#yuri run changed me as a person
degreesofkei · 5 months
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"What is loveit?"
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Vaggie: "Charlie, babe? Can you come over here for a sec? I need help proving a point."
Charlie: "Okay!"
Charlie: (ZOOMS over)
Charlie: "I'm here." (cradling vaggie's hand tenderly) (beaming) "How can I help...?"
Vaggie: "You just did."
Angel Dust: "Fuckin' show off."
Vaggie: (at angel dust) (Smug) "Your turn."
Charlie: "? Are we playing a game??"
Vaggie: "No but it's still gonna be fun."
Angel Dust: "Shush. I'm tryin' focus here! Ah-HEM."
Angel Dust: "Ohhhhh Husky man~ Would ya come over here an' help me with somethin', mr. whiskers-"
Husk: "No."
Angel Dust: "Pweeease~?"
Husk: "Fuck off."
Vaggie: "And there we have it."
Angel Dust: "Bullshit! You're NOT more attractive than me, toots! Not even personality wise!"
Charlie: "Was that the point we're proving?"
Angel Dust: "NOTHIN'S PROVEN!"
Charlie: "Did it even need proving??? I mean, look at her."
Angel Dust: "I'm lookin'. It's a lesbian only her lover could love."
Charlie: "I DO really love her~"
Vaggie: "And I try hard every day- Angel shut up- to be a little bit worthy of that love. Case in point."
Charlie: "Wait, go back to the point about not feeling worth-"
Vaggie: "Old news babe. Hey Husk! C'mere for a moment!"
Charlie: "-she's dodging the question!"
Angel Dust: "She's bein' an annoying bitch of a friend."
Husk: (slouching over) "The fuck do you want."
Angel Dust: "Shut. UP."
Vaggie: "Nothing much. Didn't want you to miss out on Angel Dust pouting that's all."
Husk: "Yeah?"
Charlie: "Awww Vaggie, that's really thoughtful!"
Vaggie: "Just doing my lesbian duty."
Charlie: "Angel Dust is a guy though?"
Vaggie: "A gay guy. It's solidarity."
Angel Dust: "I hate you."
Husk: "Huh. Fake hating people looks good on you, looser." (smirk) "Cute pout."
Husk: (wanders off)
Angle Dust: "......."
Angel Dust: (grabbing vaggie and lifting her to eye level) "I love ya we're besties for life and if ya do this t' my heart again 'm shanking ya in the middle of the night with a shiv made from a sharpened yuri manga."
Vaggie: "And I've never wanted you more. As a friend."
Charlie: "Okay good great wonderful friendship moment everyone. Now!"
Charlie: (holding out arms)
Charlie: "I want MY girlfriend back." (pouting) "Please."
Angel Dust: "May the sapphic be with ya."
Angel Dust: (dumps vaggie in her arms)
Angel Dust: "Ohhhhh Husk....! Guess who's POUTIN' agai- Whiskers stop runnin' an' look at me!!!"
Husk: "Once was fucking enough."
Angel Dust: "Once is NEVER enough fucking with me~"
Charlie: "Wow. Husk sure can move when he wants to..."
Vaggie: "Meh, he's not even using his wings."
Charlie: "He's really not is he? Aww!"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "...Vaggie. Is my pout cute too?"
Vaggie: "The cutest, sweetie." (smooches pout) "And most bi-utiful."
Charlie: "HEHEH."
Niffty: (from above) "I bet she'd pout even HARDER if I dropped this DEAD RAT in her hair."
Charlie: "A WHAT!?"
Niffty: "Dead rat."
Vaggie: "Don't you dare-"
Niffty: "Whee! Here we go!"
Chaggie: (running and screaming)
Angel Dust: (distantly) (shrieking) "HUSK RAT HUSK HUSK HELP RAT DEAD RAT HELP HUSK HUUUUUSK!!!!"
Husk: "-oh shit hold still DON'T FLING IT AT ME ASSHOLE-"
Niffty: "Your welcome!"
Cherri Bomb: "How! HOW IS tHERE A RAT CORPSE! IN MY BRA!!!!"
Charlie: "Cherri run just run-!"
Cherri Bomb: "Already one dead rat boob surprise too late for that!"
Niffty: "Happy pride month everyone!"
Niffty: (GIGGLING)
Niffty: "I bleached and dyed each rat corpse a different rainbow color~"
Alastor: "...Hmm?"
Alastor: (oozing out of shadows)
Alastor: "And no rat for me, my dear? No pride for poor old Alastor?"
Niffty: "For youuu? Iridescent cockroach!"
Niffty: (impales one on his antlers)
Alastor: "Oh I AM touched! ...Might I ask why the change in vermin, however?"
Niffty: "Irony!!" (CACKLES)
Alastor: (confused) (still touched) "Ah."
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daemour · 8 months
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Pairing: royalty!Mingi x royalty gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, light angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au
Warnings: none
WC: 1898
Summary: You and Mingi aren't friends, not even after marriage. But you're not enemies either. In fact, you don't know where you stand but after an incident maybe it could be something more?
after being complained at for "never writing Mingi" (ahem @mingsolo) here we are! to tide us over while i struggle through nanowrimo i have a handful of prewritten fics so y'all aren't dehydrated
“With the power vested in me by the Gods, I unite Princess (Y/N) (L/N) and Crown Prince Mingi Song in holy matrimony, thus joining their kingdoms.”
The priest leads the two of you to join hands, and as you do light shines from within your clasped hands. The ceremony is over and you are now married to the…well, former nemesis of your people. The funniest thing was when you were just toddlers, your parents had even talked about marrying the two of you together. But then something changed. And it wasn’t long before both countries were locked in a war before you even had the chance to talk to the prince for more than your greetings.
It was devastating. Both countries were large and powerful, and the smaller kingdoms around them suffered for it. It was only when his father died that the high empire intervened and, as a result, decided to use your marriage to make peace. Mingi would not be crowned until he was married to you, and the wedding took place much sooner than you had hoped.
Which brings you to now. Neither you nor Mingi talked or even looked at each other the entire carriage ride home. It was not a joyous occasion, not for the two of you. No shared beds, or rooms, just barely acknowledging each others' presence.
In fact, you’re pretty sure he hates you. He rarely acknowledges your presence. You don’t know what to do with yourself in this hellhole. All you do is show your face in the throne room when needed and then retreat to either your private gardens or room until next called for.
“Yuri, could you do me a favour?” you call for your handmaiden, who might just be one of your only friends in this dreadful castle. The servants like you well enough but there’s only some much kindness they can offer before the nobles’ words get to you.
“Yes, milady?” Like a ghost, she moves to stand beside you, her hair glowing in the sun. Sometimes you look at her and feel she would be a so much better fit for the role of queen here. You can barely hold the attention of the court ladies while Yuri can shut them up with a single polite sentence. “How may I assist you today?”
“Could you do me a favour and fetch me some tea? You know my favourite. I’ll take it in my room, and you can take the day off.”
Yuri bows her head. “Thank you, milady.” You can hear the smile in her voice, excited at the prospect of a day off. You wave her off and as she enters the side door, you lean back on your hands and enjoy the rays of sunshine on your face for just a moment alone. You take moments like this with gratefulness, as it’s only when you’re truly alone that you feel almost at home.
With another sigh and a crack of your back, you brush off your full skirts and make your way to your room. It’s when you almost reach your quarters that you run into Lady Miyoung, a lady of high social standing that you heard was rumoured to be marrying Mingi before the war had started.
“Lady Miyoung, what a surprise,” you greet her quietly, tilting your head into a bow. “I did not expect to see you near this wing.” You did not expect her because this area is regulated strictly as only you, your personal servants, and your husband are allowed entrance.
“Oh, yes, a pleasant surprise, I’m sure,” Miyoung sniffs haughtily and your eye twitches. As much as she despises you, she’s popular among the court and if you dare raise a word against her the social exile you would face would be irreparable. “I heard the most interesting conversation the other day, you know.”
“Ah,” you are not quite that interested in court gossip, but if Miyoung found her way into your wing without being stopped, it must be something important.
“I heard,” Miyoung leans in as if you’re sharing secrets about childhood crushes, “that King Mingi has been looking for a second wife to bear him a son. A woman of his court, with high social standing, of course. In fact, I heard that he’s quite sick of his war trophy.”
And her words cut you deep. You know she’s referring to herself as the lady of the court with a high social standing, and that you are his war trophy. She’s not subtle, but she’s subtle enough that you cannot sentence her to anything without the wrath of the court against you. You feel your throat tightening but you force an almost painful smile on your face. “I see. Well, the rumours of the court have no bearing on how I will go about my day, so I thank you for your wisdom. You may leave.”
Miyoung raises a perfectly shaped brow, no doubt pleased at your obvious hurt but also craving more of a reaction. “Now, now, there’s no haste. A court doll like you must have nothing else of interest as her husband, His Royal Majesty, has much more important matters to attend to.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Never before had a court lady been so openly disdainful of you. Behind your back, easily, but to your face and in your quarters? You open your mouth to rebuke her but before a single word leaves your mouth, you hear wind rushing past your ears as a person stands before you. As your eyes move up his broad back your hand flies to your mouth as you recognise the back of Mingi’s head.
“My King,” Miyoung stutters out, just as surprised at his sudden appearance.
“Why are you here?” Mingi’s booming voice echoes in the narrow hallway. “I do not recall you being given permission to be in this area of the castle.”
“Why, Queen (Y/N) invited me herself,” she lies straight out of her teeth.
Mingi looks back at you, his eyebrow raised as he awaits your confirmation. And on any other occasion, maybe you would have folded in your eagerness to please the court, but your heart still stings from Miyoung’s words. You shake your head ever so imperceptibly.
Mingi nods. “I see. Now, Lady Miyoung,” his head snaps back to her and she has the audacity to flutter her eyelashes at him. “Lying to the King and putting words in the Queen Consort’s mouth is a punishment worthy of being stripped of your title.”
“Your Majesty!” Miyoung squawks and Mingi holds up a hand to silence her in the middle of her sentence.
“Not to mention the other offences I heard when walking by,” Mingi continues and Miyoung swallows as she realises the trouble she put herself into. “Spreading harmful rumours about the King and the Queen Consort?”
“You’re majesty, I wasn’t–” Miyoung tries to save herself but Mingi is not having it.
“Keep your snake mouth shut” he snaps “lest I cut your tongue off for disrespecting my wife. You have, by extent, insulted me as well. Second wife? Don’t make me laugh. Queen (Y/N) is a hundred times more the queen you would ever be.”
Before Miyoung could protest anymore, Mingi snaps his fingers and guards you didn’t even expect to be there come out of the shadows to take Miyoung by the arms.
“My King!”
Both you and Miyoung gasp in surprise, although yours is more confused and hers is plain offence, but Mingi ignores you both as he addresses his guards. “Take Lady Miyoung to the dungeons while I decide what to do with her.”
And without hesitation, the soldiers drag an offended and whining Miyoung away. It’s only when her hollers finally cease that you snap to attention, quickly bowing at your husband. “I didn’t expect you to be here, Mingi,” you state as he bows back. “I thank you for your help in dealing with Lady Miyoung, though.”
Mingi sighs. “I should’ve done more before, (Y/N), and I’m sorry. I should’ve known how hard it would be for you, moving so soon after the war.”
You shake your head as your hands clutch at your full skirts. “You have no obligation towards me. Lady Miyoung was, in a way, correct about one thing. I am a war trophy.”
“No obligation?” Mingi’s voice raises in volume but he pauses to calm himself down after he notices you flinch at the volume of it. “(Y/N), you are my wife. The furthest possible thing from a trophy. I should have nipped the gossip in the bud—neither of us wanted a war and we could not control our circumstances.” Mingi reaches forward, almost as if to hold your hands, but decides against it, his hands just hovering awkwardly in the air.”
“But you don’t care,” you contradict him, your voice small. “I know you don’t owe me anything, but I rarely ever see you, and the court thinks I’m a joke. I can’t show my face without hearing the whispers behind my back. I do my best to listen to the commoner’s struggles and offer solutions but there’s only so much I can do when the officials and their wives are against me.”
Your words stun Mingi to his core. “You think I’m indifferent?” At your careful nod, he overcomes his hesitation and takes your shaking hands, bringing them to his chest as you are pulled forward at the motion. “My wife, I adore you. I would be lying to call it love, but I hold you in such high regard, and given time, I would come to love you if you’d let me. I am so sorry that you came to that conclusion.”
You hesitate before reaching forward and squeezing his warm, large hands. “It’s okay,” you whisper. When Mingi raises an eyebrow you laugh breathily at his suspicion. “It truly is. Yes, I felt alone and out of place, but your words and kindness have comforted me. We can try again. I’ll attend more councils with you as is my duty, and we can have lunch together afterwards. I’ll do my best to appeal more to the nobles and we can get to know each other. I don’t hold it against you, Mingi.”
Mingi nods slowly as he processes your words. “We shall,” he smiles and you can’t help but smile back. He brings your hands to his lips, pressing a kiss against them. “We will, and that’s a promise. I will defend your reputation with all I can, and you will blossom in this court, I’m sure of it.”
You giggle a little at his phrasing and you give his hands another gentle squeeze. “I will hold you to that promise.” A pause as you stare into each others’ eyes and an idea hits you. “Mingi, are you busy right now?”
Mingi shakes his head. “No?” he cocks his head, his eyes warm.
Your eyes shine as your smile grows even more on your face. “Then please do me the honour of accompanying me to my garden, my King.” You punctuate your question with a short laugh and Mingi’s eyes shine as he nods.
“Please, let’s.”
You feel a warmth bloom in your chest as you gently pull him down the hall back from where you came.
