yeongsiltownrp · 1 year
MENSAJE ADMINISTRATIVO (De carácter personal).
En esta oportunidad me comunico con todos ustedes para, lo más breve y directo posible, dar reconto de la situación del proyecto. Es de obvio conocimiento para quienes han estado pendientes del blog, que la actividad que veníamos sosteniendo ha sufrido (nuevamente) un freno abrumador y, tal como se sucedió esto, de igual características ha sido el "silencio" por parte mía como, hasta el día de hoy, webmaster del foro. La realidad es que no me enorgullezco de haber tomado tanto tiempo para aclarar las cosas pero también quiero ser permisiva conmigo misma porque para juzgar ya habrá otros.
Sin entrar en detalles escabrosos que a nadie va a interesarle, a menos claro que guste de los chimentos y el cotilleo, una vez más mí vida personal se ha atravesado en el camino y chocamos Yeongsil de trompa esta vez contra una separación, la mía con mí pareja de seis años. Quienes alguna vez se hayan mudado sabrán EL CAOS que puede acarrear de por si la acción de cambiar de casa, bueno aquí no es solo cambio de casa, es cambio de vida, para mí y mis dos hijitos. Son muchos, demasiadas cosas y mí cerebro ya no está capacitado para dar más de lo que da a día de hoy.
Por esto y más cuestiones que Wicked conoce más que bien porque, además de ser mí co-admin es también mí mejor amiga, luego de haber tenido una conciensuda conversación ambas, ella se prestó con toda la responsabilidad que tamaño labor requiere, a tomar el proyecto y llevarlo adelante de aquí en más.
Por mí parte estaré brindándole todo el apoyo y asistencia en el campo creativo, porque quién plantó inicialmente la semillita de YST en las tierras peninsulares de Jeju he sido yo, sin mencionar que hay contenido para tramas, eventos, sistemas y demás contenido pensado a futuro largo del foro, como para tirar cual manteca al techo pero será esta vez Wicked quien tomará entre sus fríos y tenebrosos deditos de ser del inframundo todo ese material para darle vida.
De verdad espero la apoyen también quienes aún sigan entre nosotros y la cuiden mucho por mí. Este no es un adiós, sino un hasta luego. Puede que me vean ocasionalmente por aquí y desde ya, de acá a unos meses (seis meses mínimo) si todo ha salido bien y como mí cabecita proyecta, regresaré para llenarlos de más misterios, roles y nuevas ideas.
Pase la que pase, Yeongsil Town tiene reservado un lugar demasiado importante y valioso en mí corazón y se que queda en las mejores manos que podría quedar. Les mando un abrazo apretadito a todos y espero estén mucho muy bien pero recuerden que, si un momento feo en sus vidas se hizo presente, es eso, un momento.
☙─Cuervo. (Desde su celular, porque ya no cuento más con PC para visitarlos y estar por acá ; u ; )
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bethelighthalazia · 5 months
Coachelly, Baby!
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Summary:  Mingi gets the call of his beloved girlfriend going into labor. While he's performing at coachella on the big sahara stage between two songs. Will he make it to the hospital in time?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: dad!mingi x fem!reader
Word Count:  1566
Warnings: none? mentions of pregnant reader (water breaks and labor mentioned)
networks: @mirohs-aurora-society
[note: the purple bold italic text is spoken english, every other spoken word is koreanthis is part of a mini-series for dad!ateez]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Mingi and you had not planned any of this. Of course, both of you were completely in love with each other, and Mingi already had gotten a ring to propose to you, but then, all of a sudden, life happened. It wasn't supposed to be a big thing, neither of you would have thought that this little quickie you two had backstage on their tour, yet a month after that, you had been staring at the positive pregnancy test. Mingi had accompanied you to the doctors and they also confirmed: You´re pregnant. 
Now, almost ten months later, you were sitting in the hotel room in LA. Your best friend, one of ATEEZ´s staff members, is lounging on the sofa. She actually had been on vacation, but didn´t want to leave you alone while the boys were performing on the Sahara stage. so, that's how the both of you ended up in the hotel room, when you felt it. A sharp pain caused you to curl forwards a little, Seonghwa´s Switch dropping from your hands. You knew this pain, fake contractions were normal in the last weeks already, but this time, it felt different. 
“Fuck…I need Mings-” You groan, feeling the wetness of the sofa and your sweatpants. Your water broke. Your friend quickly grabbed the bag that you had prepared and helped you up to lead you down into the foyer of the hotel, where one of Mingi´s bodyguards already waited to bring you to the hospital. You vehemently refused to call an ambulance, yet your legs gave up on the way to the car and the bodyguard quickly caught you, carrying you the last few steps. “Mingi- I need my Mingi!” You repeated, tears in your eyes while you tried to be strong and hold back. The ride to the hospital was quick, only a few blocks down the street from the hotel you stayed in. Unfortunately, since neither your best friend, nor the bodyguard were family, they weren't allowed to accompany you inside. Although, when you basically screamed at the nurses, they did let your best friend come with you. 
A few miles away, Mingi and the others just finished the second to last song and Hongjoong was talking to ATINY and the crowd again. That's when Mingi´s eyes went wide, because through the earpiece, he heard staff tell the group what happened. For a moment, they all were frozen in place, seven pairs of eyes directed at Mingi, who just stood there, mouth agape. “Aish! She really couldn't have waited?!” Wooyoung joked, trying to lessen the tension a little, but in that moment ATINY cheered loudly. Mingi had not kept the news of your pregnancy a secret, he was very open about it, but never revealed your name or picture, to keep you safe, of course. Before any of them could really do anything, the music for the last song started and they all performed Wonderland. Even though their thoughts were with you, Ateez performed fierce and powerful once again and, before the last note actually finished, Mingi ran off the stage. He didn't even stop to get changed, only grabbing Hongjoong´s arm, dragging him to the car to make them drive him to the hospital where you were having his babies.
