#yuta kin
small-karamboll · 4 months
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r1-ka · 1 month
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heh.... my kin list is NOT passing the depression allegations!
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dreamcrush · 6 months
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*⁀➷ . . . Yuta Aoi ໒꒱
꒰ა card edits ; (late) birthday edit
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turn-my-hollow-purple · 7 months
Yuta Kinnie Things:
part one maybe idk?
Having depression and/or anxiety
An awful RBF
Loves kids
Massive eye bags 
Complains about always being tired but refuses to go to sleep 
Caffeine addict 
Burnt out gifted kid 
Quality time and words of affirmation>>> 
Feels bad asking for anything (including help) 
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hiikohakiss · 2 years
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no kin/id/me tags for yuta unless you are briar. hi briar ♡
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yume-ara03 · 3 months
my kin list !💖
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eveningcolor · 2 years
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another yuta edit but longer hair bc i can <3
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joujunai · 9 days
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rika + 2001-liner + it/they 🕯️
mostly blogging about yuta! i want him to come home and while waiting for him, will talk about him to some lengths. a lot of lengths.
blog perpetually on queue! feel free to contact me however if you'd like -- i'll be sure to see it!
more things about me & my canon(s) below the break
i have two canons!
canon 1
mostly canon-compliant
i remember a lot of hazy feelings from being a curse.
when i became free, i was happy and sad. couldn't bear yuta to be alone so i left a part of me!
i have a lot of memories about my parents. i would not want to divulge this publicly.
jealous 100000 percent of the time. fairly certain this was me but amplified by the curse yuta had on me. or at least i have to hope so.
canon 2
survived the crash! mostly through yuta's doing.
he did not want me to die so i was able to survive somewhat -- my yuta is really strong you know!!!
did not come away scot free, had problems with my short term memory and a lot of migraines. i had a really nasty scar on my head.
yuta awakened as a sorcerer and still went to jujutsu tech! we were separated but promised to meet again in university which became my hope and tether to the world.
did not care for much outside of yuta.
still was jealous but ! i was a good girl, okay???
about me 🫧
forgive me for being busy all the time
genuinely just a sideblog for yuta and my feelings for him!
i want to talk to more jjk sourcemates but understand if no one would want to (since i didn't really interact with anyone outside . of my love)
will get rambly when i do inevitable lovepost because i love him. with all my heart and soul and body.
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miseryl · 3 months
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❝  yuta graphics ↻ && ♡ to use﹔ no kin / id tags
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littleholmes · 1 year
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Kirara is shook meanwhile Yuta and Kin look like their stomachs are about to twist out of their bodies with the level of stress they’re experiencing and I’m right there with them
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conscbgb · 6 months
Now the 3 of you must go in the studio and produce some fu€kin' good rock music!!!!
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Yuta is THE best winning fanboy EVER
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metastatiic · 4 months
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i return with yet another thing that only makes sense to me i think but my friend wanted me to draw randy n his oc as their respective jjk kins LOL. so randy’s got a little yuta thing going on and tatsuo’s got sukuna :P
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zaliyours · 6 months
me when i associated the healthy parts of our relationship with yutamaki (bc i got yuta in a kin quiz and u got maki in the same quiz).
but they both helped each other. maki made yuta realize he was strong and that he could let go of his past love. that he's stronger than he gives himself credit for. much like you did for me.
while yuta helped maki accept love and affection, accept praise. he taught her that she was worthy of love and care. much like i was able to do for you.
too bad we had a falling out comparable to satosugu LMFAOOO
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gelatosushix · 10 months
Under the Blossom Snow
An Inuokko Heian Era AU
Chapter 1: The Clan of the Fang
Just a snippet of chapter 1…
Cold. So cold.
Like snow on a December night, like the wind sweeping jade floors. Despite being away in a stone Fortress, up in the unrelenting mountains of Toyama, the Baracks of that compound have never felt as cold as the old wooden floor of the Inumaki hall.
It’s spring now. Or it should be, anyways, with the snow slowly melting away, disappearing off the ornate rooftops of Kamakura. Yet here, now, Yuta's hands remain rigid, ensnared by the cold, as they lie atop his knees beneath the somber folds of his dark blue hakama. This should have felt like freedom, after the stifling winds of his mountain exile, but the oppressive air of the clan's hall grips Yuta's very essence, shackling him to their crest before any vows are made.
"It's better than seven more years on that mountain," Yuta mutters to himself, a mantra to shroud his turmoil and bring solace, albeit fleeting. “It must be better. It must.”
It’s a toughs sell, even for him, even given his circumstances. The hall seems to possess an insatiable appetite for life force, a vacuum draining his vitality with each passing minute. For over half an hour, Yuta kneels, devoid of any address or acknowledgment. His eyes dare not lift from the floor, adhering to custom, fixed on the glint of his katana laid before him in a gesture of reverence. And he’s not alone, as much as he wishes he were. He kneels at the centre of a grand room, for the pleasure and scrutinizing gazes of the clan elders lining the walls. Yuta observes their cold, white robes blending seamlessly with the white banners adorning the red pillars that reach to the sky. Their faces are unreadable, shrouded by crimson veils etched with ancient cursed sigils, evoking old folk tales of malevolent spirits and a long-forgotten curse.
