wyrm-clangen · 10 months
I love Turtlepaw dearly, because either she does not see that her mentor's manswagger is false or she just has faith in him anyway. National treasure
Oh no, he absolutely 1000% believes that Stinkbutt is just that cool. Because Stinkbutt used to live on this thing called a boat, and he knows all sorts of awesome things, like the actual names of fish in the river, and he says he's even been inside a monster's belly!!! And he lived!!! And if he could do that, surely he's gotta be the best mentor ever!!
Raggedpaw thinks Stink's full of shit tho lmao
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cricketclan · 7 months
Oooooh, do you tend to choose the deputy?
I didn't choose the deputy when birchfur became deputy but I did for basseye! I'll be choosing from now on too. I take into account relations between the leader and retiring deputy with them, if they had an apprentice, and traits sometimes but it just kind of depends on things and if I think it'll work for lore too
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songclangen · 1 month
I know you're on hiatus and all, but I just decided to swing back through the blog and gosh, the nostalgia. I really miss these kittehs
hi!! it was fun being so invested in this. been drawing a little bit recently but no promises
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rootsofdread · 4 months
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another fic! this was commissioned by @yourfriendlyneighborhoodmeme, a long-time follower of my blog <3 if you'd like to commission me, i take [writing comms] and [art comms!]
pairing: yui kimura x reader x thalita lyra word count: 1,375 warnings: mild description of canon-typical violence, usage of they/them for reader summary: One night, after a trial, a discussion with your girls turns a bit serious.
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You and Thalita walk towards the campfire, out of the dark, foggy forest and into the warm light. You beam when you notice Yui already sitting there, atop a log, waiting for both of you, pensively poking a stick into the little fire. Thalita calls for her attention, and she smiles and waves when she notices that it’s the two of you.
“Ah, come here, guys! I missed you two so much.” Yui ushers both of you over, and as soon as you two can, you both sit on the dirt near her and the warm fire. “You look like you took a beating. What happened out there tonight?” there was, of course, an undertone of concern; but mostly, Yui seemed proud of you. She always was.
“Nah—” you wave your hand, smiling sheepishly. “Nothing. Nothing that doesn’t happen all the time, anyways. Same old, same old.”
“They are so lying. You should’ve seen them out there!” Thalita playfully shoves your shoulder, grinning. “That killer had us both down, but unfortunately, went for them first. I was terrified, but they told me not to worry…” she nods her head towards you. “I didn’t see that they’d picked up a shard of glass. And neither did the killer. And when they picked them up, they stabbed it into their shoulder and got me back up and we took off!” she grabs your shoulders and rocks you around.
Yui stretches her arm out to tousle your head, the way a proud parent would. “Hell yes! See, I told you knowing that would come in handy.” she crinkles her nose, smiling all big. “I learned it from one of the other girls. I should teach you something else with the lockers.”
“Yui, you’ve always got good tips, but the lockers?” Thalita chuckles.
“No, seriously, it’s—”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think even this one could pull off a stunt like that with one of those.” Thalita nudges your arm with her elbow.
“Ah, Thali, let’s hear her out,” you bump Thalita’s shoulder with yours.
“Yeah! C’mon, I’ve got all the good tips, remember?” Yui stretches her foot over to Thalita and shakes it around.
“Wait a second! Wait a second—” Thalita snorts, swatting Yui’s sneaker away. “Be quiet for a second!” she waves her hand around a little, and looks around.
You and Yui both exchange a bewildered look before looking back at her, silently wondering what made her do that. She’s quiet, and turns her head back to face you two, eyes flickering between you, like a deer caught in headlights; almost like she’s expecting you two to catch onto whatever she heard or saw without an explanation from her.
You blink at her, and wait for the answer to come to you. You’re not sure it will, but she’s not saying anything. But that’s when you notice it — a subtle wave through her curly hair, and a coolness over your face. A breeze. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt a breeze. You had long thought anything purely natural didn’t exist here, and surely this wind was fabricated, too, but— it was nice. For once, for one shining moment, everything felt real again.