During the drive, Mingi was basically vibrating on the seat, still feeling the high from the performance mixed with the excitement and anxiety of the infamous ‘dad-panic’. “Hey!” Hongjoong yelled after the fourth attempt to get the younger one´s attention, causing him to look quite startled. “Calm down, she's in the best hands. We´re almost there, Mingi-ah. Take a deep breath, okay? You can't rush in there and cause Y/nie to get even more stressed than she already is, okay?” The captain said calmly and gave his younger member a worried glance every now and then while also focusing on the road. “What if i´m too late? She´ll be upset with me…I promised to be there for her during birth.” Mingi mumbled under his breath, his fingers drumming the dashboard of the car. When Hongjoong parked the car, Mingi already jumped out before the engine was turned off, drawing a chuckle from the captain. The older male also got out and quickly followed Mingi, which was easy, since he towered over most of the people there. 
“Song Y/n, where Song Y/n?” The blonde asked, almost climbing over the counter to take a look at the registry himself, because the nurse was just staring at Mingi. Who could blame her though, he was in the full coachella attire after all, mic monitor and all still attached to him. Stepping in to pull Mingi back, Hongjoong took over the talking, Mingi´s english too butchered by his excitement. “We´re looking for my friend´s girlfriend, Y/l/n /Y/n.” The captain said, after all, you weren't married yet, but the nurse looked a little confused. “Uhm, we only have Song Y/n here, her friend put in the information while Miss Song was rushed to the maternity unit. Just follow the hallway down there and wait there please.” The nurse explained, even gesturing for Hongjoong and Mingi to follow the signs and hallways. The short male didn't have much time to thank the nurse, already being dragged after Mingi, who had spotted your best friend waiting for you. When the two men joined your best friend, Mingi was not able to sit down though, your bestie quickly helped Mingi to take off his earpieces and the microphone monitor when the doors swung open.
“Who's the father?” Another nurse asked, looking at Hongjoong, who nudged Mingi forward a bit, and Mingi was led to you. When he stepped in though, he froze in the doorway, looking at you with his usual boba-eyed pout. “I- I missed it?” He asked, the adorable expression on his face completely opposite to his rockstar outfit. You just smiled at him, your hair sticking to the sweaty skin and you looked exhausted, but to him, you always would be the most beautiful being in the world. That is, until his gaze shifted when he noticed movement on your chest. Very slowly, Mingi stepped closer, leaning in to kiss your lips before looking at the small bundles in your arms. Hold on, bundles? There was more than one moving bundle, but that would mean-
“M- more than one?” His voice was quiet, slightly hoarse as he tried to stay calm. You just nodded, watching him very carefully take one of the bundles out of your arms as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “A boy and a girl.” You whispered, seeing the smile on his lips grow wide, unable to hold back his tears as he held his newborn daughter in his arms, her whole body almost fitting into his hands only. “Welcome to the world, ChanHee and Yujin…” With a choked chuckle, Mingi kissed the baby's forehead gently, your son instinctively grabbing your finger as you carefully poked his nose. After a while, the door to your room opened again and the other seven members came in, Hongjoong and Seonghwa had talked to them beforehand to not be too loud and to behave, or else they´d be in trouble. 
The moment they laid eyes on the babies, Seonghwa and San couldn't stop themselves, tears running down their faces already. “You know…I do hope they'll grow to look more like you, Y/nie, and not like Mingi-'' Wooyoung said in a teasing manner, but is soon shut up by Jongho, who drags his hyung out of the room again. The captain congratulated you and Mingi, he even snuck in a bag with your favorite treats, and then shushed and hurried the others out again as well, so you and Mingi could enjoy parenthood for now. 
“I´m sorry, jagi…I really came as fast as I could, but-” “Mingi, please. You are here now, and that's what counts.” You cut him off, smiling gently at him, the babies by now laying in their cribs next to the bed. Mingi had taken off the jacket he wore and replaced it with a plain black shirt, so he couldn't possibly hurt you or the babies with the zipper and buttons of his jacket. You had made him lay down on the bed and cuddle with you, needing his warmth and comfort now, while he had asked you about almost every detail of the birth. It wasn't really the most casual talk, yet you did try to tell him everything, even though it mostly felt like a blur for yourself. It didn't take long for your head to drop against his chest while talking, the exhaustion finally taking over your body as you fell asleep. Mingi however felt wide awake, holding you tightly and peppering you with kisses. He felt so grateful that you walked into his life and now even blessed him with the two most beautiful babies. With a smile on his face, he carefully climbed out of the bed when Yujin started to make sounds. He very gently lifted her out of the crib and rocked her in his arms, humming the melody of Wonderland, the first melody that came to mind, to make her fall asleep again, a content smile on his face when he looked at his son and then you, his wonderful little family. 
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie, @h3arteyes4mingi
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊 — teaser!
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nonidol!eric sohn x fem!reader
you and eric met on an airplane, and that's where you thought it would end, but clearly the universe has a different plan in mind.