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janichroma · 4 months
🎉Q/A Answers!🎉🎉
There's a lot to parse here! Warning that there are some spoilers of current content in here! So please tread carefully!
Q1.) I'm very curious about Death Wings. Do all of them exist in a similar state to Robo-Ren, where their true bodies are asleep and they pilot a mechanical suit, or is there something that differentiates them?
Ren is an exception. He's the only one who pilots a separate body. The others are in their own!
Q2.) Which Rejuv characters would be most likely to start a podcast together?
Adam and Valarie probably have a lot of deep 3 am conversations so with a little help from Saki, those two would def make a podcast. Other highlights are Saki+Erick and maybe Texen by himself because he just talks about how women are objects or something i dunno.
Q3.) Are you absolutely sure this is a good idea? Are you being held hostage?
I deadass thought i was gonna get 10-20 questions at most..... So yeah its a good idea.
Q4.) So, half servants. They’ve been so confusing to me. Until 13.5 I was just under the assumption servants were just infertile lol. So, do half servants like…. Inherit any powers or anything from their servant parent? Like, the ability to teleport and things like that.
Servants cannot reproduce when they're first created/in their generic form, but when they transform into their own person they gain a soul and they are then able to reproduce because they're just like any other person. It's just that their origins are different. Servants can still use their magic, but their children cannot. Although, I bet their children -do- inherit some traits from their Servant parent. Probably like just having above average strength/speed etc. That's not universal, though.
Q5.) How come Tesla doesn't let Amber bring us to the villa after the gym battle now?
Well... When two people love each other very much...
Q6.) Do the executives of Team Xen and most importantly Ren have the green gem somewhere on their body that marks them as members of Team Xen?
I wonder...
Q7.) I know in the past, you said that you haven't seen any correct guesses as to the identity of Madame X. Has that changed since the release of 13.5?
Pretty close, but no cigar.
Q8.) would crescent like yuri/gl
I banish you to the hungry worm dimension.
Q9.) i know that some characters, namely tesla (and maybe jolene?) call themselves "honorary" members of the elite 8. is there any specific reason for that? also can roboren run doom this is important.
There's no specific reason other than it soundin' fancy. Roboren can run tetris so maybe!
Q10.) What are the perks/ benefits of joining Team Xen? ( asking for a friend )
Amazing health care, and amazing investments in your 401k.
Q11.) I wanted to ask, which character has, for you, the most chance to surprise us in future updates? Be it badly or greatly.
i can't answer this because it gives too much implicit information!!! Sorry!!
Q12.) what pokemon teams (or just ace pokemon) would characters you don’t ever battle have? for example, volta, eizen, martin, rune, eden, etc? will we ever fight any of them?
I don't want to answer this either because we will probably have an opportunity to fight -most- of these people here, but for Rune it's already established to be Rapidash (Ace), and Eden would probably have a Blissey somewhere.
Q13.) How close of friends are Amber and Crawli? I wanted to ask since they're both Gym Leaders of Terajuma and around the same age, especially when Tesla and Amber moved to Telia after the incident.
They're not too close. They know of each other, and have spoken, but it's mostly a "friendly landlord" kind of relationship. They only talk when it's necessary... Not that Crawli is a landlord, or has any bearing on Teila.
Q14.) Hihi, what are somethings that have changed from version v12 (and also v13) that you really like/are proud of? And are there things you miss from previous versions, but you had to get rid of for any reasons? (I'm personally absolutely in love with the redone Terajuma stuff and especially Crawli, and also the redone Ryland scenes but that's because I'm biased.)
Terajuma 100%. I LOVE Terajuma now. I used to really despise it, evidently. But I think it's so fun and has a lot of nice moments. Valor Mountain still sucks, though. I have a huge urge to simplify that place, but then i'd have to redo a certain scene later and i dont wanna bc it's already perfect. Suffering from success... As for things I miss from previous versions... I can't think of any right now because I love where we're at rn so I guess I don't miss anything? There are certain scenes like Melia with her long hair flowing, but outside of small instances like that, nah!
Q15.) If in the nightmare school "Jean" was able to manifest flora's explosives from the dreams of GDC's citizens... Where could he have manifested A Gun from??
Probably the police station, tbh.
Q16.) What's your personal favorite part of the game thus far?
Honestly Chapter 2 -> to the end of Terajuma is so much fun to me. Not that the other chapters aren't, but that part is comfy. I also love Renegade Route chapter 0.
Q17.) Now if I'm remembering correctly, you mentioned that Venam was supposed to be just a side character at first. What made you decide to change her role into such a major one? Also how did the Melia/Venam come about?
Yeah so, Beth was actually in Venam's spot if you can believe that. Yes, the same one that sells Moo-Moo Milk. We already had a prominent blonde character and Beth wasn't boring or anything, she just didn't add a fun dynamic with Melia. Although back then the formula was more rebornified. Meaning characters rarely traveled together and they kind of just showed up when they needed to. Now characters are constantly always traveling with you and stuff. Not that the old format is bad, it's just a different take. I brought Venam back because she's Melia's best friend and it felt real weird that she was not involved -at all- compared to her and Ren. Their relationship came about because.. Well, I kinda just knew. Venam was always a lesbian in my head, and Melia is def the character that would love anyone if they gave her the chance to love them. It just felt right?
Q18.) 1) When was Eizen conceptualized? 2) What is one funny story about developing v13.5 that you can share? 3) Were there any pieces of media you took inspiration from while writing Renegade(mainly Central Tower)? 4) Do you have any plans of making more games after Rejuv?
Yall are cheating with the multiple parts!! Anyway, Eizen was conceptualized sometime in v13's development, but he... she.. they... were just a concept at the point. (stick a pin in that) 2.) A funny story? Hm... I honestly can't remember anything rn. Probably just some bug that caused us pain and it was super simple to fix. 3.) To be honest, I didn't take any real inspiration for Renegade. I actually went into doing that route without knowing exactly what I wanted from it. But the pieces sorta fell into place and im in love with it lol. M2 was always going to be a character in the game, it's just that she was never named M2 and was more tragic than unhinged. M2's personality was altered slightly because I wanted Renegade to have SOME sort of a balance, and a partner in crime (sorta) felt appropo. 4.) Yes, I have original games in the works AND plans for at LEAST 1 more fangame after this. I'd like to start from scratch with all the knowledge I have now. Though, it wouldnt be nowhere near as long as Rejuv. I'm talking like 4-5 releases. lol.
Q19.) Wanted to ask how renegade!MC perceives Clear/Kieran, the 3 choices we have to respond to Clear asking us to go see Clear all seemed cold towards her. I guess they aren't a potential new friend group?
They are a means to an end. The MC is not close with Clear or Kieran at all. They barely even talk outside of the instances we've already seen. Maybe that'll change?
Q20.) This has been a matter of contention between some friends of mine and I. How old is Odessa? I'd assumed she was below 18 as she's not taken the throne so she might not be an adult and her dad's in charge until that happens, but they think she's an adult. For something less serious, who in Rejuv's most likely to start a ponzi scheme, and who's most likely to buy in.
Odessa is likely to be around 25-ish. She's a legal adult, and is in line to be Queen of Kristiline, but their family line already holds so little influence and power that Aquis just makes her a figurehead and manages things on his own. Kind of a Cinderella of situation? More similar but not 1:1. To be honest? I figure Aquis hopes Kailani to return one day and assume her duties because he likes her more (Even if he abused her the same way he did Odessa.) As for the ponzi scheme... I feel like Thomas Jr would make one and Texen would fall for it.
Q21.) Who is the hardest character to write consistently?
Honestly? Melia. She's given me the most trouble despite her being so prominent. Im good at it now I think, but before I never knew how to write her because anything I did came with criticism lol, and still does, but now I don't really give a shit. Amber's a close second.
Q22.) When Crescent fell down the cliff, did she get the interceptor contract then was asked to become a storm chaser? The events seemed to have happened close to each other. Curious since the hags serve Variya, so only 1 of the 2 parties could've asked her both, but that wasn't the case.
Yes it was shortly after she fell. To be clear, the sparkle the protags saw was the sparkling of water from the moonlight above. So they knew it was "safe" to push Crescent. She could have died but she had a chance to survive a situation where the alternative meant certain death.
Q23.) Will the Elite 8 even be able to be battled on Renegade? I imagine Karrina would replace Karen if Karen dies on Paragon, and Karrina doesn’t get pushed, but she eats the Deletos on Renegade if you don’t push her in Castle Zygara, and it made me wonder.
The members of the Elite 8 may be battleable, but not in an official league format. That's all I'll say on that.
Q24.) I'm still really curious about emma, things that come up in my mind a lot is the part where she looks to be used by variya to speak to melia during the part where amanda knocks her out, and during pearl route when we see the note signed by someone with the same name- emma. because of this, I've been pretty curious about this disguise thing the space hags gave melia. did they- or variya gave them orders to- pull the appearance from the deceased emma? does this mean ... they're the same person?
The name part is merely a coincidence and acts as foreshadowing. Melia reads the note and is like "Emma...?" and wonders if she would share the same fate as the ones written on the notes, and then lo and behold she has the same condition.
Q25.) This question is regarding Renegade route: Do the 6 years that M2 and our chosen host were lost in that alternate world match up with a version release that is outdated, or is an in-universe timer that we shouldn't overthink that much?
Honestly, that wasnt the reason for 6 years but now I wish it was that's rad as hell. But no the 6 years isn't even 6 years. It's an unspecified amount of time that passes that she perceives as 6. They both couldve been down there for a million years and they wouldnt know. The area they're in is similar to the chasm where it wears down your mind after long exposure. Maybe that's how Melia could take such a bad turn in life. The protags are always optimistic to escape though so they are able to hold onto their mind.
Q26.) #1 spector fan here asking questions about him since he probably won't get much spotlight outside of one quest... what was his life like before taking on the reserve leader role (other than what we already know, like where he lived,) and what are his interests outside of the paranormal, if any? thanks for the opportunity! love this game a lot :^)
Spector is a history buff and loves to do Goth Gf things like take strolls in graveyards at 3 am 🥰🥰. Probably spent most of his time in the District of Hope. He also likes exploring ruins and abandoned buildings. Not limited to Aevium tbh.
Q27.) I know Eizen seems to be a strictly side quest character, but have K/C or the hags ever tried contacting him for recruitment? His research seems too valuable to go unused for them.
Eizen has absolutely no interest in either of those groups. If they even tried to do anything he'd noclip out of the room and fall out of bounds and then die half life 1 style.
Q28.) :3c what are some characters that are trans if i may ask?
Ryland - FTM Party Girl - MTF Alain - NB Aero - NB V - Genderfluid Eden - Genderfluid
Q29.) would angie still possess alice in renegade? :0 super curious about it hihihi
Whatever happened passively in Paragon (Meaning Cera being abandoned, Alice getting possessed), STILL HAPPENS IN RENEGADE, we just don't see it because the trail of events that led to us seeing them in Paragon do not happen. So... in Renegade, that means Alice is still...
Q30.) How did the aftermath scene from defeating the hags on renegade come to be? I'm very curious
i assume you mean the Tera Raid parody? Well, it came up on my playlist on the train and I was feeling chaotic. what if in rejuv but deadly ?
Q31.) who's the shortest character (excluding the younger kids >>)
Probably either Cera, tbh. She's a short lil one. I don't have canon heights for characters outside like an estimation. But in my head Cera tiny.
Q32.) Hello! I would like to ask, Did the interceptor, before the SS Oceana be attacked, have fake memories of a life alongside Nancy? Since Crescent wanted the MC to have a normal life, I always wondered If she created new memories to make this easier And if I can ask another question. What is/was the criteria to someone see the MC appearance correctly? Huey and Lavender saw two different ones, while Aelita saw the correct one(in my case she saw Alain when asked)
Crescent did not create memories for the player. They just started acting weirdly and stopped talking to her. They then started to behave the same way you, the player, does. Believing that what is happening is real and has always been real (Because this is all the information you have right now), so Crescent takes this opportunity to try and let go by giving you a better (but fake!) life. It's why she sorta distances herself a bit (but not too much) so that you could integrate yourself into that delusion. We love being neuro <3.
The criteria is pretty ambiguous intentionally, but for me it has to do with personality and connection. Aelita always sees who you truly are because shes so close with the player + she has envoy shenanigans going on. If you would get along with Alain the most, the player would show themselves as alain etc.
Q33.) Any disclosable reasons why the rift dex now only has 2 remaining entries instead of 3 like in v13?
It's probably just a discrepancy that happened due to shifting over code bases. The number of slots left is not indicative of anything.
Q34.) hello jan!! hope you’re doing well :D is there any more information or random various facts about the androids (clear/kieran/eden) that can be said that ISN’T spoilers? it’s ok if not! i’ve just been curious about them all lately, especially in regards to how eden’s powers with emotional manipulation work.
Nothing too interesting about Clear or Kieran that isn't spoilers and isnt known already, but as for Eden... Eden was eccentric and had a personality thats real close to prince peasley from superstar saga LOL. I feel like Eden would have a catch phrase like "Mon Cherie", and flip their iridiscent hair in mockery. Eden's manipulation was very devastating. You would feel an immeasurable amount of joy when inflicted that you would give over any information because youre... happy to! But it was also very deadly. If exposed to it for too long you become way too happy to the point where you lose the ability to function normally. You'd fall into a happy-apathetic state and collapse and just lay where you fell until you starved or died in some other way. Because you're happy to! Everything in moderation, guys.
Q35.) Hi jan!!! quick question — why do you hate me why did the renegade route do that /real/ question though…. My buddy found some like… older stuff about Eizen in v13’s files. Something about a girl named Ærika?? (Idk if thats even connected but whatever) How did Eizen come to be? What was the process?
