabubb08 · 2 years
Imagine Princess!Reader who fell inlove with the claps and stomping sounds of the village's dances down in the middle of the townsquare and so every year, when the Celebration of Succesful Harvests arrive, she will escape her home palace in a disguise just to dance along with the loud beats of the drums, the romantic pull of the stringed instruments and her favourite of them all: the solo of the woodwind flute that just compliments the whole band.
That certain year tho, the solo flautist's music was different. Yes, it was still the same piece of music she heard every year, but it was definitely a whole new rendition to that of the one she always heard. It was light and heavenly like the weightless tapping sounds of the footsteps of the dancers. The vibratos and melody was cheery and full of life like the laughs and claps from the bystanders and watchers.
The young royal was enamoured with the music of whomever played the wind instrument. And so she searched for the musician through the thick and confusing crowd of people.
As she finally found her way, her mouth gawked open in awe.
There in the middle of the many musicians of different instruments, stood a young man probably the same age as she was. His dark green hair tousled along with the way his head bopped with the music, a shy smile adorned his freckled, sunkissed face as his fingers fiddled with the wooden flute as if playing it was an ease.
The princess watched in her own little world with her attention only focused at the young flautist who was enjoying himself with his fellow villagers and musicians. She was indeed too focused to even notice that the piece already ended and she missed her favourite dance and piece.
But in her head, she knew that once she returned to the palace, the music and the dance won't be the only thing stuck in her mind for days on end.
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Part 2
I should be studying man, but Cullen Vance's cover of Soldier, Poet, King has literally appeared in my playlist and I couldn't NOT right this. Will probably post a part two if I find the time and inspiration too, but for now this'll stay as a prompt🥲
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
#3 (Sing A Song of Seven)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Gen Genre: Angst Characters: Michael Yew, Lee Fletcher, Apollo A series of Cabin Seven oneshots.  This time: Funeral lament. This, apparently, is what happens when I listen to the same song on repeat, especially when one of the singers manages to completely evoke Michael when I hear him in it... (Omar Cardona, specifically his acapella singing alongside VoicePlay in The Dragonborn Comes, for the curious). It was only ever a matter of time before I started bringing some angst into this series... The song lyrics used in this are the only Ancient Greek lament I could find words to - Song of Seikilos. Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! <<#2
It was a song every child of Apollo knew, and the song they always hoped they would never have to perform.  Cabin seven had duties, responsibilities that most of the time didn’t feel too heavy, but sometimes felt like the sky crushing them beneath its inescapable weight.  Their job was to be the camp’s light, to perform and amaze, to heal, and often they loved it.
But sometimes it hurt.
Traditionally, it was the responsibility of the head counsellor.  Lee had sung the lament for camp more than once – quests had dried up years ago, but there were still funerals, still new campers that didn’t make it despite the healers’ best efforts, and there was always at least one every year.
Lee was a musician, a flautist first and singer second but with a voice befitting a child of Apollo regardless.
Had been a musician.
Who was supposed to sing the lament when it was their head counsellor wrapped in a golden shroud?
Michael’s throat was tight, a lump lodged in it that had materialised at the sight of crimson-streaked dark blond and hadn’t abated since.  Officially, they didn’t have a head counsellor right then, too soon to even think about naming a successor, but Lee had been prodding him since the start of the summer, reminding him that it was only another year until he was off to college, and Michael knew – the whole cabin knew, if not the camp – that he was next.
In the absence of an official head counsellor, the lament could fall to any of them – the one with the best voice, the one who could hold themselves together in the face of insurmountable grief long enough to perform.  They all knew Joy fit the requirements the best, the best singer in the cabin, and she’d even stepped up during the preparations, gesturing to herself with a face of fragile determination – but her eyes were filled with unshed tears, and Michael knew he couldn’t say yes, couldn’t do that to her.
Traditionally, it was the responsibility of the head counsellor.  Michael wasn’t the official leader just yet, and he had never taken the limelight at campfire singalongs, not the greatest fan of singing where he could be heard despite the fact that he, too, was a son of Apollo and had a voice to match, but his siblings were crushed enough by the sudden, brutal loss of Lee (and the other deaths, yes, but it was Lee in his mind, in their minds, the brother that had always been there and whose sudden absence seared like a the first echoes of a phantom limb).  He couldn’t shy away from this, push the shattering, grief-ridden, responsibility on the cabin that was now his to lead, to protect.
The son of Hades led the proceedings, dressed all in black and too young, but they were all too young.  Grieving head counsellors gave short words about their fallen siblings; Michael didn’t even know what he managed to say about Lee, before Pollux fell apart trying to talk about his slain twin and the shrouds were set to torch.
