#yuily headcanon
crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Yuliy Jirov x Reader - “Yuliy Trying To Catch Your Attention Would Include...”
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Requested by anon: Could you do hc’s for Yuliy trying to catch the attention of his crush?”
A/N: This is more like him realising his feelings then trying to catch your attention and how you got together tbh, but hope you like it!
It took him forever to even realised he had feelings for you.
Mikhail was the one that helped him realise his feelings.
He would always be a little shy around you.
More quiet than usual around you as well.
But fully interested in your topics of discussion.
He didn’t realise how he always had a small smile on his face and slightly pink cheeks.
Yuily would also keep an eye on you and wouldn’t really understand when he would get angry when you talk at a man that’s close to your age, especially Mikhail.
But he ignored what he was feeling, maybe it was the mission that was making him act weird? Or he was tired? He didn’t really know nor did he dwell upon it.
He had better things to think about.
Like you.
Mikhail was the one to notice his little brother’s interest in you and he purposely tried to make him jealous after he confronted Yuily and denied any claim he would be thrown regarding you.
So the older brother had to demonstrate his claims with proof.
“Hey (Y/N),” Mikhail’s arm would swing around your shoulders and pull you in his side, “how are you doing?”
Mikhail couldn’t help but smirk as Yuily frowned more and more.
You didn’t really understand what he was doing because he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
“See little brother?” Mikhail could not conceal his smirk as he watched his brother grumble under his breath, knowing he must be right.
“Sooo, what are you going to do about it, huh?”
Mikhail’s grin falling immediately when Yuily says “nothing”.
“Seriously? You like her, ask her out or I’ll embarrass you,”
Yuily knows his older brother will do just that but he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship.
If he could even call it that, ever since his brother helped him sort out his emotions, he sort of started distancing himself because he didn’t know how to deal with it.
After much frustration, Mikhail decided to help his brother -- only to find his feet though, he needed to learn.
And be teased, like every brother would around his crush.
Mikhail would embarrass him in front of you to try and get you to notice him.
Does it work?
Lol, nope!
So Yuily just tries to get close again.
You were nice enough to start from a clean slate.
And immediately hit it off.
It was so fun between the two of you, he loved you even more but now he was even less inclined to ask you out because he loved what you two had together.
But thankfully, you felt the same way about Yuily and approached his brother for advice for obvious reasons.
Mikhail would know exactly what Yuily likes and maybe if he likes you back.
Thankfully for you, Mikhail was already pretty frustrated with Yuily for still not having done anything.
“He likes you as well, just kiss the pour soul.”
And blushing instantly when he says that as he shoos you away.
You took a while to make your move.
And Mikhail actually thought you were going to act like Yuily and never do anything about it either.
But one night, you got upset as something someone said and you ran into the garden when the moon was out.
And you stayed there a while because it was so beautiful to look at.
Yuily didn’t hesitate to follow you out.
He sat right next to you, close and everything.
Mikhail’s ship finally sailed.
Yuily was really good at comforting you and when you felt better, you turned to him and distinguished his pink stained cheeks.
Fortunately, he didn’t dare move and you slightly grasped both his cheeks and lowered his face closer to yours.
He let you take the lead, slowly closing his eyes as you captured his lips in yours.
His arms slowly etched up to your hips and around your waist, pulling you closer into his chest.
You were sure you heard Mikhail make a small cheer in the house.
Your fingers ran through his hair as you both pulled yourself closer to deepen the kiss.
And when you pulled away, you were both blushing messes.
“That was uh,” moving away from him a little.
It was his turn to make his move and he pulled you pack into his side, kissing your temple.
That how it aaaall started.
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Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @nxxttime @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Hi! Could i get a kissing headcanons with Mikhail and Yuily (separtly). 🥰
I’m sooooo so sorry this took so long friend!!
I see him as very hesitant to kiss his S/O at first.
With being a vampire and all.
He’s scared of cutting his S/O with his fangs and such. So he’s VERY gentle.
Honestly, if you want to do more than a quick peck, it takes a lot of convincing.
His lips are surprisingly soft, you blame it on his “super special vampire powers”
When he does kiss you, his favorite kisses are in the morning, when you’ve both just woken up.
It’s when he’s the most willing to give you the most kisses. You take full advantage of this :P
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He’s also fairly hesitant, but not because he’s a vampire; but mostly because he’s awkward.