Hi remember the pin I stuck earlier? Ok we're unpinning that now. So, Eizen was originally a woman (So happy for his transition), And her name was Ærika. But we already had so many girls in the game and I wanted to create more male characters so then Eizen was born. I'm glad for it too because Eizen is way more interesting than Ærika. Eizen/Ærika came to be when [redacted]. I can't explain his origins quite yet, sorry! But one day you Will Realize.
Q36.) Hi Jan, thanks for the amazing game! In Alamissa, before we get yeeted into the past by Kieran, when Ren gives us sylveon and, um, Nancy’s remains, he mentions that he has stayed (even after breaking off with crescent) with xen for an important reason… but won’t specify. Later, he says the reason is because he wants to help nastasia. But the alamissa convo happened before ren met Anastasia (baby version). Did ren want to help nastasia before he met her past version and learned that she was…
Ren didn't know who she was at that point, but Ren has seen Nastasia in vulnerable points (that we havent seen... yet?). She has discussed with him that shes looking for someone prior to Alamissa, but she was very vague about it, and still is, but she's opened up a lot to Ren over time.
Q37.) This is probably a weirder question but will all of the main leaders, even the ones we battle outside of their gym duties have custom moves? If not, would it be safe to assume the main leaders use the moves of their reserves?
All leaders have custom moves. Reserves use the move the main leader does! They have TM's for these, but they aren't allowed to give them out to winners. At least, at the moment!
Q38.) what was your favorite part of 13.5's development?
Making Renegade Route lmfao. It was so much funnnnnnn. I cant wait for the rest.
Q39.) what’s the EoN experience like for someone going through it? If that’s too spoilery, what was the most surprising part of people’s reactions to .karma content?
You're getting scrubbed. It looks painful, but it's painless... and seamless! You literally cannot process what is going on. As for most surprising, I was surprised people loved M2 so much. I mean, I had a feeling people would like her, but she really took off and that makes me happy bc shes so fun to write.
Q40.) Hi Jan! My question is this: Will Melia and Venam get back together somewhat in the future? Or will they just stay friends? (Paragon route)
Who knows...
An extra question im throwing in here because ive seen a lot of talk around this character.
Q1X.) What inspired M2? M2 was conceptualized to be more of a tragic character, but I felt like Renegade needed some balancing out mood wise, or else it was too much of a drag. M2 was inspired by an insecurity of mine, actually, or I guess less so an insecurity and more of a question a lot of us ask ourselves. What if? What if I did this differently? What if I was born elsewhere? How different would I be? When Covid first started running about and I thought the fate of our lives was about to be cut short potentially, I started thinking about how I lived my life and how much I missed out on certain things. M2 is that. She gets a second chance at life and decides she wants to be everything but Melia because she's already lived that life and it turned out poorly. Hence the name M2. The second version of herself.
A song that inspired me is Immaterial by Sophie (Rest in peace)
2:03 is important
Now that I have a second chance at life, "I'll be anyone, anything, any shape." I mentioned before that your archetype powers manifests as your deep inner desire, and since M2 wants to be everything she couldn't be, it turns into her creating alternative selves through clones made of light. Another point of inspiration for her forms is actually Barbie of all things. Not the movie, although the movie takes advantage of the same principle, that Barbie can be anything. A doctor, a lawyer, life guard, a government official etc. M2 is everything always and forever, and she's also nothing at all. Which one is the real M2?
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i-am-baechu · 5 days
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Pairing: Seokjin x (f) Reader / Jungkook x (f) Reader 
Genre/Tags: Ceo!  CEO! Seokjin, Store Manager! Reader, arranged relationship, slow burn, angst, drama, fluff, and smut
Series Warnings: Foul language, alcohol consumption, family drama, ableist, talks about past accidents, injuries, doctors, anxiety, insecurities, and sexual content═
Status: Preview #3
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Summary: Choi Y/N was used to being the background character to her older sister's life. Yuri was everything that her parents wanted and Y/N was left by herself. It wasn’t preferred but she managed her life perfectly fine. It wasn’t until Yuri asked, “Can you do me a favor?” that her life changed and she became the main character.
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My life is to fulfill the duties of being the eldest Kim and to make my parents proud. There was a time I had dreams of running away or just simply doing what I wanted but I realized this is the fairy tail that my parents divulged to me when I was younger. A person that will make my mother smile and a person that will make my father pat me on the back is what I need for the future. Love is something that stories are painted across the white pages but it does bring hope when I realize there are some stories that are based on truth and nothing but the truth. I understand my responsibilities and I know my destiny as a Kim. I can’t help but have this small thought in the back of my mind, what if I say no? What if I do what I want? The fear of disappointing my parents and putting shame on my family name will haunt me till the day I die. I have to go forward with what I need to do. I have to be the best example of a Kim for my family. That is the life that I am destined to live.  
Seokjin escaped the family dinner to be in the garden. There were some dinners that became too much and he just needed some air. He sat on the bench as he stared up at the sky to see the bright stars. He closed his eyes as the bright moon shined against his skin, I hope this year will make me happy. 
He opened his eyes and he smiled when he saw a shooting star. It sent hope in his heart. He slowly got up with his hands in his pocket as he continued to stare at the dark sky. He heard his family loudly cheering for something and he sighed. He turned around to walk back but he took one final glance at the sky. The shooting star etched in his brain. You never know what will change...what will make a great story. 
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piracytheorist · 7 months
Episode 30 thoughts!
alternate title is "Local anime only is introduced to the entity that is Shopkeeper".
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MY GOD. I had no idea we'd see him so soon. I'm so glad his appearance is no longer a spoiler to me XD
To start with, Yor seems quite tense while she's going out to meet with him.
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A detail that the anime omitted, is that it seems he was caught by surprise by Yor. Is she so stealthy she can even sneak up on him?
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He's... omg he's scary. At the same time he's got one very smooth and sexy voice. I know we heard him on the phone but oh it's so different to hear him from up close. I'm going to feel very conflicted about him, methinks XD
Of course, when he talks about "pruning and watering" and stuff he definitely doesn't talk just about his garden :)
The music was perfect for his introduction. The garden we see around him looks so peaceful and serene, but the music greatly encapsulates that ominous feeling that "This guy is a LOT".
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Ho-lee SHIT
My dude! My bro! Isn't this one of your best assassins or what??
The fact that he's willing to risk decapitating her on the spot just in case she lost one (1) iota of her perfect form is terrifying. And he laughs about it. The fuck. And Yor has been working for him since she was a teenager? O_O
I mean, when I said he's got presence I didn't mean it's not a diabolical one. But holy shit.
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Is... is that person in the back wearing a sheet over their head like they're pretending to be a ghost? I'm noticing the important details here!
Shopkeeper looks like he really holds this mission to great value, and feels greatly indebted to protect Olka. It's very interesting that he's entrusting this mission to Yor.
At the same time, we see his face as Yor says she'll need an excuse for the family, and he is NOT impressed.
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Like geez does ANYONE in her circles not have negative feelings about this wedding? First Yuri then her coworkers then even Shopkeeper like does ONE person go like "That was a good decision you made"?
I mean, if Shopkeeper really values her... it's not like it doesn't look like he has the power to provide her with some cover. He looks so imposing and Yor is so okay with his tactics I doubt she hasn't told him the marriage was just for convenience, so why didn't he go like "Nah ditch them I'll give you the cover you need"? He looking kinda sus rn ngl.
Final detail: the thingies hanging from the strap of his hat are the same shape of Yor's earrings. Nice detail.
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It's interesting that Yor's demeanor doesn't change around him. She's still as lively and sweet as we already know her.
I love how after we saw how Yuri stayed up for days to catch Perkin, he fell asleep like that on the subway. Consequences!
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Talking about people in Yor's circles not accepting her marriage...
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Yuri is even VERY audacious in how he says he'll never accept Loid. Yor is way too patient with him, but I guess she can't help it. She loves him too much for her own good, and that was evident by the way she decided to become an assassin just to provide him with an education she completely ignored for herself.
I was surprised by the flashing screen but seeing Yuri run for the train as if he could somehow pull it back was hilarious. What a lad.
Yor is just now wondering if there's any point in her keeping her assassin job, when it's been at least a year that Yuri has been financially independent. It really makes me wonder where her money from her jobs really goes to... and considering Shopkeeper's behaviour, if she even gets paid fairly as an assassin. I wouldn't rule out him taking advantage of her in that regard over the years.
So I think it would be interesting to consider that Shopkeeper is trying to keep Yor in his employ by uhm... idk, brainwashing her? With all that "keeping the world beautiful" and whatnot. I mean, she took that job out of need and having no other choice, she's very good at it, (probably) is okay with getting paid unfairly, and takes at least an entire year after Yuri became independent to question whether she should stay in this job. She's a good and willing workhorse, is all I'm saying. Shopkeeper wouldn't want to lose that, would he?
Again, that's just an anime-only's blabbers. But that's what's good with Endo's work - just from one character introduction you can get a lot of insight!
Your honour I love them.
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Look at their faces. Look at them.
Anya looks so happy while in line for the raffle. I'm so happy she was able to rig the rigged contest and get herself a winning ticket.
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I'd seen this face from people sending me spoiler-free manga screenshots, but I had never expected it to be a "Sucks to be you, bitch" kinda face. I love her XD
I do gotta say though, it's VERY convenient that she happened to earn a ticket for the exact same cruise Yor would be on. But I'm not complaining - I mean, we wouldn't have much of a story otherwise XD
If anything, it would not be out of the ordinary if Anya heard about the raffle, then heard from Yor's thoughts about the details of the cruise, then found a way to earn those tickets. But I digress.
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Dear director. Why are we getting a full front view of Loid's ass. Not that I'm complaining, just curious.
I actually felt a little touched when Loid said Yor should go with Anya. Like I know it's because he has no "for the mission" excuse to go on the cruise and instead has an "I have a lot of work to do" excuse, but it still felt pretty sweet he thought they'd have fun together on the trip. Or something. Delusion what is that
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I love their expressions here. Yor struggling with her excuse and Twilight, Best Spy of WestalisTM, being the lovestruck idiot he is, he just buys it.
I loved this. Devil Anya didn't even go for something "bad" she was just like "ANYA WANTS OCEAN, ANYA SHALL HAVE OCEAN."
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At some point she's going to become the boy who cried wolf with how many times she's threatening to go bad if things don't go her way. Even Loid doesn't look that concerned by that "threat" any longer XD
I knew the cruise was happening, so I knew somehow Twilight would manage to get time off, but I didn't expect it would be that easy... and when we switched to Sylvia approving the vacation, the cowbell sound effect pretty much ended me
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And... wow. I did not expect Twilight has that sort of fear for Handler.
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In the manga we can even see how intense his face is.
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Is that an accurate expectation or is it just Twilight's overreacting and overthinking mind? We saw how that's something Shopkeeper would definitely do with Yor but from what we know of Handler I would not expect something like that. I think it's mostly Twilight's perfectionism and dedication to his job, as well as how much he's accepted for it over the years. He's willing to accept anything, so he's always expecting the worst... even if it's not an accurate representation of reality.
It's also very coincidental that Handler was admonished for overworking her agents just as Twilight needed time off. It's probably Endo reminding us that deep down it's a comedy show and things just work and I'm just looking too deep into it XD
She's not wearing the rings anymore. Perhaps she caught on to the fact that they were given to her as a joke?
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"Go rest and have fun! That's an order!"
Yor catches herself about thinking of having fun on the trip and berates herself.
Since she's already reached the point of accepting she appreciates her part in the family and not just for the cover it gives her, I think it gives an extra layer to how dedicated she is to doing a good job. She knows it's an important job she needs to take seriously and concentrate on. Family fun would be just a distraction... and she's not used to such distractions in her job, after all.
And yes Yuri was in her life, but he was always separate from the job. Now she's got the two of them riding on the same ship!
And that alone makes her reach the question of whether she could just... stop working as Thorn Princess. My god, good luck with that when you have such a boss O_O
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No wonder Anya lost it.
Yor looked so happy while next to Loid and Anya, then she met up with her coworkers and a completely different mask slipped on.
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This family should come with a label that says "Do Not Separate".
A grand entrance to the ship, with suspicious characters joining in! And new music I'm not recognizing! Lots of interesting stuff :D
I love that we get to see Anya with Loid here. It's obvious Loid hasn't had fun in probably ever, and he's still not got the gist of "relaxing" yet.
I actually love the face he has in the manga. He almost looks... curious. Like this is something new to him, and it probably is. He doesn't have his usual calculating face. The "order" to relax was one thing, but maybe Anya's excitement is rubbing off on him.
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Anya's reaction to their room was priceless. They showed it so well XD
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Hey, at least they have a window! Most third-class rooms in ships don't even have that.
Local anime only is also finally introduced to that McMahon guy.
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It's so funny that I've seen his name everywhere yet I had no idea what he looked like. Well, now I know XD
So we're told the father as well as the two oldest sons of the Gretcher family were killed because of infighting, yet it looks like the youngest member is still a baby.
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Those are some interesting family dynamics. Were the sons mentioned this woman's sons, or was one her husband? Or was the boss her father and the sons her brothers? Also, interesting pin on the lapel there.
Similarly, this suit Yor is wearing is the only piece of clothing aside from her office clothes that doesn't have the rose-shaped buttons everything else she wears has.
The guy goes like yo will that Forger woman be enough and McMahon looks like he's like bruh you have no idea. She may be just one but she's enough for twenty.
The little kid is so cute. I felt touched when Olka said that he probably recognizes her as his mother from her voice and her scent.