No eyes were on Michael as he stepped forwards, away from the security and comfort of his siblings and into the responsibility that was the head counsellor of cabin seven’s – his, now, and it felt wrong stepping onto the same patch of bare earth he’d watched Lee take so many times, and Emily before him, but also it was for Lee, and Michael would never forgive himself if he faltered now.
No-one ever looked at the singer at a funeral.  All eyes were drawn to the flames, rising higher and higher as the pyres burned, watching the final moments of bodies whose souls were long gone to Hades’ realm.
Michael knew the song.  He knew the words he’d hoped to never sing, and drew in a deep breath, feeling it waver, before the words began to spill out.
Hóson zêis, phaínou Mēdèn hólōs sỳ lypoû
His voice threatened to crack, the tell-tale feeling of a break starting in the back of his throat right where the lump held fast as tears welled, determined to overflow.  This was for Lee, for the first sibling he’d grown close to, for the first person that wormed his way past the terrified prickly shell of an abused child and slowly coaxed Michael into learning to trust in family again.
The break didn’t come, his voice strengthening when it should have – would have – faltered.  Warmth spread across him, invisible but impossible to miss, and the feel of a weightless hand covered his shoulder.
The tears spilled down his cheek, even as his voice held steady, imbued with a strength that wasn’t his.
Pros oligon esti to zēn To telos ho chronos apaitei
It was a short lament, too short to only sing the once when there were several dead and grief prevailed across the sobbing campers.  He let the last strains of the final word fade away into silence before starting it again, letting the warmth carry his voice, keeping it strong and stable even as Michael himself felt like he was falling apart.
Hóson zêis, phaínou Mēdèn hólōs sỳ lypoû
Slowly, as surreptitiously as he could manage – for how little it mattered when no-one had eyes for him, when the burning pyres drew every eye, including his own, with no remorse – his own hand crept up to the epicentre of warmth on his shoulder.  It only met air, falling down on his own camp t-shirt with nothing in the way, but he’d expected that, even as it shifted until it felt like his hand, too, was being enveloped by the weightless, invisible, not-really-there one.
Pros oligon esti to zēn To telos ho chronos apaitei
Once the funeral was over, once the pyres burned to ash and nothing was left of the bodies and shrouds borne upon them, when Michael’s throat rasped from the words and tears for all that his voice kept going, his siblings would join him and all eyes would be upon them as the lament faded and songs of joy and celebration, uplifting sounds to counter the grief took their place.
Michael couldn’t spare his siblings that – it was a cabin-wide responsibility, for all that he didn’t know how they were supposed to sing of joy when their hearts had been torn in two – but at least, this time, he’d spared any of them this moment, standing alone and small against the onslaught of grief, both the camp’s and his own, fierce choking emotion.
Well, not quite alone.  Michael’s hand flexed where it was encased by the comforting, supporting warmth of the sun, and stood a little straighter, head a little further back, as he repeated the lament once again.
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A seal-skin around my shoulders (part 6)
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Elendil x Selkie!reader
NSFW! But you can skip the second section of this part without losing much.
This part is dedicated to @daeron-the-flautist
The plums you are eating are tastier and juicier than ever, maybe because you are in good spirits, or maybe because you paid for them with your own coin; you also bought some bread and cheese, and a flask of light wine, all of it neatly arranged in the basket hanging from your elbow, swinging back and forth as you happily walk down the cobbled street towards the harbour. It is a sunny, warm day, one of the last before that long summer that saw your arrival in Númenor gives way to autumn, and since the stablemaster dismissed you earlier than usual today, you decided to surprise Elendil at the end of his work with the Sea Guard.
The great sails of the ships (frigates, brigantines, caravels, dinghies; thanks to your lover's teachings you can name all the types of vessels docked at the harbour) flutter in the wind against the cloudless sky. The uniform of the seamen is almost the same shade of blue of the Sea behind them; a few young men scramble to obey the orders of an officer on the bridge of one of the largest ships, learning all the naval maneuvers and the notions a future captain has to know. A few other seamen, like your lover barely older than cadets, are busy hauling a halyard or tossing heaving lines to moor the ship to the pier. A couple of them you recognize, since your lover has already introduced you to a few of his friends, but it takes you a while before you see him; finally, after a few minutes of wait you have spent munching on your plum, the seamen get into line on the bridge to be dismissed by the officer, and it is then that Elendil stands out among the others, taller and -in your opinion- undoubtedly more handsome than his comrades, his hair tossed by the wind.
A small crowd has gathered on the pier, friends and relatives waiting for the seamen, but when Elendil finally comes ashore, nimbly swinging from a thick halyard while most of the others line in front of a rope ladder, he immediately sees you, as if the harbour were empty except for you. A huge smile opens in his sun-kissed face, as he quickly moves to reach you.
