#yuji my precious sunshine boy
undermine-the-instinct · 10 months
I have...a very fucked up idea for a Mahito/Reader insert/Yuji fic....Very fucked up considering the past few episodes....
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Sorry (never sorry), no thoughts but Yuji Itadori in 248 💖
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thesnowflake18 · 8 months
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Yuji Itadori, I wanna give you a hug 😭❤
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seniaasaysstuff · 1 year
𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫🗝️|| 𝗒𝖺𝗇!𝗂𝗍𝖺𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗂 𝗒𝗎𝗃𝗂 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝖺/n- this is yandere yuji x reader. Its kind of yandere but not really yandere? Idk hope its up to standards lol. Let me know your thoughts about it. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Itadori Yuji was in love with you. Or he believed that he was in love with you.
You had been with him ever since he could remember.
He asked you out in middle school and you said yes.
You were so sweet, so innocent.
He gets overjoyed when you bring him small trinkets or handmade gifts.
He loves it when you smile at him. He believes you love him too.
He wants to keep you safe, hidden away from the rest of the world.
He looks at you as his prized possession. Something that he owns.
He is ready to give up his life for you.
You are his sunshine. The only person that makes him happy.
The murderous feeling that blooms inside him when he sees you talking to others.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a boy. what if they take his precious darling away? He couldn’t let that happen now, could he?
He knows he’s falling off the deep end but he cannot stop.
He cannot stop this dark filthy obsession with you that has been brewing in him ever since middle school.
He understands to some extent that these feelings are not romantic, they run deeper.
They overtake him. They possess him entirely.
These feelings, they hurt him but he revels in them because he knows that you, his sweet innocent lamb, are never going to leave him.
And if you do get thoughts about leaving him he will steal you, hide you from the rest of the world until the only thing you know is him.
He will own your mind, heart, body, and spirit for himself.
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alonelystargazer · 6 months
it's my precious boy yuji's birthday today!! I never want to see him cry again, only his beautiful sunshine smiles from now on 💖
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ok, now i really wanna know what weird nicknames you would call your faves 👀 or are there any funny nicknames they give you?
Lolol I’m glad you’re interested cuz it’ll give me a reason to ramble about my faves again hahaha
I can’t think of any funny nicknames they’d call me. But besides the typical romantic partner nicknames, I’d love to be called sunshine or sunflower 🥹 if any of my faves called me that I’d literally melt into a puddle.
For all my faves, everyday nicknames I’d call them would be love, lovely, darling, precious, baby, honey, sweetie, my dear. And then they would evolve into things like honey bunches of oats, sweet cheeks, sugar tits, my precious (but in the voice of gollum from lotr), and just anything that randomly comes to mind pfft
For Giyuu, I’d probably call him salmon boy at some point lmao. Like that ask you sent where we teased him about his salmon breath 😭 that’s what would start me calling him salmon boy. I’d of course also call him Tapioca lmao! We go get some boba together and I’m just like “Tapioca! It’s you!!” And then I would also start calling him boba too lolol
For Nanami, I’d jokingly call him Nanamin all the time because of Yuji calling him that in the anime. He’d hate it because he wouldn’t want me calling him by his last name lol, he wants to hear Kento in my voice 😖💓 I’d call him bread man for sure since he likes bread. And then it would evolve into pan dulce because he’s my sweet bread ♡
For Aki, I’d of course also call him topknot kekeke. I’d also call him Kon cuz I’d be teasing him, mimicking how he says “kon” and then just end up calling him that lol. I’d probably call him a doorstopper too because of his topknot 😭 I’ll be playing with it like a cat and then call him a doorstopper and then I’d laugh so hard it’ll stick for like a week. He’ll grumble but still respond to it lolol
For Shouta, I’d call him Zawa all the time but in an obnoxious voice lol but he also wants to hear me say his first name instead and then tease me that Aizawa could also be my name one day 🫣😵‍💫 and then that’ll fluster me quiet lol. And I first read his name as “shout a” so I would just “shout AAAAA” and that’d be his nickname 😭😭 until he flicks my forehead and tells me to stop shouting. I’d also jokingly call him scruffy because of his untamed appearance. But he dislikes it lol so only when I’m in the super teasing mood (he thinks me calling him scruffy sounds like a dog’s name lolol)
Basically any funky or deranged nickname I’d call my faves lmao. I have adhd so my thoughts can lead to the most obscure shit and that’s just what I’d end up calling them hahaha
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bonsai62 · 3 years
Get Backers & Jujutsu Kaisen:
One day I was scrolling through my old photos from my old desktop and I happened to bump into one photo; an anime that I adored and is very underrated: The Get Backers.
I was looking at the characters and I remember how much Ginji and Ban act together and how much they care for one another. But then, I realized that they kind of remind me of another two pairs of character.
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Yup! The closer I look the more I see the resemblance in the character design and even personality.
I’ll go into more details on how they are and why I think it’s very similar. And I’ll also would love for you guys to check out the classic Shonen manga/anime!
