#youre about to realise im very bad with the dragons names
lynxtopia · 4 months
Can I trouble you for your personal headcannons for the Dolls?
Well let's see,,, I have headcanons for most bits of the group as a whole (Löwenzahn included)
No particular order, I write them as I remember them lmfao 😭
Im so sorry if these seem all over the place, these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head with a few hours of sleep, I have a big document somewhere with a load of info in it for a project. I'll reference that when I get my hands on it again.
Also most of these are more lighthearted than you'd expect to some degree lol I'm better at remembering the stupid stuff rather than the angst stuff.
I personally believe Enero's got quite a posh background. That little interaction with Karin cemented that in stone for me. She's got a lot of money and likes to dish it out, although she occasionally relies on bribery to get her way.
The Löwenzahn are a mix of former infantry soldiers and kidnapped Doll candidates. The amount of troops is pretty much unknown because Bison likes to spread them out across the globe, moving them about more than the actual soldiers.
Février's visor is a cover-up for bad eyesight. A friend of mine mentioned it in a fic they wrote once and I stole the headcanon for myself. She didn't want to wear glasses because she thought they'd make her look like a nerd. Now she realises they make her look hot.
Santamu used to have a mini wardrobe of coats and other outerwear for Kiki whenever they got send out to colder areas. Aprile wasn't really the biggest fan of the whole thing.
Noembelu is/was very close to März. She knew she was quite shy and not very good at the whole socialising bit so she used to stick close to her to comfort. A bit like a cheetah/emotional support dog dynamic except the emotional support dog is secretly a cheetah with the same issues.
Xiayu, Jianyu, Cammy and Decapre have all tried talking to each other telepathically before, not that it's ever worked. (They got the idea from watching a cartoon about having twin powers or something like that.)
Prior to Kiki, the group had actually snuck another pet into the barracks. A fucking Komodo Dragon... at Satsuki's request.
Enero and Noembelu continuously try to have a conversation in Spanish, although, because of the differences between Latin American and European Spanish it generally becomes a huge mass of "What? Fuck you, slow down. Huh? What does that mean?" Etc.
The youngest Löwenzahn recruit was about 12. How she got there was unknown. All that mattered was that the older ones kept her as safe as they could.
A lot of the recruits (at least past-1991-2 recruits) are actually raised into the system. Same with the soldiers. They're taken at fairly young ages and raised within the facility. The distress this programme caused worldwide continued to feed Bison's never ending joy.
Noembelu hates her original name. After joining Shadaloo, she began to think that calling her family naming her "Little" was insulting. She doesn't see it like that anymore, but she still believes that Little Eagle was a different person to who she is now.
Xiayu frequently scares the others with her Opera makeup + skills. Practising Shua Ya has scared the shit out of Jianyu more than I can count.
Santamu used to do javelin and was really good at it, hence why she chose her weapon to be a spear. Although sometimes she wished she had chosen a weapon other than just that.
There was a group, a test group, prior to the main Dolls. Most of the information on them was burned. Some say there were two, others say three, five etc. Most people accept that the initial group are 6-feet under. However, the sites conspiracy theorists think otherwise.
Juni is forever crushing on at least three girls at the same time, whether she realises it or not.
Cammy remembers a lot of things the others don't, despite her amnesia. Only thing is,is that she remembers them only when under the influence.
Enero and Jianyu scrap constantly. No reason to, they just leap at each other at any given moment.
The rank system in place for the group is kind of complicated. There are a ton (sometimes a rank only having one person in it.) And difficult to go through just by memory. The main Dolls unit typically holds the highest, or highest achievable, rank in their selected area of expertise. The only ones that don't apply to this are Enero, Jianyu, Xiayu and Juni, as the last three don't really have an area of expertise aside from Close Quarters. Enero is excluded because she holds the rank just below General. Bison keeps her there because it keeps her loyal.
Jianyu and Juni hold Colonel-equivalent ranks, Jianyu having hers because Bison was very amused by her and Enero's constant fighting and Juni because she can be trusted enough to hold such an important title.
Xiayu is a Major. Jianyu promises not to tease her about it but sometimes she likes to test how far she can push her luck before she tries to break her nose.
März frequently has to be the one changing the HDMI cables and having to explain all the different channels. (She likes doing it when she has the confidence).
Whilst it is typically Mid and High-Ranks jobs to teach the Apprentice Dolls, sometimes the main group get assigned about a troop to train.
Février eats crayons... dun dun dunnn...
Decapre struggles quite a bit with anxiety. She holds some resentment towards Cammy, but can't bring herself to do any proper damage for fears of hurting her and herself. Although, this mindset changes during Ultra IV because now they've done some weird tests on her.
The girls have combined their weapons before. Satsuki and Février made Murasame (katana #1) into a makeshift bayonet, which worked as well as you would expect it to.
Aprile secretly wishes that she could've done more for the group whilst at Shadaloo, fearing she may have been too harsh on them during their time there. Nobody thinks bad of her, just she thinks they believe she's a failure, just a tiny remnant of her past that she's clung onto.
März' consciousness still exists, although where and what it was put into is unknown. Fangs torture machine? Seth 6.9? A spare body? Cammy has a feeling she's still out there somewhere, much like Bison. Although, unlike Dictator, she believes she'll come back against Shadaloo.
Jianyu and Xiayu currently get their funds via Contract Killing. Who or what they work for is unbeknownst to them. They just get paid... Also the reason why Xiayu still has the face paint. She's ashamed of their current state and wishes for better. Oh and because she doesn't want to be recognised by the police.
Santamu is part of Neo-Shadaloo, although on more of an external branch. She let them keep Kiki because she immediately connected with the drastic amounts of chaos.
Anne and Bess did exist, although, their records were wiped, anybody involved was forced to sign an NDA, and they were buried under the main Shadaloo site to avoid any civilian discovering them at some point.
And that's about it for now. Thank you for inquiring! I'll be sure to have my notes on me for the ones I didn't mention next time lol.
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puppyocto · 6 months
ok hi im writing the evo jimmy and martyn thoughts in here because i don't trust the tumblr replies stupid character limit. (please bare with me ive rewritten this like eight times trying to make it make sense)
so around the middle of the series the server members fight the ender dragon and get separated for awhile (according to jimmy he hadn't seen martyn "in three weeks" but alot of the people also assumed he was. Perma Dead which seems like a short amount of time to accept that a missing person was dead but sure man whatever).
martyn shows back up a little after jimmy does and jimmy builds a new base for them, to which martyn expresses relief because (i think this is the exact quote but no promises) "i can't live alone, i don't know how to cook or anything like that--"
they give themselves a new team name and everything and it seems like things are gonna go back to normal. except they dont? martyn shows up noticeably less and less in jimmy's videos after this point until the end where he only turns up for big group events. he's not like. Rude to jimmy or anything and i guess if you're willing you can make the argument they're still living together and just not hanging out in the videos we see but to me it's kind of a massive jump going from the beginning of jimmy's evo where martyn was always there.
and please bare with me here because. alot of this is based on pre-formed thoughts from how he acts in the life series. but martyn is very much someone who needs to play the role of provider in a relationship otherwise he feels like he's not "good enough" and detaches himself. in my mind it's like. up to this point him and jimmy were always happy to play this "you lead, i follow" dynamic until the dragon fight makes him realise that jimmy doesn't Need him to survive and it scares him off a little bit. ++ something something about the snowy mountain "slapped around" conversation and martyn taking the initiative to open up to jimmy again when he recognizes that jimmy needs help (but reacting badly when jimmy doesn't respond the way he wants)
so what im saying is essentially i think jimmy/martyn isn't a. Bad relationship so to speak but I don't think it was necessarily sustainable (at least not with the dynamic they were in) and jimmy is not only never prompted to fight for his own independence (because he never needed to with martyn, like w/ the xbox/ps thing lmao) but he is shown that (albeit not directly) dependence on your partner is Good and if you drift too far emotionally/physically/etc then they'll just stop talking to you ✌️ (because jimmy would never assume something like that is his beloved's issue, it's always him that's the problem and even if he doesn't believe so during evo I'd think that thought pattern being reinforced in everything after would make him retroactively believe that)
sorry uhhhhhh tldr yeah i agree with you
This is so interesting I love this so much. It’s really interesting that Martyn suggests he’s dependent on Jimmy and then seems to slowly abandon Jimmy. I don’t have a lot to say but I will definetely be using this to inform my Jimmy analysis
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
im moody so let me talk about my characters and why i am rewriting them so much
some of you have been following me for quite a while, some of you are a bit newer to my blog, some of you might be seeing this and be thinking "who the fuck are you" and to answer that question - hi, im eyris and i have perma gw2 brainrot!
well that was not where i was going. where i was going was "some of you have seen what my characters have been through and that i quite often rewrite them"
so today i'd like to talk about that a little bit. why is it happening, for the start.
I guess the best answer would be that i am getting better ideas and i am getting better at articulating them. i am also growing as a person, which also changes how i view my characters and what i want to say with their story. and sometimes i feel like things are cringe because not many people like my stuff. in no way i mean to fish for likes, no, i am contempt with what im getting (most of the time). what i mean is that i still feel like this very small and cringy blog among so many great people who have much bigger following, better stories, better art, better...everything, really. i guess a part of me wishes to catch up to them, be more like them, even if that is...1. impossible and 2. probably very stupid in your eyes.
so there's that. now, let's go over some of my characters and how they've changed across the years.
EYRIS, the main-main, game-wise and story-wise changes.
Eyris was my very first character, initially she had no story. TBF when i started gw2 my english wasn't so good and i was very lost with the game's story. I mean, i thought the Elder Dragons were some big bad organisation! Some people called themselves Dragons, something like this. As I said - my English wasnt very good back than. TBF I was like....15, I think. Yeah. I also somehow convinced myself I had to keep Eyris as a sylvari because other 4 character slots were for other 4 races and i had to keep them free! But I loved playing Eyris! SO! I fucking. I fucking deleted Eyris and made her again. over. and over. and over. and over and over and over and over.
AND THEN I went to a theatre on a school trip and we watched a play and the very handsome actor played a teacher named Mister Ross. I was 16 at a time (I think), so of course I was like "I like that name" and... I deleted Eyris for the final time and remade her as Eyris Ross. I had no idea that sylvari, according to canon, had no surnames. So when the time came when I started designing more lore-compliant story for her, my initial idea was that she was in love with a human and thats how she got her surname but he "died or something" and thats why she was now traversing Orr. I remember writing a scene of Eyris entering a Pact tent with Trahearne conversing with other leaders and she went completely off because she was sent on a suicide mission to scout Arah before going after Zhaitan and only she came back. Yeah. That....was a time. Somewhere in that time I also realised I did not like Ross backstory but I didnt want to delete Eyris again, I grew super attached (also all thjat crafting was developed completely...) so I changed her name to...Eyris of the Night. Because she was a Nightbloom and because someone took "Eyris" and I was sad about it. Still am, tbh. Somewhere then also Anriin came to be. A Priory scholar, quite mean... and she was Eyris's girlfriend who killed her in HoT because Eyris was getting corrupted! So tragic! But I scratched that off because I didn't vibe with it. I think I still have sketches though from that time so if I find them I will post them. I was 19 at the time when Eyris/Anriin was a thing. Then the Soundless plot came in. And then...
I used to have a friend. A best friend, actually. We were a package deal. So of course we bound our stories together. Eyris was just someone who happened to be there. She wasn't the Commander or the Dragon's champion. She was Just Some Plant that happened to be at a place at a time and ended up befriending the Commander (that friend's OC). Then Tragic Backstory TM happened. Eyris was a Soundless who was taken by the Nightmare Court. She was saved by a group of mercenaries (Idk who hired them. don't think too much about it). The group consisted of a young charr gladium (love interest), asura twins (siblings figures) and a norn elder (father figure). there was also a Mean Human Girl TM who bullied her because ???? and there was a drama in the group and the Mean Girl then fucking lured them into a trap (the Undead are attacking!) and everyone fucking died! Eyris survived and Trahearne saved her from the risen. Ever since Eyris hated necromancy (death magic, connection to zhaitan, zhaitan killed her loved ones) and mesmers (the Mean Girl was a mesmer). Eyris tracked her for years and she brutally murdered her in the jungle during HoT (how did the Mean Girl end up in Maguuma in the first place???) but revenge didnt help, it only drew her closer to mordremoth. Also her dog died in HoT (Mordremoth corrupted it and she had to kill it)
And then PoF time. She went to the desert. Why? I don't know. She went there and befriended a wild jackal pack for reasons unknown until today. That's how she got her mount and friend, Aiari. A few years ago Eyris became a Dragon Champion because I wanted to get her to have more story involvement and significance. And some time later I scratched off the Mercenary Group and changed them into Just A Norn Dad plot.