"(name)." he greets you, and the way he utters your name -intimate, almost reverent, as if it were something precious to protect- never fails to make your heartbeat quicken "What are you doing here? Should you not be at the stables?"
"I was; but I finished work earlier than usual, and I thought I would surprise you." you happily explain "I brought some food, we can sit somewhere and eat before returning home."
Your plan is met with approval, and after Elendil has said goodbye to his comrades he takes the basket from your hand -"You need not worry, it is not so heavy." "I know, this is why I want to carry it."- while you link your arm to his. You take your time walking along the pier, telling each other about your day and simply enjoying that vicinity you have only experienced for a few short months, but that you both know you cannot do without. You love being in Elendil's company, even if you are not doing anything special, you reflect, because his very presence is a balm for your soul; when you are with him, you feel safe and valued, and if you were to disagree, or even to fight, about something, you know it would not affect the feelings binding you to each other. You want to be worthy of him, of the kindness and the loyalty he never ceases to treat you with, but at the same time, unlike what you felt with your past lovers or even your friends, you know you do not have to prove yourself to him, because what he gives you, he gives freely, not in return for something else; he really is the best of men, and there are so many things you love about him.
You also love him, in your heart you know for sure, and that simple feeling is enough to fill your heart with happiness and gratitude.
"There is something I wanted to talk to you about." Elendil says after you have told him about a new arrival at the stables, a huge stallion with a coat as dark as night, that only allowa the princess to ride him but haughtily lets you curry him and feed him apples.
"What is that?" you enquire... and then suddenly stop, forcing your lover to do the same.
"(name)? Is everything all right?"
You have reached the far end of the harbour, where the busy centre of the city gives way to a few less populated neighborhoods; it is a pleasant enough area, but still, you stop as if an invisible wall had forbidden you to procede.
"This way... we would reach the beach where you have met me, would we not?" you inquire, already sure of it; you feel it, as if a menancing voice were calling your name from beyond the city's high walls, threatening and at the same time mocking you, the grim memory of a treasure you have lost forever.
You had never returned to the beach, not since the night you went after discovering your seal-skin was lost forever, and you cried and cursed the Great Father, kneeling on the sand and feeling as if you had lost everything and everyone you loved. Númenor being an island, it would be impossible to avoid the Sea altogether, and at least once a week you go promenading at the harbour with Elendil, or cut through the coast to reach the palace whenever you are late for work; more than once you and your lover have even gone swimming together, playing with the waves and splashing each other like children, and then letting your skin dry under the sun as you lie on the sand, lazily kissing and looking at the clouds.
It has never bothered, or upset, you; at least, not so much that you had to find another way, or that the pleasant afternoon with Elendil was ruined by nostalgia and heartbreak. Each time is easier than the previous one, so much that you started forcing yourself to visit or at least pass through certain places that could remind you of your lost home, to heal yourself from that very sadness; until now, it has worked quite well.
But the beach... that beach... you fear it could be too big a hurdle to overcome, especially since Elendil -who you fear in the depth of his heart is not yet fully convinced of the sincerity, or rather of the depth and the resilience, of your feelings- is present and has already realized the reason for your hesitancy.
"We do not have to go there, if you would rather not." he gently reminds you "There are so many other places. We could visit the small garden near the offices of the Scribes' Guild..."
"No. There is fine."
"Are you sure?"
"I am." you answer decisively; you smile as you take his hand in yours to draw him along the way "It is a nice place, and I do not want old memories to ruin what we have. Come, you must be hungry."
Since you did not think to bring a blanket, Elendil uses his cape to protect the food and the flask from the sand; you sit side by side, your lover's arm around your shoulders as you happily eat and talk, the smell of salt in the air caressing your faces.
"You had something to tell me?"
"Oh, yes. A friend of mine has told me his mother is going to open a new shop in a few weeks." Elendil tells you "They will sell fabrics and cloths, and since my friend's mother is a capable tailor, they will probably also make bespoke clothes for clients. She will need at least one assistant, and my friend could introduce you, if you wish."
"But I already have a job." you point out, passing some bread from the basket to him. He takes it and then offers it back to you, who bite a piece directly from his hand, your lips touching his fingertips; there is something indescribably sensual in that light contact, and you see your lover smile as he cleans crumbs from your mouth with his thumb "I am busy every day at the stables already, I have no time for anything else."
"You could leave the job at the palace's stables for this; it would be better paid, and you would have more time for yourself."