“A breeze…” Yui observes, seeming just as surprised as you are. “Wowww. Really makes me miss being on my bike,” she smiles. “With the wind in my hair, blazing down the streets. The city lights were so beautiful at night.”
“The windy beaches in Brazil,” Thalita adds, folding her arms atop the log and resting her cheek on them. “Ah, I’d give anything to run through the sand with a kite behind me again. The wind in my hair, and Renato laughing so much he topples over…”
You smile warmly. You don’t have anything to add, but hearing your girlfriends reminisce about the good old times really lifts your spirits.
“Maybe one day we can get back there.” Yui suggests, looking at you, then at Thalita. “I mean…there just…has to be some way out of this place, right? We could find it and get everyone out of here. We could all go home.”
Thalita completely lights up. “That would be nice. I want everyone to be able to go home.” her smile is so sweet.
Your heart drops almost as quickly as it had risen. Your stomach twists, both the topic making you feel awful, and the fact that you feel awful about it. It makes them so happy, the idea that everyone could get out of here, that they could be the ones to break the seal, or even that it could be done at all…but it makes you feel sick. You pull your knees up to your chest and scratch the back of your neck, silently hoping they change the subject quickly.
Yui notices the change in your body language. She tilts her head to look at you, and reaches out to grasp your shoulder. “Hey…you okay?” her eyebrows furrow. “You miss your family back home?” she gives you a small, sympathetic smile.
You put your hand over hers. “I actually…don’t have anyone back home.” you admit, raking your eyes over the black dirt. “So I don’t think there’d be a reason for me to leave this place, really. I just—” suddenly, it all spills out, you just can’t stop yourself; “I was all alone before I came here, and I finally found my people and my purpose here, and— and it would be like losing everything I’ve ever had, if I…if I left.”
The girls both look at each other, eyes widening. Neither of them seem entirely sure how to react to your confession— their expressions tell you that what you said was likely the very last thing they expected to come out of your mouth. But it was all the truth. And they knew that, of course.
Every organ in your body descends to the bottom. You totally killed the mood. Maybe you should’ve pretended you had family and friends and a job you loved and hobbies that made you happy back where you came from, so that they would still be happy. You shouldn’t have—
Without a word, Thalita springs forward and pulls you into a bear hug, leaning her head into the crook of your neck. As if on cue, Yui shuffles off the log and wraps her arms around your middle, pressing her cheek against the back of your neck. You knew they both loved you deeply, but these actions still caught you by surprise, somehow. In an instant, you felt overwhelmed by their shared love for you; like suddenly, everything was okay.
“I had no idea,” Yui says softly, nudging her temple against your spine.
“You should’ve said something sooner!” Thalita only half-scolds, notably non-threatening and all concern. “I would’ve invited Renato to hang out with us so much more often. He’s just as much your brother as he is mine.” she says, “he always wishes the three of us could go fly kites together on the beach. Every time he wonders if we’ll ever get to do that again, he asks, can I please take you with us?”
“My girls back home would love you. They’d all want to take you out for a ride the second they met you.” Yui sounds so happy remembering her girls. “But they’d have to wait their turn. Your first ride would have to be with me.”
You smile. Everything feels warm now.
“But, if we ever did get out of here, you know that we’d find you, right?” Yui moves her head to sit on your shoulder, opposite Thalita. “No matter where you were, or where we were, we’d find you.”
“And we’d bring everyone else with us! You’re important to everyone here. Especially us.” Thalita leans in to kiss your cheek. “You wouldn’t have to be alone long. And after that, never again! We’d make sure of it.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, they’re just making you so happy. “Thanks, girls. I love you.”
They both lean in to kiss your cheeks, muttering their own “I love you”s back and holding you tightly. You know exactly how loved you are now, here, in the fire-warmed corner of this dark and awful place.
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inquisitor-julia · 1 year
🎶 ten songs, ten people 🎶
tagged by the wonderful @daggerbean thank you so much for the tag!!
put the "on repeat playlist" on shuffle and share the top ten results, then tag ten people to do the same.