▷ genre, teaser warnings. s2f2l, fluff, no warnings except eric being unbearably clumsy and adorable :')
▷ projected release date. february 14th <3 EDIT: IT'S BEEN POSTED HERE! PLS ENJOY!!
▷ estimated wc. 26-28k
▷ taglist. open! (add yourself here)
tagging those from party people :') if you'd like me to remove u, then pls lmk! @polarisjisung @oi-miya @justalildumpling @sickvision @yogurteume @wtfhyuck @stayonceeva​ @smiles4jungwon 
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Luckily for Eric, the movie was more comedic and less touching, so the tissues he had stashed in his pants pocket could be saved for another movie that was much more emotional. Well… that was until after the show, about fifteen minutes after, in fact, that they needed to be used for a completely different purpose. 
“I am so sorry!” Eric squawked in distress, desperately ripping tissues out from their Avengers packaging and shoving them into your hands so you could staunch the stain of dark brown coffee blooming on your cardigan. Patrons of the cafe peered over curiously, then winced and looked away when they saw the mess of coffee spilled onto the floor beneath your chair. 
But for some reason, you were laughing as you blotted the bitter wash out of the cotton as best as you could. 
Eric sent you a frustrated look while he knelt on the floor next to you so he could start dabbing the coffee on your sneakers. “Why are you laughing? I just ruined your entire outfit.”
You sucked in a breath, the remnants of your laugh lingering on your lips. “I’m—pfft—I’m sorry! I actually have no idea why I’m laughing or why I think it’s funny, but it’s totally okay, Eric.”
“The more you say things are okay, the more I think they aren’t,” he groaned. His mouth pressed into a pout as he rose to his feet, swiping his forehead with the back of his hand. In his other hand, he held a crumpled ball of napkins damp with coffee and dirt. 
You realized that your cardigan was beyond saving without some good laundry detergent, and you tossed the Kleenex in your hand onto the table so you could shoulder the garment off. You grinned up at him, “Well, just know I don’t hold a grudge. This could use a wash anyway.”
Eric huffed out a breath of air as he crumpled into the seat across from you again. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what the matter with me is today, but I swear to god that I don’t make a habit out of screwing up dates.”
You blinked, heart stuttering in your chest. “Huh?”
“—Da—ys out!” He rushed to correct himself. He cupped the back of his neck with a hand, cheekbones flushing to a delicate pink. “Days out! I said ‘days out’!” He nodded to himself, muttering, as if to convince himself of what he just said. He suddenly stood up again. “I’m gonna go ask one of the staff members for a mop."
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want another teaser? read how y/n and eric met here (comfort incoming) / read the first fic of the series: party people (jacob's storyline)
tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @mingiholic @ethereal-engene
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viviandroidcardigan · 2 months
Plot for the yuingisangAU with a bodyguard tag!
For mood think a mix of Perfect Blue and Bodyguard the movie. Thriller, idol stalker, hurt/comfort.
YS is a successful solo idol. Someone like Taemin who is very sensual and confidently gender nonconforming on stage but is a shy babie off stage. He had his share of sasaengs but there is this one new stalker that seems to know and have access to all of his schedules and leave him notes in restricted areas that go from adoring to demanding to threatening.
They have ridiculous demands too, like dictating what YS should wear and what color to dye his hair, bc that is his "number one fan" and knows better how he should be. And when ignored there are serious accidents happening, like YS' manager has a piece of equipment fall on him. Leaving YS extremely freaked out and isolated.
So his management team gets him new bodyguards who will follow him everywhere. They are his age and usually work as a pair so they provide around the clock security, they are very reputable contractors usually working with chaebols and politicians, but looking to branch out into entertainment.
Yungi are childhood friends in a semi-open relationship, who are very cool but also they just immediately fall for YS. But ofc they won't ever do anything unprofessional like pursuing him. Or so they think. The stalker doesn't appreciate this new development. Like one time YS comes to his studio and there is a new note and on TV there is a recording of him doing something mundane AT HOME, someone had to be inside his home to film it or plant a camera.
After that YH and MG start living with him as well. YS is a wreck, not sleeping, paranoia coupled with his lack of basic skills like making food or anything besides being an idol really getting to him so yungi start taking care of him beyond just pure survival and lines keep blurring.
They develop a friendship, eventually share childhood traumas etc. One of them is constantly near, that's the only way he can sleep, even if still getting nightmares. YS is getting a crush back but beyond the power dynamics he is not even sure who he likes more.
But also one day he accidently sees them going down on each other and he is so confused, bc he thought they were flirting with him. But now he thinks it's his mind playing tricks again, they were just being nice while doing their job and he is so starved of genuine interactions that he misunderstood it completely.
It makes him embarrassed and try to be distant from them. And that's how a stalker who was silent for some time makes his move and kidnaps him.
It's one of the staff members from the company, who was with him since debut and feels ownership over YS' success and him as a whole. Before anything can get violent yungi burst in, they were investigating the staff all along. YS saved they have a talk to clean up the misunderstanding and get together in the end!
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archoneddzs15 · 20 days
Title: ARCUS I-II-III / アークス I・II・III
Developer/Publisher: Wolf Team
Release date: 23 July 1993
Catalogue No.: T-32094
Genre: RPG
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Those of you who played Arcus II: Silent Symphony already know about half-elf Pikt's epic battle against the demon lord Warren. Due to poor game design, the combat itself wasn't particularly special. However, the emotion behind the battle was unforgettable. On one side, a naive orphan crossed oceans and endured persecution to honor the memory of a father he never knew. On the other side, an indomitable miscreant fought to bring carnage, chaos, and justice to the world that screwed him over.