The main drawback of your current job, that otherwise you generally like and even enjoy, is that it keeps you busy every day, without vacations or free days; horses must, after all, be fed and cared for daily without exception, and it has happened more than once that a soldier or a messenger had to take one without prior notice, which meant someone -namely, you- had to be there to saddle and prepare the beast for them. You enjoy spending your time with the horses, but you had reflected more than once that it would be nice to have a full day to yourself, once in a while... and not to return home every night smelling of manure.
"You think I could do it? Working in a shop, I mean."
"Why not? You have learnt to read and write flawlessly, and the shopkeeper can teach you everything you need to know, if she hires you as an apprentice. Believe me, (name); you can do everything you set your mind to."
To see him so sure of your potential warms your soul; he has nothing but your best interest at heart, because he cares for you, and also, you are sure of it, simply because he is a good man naturally inclined to help those who need it.
"I will think about it." you promise as you pass him the wine flask "If I had to work less we would have more time to spend together, and the shops in the city close early enough I could come and see you at the harbour when your work-shift ends."
Elendil smiles; it is the smile you have fallen in love with. "That would be nice." he agrees.
You and your lover take your time eating, then you walk for a while on the shore, two series of parallel footprints following you before the eternal back-and-forth of the tide cancels them. The beach is empty around you, no other citizens of Armenelos who decided to escape the bustle of the city for a tranquil stroll... and no Selkie coming out of the water to bring you home or even just make sure you are all right; you are alone, and now that you are facing it, that emptiness helps you put your heart to peace. You had not hoped, rather feared, you would feel something, a calling, a yearning, towards the place you had been born in, but you do not; you feel absolutely nothing as you contemplate the vastness of the mass of water in front of you, cold and deep and dangerous, and completely alien. You are no longer part of it, nor it of you.
You are free. For better or for worse, you are no longer a creature of the Sea, and your future is a book yet to be written.
"I am glad we came here." you confide in Elendil, and he looks at you, pleasantly surprised, and you see a weight disappear from his shoulders, a weight he had carried silently until now and whose absence fills his heart with relief.
"Are you?"
"Of course; it is a nice place. But if you are here with me, I would be happy wherever we might go."
The happiness and the harmony between the two of you is too beautiful and precious to be expressed in words, something that you never cease to marvel at; you join hands and continue your stroll, until Elendil reveals he has another matter to discuss with you, one that concerns his occupation rather than yours.
"The commander has asked for volunteers for a mission that is to leave in two days; the King is sending five hundred men to the other side of the island, where a few local lords are said to be rebelling against the crown."
Even you, who still knows next to nothing of the politics of the kingdom, understand what it means. "Do you think there will be battle?" you ask, immediately anxious; Elendil let you carry the basket, since it is empty now, and your free hand is firmly clasped in his. He mentioned the need for volunteers for the mission, and you do not need to inquire to know he has already put his name forward.
"The King will send his most capable ambassadors to try and resolve the conflict. But it is possible that the vassals decide to join forces and challenge the authority of the King, yes. They are to leave in two days."
"And you have to go?" you ask, hating how fragile your voice sounds.
Elendil does not answer; he stops and sighs, his gaze lost beyond the gentle hills surrounding the beach under a sky spleckled with red. "I am a member of the Sea Guard." he gently remind you; he is serious, though, and this is a side of him you had not seen before "Fighting has been part of my training, and part of what I have been always ready to do. I do not relish in war and bloodshed, but If I distinguish myself in this mission, the commander might recommend me for a promotion to captain."
"Which is what you want more than anything else, to have your own command and a ship to lead."
"It is, and this is why I cannot miss this opportunity. War is a terrible thing, and no one will be happier than me if a peaceful solution to the conflict is found, but if not, I will fight, to protect my kingdom and for the glory of my family. Does your..." Elendil hesitates "Do Selkie know of war?"
"We do. We do not have grand armies like your people, but sometimes tribes go into battle to conquer richer hunting grounds, or because of some perceived slight."
"Has it ever happened in your time?"
For the first time since you met him, your smile is tainted by sadness; you have never been a warrior, but that does not mean the consequences of battle have never influenced your life.
"Why do you think I was raised by my grandmother?" you point out; it is not something you are happy to talk about "And the same might happen to you."
"It might, yes."
He is so serious, so sure and determined, you know you could not change his mind even if you tried, and since it is so important for him, for his future and his honor, you cannot try, not even if every fiber of your being begs you to. He has always supported you, ever since you met; now it is your turn to do the same for him, without guilt or reproach.
"I understand." you say in the end "I... I will be worried for you; this you know. But I know this is important for you and your future, so..."
"I do not know; you do not need my permission, or my blessing. Go and do what you deem right, and when you return, I will be there waiting for you."