Currently Eyris's story is actually in this google docs right here but recently I had a Big Think and realised that No, the Vigil would NOT be swayed! So... you can take a peek on how it looks for now. Big Thanks to my friend Awerzo who shared her idea of character timelines. I stole it. It helps.
I am pretty sure I forgot some plots that existed for some time hhh
MOVING ON. AIRELL. The second Main.
Remember that friend I mentioned in Eyris's story? Well, Airell was initially created with their Commander in mind as his love interest. It did not fly. OG Airell was a shallow fuckboy that flirted with everything that moved. Then I wanted to add trauma because that's what you do, so Nightmare Court Boyfriend!!! Yeah it... didn't fly.
Then there was "unrequited love for Trahearne" plot, and after HoT Airell shut down and left for the mountains. They were supposed to be alone in their grief and die alone. but my earlier mentioned friend asked if they could make a friend for Airell. I reluctantly agreed. And so, Ewyn Rhosyn came to be. Ewyn and Airell had such a great chemistry that even if me and my friend said "just friends", these two fictional chartacters decided to date. Honestly, one of my fondest memories. I still cannot recreate a similar chemistry that these two characters had and believe me, I TRIED SO HARD.
Anyway, before Ewyn... Airell's grief was accompanied by a wish to forget all the pain they had endured. They set off to find djinn as they heard that the djinn could grant wishes. In hopes they could wish for erasing some painful memories, they looked for them, at the same time growing ravenous. When Airell finally encountered a djinn and learned that djinn magic did not work the waythey hoped for, they succumbed to hunger and ate a poor guy. Airell realised they could satiate their hunger with magic and so they became the ravenous djinn eater. Yeah. No, scratch all that. As much as I liked the concept, as a creator I wanted Airell to be likable, and let's be honest. eating people is not really the way to go, is it? Yeah......soooo then i decided to make them suck magic out of people (without killing them). Djinn eater became Deldrimor's Banshee, then I changed the name to Deldrimor's Siren, since I really liked that scary Fear Not This Night version.
As my friend and I lost touch, I held onto Airell and Ewyn for some time and then ditched it for my own sanity. I really liked the name Thorns and Roses though so I made my own gay rose mender - Achilles Flameshaper, who after losing his healing abilities became a therapist on a remote island for people who needed refuge (Whale Tail Island, or as I like to call it - Therapy Island).
The idea was that after Airell reawakened in the heart of Maguuma after the events of HoT concluded and after they learned of Trahearne's unfortunate fate, they mourned and succumbed to the magic hunger and was looking for the source of that big magic signature (cough balthazar cough), in their vinetooth form (pic below) they met Achilles and Eyris heading to the Commander's wedding. Achilles was just giving her a ride. Achilles and Eyris fought the lost mordrem in order to secure the area. Airell gets hurt, detransforms, oh no it's airell! oh no what do we do! Achilles takes Airell to the Island because clearly Airell is both physically and mentally hurting. While that part remains canon for Airell until today, their big romance with Achilles did not bloom as I planned. but you know what started vibing with me? TRAMMANDER. Because I decided to make Airell the commander from PS until the start of HoT and then reassign the commander-ship to them somewhere in the middle of PoF (thanks Nia Furaha for holding the line from HoT to PoF!). And if Trammander is canon.... then we're back to Trahearne angst. and guys, I needed to rework that too, so...
I added the whole Trahearne resurrection (ritual goes wrong! not clickbait!) idea! I am still SOOO vibing with it pls ask me questions about this im vibrating!!!!!!!
The Ewyn plot in PoF/LWs4 is CRAZY and I would need a separate post for that but I dont have time for that. Instead, let me tell you a fun fact - Airell died 1.5 times. 1 - stabbed during HoT and put in a blighting pod, and 0.5 in LWs4 when they got swallowed by Kralk and everyone thought they died but then kralk threw them up (sorry Airell).
Nia was fun. A nice human commander, initially she was supposed to take the role of a commander after me and my friend stopped talking, but with time i decided to pass that role in majority to Airell.
Initially, Nia had a backstory. Which accidentally came out racist, so I won't be talking much about it. What I can talk about comfortably are her vigil years.
OG Nia joined the Vigil to protect people. She became a commander through recommendation and battle prowess. She was proud to be the commander, the hero of Tyria. But then I was replaying LWs2 and had thoughts. I thought what if Nia joined the Vigil to escape Anise's clutches. What if they wanted to get Nia into Shining Blade and she didn't want that? I had that storyline for some time but I don;'t like the person this makes Nia. She would not survive the dragon war with that motivation. So...I'm reworking her again when it comes to her role as a Pact soldier and Part-Time Commander.
Freya Wyldwolf
Freya has a long story. She started off as Freya Riverblade. Which is funny because I played hammer on her. Reasons? It was her father's hammer. Her father "left for a hunt and never came back" (as in he "died or something". again). Her mother was bitter, tried to get her life back together but with a wrong person and freya got a half sister. Her mother hated that child because we need that plot (insert eyeroll here pls) and Freya got her motivation to join the Vigil (previously she was a Whispers agent but only because I liked Tybalt ok).
But scratch all that. Freya now has a twin, her name is Wyldwolf, and her half sister was not neglected. Her mother was not the mother of the year but she tried. Freya comes from a long line of OG Wolf followers, so theres always "wolf" in the second name of her family. She is from Cragstead and is besties with Braham.
Also in IBS she killed a corrupted Spirit of the Forest (cough reworked boneskinner cough) and her name changed to Freya Spiritkiller, she did not take it well and is currently MIA.
There's also Yvrell but I'm not vibing with it right now also this post is super long and i've been typing it for hours so.
Thanks for reading, Bye. Or something. Love you.
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
Do not apologise at all for responding late!! Holiday burnout is so real, theres sm to organise so I understand completely 😅. I hope youre getting some rest between xmas and the new year, or that at least whatever you have planned isnt too hard on you :)
I am 100% willing to believe you blessed my flight lmao, hopefully it works on the way back as well :D
Is it weird to say i dont think ive ever had a blackberry before?? Idk i might have had one when i was a kid but when you mentioned the blackberry jam I completely blanked. So um. Hope it was good?
Oh no your cat!! D: Hope he's all better now
YES I WOULD LOVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT MALAYSIAN FOOD!! I would show u pics but um 🧍->🏃‍♂️💨. Ur gonna have to google it king LOL. The first day back my dad and I went out to a mamak stall (basically just a restaurant for malay-chinese-indian food), and I had roti canai (a type of flatbread with curry) and teh tarik, which I have missed dearly. I dont typically like normal english breakfast tea so getting to have authentic teh tarik was SO GOOD. Teh tarik (translating to "pulled tea") is made with condensed milk and gets its name from how after the drink is mixed it gets continuously poured over and over from one container to another until it gets super frothy.
I've also been getting reacquainted with my favourite fruits 🥰 that you cant get in Australia like mangosteen and jambu air (ai-yer). Mangos and dragon fruit you can get in australia but. um. Theyre bad. They just taste like sweet water. Also unfortunately for me rambutan i havent been able to find rambutan 😔😔. Those look similar to lychee but they taste pretty different, less tangy and sweeter.
Ive gone out with a friend to have cendol (c promounced as a "ch") which is a cold desert with coconut milk and rice jelly, along with other toppings should you choose it. Im also in the process of convincing my bff to do a 3h road trip with me specifically for food in a city called Ipoh 😭 wish me luck.
AND, im getting one of my relatives to teach me how to make rendang and char kway teow. The rendang specifically because the one she makes i prefer over what's usually made in restuarants. I think it's a state difference in recipes or smtg? So the ones you'll find in restuarants are KL/Selangor rendang and she makes from Kedah. Thats just a theory tho im not actually sure.
🧍 i realise this ask has become like 70% about food so i apologise. But. In my defense you asked >:) /j
ANYWAY. I hope youve gotten a break from the holiday work or at least have one coming up <33 Take care of yourself; indulge in your cheeses :D
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SUN ANON HELLOOOOOO im so excited to hear you got those desserts, those sound AMAZING...... also i looked up all the foods you mentioned and MAN THESE LOOK GOOD.... im a shrimp lover im gazing so hard at the char kway teow...... 👀👀👀👀👀 also holy shit these fruits look so cool???? Thats WILD ive literally never heard of these before and im having a lot of fun looking them up online and reading about their flavours and stuff!!!! Incredibly curious about mangosteen, i was not expecting it to be white inside when i looked it up and just like, the contrast of the purplish rind vs the white insides is SO neat to look at, like that feels really good on my eyeballs if that makes sense JSDBEKDNMDD also also teh tarik sounds and looks amazing i want to try that SO bad now omg
Its so funny you say that about blackberries bc where i live we have them literally growing everywhere on the side of the road AKDNWKDNKWDN in the summer when they start putting out fruit one of my roommates will sometimes go out and just pick a bunch for the whole household, and they always taste SOOOOO much better than the store-bought ones. Im genuinely not sure how to describe the taste of blackberry other than like. Its very sweet but also very tart (i go for the slightly less ripe ones tbh bc i prefer tart things to super sweet) at the same time, and sorta pops in your mouth a little bit when you chew it. Honestly its one of my favorite fruits i would highly recommend them if you can find em anywhere!!!!
My resolution this year is a bit silly but i wanted to go for a very fun easy one, so its to use every sticker i own this year :] ive already started by putting a few on the creeper minifridge that my roomie got me for xmas 😂😂😂😂😂😂 and i have some scrapbook ideas as well to use my fancier ones that my friends have gotten me!!!! Also you are so valid about the writing-- tbh if you wrote more than expected then it sounds like you succeeded instead of failed, so thats awesome!!! :DDD
I hope you're doing well on your travels, sun anon!! And when the time comes may your flight back to Australia be as peaceful and pleasant as the one you experienced when you left it :]
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ragnars-tooth · 2 years
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[ID: Lucy is an older teenager with a ginger mullet. She sits at her laptop with a small green dragon. The dragon’s tail is plugged into the computer like a USB. Lucy says “Yess, #women in stem vibes”. End ID.]
