#yuuuup i love her
andnowrotfront · 6 months
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holymusicalmothman · 4 months
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE FIC !!!!!! love you and your writing so much !! <3
Hi! You’re literally soooo sweet! Thank you so much! Hope this is what y’all were wanting.
Smosh Masterlist
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: embarrassing teenage crush on your brothers best friend???
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Today was a big day! Well, in your mind it was. And probably Spencer’s, but he had it easy. He’d be offscreen watching while you played Two Truths and a Lie with Courtney. The both of you had been dating for a few months now, and while your coworkers knew, the fans could only continue to speculate as they always did.
The two of you had been trying to figure out a fun way to go public with your relationship. You didn’t mind if they knew, they had been guessing the two of you were dating long before you ever even got together.
So. Two Truths and A Lie. You guys were set to film it as the last part of the day, and while you, Courtney, and Angela, along with the rest of the crew were present, two members of your peanut gallery were still missing.
So you were all waiting on set for Ian and Anthony.
“You ready, my guy?” Courtney asked you, smiling.
You nodded. “I’m ready to absolutely dominate this.”
“Oh-ho! Hear that!” Courtney called over to Ian and Anthony who had just walked on set. “She’s got this.”
You laughed at your brother. The two of you had always been together, close knit, and you were beyond grateful for his support.
And then there was Spencer. Your boyfriend since your birthday a few months ago, who called you pretty girl because he knew it got you flustered. Who had taken every step of the relationship at a pace that you set. Who had told you he loved you on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
You smiled.
Y’all got into position, glancing over at Spencer who was seated offscreen.
“Alrighty, Smiles,” Anthony said, “you’re gonna give yourself away before we even start filming.”
“Lock it up!” Angela yelled and you all laughed.
You looked away from your boyfriend and took a deep breath, focusing your attention on Courtney as Kiana gave you your cue.
Courtney hadn’t gone easy on you. You hadn’t gotten any of hers correct so far, and she had gotten each of yours correctly, but you knew that your last one would get her.
While you and Spencer had been trying to decide on your truths earlier in the week, you had both come to the realization that the “relationship reveal” had to not be so obvious. Which had lead you to digging deep into an old journal from middle school, and thus providing the perfect truth. When you had told Spencer, he had agreed that it was perfect, and had given you a perfect lie to go alongside it.
You smirked at Courtney, hearing an ‘oh shit’ from Angela at the sight of it.
“Final question, sweet Courtney.”
Courtney laughed, her eyebrows going up and hand reaching to cover her mouth at your antics. She cleared her throat and refocused. “I’m ready.”
“Suuuure you are.” You said slowly before continuing. “I had a crush on Anthony until I was 17.”
Jaws dropped and you heard Angela again.
“No way, no way, no way!”
You pursed your lips to keep from laughing. Ian’s eyes were bugging out of his head and Courtney and Anthony were picking their jaws up off the floor.
You didn’t look at Spencer, knowing the moment you did that you would break. He was the only other person who knew that one. So you continued onwards.
“I have never eaten sushi.”
Final one.
“I have been dating a member of the Smosh crew for the past four months.”
Courtney gave a loud laugh of shock. “Okay. Coming out swinging, my guy!” She went quiet for a moment as she thought. “Anthony, really?”
“Yeah, Anthony, really?” Ian leaned towards you, resting his chin on his fist, waiting for an explanation as he had never heard that before today.
“Yuuuup.” You gave a look towards the camera, purposefully making your smile seem awkward.
You quickly explained how you had completely forgotten about it until you had been digging through old diaries, and that, obviously, whatever infatuation you had once had was loooong gone.
“You’ve never eaten sushi and you’re dating someone on the crew.” Courtney smiled, “Why did I think you’d make this easy.”
“Because it’s me, Court. When have I ever not thrown a monkey wrench of sorts into a game.” You said, your pent up laughter finally escaping.
“Okay, okay. I’ve got it.” Courtney took a dramatic pause. “I’m just gonna say that you never had a crush on Anthony. That one’s just too wild for me, dude. Lockin’ it in!”
A mischievous smile took over your features as you lifted your water shooter and opened fire.