You’d probably his first significant other, so it’s a lot of learning for him.
But he tries his best!
He does love you, he just doesn’t quite know how to express it.
His favorite time to kiss you is after long missions and days working when you can just relax before bed.
Or when you’re distracted by a book and maybe sitting by the fireplace with a hot drink.
He likes to come up behind you and give you a quick peck when you look up to smile at him.
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aurorapillar · 6 years
Title: Blood In the Water Fandom: Sirius the Jaeger Characters: Willard, Philip, Dorothea, Fallon, Yuliy (mentioned) Summary: “Yuliy, don’t chase too far! Yuliy!”Even before the words finished leaving his mouth, it was clear to Willard that they would fall on deaf ears. Set during and a little after the ending of Episode 1. Headcanon heavy
Crossposted on AO3
“Yuliy, don’t chase too far! Yuliy!”
Even before the words finished leaving his mouth, it was clear to Willard that they would fall on deaf ears; he hadn’t been able to see Yuliy’s eyes before he’d run off, but he knew he’d have seen the blue glow of the beast if he had.  He wasn’t really sure if it was because Yuliy’s family had all died before he could be properly taught to control his power, or if it was just a Sirius trait, but when the blood of the beast was flowing through him it was almost impossible to get him to listen or stop whatever he had his mind set on doing. 
Not that it was easy to get him to listen normally, so long as vampires were involved.
It was somewhat fascinating really, how Yuliy’s personality would change so quickly once vampires entered the equation. Most of the time he was calm and quiet, he wasn’t overly social, but he’d do what he was asked to and sometimes even go out of his way to help others do their jobs; as soon as a vampire appeared though, everything would change.  He’d still go along with whatever plan they group had concocted, but if he felt things were moving too slowly or some unknown element showed up, he’d take off on his own without a word of warning.  
It was a frustrating habit of his, and a dangerous one for both Yuliy himself and the rest of the Jaegers, but Willard would be lying if said he didn’t get the reason for it.  Yuliy was seventeen now, almost a grown man, but he’d been just a child when the vampires had taken away everything that’d he’d known and loved.
It wasn’t something Willard could claim to understand fully, not having ever personally experienced himself, and since he hadn’t known Yulily prior to it, nor did the boy tend to talk about what his life had been like back in his village, he had no way of knowing if he’d always been a quiet child or if he’d once been a cheerful and boisterous kid; but he knew without a doubt that the loss of his home and family had changed Yuliy.
“If it means I’ll meet mom and Nii-san, I want to die.”
He can still remember the words that Yuliy had spoken that day on the train, they were words that were terrible to hear spoken by anyone, but hearing them from a young child made it even worse.  There was an emptiness in his heart from the loss he’d suffered, and in the end, Yuliy had filled that emptiness with anger towards the creatures who’d taken everything away from him.  It had given him a purpose and helped him find the strength to continue on, but that didn’t stop the feeling of sadness that welled up inside of Willard whenever he thought about it, nor did it stop him from blaming himself for it.
He hadn’t been prepared or expecting to suddenly be taking care of a child, let alone one that had just suffered a huge tragedy, and while he’d tried his best, he couldn’t help but wonder if he could have helped Yuliy find something different to fill the hole in his heart with.  And yet at the same time, there was a small guilty part of him of him that was glad he hadn’t, because despite all his issues, Yuliy was a valuable asset to the Jaegers, and without that anger, he might not be as strong a fighter.
Of course, Willard mused, his eyes following Yuliy as he raced up the side of the bridge, without that anger, Yuliy might also not be quite so reckless, and wouldn’t that take a load of stress off of his mind.  It’s one of the things that worried him most about the teen, the way he’d throw himself into danger without a second thought for his own well being; he’d been scolded for it plenty of times and he was always apologetic afterwards, but it never stopped him from continuing to do it.
It’s happened enough that sometimes he wonders if there’s something to Philip’s occasional sardonic quips about Yuliy being a suicidal maniac, he doesn’t think that Yuliy is trying to get himself killed or anything, but it does worry him that maybe Yuliy doesn’t really care about whether he lives or dies.  He can’t say for certain whether he’s right about that or not, but one thing he does know is that he truly does worry that Yuliy’s recklessness is going to get him killed one day.
It’s almost in perfect sync with that thought, that a shot rang out in the air and he found himself watching as a spurt of blood sprayed out of Yuliy’s body, and he began to fall.
