#young slime life
smogdogg949 · 4 months
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haroldmichaelharvey · 6 months
Young Thug RICO Trial Puts Trontavious Stephens in a Hard Place
Between a ROC and a Jail Cell Trontavious “Tick” Stephens comes to grips with being in the snitch box during the trial of his friend “Young Thug.” January 3, 2024. Photo (c) 2024 by Harold Michael Harvey After a three-week break, the racketeering trial of Grammy award-winning hip-hop artist Young Thug, whose government name is Jeffery Williams, rebooted with a bang. On the second day of the new…
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cantcatchmeee · 2 years
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imsosoulja · 11 months
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Slime love
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stroebe2 · 2 months
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serotoninbuss · 1 year
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bookshelfpassageway · 2 years
i think they should put salmon run in vr, i think playing that would fix me
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hellkat808 · 2 years
Young Thug – Hot @youngthug https://genius.com/Young-thug-hot-lyrics
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justaprettybabe · 2 years
Did Gunna snitch? In Young Thug's Case...
So let's talk about YSL Gang Leader Mr "King Slime" Himself. If we're going to understand this we have to start from the beginning. This is the unpopular truth of being a rapper in a gang...
What we've all been screaming "Slatt" "Slime" and "YSL" through well known songs has all been linked to a gang that's allegedly ran by Jeffery Williams well known as #YoungThug. YSL Gang is an organized gang enterprise that managed to formulate illegal crimes.
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YSL has been in a 7 year beef with YFN Lucci. Which sparked rumors of Young Thug crew allegedly shooting up YFN Lucci house. The feds knew about this from the very beginning. They have been on "YSL" for 9 years since then. Take a look at this...
This then heighten numerous of robberies, murders, and other crimes that the YSL crew seem to be affiliated with. It is also believed that one of the YSL members that happened to be in the same prison as #YFNLucci was ordered to make a hit out on Lucci.
Even though it is not admissible in court but you can catch Young Thug rapping in one of his song about shooting at Lucci "mommy's house"
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hi luv! i hope you're doing great. Saw your recent post and i do have a hc request (since im having a haikyuu brainrot rn 👀), what would you think of making papa!haikyuu hcs 😩. How would these volley boys make as a father! (especially kenma, tsukki and noya) and you can add your favs too 💕sjsjjsjs hope you have a great day ahead!
I'm doing okay, I hope you are doing good and that you have a nice day! I hope you enjoy this post and it is to your liking
Them as fathers
Characters: Kenma, Noya, Tsukki Gender neutral reader, it is not mentioned whether the children are adopted or biological, Kenma’s is longer than the others because i had way too many ideas for him
Kenma Kozume
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First things first: I don’t think Kenma would have more than one kid, if you really wanted to have more he would relent but he is perfectly happy with just one, he thinks 3 people is the perfect number for your little family.
You may think he wouldn’t be that involved in his kids life, but that is a big misconception,
No matter how much work he has to do he makes sure to spend time with you and your kid.
Kenma would never show his child on the internet in any way, he wants to keep his private life private and keep his child safe, he knows how cruel the internet can be, no way in hell will he put his young child into that kind of situation.
Once your child learned to crawl he brought the three starters of Pokémon black and white (gen 5 best games I don’t take criticism) to see which one your child would choose.
Based on what they chose he will be sulky or proud. (I nearly made this into Oshawott propaganda but I didn’t you’re welcome). But at the end of the day he knows that they just choose one based on colours and shapes, he would teach them once they are older how to perfectly choose a starter.
Best believe that as soon as your kid is old enough to understand things he will show them all kinds of (age appropriate) video games.
You enter his gaming room with some snacks for him and you can just see him play Slime Rancher as your kid sits in his lap, eyes glued to what their father is doing.
He already has started a Stardew Valley coop farm for you three to play together one day, he is just waiting for the day your child is old enough.
Now enough video game talk, (though I have so many more ideas about this lol) your child loves it when Kenma reads to them before they sleep, his voice is very soothing to them.
Once they are asleep Kenma stays at their side a bit longer, watching them sleep a serene smile on his face.
Kenma can’t say no to your kid, he will buy them anything they want. You sometimes wonder how he can be so responsible with his money in any other situation, but your child just needs to point at something and he will buy it for them unless you intervene.