“I have only eaten sushi once! It made me horribly sick, never again.” You announced, grinning over at Spencer. “And I have been in a very happy relationship for the past several months.”
“Did you know about this?” Anthony teased Ian, who sat beside him absolutely flabbergasted. You had told Anthony your plan in private, not wanting to make him feel awkward with the sudden information. He had reassured you that it was alright, after all, being young is weird.
“About having a crush on you or dating Spencer?”
You finally looked over at Spencer, mirroring his mirthful smile at the chaos.
“I mean, we all knew about Spencer, I’m just. I didn’t see that one coming.” Ian admitted.
You and Courtney laughed happily at Ian’s befuddlement.
“Like I said though. Anthony’s just some extra annoying older brother I’m stuck with now.” You reminded him. “It’s like having a friend who didn’t become a sibling until recently.”
Which was true. You hadn’t started viewing Anthony as a second brother until him and Ian had started hanging out again. While your adolescent infatuation had been, quite frankly, ridiculous, you were grateful for what you had now.
“Hey, Spence! Come over here!” Angela said suddenly.
“Ooooooh, yeah!” Ian said, teasingly. “Get Mr. Boyfriend in here.”
Spencer, still smiling, walked on set almost bashfully, coming up behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Alrighty, everybody. That’s the end of the video! We’ve got two more for you to watch, if you want to! Be sure to like and subscribe and then go have fun on Reddit losing your minds over these absolute truth bombs!” Courtney outroed. “And, as always! Thanks for watching!”
“Now kiss.” Tommy’s voice came without warning from amongst the assembled crew. The camera swiveled to catch him grinning before it swiveled back to face the set.
You felt Spencer’s lips meet your cheek suddenly and your face warmed all the way to the tips of your ears.
“Awwww,”Courtney cooed at the two of you and your face only felt hotter.
Angela laughed. “Everyone say, ‘Thank you, Tommy’ in the comments!”
“I give the people what they want!” The camera flashed back to your tall coworker who only gave a rendition of the Miss America wave. “Bye, bye now!”
And it was done. All that was left was for it to be edited and sent out into the world.
As you reached up to grab Spencer’s hand with your own, turning to smile up at him.
You couldn’t wait for whatever was next.
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tallertysupremacy · 5 months
I honestly have so much love for city of bones. Is some of the dialogue bleach-your-eyeballs-cringe? Yes. But that’s part of its 2007 charm. I love how Clary is so unhinged but in the way that all 15/16 year old girls should be unhinged (she is honestly a star among ya female protagonists of her time). I love that they’re all significantly traumatized and Jace wants to die and they’re just like yuuuup this is normal. I love how Alec threatens to kill Clary and we don’t even address that fact that this was wrong until TFSA. I love that Clary and Izzy both say no thanks no female friendships for me I hate all women. I love the pure unhinged chaos that is this book.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Oh, golly! A known youtuber was recently exposed for plagiarism also turns out to be an extreme misogynist?? Who could've noticed such a thing!
It's not like in multiple videos he went on rants about how female authors are big bads for writing about MLM couples and female fans are big bads for daring to enjoy those ships.
In his Killing Stalking video, he attacked women for enjoying the manga and (it's been a long time since I watched that video, and considering that he nuked everything, it's not like I can go back, but I'm pretty sure that he said that) we are raised with the belief that the abusive relationships between two gay men are ok to fetishize while we'd never read the same thing between a man and a woman (not only this is stupid and untrue, but notice how a third kind of couple is missing, here. Wonder why.)
Later on, he talked shit about the author of Love, Simon, forcing her to come out, then proceeded to keep addressing her as a "straight" woman, and whined that the book/movie erased the characters of any kind of sexuality despite the women wanting to see gay men do the nasty.
Later, later on, he rambled about Red, White, and Royal Blue, and this time he complained about that the evil women who fetishize gay men were against genuine displays of sex acts between two gay men (???).
For years, he blabbed about how women are the true enemy of gay-men-focused medias, and even then he couldn't keep his story straight (do we like to see these gay men fuck or not?? James, which one is it??).
Not to mention the fantastic take of "Queer women had it easier throughout history," because that's such a punch in the chest that we can't ignore it.