For a moment, time seemed to freeze, and he could only stare in horror as the boy he’d raised for the past ten years plummeted into the water below.  The splash as his body hit the water was enough to shake everyone out of their stupor, and they quickly jumped into action, Philip glancing around in search of the sniper while Fallon and Dorothea rushed to edge of the bridge to peer into the water below.
“Where is he?”
“The flows too strong. Somebody bring a light.”  Without a word, Willard grabbed a lantern from the car and joined the two of them in staring at the water below.
“I still don’t see him.” Fallon commented, leaning over the side as far as he could without falling, “You think he got swept further downstream?”  
Willard frowned slightly but was interrupted before he could reply
“You find him yet?” Philip questioned, having chosen that moment to join the rest of them.  Though his tone was casual, Willard could tell from his body language that even though he didn’t particularly like Yuliy, he was still somewhat worried. That was just part of being a Jaeger, whether or not you got along with your teammates, they were still your teammates and so you cared for and protected each other.
“Not yet, but it’s likely he’d have drifted downstream anyway.” He tried to keep the worry out of his voice as he spoke, though he wasn’t sure if he’d succeeded. As a Sirius, Yuily was hardier than a normal human, but that didn’t make him invincible, the combination of his injury and an extended time in cold water could very well kill him if he wasn't found.  “Whoever fired that shot may still be around, it would not be wise to linger too long.  We’ll continue our search further down the river.”
They’d just have to hope Yuliy would hold out until they found him, and if they didn’t….. Well, he’d prefer to avoid thinking about that.
“Let’s go.”
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vampirevocalistyuli · 7 years
( 👀! )
Horrific Headcanons part 2 ( x ) || @linclexkingdom— 👀 What is the most disturbing thing they’ve ever seen?
- (( Being a vampire, it’s a little challenging for Yuli to find friends, especially among humans. But it’s not impossible; there are some notable humans that he came to see as more than just a walking lunch box.
- (( Now for the question. Few things can faze Yuili, considering that he also says and does things that can be disturbing to others, but what could be considered to be the most disturbing thing he’d ever seen would be the aftermath of having a special human friend inhumanely and gruesomely executed by their fellow humans just for befriending him, a ‘demon’. It made him feel powerless and suffer guilt.
- (( Thankfully, times have changed and people (but not all of them) have become more open towards monsters and demons, compared to their ancestors, but the damage has already been done to Yuli’s psyche.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Could i get a headcanons for Mikhail and Yuily (separate)? 😁
These are random headcanons/kinda analysis I thought of while rewatching random parts of Sirius the Jaeger :) I hope these are okay!
I headcanon him as being right handed!
The reason being is how he holds his gun in episode one! He keeps the assault rifle snug against his right shoulder.
Based on my own experience using guns (my dad is a veteran and owns guns, he takes us shooting when we have free time), I’m right handed so I keep the butt of the gun snug against my right shoulder while my sister who is left handed keeps it against her left.
Maybe a bit random but that’s what I was thinking of :)
Before being turned into a vampire, I 100% see him as really good with kids!
Like, just by seeing how he interacted with baby Yuliy us the cutest thing I’ve ever seen (ok I lied, it’s not the cutest but whatever)
Maybe he’s still good with kids after turning vampire, but I see him as really nervous about being around small kids for their safety more than anything.
Definitely a dog person, but I see him favoring snow dogs over other breeds.
Like malamutes, huskies, norwegian elkhounds, etc. Mainly because it reminds him of his home.
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While I headcanon Mikhail as right handed, I headcanon Yuliy as ambidextrous!
Using a staff such as his, he’d need some level ambidextrousness to use it with that much efficiency!
Also, I don’t really see him favoring any one hand over the other like I noticed with Mikhail.
I don’t know if it was because of how the animation studio animated the characters but that’s just how I see his character.
I definitely see him as the type of person who just…. Forgets to eat…
Like if he’s on a mission or something, he’ll forget to eat unless someone reminds him.
And then once he starts eating he’ll be like “oh shit I’m hungry” (Sometimes I'm the same way so I usually keep snacks on me at all times in case I forget to eat breakfast or something.)
Since he’s a Sirius, I think it’d be funny if cats hated him, like they immediately hiss and spit whenever he’s around. Philip thinks it’s hilarious, Yuliy just doesn’t really care.