Lastly, be prepared for Kenma and your kid to team up against you. Board games? Yeah they are a team even if the game isn’t a game for teaming up. (Monopoly is a nightmare with them, Oh you need a red? Too bad your kid and Kenma are trading it between one another instead of giving it to you) But you can’t really seem to mind when you see the way Kenma and your kid smile. (Unless you are like me and are fiercely competitive in games then you may want to strike Kenma down)
Yu Nishinoya
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Noya would take longer to have children with you, at least until he is done travelling, he does want kids but is aware that travelling the world with them wouldn’t be ideal, he wants them to have a stable home.
Once you two do have kids, he wants at least 2 or 3. Noya wants a big family.
I feel like he is the type of Dad that throws his kids in the air and then catches them (he won’t do it high) and it always gives you a heart attack.
Instead of reading them good night stories he always tells them (embellished) stories from when he travelled the world, for example he once exclaimed to one of your kids how a mermaid vied for your attention but he fought them heroically off.
This does bite him in the ass years down the line once your kids are teens, they will bring these stories up whenever they can to tease him.
Asahi is basically an uncle to your kids, he often visits you and brings the kids many gifts. He loves to spoil them.
And yes Asahi designs the clothes for your kids as well, it often leads to many people asking you and Noya where you got the clothes for them from since they are such a high quality.
Yes, he will teach your kids “Rolling thunder”. No you can’t stop him. Even if your kids don’t play Volleyball they will still know the move.
This leads to your kids looking for his old jersey’s from highschool, putting them on and pretending to  be their dad. No he is not crying, he just got dust in his eye.
Vacations and holidays are important to Noya, while he can’t travel the world with your kids, he will take them on memorable vacations across the country when they are old enough to remember them.
He wants them to have a happy and fulfilled childhood with as many experiences as they can have.
Kei Tsukishima
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When you first brought up having children with him he asked “Are you sure you can take care of a child? Don’t you wanna practise with a pet rock first?” You lightly punched him in the chest for that and he had his signature smirk on his face.
He is honestly neutral on the aspect of having kids, he is not against it but also it was never his dream of having them, so he is fine with whatever you want.
Just like Kenma he would probably only have one kid, with his Job as a Volleyballplayer and everything he isn’t home that often, so if you had more than one kid he would feel guilty leaving you home alone with them.
Tsukki is probably the first one from Karasuno to have a kid, so he is smug about the fact that he is ‘better’ than the others in that regard.
The first team reunion after you two had your child will have him holding his child proudly, while he tells all the others how slow they are for not having kids yet, which has everyone rolling their eyes. He is very proud of his kid so that he will hold it up Lion King style so everyone can admire it.
Unluckily though he miscalculated the height of the ceiling and bonked your kids head on it, which left everyone in the room in a stunned silence (True story from my infant days, my dad did this exact thing with me)
You had made him change every diaper for 2 weeks for the heart attack he gave you with that, even if your kid was fine and wasn’t hurt.
Tsukki and you switch every night who is going to read your kid, while you pick different topics every time, he only ever chooses dinosaur stories to read to your kid.
Speaking of dinosaurs, Tsukki once claimed he had to educate your kid on certain things while you went out grocery shopping, when you came back you saw that the thing he was educating your child on was “The land before time” which made you smile.
Now no matter if the child is biologically yours or adopted, it somehow interhits his sass, which means you will be surrounded by two sassy little pieces of shit (affectionate).
Though you get both of them to calm down their sass by offering them some strawberry cake if they stop, it surprisingly works better on Tsukki then on your kid, who would have thought?
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haroldmichaelharvey · 7 months
Jeffery “Young Thug” Williams Yawns Through Trial
Is Fani’s RICO Moonshot Putting Him to Sleep? Jeffery “Young Thug” Williams, flanked by his attorneys Keith Adams on his left and Brian Steel on his right, caught a yawn during a break in his racketeering trial on November 30, 2023. Young Thug, the entertainer, is yawning through the first few days of testimony in his Racketeering and Corrupt Crimes Act prosecution in Fulton County,…
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cantcatchmeee · 1 year
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Since I already have established myself as a little pickle freak with no shame I have another extremely embarrassing story that will probably make you laugh.
When I started dating Connor he was still living at home, but after we'd been dating a while he and his best friend Charlie decided to move in together. Another friend of theirs was looking for roommates and they decided to go for it. It was the lower level of a house.
Here's where I need to set the stage a little. Looking back on the time I spent in that space, I don't actually even know if it could have been nice under other circumstances. I feel almost pity for that house, full of young disgusting boys. Bare and wretched, it had minimal threadbare furniture, no decorations, and the guy who lived there already was hands down the most disgusting person I've ever met.