Guys, this shit was always in plain sight. He never tried to hide it, there was no need for a bald bisexual man to make us notice it. We gotta stop turning our faces to blatant misogyny simply because it's being expressed by a gay man.
I'm genuinely sorry for the people who didn't spot it, but I am not sympathetic. Somerton was not even a little bit subtle. He was a toxic, rancid piece of shit for many, many years.
Also, even the plagiarism accusations are years old. People just didn't listen because nobody youtube-famous had made a big video about them.
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barrenclan · 2 months
I was about to say ‘maybe Malmo would suit Barrenclan’ but uh Rainhaze isn’t looking too hot and youch
ANYWAYS I think the song Malmo by Moon might suit Barrenclan as I mentioned before, specifically the popular part (it’s always the popular part)
Three of us sleep next to three others
(Not sure who it’d match)
It's hot and we rot in this oven
(referring to Barrenclan’s environment)
Now there's something about the language
(followed by next part, but maybe Rainhaze about the welcoming of death or injury in Defiance)
Something about these people
(Pinepaw with the new scar or maybe Corm or maybe Rain. I think they could all decently match??)
That look an awful lot like me
(Same as before, Pinepaw with the new scar or maybe Corm or maybe Rain. maybe even talking about Slug right now too)
I'm surprisingly accepting of this discomfort
(Why I said Rain is at this point (right before death but close enough) is because he didn’t seem to mind it anymore)
But I'm not trying to be much of a person right now
(don’t know)
I'm just trying to get some sleep
(Pine with the nightmares and now grief. also with the shock.)
Not sure if these actually match but they seem close enough and I’m very tired anyways OH MY RAIN HOLY BDDBXBBBDB
Wow, Paul Dano is in this band? That's cool. I like your analysis of the lyrics!
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Why it's an absolute classic! In terms of characters I think it fits Deepdark a bit better than Rainhaze, though.
Do I even need the lyrics for I Can't Decide?
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ANOTHER classic! I like this one sort of swapping off between Slugpelt and Rainhaze, where he's trying to get her to come back to him in their youth, but now it's flipped the other way.
Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof? You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken Remember the pact of our youth Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping Since there is no me without you
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This one's been suggested a couple times, but I still really like it with Slugpelt, so here it is again.
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I don't this it has! Ah, I recognize it from IncuriousCat, of course. They're very popular on this blog it seems. Rainhaze is a good character for song about making bad deals.
I'ma make a deal with the bad wolf So the bad wolf don't bite no more
My enemy is a friend of mine in a friendly place to be seen, hey You know I'll run away for a couple years just to prove I've never been free
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Has Ride the Cyclone has a re-emergence? I feel like I've seen it a lot lately. It's nice to have a song with old BarrenClan anyways, before all the tragedy and drama.
What the world needs Is people like me To keep it all spinning around I'm the mover, I'm the shaker, I'm the headline-maker
He put it into words, and it's plain to see We need a little less of them A little more of me!
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Yeah, I think you could chuck this in a Rainhazeward direction!
All this time, I've felt like my time to go would arrive That it can't last forever; I've been decaying Moldy scaffolding, ritual strangling No matter what I try, I seem to stay alive
My body should be cold The eyes of maggots gazing through to my soul I left so long ago Behind me are the tears I couldn't control
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HOORAY! I'm a big Pink Floyd fan. It'd be so cool to see a "Trial" scene with him as Pink and all the other characters as the other roles.
Day after day, the love turns gray Like the skin of a dying man And night after night, we pretend it's all right But I have grown older, and you have grown colder And nothing is very much fun any more
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Oooh, Bauhaus! Also a big fan of them. That's a good alternate voice claim for Deepdark, too.
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Thank you, it is! I'm always taking more song asks, of which I have got quite a few. I'm glad you like the comic!
May you die wide awake With a look of great surprise May your eyes be taken just Before you can weep As you see what you stole stolen from you <- yuuuup rainhaze
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Aww, that makes me sad. But it does fit well with them.
I dreamt I found you hanging I didn't know what it meant Your eyes would follow me through Everywhere I went
The window on the fifth floor Shattered as you wept What am I witnessing? What stories have you kept?
Damn ran outta links, I thought I got it this time
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queerofcups · 3 days
an August rec list
August Rec List
Why yes it is nearly the end of September and I’m just now posting my August Rec List. I’ve been busy!
