#yuily imagine
crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Yuliy Jirov x Reader - “Yuliy Trying To Catch Your Attention Would Include...”
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Requested by anon: Could you do hc’s for Yuliy trying to catch the attention of his crush?”
A/N: This is more like him realising his feelings then trying to catch your attention and how you got together tbh, but hope you like it!
It took him forever to even realised he had feelings for you.
Mikhail was the one that helped him realise his feelings.
He would always be a little shy around you.
More quiet than usual around you as well.
But fully interested in your topics of discussion.
He didn’t realise how he always had a small smile on his face and slightly pink cheeks.
Yuily would also keep an eye on you and wouldn’t really understand when he would get angry when you talk at a man that’s close to your age, especially Mikhail.
But he ignored what he was feeling, maybe it was the mission that was making him act weird? Or he was tired? He didn’t really know nor did he dwell upon it.
He had better things to think about.
Like you.
Mikhail was the one to notice his little brother’s interest in you and he purposely tried to make him jealous after he confronted Yuily and denied any claim he would be thrown regarding you.
So the older brother had to demonstrate his claims with proof.
“Hey (Y/N),” Mikhail’s arm would swing around your shoulders and pull you in his side, “how are you doing?”
Mikhail couldn’t help but smirk as Yuily frowned more and more.
You didn’t really understand what he was doing because he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
“See little brother?” Mikhail could not conceal his smirk as he watched his brother grumble under his breath, knowing he must be right.
“Sooo, what are you going to do about it, huh?”
Mikhail’s grin falling immediately when Yuily says “nothing”.
“Seriously? You like her, ask her out or I’ll embarrass you,”
Yuily knows his older brother will do just that but he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship.
If he could even call it that, ever since his brother helped him sort out his emotions, he sort of started distancing himself because he didn’t know how to deal with it.
After much frustration, Mikhail decided to help his brother -- only to find his feet though, he needed to learn.
And be teased, like every brother would around his crush.
Mikhail would embarrass him in front of you to try and get you to notice him.
Does it work?
Lol, nope!
So Yuily just tries to get close again.
You were nice enough to start from a clean slate.
And immediately hit it off.
It was so fun between the two of you, he loved you even more but now he was even less inclined to ask you out because he loved what you two had together.
But thankfully, you felt the same way about Yuily and approached his brother for advice for obvious reasons.
Mikhail would know exactly what Yuily likes and maybe if he likes you back.
Thankfully for you, Mikhail was already pretty frustrated with Yuily for still not having done anything.
“He likes you as well, just kiss the pour soul.”
And blushing instantly when he says that as he shoos you away.
You took a while to make your move.
And Mikhail actually thought you were going to act like Yuily and never do anything about it either.
But one night, you got upset as something someone said and you ran into the garden when the moon was out.
And you stayed there a while because it was so beautiful to look at.
Yuily didn’t hesitate to follow you out.
He sat right next to you, close and everything.
Mikhail’s ship finally sailed.
Yuily was really good at comforting you and when you felt better, you turned to him and distinguished his pink stained cheeks.
Fortunately, he didn’t dare move and you slightly grasped both his cheeks and lowered his face closer to yours.
He let you take the lead, slowly closing his eyes as you captured his lips in yours.
His arms slowly etched up to your hips and around your waist, pulling you closer into his chest.
You were sure you heard Mikhail make a small cheer in the house.
Your fingers ran through his hair as you both pulled yourself closer to deepen the kiss.
And when you pulled away, you were both blushing messes.
“That was uh,” moving away from him a little.
It was his turn to make his move and he pulled you pack into his side, kissing your temple.
That how it aaaall started.
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @nxxttime @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22
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mystic-sky · 6 years
Do you have any headcannons for when Yuily and Mikhail are in heat (or something similar)? Thx
I’m assuming this stems from the imprinting nsfw one shot I did a while back? I’m not too familiar with werewolf mythology lmaoo. I hope I did okay? I know it’s a little long but please let me have this  Tagging this as NSFW but in my humble opinion it’s pretty light from what I usually write. Enjoy love~
I honestly believe that Yuliy’s childhood never really had time for “the talk.”
All concepts of sex probably eluded him until he hit puberty. Maybe Willard leaves a couple of books on the boy’s bedside, and tells him to ask questions once he’s finished. To Yuliy’s dismay, he did as he was told and held any further questions to himself until he finished all the sex ed literature.