In Arcus I-II-III, Pikt's emotional confrontation against Warren is even more powerful than before. It's hard to shake the image of the blue-skinned demon's twisted face, laughing at Pikt from within a bed of flames. Victory in defeat — it's a bittersweet finale.
Most of you wouldn't know anything about that. You see, by mid-1993, time had already passed Wolf Team by. Their parent company, Telenet, was hemorrhaging millions of yen and losing talented staff members by the month. Projects were quietly canceled or quickly rushed to production to plug bleeding wounds. Telenet's collapse crippled Annet Again (Anetto Futatabi in Japan). It killed Apros: Castle in the Sky. The Mega CD dream was over.
But somehow, Arcus 1-2-3, a revamped compilation of Wolf Team's entire RPG series, survived. Bumped from March to May and then to July, delayed to the brink of death, this CD finally saw commercial release (albeit in miniscule numbers). The game shines with love and care, as though the Sega side of Wolf Team knew this would be their eulogy. Unfortunately, judging by the lack of internet reviews (I found one in Japanese), it has been forgotten.
Similar to the Turbo Duo's well-known classic Ys Book 1 & 2 (Ys I-II), the Arcus games must be played in sequential order. Each of the three episodes stands alone as its own complete dungeon crawler (lasting 20 to 40 hours apiece), but they do build upon each other with progressively more complex dungeons, more challenging puzzles, and more dangerous creatures.
It all begins with an exciting vocal song about Jesus! After that... unusual... introduction, the real story begins with a young knight-in-training, as many stories do. This particular knight is named Jedah Chaff. He soon meets a friendly thief named Toron and a drunken female mercenary named Erin. Fans of Arcus Odyssey take note — you've seen some of these characters before! Each has their own unique and useful specialty; Jedah wields a mighty sword, Erin's chain-dagger can slice through an entire group of goblins, Toron is an expert at disarming poison gas traps (or hiding like a cowardly hobbit), wizards and sorceresses cast powerful and decently-animated spells, archers can pick off enemies at any range, and Pikt... well, 12-year-old Pikt summons the spirits of nature. As in The Bard's Tale, summoned dragons, golems, or Arabian spirits temporarily join the party and behave like additional characters.
Their first quest is to find and appease the golden dragon "Rig Veda". Wolf Team often waxes philosophical in their games, and Arcus is no exception. This time around, they've crafted a story about the evils of war: the golden dragon sits in judgment of the world, and it's up to the heroes to prove humanity's worth. Although the concept isn't entirely original, it makes for an unusually reflective journey that often seems more concerned with exploring the nature of humanity than with saving the world.
Although several of the visual scenes focus on action-packed swordfights, others instead highlight quiet, introspective moments. Imagine a beautiful midnight atop the magical tower of Miryuu: a clear, comfortable night of relaxation spent admiring the twinkling stars... You'd have to be a heartless beast to not be moved by the way Erin tells her story, to not notice the lingering nuances of her voice that betray the disdain she feels for the way she used to live.
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Life never stays quiet for long, and this is no exception — Jedah and Erin are about to be interrupted by their blonde Bishounen archenemy! The original PC version of Arcus, released way back in 1988, lacked a compelling "villain" character. Sure, the golden dragon is lurking somewhere in the world, but Rig Veda represents an idea more than he represents a strong, tangible GUY TO HATE. For this compilation, Wolf Team has actually inserted the third chapter's villain into the first two episodes. So, during Erin and Jedah's quiet conversation, a familiar villain from Wolf Team's past appears in a red swirl of mist and unabashedly announces his presence. Luan Khan!
It's nice to see a villain who's not afraid to tell the heroes his name. It's also nice to see a villain who's introduced early in the game, instead of during the last ten minutes.
He's quickly fought off by the group's combined efforts... but he'll appear again, and again, and again. Luan Khan's looming presence throughout the entire disc is a brilliant addition that gives the first chapter a stronger sense of purpose, adds unpredictable suspense (since you never know when he'll appear), and builds anticipation for the game's final battle. Khan is an expert swordsman, but his dark sorcery can twist the hearts of friends and force companions to turn against each other. Across the game's 13 years, from initial hero Jedah to final hero Pikt, Luan Khan is the glue that holds it all together.
Why Arcus 1-2-3 succeeds is that even though its story is deep, insightful, and engaging, it never forgets that it's a game. Even the combat becomes progressively more involved, to the point where random encounters require frequent healing and careful spell selection. Aside from some interesting visual effects, the battles aren't so much graphically impressive as they are mentally engaging. Along with the aforementioned spell management, each character is also able to "encourage" other party members (with actual voices!), which raises their level of willpower (which increases magical effectiveness). Whether it's adult Pikt curtly telling love interest Suu to "hang in there" or the minuscule fairy Ruu-Shan chattering away endlessly, this feature gives battles a unique sense of camaraderie that's missing from most dungeon crawlers. Each character has several different messages, depending on who they're trying to inspire.
As you defeat enemies in battle and gain levels, each character undergoes a complex series of promotions. At level ten, Pikt can become either a knight or a spirited fighter; if you choose "knight", he might later become a warlord or paladin... but if you choose "spirit fighter", he's walking the path toward elementalist or summoner. Each new promotion affects vital statistics, spell selections, and even the weapons that a character can use. This allows for a lot of experimentation. I know I'll be playing the game again, and I'm eager to see how my choices affect character development the next time through.