Olka asks for a favour, to be let out for a bit, and Yor is kind and empathetic enough to indulge her. Most other bodyguards wouldn't be so lenient. Though I guess this is what, in the end, causes her to be caught...
Anya is being Anya.
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One (1) stomach ulcer acquired.
I loved how they put shadows on his face for this part.
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He's fully prepared to treat the ship as a place where he may be attacked, and to gather as much intelligence as he can for his surroundings. That is, until Anya reminds him why they're there.
And he takes it upon himself to have the most fun ever! For the mission!
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I think we will all lose our minds when this man bursts into genuine, uncontrollable laughter. We're clowning him now but when such real emotion bursts out of him I think we won't be able to handle it.
It's a small moment, and it's shown in a comedic way, but it's also heartbreaking to know how he genuinely doesn't know how to have fun. What does this man enjoy watching? What music does he like? What foods are his favourites? We don't know, and the sad part is, he doesn't either. Twilight has no identity and thus no preferences, no profile and no favourite things.
Leave it to me to take a humorous scene and turn it into crying about Twilight hours.
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At least Twilight isn't the only one lying to himself. Like two peas in a pod, they're trying to distance themselves from the family. Meanwhile Anya and Bond are like "They are my fambly and I'll love them forever :3"
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She looks so cute! And I love Olka's comment about how Loid wouldn't recognize her, lmao if only you knew.
You kind of feel for Olka. Regardless of whether she was born or married into the criminal family, it's the kind of life you can't leave easily. And I mean, morality issues aside, Yor's hands are not clean either, so it was sweet to see them bond, and to even have Olka entrust her with Gram's real name.
Sadly, this move of trust is what caught the attention of dude with long beard and impressive hearing.
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Just like the way Franky describes Garden assassins, this guy looks to have some supernatural levels of hearing and comprehending, since he's monitoring dozens of listening devices at the same time and still manages to hear one word that tips him off to who his target is posing as.
Overall, an amazing introduction to this new arc! I'm so excited to see the plot and the characters develop, and especially some long-overdue focus on Yor! It's promising a lot of action and character and even humor with Anya dealing with a "gotta relax and have fun!" Loid. Can't wait :D
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rikeijo · 2 months
Today's translation #597
Yuri!!! on ICE MAPPA Select book, Making of the animation
Part 6.
Ekonte of episode 2. and episode 12.
On these pages, we showcased mainly the process of production of episode 12. Bridges are one type of place a scene in Yuri!!! on ICE can take place in, that are used symbolically. Lets now compare the ekonte from episode 2. and episode 12. The top rows on the right side show a bridge in St. Petersburg that appeared in c4, c6 cuts of episode 2. Victor decided that he is going to take the next season off and he is saying goodbye to his coach, Yakov. It's a scene that depicts an important change. And to the left of that, we see cuts c268 and c269, in which we see Yuuri running. Yuuri is thinking about the distance between Yurio and Victor compared to the distance between him and Victor. "That Yuri has a greater chance to be successful and he is so self-confident in front of Victor...". Yuuri is running towards Ice Castle Hasetsu alone, as if running away from Victor and Yurio. He is crossing a bridge, but there is no-one there waiting for him on the other side. That time, Yuuri couldn't face with Victor and Yurio. After that, he polished his skating, working with Victor, and he developed as a person, getting his self-confidence and love, while competing with Yurio on the ice. In episode 12, we were shown that change that occurred in Yuuri over time. If you look at the cut on the bottom left, you can see that Yuuri is running in the opposite direction, compared to episode 2. and the two cuts create a pair. In episode 12. Victor and Yurio are waiting for him on the other end of the bridge. Yuuri's monologue is very memorable. "There are places that you cannot reach, if you don't carry a dream that is too big to carry alone. We call it love. Everything that happens on the ice." Yuuri, who was running across a bridge alone in episode 2. is now together with Victor and Yurio. The bridge in the last scene of episode 12. is carrying this kind of story. This scene, in which you can see the development that Yuuri have gone through, as he's depicted crossing a bridge, is particularly moving.
[Notes: How ingenious Sayo is as a director just never ceases to amaze me...]
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transflynnscifo · 3 months
Words left unspoken-- Flynn and the XBOX 360 ending
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Today, I finally wanted to make a post about something that might be a little obscure. Whether it truly is would depend on whether
a) you’ve watched/seen the original version of Vesperia,
b) you enjoyed the game through PS3 or Definitive Edition and have looked into the significant differences done between the same game.
To preface, I think it is no secret to anyone that the original 360 version did not have Flynn as a playable character, whereas Patty was just not present (though there was a hint in the original version, if my memory serves me right, that there were plans to implement her even before the ps3 version)
This is my warning to avoid reading further, as this entire post contains spoilers for the ending of the game, regardless of the version.
To make sure all readers are up to speed, it’s important to mention that Flynn is not brought along for Tarqaron in the 360 version. If the player wants to talk to him as an NPC, he would be present in Aurnion (and the Colosseum as an enemy if you’re doing the 100-man melee). Regardless, this significantly changes the progression of the ending cutscene, once you are able to defeat the end-game boss. I would suggest to take a few minutes to watch and compare the original vs updated ending, which I am providing now, below.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e91L4AIKcyg The version used in PS3 and Definitive Edition.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgeMz8Vyocw The version used for the XBOX 360 version, in English.
[I want to mention that I think the part where the rest of the party runs up to Yuri is cute in both versions. In the older one, Yuri kneels to greet Repede! Um, they forgot Patty in the new version somehow, but I imagine she’s doing her Dream Star arte and is about to explode the others.]
Let’s put our focus on Flynn, though!
In the Definitive edition, you know that he approaches Yuri happily, and they both do their little handshake/high-five thing before running up to the others.
In the XBOX 360 version, we get something entirely different! We have Flynn looking up softly at the sky in order to declare his pride for Yuri, without Yuri ever being able to hear that, let alone know it was even said.
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Why does he not say it in the newer versions of Vesperia? Your guess is as good as mine, but I will still propose an idea: The moment was different.
Time and time again Flynn witnesses Yuri and the gang do so many good deeds without taking the proper credit for it. In the case of the original, Flynn is not playable, so he witnesses even less of what the party is doing. I think this cut away from the party perspective in the original to show Flynn is meant to assure the player (who usually may be controlling Yuri) that yes, he genuinely considers Yuri in that high of a regard. He doesn’t personally witness the defeat of the Adephagos in the original, so his only line of thought is to assume Yuri was able to defeat it himself. In fact, the original helps the viewer know that Flynn is perfectly certain this was Yuri’s doing.
Though Flynn goes through the same issue of Yuri refusing to take credit in all versions of the game, he is able to travel with the others and establish more of a bond (albeit awkwardly) with them in PS3 and onward. I think part of him not saying the pride line in those endings was also because he was generally relieved to see the Adephagos defeated with his own eyes. I assure you he probably still is proud of Yuri for it.
Let’s move on to a more interesting observation. Since the English XBOX 360 was very big for the west and there was no dual audio at the time, many players have missed out on how the line is spoken in the Japanese version of the original. So I wanted to compare them too!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5h6QoedZ9o&t=322s The 360 ending, in Japanese.
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This part of my post isn’t meant to say which version is superior, but to discuss the choices done that make the lines both similar and different. Please keep this in mind I am saying this as a(n English) Language major thank you and godspeed.
Anyway, let’s put the lines together:
……君こそ僕の誇りだよ。親友 ...I am so proud to call you my friend, Yuri Lowell.
The website I’ve referred to for years by now does not offer a fan translation for the 360 version, but only for PS3 and on. In my experience playing the game in Japanese audio, watching my sibling play it in the dub, studying Japanese, I have found that the only significant times the fan-TL and the localization differ are when translating arte names. (Here is the website https://hyouta.com/vesperia/index.php?version=ps3p&locale=jp&compare=c2)
Some notes: こそ is used to put emphasis after pronouns. だよ is also used to put emphasis too, but in a very informal manner. Flynn typically ends many of his sentences with だ in Japanese, especially when he is speaking casually with Yuri and other party members. He even switches his first person pronoun depending if he’s on duty or not.
(for だよ: https://www.alexrockinjapanese.com/meaning-of-dayo-in-japanese-and-english-how-to-use/, for こそ: https://selftaughtjapanese.com/2015/10/22/japanese-word-koso-%E3%81%93%E3%81%9D-explained-in-detail/)
With my beginner-level Japanese, I will try to offer a translation of the former line, with the help of dictionaries such as https://jisho.org and the above resources to help me parse out a meaning.
“...You are my pride, close friend.” ← where arguably, switching close for the word dear might convey the message better. Frankly speaking, this ended up being the same translation as the one provided by a fluri quote bot that was used on twitter (pay respects for it no longer working).
Now, you might have noticed that I put an emphasis on ‘you’. Well, it’s because Flynn’s wording would be impossible to convey in the translation otherwise.
Let’s compare this and the official English localization! Several elements here are the same. They are marked:
...I am so proud to call you my friend, Yuri Lowell. ← Subject: I, Predicate: am, Complement: to call you. I’m not making the rest of the sentence now as it’s not that important. ...You are my pride, close friend. ← Subject: You, Predicate: are, Direct Object: my pride
So why is the English one so different? I can’t be truly sure, but even with a glance I can say that the syntactic construction is more complex, for one. I am interested in the switch between ‘pride’ and ‘proud’, with the former being a noun, the latter, an adjective.
What I also want to highlight here is that they ARE saying nearly the same thing. With the words ‘pride’ and ‘proud’ being able to be formed from one another, the meaning behind the words are not lost. In fact, when looking up the kanji for pride in the script of Vesperia, it is always translated interchangeably, depending on context.
If I must further simplify Flynn’s words, we get the following:
ENGLISH: I’m proud of my friend JAPANESE: (close) friend is my pride
depending on whether the difference is significant may be subjective.
Let’s determine the reasons /why/ the two versions wind up ultimately different while saying the same thing.
1. This is something my friend Choc pointed out. The possessive adjective. MY FRIEND vs MY PRIDE. When pulled from all context, the Japanese version comes out more intimate. But putting them back in it makes the scale more equal
I am proud + you are my friend = you are my pride + close friend
2. Troubles in translation: 親友 (しんゆう)
This kanji is not easy to translate. I’ve seen posts talking about it used in Naruto, where even there, it is difficult to emphasize the meaning in a translation. Even directly translating it like I did may come off awkward when in English. Translation and localization are one of the hardest parts of offering a Japanese text to non-Japanese speakers. And what can one do when the direct translation fails to impart the word?
You find other words that attempt to impart a similar connotation/meaning. This lies at the core of translation studies. It’s why a translator is REQUIRED to be a good speaker of the source and target language. The capability of having a wide range of vocabulary AS WELL AS being able to use it in the best placements are at the core of what one could consider a good translation. And even then, such a term is very subjective depending on which language speakers you ask. Especially when this comes to languages as different as English and Japanese.
But is 親友 truly lost in translation? I think the average English speaker is still able to infer that Flynn genuinely means his words in regards to Yuri. If not through one word, I think everything else that is said in done in the game is proof enough.
“I am so proud to call you…”
3. Cultural translations and implications
This point arose in further discussion between me and my friend Choc on the topic. Though I have operated with both lines saying they convey the same thing, I have not considered the semantics and cultural aspects of such phrases.
Firstly, Japanese is taught in a way where there is a large emphasis on formality. Most of what is seen in anime/manga/games can be considered at best informal and rude at worst. So it is important to keep such a thing in mind when looking at a Japanese texts. While we can translate something, we also need to understand how intimate it can be read, and subsequently, how would such a sentence come across in English.
“X is my pride” as a phrase is much less common than “I am proud of X”. And, subsequently, a speaker comes to alert if the former would be uttered. Why call someone the noun when you can describe them with the adjective?
This is speculative on my end but, in the case of Flynn’s line, I think it’s perfectly fine to say it’s intimate. That’s the intention! He and Yuri have known each other all their lives, and have been through the roughest parts in their relationship. They already speak informally with each other in Japanese, so such a line should not be too surprising, right?
Well, the perceived issue with using “You are my pride” in the localization could be that its meaning alters when it enters English. Semantically speaking, most English speakers would perceive this as romantically charged in most contexts. Part of it could be due to how direct it is when dissected syntactically, whereas the official localization lengthens the sentence and makes it more complex. In personal experience, many sentence structures I’ve already learned in Japanese are short and direct. Though Flynn’s line breaches intimacy, the structure is not why, but because of “こそ” and “だよ” that I mentioned earlier. Once more, the direct translation would in theory create a miscommunication of intention in the translation.
Ultimately, the most devastating part of Flynn’s line is the fact that Yuri will never be around to witness it. Yes, Flynn is still pretty direct with his feelings, we have that one line before the Aurnion fight, and it seems he can still convey his feelings non-verbally in a fight. But for someone who begins the story as demotivated and depressed, continues on to a point where his self-esteem plunders further, and manages to find what he wants to do while holding certain unhealthy ideas about Flynn (such as putting him on a pedestal, check the conversation with Sodia in Nor), Yuri probably really should hear those words, even if he is allergic to praise or positive affirmations aimed at him.
Ultimately, what can be done as a result is to ponder ideas after the end of the story and hope that Flynn eventually actually uses his words. But who’s to say! What did I do for this? I made edits. This is your reward for making it through my post. Maybe someday I’ll post them separately too.
