#your welcome gang
barbatosgossipsection · 5 months
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"I am the biggest Barbatos fan" STFU AND SIT DOOOOOOWWWWWNNN !!!!
I'm kidding, this is lowkey targeted. But I really just need to let this out of my chest..
thx for having the confessions open all the time OP
— Anon
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katiefratie · 2 years
Pov your about to start playing dnd and this guy is just standing there
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alien-til-i-stage · 2 months
i think its something to note is some specific lines in My Clematis and Ruler of My Heart that i think is really interesting
In My Clematis we hear Mizi describing Sua as her god. She speaks about belief and humanity, and basically says that she chooses to put her faith and love into Sua, something we already know.
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However in Ruler Of My Heart, Luka says this
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We already know that Luka is trying to mimic Sua in order to manipulate Mizi, but I also think this reflects on Luka’s character even more.
While Mizi did view Sua as her god, it wasn’t because of force or just a sudden decision but rather just how she felt. To her, Sua was her god, the very person she loved and worshipped. In fact it seems that she seems to believe that belief in gods is humanity. The way she says “If belief in god is humanity” indictates this because its, at least to me, such an odd way of saying she believes there is a god.
Its also a common theme in Alien Stage for humans to love and worship each other, so that line is very true in this world. We can also see this with Ivan and Till, with how Ivan obsesses and tries to get any attention from Till, similar to a worshipper and god, similar to Sua and Mizi.
Since this seems to be a common theme in Alien Stage, I think it’s interesting how Luka tells Mizi, in the song, to “make him her god”. The reason its so interesting is the way he says this, it sounds forceful, like hes almost demanding it in a way. He says “Make me your god, I can give you everything.” It sounds like a demand and a trade. As if hes saying he will give her something for worshipping him.
While I know he most likely didn’t mean this literally to Mizi and this wasn’t an actual trade he suggested, this seems to imply that while everyone else has a very loving idea about gods, Luka doesn’t have the same picture as them. As if he views gods and love as a tool or a trading item.
I think this could be another example of how Mizi and Luka seem to be almost exact opposites. How Mizi loved Sua so much that Sua was her god, she was everything to Mizi, however Luka undermines that love. Instead using it to his advantage, as a tool.
I think this also could relate to what Mizi said about humanity, how belief is what makes humanity. But as I said before, Luka doesn’t seem to have that same belief that everyone else has, so this seems to connect to the idea that Luka just isn’t human. Like he is physically, he has the body of a human, but he is not a human mentally, perhaps more like a doll for the aliens instead.
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honeygrahambitch · 4 months
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krasytoonz · 11 months
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that’s Classified Information!
Maybe I’ll reveal who it is in the next two years..
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ladybeug · 1 year
Hii, so this has nothing to do with you or your blog but I need answers and I need them now. What does rebloging do?
reblogging lets you share posts you like with the people who follow your blog.
Posts you reblog will show up on your blog page and on your follower's dashboards. It will show who you reblogged the post from, and who the original poster is. As you reblog you will have a chance to add a comment to the post, or put tags on the post. (any comment you add to the post can be reblogged from you along with the original post, your tags cannot be reblogged with the post)
It's a normal part of the tumblr ecosystem, most of the posts on my blog are reblogs. It's kind of like a social pinterest board situation.
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atlaslovesedm · 11 months
i’m gonna destroy my reputation for this but if u do that “if you ignore my post you’re a piece of human garbage” shit i hope sincerely that u experience a permanent sensation of a singular hair being lodged in ur throat :3**🖕
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coco0milkshake · 1 year
Sup long time no see
Anyways here are some Headcannons (slight blood warning)
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glamoureddreamer · 6 months
Idea 1
Cross and Nightmare, Hurt/Comfort
Again wanted to state these ideas are free use, I don’t care if you change the characters or the fandom or whatever else you do with it. Just have fun with it :) have a great day
Cross is new to Nightmare’s gang and Nightmare has been sensing a lot of negative emotions from Cross. So one evening when the emotions were particularly strong Nightmare walks to Cross’s room and confronts him about it.
“Good evening Cross. May I come in? I just wish to speak, that’s all.” He says already sensing the other’s fear. Nightmare doesn’t sugarcoat it and gets straight to the point.