He hugs you tight, wordlessly; he kisses your brow, and the words he murmurs in your ear are carried away by the wind, but you feel them nonetheless, and you kiss him to convey a promise you know you will keep until the end of the world.
There is no special reason why it happens that night; it simply does. You are not thinking about the home and the friends you have lost, nor about the fact that your lover is going to leave in less than two days; there is not nostalgia in your heart, nor fear that you might lose him just like you lost your parents.
You simply want it. You want him, and you know he wants you; you have felt his hands move on your skin when he hugs you, you have seen the way his eyes follow you as you wash yourself at the basin, only a light shift covering your body. He has never told you, maybe out of shyness, maybe out of decorum, because of the unwritten rules that govern the lives of the Land-people, and that consider following one's desires, chasing one's pleasure, a sin.
Fortunately, those rules do not apply to you; or at least, you are happily capable to forget them, at least for one night.
Elendil is folding his tunic on the chair next to the bed when you reach him; he smiles, unsurprised, since while your clothes and other material possessions are still in the guest room, you have long discovered his bed is much more comfortable, or at least you are if you are sleeping next to him, your lover's arm around your waist keeping your body close to his and your cheek resting on his chest, so that you fall asleep lulled by the sound of his heartbeat, caressing the warm skin of his chest.
"Shall we go to bed? We both have to rise early tomorrow morning."
It is pleasant. Sweet. Comforting. More intimate than what you have ever experienced with anyone else, so peaceful and satisfying you often wish the dawn would never come. When you are with Elendil you feel... safe is the first word you would use, not because you have escaped some terrible danger or are hidden from enemies who could hurt you, but rather because you know nothing painful or scary can touch you as long as you are with him; truly you have never felt closer and more in harmony with anyone else, and you want to spend the rest of your life next to him.
"Yes, let us go to bed."
You want him; because you care for him, and you want to repay everything he has done for you, not out of obligation -or worse, the Great Father forbid, because he expects you to- but simply because your heart is overflowing with gratitude and the desire to make him happy... and because your very skin burns at the thought of having him inside you. He is so handsome, so strong and gentle in his daily life, and you do not doubt he will be the same in a more intimate situation. As Elendil has done with you, you have also admired his slender, athletic body, his large and callous but delicate hands -how would it be to feel them on your skin? How would it be to have them hold you by the hips as he moves above you?- his broad shoulders, the smooth and silky hair that from his chest disappear under the waistband of his trousers...
You do not know what the future holds for him, or for you; but even if you did, your decision would still stand. You have given him your heart weeks ago; tonight, you will gift him something perhaps less precious, but equally important.
You have no idea how a Land-woman would broach this subject, but Elendil knows you have been raised according to the precepts of your people, therefore you trust he will not be disappointed if your approach is different from what he could have expected... and you will do your best to make sure he appreciates the experience in any case.
As you are both still standing, you hug him from behind, grasping his shoulders as you press your body against his, feeling his warmth on your skin; you kiss his naked back, devout and loving as you want him to understand you want to be to him, and you hear, and feel, him sigh as your hands start moving on his chest, his smooth, supple skin feeling so marvelous under your fingertips, until you find his nipples, and this is when Elendil moans, his restraint already shattered after a single minute as he quickly realizes what you are offering.
"(name)..." he whispers, and no one has ever uttered your name like this, no one ever could, no one you would want to. Only him, all of him, this is what you want, and all of you is what you want him to have.
"Please, Elendil, let me. Let me make you happy."
He turns, slowly, and the way those Sea-blue eyes look at you make you shiver, with anticipation rather than fear. He does not ask if you are sure, if this is what you really want, if you are only doing because you feel you owe it to him; he cares, but he does not need to, because in that moment your heart is speaking to his without the need for words, and it is glorious, exhilarating, to realize you both feel and want the same.
You are touching him again when his mouth finds yours in a searing, blazing kiss, your hands exploring his back, his chest and any part of his body they can reach as Elendil's mouth ravishes yours, his tongue seducing your lips into granting him access; a moment later he is kissing your neck, sucking on the side of your throat, and now you are the one moaning, uncontrollably, desperately trying to press yourself against him, because you need him, you need to feel him, to feel his body against yours otherwise you will wither like a flower on the first day of winter. A well-known, but still terrible and uncontrollable heat has started roaring in your belly, and right then Elendil's thigh presses against yours, and his desire is so beautiful, so blunt and masculine and ravenous, that you would happily give in to him right now... but it is his pleasure you want to take care of, not -or rather, not immediately- yours, and this is why
"Wait." you stop him as you feel Elendil's hand slip under the skirt of your dress "Not now. I want to take care of you."
You have no need to explain yourself further, and Elendil cannot help smiling as he sees you unfastening his belt and then sliding his trousers along his legs, the skin slightly paler than that of the upper part of his body.