After exploring over three dozen dungeons, and defeating mad kings, demonic armies, and even close friends, everything ends with an immensely satisfying (and difficult) finale that makes a poignant statement about taking responsibility for those you love. It also ties every loose end together in a convincing and surprising way. There are revelations that I never saw coming, revelations that fill plot holes that most games wouldn't even acknowledge. How did Luan Khan get hold of the mystical sword "Bloody Rose"? The last time we saw that blade, it was in the hands of that crazed devil Warren...
Play Arcus 1-2-3 to the end and you'll find the answer. You'll also find a deep and complex series of dungeons, a legendary soundtrack, an intricate system of character advancement, humorous dialogue, serious discussions, and a story that actually means something.
Wolf Team could have simply ported the PC versions to disc. They could have just slopped all three chapters together and said, "here's your compilation". But instead, they reworked and re-tooled three disconnected adventures to create a unified, meaningful whole. Someday, I'll search the internet again. I hope that instead of one review, I'll find a hundred. Then, I'll know that I'm not alone; I'll know that others heard Wolf Team's cry.
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possession1981-moving · 10 months
why are the st@ys making compilations about how the strays obviously wanna fuck their female staff members you’re all FREAKS oh my god
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klug · 3 months
The most notable thing to me about the new Madou Monogatari game is the staff which consists of the true father of Madou and Puyo Puyo Kazunari Yonemitsu, author of the True Madou Monogatari novels and writer for Madou Monogatari on Sega Saturn Kenji Oda as story advisors.
The main character designer is Sunaho Tobe, who did the CG/sprite artwork for Puyo Puyo~n's console versions
Ichi also returns as a sub-character designer, and you can tell which ones were designed by her, imo.
The other sub-character designers seem new to the franchise, but they have impressive portfolios since Shinichirou Otsuka is the illustrator for the RE:Zero novels and Katsumi Enami worked on Ys 7, two Trails games, and is otherwise a pretty prolific illustrator.
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 3 months
This is dumb and I shouldn't care about this, but a while back (like early May) there was this idiot on discord claiming he was CBS staff and he'd already seen the Young Sheldon final episodes plus the first 2 episodes of Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage. A bunch of people just took him at his word even though previously someone else corrected him about the run time of the YS finale (something someone who's already seen it should know) plus every question someone asked him about the shows was conveniently answered with "I'm not allowed to say" or "I don't remember."
Obviously I called bullshit but the mods decided even if I was right it wasn't against the rules for someone to impersonate a CBS employee. And then he turned around with 'I can't believe you would be so mean and call me a liar I'm so upset how can anyone act like this I thought people would be nice here I'm nothing but honest and you're so cruel 🥺😢🎻🥺😢🎻' and then other people said they didn't know who to believe and it was a whole thing. We were forced to drop the issue a few days later.
Well I would just like to point out that thanks to that article we now know that they're currently still in pre-production for Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage (which I suspected back in May too but couldn't find proof), it is not possible for anyone to have seen the first 2 episodes yet. I was right. He's a liar. Everyone should listen to me. I wish there was some way for me to put this all on that discord server without sounding insane but there's not, so you guys get it here instead.
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maximura · 7 months
Thanks for replying. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
This is just 1% of how Choi San has been behaving for the past 3 years or more.
He's got his priorities straight. I guess you haven't been watching interviews or their channel content. San's choice is always Yeosang. Even on "Wanteez EP7", the final decision sounded like the staff/production told them to pick each other cause it made zero sense if you watched the whole dynamic.
Anyway, so sad, but well, I guess I need to move on. =(
Yes, it's okay to have differing views. I didn't mean to gaslight you or anything. I definitely understand where you are coming from and it does seem sus but I just don't get any ~spicy vibes~ from YS/San. It's always been straight up (kinda performative) friend-vibes to me. I don't think San regrets anything because he was already asked about the tattoo and he didn't even have to think about the reply.
I might not have watched every single Ateez content but I've been in kpop long enough to know that companies have a real awareness of shipping culture and will amplify or diminish it as they see fit. And this is SK we're talking about; they're not very progressive when it comes to LGBTQ situations.
Who knows what is going on in that group, it's not my business how they spend their personal time anyways. I'm sure they're doing what they think is right for the members and the group. Nobody looks miserable right now so I'll take that as a win.
Yeosang is lovely though. Would I ever pick him over Wooyoung? Not in this lifetime. I'm not sure I'd even pick San over Wooyoung to be honest......no, I didn't just say that.....
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shanaraharlyah · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
My lovely friend @fantasy-art-room asked if I would share something I'm working on for WIP Wednesday. 💜 Thank you so much! Sorry I'm posting so late, but here is a little snip of Ys and Teagan during the events right before Dragon Age Inquisition begins. I started on a render for it, but I'm not quite ready to share that WIP yet. Hope you all enjoy!
The morning in Redcliffe had passed by without incident.  Teagan had taken petitions from the village and across the Arling for several hours, mostly concerns about the rebel mages presence there.  He was tired of explaining that they were just seeking refuge and that Redcliffe had been offered as a safe haven for the time being.  His beloved there by his side, her fingers curled around his in support, made the job easier for him to get through.  He wished she could be with him all of the time, but he knew she had her own work to do alongside his nephew Alistair. 