I think it’d be sort of funny, because he’d start reading and think something was wrong. Had the professor given him the wrong book? Certainly not, since all of them were about the same thing.
Once he’s 15, he probably grasps the entirety of everything.
It starts with a fever, to which everyone thinks is normal. He’s stuck in bed for two or three days.
 Lots a sweating. He doesn’t like being clothed at all. But he adheres to the rules of society and remains dressed during the day.
He’s hungrier, like, so much hungrier. The boy’s skinny yet agile body consumes so much food this time of the year but doesn’t gain any weight. 
He does and doesn’t notice it in the beginning. It’s not until the excessive sexual aching starts that he’s aware something’s going on with his body.
He’s a reserved guy, so he doesn’t really like asking people for help all the time. He didn’t think that it was anyone else’s business but his own whenever he wanted to relieve himself more than once a day during his heat.
He’ll get dizzy and he sweats a lot still. He’ll tell everyone he’s tired and then go lay in bed, tossing and turning trying to figure himself out. He’ll teeth at his pillows and sheets. And he has a bad habit at nipping at the skin on his hands when it feels too good. No one can tell either, since he heals so quickly.
His baths are abnormally long during this time of year too, and Philip just doesn’t know why.
He’s pretty observant though, and he knows that it’s just him. Philip’s clearly as aloof as ever and he’s never seen Fallon get the dizzies and hot and bothered like himself. He’ll often think “Maybe they’re just better at hiding it than I am?”
As tempting as it is, he wants to ask Fallon about it. And eventually he does, but good lord, the boy can’t get the words out.
And Fallon’s a nice guy, not really pressuring the boy to spit it out so quickly. He gets what he means almost immediately. He tells him that it’s normal and that people do it all the time. 
His first crush, say its our Reader, would be pretty awkward for him. He starts identifying his sexual feelings with his emotional ones and directs them towards you, even though it feels wrong in the beginning.
He’s read his first erotic novel by now and then some, courtesy of Willard, and he can’t seem to imagine himself with you in that situation.
You were stupendously attractive to him, and always smiling at him. You were friendly with him, and always talking. To which you might have thought was annoying but it made things all the more easier on his own less talkative nature.
Then he has the dream about you, his first wet dream. Because until now he had nothing real to fantasize about.
Now you’re all he thinks about. In the middle of the night, in the bath. He wants to feel you more than anything. 
This though, is only during his heat. He’s pretty shy and reserved any other day. And if he can, he will refrain because you’re his friend and it still feels very wrong to him.
He goes into heat the next year, and it’s the worse it’s ever been.
His burning urge to mate keeps him up every night for next couple weeks, even after he brings himself to orgasm.
He’s realizing he wants human contact. And with his emotions in a mess having learned so many things about his brother and father, throwing his sexual desire for his crush in the mix made things very complicated- at least in Yuliy’s head. Everyone else is completely oblivious to his abnormally heightened sexual behavior.
What’s even worse is when he can’t orgasm because his body won’t let him. His nature has expected him to mate by now, but it’s a work and progress on his end.
Maybe you see him one morning and he’s the grumpiest looking thing ever. He’s got bags under his eyes and he tries his best to greet you normally like nothing’s wrong, but you suspect something’s stressing him out.
He still won’t tell you, and he’d be mortified if you found out.
He tells the professor finally, and he can only speculate it’s because of the werewolf boy’s heritage. The professor assures him it’ll pass, since it always does.
A few nights later he gets restless and takes a cold shower, which seems to be the only thing he can do to get himself to sleep for a few hours.
His body’s hot still even though he just came, and maybe you find him in the middle of the night lying against a wall on a quest for a glass of water.
He’s shirtless and he’s got a towel on his head but you know it’s him. You’re frightened a bit cause he’s sweating and panting profusely. You think it’s fever, and offer him some of the water. You offer to go get the professor but he stops you, and pulls you close to him. You’re on all fours and sitting between his legs but none of that caught you more off guard than the blue crystalline eyes that looked at you through his soaking wet bangs. 
He’s just panting at you, and the glass of water is surely all over the hall floor.
The towel slips off his head and onto the floor as he pulls your lips to his and presses a hard kiss against your mouth.