Hockey RPF
come stitch me up
E | 10k | addandsubtract
Sometimes he wakes up sucking on his fingers, rutting his hips into the bed. He’ll be right on the edge of coming, the wet head of his dick trapped between his hips and the sheets, but he can’t, he can’t, not without – not without something pushed up inside, something stretching him open.
Hey man, I barely know who these players are. Is this kind of a horror story? Yes! Is it also very hot smut! Yuuuup. This is what I mean when I’m begging people not to try to explain away the dub in dubcon. Someone should be calling a doctor, an exorcist, a therapist etc. But instead, because this is fanfic, they whip their dicks out! It's great!
Interview with The Vampire
monstrous servant
E | 5k | inthebelltower
The old itch never goes away. It never feels less good to scratch.
inhuman taste
E | 1k | inthebelltower
Louis can’t help it; he wants to eat him up.
I’ve been thinking a lot about Louis as a dom as I’m writing my own WIP and this fic and the next were really instrumental in shaping my own ideas of how Louis is with Armand. I really think this and the next fic act as a great picture of the two sides of their relationship.
not a ruse, not heat
M | 872 | inthebelltower
Louis drinks from Armand’s neck. Somewhere in the compound a clock is ticking.
Let me tell you diary (islands)
Claudia/Madeline, Louis/Lestat 
T | 4k | anonymous
Basically, Claudeleine don't return to Paris, don't fall for the trap, and just travel to wherever the X leads them... until…
In Sickness and In Health
M | 3k | anonymous
“Sure, okay,” Louis huffs softly, “one coffee, why not.”
They’re engaged again by November. Claudia calls Louis the moment she finds out and scolds him for fifteen minutes straight. Hear me out, Louis barely gets the words out before she hangs up on him. Five times he tries to call her back.
Of mercy, with choice 
E | 6k | shavir_light
“I always thought that your victims were truly fortunate, to be gifted with such an exhilarating death,” Lestat says, tangled in the messy sheets. “What bliss it must have been, to be killed by one so beautiful.”
Louis and Lestat play at a fantasy. It gets a bit out of hand.
The Things We DId and Didn’t Do
M | 3k | @marbleflan (they are on tumblr, but I can't tag them)
“You are thinking of him, maybe.”
Louis looks up. It’s like Lestat is speaking in another language and Louis is reading the subtitles on a delay, or something. He can make out the words but not the meaning, for a moment.
“What?” Then it clicks.
“Armand. You are touching me. In bed,” Lestat says, casual. Maybe too casual. “But you are thinking of him.”
Louis doesn’t say anything. There’s not really anything he can say. It’s true, in a way. Not that he’s literally thinking about Armand. Not consciously. But he’s assuming Armand: Armand’s desires, Armand’s preferences, Armand’s reactions. He’s holding Lestat, he’s thinking of Lestat, he’s hard for Lestat. But he’s treating him like Armand.
Wow I sure am reccing a lot of fic about Louis and BDSM, huh? Wonder what thats about. Anyway, I think this and the fics by shavir_light work as lovely little complements to each other. More thinking about how domming wasn’t just a thing for Armand, but was something that Louis participated in, enjoys and carries with him. I also enjoy thinking about how Louis and Lestat might fall back together once Louis is back in New Orleans, but they might not settle together quite as easily. Eighty years is a long time to be apart and of course people are going to pick up quirks and require adjustments. 
the body, not in stasis
E | 1k | shavir_light
“The need to cares for your body is, in part, what tethers you to it. It’s a reminder, Daniel—that you are flesh and blood. That you are a human being,” Louis insists, in his usual verbose fashion, and Daniel can’t help but laugh as he turns to leave.
“Well, you’re welcome to come watch, if it’s so magical to you,” he says.
I think this is such a short, sweet meditation on bodies. It does the exact kind of thing I love fanfic to do, take a single point an original work makes — vampires’ bodily functions fundamentally change when they’re turned — and just has a think and does a little smut about it. I love it.
Want and Swallow and Keep
E | 10k | shavir_light
Love, sex, possession. To Lestat, they’re all the same thing.