Right: Megumi Fushiguro Left: Ban Mido
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Ban is one of the main protagonists in the classic series called “The Get Backers”. The power that he has is basically strength like a snake and has really powerful eyes called “The Jagan Eye”. His eyes can create a dream for one minute but can only use it 3 times and has to wait a while 24hrs to use it. He’s very smart when using that power because of the amount time he has. When it comes to fighting in general he is hella smart.
As for Megumi, we all know his powers; shikigamis. Not saying their powers are similar but it’s cool to see they they both involve an animal.
He is one of my favorite characters in the series just like how Megumi is mine in JJK.
I compare them by looks because of the hair, eyes, and even height, but it’s not just that, it’s also the personality as well. Ban is very closed to himself and very logical when it comes to situation. He’s also very observant just like Megumi. Though, I will say that he also reminds me of Gojo a lot but not just by power but also by being arrogant and shit. Basically if Gojo raised Megumi to be more like him, Ban would be the child that Gojo would have raised.
Right: Yuji Itadori Left: Ginji Amano:
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Ginji is another one of my favorite character in the series and is also the main protagonist, just like Yuji who is also my favorite! He reminds me of Yuji so much starting from their compassionate personality to even their cute signature faces! His powers contains electricity like a eel.
Now, for their personality it is very very similar. Ginji is the type of person that understands everyone and is very empathetic just like Yuji. He would even try to understand why someone is trying to commit murder or even robbing a store. Another thing is that Ginji gets very angry when a friend is hurt or in danger.
What’s crazy is that Ginji was in a gang. He was actually the most powerful leader and consider to be very dangerous. In theory, he has a “bad side” of him which is cold hearted and again dangerous.
Ginji isn’t the type of person that gives a shit about money (unlike Ban) just as long as they get back something precious from their client; he would even do it for free just to make them happy. He is just that type of guy.
The relationship between Ginji/Ban & Megumi/Yuji:
I know I said that I have never seen two main guys who aren’t your typical rivals and your basic shonen boys other than Megumi and Yuji, but looking back they are literally what Megumi & Yuji can be if they developed more and communicated.
Ban’s & Ginji’s relationship is built on trust and communication, while Megumi’s & Yuji’s is also built on trust & action. I would love to say communication with Yuji and Megumi, but they still need to work on that which I’m very excited to see but they do show it in their action but sometimes you need to speak it out. Unlike Ginji & Ban who shows their trust by action and words.
What I appreciate Ban and Ginji’s trust is that they know that they’re fucking strong/dangerous and they didn’t need anybody to help them since the beginning, but both boys will not hesitate to go and help each other out even if it means to risk their life. I also believe that Megumi and Yuji both acknowledge that their both strong but won’t also hesitate to have each other’s back.
Another thing I love is that if nobody can afford Ban’s and Ginji’s service Ginji wouldn’t hesitate to still offer help. Yes, Ban would disagree and try to convince Ginji that they need but of course money doesn’t matter to Ginji just as long as he can see the customer smile and be happy. And yes, Ban does his service for free because of Ginji’s compassionate ways of helping other’s. They legit changed each other to better each other out from their past. As for Yuji and Megumi, we can see that both of them has changed ever since meeting each other. Both of them inspired each other to better themselves as well.
The Get Backer boys are such the complete opposite of each other but yet they balance each other out perfectly; Ban being the grumpy and lil shit while Ginji is the ray of fucking sunshine. Again, same with Yuji and Megumi; Megumi being the introvert while Yuji being the one who would bring rocks to Megumi. It’s funny because if you guys decide to read/watch The Get Backefs you’ll see that Ginji is very affectionate towards Ban while Ban is more subtle but you’ll see that Ban will hug, smile, laugh, and puts an arm around Ginji becasue well Ginji makes him feel that way. Yuji and Megumi aren’t like that but if they were I have a feeling Yuji would be the one who would put all his affection towards Megumi while Megumi would do things on the dowow but sometimes would compliment Yuji or even hug him. I would like to say that Yuji and Ginji are considered “himbos” but in reality their action pretty fucking smart especially when it comes to strategies in fights.
I mention that Ginji jumps on Ban and everything but he’s affectionate towards everyone but it’s very different when it comes to Ban. I forgot to mention that Ginji also calls Ban but his name but adds “Chan” at the end; “Ban-Chan”. We all know what the “Chan” lol.
Anyway, I would love to explain more but I personally don’t like writing a lot because I actually suck at putting my thoughts into writing.
I do want to say that I wonder if Gege ever watched this series or know about it because again, it is very rare to see two main boys not be rivals. When I watched/read this series it was a breath of fresh air not seeing your typical shonen boys.
I am going to say this: this ain’t a yaoi series, it’s shonen series and it’s actually pretty fucking dark and violent.
Ginji and Ban are consider canon without saying their canon. No, they do not kiss but you do not need a “make a move” to prove that you’re canon. They’re the blue print (jk lol) of how shonen romance should work because of the development and chemistry that they have. They’re so dramatic they literally can’t be without each other for hours lol. So, honestly, if you want to read a good series with a good health relationship between two boys then please consider it, but I will say you will be in pain.