Maybe I’ll re-edit this or upload it again with some more lucy doodles but i just really liked this one
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keibea · 3 years
alright here we go the moment you've all aimee's been waiting for, my final thoughts for dragon age 2 LETS GOOOOO
CONTAINS SPOILERS!! this ones a long one guys theres a lot to cover and beware probably many spelling mistakes and opinions you may not like you have been warned. but tbh i love all characters so let that be known. even anders. sometimes...
this is for you @amuhav 💗💗
so like wow, just wow. like i knew kinda what was going to happen but like WOW to see it just made like everything more real, now for my chaotic commentary
lets start from the beginning of act three. firstly didnt i bloody have like half ownership of the bone pit??? yeah well that went down the drain didnt it stupid dragon. that could've been very profitable to! also dragons are big, can confirm, previous suspicious were indeed wrong.
the qunari are gone which is bloody depressing. i mean not all of them, those damn tal-vashoth are still hell bent on stopping me from minding my damn business THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MOTHER TRUCKERS BTW and attempting to kill me, which like varric says, is suicide.
i freaking hate those stupid gangs. like why. also 'followers of the she'?? seriously? they are so annoying. like leave me alone. im not trying to kill you, im just suspiciously walking around the docks at night in heavy armour with weapons leave me ALONE. so many of them too UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH piss off
also went to visit orsino after one of the main quests and he gave me robes. im a warrior. what the f am i going to do with those????? does my hawke LOOK like she wears robes? NO she's always wearing armour i give the frick frack up.m
i hawke has a cousin which is coooool her name is charade for some reason. also gamlens still an ungreatful prick what a shocker. i was so nice to him too and he like "stay out of my business" HELLLOOOO i just reunited you with your daughter you bastard suck a toe
aveline was starting to piss me off. LIKE GOSH GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS BITCH. idk if i mentioned this last time, but i gave her a shield and she got all mad at me. LIKE SORRY FOR BEING CONSIDERATE AND WANTING YOU TO HAVE A GIFT. she didnt even take it in the end! i was like fine you salty bitch im going to keep it hmph. also she got all mad at me when i questioned her about the rumours cullen told me to look into. SORRY BITCH FOR WANTING TO DOUBLE CHECK. she's so touchy. like do i need to remind her I WAS THE ONE THAT GOT THE BITCH MARRIED??? i give up on her shes so mean
merrill is still a bitch, but less of one. but still a pain none the less. the mother trucker was still going ON about that stupid mirror. okay fine so it's not a stupid mirror i have played the dalish elf opening but STILL. so when the option was given for her to maybe get possessed for a demon, therefore leaving me HAVING to kill her, i took it instantly. cause bitch. unfortunately the selfish bitch instead had the keeper die. and then she was crying so i just said I TOLD YOU SO. yeah she still doesnt like me much. and by that i mean she hates me, but quite honestly suck it up i dont care. so i couldn't kill her :( not that my hawke would want to anyway. and i accidently ended up killing her whole clan. I DIDNT MEAN TOO, i accidently said "stand down" because i thought that was what my hawke would do i didnt realise id have too kill anyone FRICK but tbh if i was in her clan i would want to kill her too couldnt even blame them, felt kinda bad for stopping them ngl i said what i said
the mages really werent helping me help them. i supported them none the less but the least they could do was not resort to blood magic so i could make them look a little bit better. but i understood why, it was just really inconvenient LOL
sebastian, good old sebastian. yes i did buy all dlcs before the sales came on, yes it did cost me 30 bucks, yes i kinda regret not waiting a month to buy it but in my defence i wanted to play the WHOLE game straight away so. i like him sometimes. sometimes he's a bit pretentious. ALSO LELIANA??? HELL YES!! i saw her in the mark of the assassin dlc but we actually got like a really meeting that counted in this. if you didnt know, my warden originally romanced her before moving to zevran so i have a soft spot. she still looked like a baked potato, like come on do them some justice bloody hell.
follow up on this, poor bloody cullen, he looked like dry spaghetti.
meredith was getting increasingly crazy which i loved. LOVED her hair btw, always like perfectly stunning. honestly she had the best vanilla hair of everyone else in my opinion.
varric is the best thing ever. like what an absolutely babe. the whole haunted house thing was funny lol. like a bloody chair was stuck to the roof at one point and all i could do was laugh LOL. i let him have that shard, my come back to kick me in the ass idk.
isabela was good this act, and didnt stab me in the back, which was very nice.
fenris OH FENRIS gosh i love him. still needs to learn when to shut the f up in some situations but gosh hes so cute. and whenever he says "im yours" (and yes i did keep clicking on him to hear him say that leave me alone) i just melted and said "yes you are bitch!" gave him a sword, he seemed to like it. it glowed, pretty cool ngl. still grumpy as frick but the end scene before they went to war like HAD ME OH MY GOSH when he said and then hawke said and then they AWWWWWWWWWWWW okay im a sucker for romance leave me alone.
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bitch im dead
also bethany stopped being a massive BITCH so thats nice.
anders (lovers of anders dont come at me im fragile) is a bitch. like WOW. like what a dick. firstly when i was helping HIS ASS with HIS QUEST which i didnt even need to do because he was just going to explode the chantry anyway, he had the NERVE to come at my relationship with fenris. when you start a mother freaking sentence with "i know it's not my place" STOP, because bitch it is not your place leave me and my bae alone you unhinged mother trucker. WOW sorry lots of aggression towards him whoops. probably because i did everything i could to be his friend and he still stabbed me in the back the dick. so i stabbed him back in the back. yes i killed him, kinda regret it, because im pretty sure my hawke wouldve spared him but my own feelings got in the way whoops. seriously though, i bloody swear that blowing up the chantry did nothing but start a war what the frick was he thinking come on bro.
also this game only took me 46 hours?? which is weird because origins took me AGES to get through, and although ive started and stopped inquisition many times, i still have like 200 hours on it. and let it be known, that because of my ocd i did finish every single bloody side quest (well except for the awiergan scrolls and all the swords and one other one where it wouldnt show in the map which probably meant i would have to search every single damn cave again and kill spiders and i just could NOT be bothered. other than that, every signle thing was completed. is it a shorter game or did i somehow manage to get through it quickly? then again i did get a mod that made combat easier (LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY, IM A LOVER NOT A FIGHTER. im also a lore and history nerd so the main reason im playing these games is for the storyline leave me alone) so that probably made everything a lot quicker but idk.
in the end i sided with the mages because
A. meredith has lost her marbles
B. i wasnt going to let her kill all of the just because anders is a crackhead.
C. i felt like it idk
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so yeah battle won, meredith turned to stone or whatever, all is right with the world and i am on to inquisition. TO WHICH i actually bought the whole game + bonus content + DLCs for 5 bucks. im so ready to romance cullen lets go. still debating whether to be a human or an elf. i think i might go mage for once but idk let me know what you did aimee and anyone else who read this whole essay
all in all INCREDIBLE GAME and im so glad i went back and played it. yeah the places got a bit repetitive sometimes but it also felt nice not being lost in the hinterlands for 8 hours so idk. the characters were amazing, and looked much better, although the nobles look like they have no dick with those weird pants but whatever. definitely recommend so much fun, and really funny at times too.
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honesthammie · 4 years
Thought I'd start doing some prompts, im gonna do them all eventually but I'd thought I'd share some I've seen or thought of on my own with other writers that may need inspiration.
Look in the tabs for fandoms and characters i will do, hopefully.
1)"Look, I'm glad you've saved everyone and all that, but it's time someone told you to take care of you."
"I'm fine."
"No you're not, and furthermore, if you don't take care of you, think of all the people who need you in the future who won't have you!"
2) Reader accidently get sent to Hell instead of Heaven. The King of Hell tells you to make yourself at home while he sorts it out with God. Little did you realise how much you liked it there
3)"On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-“
"At least a twenty."
4) After reaching your 16th birthday you gain the ability to see everyone's red strings of fate and on your 18th you finally get to see yours, except yours dissappears into the ground/sky.
5) "What do you see when you look at me?"
6) Everyone is born with 2 tattoos that has a symbol on each wrist. One for their soulmate and another for their biggest enemy. The reader only has 1.
7)"Why are you still here?"
"Because I care about you, you asshole."
8)"Your hair is so soft.."
9) "It's too cold! Come back!"
10) "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."
11) "C'mere, you can sit in my lap until i'm done working."
12)"I'm not going to stop poking you until you
give me some attention."
13) "Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go."
14) "What? does that feel good?"
15)"Just pretend to be my date."
16)"He/She did it." "No he/she did."
17) "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
18)“No no-it's alright, come here."
19)"I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise."
20) Everyone has a guardian angel. Except the reader. Something went wrong in system and now you're stuck with a guardian Demon. Fortunately, they seem more effective at helping you succeed.
21)"I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don't trust your cooking. Stay out of my kitchen."
22)"I am way too sober for this."
23)"If I go through with this, I die. If I don't go through with this, we all die."
24)"Why are you doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"Treating me like a person."
25)"What the heck is that?!"
"My cat."
"Cats don't have eight legs!"
26)"Hey, I didn't kill anyone today!"
"What do you want? A gold star?"
27)His voice brought back memories of dark rooms and broken bones.
28)"Why do people keep trying to put this blanket on me?"
"Because you're in shock."
"That doesn't mean I need a blanket. It means I need booze."
29)"I can't believe you haven't killed each other yet."
"We shared a room together in (enter what type of school here). If we could survive that, we could survive anything."
30)"Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture"
31)"How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?"
32)"Why aren't you afraid of me?"
"Seriously? I have worse nightmares about failing my exams"
33)"What is that THING in your backpack?"
"It's my new pet dragon."
"Dragons aren't real!"
"Then why is there one in my backpack?"
34)"I had a thought."
"Oh no."
"I swear it's a good one this time!"
35)"Are you there?"
"Physically, yes. Mentally is debatable."
36)"Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?"
"I don't know, I probably both."
37)“Are you SURE I can't punch him in the face?"
"What if I just break his nose a little?"
38)"It's a long story."
"You conned me into thinking you were dead for eleven months. I have time."
39)"Death wants you to be terrified, but the scariest thing is wanting death."
40)"What's our exit strategy?"
"Our what?"
"Oh my god, we're all I going to die."
41)"How's the meeting?"
"I want to stab everyone."
"Don't get blood on your dress. We have dinner reservations at seven."
"Love you for enabling me."
"Love you too."
42)"What can I do to make you feel beautiful as as you look to me?"
43)"Once hope becomes a symbol, you cannot kill it. Give it a name, and it will never truly die. You have to dismantle it and let the world watch on as it crumbles in on itself."
44)"Don't you have a country to run?"
"My favorite person is in the hospital, the people can wait."
"I don't think it works like that."
"I rule over them, so it does."
45)"Are you really still a princess if your kingdom is in ruins? If there is no one left to rule over but corpses?"
46) Reader stealing lovers clothes
47)"How did you do that?"
"Maybe if you spent less time rambling you'd have figured it out"
48)"You-you are-"
"Beautiful, a genius, immensely talented"
49)"And if the world thinks it can keep us apart, then it hasn't been paying attention because there is nothing, nothing! wouldn't do just to I stay by your side."
50)Take apart every word I've ever said, strip me of every action I've ever taken. Then know, for certain, that mean it when I tell you I love you."
51)"Do you trust her?"
"No. but I ... trust her anger."
52)"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"
"And I'm trying to subtly avoid it!"
53)"Where's your shoe?"
"The giant mud puddle demanded a sacrifice"
54)"People can do can worse things than kill you."
55)"Give my regards to the Devil."
"I will."
"And remind him that he still owes me fifty bucks for helping him out that one time."
56)"Hate to break it to you, but we're both someone else's science experiment."
57)"Timing is key"
"Says the one thats always late"
58)"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge."
"Can I pick?"
59)"This? These tears? They are not a weakness. They show how strong you are and how strong you've been. And when you're done, look back and know that you were strong enough to overcome what you once thought to be impossible."
60)"Act natural."
"For this kind of situation, the most natural thing would be to panic, so technically I can panic."
"NO, that's not what I meant! Act like it's a normal day!"
"My 'normal' days of late, consist of a lot of panic."
"Will you just cooperate?"
"When a person is panicking, they are not apt to cooperate very well!"