He pulls away and apologizes immediately. The boy rushes back to his room and avoids you for DAYS. He’ll wait his heat out before showing himself to you again.
Whether this moment happens or not (that’s completely up to you) his s/o learns about his werewolf bloodline eventually.
When Yuliy’s in a relationship his s/o can find keeping up with his heightened sexual behavior a bit overwhelming.
He’s often out of character, and he’ll be more touchy with you around company.
If you want to and can keep up with it, there’s a lot of sex during this time of year.
He’ll lose himself whenever he enters your warmth but somehow his stamina feels like it never drains.
He wants to be dominant 100% of the time, which I can imagine is different from your normal sex. It’s almost like you’re sleeping with a different man. 
He hasn’t been in heat since he turned, but I guess this will be a mixture of hypothetical AUs for your satisfaction.
Say he got his first heat when he was 13 or 14. Perhaps he turned when he was 15? But he looks younger than 25 after the 10 year time skip? But then again vampires are ageless… My brain fumbles here idk (I’d love to talk about theories of his age if anyone wants to msg me)
So he gets his first heat, and his mother is the first one that notices. Even though she’s human, Alexei was sure to tell her what’d it’d be like for both the of boys once they matured.
It starts out with the intense fever, lots of sleeping for him especially. Yuliy starts to notice that Mikhail is “sick” and can’t go hunting with him.
After the fever subsides, he tries to go back to his usual routine, but it’s hard.
He’ll eat more at dinner time, and Sachi is quite aware. It sparks a change in Yuliy, who now solely eats to be “big and strong” like his big brother.
Mikhail’s clothes don’t fit him anymore, and maybe an unusual growth spurt occurs here (mostly in height). It might have something to do with all the food he eats, but for the most part there isn’t any bizarre weight gain. 
Even when Sachi makes him new clothes, or let’s him wear some of his father’s clothes that he’d left behind, he doesn’t want to. His body’s too hot.
He wants to be naked all the time, and Sachi will come to find that his fever is reoccurring itself because he goes out every night in the snow to cool off.
She finally gives him the talk, and it’s when Yuliy’s fast asleep upstairs. His reaction isn’t too surprised, but he only wishes he could’ve had the talk with his Dad instead.
He’s still restless at night but at least he knows why now. His mother leaves the rest of his discomfort to him to figure out on his own when he’s alone in his room.
There weren’t a lot of people in their village. Especially not many from his age group, so I head cannon he see’s his first sexual preference in a near by town when he goes on a shopping trip and he’ll never forget it. 
Maybe it’s our reader, and he’s smitten by you. He left on the trip because he wanted to get as far away from family for a while. He sees you and the sexual atmosphere seemed to have followed him all the way out there.
His nature will force him to make conversation, and he’s more than enticed by your personality. Maybe you both become good friends and he’ll visit you often. He’s quite the flirt.
But he’s still young, and he thinks nothing much of it. He goes home and has his first orgasm in the middle of the night because of some dream he had about you. Sure it stemmed from a stranger, but he didn’t mind.
And because of this, he gets sleep for the first time in almost a month.
In a different AU, where he might not be vampire at all, he’ll have successfully learned how to handle his heat all on his own, cause he’s independent like that.
If he has an s/o, he won’t tell them about his heritage for a while. They’ll find about it through the same stages: the fever, the excessive sleep, the hunger, then lack of sleep and restlessness. 
If him and his s/o are at that point in their relationship he’ll walk around the house in sometimes next to nothing, and he’ll insist that it’s just because he’s hot. Even in winter weather, you’ll start to think your boyfriend just has a fetish for being naked.
He gets so kittenish, which is a bit different from his usual Dom behavior. He’ll rest his chin on your shoulder and nibble at your neck while you make dinner. 
And he’s almost irritated when you tell him to wait until you’re finished and he’ll whine at you, which is beyond his usual self. 
He’s the biggest, horniest baby. 
And if you don’t know about his heat yet then you just assume he’s taking a break from being the dominant one for a while.
Mikhail hates asking for help though. And it’s not until you find him one night on the bathroom floor in a pool of sweat, panting deeply.
You’re scared and you don’t know what to do. You think you should go call for help, but he insists he’s fine and that he just wants you come lay with him.