Another fun fact that I found interesting is that the illustrator of The Get Backers series is also a fan of “boys love” (just how Gege also finds many “boys love” series interesting):
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Well, again, I really do hope you guys check this series out! Hope you like my essay!
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cower-before-power · 3 years
for the little ask game, gojo, yuji and inumaki from jjk? (also I hope you've been well!)
Hello friend! I'm not too bad, thank you! I hope you are well too :)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Look this man is a menace but he's HOT. Like top tier hot, it's so unfair!!!!
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
The cutest boy! I want to adopt him and take care of him, precious sunshine bby.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Inumaki is adorable like Yuuji, I get such a kick out of his rice ball expressions and how he always looks so bored haha
Thank you!!!
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handlewcaare · 3 years
for the ask game: he tian (19 days), itadori yuuji (jjk), inumaki toge (jjk), and izuku midoriya (bnha) !! :D
[ x ]
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7/10: from the panels I’ve read, he seems to be aware of his love interest’s personal space, but oh my GOD is he ugly. I mean, narratively he’s a sweetheart and I think he’d be a great bf but why are his eyebrows on 90% of his forehead. He’s got elongated limbs and I am absolutely terrified that you would want to be trapped in the arms of Enderman. He’s sweet, don’t get me wrong, but if I were to ever see him; you best believe I would be running the other direction
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Baby brother/10: You love golden retriever boys. You literally saw this dumbass eat a wrinkly, foreign object and chomp on it like a Cheeto and went “Ah, yes- that’s the love of my life.” That being said, Yuji is painfully altruistic to the point that he can empathize with people, but he can’t formulate the concept of love. He knows how to approach a stranger for comfort, but not vice versa. I would absolutely want him as a baby brother though.
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Baby Brother/10: you were literally unimpressed with Megumi eating pavement that you turned to another quiet character who is actually a big softie / goofball and went “Ah- another love of my life.” He is literally the most precious boy, but he does need to chill it with the cough syrup. He’s gonna end up taking too much Robitussin one day and just hallucinate the entire fight.
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my BABY/ 10: With each every manga update that I sneak a peek at, I’m like reading those panels like a proud auntie. I kinda dislike him in the anime because he’s not nearly as motivated / determined as he is in the manga, but he’s still an absolute bottle of sunshine. You consider him, Inumaki and Yuji as your little sunshine boys. I would say keep them safe, but I’m sure Deku would keep YOU safe 💪😤
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epickiya722 · 6 months
Kiya, can I ask from this :
For Yuji, Izuku, Tanjiro, and Reki.......
Thanks 🍀
You can, but just next time wait till I reblog an ask game! Glad you want to hear my opinions on them though! 😁
Sexuality Headcanon: Okay, I'm be real with y'all for a second. When if comes to sexuality and gender headcanons, they're actually the last kind of headcanons I think about. I guess because even nowadays, I don't think about either like that about myself or at all. I guess they just are what they are!
Gender Headcanon: ⬆
A ship I have with said character: For Izuku, at this point, the ship I have is him and happiness. Honestly, for all the boys... they go through so much in their stories. So far, at least Tanjiro and Reki's stories ends on happy notes.
A BROTP I have with said character: Izuku should have a big sis figure and I nominate Miruko. Really like the relationship he has with the younger kids like Kota and Eri. I adore the relationship Tanjiro has with his sister, Nezuko and the Swordsmith Village Arc has me liking him and Muichiro and Genya. For Reki, his relationship with the rest of the crew. And for Yuji, I love duo him and his actual brother Choso makes. I also think him and Uro could get along well. Like, I need those two to meet.
A NOTP I have with said character: A couple, but just overall, I'm not into the whole adult with kid thing or relatives for any of them.
A random headcanon: My first JJK fic is actually based on the headcanon that Yuji has tiny fangs. Pair that with glowing eyes in the dark. Look, he can throw cars like it's nothing! For Izuku, I see him as an artistic person. He has tons of stationary he uses for his notes and uses many colors for them. Tanjiro, it's more kinda canon... I don't know... I headcanon that he definitely sung lullabies to his siblings like his mother. He stopped for a while when it was just him and Nezuko. He picks it back up after the whole Entertainment District situation. Sometimes, the others would catch him but he has yet to know this. I headcanon for Reki that he lets Koyomi paint nails. He likes seeing different colors on his nails and he's happy to see his sister find a creative way to express herself and wants to practice. Like with Yuji, this headcanon inspired my first fic for SK8.
General Opinion over said character: In my opinion, I think all four of them are the best characters in each of their series. Not because they're the protagonists. Because just who they are overall. Even if they were side characters, if everything about them is kept the same, I would still take to each of them. They are my sunshine, they are all precious to me, okay? I don't care for people's preferences for character favorites, but they're the characters that if I see slander or hear someone doesn't like them it's like "I don't know who hurt you but uh... how dare you!"
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