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Thanks for reading. Flynn Scifo is gay
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"Although I personally headcanon them as nondysphoric genderfree (as in lacking gender in a fluid, free, whimsical way) I can see so many cases for Dan to be a trans woman or transfeminine nonbinary it's not even funny. To start off, although their appearance is heavily based off the very masculine Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia (albeit chubbier than the two), their personality is based off the very much a tomboyish with a girly streak girl Yuri Sakazaki. In addition, starting from IV onward, they say lines that very much imply they lean in a transfeminine direction, albeit without changing their pronouns like an onee character (those characters are typically transfeminine or transfeminine coded) would. For instance, in one of their winquotes to C. Viper, at least in English, they say "you're a businesswoman? That's what I do too!" Implying they at least partially see themselves as a woman. Street Fighter V takes this even further with lines in the shop quotes (they run the in game shop) implying they have worn schoolgirl skirts, implying they want to wear a bikini, and even saying "You know who would look hot as a woman? If you guessed me, give yourself ten points!" in reference to the Demitri costume Ed has as DLC. The Japanese version of this quote takes it a step further with them calling themself a "number one bijin" in reference to the costume, with bijin being a gender neutral leaning feminine term for beautiful person. I rest my case." - @sunkern-plus
Reminder: Submissions are always open!
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cocogum · 7 months
Hating on Ending D will get you nowhere.
Don’t underestimate it.
One thing that pisses me off about this stupid fandom were the reactions of the killugon fans once they heard about Ending D.
Nah cuz let’s talk about it.
These ppl are seriously acting delulu rn.
They weren’t too much before but now it’s just ridiculous.
I’m starting to see a reaction pattern here through this plausible ending:
1) Some are saying that Togashi said this as a joke therefore, he’s just fucking with us and hasn’t actually revealed anything.
2) Togashi will never use this ending because he scrapped it.
3) Togashi said that his personal favorite ending was Ending C but he said that the majority of the fans will hate it. So it doesn’t mean that he’s super ecstatic by Ending D.
4) This ending is way too shonen and cliché for him to actually use. Since it’s so basic, it doesn’t scream his style. Therefore, even if the ending happened, it wouldn’t feel real.
5) The fans who like this ending are problematic and homophobic.
I’m so sick of hearing these same things come out of their mouths so let me just clearly explain why this is all ridiculous:
1) Why would Togashi ever joke about something like his plausible passing and the work he’s been working so hard for which started in 1998?? The dude has never once joked around with the questions he received about hxh. He’s also been the type to spoil some people through interview questions too so if we follow your logic, that would mean he would’ve also lied about the fact that Kurapika and all the phantom troupe members would die.
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2) We shouldn’t act so hasty when it comes to this ending just because it got scrapped. Togashi did say that he took it out from the endings he was planning on using but it doesn’t change the fact that he: a) actually took his time out of the day to think about the idea in the past and b) said that he’ll use it if his time runs out and if he can’t come up with a greater ending better than the three ones he already got.
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3) Yes, it’s true. Out of the three ones we got, Togashi’s favorite ending was the third one, Ending C. So what? He said he kept it around simply because it was his favorite.
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That also means he’s not so into Ending A and Ending B. An author doesn’t have to specifically use their favourite ending to end their series. They have to think about what the audience and what the majority of the reactions would be like to the ending they came up with. So since he estimated that only 10% of the fandom will like Ending C and 90% of it will hate it, there’s a very high chance he won’t even attempt at using it for the ending. Also, we have no idea what the ending is about.
4) The ending may sound basic and very shonen-like but so was Yu Yu Hakusho’s ending. Or rather the ending of the main character Yusuke. If you don’t happen to know, Yu Yu Hakusho was Togashi’s old work and in it, the main character Yusuke comes back from his adventures to marry a girl named Keiko, his childhood friend.
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5) Did you ever stop to think that maybe some people just didn’t like killugon? Shocking, I know. We just plainly don’t like it. It doesn’t make the most of us homophobic or problematic in the least, stop trying to shove that dumb idea onto other killugon fans’ throats. Some of us are just not into yaoi and have tried to get into it but just don’t see the appeal (i’m personally more of a hetero and yuri fan) of it. Also, some of us would be delighted to see more female characters taking more major roles in hxh. It would be refreshing to see since the main cast is all filled with males while the females usually take minor roles like mothers, instructors, teachers, supporters for some male characters, (ex: Mito, Kikyo, Abe, Noko, Palm, Bisky, Coco Loo, Coco from Heavens Arena, Melody, Alluka) or are just in the background most of the time (ex: Canary, Amane, Tsubone, Shizuku, Machi) (wow these almost sounds like SHONEN ROLES FOR WOMEN).
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mikyur · 5 months
Yandere oc (Yuri) x Gn/reader
Warnings: sadism, yandere behavior in general.
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How long will you remain silent?. He asks for the third time, already losing patience.
I haven't spoken to him since that conversation and I intend to continue like this until by some miracle I can get out of here.
Why do you make things difficult? What does it cost to try to love me back!?. And there he starts crying again, but I'm not going to fall for his manipulation.
Have you really never felt anything for me?. I can feel that this question is sincere, he really wants to know and at this moment I don't know whether to answer or not.
...Yes. In the end, you decide to respond by being honest.
What? You love me!?. And in an instant the tears were gone, giving way to a big smile on his face.
I once felt a slight passion, but now I only feel disgust and anger. I speak without caring about what he's going to do to me, at the moment I just want him to go away soon.
He stays quiet for a while, the smile leaving his lips and he lowers his head, seeming to reflect what I said. Then he gives a tired sigh and I can see the remnants of tears wanting to fall from his eyes.
Is that your final word?. He asks and I was confused.
Last words? Like this? What are you going to do Yuri?. I ask, already desperate for fear of what this crazy person is going to do.
And to my despair he doesn't say anything and leaves the room and I'm finally alone, but the anxiety only increases.
A few minutes pass until the door opens again and Yuri comes at me with a knife but he doesn't use it to hurt me but to untie me, much to my surprise.
What are you doing...?. I ask as I feel the ropes loosen.
Letting you go isn't it obvious?. He responds in his usual sarcastic tone.
But for what?.
For you to go, isn't that what you want so much?. He asks finishing cutting the last ropes.
Yes, it is, but out of nowhere? What are you up to?. I ask the obvious, he must be planning something, it even seems like he's going to let me leave just like that.
Nothing, I just realized that it's better for you to go than to stay here without loving me. He responds and I noticed his crying voice and the tears already falling.
... you know I'm going to tell the authorities everything, don't you?. I ask just to know if he's really serious about leaving me until he finally leaves.
Yes I know, I'm going to be arrested and my father and brother will be disappointed in me and everyone will see me as a monster. He finishes cutting the ropes and kneels on the floor crying and I'm free.
I hope you're happy even if it's not with me. He continues with his head down.
Will you... really let me go?. This is too good to be true and the adrenaline is killing me to run away from this prison.
Hurry up before I change my mind!.
He screams in tears and that's just the trigger I was waiting for to run as fast as I can from there, from this snowy forest and all this madness.
I ran away thinking about my freedom finally achieved, but as they say, not everything is a bed of roses, suddenly I feel a pain in my right leg that makes me fall to the cold ground due to the snow and when I look where the pain was, I see a tranquilizer dart and I just looked up and saw the owner of that dart coming towards me with a gun in his hand.
You don't have to be happy without me, you fell like a duckling. He says laughing.
Have I ever told you that I'm a great actor? This, my dear, is so you can learn not to hurt my feelings!
Go to hell you fucking liar! The only thing I can do is curse him.
Don't say bad words to me my love, you should be congratulating me I hit you from a surprising distance! This distance is my new record. The way he says all this with such pride makes me feel even more angry at him.
But don't worry my sweetheart, if you behave from now on I'll take you for a walk, I bet Lotus will love to lend you her leash! He says this, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and dragging me back to that prison where I don't think I should have left.
Before you go to dreamland I want to tell you that I love you and that you are as beautiful as a rose in the snow.
And with that I give in to drowsiness and wish that this was all a nightmare and that when I wake up all this never happened.
Sorry for any writing errors 7w7
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I think Yuri is still likeable for lot of fans but his story is still very lacking and the growing of his character didn’t shown as obvious much as other main character. And his angry behavior is easy to got hates and judges. Which is sad though because I believe when he’s getting softer and meet different people, we will see a different side of him. That’s why it’s very interesting to see his interaction to other character because most of the times we only see his comedy sides whenever he interact with the Forgers.
I’m do think for a request, I want to know some side story of Yuri and readers in daily life when they still in sss. I do like the details of the reader making brownies and Yuri enjoying it. I do think it will be cute if Yuri invited the reader to the flower store and met his mother grave and gave the brownie as a gratitude. ( or the brownies remind him of Yor or his mother cooking) As something that he wants to make a vow or a promised to taking care of his loved one. It’s will be heartwarming imo but if this is too out of your league ( and since we didn’t have much material of Briars past yet) then it’s okay if you could ignore my RQ.
I do read your updates btw I love it.
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      Fem! (Y/N) x Mean! Yuri Briar
        This can be read with or without reading my Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series: An Alliance (part 1)
        Setting is BEFORE the reader rejoined WISE (so after she declared her resignation to Twilight).
        (Y/N) as her own background in correlation to the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series for plot purposes!
        Yuri is unnecessarily rude to (Y/N).
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        Baking is very important for (Y/N). You can take away many things in life; a person's home, their family, their friends, their confidence, their drive, but you can't take away tradition. Tradition is something that will always be passed down, from generation to generation, it can never truly die out, it will always remain in the world. 
        (Y/N) has certain values and traditions that cannot be swayed by anyone, not even the infamous Yuri Briar, a valued lieutenant in Ostania's State Security Service, can change that. Nobody can change (Y/N)'s love for cooking, for family, and for laughter. 
        The first time Yuri woke up without (Y/N) in his bed was a few months ago and he almost had a full blown meltdown. He quickly ran out of his bedroom, half-dressed with his arm stuck in his jacket, hopping on one foot as he tried to slide on his boots.
        "Yuri?" a voice from the kitchen spoke, peeking their head out of the kitchen.
        It's (Y/N)! Yuri smiled, glad she didn't escape. I didn't want to get fired by loosing her, or  have to track her down and kill her in the streets at three a.m. when I could be sleeping.
        "What are you doing?" Yuri hissed, holding his guard up high as he walked into the kitchen. 
        "Jesus, Yuri! You should've said something sooner! I would've stabbed you!" (Y/N) huffed.
        Yuri's eyes traveled to her hands and his eyes widened.
        "YOU WERE GONNA STAB ME?!" Yuri shouted.
        "NO!" (Y/N) shouted back, placing the knife on the counter. "I thought you were an intruder! Like a Westalis spy finding out that I'm working with you or something like that!" 
        "Do you understand that if you stab someone in my apartment, I'll most likely be arrested too? I'm not helping you get away with murder." Yuri hissed.        
        "Boo-hoo." (Y/N) teased sarcastically, a frown on her face. "Just go back to bed." 
        "No! How do I know you're not planning on stabbing me while I sleep? Or trying to run away?" Yuri spoke, then paused as he smelt something drift in the air.
        It was something sugary, something sweet, and something that smelt divine (not that Yuri would ever let her know). 
        "What are you doing? Are you trying to set ablaze the whole apartment complex?" Yuri questioned, moving past (Y/N) to the dessert in the oven as he crouched down, looking into the small window. "Was dinner not enough?" Yuri rudely sneered, causing (Y/N) to throw a wooden spoon at the back of his head. "HEY!"
        "DON'T HEY ME! THE AUDACITY OF YOU!" she shouted, grabbing an oven mitt and throwing it at him.
        At least that's softer... Yuri thought before sending (Y/N) a glare.
        "I just wanted something sweet! You won't let me leave the apartment so I figured I'd make brownies since you have all the ingredients." (Y/N) sighed. 
        "Are they drugged? Are they laced with poison?" Yuri questioned, giving (Y/N) a suspecting glare.
        "You're really insecure and sensitive, you know?" (Y/N) commented.
        "I'M NOT!" Yuri shouted, his pride slightly ruined. 
        "You're also absolutely terrible with social cues! We have neighbors!" (Y/N) hissed.
        "Like you weren't screaming a minute ago!" Yuri huffed.
        "You called me fat!" (Y/N) claimed.
        "Indirectly..." Yuri mumbled.
        "It still held the same meaning!" (Y/N) spat out, before sighing, deciding not to entertain him any longer. "Whatever. Since you're up, be useful and do the dishes." 
        "You're the one baking at three A.M. You do it!" Yuri groaned.
        "Yeah? Well, you're going to be eating some too!" (Y/N) replied, before allowing her composure to falter. "Please... do the dishes..?"
        "Fine. What are you even doing up anyways?" Yuri sighed, walking to the sink.
        The question made (Y/N) frown, a nasty glare shot Yuri's way.
        "It doesn't matter why I'm up. It's not like you actually care anyways!" (Y/N) accused quit boldly (and rudely).
        "You want me to be nice to you but you're so defensive." Yuri groaned, complaining as he rolled his eyes and turned on the sink faucet.
        "I just couldn't sleep, alright? Just some nightmares..." (Y/N) mumbled.
        I understand that... Yuri thought, his hardened angry red eyes softening to plush red, before he put the mask up once more. No! Don't get comfortable! She could be trying to use you for any information from the SSS! Or Yor!
        "You still get nightmares? At your age?" Yuri smirked. "I thought Flower was supposed to protect you?" 
        "Ugh! See? You don't care!" (Y/N) huffed, crossing her arms as she adverted her eyes. "I don't know why I bother when I do!" 
        "No! I'm sorry, sorry!" Yuri spoke quickly, as if afraid she'll leave him. "I... understand. I woke up too because of a nightmare..." he admitted, swallowing his pride. 
        "What was it about?" (Y/N) questioned, scooting closer to Yuri as he started to wash her dirty cookware.