You tell him that you’ve had enough of this behavior, and that fever kills people, so you’re getting help. So he comes clean, and explains that no doctor can help him right now. 
After a glass of water and few damp clothes later, you’re a bit stunned. He tells you it’s only once a year, and that you don’t have to abide to having excessive amounts of sex with him if you don’t want to. 
“I’ve been dealing with it for years now. Don’t be so worried.” But how could you not be? 
I’d like to think this talk you guys have on the bathroom floor brings you closer.
So instills the sex therapy. He’s so submissive during this time, aching to be touched. 
You try your best not to tease him, but every tickle or brush of skin to skin makes him crumble at your feet. 
He’s actively trying to be dominant still and it’s almost amusing. He’s stuttering his words beneath your touch, and he often reaches orgasm pretty quickly and collapses from exhaustion.
Then there are the days when he can’t get off right away, and his werewolf stamina is in full motion until he does.
My favorite werewolf boy in heat
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Hi! I have two questions about sirius the jaeger. If the jeagers (Yuily and the other four) and the vampires (mikhail) where zodiac signs. Who would be who? And why? I imagine Mikhail as an leo and Yuily as an earth sign (mabey capricorn)?? What your thoughts? This is meant for fun. 😁😁😁
Okay, I’ve tried writing this FOUR TIMES and my app keeps glitching out and fdskjahslfa let’s do this one more time!
(Also, everything I know about Zodiac personality traits comes from Google, don’t come after me with pitchforks please)
Mikhail: From what I read, I think a sign like the water sign Scorpio fits him pretty well! They’re mostly described as focused, powerful, and resourceful!
Yuliy: I actually see Yuliy as a fire sign! More specifically Sagittarius! They’re categorized as reckless (and that seems kinda Yuliy to me) and straightforward!
Philip: Gemini! I feel like this air sign fits him because it is primarily described as witty, mischievous, and creative!
Fallon: Leo! (same as me! :P), they’re known for creativity, faithfulness, ambition, and confidence (which I am definitely not)
Dorothea: Pisces! (actually I was debating between Pisces and Leo but Pisces won out!) The water sign is described as devoted, compassionate, and free!
Professor Willard: Capricorn! I really wanted to have him have an earth sign, he feels like an earthy type of person to me. And this sign is described as hardworking, disciplined, calm, and conservative!
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kuro-senpai27-blr · 6 years
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The moon shone brightly in the slightly clouded night sky. I was taking a stroll in the garden when I soon started to hear groans of pain and heavy breathing. I looked around the corner to see Yuliy alone, slightly panting.
I knew what was happening. His powers were getting out of control again. A few days ago, Yuliy revealed to me that he was half-human and half-werewolf. He expected me to just simply run away or treat him like a monster. But I comforted him and told him.
"I would never do that because I love you"
But the next day, he was distant with me. Giving me the hint that my feelings were one-sided. Tonight, I pushed my hurt feelings aside and approached him.
"Yuliy... Are you feeling-"
"Get away! Before I hurt you" he yells. Interrupting me which was understandable. I took a deep breath and stood my ground.
"I'm not leaving you like this Yuliy, Im worried you might harm yourself" I tried to reason with him, but he pushes me away.
"Do you want me to hurt you!" he threatened me, his eyes showed guilt and pain. 'I just know he needs me... But how?' I thought until an idea popped up.
I crept over to him slowly. Not wanting to trigger his supernatural powers. I see his eyes glow into an electric blue color in the moonlight. Making my cheeks go red.
"You can do this (Y/n)" I mumbled to myself as the wind picks up.
"It's okay Yuliy, everything will be alright" I smiled gently in reassurance as I stopped a few feet away from him. He growled dangerously, not scaring me at all. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace.
"I don't want to hurt you (y/n), so please run away" he whispered in pain. His heart rate increasing. I knew there was one thing that could stop this. I grabbed his chin and tilted it until his eyes stared into mine.
"No, I can't bear the fact that you're in pain" I grabbed his cheeks and captured his cold lips with mine. Giving him a bit of a shock. Sparks flew in me as the feeling of his lips sent a shiver down my spine.
I moved back and saw that his eyes went back to normal and his breathing was steady. "(Y/n)..." Yuliy whispered which his cheeks turning red. I turn my heels and walked away.