Ysmeria had returned when she'd received word from Leliana of the conclave set to occur at the Temple of Sacred Ashes in Haven.  She hadn't been invited to the peace talks, but she wanted to be close in case something went awry.  As a mage herself, she had seen first hand what could happen to mages in the circle and had advised him on what to expect for his nephew, Connor, all those years ago.  At the onset of the rebellion, Teagan had taken Connor in.  The young man's experience as a boy made staying at the castle uncomfortable for him but he was grateful for his uncle's love and hospitality.  Ysmeria would often sit with him and talk when she was able to return to Redcliffe.  It eased his mind to talk about his fears and regrets with her.  It felt like they were a real family.
When Teagan finished the morning's work, he and Ysmeria retreated to the office to file paperwork and answer the letters that were awaiting his attention.  Always attentive, Ysmeria set to work on his tight shoulders after sending for bread, cheese and fruit to be brought to them.  They hadn't yet heard any news from the conclave, but Ysmeria expected they would have it as soon as something was decided.  Her best friend was the Left Hand of the Divine after all, and would send her a raven straight away.  
The pair had made their way through several documents when a loud crash, like thunder, erupted from the great hall.  They looked at one another with concern before scrambling to their feet.  Teagan grabbed the shield from the rack in the room and rested his hand on the sword hanging from his belt while Ysmeria picked up her staff that had been lying on the bed.  They ran back to the hall to find a green light swirling around a smoking tear that had manifested overhead.
"What the blazes..?" Teagan exclaimed, raising a brow at the curious sight.  Another crack split the air and had the pair shielding their faces.  When they opened their eyes several demons had manifested inside the hall.  "Is this some sort of attack against us?  …Where is Connor?"
Ysmeria put her hand on his forearm, "I don't know, Teagan, but I doubt it’s Connor's doing.  I've not seen anything like this before.  Not even when the circle tower was overrun.  Prepare yourself, we don't know how many there might be."  
Teagan looked at her and nodded before drawing his sword and strafing around to the right toward the dais.  "Were you looking for me, foul creatures!?  Well, come and get me!" he yelled, drawing their attention.
To be continued
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awoosmusehorde · 1 year
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The Ascension Trials.
In Scholomance, they are a bi-yearly event where 42 prospective magi summon Heroic Spirits to act as Servants and engage in a free-for-all to be the last seven standing so that they may earn the privilege of being called a Magus and join one of the Six Houses that effectively rule over the city.
Lemuria. Ys. Valhalla. Elysium. Aztlan. Dorado.
These Six Houses control nearly every aspect of the city that has come to see magecraft as normal in their daily lives, seemingly defying the very prospect of Mystery that supposedly defines the art. To this city, the battle of Masters and Servants has become akin to a spectator sport, a grand event where the pinnacle of magecraft can be seen in action, and where futures are either built or violently torn down.
Of course, no mere Holy Grail can supply such vast amounts of prana. For the Six Houses, the Holy Grail’s “miracles” are like child’s play. What fuels these trials is something greater, the very foundation upon which the city of Scholomance thrives - a source of prana so great that one might think they’ve re-entered the Age of Gods.
A massive tree at the heart of the city, named after the Norse tree of legend, its luminescent leaves illuminating the underground cavern’s roof so brilliantly that it seems as though the sky had been forged anew beneath the earth. Consuming od and producing prana like a normal tree might breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, it is the source of the incredible feats of magecraft that the surface world could only dream of.
But such immense power has always attracted those who covet it. From the Mage’s Association in 1883, who waged war on Scholomance in an effort to claim the city and its heart for themselves, to numerous individuals who thought to usurp control of Yggdrasil from the Six Houses, all have failed.
...Until recently.
The sound of the automated door to your room can be all it takes you to awaken, these days, at least on the mornings where you didn’t fall too deeply into sleep. It’s usually the days where you’ve had so little to do that you don’t need much rest, and the past week or so has been another one of those days.
“Good morning, Senpai. Did you sleep well?”
It’s the ever-familiar voice of your punctual lavender-haired alarm clock, Mash Kyrielight. You answer in the affirmative, sitting up rather easily and rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Being in a more familiar-looking environment has done wonders for your comfort while sleeping, after all; having a room like your old one at the original Chaldea has made things much easier than sleeping in the Shadow Border, even though it wasn’t all that different. It was just nice to have some measure of stability, again.
“Da Vinci wants to see us in the Command Room once you’ve gotten dressed and eaten, Senpai. It seems they’ve found a new Singularity while we prepare for the next Lostbelt.”
Another Singularity... It worries you that, despite the presence of the Lostbelts, new Singularities continue to appear here and there. For the most part, they’re minor, and tend to go away on their own, but you’ve come across a few that have been rather stubborn, for one reason or another. Still, you’ve been through enough of them that you acknowledge it, asking Mash if she knows anything more about it as you change in your changing room.
“Only that it’s somewhere in Romania... I’m afraid I don’t know any more than that, I’m afraid.”
Romania... You briefly wonder out loud if it’ll have anything to do with Vlad III, to which Mash seems to pause and think, still silent as you emerge in fresh clothes.
“I don’t think so... The staff seemed oddly serious, so if it was something relatively routine like that, I don’t think they’d be so concerned.”
Hearing that did cause you to tense up a bit; was something unusual about this Singularity? You immediately recalled the four Singularities that had been caused by the Demon Pillars before the Crypters’ attack on the original Chaldea, and felt more worried than before - something that Mash immediately caught on to.
“Oh, but I don’t think it’s something so serious! It’s probably just a slightly unusual case! It should be fine!”