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heleizition · 4 years
I am just now finding out about your chosen one au and must know more
ok so i decided to copy paste everything i wrote to my friends when talking about it so its gonna be long Oups ... but it's the most complete ill ever be about it !
so this is set in a universe where gods, old and new are very present and usually they have humans serving them, regularly called chosen ones, every century or so. it's considered an honor and every sanctuary and gods have different missions for their chosen ones and it can go from taking care of the temple every week while being allowed to have their own life to go on a mission to erradicate evil. humans usually know that they are destined to be taken in by gods because of marks on their body, specific to the god(s) they'll serve. the mark starts to glow and guide them to where their god is waiting for them once the god decides they want them.
the story is set on an island stuck between two different temples. on the island stands gotham which is a strangely sunny city,  and then you have the deep sea in the bay, and the deep forest north of gotham. if gotham is mysteriously devoid of bad things, its because it's been giving every century a child to the old gods temple in the deep forest. and time is coming, soon, another one will go.
so here you have the wayne family, they mostly have the same backgrounds ? kind of ? cass's parents were mercenaries that went into the deep forest, where no one (haha) in gotham dares going due to fear of breaking the old gods protections, never came back, and left cass on her own in town. bruce adopted her. dick's parents were travelers on a ship that sailed not far from the island and while they did not survive, the gods in the deep see allowed dick to stay alive until he reached the coast. immm not quite sure of what happened to jason's parents yet but uh he's here and alive woo
damian is a bit of a mystery to most people. he was delivered to bruce's doorstep when he was only a few days old. what they dont know is that nine months earlier bruce went into the deep forest himself. 
so added to that is timothy drake. young boy of the drake family, the two parents who dont seem to care for him much. the boy is quiet but full of smiles and affection to give and when jason and cass drag him to the wayne estate after a day out, bruce opens his arms to him. he's a regular at the wayne house and a few days after he turns 11, he stops showing up. bruce's kids cant find him. the drakes dont seem disturbed by their missing son. and bruce knows the drakes by now, know they wouldnt give their affection to someone they knew would disappear, and bruce realises tim is gone, to the old gods in the deep forest. 
so tim, 11, wakes up sweating and his room lit up with a green light that he's never seen before but in dreams and he knows that it's time. he knows that this strange mark spreading across his back, shaped like a dragon, is glowing green. he's being called.
he moves by himself, not thinking, opens the door to his room and the one that leads outside and it's so fitting when he notices that his parents arent even home, that he'd leave without them caring. soon he's reaching the deep forest and for the first time in his life, when looking at the dark depth, he's not scared, and he walks on. 
tim walks and walks and there are eyes looking at him bu the soft green glow reassures him, and he knows where he should walk, and soon he's reaching a temple, strong stone and green plants and a setting sun carved on its floor, and there is a man - a god ? - walking out. and his eyes are glowing green like the mark he knows is glowing in his back, but it feels wrong, and when tim looks around again everything looks so much hostile, 
tim made researches on the deep forest temple, since he knew it was gonna be his future, and he knew that temple was supposed to host old gods who were dying, so why does it feel so wrong ?
tim approaches, despite himself, and waits for the man - god??? - to say anything. there is a hand, wrinkly and uncomfortable and cold, on his cheek, and tim looks up, and he's shivering when the god - he knows hes a god. he knows he is now. - speaks up.
"i am ra's al ghul. you were given to me to serve me. you will obey me in any way i see fit, and you are to never return to your human town." 
tim did make researches before he was taken. he knew that usually the child taken by the deep forest gods could travel to town without punishment. he knew that, with pattern, they were taken early, before they turned fifteen. he knew that he would most likely be lucky, have a mostly free life. he didnt know that a new god in quest of power had taken over, chained some of the old gods inhabiting the temple, killed others, simply for power and magic. he didnt know that he would be chained to a scary and cold temple, with a terrifying and powerful god that could turn him to dust on a whim. 
so thats basically,,, the intro ? the first part ?
so a few months after tim disappeared, it was jasons turn. 
jason, much like tim, had marks on his wrists and arms, long lines following his limbs. they're signs of being of the all caste temple, chosen one for those gods. for the ones in the deep sea. now these humans linked to temple in the sea are a bit different than the kind that tim was supposed to be. the all castes purpose is protection, and while there always is a human chosen for them, they're not always called for their purpose, in fact, no all caste chosen one had been guided to the temple in the deep see in generations.
however, one day, jason woke up, glowing white lines on his arms, told dick that he had to go to the sea, and disappeared for months.
jason doesn't remember going into the sea when he wakes up in the temple, doesnt know how he survived the journey there, but he's there, by the will of the gods, and he's informed of his purpose.
something hover over the island. something bad. it's already there, its root in the islands ground, and it must be killed. that will be jason's purpose. he doesnt know where. he doesnt know when. he knows it will happen.
so they train him. they give him the weapons and magic he will need to defeat the enemy. they want to protect the island and its inhabitant.
several months later, jason leaves again, with new knowledge and strength, and washes up on the beach, and dick finds him, unconscious. he brings him back to the wayne estate, where he tells his tale of sea gods and protection and prophecy where he is the hero.
years pass. its been about nine years since tim disappeared, since jason went to the sea temple for the first time. damian is 16 and damian wants answers from his father. he knows he's from the deep forest. he knows his mother is there. he wants to meet her, he wants to know her. but bruce never talks about her, never says anything about their meeting, like he was commanded not to, and damian decides to go against all beliefs he has grown with and he prepares. he will get in the forest. he will find his mother.
except jason know his little brother and he knows and sees him planning and on the night he leaves, jason is here, not stopping him, but ready to follow him into the forest. he has a feeling. something is there for him too .
so they travel in the forest, they're not really sure how to find damian's mother with how little bruce ever said about her, and they find creatures along the way, some of them recognize damian as one of their kin, which is how they realise damian's mother is either part god or part spirit, and jason as a god's messenger. they do not guide them, but they do not attack them. 
until they walk into a territory they feel they shouldnt have walked into
a small being with wings and claws attacks, telling them to not trespass, it's smaller than jason had been at 14, but it's furious and cold and it strikes right. and when jason finally looks up he's terrified to see that he recognizes the child in front of him. and its wrong, because tim should have been nineteen by now, but he doesnt look older than 15. 
finally the fight draws to a close when jason calls out for tim, a name he musnt have heard a lot, or not recently, not with care and not without an order behind it. tim stops. tim looks. he recognizes the boys in front of them, even if its been nearly ten years. after all they were two of the last humans he ever saw.
"you cant be here. you cant be here if he knows he will kill you and i cant let you die. please you need to go"
im not quite sur how they get tim to follow, or if they get in ra's territory, but they camp in a safe zone with tim, and tim tells them his story
[torture mention, non consensual body modification]
after ra's took him, he tortured him, he experimented on him. after all he was his first ever human tribute, to obey and be controlled at will, a toy for an immortal, and after many games of the new god, he settled on making tim a sentinel for his property, one that will age slowly and wont feel pain, a puppet with no strings but one that is scared of ra's power, enough that it will obey. jason and damian are Angry. something at the back of jason's head tells him that this ra's might have something to do with his own prophecy. 
so after that its more blurry but tim reacts strangely to damian, he's a bit scared of him and he figures out it's bc of his heritage, that he has links to ra's, and he leads them to talia who's half god half spirit and hidden deeper and deeper in the forest, away from her father, and it makes tim leave the territory he's supposed to guard, disobey ras, which makes ra's angy bc tim never disobey, not since the first few times when he was 12/13 and thought he would still get out,,,
so there is a bit of a final showdown w tim talia jason and damian facing ra's, ra's using his hold on tim to hurt him, and talia torn between her father and her son + tim who she's seen grow up from far away and who she feels she should have protected from ra's,, jason eventually has a one on one with ra's and the prophecy does happen and he kills ra's and angry old gods who were chained in the temple wake up and banish ra's soul from this realm.
they heal tim from whatever ra's did to him, with the promise that he will travel to care for the god's temple again, as his duty was supposed to be 
they all get back to gotham, tim still looks 15 but will grow to his real age within a few months, he has many scars and the mark on his back changed for a setting sun like what was carved on the temple's entrance, damian has his Mom, and jason is free from his all caste duty.
the end woooo this is over 2k long rip !! feel free to ask if u got more questions :0 !!
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siren-virus · 3 years
ok, It's been a long while since I've sent an ask, and though that can be atributed to life being life, that can only go so far and these previeous 3 days I've been lazing around mostly XD So, in order to compensate, here's the asks for Free and SWUP that have entered my brain and I haven't filtered out yet that I'll send you. Answer as you see fit for I might send repeated questions or some that have already been aswered before in another form.
For SWUP, would SWUP (Does she have another name? I can't remember) ever try a work somewhere? She has to get money somehow if she wants to be able to buy food, clothes, a home, and pay for all the medical expences she might have to go through. What other friends would she have other than wine aunt and coffee barista? I remember you said there might be a third one who's not really relevant, but whos father is, and you were still unsure on wether to include them or not. Also, the humans in this Earth, how much do they know about aliens? The Unicorns and Dragons? I imagine that considering the amount of damage they can do when they fight, and considering that apparently their experiments on abducted humans that they leave on Earth for like a month before taking them forever, would make them fairly known, and have something like a world agency looking out for different cases or something, however succesful they actually are.
Now onto Free, Is there any chance that we could get to know of any of the friends that the rag-tag group would make along the way of the travels? Like, there HAS to be someone who they befriend without any shennanigans involved at the very least, or with minimal ammount of them, just as there HAS to be a friend made after a disaster of cataclismic proportions happens that inebitably onvolves the found family. Also, how long was Leo outside on his own before bird friend (forgot his name) found him and started to get them back to the Domes? Considering that they have a long adventure, I imagine that he spent at least a month outside without an idea of any direction he was going, and getting lost along the way because of course he gets lost, before he was found. Would the team find anyone else who was part of the Domes but left of their own volition too? Another traveler similar to Leo, but that doesn't want to return to those places for X or Y reason? Would there be anyone from the Domes that they meet that DIDN'T want to leave the Domes in the first place but got out regardless? This could be for whatever reason, from kidnapping to exhile to attack to the Dome to simply escaping from a bad situation.
oop sorry for taking a bit to get back to you,
youre questions make me realise how under developed my stories are wheeezee so i rlly appreciate your questions!!
SWUP aka Vicky her human alias. or I guess the unicorn is the alias. AH SHIT I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT!! Originally when i made SWUP she was supposed to be in high school. But as i grow I also like my characters to grow with me. Maybe I'll get her a job as one of them gym buddies (it has to be a job that allows for some form of freedom, enough to like be able to do th vigialnte thing- (i forget the name) Medical expenses aren't too bad, I'm basing it off aus medical- which means medicare! Plus she doesn't need the hospital all that often, she can regenerate.
In terms of friends she doesn't have many not because she socially inept (like myself)- she was very popular in highschool, but there isn't many people she can relate to. Her best friend James (pending name) comic book nerd that loves super heroes is all she's got. And some gym bros, but they're just friends at the gym, outside complete strangers. I really do want James to be relevant to the plot and not his dad and daddy issues, but he's a bit hard to squeeze in. Maybe if I sat down to actually do some writing, maybe--- ALAS I am but a creature of laziness, and poor attention span. (im barely focusing on Flee atm and I rlly wanna try developing GECKO again fml)
Humans know little to nothing about aliens (excpet for like the government and so wackos who a really into scifi) So even though SWUP is doing her best to help ppl, she's seen as a horrifying villain that is stage one to an alien invasion. (the scifi wackos play a part in that.) Although most Police officers appreciate the help... most.
Suprisingly no, most humans who were mutated into unicorns almost seem to disappear, SWUP is an exception. Why is that hmmmmmmmm? this is kind of a big moment, if I ever plan to push this idea to the webcomic/animation stage, youll see.
There's not really an official .org agency or anything like that, but some wackos who love space, and an actual scientist or 2. So far they have deducted that unicorns are evil space creatures who prey on humans and consume their flesh to get stronger so they can lay eggs and take over the world. There's not a lot of truth to that. Some parts tho... but which part? At the moment I'm really into mystery- so maybe I'll add some mystery elements, or I'll give it to GECKO. first i gotta redesign Mac, poor lad is not a looker I'l tell you that.
FLEE I barely know their friends either- haven't gone about developing them. HOWEVER. I do have a villain in mind. I remember making him for my illustration class back in uni (sigh uni days...) I dom't have a name, but I have a face. He's a big leader of this village known for killing the hybrid/mutants. He and his crew, a rag-tag gun loving, truck driving, share-a-brain-cell, lot. How they've managed to become successful hunter bunch is unknown.
But one the friends I have developed enough is Bolt, who also comes with their own shennanigans and an old rusty bus. Techincally they don't need it because they're fast as fuck, but it helps to have around incase you get a goliath sand bobbit on your hands.
Tristian is the human, Leo is the bird friend. Actually Trisitian was out on his own for three days, he didn't cover much ground when he finally met Leo either- dumbass didn't bring enough food and water to last. He didn't even have a plan, just wanted to go out. The only reason Leo didn't send his ass running home was because something- or someone- pushed them far. far away. Oh my who could it be?