        "You don't nee-" Yuri paused, remembering her words from just a few seconds ago. "Ah..." he grumbled, then took a breath. "I lost my parents too. My mother's affected me the most. Yor looks so much like her, you know..." Yuri took another breath. "Just miss 'em."
        "I understand. My brothers were always at each others throats, including mine. We fought all the time. It's crazy that despite living in the exact same situation, we had completely different views on the world." (Y/N) smiled, reminiscing the past. "My younger brother was so brave and careless, he never let anyone boss him around, so he got in a lot of fights with my dad and authority. My youngest brother was cold one second, then lovey dovey the next. He had some learning problems, but he really just wanted someone to be proud of him..." (Y/N) paused, thinking of her next words. 
        "I had an older sister too, and an older brother. My older brother was really cold, very distant and all. He was kind of like you, believed everyone was out to get him; he wanted to be independent and be his own person." (Y/N) giggled as Yuri paused from washing the dishes to instead watching her smile. "And Yor? God, she reminds me so much of my older sister. My older sister was always looking out for us younger ones, and she was so kind too. I really miss my dad too, he really helped me with who I am today." (Y/N) paused, realizing she was rambling. "What about you, Yuri?" she questioned, turning her gaze to Yuri, surprised to see he was already looking at her. 
        "Oh! Uh..." Yuri gasped, adverting his eyes as he got back to washing the dishes. "I miss my mom... She would make me and Yor this southern stew and it tasted really good, unfortunately, I don't know how to make it." Yuri sighed.
        "Does Yor know?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "Well, she's trying to replicate it. I love Yor's cooking, but... her stew doesn't quite taste like our mom's." Yuri spoke, cracking a smile. "She's buried here in Ostania, in fact, I should go see her sometime. That'd be nice..." Yuri trailed off, getting lost in his own past before he remembered (Y/N) was present and redirected his attention back to her. "So... what about your mom? I just, never heard you mention her, at all." 
        "I don't know much about her." (Y/N) confessed. "She stayed in (birth country) when my dad moved to Westalis for his job. She cheated on my dad and left all of us." 
        "Oh, I'm sorry." Yuri spoke on reflex, but he couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity.
        "Don't be. She never stuck to a mother role even when she was apart of my life. When she left, my dad and I had to start caring for our family. My older siblings weren't reliable with jobs; she had a neurological problem and my older brother was still defying against authority, teenage angst and all. I couldn't have my six and five-year-old brothers working with me, they were still exploring the world and worrying about what game to play next. I forced myself to grow up early since I knew my dad needed help, so I took up that job at the bakery. In fact, that's how I know this brownie recipe!" (Y/N) smiled.
        "Huh..." Yuri muttered, thinking to himself.
        Even before the war, (Y/N) still had a lot to deal with in her life. When was the last time she really had a break? Yuri thought to himself. Whatever. I shouldn't be caring about that! Everyone goes through some hardships secretly, she's no different!
        "Hey, Yuri..." (Y/N) started, pausing to think.
        I want to ask him about his dad, but he hasn't said anything about it (and unlike him, I understand my words can affect people)... (Y/N) thought to herself. 
        "Yeah?" Yuri hummed.
        "...Uh, you think we can skip work Friday? We've just been working soooo much, it's getting boring." she questioned, immediately coming up with an excuse to replace her real question as she smiled stupidly.
        "Don't be ridiculous." Yuri huffed. "We have a job together now, I'm not going to allow you to run back to WISE!" 
        "Hey! I told you in the contract that I'll work with you guys, sheesh! Besides, I was able to get a resignation message across to them." (Y/N) sighed.
        "When? Where? With who? When was this?" Yuri questioned immediately, slamming his hands against the counter.
        "Don't worry! Now back to the dishes with you!" (Y/N) huffed, changing the subject.
        "Fine..." Yuri grumbled. "You know, what's with you doing all the cooking? You're aware I can help out too?" Yuri questioned.
        You're raised by Yor, and I heard from Twilight that her cooking isn't quite edible... (Y/N) thought to herself, avoiding to give him that reasoning as he'd probably throw a knife at her for saying that.
        "You can only take so many things from me, but you can't ever take away what I've learned from my da. Cooking reminds me of my home. Whenever me and my dad had the time, we'd make meals together for the family." (Y/N) explained. "I may have a bad memory, but the day I let go of my family's legacy is the day I die."
        "You're so human that it's a little weird..." Yuri mumbled.
        "That's because I am human!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "You act like I'm a monster or something." (Y/N) sighed, a little disheartened.
        "Westalis sp-"
        "Shut it!" (Y/N) growled, cutting Yuri off. "The rare occasion we actually have a decent conversation, you go ahead and ruin it!" she exclaimed, checking the brownies before grabbing a mitt, removing them from the oven and onto the counter with a towel under the pan, then turned the oven off. "I'm not in the mood for sweets anymore; I'm going to bed." (Y/N) huffed, walking out of the kitchen and turning the corner, disappearing from Yuri's sight.
        Yuri stood in the kitchen alone, thinking of the events prior to her leaving.
        Maybe I was a little mean... Yuri admitted to himself. It doesn't matter. It never said in the contract that I had to be nice to her. 
        It might've not said it in the contract, but Yuri's aware of what little human decency he has towards anyone but Yor, he's aware he's a little too harsh on the poor girl. He knows if he ever acted like how he treats (Y/N) to Yor, he'd cut his own tongue off (after telling Yor over and over about how sorry he is). 
        In truth, he really doesn't know how to act with someone who isn't his sister, much less a girl, much much less his once-enemy (since she does work with him now).
        Yuri didn't have friends growing up, he was too focused on his studies so he can change the world into something better for Yor, so he's never really had the social interaction he should have. Even in school when he had to work with others in groups, he would take the task on by himself because he believed they'd get in his way. 
        Yuri also doesn't have much luck with girls too. Sure, he's attractive and it helps bring in potential suitors, but he's too obsessive over his sister which usually steers girls off (that, or he's convinced they're a spy [which is technically true in this case] trying to get information from him because why would someone say "hi" to him without wanting to betray their country? [Yuri really needs to get a grip]). 
        Yuri finished washing the dishes that (Y/N) requested from him and stared at the pan of brownies, deep in thought. 
        She did say they weren't poisoned... so... I guess I can try just one? Otherwise this'll all go to waste! Besides, she did say I was going to eat them too, so she had it in mind that we're sharing. Yuri thought, convincing himself of why he should give into the ex-spy's cooking.
        He cut a brownie out of the pan and was surprised by the chocolatey delicacy. It had extra chocolate chips in it and it was a perfect mix of fudge and cake. He took another one to eat, then another, and another after that one. He was halfway through the pan before he realized and stopped himself, remembering her words.
        ("...Cooking reminds me of my home")
        ("I'm not in the mood for sweets anymore, I'm going to bed.")
        She made these for herself, but she did have the intent of sharing them with him, so he supposes he can leave some for her. 
        He covered the leftover brownies with aluminum foil and placed the pan to the side, turning off the lights and walking back to his own room, already seeing (Y/N) in his bed and sleeping.
        "Oi, wake up." Yuri spoke, shaking her shoulders.
        She groaned and ignored him, causing him to get a little frustrated and shake her awake a bit harsher. 
        "Wake up!" Yuri hissed.
        "What?" (Y/N) huffed, annoyed she got woken up. "You know how much sleep I need and today's our day off so I wanna sleep in!"
        "I'm sorry..." Yuri muttered.
        (Y/N) looked up at him, a little confused as she sat up from the bed.
        "Sorry...? For what?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "For being rude... and I guess for waking you up..." Yuri huffed.
        "You guess...?" (Y/N) deadpanned.
        "Don't expect so much from me!" Yuri exclaimed. 
        "Oh, don't worry, I'm not." (Y/N) smiled.
        "HEY!" Yuri screamed. "You can never take anything seriously!" Yuri grumbled.
        "I'm messing with you, Yuri. Hop in." (Y/N) giggled, grabbing his arm and pulling him under the covers with her.
        "H-hey! Let go of me!" Yuri shouted, a dark blush on his face as he was shoved in her cleavage.
        "To be honest. I've never heard someone apologize to me before—it's very gratifying." (Y/N) admitted.
        "You're so full of yourself. AND LET GO OF ME!" Yuri screamed.
        "You're such a tsundere..." (Y/N) sighed, obliging as she unwrapped her arms from him. 
        They got comfortable together in the sheets as Yuri closed his eyes, feeling himself slip off.
        "Yuri, earlier you said I never take anything seriously." (Y/N) spoke up.
        "And?" Yuri questioned, his eyes still closed.
        "That's not true." (Y/N) confirmed.
        "...And...?" he questioned.
        "You should be less serious, have some fun. Trust me, it makes life a lot better." (Y/N) smiled. "They say laughter heals a broken heart, and judging by your personality, you could use a good laugh."        
        "Your face is enough for me." Yuri muttered.
        "Aw th— hey!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
        Yuri let out a small chuckle, one that brought a grin on (Y/N)'s face.
        "See? Just like that? You should do it more often..." (Y/N) muttered, her voice a little softer and more sultry than usual.
        "Shut up and go to bed..." Yuri huffed, ignoring the blush growing on his face. "Tomorrow, I'll take you somewhere."
        "Ooo, like a date?" (Y/N) teased.        
        "NO! AND I SAID SHUT UP!" Yuri screamed.
        It was (Y/N)'s turn to wake up alone, confused on the whereabouts of her fake husband.
        "Yuri?" she called out, hopping out of bed and walking out of the bedroom. 
        "Kitchen!" Yuri answered.
        (Y/N) walked into the kitchen and noticed the aluminum foil on the pan. She shot Yuri a curious glance who immediately avoided her eyes. She lifted the foil from the pan and saw half the pan gone, now understanding Yuri's guilty expression. 
        "Damn it! Should've done a larger dose..." (Y/N) muttered.
        "W-what?" Yuri questioned.
        I don't remember it tasting funny? Unless the divine taste was poison?! Yuri thought, alarms going off in his head.
        "Kidding, kidding!" (Y/N) smiled, then loud out a laugh as she recovered the pan. "I saw an opportunity."
        "Ha ha..." Yuri grumbled sarcastically.
        "You like 'em?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "...Yeah..." Yuri muttered, crossing his arms as his face heated up. "Hurry up and get dressed."
        "Where exactly are we going?" (Y/N) questioned. 
        "You'll see." Yuri dragged on.
        "Fine..." (Y/N) sighed.
        (Y/N) walked to their shared bedroom, grabbing a pair of clothes and changing into them real quick as Yuri waited for her in the living room. 
        "Are we visiting Yor?" (Y/N) asked, fixing the sleeves on her shirt. 
        "Close." Yuri replied, causing a delightful smile on her face.
        "We're visiting your mother!" (Y/N) beamed, then ran into the kitchen.
        She grabbed the pan from the counter, returning to Yuri. 
        "What's that for?" Yuri questioned.
        "It's normal to bring offerings to the dead, yeah?" (Y/N) smiled.
        "I guess..." Yuri muttered, then grabbed (Y/N)'s arm. "Let's go." 
        "You can hold my hand instead of my arm, unless I'm courting you? That's cool too." (Y/N) teased. 
        "It's so you don't run away." Yuri reaffirmed quickly, quick to assure (Y/N) wouldn't get the wrong idea as he unlocked the front door and walked out with (Y/N), closing and locking the door behind him. 
        "We're supposed to be a couple, remember?" (Y/N) smiled, shaking Yuri's grip from her forearm and instead holding his hand.
        "If that's the case, let me hold that." Yuri sighed, grabbing the pan from the hand that wasn't in (Y/N)'s grip. 
        "I'm glad to know chivalry isn't dead." (Y/N) teased.
        "Don't start it." Yuri warned.
        Yuri drove to a flower shop, making a quick stop and getting a bouquet of forget-me-nots, having them wrapped in a red ribbon. They re-entered the car as Yuri handed (Y/N) the bouquet, driving to a place unknown for (Y/N).
        "It's really cute you got forget-me-nots." (Y/N) commented. 
        "They were my mother's favorite." Yuri replied, crouching down to the polished gravestone as he held out his hand, signaling for her to give him the flowers.
        (Y/N) obliged immediately, handing him his flowers as she patiently waited for him to finish his internal conversation with his mother from beyond the grave. It must've been a good twenty minutes of watching Yuri silently mourn before he finally stood up from the dirt, clearing his throat.
        "Ready?" Yuri questioned.
        "Can I talk to her?" she questioned.
        "Talk? I mean... I guess? She won't say much though." Yuri smiled.
        "Starting to take to my humor. Huh, pretty boy?" (Y/N) laughed as Yuri shook his head, a blush on his face. "Wanna wait in the car? Or somewhere where you can see me? I wanna have a private conversation with her." 
        "I guess I can. No running off though." Yuri spoke sternly.
        "Yes, sir." (Y/N) saluted playfully, smiling as Yuri walked back into his car, climbing in and shutting the door as he watched her through the window.
        "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Briar. Would you look at that, we have the same title! Well... kind of. It's not official or anything." (Y/N) smiled, kneeling down to the dirt and talking as if she was really present. "I have a gift for you. They're brownies. Yuri ate some, but I hope you enjoy the rest." She spoke, placing the covered pan in front of the grave next to the flower bouquet. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), my real name that is. In case you're wondering, I'm from Westalis. I do hope it doesn't bring any ill intent or memories to you, I'm not quite sure how you died, but I feel the war might be apart of it. Is that why Yuri dislikes Westalis so much...?" (Y/N) trailed off, before regaining her thoughts. 