You can’t help but chuckle a bit at Mash’s attempts to ease your worries; sure, something in your gut still tells you that something’s not quite right, and that this will be far from routine, but at least you’re reminded that something not being “routine” hasn’t ever stopped you from succeeding before.
As you arrive in the Command Room after eating, you’re greeted by the familiar sight of Da Vinci, Sion, Goredolf, and Holmes, all awaiting your and Mash’s arrival. After a brief exchange of greetings, Sion is quick to get down to business.
“So, as Mash has likely informed you, we’ve detected another Singularity, and as you’ve likely guessed, we called you here because this one doesn’t seem likely to just go away on its own.”
You nod and affirm that this is far from your first rodeo, after all. All you need to know is where and when you’ll be going, what Servants you’ll be taking with, and what the objective is, after all. Sion grins in response, replying positively about your confidence, only for the usually-jovial Da Vinci to frown.
“Unfortunately, we can only provide you one of those points at this moment... The where and when.”
Confused, you ask her what she means, to which Holmes interjects.
“What Da Vinci means, is that we’ve detected the Singularity in the present day, approximately 15 miles underneath the Transylvanian mountains in Romania. A couple of our engineers have taken to calling it ‘Scholomance’, after the legendary school of magic supposedly ran by the Devil that was supposedly in that location. Aside from that... what information we’ve been able to uncover has been rather disconcerting.”
Disconcerting? The fact that it has the entire team worried - save Sion, who remains her usual self, either through having no lack of confidence or nerves of steel - immediately puts you on edge, and you ask what the problem is, to which Da Vinci replies.
“Our tools aren’t picking much of anything up, unfortunately. Only a few things; first, that the amount of prana at the location is almost akin to the levels observed during the Age of Gods, nearly matching the Atlantic Lostbelt in sheer prana density. Second, there are a lot of Heroic Spirit signatures. And we mean a lot.”
Goredolf, perhaps predictably, almost instantly panics after Da Vinci’s explanation.
“Wait, you don’t mean that there’s going to be hundreds of Servants to fight?! We can’t send our primary Master Candidate into that! It’s practically suicide!”
You’re more curious as to just how many there are, exactly - after all, “hundreds” seems like something of an exaggeration, a notion that Mash agrees with, and Holmes is all too happy to clear things up.
“Indeed, but it’s still no insignificant number. The last time we checked, there were over 30 Heroic Spirit signatures being observed, and the number has since dwindled to just over 20. Thus, we can surmise that they’re not all allied together, and are instead fighting one another.”
The news does calm Goredolf, but Da Vinci’s expression is still one of concern.
“Of course, that doesn’t mean things are safe for you. More likely than not, sending you in will mean that you’re likely to end up in the middle of a massive Holy Grail War of some kind. It’s not something you’re unused to, of course, but the fact that we can’t detect anything else is the real problem. When we send you in, it’ll likely take everything we have just to keep your existence verified; unless you can find a way to clear up our connection, I’m afraid you’ll be without support from Chaldea.”
That was the part you’d been dreading to hear. Of course, you’d done things without backup before, but it was always much more reassuring to have Da Vinci, Holmes, and Sion there to help you figure things out... Still, you nod in understanding with a grim expression. It won’t be easy, but when has your job ever been easy? In response, Da Vinci’s expression finally relaxes and Sion gives you one of her signature smiles and a nod in return.
“You’ll be fine! And hey, since we don’t have any recommendations on who to bring, why not grab a few of your more recent summons? Let them get their feet wet, so to speak, and get used to working with them in a real Singularity!”
You can't help but agree; there's a few of your newest Servants you've been looking forward to working with, so you already have a few in mind. Taking your leave to go and locate them, it doesn't take long for you to rendezvous in the rayshift chamber. Naturally, coming with you is Mash with her Ortinax gear, but there's four other Servants beside you, some more eager than others, as you enter the coffins and prepare to rayshift...
RAYSHIFT BEGINS IN 3... 2... 1...
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yeongsiltownrp · 1 year
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❝Ha sido un largo tiempo...❞ ━  Anuncio.
¿Nos conocemos? ¿Acaso ya nos hemos visto? Uhm, quizá es solo mi imaginación... ¿Por qué no empezamos de cero? ¡Bienvenido seas!
Di muchas vueltas en mi cabeza hasta conseguir ordenar, no sólo aquello que quería decirles sino lo que en sí estaba sintiendo y aún hoy me cuesta, me asusta un poco, no obstante, no quiero ni voy a permitir que algo que me hizo tan feliz y que me generó tantísima ilusión se vea restringido por el "qué dirán" o incluso, por inseguridades que se fueron formando a través de este tiempo de hiatus.
Es hoy, es el momento, ya no voy esperar más; Porque aunque pasaron muchas cosas y quedó demostrado, para mí en lo personal, que no siempre todo resulta como lo planeamos, en ese período en el que quizá no todo fue malo pero salir se hizo demasiado para mí, que en ningún momento Yeongsil Town dejó de ser un sueño a volver realidad. YST es un proyecto en el que, no sólo puse todo mi corazón sino mi esmero y creatividad, en el que dedique trabajo de investigación, edición, narración, aprendizaje inclusive y estar en esta instancia, confieso me llena ¡de tanta felicidad!
Por fin llegó el día en que puedo decirles esto, el día en el que puedo volver a presionar el botón de Inicio y salir de aquella Pausa a la que entramos hace casi ya tres años. Hoy anuncio que Yeongsil Town RP vuelve a su marcha, que verá la luz, que poniéndole el último de los esfuerzos, en poco tiempo dejará de ser llamado "proyecto" para ser el foro que tanto quise crear, ese que ansiaba tener para mí y para la comunidad.