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Mikhail Jirov x Reader - “Your First Kiss With Mikhail Would Include...”
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Requested by @bright-like-the-sun-00: “Hi! I wanted to request a sirius the jaeger headcanon. With mikhail x reader. What would the first kiss be with him? Where would it take place? When did it happend? Thank you if you reading this and wants to write it. 🙂"
A/N: Hope you like it!
You were one of Yuily’s closest friends, which is how you met Mikhail, through his brother.
Immediately, you found him devilishly attractive and he was really really sweet to you.
You spent more time with him when you worried about Yuily when he wouldn’t voice his problems, even though you were closer, you knew that Mikhail could read him like an open book and maybe some of his insight might help you aid your friend.
Over time, you both grew really close where he grew comfortable enough to tease you incessantly.
At that point, you were as close as friends as you were with Yuily. 
He didn’t seem to mind though.
Mikhail would tease you about other people eyeing you or when you were shy around others, like you had a crush.
But you only had a crush on him and the way he was trying to set you up to see you happy with someone else only gave you the illusion that he didn’t deserve you, he really did have feelings for you.
At one point, his brother saw the sad look he had when you seemed to be having a good time with someone Mikhail brought close to you and Yuily just had to do something about it.
He used how close you were to him to his advantage.
Yuily understood that his brother had multiple reasons for doing what he did, including that Mikhail deserved the suffering for what he’s done, you deserve to be happy and that wouldn’t have been with him and, well, you’re really close to his brother and he wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself if he did something that would drive you away from him.
Mikhail slowly became more distant from you, whether or not you went on dates.
One day, you confronted him about it in his room, where he had nowhere to go. 
He admitted everything, he felt so guilty for revealing his feelings because he didn’t want to confuse you or make things complicated but he couldn’t stop his long confession.
When he finished and there was a long pause, his breathing caught in his throat and he apologised profusely, being hard on himself and stating how selfish what he just said was and asking you to forget it.
You grasped his arm when he started walking out … of his own room.
Sitting him down and grasping his jaw because he wouldn’t meet your eyes.
The look in his eyes was so heartbreaking, you didn’t find the words to speak up so you just pressed your lips against his.
His arms slid around your waist and he pulled you closer to make you straddle him more comfortably.
Your end of the kiss is soft and sweet, his end is hungry and desperate, like it was the only thing that could make him breathe. 
Mikhail’s grip on you was tight as he kept you against his chest, needily making out with you as your fingers ran through his hair.
When you pulled away, you hugged him tightly and you both went over your feelings and how this was going to work out.
The rest of the night was spent cuddling on his bed, kissing and whispering to each other. 
Yuily smiled widely when he accidentally went into his brother’s bedroom, thinking he was up and wouldn’t mind if he came in to take something he forgot in the room.
The same small smile graced his features for the next few hours, the image of the both of you cuddling each other engraved in his brain.
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Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22 @disa
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fairy-writes · 5 years
What would kissing mikhail and yuily be like? Also where would the first kiss with them takes place? ☺️
(Getting poetic up in here)
(Also I have no idea what I’m doing, I’ve never been kissed rip)
Kissing Mikhail Headcanons
Kissing Mikhail is like kissing a cloud.
He’s soft and light and honestly not at all like his appearance.
He likes to hold your jaw and kiss you lightly.
His lips are dry but his hands are calloused.
He has to lean down because he’s so tall but honestly you don’t mind.
Kisses are few and far in between, he doesn’t want to accidentally cut your lip with his fangs.
First Kiss with Mikhail
Your first kiss is probably in secret.
Maybe in the depths of Yevgraf’s ship when no one’s around, maybe you are a scientist or something working for Klarwein (the crazy scientist)
Maybe you had been going to finish some reports on the latest experiments when you ran into him.
The tension between you two had been out of the roof. Your friendship had been strained. You had been busy with experiments, he had been busy with orders from Yevgraf.
You slowed to a stop before him, him leaning on the wall. His eyes open and you spend several seconds in silence.
He leans down quickly and kisses you so quickly you barely realized his lips touching yours.
But he’s gone before you can even process and reciprocate.
Kissing Yuliy Headcanons
Kissing Yuliy is like a sunset.
It’s slow and unsure, he doesn’t quite know what he’s doing.
He doesn’t know where to put his hands a lot of the time. But he likes to hold your hands.