Not his character, but his habits. This boy's name was Josh. I genuinely don't know if their moving in with Josh was a handshake deal or if they saw the place beforehand. No sane person would ever have chosen to live there otherwise, I feel certain.
There was a kitchen. Sorta. But like. Was there a kitchen? Every counter, the whole sink, everything was just covered in dirty dishes. Connor and Charlie said, "Josh, you need to do the dishes, we can't even wash anything cause it's so full of dirty dishes."
Josh's response to being asked to clean was to load all the dirty dishes onto a blanket. And then he dragged that blanket down the hall into the laundry room.
Crusted on residue, molding slimes, and horrible odors arose as he moved the blanket. After two months they said, "Josh, you can't just leave your dirty dishes on a blanket in the laundry room."
Josh's response was to drag the blanket of misery and miasmas into his room instead.
Josh didn't shower very much and he was a big guy. At one point I walked past his door when it opened. His girlfriend was crossing to the bathroom and I almost dry heaved directly in front of her. The smell of rotting foot, dried on sweat, and sex musk swirled together into the most eye watering assault my nose had ever faced.
So that's where our story takes place. A home of no hand towels, no soap by the bathroom sink, a blanket covered in months of early-twenties depression dishes.
I was meeting some of these people for the first time on the night of our story. Josh had a crew of two others guys who just hung around constantly. So it's me and five dudes hanging out, chatting, ignoring the various smell scapes to live in the moment. Josh left briefly to go pee.
Then I felt a stabbing in my guts. I shot a panicked look to Connor and casually said I had to pee too. At that time in my life I was experiencing some of the most god awful IBS I've ever experienced. I knew I was going to make a crime scene in there. To my dismay there was no fan to turn on. But Connor, like the champion partner he was, started telling a story at extremely high volume to cover the sound of my anus exploding under the force of my anxiety poops.
When I flushed and turned to the sink, I was dismayed. There was no soap. I looked around the bare bathroom and didn't see anything useful. No one had ever wanted to wash their hands here before. I then looked over the tub and spotted a tiny window that I wasn't tall enough to open. I wanted to let out the truly rank and terrible smell I had filled the bathroom with, but I had to give that up as impossible.
I slipped out and quietly said, "Hey, is there dish soap or something to wash my hands?"
"Oh," said one of Josh's friends, "There's a bar of soap by the window, let me grab it for you." This was not unreasonable, because again, I couldn't reach the window but I was doused in fear at the ridicule I was about to face.
He went to the door of the bathroom and literally staggered back from the unholy smell I'd left there. He had his arms up as if to protect his face from the malevolent beast my bowels had left behind. When he turned to us there was tears standing in his eyes.
In this house of awful smells and terrible hygiene, I was the stinkiest monster of all, bringing this boy to tears. I broke out in a sweat, ready to cry myself at the shame that was about to be cast upon me.
But instead. He said, "JOSH!"
"I can't believe you dude! Oh my god! That is the nastiest shit I've ever smelled!!" He waved the door frantically to dilute the awful power of my shit and then plowed through to open the window and air out the bathroom, passing me the soap. "I can't BELIEVE you had to go in there after him, oh my god, use the kitchen sink to wash your hands! It's gnarly!"
Everyone turned to rag on Josh for the newest addition to the gallery of smells in the house and he didn't look at me once. He laughed and pulled my shame onto his shoulders with grace, taking the bullet for me like a true hero. Only Connor and I knew I was the stinky villain.
Josh never brought it up after, but I remain grateful to this day.
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chatsukimi · 2 months
eternal: ten cursed fingers, born from the flame
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: sukuna x fem!reader, fluff, some angst, heianera!sukuna. pt 2.
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When Sukuna enters the workshop, he is fifteen and mortal, and you are tending flames by the furnace.
Afternoon sun casts through the straw ceiling. You blink twice as you stare at the doorway. Heaving against it, a boy. Sunspots dance in your eyes.
'Please. Please, I'm dying. Help me!' he begs, and his wrists come up to strangle either side of your face, blood filling your tunic in buckets.
He is a curse user, you sense, his energy pouring out like his soul. You could feel it, flooding the plain room, his impending death.
You are young and what the elders say about helping strangers don't faze you. 'Put your hands in the fire.'
His eyes are rolling back. He doesn't have much time left.
You grab his arm, dragging his doll-limp figure to the fire. You shove it into the coal.
Observing the healing, your grandfathers' words echo vaguely at the back of your head. They would come asking for it over and over again. They would chase you like immortality. But maybe, you think, maybe he would save dozens with those hands.