"Wait." he stops you in return a moment later, as he sees you kneeling, and he offers you an hand to rise again "Let us go on the bed. You will be more comfortable that way."
Your lover is beautiful in his nudity, even more than usual, and his smile is full of affection and happiness as he sits, his back to the wall, and spreads his legs to let you lie between them; his eyes shine like never before.
"You are so beautiful." he says, and those are the last intelligible words he utters for a while, apart from a few "Yes, yes!." and "Valar, (name)!" in a tone that makes you feel quite proud of yourself. You lazily caress Elendil's thigh as you suck him, his shaft the perfect size and girth for your mouth; he tastes sour, somewhat pungent, but it is sweet and pleasant nonetheless, just like the thought that very soon you will feel it inside you.
You whine when he finally asks you to stop, and Elendil laughs, taking your chin in his fingers before bending to kiss you. "It is not your pretty mouth I want to finish in, my beauty." he tells you, his lips a breath away from yours "Will you let me ravish you? Will you allow me to take you and bury myself inside you? I want to make you scream my name, and come inside you so hard we both forget where we are."
This is the same man who was too bashful to hold your hand in public in the first days of your courtship and who blushed that time the wind lifted your skirt and he accidentally caught a glimpse of your knees. You smile, and instead of speaking, you take his hands to rest them on your leg, under the hem of your dress.
"Let me be bare for you." you say, and your poor dress is almost torn from your body as Elendil seems determined to have you disrobed as soon as he can; in the end you are, and your lover sighs as he looks you over, his fingertips barely touching that skin he could only picture in his mind until now.
"You are exquisite." he whispers reverently as he opens his arms and welcomes you in his embrace; you circle his neck with your arms, and he holds your hips in his hands, possessive, reverent, delighted - everything you could ever wish for in a mate and even more "More beautiful than a Valië, the most magnificent creature in all of Arda..."
You are flattered, but there will be time for compliments; what you want right now, what you need, is to be one with him, as close physically as you already are in spirit, so interwined it will be impossible to say where one ends and the other begins.
Elendil thinks differently - or rather, his self-restraint is enough to let him savour the moment; he looks at you, pleased and excited, as you sit on his lap, and then he lowers his face on your chest.
"Oh, darling..." you sigh, and then you cannot talk anymore, because he is returning your earlier favour, stimulating your nipples with his fingertips, then with his lips... oooohh... his tongue... oh, Elendil, do not stop... and then even his teeth, delicately biting you and making your body scream with desire "Please..."
"Please what, my beauty?"
"Please take me, Elendil, I cannot... I cannot take it any longer..."
Your lover, busy sucking your breasts as if it were the last day of his life, smiles; for a moment he appears to seriously consider torturing you a little longer, but then he takes pity on you - or rather, given the way he looks at you, he wants you as much as you want him. He kisses you one last time before pulling you with him on the bed; you are lying on your back, heart hammering in your chest and at the same time the deepest and most sincere peace surrounding you, when Elendil props himself up on an arm next to your face and uses his free hand to tenderly caress your hair.
"I love you." you whisper; you told him already at the beach two hours ago, but those are words that do not lose meaning, or intensity, the more they are repeated, and as you see Elendil's eyes shine with joy just like they did then, you know they will again, and again, when you will tell him those same words in a day and a month and a year and a decade.
Which you have every intention of doing.
"I love you as well, my darling... my beautiful (name)..."
Elendil's hand leaves your hair to press the tip of his shaft between your legs; you kiss him again determined to make him realize how sure you are and how much you want him, but a moment later your breath catches in your throat as you feel him start pushing. You are wet more than enough to take him inside you, but the friction of his flesh against yours makes you tremble.
Elendil's capacity for self-restraint is considerable, but he is already tense when he starts moving inside you; he looks at you, happy and awed, and you are quite sure those same emotions are reflected in your eyes as your hands move on his body, on his skin and his soft hair, because you want all of him, you want him deeper and more completely than anyone has ever wanted their mate, having Elendil inside you and sharing your pleasure with his is not enough, you want more, you need more...
"Please..." you whisper, completely lost in the world of pleasure and sensation that has exploded all around you, and you would not be able to articulate more if it meant saving your life, but your lover seems to understand nonetheless; he smiles, ravenous like a predator that has caught the prey under him -and are you not? Have you not fallen prey of this Man, of his kindness and beauty? And are you not, unlike most preys, happy to be devoured?- and then arches his hips and pushes - a more possessive, almost brutal movement, and the muffled scream that escapes your lips is reassurance enough of how much you are enjoying his ministrations, because that first push is followed by another, equally savage, and then another -and your second scream is not muffled- and another, and another...