They’re all dressed in white, like a funeral pyre. They’re all hoping for his demise.
With a fleeting glance, Yuta discerns the conversation swirling around him. The eyes of the elders betray their thoughts—fear, disdain, and an undercurrent of paranoia. They must think of him as the bearer of a curse, a bad omen sent to bring ruin to the Inumaki heir, like he did with the Orimotos. He wishes he were anywhere but here, ensconced in this cold, colossal hall, awaiting the head of the family to ascend onto the dais and extend a formal welcome.
He’s behind schedule. However, Yuta refrains from expressing that thought. It must be a deliberate test, an examination of his allegiance to the cause. His commitment is resolute. There's no alternative, he reminds himself, as his gaze lingers on the lengthy tabard enshrouding his katana. A crimson braid intricately woven near the hilt adorns the obsidian wood. Underneath it, Yuta remembers without even wanting to, splinters of wood jab at the fine threads, where there once was a silver family crest.
Finally, the imposing iron doors before him groan open. A sudden draft sweeps in, chilling him to the bone, akin to death itself strolling into the room. Yuta knows he’s being too fearful, too dramatic even, like he’s stuck in a court play written by some bored lady. But he can’t help it, not when his new life, the new chance *at life*, depends on this very moment. As such, he dare not raise his head or utter a word. A week of relentless travel on horseback led him here tonight. He ought to be appreciative that the clan's head and their kin have deigned to spare time this evening to greet a lowly ronin.
At last, someone addresses him. Yuta figures it’s one of the elders, as his years, trained in years of battle, easily pick up the direction.
His gaze ascends, and he's finally graced with the sight of the Inumaki family, who, to Yuta’s eyes, look almost like royalty, positioned upon a wooden dais, kneeling atop silken pillows. Yuta would recognise the crest embroidered in the Haori of Takehiko Inumaki anywhere - the crimson fang seal intricately sown in pristine white silk, like blood staining snow red - a symbol both revered and feared throughout the shogunate.
The emblem repeats itself across the room, adorning the robes of samurai sworn unwaveringly to the clan. Something stirs within Yuta. He wonders what’s one more guard to the Inumaki clan, who has the strongest army in Nippon. He wonders why him, an exile of a lowly Samurai clan, who’s not even allowed to bear the the Okkotsu tomoe. Lastly, even though he doesn’t want to think of that, he wonders why would any clan could place trust in him after the events of three years past.
All of those thoughts silence when the head of the family, a man in his fifties, commands his attention. His visage, cleanly shaven, bears the marks of weathered experiences, etched with a rough, bitter demeanour. He adorns himself in robes blending the stark contrast of white and black, accentuated with the clan's emblem. He’s tall, sturdy-built, and Yuta is sure the man could wield a katana and split bamboo shoots clean in half, if he ever choses to. The Inumaki clan does respect strength and aptitude above all. Their commander must be strong in spirit and body alone, for else the clan would wither.
Kneeling behind him, his family regards Yuta from their designated positions. Seated with dignified pride upon a raised pillow, the lady of the family, whose given name Yuta is afraid has forgotten from his cousin’s briefing, nestles almost engulfed in her pale-coloured junihitoe. The robes, magnificent and long, wear the proud markings of the Zen’in Sun. He tries not to stare. Three years in a military outpost made sure Yuta nearly remembers what a woman looks like but it’s not that that makes his heart ache - Yuta recalls encountering only one woman adorned in twelve layers before. A young woman who’s now long gone and would never smile at him again. Eventually Yuta manages to escape his lingering, painful memory, particularly as the woman's penetrating gaze seems to reach into the depths of his soul. She's strikingly beautiful, youthful, with hair as dark as night and a slender, almost hollow face. The well-sought after features of the Zen’in lineage.
Her spitting image, their children sit by their mother. To her left, the daughter of the clan, a young beauty in her own right, dressed in a silken kimono of cream and pink hues, eyes Yuta with an intensity that makes him advert his gaze. He can feel her cursed energy even from where he stands - it’s thick, powerful, and plentiful, but wild, uncontrolled. She’s got the raw talent of her two bloodlines combined and she wears it proudly on her face. By comparison, Yuta hides his in shame. He’d rather no one have to feel the sinister tinge coating his aura, unless he doesn’t have a choice.
Finally, to his mother’s right stands the figure Yuta assumes to be the heir of the Inumaki clan. A young boy, draped in white pristine garments, his raven hair a reflection of his mother's. Adorning his haori are the same red fangs as his father's, the emblem of their lineage. Yet, as Yuta is graced with a shy look from the young heir, an unsettling feeling takes hold. His cousin mentioned that the boy, his new lord, should be of similar age with him. Gojo, ever so playful, made it a point to drill into Yuta that the closeness would be a benefit to them, even though Yuta failed then and fails even now to see anything other than disadvantages to that. However, despite the brief information that’s been given to him, the young heir appears no more than eleven or perhaps twelve, trying earnestly to wear a brave, proud face akin to his father's.