What preoccupies you more, though, squatting beside the boy, is the wonder alit in this stranger's face as his hands glisten back to life by the flames until what touches her is not slime and blood, but tender flesh. Bare fingers.
When he leaves, he does not tell you his name, nor ask for his whereabouts, nor thank you. He does not smile, and he gives no compensation. With the rags on his body, though, you do not think he has enough.
He does not do a lot of things, but the last thing you remember of your first meeting with this boy is that he did not say goodbye.
He, indeed, returns. He wears a stone carved lion mask.
'I do not think it's fair that I give you weapons for free,' you say, holding up a sceptre for the -now- man.
He chuckles. Sukuna shows you his innate technique: slash. Examining his technique for hours on end, you welded weapons with similar precision.
Through the years, he arrives later and later at the footsteps of your house during the night. He stops calling out for you from the door. Instead, appears frankly at the furnace where you sleep.
'Fuga,' he whispers, like an inside joke, against your ear- open. At first, you startled awake and nearly bashed him in the face. But you know now that despite his stoicism he is smiling under the mask, appearing on the opposite side of the room in an instant.
A little part of you rejoices at knowing this was an important man you have saved, though your fingers never touched.
You can tell from how he stands with solidifying confidence, toys with the necklace around your neck with the symbol of the Sun, Moon and Stars Squadron without ever grazing your skin, and the cursed energy blistering the summer air now greater than any sorcerer you'd met, he was great. All of the Fujiwara Clan combined does not compare.
Electricity trills under your pulse.
Ten years, he comes and goes.
You do not ask for his name. He does not ask for yours. Sometimes you catch him glancing at you in the corner of your eye, as you're tending the flames.
Years pass.
You forget his face.
You wonder, in his aftermath, if he will forget yours. One day he will get tired of the same old swords in the same old countryside home, you're sure of it. But he drives on back each time like an old man seeking immortality.
When he leaves, you stare at the designs of weapons you gave him. What great things would he achieve with those at his side? Your grandfather never tells you about any jujutsu affairs. Leave the girl to sword-making is his motto.
A rumour passes from ear to ear from the Southern Clans to the North. A sorcerer is tearing up villages in a one-person massacre to consume their flesh.
Every villager now inks black prayers on their carriages. Prayers to the living god.
You think, it doesn't hurt.
You, too, stick up rice paper on your windows to shield against the monster you know does not care, roaming through the woods in carnage.
The next time he comes, the man is wearing a demon mask.
Half his body, gone.
You push him to a chair. You kneel between his legs. Your hand hovers over his abdomen, where the flimsy stitches had failed to ease the bowels from overflowing. You frown. A flame blossoms from your palm, piecing his body back together. He clenches his teeth and watches you.
Cursed Flame: burns anything back to its prior state.
'What Special Grade curse could do something like this?'
He does not answer.
His sheer height has you sinking into your ankles in respect.
As you back away from the fire, you stumble into his chest. Your feet catch in the mat. In the times before, he had never attempted to touch you. Now his hand is tilting your head up, holding your chin, to look at his face, whom you had never seen before in full view.
You flinch.
Your exhale escapes as a gasp.
‘Are you scared?’
Now you realise what is so frightening about the demon who brutalises whole villages, consumes their flesh- living god. So, this is what thousands died seeing. You swallow, because he is beautiful, this four-eyed demon.
Before you utter a word, he leaves the room.
You whip your head around to inspect the windows. Nothing but wind howls against the house. No shadows but your own etches onto the tatami mat by the fire.
Rippling from all four directions, a voice booms: ‘bow.’
Your knees hit the ground. When he enters the room again, he stops before you. You dare not look at his feet.
The Fujiwara Clan teach their daughters well.
Is this a trick? With your head still bowed, you press onto one knee. ‘I do not feel enough to equal your presence, Ryomen Sukuna.’
He laughs.
Oh, how he laughs. So his name truly has spread like wildfire through the Clans, big and small. But something nicks at him, that he cannot see your eyes flickering with your flame, or your mouth working the irregular candy you chew, sometimes, on the job, when you feel comfortable around him. In those moments, he would get the urge to reach out and touch your shoulder, just for your reaction. Would you drop the sword to wrap those flaming hands around him so that he could feel some warmth?
'No. I tell you to rise so you rise.' You stand up. 'What's my name?'
'Ryomen Sukuna.'
'No.' He cups your face with his palm as he'd often dreamt of, when he was a teenager. As he'd often planned, when he grew older into the adult he is now. 'For you, I am Ryo.'