1. Red Ribbon - Madilyn
2. Lemon Days - Annelle Staal
3. Talk - Hozier
4. Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) - Hozier
5. Participation Trophies - Madelline
6. When The Rain Starts - Infinity Song
7. Goddess - Xana
8. Kamikaze - WALK THE MOON
9. Bird Song - Juniper Vale
10. Tears of Gold - Faouzia
So just....songs from my OC playlists essentially asdfghkjkl
And tagging: @mikkidarling @jespers @liveinink @inapickleinajar @fauxbarbeau @exantivancrow @yourfriendlyneighborhoodmeme @nostalgiaoverflow @dragonknightofsummerset @sinnamon-wade if any of you would like to do this! No pressure though and feel free to ignore! :)
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stardewlw-imagines · 4 years
Evelyn for the headcanons? 🙏
Thought I'd throw ya a curveball.
Realistic: Evelyn is the reason Jas loves fairy roses! She told her a story of how when she was a little girl her age, she saw fairies playing in those flowers. She always loved fairy roses ever since she was a kid, and is overjoyed that she has shared the love with Jas!
Hilarious: She was super adventurous when she was younger. She sees a lot of herself in Abigail, minus her grumpy attitude- in Evelyn’s eyes. She wasn’t as much rebellious as she was sneaky about it. She always snuck in and out of trouble, and never got caught.
Heart-wrenching: George in his old age has seem to lost the joy in life, and Evelyn tries to often remind him. It doesn’t work as much as she wished, and sometimes she worries that he’s just going day though day until he dies. It makes her sad to see someone who she loves so much not loving life anymore.
Unrealistic: Though she has lived her whole life in Pelican Town, she has no idea who ‘Mona’ is. Her grave was there ever since she remembers, and now? There’s no one older than her that she can ask.
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highlifeboat · 3 years
Can I just say it makes me immensely happy to see another fan of American McGee's Alice? It's such a dark, interesting twist on a classic tale.
Hell yeah. I haven't played it in a while, but they're great games and I love the story. Especially in Madness Returns when they make the fire a whole murder instead of just "the cat knocked over a bunch of books". The OG game is really fun (except the goddamn centipede fight). And it's a dark twist that (I think) is done really well. Like it's not edgy to be edgy.
I love how all the characters are portrayed, I like Alice flipping between reality and Wonderland, I like that the person responsible for all her suffering fucking dies.
Also Cheshire in those games? King shit, I love him to bits. When he gets decapitated in the first one? I just--
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herald-divine-hell · 3 years
High key? A really good massage would have Alexandra moaning
Imagine a love interest who isn't together with Alexandra yet giving her a massage and all they (and anybody else who's too close) hears is, "Right there," and "Harder," paired with pleasured gasps and groans
Heaven forbid one the companions like Varric or Bull overhears
Alexandra and her lover-to-be will never live it down
When it's offered, she thinks its just a joke, and accepts back with amusement and teasing to her voice. When the person is serious, Alexandra turns a faint scarlet. She is uncomfortable with her own body, from the scars from battle and things she regrets doing when she was younger, so it has to be someone she trusts - like Leliana. When she does gasps or moans, she would apologize and try to keep quiet.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Get to Know You Meme
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @some27-url
Omggggg thank you so much for tagging me, my love!! I'm not used to being asked ~personal~ questions, so I super appreciate your interest! ❤😭❤
Three ships (In no particular order) (And I'm also omitting ships involving OCs, cuz that would be ALL of mine lol)
1. Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones
2. Mike Wheeler and Eleven from Stranger Things
3. Tyrion Lannister and Shae :( from Game of Thrones
These were so hard for me tbh, I'm SUCH a self-insert/OC hoe that I almost never ship existing cannon characters with each other 😭
First ever ship
Good lordy I don't even know... Hmmm...
Probably either Woody and Jessie from Toy Story or Kovu and Kiara from the Lion King 2 😂 Or @some27-url mentioned Elizabeth Swan and Will Turner, and I think that's definitely one of the first as well.