He’s shy about it, more often than not he likes just pecking your cheek.
His kisses are soft and tender, almost like watching a sun dip below the horizon.
First Kiss with Yuliy
Your first kiss was probably born from worry and anxiety.
Maybe you’re a fellow Jaeger and a mission nearly went wrong.
Maybe you jump in the way to protect him.
Maybe you got hurt, a vampire somehow getting the jump on you and hurting you badly so you’re bedridden in the hospital while Willard and Dorothea spoke to doctors and nurses.
Yuily slipped in while they stepped out, passing him with almost pitying looks on their faces.
He looked worried, fists clenched as he took a seat on your bed, mouth tight as he grimaced. You reach out with bandaged fingers and touch his hand.
He leans in close, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Don’t ever do that again.” he reprimands you softly but you shrug,
“I’ll do it again if it means you can be safe.”
He kisses you, softly and tenderly like he’s scared you’ll break.
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
A, D, G, J, M for Yuliy!
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A/N: First smut kinda thing oizfhzuohf hope it’s okay! 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) 
He wants to make sure you are comfortable and that you don’t need anything, Yuily will gladly cuddle with you and fall asleep after you if you suddenly became tired after sex. A very caring baby boy. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Yuily adores hickeys, you look so hot, especially with a few along your neck, he didn’t realise how strong his natural possessiveness was until he felt less on edge when you had a few marks on your skin around other people. He also loves your flushed cheeks when he leaves them on you, but he’s too shy afterwards to admit all of that.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s serious, he wants to make sure you are enjoying every bit of it also making sure you are comfortable. Yuily isn’t really the time of person that jokes, especially during sex. He would do sweet things to ease the tension but wouldn’t really be a goof.  
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t really masturbate because it’s a little embarassing but when he really needs you and you aren’t there because of a mission or something along those lines, he’ll go somewhere private like the room he is staying at or something and jack off.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you are being all cute and shy, he can’t help but stare at you, Yuily knows you do that to catch his attention and when it gets to actual teasing… Oh boy he cannot get himself out of it when you tease him, that’s a major major turn on.
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things@xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa  @nxxttime @gearsinice@mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex–awesome–22 @teen-titans-imagines
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fairy-writes · 5 years
If mikhail and yuily lived in the modern time (for exemple 2019). If they where just normal people (not sirius and vampire) How do you think they would be? What would their interest be? Would they study/what would they work with? Would they be single or have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Thank you in advance. 🙂
Let’s do some headcanons for this :) btw I’m pretending this takes place in america (most likely a college AU) because that’s the school system I’m most comfortable with.
Ok so I was actually trying to think of what a Modern AU would be like since I watched Sirius the Jaeger.
If I were to straight up just transfer them to Modern times here’s how my mind interprets it.
Yuliy and Mikhail are living with Professor Willard after their parents were victims of a murder.
The killer was never found.
Professor Willard is a former archaeologist and anthropologist and now teaches at several universities, giving talks and teaching the occasional lesson.
Yuliy is friends with his Jaeger group but they’re obviously modernized.
Philip is a music prodigy, particularly with the violin. He’s from London, England and is in university and majoring in music.
Fallon is a transfer student from Ireland, he is studying mechanics and is also good at playing the guitar!
Dorothea is studying to join the military, she is particularly good with longer range weapons like rifles.
Ryouko is from Japan but is travelling with her father abroad and learning the family business.
Now Yuliy I can see as someone studying forensics, particularly so he can join the police force or to help solve his parents murder. Either that or strangely enough, I can see him as a botanist; someone who studies plants?
Mikhail I really don’t know… I can see him doing something militaristic? Maybe that’s why he hasn’t seen Yuliy in years, because he’s deployed overseas. 
Maybe he was a prisoner of war and that’s where Yevgraf came in.
But he was freed and when he came home, he was obviously a changed man.
But thinking of how he was going to get back to his family kept him sane.
I can see as Mikhail as single, he’s not ready for a relationship quite yet
And I would like to see Yuliy and Ryouko together in a modern situation! I can see him being oblivious but slowly falling in love and eventually getting together with her!
No one asked for it… But some random headcanons for Idris since I’m writing chapter 3 of her story right now…
Idris is former military, honorably discharged after an explosion overseas that killed her squad but somehow she survived.
She owns an antique shop! That would make sense with her style!