He likes it when you look at his face. He tells you sometimes, 'this is what you saved.' The four eyes blinking back at you.
He likes the smell of ash by your neck and often pushes his nose against your skin. An animal, you think to yourself, smiling.
Ryo, he takes what he wants, as the powerful do, so when the day comes, he says, 'come with me.' Out of nowhere.
He leads you out, facing the fields of darling grass and daffodils.
He hasn’t thought this through but he doesn't need to. He opens his mouth, ready to ask the question.
‘I can’t…’ He turns around to watch you speak. ‘... can’t bear child.’
For once, although you have denied his request, his face remains void of anger. Void of anything at all.
At twenty five years old, that’s all Sukuna knows what to want. If he cannot have the girl, then steal something else- after all, what are you worth?
‘Then give me something else.’
‘Have my flame.’ His eyes widen. You press on, ‘but you will protect me, in case my family decides to kill me. The flame is a sacred technique passed down from the family. But when I die, it will be yours.’
Without her cursed technique, she would be ostracised.
Everyone comes to the negotiation table with some line they would not cross. And Sukuna swore to never become a protector.
His mouth pronounces, ‘no.’
'Then what do you want, Ryo?'
He stares at you. He's never denied himself any pleasure in his life, but the way his heart skips a beat- it's what's made his enemies weak to be culled, what brings down great empires (love).
Surely, you would be his downfall.
He could not have you.
'Never mind. I want your Technique.'
He would live 1000 years wondering why those flames in his palms would perform in silence. He’d move them with grace to murder. He’d stare at the sparkling embers in a lake, waiting for it to shift and shape into some form without his control. He would realise, ages and eons in, that he had forgot to specify the fusion of their souls.
You were always an abnormally weak sorcerer in body. Never trained to exorcise a curse. Perhaps that’s another reason he suggested it, his one mistake. You were his to protect -no matter how he’d protest- but never were you with him again.
The next day, Sukuna wipes out the Fujiwara Clan in its entirety. Destroys them so badly no one recognises the corpses.
Mangled. Twisted. Broken.
He destroys the only thing that would've destroyed you.
It is that night at the beach, rain and seawater tangling your hair, you swear to kill him, the boy you saved so many years ago, even if you would be his for eternity.
Your hands tremble. You almost set fire to the sea.
'Ryo.' You're brushing his hair as he tips his head back to look at you, unfazed. 'Why do you do what you do?'
He hums, tangling his fingers through yours. 'Why does it matter my purpose?'
'I was just wondering.' You rub at his hands gently, the living things you saved.
Apparently disliking the silence, Sukuna speaks again. 'I do whatever I want, however I want. I have no purpose.'
When you kill him, he almost grins, as though proud. Had he always acted like this? The strange and feral monster.
'Are you ready to die now?' you ask. Some part of you still recalls the child wailing at the prospect of death.
Sukuna cackles, but before he even flinches as the sword digs through his skin and bones, he props his head before yours, kissing your lips as though playing a trick on you.
His scarlet eyes forever haunt your memory, reflecting the silver of your sword and the red of your flames.
'I'm always ready for you... ... and anyways death is not eternal.'
When the flames extinguish, you realise you had left none of him behind, but the hands. Ten cursed fingers, born and killed from the flame.
pt 2.
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pactw · 1 year
i do think a huge part of what makes slimeriana on the qsmp so charming is that both of them manage to give off extreme "one of us got pregnant way too young after a one night stand but instead of terminating it we chose to get married, and now we are the parents of a kindergartener despite still being basically kids ourselves" vibes. like, the easter vod, for example:
barely a minute into slime arriving they start arguing about who's taking care of the kid more. slime was late because he was doing an easter egg hunt. mariana keeps dragging her to parties with his friends; he thinks it's fun even though she's, like, five and should be watching spongebob not watching her tíos do lines. her birthday present was a lighter. literally all she eats is toast. her parents tried to make her pick between them "like the dog from Air Bud."
she wrote the word "sad" and slime 'n mariana dropped the making-her-choose thing instantly, as though they hadn't even realised what a terrible thing that is to do to your daughter. they left her alone on the front lawn and went upstairs to have sexo on a futon on the bare-ass wood floor because mariana doesn't even have a fucking bedframe. mariana has a tiger skin rug and a secret room hidden behind a painting, but no fucking bed or roof. meanwhile slime is still squatting rent-free at the abandoned apartments where a bomb went off.
like, these are the parents who show up at the PTA meeting in ill-fitting suits, clearly hungover, and with exactly none of the paperwork they need. but the other parents aren't even angry at them, they're just so deeply, deeply worried about them (and moreover, flippa). slimeriana are two ~20y/o dirt-poor emotional wrecks with next to zero adult life experience and a mountain of mutually unresolved issues. god. they loved each other in their own ways, they tried their clumsy best, but it would have taken a miracle for flippa to make it out alive.