“It doesn’t feel as though you're happy here…” Cross immediately panics and tears fill his sockets as he messily rushes to explain.
Nightmare simply stops him and tells him he doesn’t have to be here if he doesn’t want to. That he would never force Cross to do anything he didn’t want to. However, he misread the whole situation.
Cross looks down, his chest shakes but before Nightmare can speak up Cross lets out a sob and very quietly he begs “Please don’t leave me.”
His chest was shaking hard now, jostling the bed. Nightmare is taken back but hugs Cross. The other for the first time didn’t shy away, Cross wrapped his arms around Nightmare and sobbed openly into his jacket. Nightmare was in shock but held him and comforted him anyway.
Once the crying stopped Cross pulled back wiping his tears and apologizing guiltily.
“There is absolutely nothing you have to be sorry for. Would you like to talk about it with me or maybe the others?”
Cross doesn’t answer rubbing his warm anxiously, hesitating before explaining.
He doesn’t think he belongs or deserves to live in the castle. And his reasoning was even worse ‘You all are too nice to me and I don’t deserve it.’ But he said he was also scared of leaving because he has a fear of being alone or being left.
Nightmare first thanks him and tells him he did well about opening up. Then he addresses the cognitive distortions. Cross ends up crying a few more times, not that Nightmare minded. A good meal and he gets to help one of his boys.
“Unfortunately, these things take time Cross. However, these thoughts can be fixed and I’ll be with you helping you the whole way.”
Cross hugs and thanks him, before again trying to apologize which Nightmare didn’t accept.
Nightmare and Cross talk more, and Cross finally opens up about things he likes and dislikes. He was even making jokes by the end. Little did Cross know three rag-tag skeletons listened through the door. All slightly agreeing they would help him too, before running off and ‘acting normal’. Even though Nightmare could sense them.
“Just like all my boys, if you need me no matter what I will be there for you. You are safe now Cross, allow yourself to be happy. You deserve it.” Nightmare tells him on his way out.
“If you need me I will be in my office, Sleep well Cross.”
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daybreakrising · 1 month
@avaere: " i haven’t heard your name yet . " altered it a bit for sunday to blade !
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The gaze that falls upon the Halovian's face appears almost disinterested, but there is something keen and discerning within crimson eyes. This newest member amongst their ranks is a curious one - but then, aren't they all? Are they not all unique in some form? And each of them has a purpose here - Elio would not have recruited them otherwise. And... there is something... lost, about him. Something that a part of Blade recognises.
You were once something else. You must adjust to a life you did not expect to live.
"My name." If Sunday's ears were keen enough, they might detect a hint of something in that otherwise smooth, deep tone. Melancholy? Grief? Or bitterness? (Why not all three?)
It is a simple question - though more statement of fact in its delivery - yet the answer is not so simple, is it? He has a name, yes. Two, in fact. One he was given, and one he gave himself. The first is a relic of the past, a ghost that haunts his steps. He gave up all right to that name long ago. He is a far cry now from the man it belonged to. He ceased to be that man the moment he died and woke again as this... abomination.
The second is... well, it is a label, more than a name. "Blade." He offers, after a lingering pause just on the wrong side of awkward.
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He holds Sunday's gaze for an even longer pause, the kind of stare that most find uncomfortable. This is, in part, a sort of test - none of the other Stellaron Hunters are bothered by this intense gaze of his, and never have been. It isn't something they have to adjust to, something that becomes normal over time. It is something that has simply always been.
If Sunday flinches away, he does not belong. If he is unfazed... well, welcome home.