But she owns a LOT of businesses all over the world.
Some legal.. Some not…
She also participates in underground fights, like MMA kinda thing. Also illegal, but she needs an outlet and this seemed good enough as any for her.
She’s known as ‘The Dragoness’ and is particularly vicious in the ring!
This also means she has a lot of money stashed up.
She meets Mikhail in a therapy group for veterans.
Almost everyone else there are middle aged (not dissing veterans, I’m from a family of them), so naturally they drift closer.
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Character Order Imagines
For now, all characters will have an imagine until there is the same number for each. After that, two imagines per fandom will be posted depending on who you want to see. If there are other characters that you want to requests but is not listed and the fandom is enscribed, you can still request that character. 
Remember... The characters that I write for fics, headcanons etc.. are not the same, make sure to look at my fandom list!   
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Cade Yaeger 
Optimus Prime 
Diabolik Lovers:
Shu Sakamaki
Reiji Sakamaki
Ayato Sakamaki
Kanato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Ruki Mukami
Kou Mukami
Yuma Mukami
Azusa Mukami
Damian Wayne (Robin) 
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) Arkham Knight  
Jason Todd (Red Hood) Arkham Knight  
Roy Harper (Speedy/Red Arrow/Arsenal)
The Justice League (WW, Batman, Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman) Superman
Tim Drake (Red Robin) 
Wally West (Kid Flash) 
DC/ Marvel Villians:
Donald Pierce
Erik Killmonger 
Francis Freeman (Ajax) 
Harley Quinn 
Selina Kyle (Catwoman) 
The Joker (Jared Leto & Heath Ledger) and Jerome Valeska 
Victor Creed (Sabertooth)
Fairy Tail
Natsu Dragneel
Lucy Heartfilia
Ezra Scarlet
Mirajane Strauss
Juvia Lockser
Gray Fullbuster
Wendy Marvell
Cana Alberona
Loke/ Leo
Lyon Vastia
Hibiki Lates
Ren Akatsuki
Eve Tearm
Jellal Fernandez
From Dusk Till Dawn:
Kate Fuller
Kisa/ Santanico 
Richard ‘Richie’ Gecko 
Seth Gecko 
Hemlock Grove:
Roman Godfrey
Shelley Godfrey
Peter Rumaneck
Agent Tequila 
Agent Whiskey 
Eggsy Unwin
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Doctor Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
Eddie Brock (Venom)
Jim Rhodes (War Machine)
Johnny Blaze (The Ghost Rider)
Luis, Dave & Kurt
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicklsilver)
Rocket Racoon
Sam Wilson (Falcon)
Scott Lang (Antman)
Shuri Udaku
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
T’Challa (Black Panther)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Alec Lightwood
Isabelle Lightwood
Magnus Bane 
Rafael Santiago 
Sirius The Jaeger
Sons Of Anarchy:
Jax Teller
Happy Lowman 
Chibs Telford 
Tig Trager 
Juice Ortiz 
Opie Winston 
Tara Knowels/Gemma Telller/Clay Morrow/Half Sack
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove 
Steve Harrington  
Supernatural (only up to season 6):
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf:
Allison Argent 
Derek Hale 
Isaac Lahey 
Kira Yukimura 
Liam Dunbar 
Lydia Martin 
Malia Tate 
Peter Hale
Scott McCall 
Stiles Stilinski 
Theo Raeken 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
April O’Neil 
Casey Jones
The Seven Deadly Sins
Elizabeth Liones
Arthur Pendragon
The Defenders:
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Matt Murdock 
The Vampire Diaries:
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson 
Jenna Sommers
Kai Parker  
Katherine Pierce  
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Lexi Branson 
Lorenzo St. John
Rebekah Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Tomb Raider:
Lara Croft 
Lu Ren 
Wiliam ‘Cap’ Hatfield  
Vampire Knight:
Kaname Kuran
Zero Kiryu
Aido Hanabusa
Akastuki Kain
Senri Shiki
Takuma Ichijo
Axel Cluney (Zeitgeist) 
Nathan Summers (Cable) 
Ellie Phimister (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) 
Jack Hammer (Weasel) 
Neena Thurman (Domino) 
Laura Kinney (X-23) 
Logan Howlett (The Wolverine)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver) 
Remy Le Beau (Gambit) 
Wade Wilson (Deadpool) 
Last updated: 31/08/19
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