Tristians kind of a rarity, not many people leave the domes unless it's through underground passageways to other domes. Most people are blissfully unaware of the outside world. Not to say Tristians the only one who escaped, but he's the only one who's survived outside for so long. (dome people don't have any survival skills) The only reason Tristians gotten so far is dumb lucks and a hot headed bird friend.
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dangdiggitydang · 3 years
rotbtd tag game
i was tagged by @hobie-brown :D
this could get long...
name/nickname? mags! my favourite one atm is magatron
how did you get into rotbtd? saw some fanart on google images while i was perusing through the httyd fanart as a ten year old and never looked back. deviant art and youtue amvs became my vices after that.
what made you stay/come back? httyd 3 actually! even though it's my least favourite of the trilogy, it made me so nostalgic for rotbtd. also the content now is so much better than it used to be imo.
out of the four movies, which one is your favourite? httyd1 definitely. i think its the most well written and constructed (tangled is a close second) and the soundtrack is amazing. while i think brave and rotg aren't as narratively strong, they have the same heart and loveable characters as the other two. tbh, i thoroughly enjoy watching all of them
dreamworks dragons or rapunzel’s tangled adventure? i ADORED rob and dob and i used to watch it episode by episode on abc3, but i haven't gotten around to watching all of rtte yet. tbh...i don't like the characterisation in rtte very much, something just feels off about it. character and plot wise, i don't have anything against rapunzel's tangled adventure, but some of it gets boring and repetitive after a while. this is a long winded way of saying i prefer dreamwork's dragons, but just rob and dob ig.
which one do you prefer to be made a sequel of, brave or rise of the guardians? like @hobie-brown said, disney should not be trusted with merida or any of her family. that being said! a rotg sequel would be a dream come true!! there's so much lore and world building that needs to be explored!! i have so many questions. how did the other guardians die? they mentioned the groundhog, are there other spirits?? are there different ones from other cultures?? and obviously there's will joyce's series to take inspiration from as well. imo, a series would work better to explore everything. (also give me a pitch black redemption arc. i LIVE for the villain-turned-awkward-relative trope)
otp/brotp(s)? my otp is hiccstrid and i think eugene and rapunzel is one of disney's most solid romances so there's that. jarida!! my beloved!! tbh, i was indifferent to jarida until like three months ago but now i cannot stop thinking abt them. in terms of brotps? all of them. literally any. the best thing abt the rotbtd revival is the lack of ship wars and the realisation that all of them have wonderful and distinct chemistry between any other member of the group.
favourite characters? httyd and brave were my gateways into this fandom, so i guess hiccup and merida?? but i actively kin rapunzel and jack has so many unexplored character traits beyond Ice Themed Bad Boy That Pulls Pranks. idk man, don't make me pick.
favourite au(s)? BAND AU. OMG i LOVE BAND AUs. @risoris made an awesome band au and a fic to go with it and i think i cried when i saw it. some of my other favourites are: office aus, superhero aus or camp counsellors aus (which @ven-finn has drawn art for ;))
pick one! favourite b4 house placement in hogwarts au? im not as into hp as i was before bc of reasons but my headcanons for house placements are: hiccup - ravenclaw, rapunzel - gryffindor, merida - slytherin, jack - hufflepuff
pick one! since this is 2021, any hot takes you want to give us? | what old fanon tropes that you still enjoyed to this day? hm. i think old fanon tropes were frustratingly heteronormative and surface-level. some hot takes... umm
when merida's old and her kingdom's passed onto her brothers or her heir (if she has one), her retirement plan is to go live in the woods and become the resident cryptid.
any aus that take away hiccup's disability is yuck.
i mentioned this in an earlier question, but jack has SO MUCH character beyond the basic bad boy arcetype everyone placed him in during early fandom. like, the boy needs therapy but not in the way wattpad boys need therapy y'know?
in general, i think old fandom lacked a lot of nuance when it came to the characters, especially when they were all together so im glad that's starting to change!
in a modern au, raps would DEFINITELY be on art tiktok. like those mirror painting trends and the cottagecore aesthetics remind me so much of her.
everyone thought that jack would play hockey bc he's ice themed and everything, when in fact 1) he uses his staff much more like a lacrosse stick than a hockey stick and 2) you think that twink isnt the resident smart ass who makes fun of the sports people at the risk of being punched in the face?
any fic recs? or if you couldn't think of any, what was the last rotbtd fanfiction that you read? the last one i think i read was @risoris 's 'Like A Fist In The Eye' which is a jarida soulmates au but with a twist that they hate eachother. it's only got one chapter and they haven't met yet, but im in love with it. a few i'd recommend are:
we cannot be friends (cannot pretend it makes sense) which is a platonic merida and hiccup fic with added hiccstrid and lesbian merida
Jack Frost and the Shadows of Van der Bor which is a jarida hogwarts fic!
im tagging @risoris and @therearedragonsindunbroch if they haven't already seen/done this!
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divinityoswin · 4 years
for the caged bird sings of freedom
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➳ this work is a multichapter fic
summary: Dragons were the ones who ruled the heavens, who soared above all. It was unbecoming of one to desire to live down on earth.// Sabo knows nothing of his past. Im knows, though. Im always knows best. 
In which Im finds themselves in need of an heir, and the newest slave at Mariejois seems to be the perfect candidate.
characters: Sabo
words: 2221
content warning: angst, slavery, abuse.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
A free bird leaps on the back of the wind  
It’s strange, he thinks, that there was an entire world out there to explore, yet the town seems insistent on caging its residents in.  
He can see it - the bars that lock them in houses, the corsets holding the women in place and the stiff suits that restrain the men from running out and living .  Their very hearts are locked and sealed away, to the point that they would turn their noses up at the screams of those begging for mercy.  Its a cage of their own creation, and he wants no part of it.
Why did he want no part of it?
He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak.  All he could do was lay down and stare at the wooden ceiling, counting the planks as his body swayed gently back and forth.  A bandage is wrapped around one of his eyes, as well as most of his body - and something is strapping him down to a bed.  The last thing he remembers is an awful sensation encapsulating the left side of his body, and then nothing.  But that’s not the problem here.  It also happens to be the only thing he remembers.
Oh, he remembers feelings , information - he knows he detests nobles, and he knows that there are four seas - five, including the Grand Line.  But he doesn’t remember himself.  No name comes to the tip of his tongue, and any attempt to look back into his past is only met with an orange glow within his mind.  Fire, he presumes, which would explain the numb feeling in his body.
The boy would cry, if it did not hurt to do so.  Instead of weeping, he wonders.  Wonders of where he is, of what would happen to him.  He would welcome death, if a voice in the back of his mind did not scream at him for thinking so.
“You gave everyone a nasty shock out there.”
The voice is serene, and it sends shivers down his spine.  He cannot move his head, so it’s up to the stranger to come into his own view.  Just out of the corner of his eye, he spots a flash of orange - not the warm kind, like the fire that once engulfed him, but a harsh, sharp kind.  One that clashes with the black the stranger is wearing.
It’s a woman, he thinks to himself.  Danger.  Danger.
Get out.
“It is thanks to the kindness and generosity of our Saint that you were rescued,” she continues.  It’s almost as if she’s preaching, and he wishes desperately he could escape.  The last thing he wants is a lesson . “Tell me, do you know why you are here?”
He cannot move, nor open his mouth, so he merely stares at her general direction and waits.  Minutes pass by, and he can feel her gaze boring into the side of his skull, until finally she steps forward and comes into his field of vision.
She has a sharp nose, sharp eyes, sharp lips, sharp cheekbones - everything about her is sharp .  As if she were made of razor blades.  Yet freckles litter on her sun-kissed skin, and her curly bright orange hair is braided in a way that reminds him of a flower he had seen but could not remember, and she smiles with a grin that looks like honey.  None of this does anything to appease him, however, and he finds himself locked in a staring match with her.  It’s only when she sighs and looks away that he breaks eye contact.  The ceiling is much more interesting, anyway.
“As I suspected.  Your head trauma renders you unable to move or speak.”
A quill scratching on paper.  She’s writing something down.
“I suppose it would be useless to ask for your name,” she says.  She tuts, as if it’s somehow his fault that he’s incapable of moving. “Mine is Doctor Hymn.  A pleasure to meet you.”
Unfortunately, it isn’t much of a pleasure for him.  In fact, it’s rather unnerving, and a bit stressful.
“I will be your Doctor for this trip.  You should consider yourself lucky you survived the accident.”  He feels her hand - warm yet not in a comforting way - rest upon his forehead.  He winces. “I will begin to ask you some yes or no questions.  You will respond with blinking.  One long blink means yes, two means no.  Understand?”
He’s not exactly sure he’s in the right mindset to be answering questions.  After all, he’s still delirious from whatever ordeal he had been through, and everything happening now is driving him into a state of panic.  But Doctor Hymn’s grip on his forehead tightens, and he finds himself shutting his eyes before opening them again.
“Good, good.  Now. . .”
The floorboard creaks as her hand is removed from his forehead.  She’s stepping away, scribbling something more down, and humming to herself.
“Were you planning on assassinating our Saint?”
He blinks twice.  She’s talking absolute nonsense to him.  Even if he couldn’t remember a thing about his past, he got the sense he wasn’t the kind of person to kill others.
“Are you currently dissatisfied with the World Government and its system of governance?”
What a strange question, especially to one such as himself - a child.  He blinks twice, because he feels blinking once would be a mistake.  But in his heart, he feels something stir within him, and it takes him a moment to realise he’s lying to her.  
Why was he lying?
“That’s wonderful to hear.  Now, are you a strong young man?”
He can’t move a muscle, so he instead rolls his eyes and gazes at her general direction and waits.
“Not when you’re injured, of course,” Doctor Hymn clarifies.
He blinks once.  At least, he assumes so.
“Very well.”  She sets aside her notepad and quill, and takes a seat next to him. “You’ve passed the test.”
What test , he wants to ask, but of course nothing escapes his lips.  Doctor Hymn seems to understand his confusion, though, and continues.
“Discard your name.  It doesn’t exist anymore.”
A sentiment that would work if he could just remember his name.
“From now on, you will be called 0731.”
0731 shivers.
                                                    * * *
It takes 0731 only a day to understand the meaning behind her words, and to know exactly where he is.  Well, not exactly - but he senses something is important about where he is, and that it doesn’t bode well for him.  As far as he knows, he’s on a ship, he’s in some sort of medical area, and there are some very, very important passengers on board.
Doctor Hymn, the only person he has been allowed to see so far, refers to these passengers as ‘Saints’, speaking with such reverence as if they were holy creatures.  0731 can only assume that they’re either actual Gods, or they were simply nobles who had become so twisted in their self-worth and ego that they thought themselves to be so.
Something tells him it’s the latter.
Whatever the case may be, he isn’t allowed to see them.  Not yet, anyway.  Doctor Hymn tells him he’s too sickly to see anyone but her, and he knows for a fact it’s true.  Just the mere act of breathing, of his chest moving slowly up and down in ragged gasps, is painful.  Moving his body around - now that is physically impossible.
As for his company, she’s not bad company, but something about her sets alarm bells in his head.  From the way she dresses in a blinding white, to her vaguely familiar hair that he couldn’t quite place, to the freckles dotting her skin that looked so out of place with her cold eyes.  Every word that came from her tongue reeked of honey and venom, and now, as he lays down alone, he feels grateful she’s not there.  Probably off worshipping her saints, or something.
He would snort, if it weren’t agonizing to do so.
It just leaves the case of what exactly he is now.  And he has a inclination he knows what that is.
Despite his amnesia, he’s still very much aware of the term and concept.  The disgust runs down his spine and he shudders.  The very idea that one human being could be considered lesser than another, to the point that they’d be kept as pets , is sickening.  Yet here he is, a slave in all but his heart - his name already taken - travelling to who knows where and being stuck with who knows who .  He hears screams and cries from somewhere on the ship, and wrathful yells, and then silence.  His imagination goes wild, and 0731, for an instance, considers biting his own tongue off.
He doesn’t, of course.  Something in the back of his mind tells him not to.  But the instinct is still there.