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lesbedilfvriska · 1 year
every day of my life i have to balance the intense joy of being openly a lesbian and surrounding myself with other lesbians with the urge to go back in the closet bc of the sheer number of lesbephobia getting thrown in my face every single day <3
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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“a sicks’ dream come true; coming soon to fanfic channels near you”
#presenting my cursed sleep-deprived brainworm of the day: nagisa gets sold to ft4 for uni fees#or well. more like they’re looking for a live-in assistant dude. thing. or sth. idk#and papa shiranami just sells his son off bc ‘hey it’s literal free real estate!!! plus he’s gonna get paid for the entire deal so why not?’#nagisa initially pitches a fit at his dad a la gamushara yelling scene bc ‘dad!!!!!! how could you just sell me off to some strangers?!!!!’#‘shhhh son; think of the free housing. in ✨t o k y o✨. stuff’s expensive there yk’ ‘but still!!!!!’#so nagi sulkily packs his bags and heads out; trying to motivate himself with thoughts of ‘hey at least i’ll get to see hiyori more often’#then he arrives at the train station and sees our favourite 5-man non-idol gang… and promptly passes out#when he comes to… poor guy finds himself right smack in the middle of a hugeass canopy bed#with dai sitting smugly by the side like ‘the great me carried you back mans. you’re welcome ;)’ with a tip of his cool fedora#and that’s when nagi realises that 1) it’s not a dream and that he actually has to live with his oshis now. and 2) damnnnn this bed is soft#cohabitation shenanigans happen. as they would seeing as the entire gang + rio’s niece live together in this oddly huge megu-owned penthouse#plus free bi-weekly vacations to megu’s family villa bc they can never spend a waking moment without each other#and nagi finds it strange that the group is oddly accomodating of his uni schedule when it concerns his job tasks and such…#or that they collab with lxl (hi hiyori!!!) way more than they should typically be…#but he brushes it off when rio asks him to cook with him or sth idk i mean how often do you get to cook with your oshi????#and idk eventually the jig is up and it’s revealed that hiyori was the one who was accidentally behind the whole thing#like a ‘sorry nagisa i told uchida that you’d be moving here too but lxl were there the entire time and they went and got ft4 to buy you’#or something kinda thing. idk. bc everything has to be lxl’s fault; even when they’re just lurking in the bg#i’m def gonna regret this later lmao. it’s almost 2.30 in the am; i have not written in months; and i’ve never read a sold to 1.d. fic ev er#this is the kind of cosmic horror that only sleep-deprived brains can cook up ig…….. oh wells#it is suiyoubi my dudes#the dude from gamushara
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snapshot-culture-is · 7 months
Snapshot culture is struggling to explain what you mean by "I live in the past" because I feel it's not talked in the community enough how difficult PTSD living in the past is and Snapshot living in the past is. When Roxy lives in the past she's reliving memories and it's epesotic but when I'm living in the past it's my mannerisms and my perspective of life and things in it.
Like how I still view the internet like it 2012 and I'm scared to talk about topics that are normalized today such as gender fuckery and aroaces. Or how my bigoted views have changed yet it still bleeds through sometimes despite changing them. Or how my partner informs me that people talk more about mental health now and more symptoms I relate to but that didn't exist when I started on the internet/existing and I still believe that these things don't exist online but they VERY MUCH DO.
This is a little more personal to me but I feel I wanted to post this because I feel as if some snapshots might be able to relate to this as it's a real struggle trying to explain that my world view is different then others and it simply can't change and I'm not stubborn to be stubborn I'm stuck here in a time frame where the internet just kinda sucked and was barely born.
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
ong i was js scrolling and i came across a demons ache got me kicking my feet twirling my hair wanting to be a house wife just for him . wondering where jeff is currently now he feels abt this 🤭🤭.. AND THE FAVORRRRR……… i can’t wait omg
i will be tuning in by any chance if ur accepting anons can i be 🎐 or 💒 LOL
I amn!! right there w you kicking my feet & twirling my hair at these reactions!! 💖💞💕
I can’t wait to write & post more of the story!!! <333
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rockn-rule · 1 year
So it's not Wednesday but
Have some wips that I'm proud of right now bc I'm working on lyre house layout for funzies
Also warning for gore towards the bottom bc haha spicy backstory-
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Also if y'all want my ocs have some funky stories and I might start writing again for em
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
I love him, Nemo. I love Gang Orca I want to kiss him I want him to crush me like a little can, weighted blankets aren't doing it for me
He is SWEET he is CUTE he is LOVEABLE I would like to kiss hin also
he has so much "you deserve more than me" angst potential. but yes I also agree 100%, he would make such a GREAT weighted blanket bc he's so fuckin huge (I also think bc of the orca-ness he's got a bit of squish weight to him and runs quite warm to combat the cold that is Ocean Water). perfect for huggies.
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