Hay detalles para nada menores que no puedo dejar pasar, como el GRACIAS inmenso a esos users que nunca se fueron, que desde las sombritas y otros no tanto, me animaron y le enviaron su cariño a YST pero también, un agradecimiento aún más especial a quien en este último tramo me apoyó y dio luz en medio de, quizá demasiada oscuridad, por quien en gran medida me estoy animando a hacer esto y quien me va a acompañar en esta travesía que nos propusimos recorrer juntas, Wicked. Ya no me verán sola como admin y espero de acá en más, el rumbo que tomemos siguiendo el camino ya marcado, se cruce con el de muchos de quienes alguna vez nos visitaron y el de muchas personitas nuevas que se quieran sumar.
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¡Nos vemos muy pronto con más!
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springersolar · 6 days
How We Manage Our EV Fleet + Business Costs (Better Than Petrol?) – Springers
As one of Queensland's longest-serving and most experienced solar companies, our sales team is proudly 100% in-house. Our sales team is constantly on the road, visiting sites and prospects to complete quotations. Naturally, we provide each of our sales staff with a company vehicle. The interesting thing about this? We are running an electric vehicle fleet with Tesla EVs as opposed to a traditional petrol fleet. We transitioned from a petrol sales fleet to an electric sales fleet in 2021 with Tesla Model 3s and Tesla Model Ys. Considering we still haven’t seen many other company-branded Tesla EVs on the road, we’d like to share our experience managing company EVs, including: Visit our website at https://www.springers.com.au/ to know more about our solar installation services and products.
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wandasaura · 1 month
your handwriting is so prettyy. it looks like those quotes on pinterest (don't know if you're gonna see what i am talking about)
— 🌿
ahhh thank you (i get what you mean) it looks prettier when i have ballpoint pens but the staff at my school (namely one person who hates me) is disgusting and the room is a mess and literally that is the only pen that actually works
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bugfragged · 3 months
Tifa w/Parry materia feels like playing The Claw from Ys Origins. Stealing the Bladed Staff from Eligor would be a lot harder without the ability to quickly zip in and out of melee range.
ELIGOR'S GRAVEYARD - Let's Play 「 Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade 」 - 12
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iecec · 8 months
Finding a Childcare Centre near Me
Childcare centre near me are large facilities that care for groups of children by age. They may be operated by private individuals, corporations or government agencies.
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Ys across the country follow state and local safety guidelines to offer quality full-day early learning and child care for infants through preschoolers. Learn more.
Typically, child care centers are large facilities that provide care for groups of children placed in classrooms according to age. They are operated by private owners, for-profit chains, government agencies or nonprofit entities such as community organizations. They often serve both full- and part-time child care services and may offer flexible schedules.
Located in Manhattan near Dyckman St, this childcare consultants center provides emergency back up daycare for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school aged kids. They utilize creative curriculum to engage students, focusing on music, art, math and language activities throughout the day. They also hold regular field trips for the kids to explore their environment and beyond. They offer both full- and part-time care, as well as before and after school care. This facility is licensed by the state. It is a member of the Bright Horizons network and uses a balanced curriculum. It is staffed with qualified teachers who aim to help each child thrive and learn.
Age Groups
Licensed child care centers provide care for groups of children that are typically grouped by age. They are professionally staffed and operate within the maximum child capacity set by the office of child care.
Infants develop physically and emotionally at a rapid pace and learn to sit up, crawl and walk. They also work toward other milestones such as learning to speak and potty train.
Toddlers develop independence and social skills as they play with other kids and adults. They also learn how to share, count and follow directions.
Preschool-aged children are ready for more structured activities and a deeper level of interaction with staff members. This stage can help them become independent learners and make the transition to elementary school easier.
School-aged children are kids who are between the ages of 5 and 12. Programs for this age group typically offer before and after school programs, summer camps and other out-of-school programs. They should also provide a safe and structured environment for kids to get exercise, enjoy games and interact with other kids.
Child care is a very expensive business. Parents with low incomes often utilize informal childcare business because they simply cannot afford to place their children in a facility that is more costly. This is especially true for families with infants and toddlers as these children require a greater amount of hands-on attention.
Child care facilities that charge more for their services may offer better education, more current resources, nicer facilities and more flexible schedules. They also tend to have higher standards for their staff, such as requiring a degree in early childhood education or equivalent experience. Additionally, they are likely to have a more formalized educational preschool curriculum and field trips. They also offer more flexible hours to accommodate working parents. This can include evening and weekend care, and some even provide overnight care. Child care centers can be run by individuals, corporations, for-profit chains, government agencies or community organizations. They are usually licensed by their state or territory to ensure that they meet basic health and safety requirements.
Getting Started
When deciding to open your own home-based daycare center, it is important to understand the requirements for the business. These regulations vary from state to state, but they typically include a licensing process and specific educational requirements. The local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency can help you understand the laws in your area.
Once you’ve completed the formal training and background checks, it’s time to get started with marketing your new business. Use your website and social media to spread the word about your services. You can also market yourself by promoting client testimonials.
Getting started with your business can be a challenge, but it is important to think through the financial requirements before making any investments. There are many resources available to help you get started, including government funding and community fundraising. You may also want to consider incorporating your business or creating a partnership. This could provide tax benefits and help you protect your assets from seizure in the event of a default.
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