Last Song
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix 🤘
Last Film
I just watched Venom for the first time, and it was so bomb 👌 Tom Hardy will always have my heart <3
Currently Reading
The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present by Paul McCartney (if you're a Beatles or McCartney fan it's literally SO GOOD and I highly recommend)
Plus like... a BUNCH of fanfics lol
Currently Watching
Peaky Blinders :) (I know I'm a little late to the party, but it's so good omg)
Plus I just finished The Witcher, and re-watched Avatar: The Last Airbender with my roomie
Currently Consuming
A banana and coffeeeeeee to get through this late night class 😭
Currently Craving
Ramen. Always ramen.
@satansleftasscheekcouldnever, @married-to-danse, @fandom-puff, @nuka-after-dark, @libertybri, @yourfriendlyneighborhoodmeme, @nobarkwrites, @fallout-drabbles-n-stuff, @thatwolfnamednyla
Again, thank you so much for tagging me, this was so fun!!
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noeldressari · 3 years
Get to Know You Meme
Thanks for the tag @yourfriendlyneighborhoodmeme!
1.) Favorite Three Ships
- Denna x Mare - Of Fire and Stars (I know there's no fandom for this book but sue me, theyre adorable and deserve to be together)
- Korrasami
- Warden x Leliana
2.) First Character Ship
Warden x Leliana (cause dragon age was the first fandom where i was interested in the romance)
3.) Last Song
Fickle Heart- Ira Wolfe (currently addicted to that song on repeat all day)
4.) Last Film
I re-watched Inside Out recently. Just cause. Though I am tempted to re-watch Atlantis.
5.) Currently Reading
Russian Roulette - Anthony Horowitz
6.) Currently Watching
About to start Arcane tonight after dinner. 
7.) Currently Consuming
Frozen pizza and pizza rolls cause there's not enough pizza in my life.
8.) Currently Craving
Culver's ice cream but I'm too lazy to go out and get it and that requires driving and I hate driving.
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wyrm-clangen · 11 months
I'm pleasantly surprised to see Riftstar so supportive of Rook and her kits even though they're half clan. Is that custom for him?
Riftstar was pretty chill about it, tbh. The clans, in my head, aren't too big on book canon traditions? So, y'know, sometimes inter-clan relationships are just a thing, and it's nbd. In the moment, there was more of a concern with the fact that Rook was the only healer at the time.
What is a big deal was Orangestar suddenly up and declaring blood rights to Grasspaw and Swishpaw via Cinderbracken, which is just considered to be a bitch move all around. No one left happy from that Gathering except Orangestar.
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cofounderfaunus · 4 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
tagged by @skipper-self-shipper
1) RWBY- Roman Torchwick
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2) Fire Emblem- Tiki
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3) Fate- Mordred
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4) Black Rock Shooter- Chariot
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5) Food Fantasy- Cold Rice Shrimp
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6) Homestuck- John
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7) Bloodborne- Lady Maria
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8) Blazblue- Noel Vermillion
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9) Black Butler- Ciel
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10) Tokyo Mew Mew- Pudding
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@maydmarigold @anemonether @wakanawill @yourfriendlyneighborhoodmeme @canibalisticflea @purple-grems-blog​ @rhodochrosite-love @creative-classpect @queenspinoodle @lolidunnoaboutnow
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wyrm-clangen · 7 months
Does having anon off stop asks??
No, just anonymous asks! I'll be turning it back on eventually tho! Def before Moon 28 :)
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rootsofdread · 1 year
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@yourfriendlyneighborhoodmeme not weird at all, thank you very much!! characterization is one of my Very favorite parts of writing!
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herald-divine-hell · 3 years
Been having some overstim + Alexandra thoughts 👀
I mean, really, what a thrill it must be to have the silver tongued lady of the inquisition sprawled out before you sweaty and quivering and barely able to string enough words together to beg for reprieve.
And it's a sight that's all for you. 😉
Alexandra, admittedly, would very much enjoy it, even if she does want to return the pleasure equally to you. Though, it does take her a long time for her to break and beg. Leliana has used overstimulation in the past with her to keep her in bed long enough for her to get decent amounts of rest, so that might be an extra incentive for you.
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herald-divine-hell · 4 years
It seems the older Amayian gets the more disdain you have for his long-lived audacity lol
Somehow, he’s going to survive and meet Genghis Khan.
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