He is relentless. Insatiable. Tireless. His hips ram against yours, and stars appear behind your eyelids. "Mine, mine, mine." he repeats like an invocation; gone are the occasional bashfulness and the unspoken fear you would not enjoy the experience as much as him, Elendil knows how much you want him, and he has given himself permission to relinquish all control and simply feel, and relish, and he is groaning, his mouth searching and then finding yours in a new kiss, and he has never been more handsome and more perfect than now, and seeing his pleasure, so free and visceral, makes you even more desirous to live yours...
"I am yours." you whisper; you take his beautiful face in your hands, and kiss him again, biting those luscious lips you know you will never have enough of, and you hear him moan "I love you so much... take me, Elendil, do what you want with me...
And he does. Thank the Great Father, he really does, and soon you are climaxing for the first time, a violent, wondrous sensation that fills you as you are falling, you are flying, even though Elendil's arms are still possessively holding you, and he is laughing as he caresses your face.
"You are so beautiful in your pleasure." he says, his tone full of affection, and then a smirk opens on his lips "Have you had enough of me already, my beauty?"
You are quite sure you will never have enough of him, and surely you are not yet satisfied for tonight, but to express those sensations in complete sentences is beyond you at the moment, therefore you will have to show it to him. You lock gaze with your lover and
"Again." you forcefully order, lifting your legs to lock your ankles behind his hips, and he smiles; it is as if all his dreams had come true before his very eyes.
"As my lady commands."
You have fallen asleep in each other's arms, murmuring words of love and promises of devotion, Elendil's hand in your hair and your cheek against his chest to listen to his heartbeat; the simple, visceral and so natural peace that often -but not always- follows intimate moments like the one you have just shared. You did not think about his imminent departure, nor about anything else; the world outside the house, outside your shared bedroom, had lost any significance. You were lost in him, and he in you, and you succumbed to the joy of his presence as you dozed off.
And then the Sea calls to you, and you awake.
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Tagging as usual @starlady66 and @elvenenby.
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kazscrows · 2 years
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 17: Jesper
Okay so maybe Jesper’s restlessness was mostly just his ADHD, but I know he was worried about Inej too!!
Only Jesper would wish to be attacked by pirates
I am weirdly excited to see Kit Young moping around the boat just being absolutely annoying and doing the most random things in the background
Imagine he tries to get Kaz to teach him a ✨magic trick ✨
“I’m not a criminal,” Wylan protested. Kaz had cast him an almost pitying look. “No, you’re a flautist who fell in with bad company.”
That quote just makes me laugh
I think we forget that Jesper and Wylan really didn’t get along at first. They definitely find the other annoying in the beginning
“We don’t need a sharpshooter for Kaz’s plan, so what’s your job – other than stalking around making everyone antsy?”
Then Wylan proceeds to cast doubt that Kaz actually trusts Jesper which hurts now because… well I know that Kaz already knows that it was Jesper’s fault they got attacked on the way to the boat
So yeah. Kaz doesn’t trust Jesper
Jesper looks down on Wylan too at first. Sees him as a stuck up rich boy who just must’ve gotten bored and ran away from daddy
And he only ever calls him “merchling” at first and it’s not meant to be endearing
Things will change soon enough though. Jesper just isn’t over Kaz yet—
Ah see? Jesper says that this possibly being the end for Inej had shaken him. I knew he was worried about her
I love Nina and Inej’s friendship
Though have I stated how much I love Inej and Jesper’s friendship already?
Inej is probably the best friend any person could ever have
Lmao poor Jesper isn’t allowed to come to their girls only waffle outing
They like to make fun of Jesper for being a poor gambler, but that doesn’t mean he’s not observant or smart. He picked up on the fact that sickness really truly bothers Kaz after all
I hate Van Eck and his letters that are just a slap in the face to Wylan
“If you’re reading this...” and “I pray that you read these words…” Ugh. He’s horrible.
I never know how to feel about the fact that Kaz might have actually set it up for Jesper to get jumped so he’d feel indebted to him since he saved him…
It feels too similar to what happened to him and Jordie…
So I choose to believe he didn’t. This was just actually a coincidence. I hope..
“Kaz is … I don’t know, he’s like nobody else I’ve ever known. He surprises me.”
“Yes. Like a hive of bees in your dresser drawer.”
Inej and Jesper talking about (and crushing on) Kaz is my favorite
“…I’m the one who can never walk away from a bad hand.”
She looped her arm in his. “That makes you a rotten gambler, Jesper. But an excellent friend.”