Yuta’s unsure what to make of this. The unsettling feelings of before return, snaking their way around Yuta’s poor hearts and the floor seems colder still. The boy— man who’s supposed to be Yuta’s liege is just nine short months away from his twentieth winter, marking his passing of age. It’s the reason why Yuta’s here now, afterall - to protect the young heir until he claims his birth right from his father, whose just rolling now in his stead.
Breaking through the heavy silence, a rough cough reverberates through the hall, akin to wind sweeping snow. It emanates from Yuta’s side, the same elder yet again. He discerns it as his cue. Shuffling slightly on the floor, he straightens, feeling the tension press against the strain in his muscles - a reflex from his old habit of hunching down.
Clearing his throat, he finally speaks, head respectfully bowed, “O-Okkotsu Yuta. Retainer of Clan Gojo. I… I wish to humbly request permission to bear the responsibility of protecting the esteemed heir of the Inumaki clan, I-Inumaki Toge.”
Yuta's voice falters, and he's unsure why. For all his shortcomings, this has never been an issue before. He supposes it might be the chill that seeps in from the courtyard or the piercing cold looks directed at him by both the lord and the lady, akin to a drawn great-bow. The arrow strikes his heart as soon as the name of the hero is uttered. Or perhaps it is the word heir itself, that makes everyone in the room tense up, as the young lady’s cursed energy betrays her emotions. Either way, Yuta realises he's made another mistake somewhere, but he's uncertain when. A low, rumbling murmur echoes in the hall, coinciding with an rumble within Yuta himself.
“Despite your past transgressions, the Inumaki clan will acknowledge you as its loyal and servile subject,” Lord Inumaki finally addresses him. His voice, deep and grave, carries weight, resolute and intimidating, fitting the commanding title of the 16th head of the Clan of the Fang.
As the unfathomable silence looms, Yuta comprehends that a response is anticipated. “S-sir,” he murmurs softly, lowering his palms and pressing his forehead onto the chilly floor. Before him, the katana remains resolute, unmoved.
Pleased, the grand figure of authority before him shifts. “From now on, the clan shall be your abode. The clan shall be your existence. The clan shall be your grave. You live and die by the clan, and act only in the interest of the Fang.”
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turn-my-hollow-purple · 6 months
Sharing my Opinion on Who You Kin from JJK in five words or less
I wanna make another part with some other fandoms (FMA, death note)
Yuji- cinnamon roll 
Megumi- you’re cute, not tough babe 
Nobara- gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss 
Maki- hot, would smash
Yuta- seek therapy (you’re me fr) 
Inumaki- cute chaos causer 
Panda- life of the party 
Gojo- would smash, but not sober 
Geto- misunderstood, but I love you 
Nanami- uptight but sexy 
Mahito- I hate you 
Sukuna- you’re loud, calm down 
Toji- big dick energy 
Utahime- I trust you
Mei Mei- manipulate and manspread
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astrowaffles · 3 months
Who are your top 5 (or top 7) favorite (fictional) characters ever from any media? Why love them? Thanks ⭐
i've consumed so much media in my life that this is very tricky. i will do my best!
Ayame Sohma (Fruits Basket)
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not only is he silly, funny, and cute, but he's also so so caring. Despite being able to break completely from the influence of the family, he still regularly ventures back in to check on his younger brother. Fruits Basket is full of flawed, 3D characters, but no-one heals the wounds they caused with the enthusiasm and dedication that Ayame does. I am the #1 Ayame defender.
2. Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu!!)
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his very existence is hilarious. he's so convincing as the first antagonist of haikyuu that he often makes it onto 'greatest anime villains' lists, despite just being a teenage jock..? Really, I like him because he's both ridiculous and scary. I LOOOVEEE powerful characters and his serve is insane!
3. Koutarou Bokuto (Haikyuu!!)
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astrowaffles fans know I kin this man to hell and back. i like him because he's a total weirdo and not everyone in haikyuu likes him for that, but he never considers being ... normal . He just lives his life and he makes it to TEAM JAPAN to take that haters !!!
4. Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
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With great power ..... comes great need to take a nap. Honestly shoutout to Nico, most iconic character of Percy Jackson and yet most disliked by the rest of the cast ?? Nico has a lot of selling points: powers of darkness, never-ending need to help people even when they try to kill him, and GAY! When I was younger I really wanted to hang out with him. Now I want to parent him, since no-one else bothered...
5. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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character list without our glorious blue-eyed king? not happening. even though technically Yuta is my favourite jjk character, Gojo will just always be precious to me. he's both pathetic and completely unpitiable. I like him because he's practically all-powerful, but is tripped by his emotions. how many of us could learn empathy at the age of 18 and then go on to rescue like 10 orphans, or the equivalent? and then DIE FOR THEM? he's the moment.
thanks for the ask!
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