The door creaks open, and the clack of high heels against wood resounds across the entire room.  0731 knows who it is, from the three times she’s been in already.  Doctor Hymn, here to check up on him no doubt.
As far as answers go, she’s told him nothing.  Not that he exactly asks many questions, considering the whole cannot move and talk situation, but that’s beside the point.  She keeps secrets close to her chest, and while he’s sure she’s never lied to him, she’s never told the full truth either.  Instead she gospels and speaks of her saints and expects him to know what she’s referring to.
“The blood samples have been completed,” she says.  She’s somewhere behind 0731, fiddling around on what he presumes to be a desk. “You have no illnesses, as far as I can tell.  As for your current condition. . .”
He feels her gaze bore into his skull.
“You’ll have to bear with it for a little while longer.  Once we get to Mariejois, you’ll be at the hands of the finest doctors in the world.”
The name Mariejois is unfamiliar to him, but it’s an indication of where he’s going, at least.  If only he knew where that is.
Something sharp pokes into the back of his spine, and suddenly it feels like knives are sticking into his back.  It takes him a moment to register that Doctor Hymn is lifting him up.  Not that it makes it any less painful.  He wants to scream, to cry, but any words hurt to say.  She seems to understand he’s in pain, however.
“This is only temporary.  We can’t have you drinking when you’re lying down, can we?” she says.
He wants to curse her, but all that comes out is a pathetic whimper.  
Doctor Hymn pours out a glass of water and brings it to his lips.  He’s parched, he realises, so he swallows it gladly.  Yet it stings and hurts down his throat.  Tears build up in the corner of his eyes, and he grimaces.  Doctor Hymn looks mildly concerned.  He wonders if she’ll be his solace during this time.
“We’ll have to fix that soon,” she says. “Our Saint would not want a product that cannot even drink.”
His heart breaks into pieces, and he loses whatever semblance of hope he has left.  As she straps him back into the bed, he’s dumbfounded.
“We’ll be arriving at Reverse Mountain soon.  Brace yourself.”
With that, she’s gone, and leaves him alone yet again.
0731 wants to scream and break free.  He wants to kick everyone’s ass and go someplace else and to be free .  Free of his shackles, free of this world, free of his fate.  Everything about now is choking him to death, it’s gripping his heart tightly and ripping it apart.  It’s not just about his injuries.  It’s not physical.
Not that they help much with that, either.  The injuries, that is.
So, instead, he stares at the ceiling, and begins counting in his head again.  He’s almost up to the final plank he can see when a sudden jolt breaks him out of his concentration, and the feeling of the straps scraping against his wounds sends him on fire.
Chaos is happening outside.  He can hear that, at least.  Screams, muffled yelling, rushing water .  It almost sounds like a waterfall.  Then, the entire ship rattles and shakes, and with it so does he.
To say that it is painful would be an understatement.  It is excruciatingly so.  His body is in no condition to move, let alone so violently, so being jerked around like that . . . it did not do him any favours.  It lasts for about two minutes before there’s a moment where he’s almost floating off his bed, kept down only by the straps, until he lands straight back down and the shaking begins again.
“Ah - Ah!”
His voice finally comes to him, in a hoarse whisper - but his voice nonetheless.  And at what a spectacular time, too!  For he was, as far as he was aware, about to die from the violent jerking and his injuries.  
Never again.  He never wants to go through that ordeal again.  Now the ship rocks gently, as if it’s on calm waters once again.  A clock ticks nearby, voice from above still muffled and still yelling, albeit quieter than before.
Staring at the ceiling, he begins to sob.  
It doesn’t take long for 0731 to scream.
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Magic (Merlin X Arthur!Reader)
Spoilers for the end of Merlin if you haven’t seen it!!!
Summary: With the modern world of 2019 in shambles, Merlin is starting to wonder if Arthur will ever return. But then the warlock meets your magical eyes from the other side of a cafe window and realises that he already has.
Requested by @pearlll09: Okay this one might be tricky. Spoilers if anyone hasn’t seen the show. So at the end, Merlin is all by himself walking past the lake. Being a sorcerer, he doesn’t have to look old, (but if you’d rather keep him old that’s okay too), and maybe reader is in a cafe Merlin goes to and something draws him towards reader. My two ideas for that are reader has a book of Arthurian Legend out, or reader is Arthur reincarnated - but you could go any way you want with it, I trust you :)
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: big depresso merlin for a bit, mentions of war, bUT ITS MOSTLY FLUFF, can you feel the gay bc i can, reincarnation? is that a warning? never written it before so yeah probably Word Count: 1,603
Note: how about both??? Im in love with this ‘arthur reincarnated’ thing its the greatest concept ive ever gotten the end hands down
    Merlin never got used to the modern day he lived in. Things were changing ever constantly, from back in Arthur’s time to 2019. Every day was a struggle, each one feeling more difficult than the last. Merlin couldn’t find his place in the world anymore, not after Arthur was long gone.
    So, he wandered.
    From shore to shore, from building to building, Merlin never stopped wandering. He stayed as close as he could to Arthur’s resting place. He never left the city, but he imagined what it would be like if he did.
    He only had one place that he felt connected to the world he’d separated himself from for so long.
    It was a little cafe down the highway that passed the Lake of Avalon. It was a quiet place without many visitors, but they made the best damn coffee Merlin had ever tasted. Given, he hadn’t had a lot of coffee, but their coffee was still amazing.
    He was a regular at this cafe, but today he was running slightly late.
    Merlin approached the building sluggishly.
    It wasn’t that he was in a bad mood, but more of that he was preoccupied with this thoughts.
    The world was a mess. Between countless wars and natural disasters, it was in shambles. This world was a world like any other, but it was in pieces, in fragments. It couldn’t put itself together without effort, but it was an effort no one was putting forth. If any time was ideal for a saviour to appear, it was now. So where was Arthur?
    Still disguised as an old man, Merlin could not help feeling that his attitude reflected his appearance. He had waited so long, forever, it seemed, yet Arthur still remained dead. The world needed him-- Merlin needed him, now more than ever.
Hundreds of years had passed and he found himself wanting his prince more than he had in a long time. Things seemed utterly hopeless, pointless. Was Arthur ever going to come back?
Passing the cafe’s back windows to skirt around the building and enter through the front, Merlin froze. At the edge of his vision, he saw something of interest and turned to look inside.
A single person was sitting at a table, all by themselves. It was you.
You’d retreated into a booth in the corner of the cafe and pulled out a book from a shoulder bag, placing it on the table to read. Its pages splayed out on the surface, Merlin had to really squint to see what the title was and, when he did, he felt his breath leave him.
    Arthur & His Knights.
    God, fate was cruel that day, he couldn’t help thinking.
    But then he saw your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed in pure concentration and you bit your lip, leaning over the table and almost into the book. You were so deep in your tales of myth and legend that you barely noticed the old man staring at you in awe on the other side of the window.
    The thing that really clicked for Merlin was your eyes. Oh, how they sparkled-- bright with a knowledge beyond your years, a spark to light a crackling flame, an ember that would last lifetimes and, in fact, already had. Arthur.
    The moment Merlin thought the name, a shockwave of realisation hit him. Starting at his heart and bursting out across his entire body like a ripple turned into a wave, a flash of gold covered him. In a spectacle of blinding glory that you somehow missed, he was changed from old to new, ancient to young. He was himself again. But he hadn’t chosen it. It was forced upon him.
    He looked down at his hands and felt his face before looking back at you inside that cafe. Your very presence, and his realisation of who you are, had quite literally thrown him back through time.
    With that, he threw himself into the fray.
    Merlin entered the crowded cafe and made a beeline for you, feeling his heart beating erratically as he did.
    “Sorry, uh,” He started, clearing his throat. He hardly remembered what his voice used to sound like. “Can I sit here? All the other seats are taken.”
    When you looked up at him, he swore he nearly died right then and there. He knew those eyes. He knew you. But would you ever believe him about it? How could you? After all, it was entirely mad. You’d be right to think he was crazy. Maybe he was. But something about that little lightshow from before told him that he wasn’t.
    “Oh, sure,” you said cheerily, motioning for the seat opposite you. “I’m (Y/N).”
    “(Y/N),” he repeated, trying to keep the tone of wonder out of his voice. He sat down, placing his things on the booth beside him. “Arthurian Legend, huh?”
    You nodded almost shyly. “Yeah, my favourite. I’ve got a bit of an addiction.”
    “Well, it’s not unjustified,” he laughed. “Knights and castles and dragons-- who wouldn’t want that?”
    “I’m a little more interested in the magic,” you admitted.
    Merlin raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
    You pushed back your hair and glanced away before looking back. “It’s kind of amazing. A fix-it for everything, the ability to change the world as we know it. Don’t understand why people back then thought it was a bad thing.”
    At your words, Merlin found himself almost speechless. But he regained his composure and opened his mouth again, a little smile decorating his expression.
    “That’s a very poetic way of putting it,” he agreed. “But don’t you think it might be dangerous?”
    You shook your head instantly. “In the hands of the wrong people, maybe, but that’s how everything is. Give a man a knife and it’s up to him what he does with it. Doesn’t mean you should take away all the knives. Then we’d have to find other ways to cut things.”
    “Wow,” he muttered.
    “Sorry,” you said, face suddenly red. “It sounds a bit silly, doesn’t it?”
    Merlin grinned, “No, no, it’s not. I’ve just never heard anyone talk about it like that. It’s brilliant.”
    “You think so?”
    “Definitely,” he nodded. There was a slight pause, but he inhaled sharply. “Do you think it’s real?”
    You tilted your head at him. “You mean magic?” When he nodded, he saw you bite your lip. “I feel ridiculous saying it, but--”
    “Don’t,” Merlin said, attempting to encourage you. “Honestly, I won’t judge you for anything.”
    He was shocked when you continued, actually believing his words. He wasn’t exactly the most comforting person or encouraging. People usually sighed at him when he tried to give pep-talks. But you were instantly safe in his presence.
You talked about magic, whether you thought it was real or not, with a complete stranger. Well, he wasn’t a stranger, but you didn’t know that. All you knew was that you trusted him, this odd man, who you had completely forgotten to ask the name of.
“I think it might be,” you admitted with a deep breath. “I’ve felt surrounded by magic my whole life. The kind of stuff that’s happened to me...you would never believe.”
“Try me.”
Merlin smiled at you with a sparkle in his eye, one that shook you to you very soul. It was as if you knew him, but you could’ve sworn he was a stranger. You didn’t even know his name. But something about the man was familiar.
    That was where it began.
    You spoke to him for what felt like hours. You told him of all these odd things you’d seen when you were a child, things you swore had to be magic. You even told him about the old woman who approached you when you were little and called you ‘Arthur,’ which you had never told anyone before.
    When you checked the time again, you realised it had been a few hours. “Oh, I’m sorry. The time got away from me.”
    “That’s alright,” he said, waving you off. “I’m quite enjoying this.”
    You smiled timidly, but then you realised something. “You know, you never told me your name.”
    “That’s my bad. It’s Merlin.”
    “No,” you scoffed, but he shrugged, telling you he was completely serious. “You’re bullshitting me.”
    He grinned. “I’m not.” He leaned forward against his elbows. “And you know what?”
    “What…?” You asked suspiciously.
    “(Y/N), I know you’re a brilliant person,” he said, almost changing the subject. “Just from these few hours with you. So, believe me when I tell you; I’m not crazy.”
    You laughed a little. “I’m getting the sneaking suspicion you’re about to tell me something that sounds crazy.”
    “Maybe just a little.”
    “Alright,” you said, deciding to trust him. “Go on, then.”
    Merlin took a deep breath. “Magic is real. I believe it’s real, I know it’s real. And I know it sounds ridiculous--”
    Suddenly, you interrupted him. “I just went off for more than an hour about why I think it’s real and you think it sounds ridiculous?”
    “You’re easier to convince than I thought,” he chuckled.
    “Well,” you teased, “I’m full of surprises.”
    He gave a silly little smile, a smile that filled you with joy. “I know magic is real, (Y/N). And I can prove it.”