        "You have two very beautiful kids, inside and out. Yuri is very entertaining, and Yor is very sweet. I may not be Yuri's official wife, but I really think I'll stick around for some time, or at least until Yuri gets sick of me, which is probably soon." (Y/N) chuckled. "I know we just met, and this is definitely out of the blue, but... I'm starting to warm up here in Ostania. I promise I'll look after Yuri for you. I can tell he's had it rough; I see myself in him, stubborn and determined." 
        "I'm not good with goodbyes, but I don't think that's necessary anyways. You're very important to Yuri, so you're important to me now; sorry, you can't change my mind on that part." (Y/N) smiled. "Yuri's waiting for me. He doesn't trust me at the moment, but I'm making progress. I'll make sure to visit you again, Mrs. Briar. We're in-laws now, so take care of yourself." 
        (Y/N) stood up from the dirt, swiping the dirt and grass off her feet as she bowed, showing her respects to Yuri's mother before running back and joining Yuri. 
        "You have a nice conversation?" Yuri questioned, starting up the car.
        "She told me to tell you that I'm her favorite girl you've ever brought to meet her." (Y/N) joked.         
        "You're the first one." Yuri deadpanned.
        "It's a joke." (Y/N) explained. "But, in actuality. I bet she was really lovely. I mean, she's a good listener, that's for sure."
        "Whatever." Yuri smiled, resisting the urge to laugh. "Let's go home. Find a movie to watch or something. We still have the day off." 
        It's a learning process for the both of them, to learn how to share a space and cooperate with each other. (Y/N) was raised to deceive and kill, Yuri was raised to follow his heart's content (even if his life goal is a bit... peculiar). It's a lot of work to be around someone when you've been alone for most of your life.
        (Y/N) didn't have a family to return to, a friend to tell secrets to and for them to stay alive long enough to keep, a crush to confess to. She had to become everything she wanted; her family, her home, her best friend, and her number one supporter. Yuri didn't have a mother or father to greet once he's come home from school. It also didn't help his sister was working a lot to help support him. He was never greeted home with a warm home cooked meal from mother and a football session afterwards. He didn't have time for things a normal boy would do; get into trouble with his friends, ask a girl out, or even play childish games such as "tag". Now that they have each other, they can be each other's friends, family, perhaps over time, even lovers. Even though they've both been hurt by their afflictions to either the West or East, they can still learn to care and love each other. 
        After all, as the saying goes, only time can heal a broken heart. 
        BONUS! (Daily life + headcannons!):
        This is intended for the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! (Y/N) series and there are SPOILERS for the story down below! Click here to read the first chapter: Part 1.
        (Y/N) and Yuri wake up at 5 A.M., a good ten minutes is spent of Yuri fighting (Y/N) out of bed. 
        It's become a habit for (Y/N) to make them both coffee while Yuri reads the daily newspaper. 
        Depending on how much work they had the previous day and how they feel, they either make breakfast together or go out to eat at a nearby breakfast club. 
        (Y/N) and Yuri either drive to work or take the bus, it really depends on how Yuri is feeling (did Yuri drink last night or no?) 
        Yuri refuses for (Y/N) to drive since he's convinced she'll try and drive them off a bridge. 
        Yuri once had to take (Y/N) to the clinic to get her flu shot and was awestruck at how scared she was of needles ([Y/N] cried before they even stuck a needle into her).
        (Y/N) is afraid of needles because of how many she had to see during her time in the Westalis military. Needles usually didn't mean good things. Since there were many injuries in the war and not many supplies or technology, some nurses and doctors had to bullshit their way through things. She saw someone have a bad reaction to one of the needles and it traumatized her since then. 
        Yuri holds her hand when she gets shots (she almost broke his hand from holding it so tight, but Yuri sucked it up [despite having a terrible pain tolerance] and didn't let her see in case she got worried for him). 
        Flower ([Y/N]'s stuffed bunny) was retrieved in the rubble of (Y/N)'s childhood house by Hujo and given back to her at the military shelter. Flower was a toy her father had given her once and it's only the only physical thing she has of her childhood home.
        (Y/N) has a short temper but tries her best to hide it (especially since she lives with Yuri now, everyday is a patience test). 
        (Y/N) sleep-talks (Yuri figured that out the hard way). 
        (Y/N) and Yuri once watched a horror movie together in a drive-in theater. That same night, (Y/N) muttered phrases the demons said in the movies, Yuri was convinced (Y/N) somehow got possessed and hit her awake with a pillow (he did not apologize after [Y/N] explained that she sleep-talks).
        (Y/N) adores Anya and spoils her. (Y/N) doesn't believe she'll find real love in the future, so she doesn't believe she'll have kids (either she won't find someone, or she'll die from the SSS or WISE). Because of this, (Y/N) treats Anya like her own daughter and spoils her with peanuts (Anya likes [Y/N] more because of this). 
        Yuri once had a two-hour study session teaching (Y/N) and Anya basic algebra (the girls both ended up falling asleep as Yuri quietly muttered to himself about how hopeless they are).
        When Yuri got shot during their mission saving one of the Eden Academy buses, (Y/N) refused to leave Yuri's side during the whole healing process. 
        When (Y/N) feels guilty of deceiving Yuri (go to part 8 to understand why), she cooks a lot for him. Her father once told her that food is a way to a man's heart and she fully believes that.
        (Y/N) once ran into one of the WISE agents with Yuri in public, but the agent didn't know Yuri was apart of the SSS! The agent tried to talk to (Y/N) but got punched in the face by (Y/N) who claimed he was a pervert (it was that or being executed). 
        Yuri keeps a close eye on (Y/N) in public, not only so he can make sure he doesn't try and run away, but also so (Y/N) doesn't get injured since she's very clumsy (he lost count with how many times he watched her trip over air or walk straight into still poles). He walks on the side with traffic so she doesn't accidentally walk into ongoing traffic.
        Yuri falls asleep really easy since he's tired from his job, but he'll secretly wait until (Y/N) sleeps so that he knows she's not getting up to any mischief (is what he says, in actuality, he enjoys spending his time with (Y/N). 
        The teddy bear (Y/N) gave Yuri in part 9 is now (Y/N)'s pillow (even though it was meant for Yuri). Yuri gets very jealous of it; he can deal with the small stuffed-rabbit, but the huge teddy bear taking up his bed is very annoying since (Y/N) will subconsciously hold it in her sleep instead of Yuri. 
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        I hoped you enjoyed this fanfic and thank you for your requests and support! Feel free to ask for anything else or any other characters from my masterlist! This applies to everyone reading, follower or not!
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sistersofsilver · 2 days
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So I ran a series of polls this past week trying to detail where we were in terms of what I'm going to call the flagship Melinoë pairings. That would be Melinoë/Moros, Melinoë/Nemesis, Melinoë/Arachne, Melinoë/Eris, and Melinoë/Icarus.
The most popular ship names are under the cut
Melinoë/Moros: Doomwitch had the lead at almost 58%! This was the ship that got these polls made in the first place, and in the end over half the shipping fanbase agreed!
Melinoë/Nemesis: MelNem sweeps at almost 88%! Toxic yuri fans were united on this one and honestly? Respect.
Melinoë/Arachne: Shadow Spindle wins at 24% with AraMel close behind at 20%. Watching this one was wild. Like... no one knew what to do with this one. I for one, expected more arachnophobes.
Melinoë/Eris: MelEris sweeps at almost 63%! Once again, the toxic yuri fans stay united. Points deducted for not getting up to 69% though it's what she would have wanted.
Melinoë/Icarus: Waxwitch absolutely sweeps at nearly 91% surprising probably no one. Almost every other option had some percentage of "a secret third other thing???" vote but here that isn't the case!
Thank you to everyone who voted! Those of you who commented on your own personal tags, or ones you've seen around I have taken note of them thank you so much.
Next on my agenda: Since we have a variety of flavors of tags; we got portmanteau, witch variants, one phrase variant I didn't expect to gain traction- I want to run a poll in the coming week or so to see if we can agree on a tagging style. Should we all go with witch variants? I saw someone float the idea of nightmare variants? Should Chaos reign and nothing change? Think on it a bit and let me know later!
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wvsteria · 4 months
just as a psa i will be dropping all pre-event threads unless there's a plot there that needs to be continued. i've been given permission to steal kasey/sunny's excellent organization skills. so here's my valentine's extravaganza blind date gala plotting/starter call. i'm going to cap all my muses at 4 and mun's at 4 requests as well. if we have a blind date pairing, i'll message to split the starters, so please don't request them here! people in ships going together and blind dates will be listed. my pinterest here has all the outfits. please message me if you'd like to change something. request for starters and like for a dm to plot event things. starter tracker is here
(0/4) aedion ashryver - blind date w dawn granger since mans is still unaware, he's living his best life by being a himbo and dating around. not really into this for something serious so might be flirting with other people while here and just generally wandering around the museum. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) alyla vane - blind date w ki yuri aly is also not looking for anything serious. she's got no capacity to be trying to form real connections with anyone but she likes adventure and trying new things. she may be trying to cause chaos here. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) america chavez - going w kate bishop they're probably going together as friends, even though they both clearly want it to be more and are just to dumb to realize. but america is looking to party and have a good time with kate and the rest of her friends. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) amren - going w varian of course amren is going with varian. they only have eyes for him. but they are open to exploring the museum. i wouldn't say chatting for everyone she's a lil scary and doesn't like new people. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) andarna - going w rhiannon matthias are they going as besties? are they going as dates? your guess is as good as theirs. they're just trying to party and have a funky good time with everyone. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) brinna javik - blind date w bella swan brin wants to date and find someone worthwhile and fall into another person. she's all about the romance of this event. as baby as she is though, don't forget they're feral and a lil crazy. they are def up for some choas. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) bucky barnes - going w emmeline vance bucky may very well spend this gala getting yelled at by emme and his sister. he may try to escape. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) cady heron - going solo cady is still getting used to everything here and went to see what's going on. she's a bit of a wallflower but is friendly and open to meeting new people! she's also going to be super super interested in everything the museum has to offer. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) carlos de vil - blind date w b.e.n. carlos is just looking for a fun night and is really trying to have a good night with his date and anyone else he runs into! drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) cassandra dimitrescu - going w morrigan cass is literally head over heels for mor and is trying to hide it from her sisters. they will be enamored by her most of the night. but they're a cadou so of course they'll be in for some chaos. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) clarisse la rue - going w silena beauregard clarisse was absolutely dragged here by silena. they don't want to be around all this mushy mushy love stuff, especially with all the confusing feelings they're having for their roommate/best friend. so !! please don't bother her or she will start a fight. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) dorcas meadowes - going w bela dimitrescu doe is determined to break this depression streak and is going to actually try and enjoy herself for a single night. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) dorian havilliard - going solo dorian is here for appearances since he is a prince. though he is also a flirt and thinks that he's single. but he's got a very aware partner keen on murking anyone that looks at him funny. so...do with that what you will drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) emily davis - blind date w regina george emily was definitely looking for something new and interesting to do. this date will be interesting with two fiery personalities let's see if it goes good or goes insanely poorly. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) emily fields - going w alison dilaurentis em is so excited to be doing something romantic with ali and not having to worry about their daughters for one night. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) enzo st john - going w bonnie bennett enzo is looking for a nice romantic evening with his wife and nothing more really. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) ethan mckinnon - blind date w kenzi malikov ethan is trying to forget all his family drama by doing random city event things. even though he's not super interested in dating right now. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) evan afton - going w cassidy mendes evan's never been to a dance or event like this before. they're really excited to see everything that's here being offered. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) garrick tavis - going w imogen cardulo garrick is not in the mood to party, but he was dragged here by im. he's probably going to just be a grump the whole time. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) ghislaine blackbeak - blind date w ling wen ghislaine was talked into doing the blind date thing by some co-workers. she's a little nervous about the idea but is extremely excited to explore the museum and see what's there. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) gwyneth berdara - going w allison argent gwyn finally had the courage to ask allison out on a date. she saw this event as the perfect opportunity to do so. she will be trying to woo her date and explore the museum and have a good time. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(5/4) harry potter - going w hermione granger harry has been so awkward around hermione since they kissed and this is basically their make or break moment. he's got to step up and make a move! drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) helion - going w elena vanserra helion and eleni are in a good place with each other and have finally talked about their bond. helion just wants to have a good night with his mate and give her the romantic day she deserves. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) jacen solo - going w tenel ka djo jacen is a bit stressed but is going to try and have a nice time with his wife like she deserves. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) jesinia neilwart - going solo since her friend that she would like to ask doesn't remember her, she's just here to get information on this place through the museum and get to know people. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) josie saltzman - blind date w abby anderson was josie trying to get over her ex by going on a blind date? yes. is it going to work? no. especially since finding out that her ex was set up with her twin sister!! she's going to be a terrible date and in a terrible mood. and might light something on fire. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) judith grimes - going w mencia blanco commerford judith and mencia are going to have a fun night at this event! judith is super curious about the history here too and generally would love to get to know new people. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) kasil monsula - going w sabina palpatine idk if i would say they're going together. but he is her bodyguard and was going to have to be there anyway. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) kiara carrera - going w jj maybank kie is definitely dragging jj along to this thing. she can't survive these super dressy events on her own. she just wants to drink and have fun with her friends again. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) klaus mikaelson - blind date w veronica fisher klaus is certainly not looking for anything serious at the moment. just a new way to go crazy, break all the rules, and drink. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) lettie hatter - blind date w liu mingyan lettie loves love and romance so of course she was going to sign up for a blind date! will this make a certain vampire jealous? who knows. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) meredith grey - blind date w fred flintstone meredith wants to get out there and see what this place has to offer...unfortunately she's landed in the middle of a soap opera. but she'll be happy for them regardless. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) mia winters - going w ethan winters mia wants to have a lovely romantic time with her husband. not thinking about cadous or people chasing after her daughters. or her family not getting along. please let's just all get along!!! drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) mouse honrada - blind date w lyra ayala since mouse doesn't remember she's in love with her best friend... here we are! she's pretty excited to try this new thing out! drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) myri tiure - blind date w alex danvers myri doesn't realize that she's kind of in love with her best friend so they did this before realizing it would make them super jealous to see dani with someone else. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) natalie berzatto - going solo (?) natalie is signed up for the blind date thing, however if it doesn't work out, all is well. she would just like to have a good night and maybe explore the museum a bit. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) needy lesnicki - blind date w shin hati needy is definitely using this as a way to get over her best friend. she would like to forget about her. unsure if this will help but she might go a little wild tonight. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) nehemia ytger - going w daenerys targaryen nehemia asked dany on a date as soon as she saw the event. she loves things like this and really wants to take dany maybe a little out of her comfort zone to have some fun together. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) noela - blind date w ginny miller noela is absolutely here for a good time. she's genuinely down to just see what happens and if they have fun together. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) padme amidala - going w anakin skywalker padme wants to have a lovely night with her husband and is obviously in attendance because she is the senator. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) peter parker - going w michelle jones peter is so excited to spend some time with mj. he wants nothing more than to just hang out with her and look around the museum and hopes that nothing is popping up around the corner. ps if he catches anyone doing illegal things, he's gonna stop them. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(3/4) rosalie hale - blind date w sidney prescott rosalie is a simple girl, just looking for her perfect match. she wants to have a nice time during the event drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) rosita espinosa - going solo honestly, she's only here because she's a secret service agent and feels she should keep an eye on things. though she's not opposed to a little flirting. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) roxanne weasley - going w parker halliwell roxy is begging for a normal event. she just wants to take parker out for a fun evening. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) rue green - going w eveline not much to say here rue just wants to have fun and shake ass with her gf. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) samara palpatine - going w shi wudu we don't know if this is a date or not but if he was with anyone else, samara would be raising hell so.. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) sloane mairi - blind date w evie o'neill sloane is a young girl looking for some fun to be had and was super excited to sign up for this blind date thing. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) song lan - going w xiao xingchen song lan came with his friend at their behest. he is optimistic for a good time but is also cautious about what's happening. though he is possibly so much more interested in exploring the museum drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(3/4) soren palpatine - going solo soren wasn't exactly in the partying mood, but he still decided to show up. will be happy to run into some friends here. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(3/4) stu macher - going w jinx they're here to do some fuck shit. i mean man literally came in a ghostface mask. rip drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) syrena cordella - going solo syrena my lovely is coming to have a good time out, celebrate the fact that there's no impending war! drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) taissa turner - going w van palmer tai definitely invited van along as friends since van doesn't remember her. otherwise she would totally be shooting her shot. but alas. she may be drinking and just wandering around drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) tamlin - going w georgia miller tamlin is only going with georgia as friends!! he's still getting himself together. and definitely not ready to be fully committed, but does his heart know that yet? no. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(2/4) tara carpenter - going w amber freeman it's not a wise idea for tara to be attending this with amber, much less still be seeing amber right now with what she's learned. but tara trusts her and doesn't want to stop seeing her. she just wants a cute date with her best friend. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) thalia grace - blind date w luo qingyang thalia kinda signed up as a joke but also wasn't totally opposed to the idea of a blind date. she'll maybe wander around the museum a bit, dance a little, blow off some steam and have fun. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) thea hughes - going w lou vance this is another totally besties thing. it's completely platonic to ask your best fiend out to a romantic valentine's gala at a museum. totally. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(1/4) willa lykensen - blind date w primrose everdeen so willa likes a good party as much as the next wolf. she's def made sure to look her best tonight. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(4/4) xuan ji - going w qi rong xuan ji has definitely dragged qi rong to this thing. she's thinking this is her moment to make something real and permanent. no she is not delusional. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
(0/4) zoya nazyalensky - blind date w james sirius potter zoya signed up for this before getting some of her memories back. she may still be a bit bitchy towards her date, but that's fine it wasn't going to last for either of them honestly. drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
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stargazer-sims · 5 months
1. Introduction (Video #1)
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Hey everybody!
My name is Caroline Okamoto-Nelson. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Willow Creek. I like horses, cooking, shopping and J-pop. I really love swimming. I guess you might even say I'm obsessed with it. I'm really good at it too, and I have the medals to prove it.
People often comment that I look like both my parents, which is super funny to me since I’m not actually biologically related to them at all. I guess people say I resemble them because I have pale hair and blue eyes like Victor, and I have Japanese facial features like Yuri. Honestly, though, I don't mind if strangers assume I'm literally theirs. I am theirs in every way that matters, and being adopted is amazing because I know they love me enough to want to make me part of their family forever. I love them a lot, and even though I think about my biological parents sometimes, Victor and Yuri will always be my real parents.
Yeah, I have two dads, and to avoid things getting confusing I should let you know that I usually call them by their names. Some people think that's weird and a few people think it's disrespectful, but it's not weird to me. I started out as Victor and Yuri's foster child when I was six years old, after my biological father passed away, and I didn't want to call either of them Daddy or Papa or whatever. They were okay with that, and when they officially adopted me about a year later, the habit had already stuck.
I do call Victor 'Dad' sometimes, probably a lot more often than I call Yuri 'Papa'. Yuri says I only call him Papa when I really want something, which... is kinda not inaccurate. Luckily, he has a good sense of humour about it.
Let's see... Another important thing you should know about me straight away is that I'm blind. Before anybody starts demanding to know how a blind person can use a camera and make a video, remember blindness is a spectrum. Most people who fit into the category of blindness can see at least a little bit. There aren't that many people who're totally blind.
As for me, I was born with something called oculocutaneous albinism, which is why I look the way I do even though I'm one hundred percent Japanese. My condition means I have no pigment in my skin, hair and eyes, and it's why I have low vision.
I can see well enough to get around, but I do use my white cane at night or in unfamiliar places. I'm able to read large print, and I can see enough to use my computer and phone if I wear my glasses. I can do most normal things, actually. The only things that are really off-limits are driving and anything that requires good visual acuity, like cutting in a straight line, putting small objects together or sewing. Unfortunately, this means I'll never get to be a nurse like Victor. That's what I originally wanted to be, until I got older and started to understand my disability and finally realized that I don't see the same way everyone else does.
I don't want anybody to feel sorry for me because of my disability. I'm not unhappy or bitter about it and I don't need anyone's sympathy or pity. As a matter of fact, I have an awesome life, and I wouldn't want to change a thing.
On the subject of my life, that brings me around to why I'm making this video in the first place. I just started twelfth grade last week, and my best friends Forest and Camellia and I decided to sign up for media studies as one of our electives. The course runs for the whole school year, and we have to do one major project as well as some small assignments. Camellia and Forest got permission to work together — they're twins and they seem to want to do practically everything together — and they're making a podcast. I decided my project is going to be a documentary about myself. A video autobiography, I suppose you could say.
The plan is to chronicle my life from now till June, but it's not just going to be a video journal about random stuff that happens to me this year. I want to tell the story of my life so far, about how I went from being an unwanted baby in Japan to being the loved, talented, cute and successful person I am today.
These videos aren't going to be only me talking in front of a camera, either. I'm planning to interview my friends and family, and maybe also to give them the camera so they can record some thoughts of their own. Then, I'll edit everything and get it ready for the final presentation.
I've decided to call it Caroline & Company. I may be the main subject of this story, but nobody can exist alone. We all need company. I don't think it'd even be possible to survive without the guidance and support of family and friends, not to mention teachers, coaches, therapists, doctors and all the other people we interact with on a daily basis. Every person in my life is important, so I feel like they need to be acknowledged in some way.
Our teacher, Mr. Blanchet, is going to help our class design a website so that all our projects will be available for everyone to see at the end of the school year. Maybe it's nerdy of me to be excited for a school project, but I"m really looking forward to doing this, and I can hardly wait to see what my classmates come up with as well.
I think it's going to be an incredible year!
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tenebriskukris · 29 days
Oshi No Ko Chapter 149 - My Thoughts/Analysis
This was an amazing chapter! Amazingly unnecessary, I mean. Spoilers for Oshi No Ko Ch 149 below. 
Oh, where to begin with this chapter. Instead of getting more information and character depth on Ai and Hikaru during an arc specifically tailor made for them, we are instead treated to the return of this love triangle bullshit. It was acceptable during Tokyo Blade, but it’s overstayed it’s welcome by now.
The “reveal” that Kana’s been eavesdropping on the Akana-Kana conversation is a cheap tactic that dredges out intrigue for Kana during the wait between this chapter and the next one. Would it kill the series to lay things out in chronological order instead of relying on these sorts of flashbacks like a crutch to create the illusion of tension? It’s a half-assed tactic that any competent writer would stay clear of because it’s the equivalent of a sucker punch to the readers’ faces. The movie arc is already shoddily made and we don’t need what little goodwill that the readers have for the series go down the drain even further.
The Akane-Kana conversation is nothing more than air. There’s no substantiality to it. No introspection on Kana’s part. There’s no introspection on Kana’s part. She basically just saw Akane and Aqua talking and immediately jumped to conclusions. While, yes, this is in her character, framing it now, like this, is basically the specter of the dreaded love triangle plotline coming back from the dead. Instead of more necessary insight on Ai and Hikaru we get yet more screentime for Akane and Kana fucking about when it comes to Aqua. Fan-fucking-tastic.
I feel absolutely no sympathy for Kana’s despair in the majority of these scenes. Everything about this situation has been entirely self-inflicted. Despite knowing that her sharp tongue is a problem she hasn’t taken any visible steps to fix that. From the flashforwards her tongue is still something that she can’t control. She hasn’t taken any steps to pursue Aqua throughout the series and is content to hang around him like an annoying mosquito. Both Akane and Ruby have already made their moves on Aqua and she’s basically just sat on her hands the entirety of the series when it comes to him. She even had the gall to say that she doesn’t even think of Aqua as a love interest despite the reader knowing very well that it isn’t true at all. 
I read somewhere online that all the panels of Kana’s crying can be used to fill two whole volumes. While I don’t know how true this is, I can certainly say that I’m starting to get tired of this whole song and dance with her. There comes a point in a narrative that you see someone in the story that’s been continuously kicked down by their own bloody choices or has every opportunity to change but never seems to do anything substantial about their own situation and you have to ask, “Why should I care?”. That’s basically where I am with her at the moment.
“My love for him is like a mother to her child!” Akane, please. I know you can mimic Ai but this comparison might be a bit too far! Not that Aqua would mind Akane acting as Ai in bed but this is a whole new level! 
Even Akane is getting fed up with Kana’s shit. Good for her! Honestly, Akane needs to get past her obsession with Arima Kana because that’s something that’s holding her back from growing as a person and an actor in my opinion.
“If I were a man, I’d definitely choose you.” This has to be some of the lowest hanging yuri bait I’ve ever seen. Get this shit out of my face. You’re going to need a hell of a lot more for me to suddenly start spouting the virtues of the Kana-Akane pairing. This conversation doesn’t even pass the Bechdel test. 
Akane pushing Kana to do something and then Kana running away seems to be the story of their relationship. If she doesn’t even have the initiative to get together with Aqua herself then she doesn’t deserve him. She might as well be the rope between the Akane-Aqua tug of war, a proxy for Akane to try and “fix” Aqua. 
Kana feeling sorry for herself and not doing anything about it. We’ve seen that before. I’m just surprised the author is pulling this stuff some more and expecting people to still have sympathy for her. It’s like beating a dead horse at this point.
Akane jumpscare! It would be creepier if her face was drawn more accurately but the paneling is kind of odd there. Slightly surprising that we’re still on this plotline—I expected a cut a while back because that’s just how this manga has been rolling recently.
I—Wow, Akane. Wow. This is going to be a completely fine plan with no repercussions whatsoever. It’s in-character for her to want to try and save Aqua, but doing it like this is almost certainly the wrong move. I didn’t think that when I said that Kana would be the rope between the Aqua and Akane tug of war that it would actually happen! 
This is going to go horribly. The fact that Akane, someone who we’ve seen is relatively intelligent among the cast, attempt something like this is just—it’s just bad. Bad writing is what it is. As soon as Aqua gets a whiff of this—and he will, because Kana is weak to Aqua in general—that’s the Kana-Aqua relationship going down the drain in the worst case scenario. Does Akane really think that this sort of manipulation is something that Aqua won’t detect when Kana acts so out of character? Her level of manipulation is leagues worse than Aqua’s if this is the best that she can come up with. 
For Kana’s part, I think this is the nail in the coffin for her attempts at actually ending up with Aqua, though I’m more than sure some fans are still hoping and praying for a Kana victory at the Aquabowl. If your waifu is basically being strung along by her rival in to vie for the main character’s hand when she herself doesn’t even have the initiative to go for it—well, it might be a bit of a controversial take, but I don’t think that’s the type of behavior of someone who’s actually going to get together with the main character. Just saying.
We already know for a fact that this plan fails because of the flashforwards. Aqua, at least in public, is still more or less single by the time the movie premieres. It’s just a matter of how bad this fallout is going to be in the meantime.
The elephant in the room is obviously Ruby. We don’t know how Aqua has reacted to the kiss, nor what he thinks about it all about it. His narration has been left in the dark for so long that it’s become quite grating. How much longer are the authors going to tiptoe around this topic? Any discussion with regards to romance is going to be incomplete unless we get Aqua’s thoughts on how Ruby kissed him. And I don’t think he’ll be very conducive to Kana trying to get in his pants while she’s being manipulated by Akane to do so.
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