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anon-402 · 8 months
All 'Dia de Los Muertos' references in today's QSMP event
I’ve seen it in Xitter but not yet in Tumblr, so I’m gonna go and translate each Egg’s book with the references to the deities that are mention within.
(English is not my first language. Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake).
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For Tilin:
Tilin, my girl, I’m sorry you couldn’t enjoy the life it was expected for you, but don’t be afraid you will be with mom at Chichihualcuauhco[1] where I will take care of you. I won’t let anything hurt my helpless girl until you have the opportunity to be reborn again, you didn’t deserve to join the Gods in the underworld. - Tezcatlipoca[2]
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For Bobby:
My little Bobby, you have proven to own dignity and courage to fight for what is right, As a result of this, I’ve invited you to my kingdom  Tonatiuhichan[3], where at my side, you and other warriors will sing about their deeds and will dance until midnight, so you can enjoy forever the sunset that you adore so much. - Tonaituh[4]
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For Juana:
Juana, it’s an honor for me and my wife Mictecachihuatl[5] to have you join us in the Mictlan[6]. Even though your dead was an accident, you may enjoy the journey that is our kingdom. You treated nature with respect in your life, so our dogs are excited to meet you at last. You will join us in the infinity of the universe forever. - Mictlantecuhtli [7]
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For Trump:
Oh Trump, I’m sorry that my currents took you to this destiny, but to compensate I will invite you to Tlalocan[8], where you may join us in our celebration without end, and you may eat all the corn, amaranth, pumpkin, tomato and chile you want. In my kingdom, I promise you there’s no suffering and you will never be alone. - Tlaloc [9]
Now for all the little references:
[1] Chichihualcuauhco:
Afterlife in which children who died young or in childbirth are sent and fed from the “wet-nurse tree” (You can’t see it in the photo, but there was a tree in Tilin’s altar). Souls here wait for their next opportunity to be reborn.
[2] Tezcatlipoca:
He’s one of the four creator gods of the universe. I’m not an expert on Aztec mythology and I wasn’t really into Tilin’s lore, so I’m kinda uncertain as to why he was the one to write to them or how are they connected.
[3] Tonatiuhichan:
One of the afterlife paradises, where the soul of warries who died in battle go. It was believed that warriors could go back to their homes (land of the living) as hummingbirds. (Fun fact: Woman who died at childbirth would be given the same rank as the warriors who died in battle and would be sent to a similar place called Cihuatlampa!)  
[4] Tonatiuh:
God of the sun (who runs Tonatiuhichan), who most believed was the creator of the Flor of Cempasúchil.
[5] Mictecachihuatl:
Lady of the Dead, Mictlantecuhtli’s consort. She guards the bones of the dead. (Fun Fact: In Oaxaca, is known as Matlacihua, and is said to punish womanizing and drunken men who walk late at night. Kinda funny considering Mariana and Slime’s interactions lmao.)
[6] Mictlan:
The underworld. Most people who die travel to Mictlan. To travel to the kingdom, you have to go through nine levels, which kinda needs dogs to carry the dead across the river. Same reason as to why Juana is sent dogs. (Fun fact: Depending in the color of the dog, they would act different. Yellow ones would just carry the soul, white ones would refuse cause they just washed themselves, and black dogs would refuse cause they just swum the river.)
[7] Mictlantecuhtli:
Lord of the Dead, king of Mictlan. There’s nothing much to say about him; he just simply tried to maintain order in the kingdom and was kinda of an asshole to other gods. There’s a whole myth about other Gods wanting to repopulate Earth, and him going ‘Nuh uh’ until Quetzalcóatl gets tired of him and steals the human bones from Mictlan lol.
[8] Tlalocan:
The afterlife of the Nectar. Better known as the water paradise, where those who died through drowning (or anything associated with rain for that matter) go. I read somewhere that there’s a theory of Trump dying because he drown in his own tears, so that’s why he was invited by Tlaloc.
[9] Tlaloc:
The God of rain, associated as the giver of life. The flower Tagetes Lucida are kind of like the Cempasúchil, and are his symbol.
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