"I hope that helped you control your powers" I laughed and soon disappeared from his sight. My cheeks were red like a red rose and my legs were slightly shaking. I let out a heavy sigh before making my way through mansion in hopes that I don't get lost. Like last time...
After she turned the corner, my thought started up again. She was the reason I couldn't control my powers tonight. She made me fall for her and all I want to do is claim her as my mate.
"Stupid feelings..." I smiled as I gazed at the moon. Just as beautiful as (Y/n)'s sparkling (e/c) eyes. As soon as I get the Arc of Sirius, I will make her mine.
First Imagine. I hope it was good enough for your liking ~❤
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Anime Masterlist
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A/N: I decided to finally post this since the list of fics was growing, hope you like it!
Shoto Todoroki x Reader - “Birthday Boy”
Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader - “Kitty Trouble”
Vampire Knight
Zero Kiryu x Reader - “Asking Zero Out On A Date Would Include…”
Zero Kiryu x Reader - “Getting Jealous When People Hit On Zero Would Include...”
Zero Kiryu A-Z smut 1
Kaname Kuran x Reader - “Dating Kaname Kuran Would Include…”
Rido Kuran x Reader - “Dating Rido Kuran Would Include…”
Diabolik Lovers:
Sakamaki Brothers x Reader - “Thirty Second Nightmare” [Part 1] [Part 2]
Richter Sakamaki x Reader - “Richter Initiating Cuddling Would Include…”
Yuma Mukami + Possessive & Jealous 
The Seven Deadly Sins:
Melodias x Reader - “Devil Angel Newbie”
Body Swap
Sirius The Jaeger:
Yuliy Jirov x Reader - “Yuliy Trying To Catch Your Attention Would Include…”
Philip x Reader - “Your First Kiss With Philip Would Include…”
Yuily A-Z smut 
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
A, D, G, J, M for Yuliy!
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A/N: First smut kinda thing oizfhzuohf hope it’s okay! 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) 
He wants to make sure you are comfortable and that you don’t need anything, Yuily will gladly cuddle with you and fall asleep after you if you suddenly became tired after sex. A very caring baby boy. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Yuily adores hickeys, you look so hot, especially with a few along your neck, he didn’t realise how strong his natural possessiveness was until he felt less on edge when you had a few marks on your skin around other people. He also loves your flushed cheeks when he leaves them on you, but he’s too shy afterwards to admit all of that.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s serious, he wants to make sure you are enjoying every bit of it also making sure you are comfortable. Yuily isn’t really the time of person that jokes, especially during sex. He would do sweet things to ease the tension but wouldn’t really be a goof.  
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t really masturbate because it’s a little embarassing but when he really needs you and you aren’t there because of a mission or something along those lines, he’ll go somewhere private like the room he is staying at or something and jack off.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you are being all cute and shy, he can’t help but stare at you, Yuily knows you do that to catch his attention and when it gets to actual teasing… Oh boy he cannot get himself out of it when you tease him, that’s a major major turn on.
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things@xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa  @nxxttime @gearsinice@mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex–awesome–22 @teen-titans-imagines
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fairy-writes · 5 years
I have a question about mikhail and yuily? What do you think the would be like if they where females instead of males? Whould they be similar or very different if they where females? 🤔🤔🤔
Finally I have internet!! Anywho, I tried sketching a picture of fem!Mikhail and it turned out horribly so let’s stick with analysis until I’m not in a moving car!
I can see her name being Mika instead of Mikhail! It’s Russian for “beautiful fragrance” and honestly I feel she’d be very pretty as a girl so it fits!
As a vampire.... can she have a short haircut with a side shaved?! Like imagine Mikhail’s haircut but shorter!!
Also as a vampire, I honestly think she could have been blind in one eye, like, women have a more delicate bone structure so honestly those scars on Mikhail’s face could have blinded Mika on at least one side.
I’d see her personality as largely the same as her male counterpart.
I mostly just see her as largely the same as Mikhail, just with a more badass and not as scraggly look.
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Female name could be Yuliya! It’s similar to Yuliy’s name and is Russian for “youth”!
I feel like Yuliya’s anger would be very different than Yuliy’s. Like, I interpret Yuliy’s anger as kind of a ‘wet anger’. Like the kind of anger when you care too much and your voice cracks and you cry much more easily. Yuliy cares way too much, while I feel Yuliya would just be done.