    All of a sudden, he held out a pale hand to you, raised upward in an offer of companionship. You eyed him curiously, but his smile never faltered. Something behind those eyes knew you, you thought. Something behind those eyes was magical. But there was something about you that was, too.
    “Will you let me?”
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
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bxstiae · 4 years
❤ + bxstiae !! yes, YOU !! Talk about the things you are most proud of, maybe things you like or things you want to talk about !!
[  @bxstiae​ ( ME ) / —–  POSITIVITY  ]              A C C E P T I N G
send me MORE urls you heathens.
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vam, if you didn’t think i wasn’t above giving myself self love ON THIS BLOG???? you are.... dead wrong. 
things i’m most proud of: the fact that i can bring smiles to other people when i can’t to myself sometimes. ( i tend to redirect things a lot which isn’t always a bad things ) really though, when i am at my lowest, there are sometimes that i actively seek out other people are are also hurting and try to make them feel better because, in turn, it helps me feel better -- it gives me a purpose & it helps keep my mind off things.
other things i am proud of: the fact that I WRITE. i write a lot. i write so many different things. and honestly, i am so very PASSIONATE about it. i’m so proud of my meta for link -- the most proud that i have been in such a long time!!! I have never felt so proud of a muse before until i remade link and GODS, nobody can take that away from me. ( i just pray i am not intimidating in that aspect ) i know i can write MOUNTAINS of words, but god, i will write a book about all the lore i have for TP, SS, & BOTW and nothing can stop me........ nothing. also, i am so, so, SO happy for the fact that i can write such a VARIETY of muses too???? like gods.... i won’t list all of them here, ( for there are some i wish to not bring up ) but i can play a wide variety of muses who all have similar motifs and im just??? dladshf 
i must admit that while sometimes i have doubt on my other blogs, there has never been a time where i have doubted link, and that in itself makes me so proud and happy. that yes, i finally have a muse that makes me so happy & comfortable!!! 
like you don’t understand vam, for somebody who had been igNORED and so unhappy for so long in another rpc because i felt like i was screaming at walls & nobody ever REALLY talked to me, i don’t at all care about that here. ( or maybe i do idk, i just don’t have the same treatment ) rather... i think.... i am so proud of myself for making the decision to finally, FINALLY cut the strings with one of the most toxic rpcs known on tumblr. like really, i have never felt so alive!!! and im just over her VIBING in my smol little purgatory, it’s so... great. i could cry for how happy i am. 
anyway, moving on.
i am proud that people don’t find me scary??? at least i don’t think so? i could be absolutely wrong by that.... but you know what? i feel like anybody who knows me would know that.... i am nothing but somebody who cares. honestly i once told a friend, i think it it might have been @wingclipped​ but i could be WRONG. But i always say that im like a dragon. i hoard something. or rather, i cherish something. and that something is that i cherish life & love. i will absolutely hoard all my friends and keep them safe. i will defend them with my life. no really, i would lay down my LIFE for them. I’ve always been so protective while also still keep somewhat of a front. to keep myself safe. 
speaking of which, i am SO PROUD of myself for learning how to say ‘no, this bothers me.’ while sometimes i still have problems with giving too much, i have come SUCH a long way to what i used to be..... but you know what, there was something else that somebody told me.
actually it was @vescrsol​ who told me! ( hella yea you know what i’ll name drop you cause honestly it was one of the NICEST things that somebody has ever told me and you know what.... it made me so happy and it made me realise that YOU’RE right.... )
him: Wearing your heart on your sleeve.... alot of other people cant do that me: hoW         NO         I am a fool him: No         You're stronger then you think         An act of kindness, is stronger then an act of defiance
honestly, i think since then, i’ve learned to like.... love myself a BIT more. at least if gave me just that boost of confidence that... yes, i am doing the right thing. at least, i feel, in my heart, that i am.
but ahhh..... i digress. anyway. what i want to try to get at is that, you know what, everybody has self-doubt! even i do! it’s natural as we are all human. but for me, i know that the self-doubt will pass! i know that there are people that i can make happy and that is what keeps me going! and you know what? i have had some pretty nasty things told to my face. both on tumblr, and irl, from just about anybody. and while that sometimes puts me down, i am PROUD that i can rebound!!
even when i was little, i had this mantra. if everybody else can’t be nice, then you be the better man. you be that ONE nice person. I struggled a lot in high school. and honestly, i cannot tell you how BAD it was, cause it was really bad. but i told myself, ‘no, i don’t want to be like everybody.’ as much as i sought out somebody to help me feel better, i realised some things...
1: there are people out there who feel the same as you. 2: there are people out there who’ve taken to try to make others happy while they, themselves, are also hurting, just like you. 3: only you can make yourself happy. 
this is why i take the time out of my day to check on people. maybe some people may not like it. maybe some people don’t want to talk. but that shouldn’t mean that you DON’T talk to them. i get everybody has their own ways of dealing with stress and talking to others. and honestly, i can understand that!! its absolutely okay! 
just like you vam. you, and kirby, and anybody else who takes sometimes days or weeks to respond. its okay!!! really. i just want you to know though that i care about you so much. there isn’t a day were im like ‘oh why did vam not message me wtf? i hate this’ no im never EVER like that. i am probably one of the most UNDERSTANDING, patient, & loving people you’ll ever meet. and i hope you KNOW that. i think the only thing i wish for people to realise is that... all you guys have to do is reach out to me. i know its hard. i know its scary. but know that at the end of the day, if you feel like you’re falling.... KNOW that i will be that head that turns. i will be that hand that reaches out for you. know that i would do anything in my power to pull out out, pick you up, and hold you. 
and KNOW, please please please PLEASE know, that i will never hate doing it. and that i am PROUD to do it. i am that one male cheerleader that holds his teammates up and does it with a SMILE on my face. even when i am hurting, i do it. because it makes me happy to know that i can cheer other people up! 
I knOW i am endearing!! i know, i know, i KNOW!!!! and yes, i know im a bit much. but you know what??? that’s the fucking latin blood in me!! i’ll never be ashamed of that. i make my own familie ( yes i actually spelt that right, its romanian, NOT SPANISH ). i’ll be the tati && the mami. i am both. you can’t stop me now >:)
anyway, i TOTALLY went off on like a tangent, but you know what. people need to know. this ended up from kinda being a self-love post to a psa post but you know what? i don’t care!!! everybody needs to know. 
and i think everybody needs to know that you all need to do some self-love. really though. if you can’t find it. then its okay, let me glomp on you then for the time being. i’ll do it!!! really i absolutely will. i will love & dote on you all. i think anybody who’s close to me KNOWS this. and anybody who’s known me only for a little while has come to realise this too.
but... you know what? what do y’all think? am i right, or am i right? ♥♥♥
anyway, i think i’ll stop for now haha i went off didn’t i. whoops. anyway. 
vam, know this: i love you. i always will. if you ever ever EVER feel like you need somebody, PLEASE don’t hesitate to scream at me. and by the gods, if i found that you made a bad decision™ of deleting a blog, i AM COMING FOR YOUR BOOTY. bruh, i am so about that life to metaphorically come at you like FUCKING HIROOMI.
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Fallen Chapter 5: Deal
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC (Rachel)
Genre: angst, fake dating, high school romance, fluff, romance
Whilst the crowd still had their attention solely focused on Brian Kang, you silently made your way down from the elevated podium to the ground, hoping to slip away through the crowd and disappear. Yet you had no such luck. You soon find yourself in the middle of an onslaught as adoring fangirls and fanboys alike charged towards Brian Kang. You couldn’t dodge them fast enough and you were soon assaulted by a barrage of hits and shoves. The last shove was the hardest, and it had you falling to the ground, knocking the wind out of you in the process. Wincing as you held onto your shoulder, you looked up to glare at the rude girl who didn’t even bother to apologise, curses already hanging by your lips. 
Only to be silenced by Brian Kang’s fiery gaze. 
Just like before, his eyes were locked onto yours, with you being the sole subject of his focus. Not even a single glance for a millisecond at anyone in the crowd of people surrounding him, all vying for his attention. All he could see was you. Your cheeks burned under the intensity of his gaze, and you did not appreciate the feeling of being scrutinised by a complete stranger. 
Turning away, you stood up from the ground with a huff, making a dash for the school building right at the end of the school. 
You wanted to be away from the crowd, 
Away from the humiliation, 
And away from Brian Kang. 
Something tells you that he’s not quite done with you yet, but you have no intention to stick around and find out if that’s true. 
Pushing open the light metal door, you deeply inhaled the cold winter air, relishing in the coolness that now glazed over the back of your throat. You made the mistake of looking up, causing yourself to be momentarily blinded by the intense rays of the winter sun. Once your vision cleared, you shuffled over to lean against the wall, sticking your head out over the edge to let the wind fan against your face. The cold wind was always so soothing, and this time round, you hoped that the wind could blow away the bad memories from the whole fiasco just now. It was silly to think that way, you know. But fear does sometimes make one lose all sense of rationality. You begin to wish upon the silliest things, hoping that by a miraculous stroke of luck, you could be saved. 
The tranquility of your quiet moment was broken by the sound of the metal door slamming against the concrete wall behind you, followed by the loud panting of someone. Wearing a scowl on your face, you turned around to stare at the intruder. A familiar mop of messy black hair greets you, and the same fox-like eyes finds yours again for the third time today when mystery intruder lifts his head up to face you. 
“Ya Rachel Hwang. When someone saves you, shouldn’t you at least say thank you? Or a sorry would suffice.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong so why should I apologise? Besides, I didn’t ask to be saved.”
“Oh so you’re going to play the saint now and pretend that you had it under control? Anyone looking could tell that you were terrified. In that scenario just now, I was a hero.” 
“A hero? What ridiculous nonsense.”
“You’re a fallen hero Brian Kang. With that little ‘heroic’ act of yours just now, you’ve basically fallen from grace. You’re now forever associated with me, and you’re going to be everyone’s target now. When you realise that you’re the topic of every malicious hallway gossip, maybe you won’t be so proud of your ‘heroic’ act anymore.”
You narrow your eyes at the last sentence, hoping your sharp words would pierce through his strong facade and make him realise that his metaphorical shining armour was a useless defence against the fire breathing dragons that ran the school hierarchy. Yet, just like before, Brian Kang clearly remained unfazed. Instead, he merely sets his lips in a thin line before saying, 
“That’s alright. I’ve got nothing to lose anyways.”
“What do you mean you have nothing to lose? That huge crowd of people cheering for you just now; you’ve got a reputation to keep school star basketball player. In case you forgot.”
Brian’s head hangs low for a second, letting out a scoff. 
“Not anymore. Ayeon just very publicly announced to her thousands of Instagram followers that she dumped me. As you said earlier on, I have indeed fallen from grace.”
The mere mention of Ayeon’s name sets off a flare within you, anger showing on your features for a short while. You know you shouldn’t be solely blaming her for the dismiss of your relationship with Jaebum; after all, it takes two hands to clap. But the mention of her name still rubs you the wrong way. You were still angry at both Jaebum and Ayeon, and you were extremely bitter that both of them were the cause for your sudden sorry state. 
Things were still the same. You were full of spite, and - 
“You want Jaebum to pay, I can see that. So let me cut to the chase: I’m here today to offer you something. A business proposal, you could call it that. Something that could work for the both of us.”
Brian Kang now has your full attention. 
“Carry on.”
“Fake dating.”
You turn back to face the ledge, signalling the end of a conversation. The idea was absurd; to act like you’re in love with a complete stranger. You knew that you couldn’t do that, the idea would simply never pull through and no one would believe your little show. 
“Look Rachel, I know it sounds crazy but listen till the end.” 
Brian Kang strides over to stand beside you now, leaning against the low wall as he looks at your side profile. 
“You and I stand to gain from this arrangement. Im Jaebum is a man with an inflated ego. After how you disgraced him in the canteen months ago, his self-esteem is now thoroughly crushed. A man being beaten up by a female in front of the whole school. His sole goal would be to get revenge against you; to see you crushed like an insignificant bug under his fingertips. He did that once in the canteen back then, and he did that today at the dunking booth. You and I both know that he enjoyed every second of it; being able to make you look bad. He basks in the sick glory he gets by making you an outcast so that your life in this school would be miserable. Why do you want to give him that perverse satisfaction by going around looking so beaten down like you did just now? By pretending to be happy with me, you can finally show Im Jaebum that your happiness is no longer in his control, and that you’re fully capable of being content without him. It’s time you took matters into your own hands, and reclaim your happiness, don’t you think?