I’ve always really liked this exchange. It’s a sweet moment between Jesper and Inej, but it also shows how they both care about Kaz even if they don’t completely understand why. Especially since they compare him to finding bees in your dresser and that you’re likely to get stung instead of receive any honey.
I also just like that Inej reminds Jesper that he’s a good friend even with his faults.
And at least they both know they’re too good for Kaz. He’s gotta put in the effort too!
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: Luhan "Lu" Lem Species: Muse Occupation: Music Theory Professor / University Orchestra Conductor Age: 99 Years Old (Looks about 28) Played By: Percy Face Claim: Xu Kai
"I ask this one thing: let me go mad in my own way."
TW: Eating disorder
Lu was the youngest of seven children. He knew very little about his mother, only that she was human, and that she was someone his father inspired. His mother wrote a collection of poems that Lu read until the spine wore down and the papers fell out, then he bought a new copy. Some of his siblings found and met their mothers but Lu could never bring himself to. He liked the woman he knew in those pages. He didn’t want her to change.
Though children yearn to feel close to their parents, he never found that he could. From the beginning, he knew he was expected to blend with his siblings, to become part of the monolith of smiling faces that loved to inspire art wherever they went. He did try to love it. His older sister would talk of a new artist she met and fed from seemingly every week. Always a new name, a new face, a new endeavor, but Lu found that shallow. He wanted to stick around to see the fruit of his work.
The first time he ventured out on his own, he went to Seoul. It didn’t go as planned. He met a painter, they struck a deal, and he stayed. He stayed to watch what happened, where his career went. He stayed so long that the poor man died the morning of his first art show.
After Seoul, he went to Paris. This time he met an author. They struck a deal, and he stayed, but this time he kept some distance. She published three books in four years and died in the fifth.
Then he went to New York. It would be different this time, he knew what mortal limits looked like now. The author lasted longer than the artist. He could be better. He managed to squirm his way into Julliard with his piano and there he met the person he could never bear to see harmed. He was beautiful. Lu swore to him again and again that the way the sun caught his hair at golden hour made it look like he had a halo. He was a flautist and instead of striking a deal, Lu did nothing but play with him. He would not risk him. He would starve before he risked him.
And so he did. He starved until his glamours slipped and his beloved looked upon his bright eyes, his pointed ears, his shimmering skin. He told him that he was the one with the halo all along. Lu felt sick with concern, unsure how much he saw, if it was too much, but his love was okay. He wasn’t harmed. On the contrary, he was enthralled, and he wanted answers. Lu gave them to him.
He should have known this artist, this wonderful musician would want his help. When he asked and begged for it Lu refused but after a while, he gave in. Only a little. He’d only feed a little. He managed to make it last as long as he could. His lover had an amazing career, was a renowned flautist after ten years together, but he was growing so thin. Lu stopped feeding from him when he noticed but then while they played together, sometimes he would slip. He would feel himself full of vivacity and look toward his lover with a grin only to see him pale. He knew he should leave him but he couldn’t. Why was it so hard only to be in love?
He couldn’t claim to be surprised when the love of his life died young. It was his fault and he was well aware of that. He knew what he was doing and he stayed anyways because he loved that smile. Lu finally understood why his father never stayed in one place very long. He tried to live like that. He hopped from country to country, feeding only when he was starving, and leaving soon after. He felt hollowed out, like nothing good was left in him. How could he inspire anyone when the world felt like it all turned to rot?
His travels soon brought him to Maine. He was tired, he wanted to be somewhere quiet. He works at the university teaching a few classes in music theory as well as conducting the student orchestra. He should love a job like that but he’s beginning to find that he hates it. His passion for music was never his own and the person he took it from was gone. The only reason he stays is because he feels closer to him for it.
Character Facts:
Personality: Indulgent, melancholic, sincere, melodramatic, loyal
Lu has a reputation for his unusual feeding habits. He’s always preferred to only feed from one at a time, for a long time, though many muses prefer some more variety in their lives. He likes to sink into the minds and creativities of those he feeds from. He likes it to feel like friendship, like a connection that is forged and that is made to last. He’s only recently discovered why that was naïve and now he dreads having to feed.
He is originally from the Jiangxi province in southeast China, but his family preferred a nomadic lifestyle that lent to many travels. Lu is fluent in six languages because of this and though it wasn’t what he was taught by his family, he’s found that he quite likes having roots that bind him to a place.
None of his tastes are his own when it comes to art. He likes the kind of art a painter he fed from makes, the kind of novel the author he fed from makes, and so on. He wants to be buried in and surrounded by the kind of art he helped inspire.
If there’s an opportunity to be dramatic and display his misery to the world, he’ll take it. If he’s unhappy, why shouldn’t everyone else be?
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Edouard Manet
Young Flautist, or The Fifer
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