She’d be much more of a “dry anger” type of person. Like her face would be stone, her body rigid and her voice like knives.
She’d definitely be seen as a ‘crazy bitch’ to men who don’t want to listen to a “wild woman”.
Like still quiet, but when it calls for it, she is spitting fire and putting men in their place.
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Character Order Imagines
For now, all characters will have an imagine until there is the same number for each. After that, two imagines per fandom will be posted depending on who you want to see. If there are other characters that you want to requests but is not listed and the fandom is enscribed, you can still request that character. 
Remember... The characters that I write for fics, headcanons etc.. are not the same, make sure to look at my fandom list!   
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Cade Yaeger 
Optimus Prime 
Diabolik Lovers:
Shu Sakamaki
Reiji Sakamaki
Ayato Sakamaki
Kanato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Ruki Mukami
Kou Mukami
Yuma Mukami
Azusa Mukami
Damian Wayne (Robin) 
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) Arkham Knight  
Jason Todd (Red Hood) Arkham Knight  
Roy Harper (Speedy/Red Arrow/Arsenal)
The Justice League (WW, Batman, Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman) Superman
Tim Drake (Red Robin) 
Wally West (Kid Flash) 
DC/ Marvel Villians:
Donald Pierce
Erik Killmonger 
Francis Freeman (Ajax) 
Harley Quinn 
Selina Kyle (Catwoman) 
The Joker (Jared Leto & Heath Ledger) and Jerome Valeska 
Victor Creed (Sabertooth)
Fairy Tail
Natsu Dragneel
Lucy Heartfilia
Ezra Scarlet
Mirajane Strauss
Juvia Lockser
Gray Fullbuster
Wendy Marvell
Cana Alberona
Loke/ Leo
Lyon Vastia
Hibiki Lates
Ren Akatsuki
Eve Tearm
Jellal Fernandez
From Dusk Till Dawn:
Kate Fuller
Kisa/ Santanico 
Richard ‘Richie’ Gecko 
Seth Gecko 
Hemlock Grove:
Roman Godfrey
Shelley Godfrey
Peter Rumaneck
Agent Tequila 
Agent Whiskey 
Eggsy Unwin
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Doctor Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
Eddie Brock (Venom)
Jim Rhodes (War Machine)
Johnny Blaze (The Ghost Rider)
Luis, Dave & Kurt
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicklsilver)
Rocket Racoon
Sam Wilson (Falcon)
Scott Lang (Antman)
Shuri Udaku
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
T’Challa (Black Panther)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Alec Lightwood
Isabelle Lightwood
Magnus Bane 
Rafael Santiago 
Sirius The Jaeger
Sons Of Anarchy:
Jax Teller
Happy Lowman 
Chibs Telford 
Tig Trager 
Juice Ortiz 
Opie Winston 
Tara Knowels/Gemma Telller/Clay Morrow/Half Sack
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove 
Steve Harrington  
Supernatural (only up to season 6):
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf:
Allison Argent 
Derek Hale 
Isaac Lahey 
Kira Yukimura 
Liam Dunbar 
Lydia Martin 
Malia Tate 
Peter Hale
Scott McCall 
Stiles Stilinski 
Theo Raeken 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
April O’Neil 
Casey Jones
The Seven Deadly Sins
Elizabeth Liones
Arthur Pendragon
The Defenders:
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Matt Murdock 
The Vampire Diaries:
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson 
Jenna Sommers
Kai Parker  
Katherine Pierce  
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Lexi Branson 
Lorenzo St. John
Rebekah Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Tomb Raider:
Lara Croft 
Lu Ren 
Wiliam ‘Cap’ Hatfield  
Vampire Knight:
Kaname Kuran
Zero Kiryu
Aido Hanabusa
Akastuki Kain
Senri Shiki
Takuma Ichijo
Axel Cluney (Zeitgeist) 
Nathan Summers (Cable) 
Ellie Phimister (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) 
Jack Hammer (Weasel) 
Neena Thurman (Domino) 
Laura Kinney (X-23) 
Logan Howlett (The Wolverine)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver) 
Remy Le Beau (Gambit) 
Wade Wilson (Deadpool) 
Last updated: 31/08/19
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