It’s time to rip Im Jaebum out of the sweet illusion of the power he thinks possesses over people’s lives.”
A heavy silence falls between the both of you as you turn to make eye contact with Brian Kang. You can’t deny it, he makes a very convincing argument. You knew Im Jaebum well enough, and you knew that every word that Brian Kang uttered was absolutely true. He was used to being the one in control and if you were to tear that control away from him, it would make him livid; maybe even drive him insane. 
And right now, you knew you would give anything to see Im Jaebum break from his perfect image. 
But still, you didn’t see how Brian stood to gain from this deal. 
“You’ve only talked about what I stand to gain from this deal. What about you Brian Kang? You and I aren’t supposed to be the losing parties in this agreement.”
“I get to show Ayeon what she’s missing out on. And once she sees that, she’ll break up with Im Jaebum, and I get to have her back. You get to spite Im Jaebum, and I get to win her back. I did promise you that both of us would gain from the proposal.”
“It’s a very...convincing proposal. But we should agree on some terms and conditions, don’t you think so?”
“Don’t worry, I got that all figured out. You can pass me your phone number later, and we can discuss about it. So… I take it that we have an agreement?”
Brian Kang sticks his hand out in an old-fashioned manner, and you stare at it, making a quick decision in your head. 
Brian Kang was right. Like him, you had nothing to lose. You could only stand to gain from this agreement. 
“Congratulations Brian Kang, you have just earned yourself a business partner.”
Later that night, you got a text from him just like he said he would.
From: Brian Kang
The terms and conditions that you’ve requested for. If it’s all ok with you, the deal starts tomorrow. 
Public displays of affection only, no affection out of the public eye.
Don't get involved in one another's personal lives. All this is just for show.
Don't catch feelings for one another.
This will all end once I get Ayeon back.
Do we have a deal?
From: Rachel Hwang
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I have to laugh at this nasty piece of crap. She spreads crap about my friend, and then plays the victim, mind she has always been very good at this, anyone remember that scamming incident early last year, the one where Judy said there had been a miscommunication, and she didn't realise she had broken the agreement, well she played the victim there as well, and basically accused the ACTUAL REAL Victim of setting her up and trying to make her look bad. Yeah because everyone wants to make you look bad, you don’t do it yourself. Judy always plays the victim, shes very good at it, there has been a number of incidents she has caused over the years, and she has always been the one responsible for causing the incident, she then plays the victim and spreads crap about the REAL victim.  so what actually happened, there was an argument between Judy and another player in game and to be honest it was in my opinion her fault as always, she jumped the gun and started being funny to this other player, and this other player told her where to go and called her a scammer. So I will now explain the situation, Judy likes mounts, but she refuses to Mount farm (at least she used to) unless it was set to Loot-Master (there is actually past proof of this on her actual blog where she posts these things about my friend all people have to do is look), This one particular day Judy decided to make her own mount farming party,  and invites us, we accept not knowing that she set it to loot master she said nothing to anyone, we couldn't get the last DPS so Judy puts the party up in party finder, we soon get the last DPS. We went in to the duty and that’s when the random person asked why it was set to Loot-Master, we also were like . . .wait loot master . .so we all left the duty. Well out of the duty Judy kicked off demanding she would get the first mount as she was party leader, and any items the boss would drop again as she was party leader. Now Im going to say me and the other people in the group were not okay with this, and we were not aware she was like this, before we had only farmed 2 mounts with her, and she complained and whined through each one, she was very annoying to be honest, and if I am honest, she was carried through the previous 2. Anyway Judy claimed it was clearly displayed and she had clearly explained to everyone it was loot master, but she didn’t and it was not displayed we didn’t have a clue until we got in there and the random person saw it. But instead of saying sorry, Judy basically insults this other player saying she herself is Chinese and has better reading skills than this person and they them self must be stupid, so in linkshell my friend said to her Judy you should just say sorry and stop this and set it to normal loot roll please,  a number of the group who were in this linkshell agreed with this. Well Judy refused so after say 5 mins the rest of us left, and started a new group and put that up in PF, the random person joined us, and Judy joined us and she carried on bickering with this random person, who was not replying and seemed like they had blocked Judy. We then kicked Judy from the party.  So all of this started over Judy attempting to scam someone in Early September 2019. Judy wont admit to this though, she says it all started in November and December when my friend Freya’s account was inactive.  The second incident was in early October 2019 and was in the linkshell, so Freya and myself were in a PvP group with Judy and 2 of her friends, now it was not a pre made group, we just got unlucky and got matched with them, we were not really on good terms with Judy from the first incident, I mean I dont like people who try and SCAM others, why the heck would anyone.  Well Freya spelt something wrong in the party chat, and immediately Judy and her 2 friends started having a go at Freya, they were literally AFKing at base throwing abuse at her in party chat. Well unlucky I voted to kick Judy, and it passed. Well then Judy probably annoyed because she got kicked started having a go at Freya in the Linkshell that we were all in, and carried on insulting her. Freya has got dyslexia and English is not her first language so yeah she does spell things incorrectly, however I know people who do not have dyslexia and English is their first language and they spell things incorrectly, and in Judys case, I mean has anyone seen her take on English, I mean the above screen shots are traumatic enough its broken English at the best, I mean really no reason on this earth for Judy to actually have a go at someone for their English. The funniest thing was Freya didn't sit there and put up with it, Freya told Judy, which Judy didn't like, and then proceeded to kick Judy from the linkshell, it was so nice and peaceful with out the constant shrill tone of that bitches complaining, because let me tell you she complained about everything. I seriously think she has a queen complex.  So the next thing Judy claims is that we deleted our discord, we didn't we kicked her from it, because she was harassing people on it, we only invited her in the first place because she was a friend of one of the people we farmed mounts with. So harassment wise she contacted the daughter of one of our mount farming members and showed the daughter some stuff Judy claimed had been said by the daughters father to Judy over discord. . .I will use the word fake because these discord conversations had the other persons name blocked out, you could not see who the other person was everything had been blocked out. Basically Judy was trying to make a father look bad in front of his daughter by sending her altered screen shots. So we kicked her, she actually mentions her version of events in her blog posts, she says  “ I was suddenly pulled into the conversation team by them in discord. I didn't say anything before and thought I was worried. Fear of a fart, I had expected that you would come to play the big dragon and the phoenix. I was not surprised, and he also added the shrew to that group of conversations and Just say I design traps, I am a bad guy or something. I told my father and daughter that I left because I chose it because I had read what they said. As for which shrew finally said his desire to destroy my reputation, I will say on the spot that you continue to roar. I don't care anyway, all the so-called evidence that passes through your hand is the conversation you ps.”  (PS=Photoshop) so This blog was posted on  28/10/2019, I want to point out now that no one else seemed to know about any Photo Shopped images at this point the first mention of these from the other involved people like Yuri Fairytale comes in late November early December, So my question here is why does Judy mention Photo Shopped images, how does Judy someone who claims she is on the PS4 know these images are photo shopped when no one else even knows they exist until late November early December 2019, Yuri didn't know until November 30th so how did Judy know a month before everyone else ??? I think it is because Judy made these photos herself, she certainly made / altered the discord screen shots she sent to the daughter, i also know Judy is not using a PS4 all the time, Judy did start out playing on the PS4, but she bought copies for the PC, when she had a better PC, I know for a fact 1 persons account can be multi platform, I have had 2 different friends who have started with PS4 accounts and then gone on to the PC, it is an actual thing. So saying her account is PS4 doesn't mean shes still playing on the PS4, it means she originally started on the PS4.  Also going to point out Judy mentions Yuri and herself looked at these screen shots they claim are fake, Judy actually says they (Judy and Yuri) EXAMINED them closely personally I think this is very suspicious, I mean why would you need to examine something so closely, especially when you claim like Yuri does and has in the past, he has no idea when it comes to things like discord. Very Strange Judy also mentions she has access to a discord account which she calls the FAKE discord account and says she checks it and in fact has access to it, Is that the account that’s been pretending to be my friend seems like it Judy says it is anyway, and the only way Judy would have access to this FAKE account is if she was the one who made it.  I will say myself and my friend have involved discord, they have been very decent and have provided my friend with proof that her account was not active during the months of November and December. I mean I understand people may not be interested now, but people should be interested in the truth, these idiots from the lich congress for no reason set out on a witch hunt against my friend, and to a point myself, and a few of our other friends. They have spread lies about us for no reason, and we are not the first people this lich congress has done this to. They are idiots, they are people who love drama and thrive on it, so much so that they make it up themselves. 
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unicyclehippo · 5 years
(NewDm) i tried to put a twist on everyone meets in a bar, where everyone had a little intro scene that would end them up at the same bar, and then it would only be the players left... unfortunately the players didn't much feel like communicating so instead they were forced together on account of a large invading force, pushing them out the back to get outta dodge, the system is Starships and Spacewryms BTW, so it was a space bar and a space invading force (1)
(NewDM) but yeah, then they built a spaceship and did some space combat, and they did shockingly bad on account of everyone choosing the roll that, and i kid you not, they no modifier in; Eg: the pilot had a 0 in piloting, the gunner who could use either dex or int to fire had a 0 in both, the mechanic had a decent mechanics check... but spent the entire combat trying to hack and steal an opponents ship, the hacker on the other-hand worked to support the crew, mostly unsuccessfully and (Part 2)
(NewDM) and the magic user was actually firing of spells, so like they had the right idea at least... all in all i think it was pretty successful, even though they ended the game not even knowing the other characters names because they never actually spoke to each other... but yeah, im looking forward to new week tho.. the players were a capitalist space dragon-born, a human test subject with magic powers, a furry space barbarian, a robot hacker/rouge and a cyborg alien mechanic (Part 3)
(NewDM) but yeah dude! i didn't use music for mine, how are you planning on running yours? just like youtube or do you have some kind of system? also is yours DND? how much do you know about your players? Also i don't know if you recall but when i first started tell you about my game, i told you bout a player who was kind'a power hungry.. having played more with him i had the realisation that i basically play the exact same when im a player... its just misplayed enthusiasm really ukno? (Part 4)
oh inCREDIBLE. i was already thrilled when u said starships & spacewyrms (I’ve never heard of it but it sounds right up my alley, I love both those things) but then u started explaining how ur players chose the exact bad things for themselves & im now DELIGHTED. this is peak RPGs, im getting joy vibes, im getting stupidity vibes, im getting fresh faced DM making the slow & steady walk to grizzled vet vibes.
more seriously, that sounds amazing! it sounds to me like ur happy to work the improv side, adjusting as u go, like if ur players aren’t communicating & it forces u to make a space horde for them to fight. improv can be hard to use if ur not accustomed to it but i think it’s probably one of the most important skills for a DM, rolling with whatever ur players give u? i have only run two games tho so lmao maybe i will have a different view after tmrw. most importantly tho, it sounds like u had fun!!! that’s great !! & im glad that the power hungry player seems just enthusiastic - communication is still important but if ur content, that’s great!
as for my game: for music, i just have a speaker set up wireless from my computer. it didn’t work last time for some reason but imma test it this time, otherwise i will just play it through my laptop. i use game soundtracks usually (probably the wild hunt vibes mixed with destiny maybe), but i also like tabletop audio & sites like that which allow u to find audio like crowd chatter or a blacksmith workshop & stuff like that.
we are playing DND in my game, yes !! i have four players, three of whom i was friends w in high school & we reconnected through dnd abt a year ago now bc my friend offered to run a game for me! my fourth player is a friend of one of theirs who wanted to get into rpgs again. they’re all rly nice & funny & im very lucky !! the dm for my very first game is an Incredible dm (he helps me with some of the rules sometimes lol, like When The Fuck Does Sneak Attack Actually Apply) & he’s playing as a kenku gunslinger (gun pigeon) which is just so much fun
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