So this could be perfect; Louis could decide what they do, control Lestat’s actions. He could make Lestat work for it, earn Louis’ trust again by way of obedience. Louis could restrain him from doing something—something bad.
So interesting to be in such disagreement about what a fic is and how we’re supposed to take it. I think this fic is a great example of the ways Lestat and Louis treat each other poorly, and get off on it! shavir_light makes it clear that they see one party clearly in the wrong and one not. I just think it's so fun that we’re able to have such different perspectives on the same work. 
Harry Potter
New Gods
E | 4k | @thecouchsofa
It rocks Sirius to his core every time he thinks about it, because they aren’t the same – Harry and James.
Sure, Harry pushes his glasses up with the knuckle of his pointer finger. James used to do the same thing when he had dirt or sugar or random potion essence on his hands. Other people do that too. Sirius has never seen it, but they do.
I like a fic where people are having relationships that are complicated, or they “shouldn’t” be having them for whatever reason. I like the ambiguity of this fic and how Sirius is trying to insist, to us and to himself, that the ambiguity doesn’t matter when it certainly does.
Wield Me
Harry/Draco, Pre-Harry/Draco/Teddy
E | 10k | @tackytigerfic
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?)
A little story about learning to strike while the iron is hot.
Home Truths
E | 67k | @fantalfart, @skeptiquewrites
In the off-season Harry decided to fix up Grimmauld Place and found that Draco Malfoy was the only person who could help him. A demanding career and unrelenting press scrutiny were enough to deal with before Harry added a house with a mind of its own, family history, and a tense, flirty, complicated relationship with his childhood nemesis to the mix.
On professional Quidditch, magical houses, hard choices, Life Debts, and inconvenient truths.
Honestly, this fic, to me, is more of a lovely character study than a romance. There’s a good bit of fic that Draco barely appears in but we get to learn more about Harry’s job (y’all know i’m a sucker for any fic where Harry’s not an auror) and the whole world feels very lived in. 
Wonderful Anything
E | 24k |  harDEEhar / @dryrsheet
They were birds of a feather, he and Draco: the pathetic bastards in love and apart.
I can hardly believe this fic is only 24k. I read the next fic immediately after this one because they both manage to offer worlds that feel so full, just from what we learn while watching people fall in love. I also love an unconventional relationship timeline, stories where people build their own lives and families they way they want and second/third/fourth tries until something finally clicks. There are just so many lovely details in this story, it really was one of the standouts of the month. 
Grounds for Divorce
E | 122k | @tepre
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Oh God, I stayed up way too late reading this fic. Sometimes, I’ll just random think about this fic. I’ve reread it so many times. The writing is just gorgeous. The emotional character work is…is shocking in how wonderful and layered it is. It feels both so real and heightened at the same time. The whole story is cooking on high but once Harry and Draco get to the conference in Egypt? Baby, it's on flambé. I don’t know if this story is considered a classic in the Harry Potter fandom but it's quadruple platinum in my household. 
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horizon-verizon · 29 days
I still find it hilarious how even after they made Jon a Targ in GOT and butchered Daenerys’ character to prop him up as some “male leader we all needed ”; it’s only Daenerys who is brought up in the spinoff about Targs. If I was a Jon bro I’d be mad asf. Now his story ended with him being back at the wall while his brother is king and no one, not even HBO cares about him being a Targ while the “mad queen” he killed off is still relevant and extremely popular. It really shows that they regretted killing her off and realized the only way they gon be able to pay the bills is to get a show about her family AND show her. They were reminded on who really people were watching the show for.
And not just a show bout her family but the dragons as well like they knew exactly what they needed to do and they giving us another adaption about her family like watch A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms have another vision with Daenerys in it (it better be from Daeron the Drunken, “someday the dragons will return. My brother Daeron’s dreamed of it”). Notice how her ancestors dreamed of Daenerys and not about Jon. She IS the prince that was promised.
Yuuuup. I'm sorry, but even with Jon's dad being a Targ AND the political problems the reveal of such would present, I just can't concieve Jon as a "Targ" the way I can with Dany even though she has a lot of differences from her ancestors (she has some important similarities). He's too Stark. Do I think he'd possibly still press for a claim or that it's a possibility that has strong legs, yes (under the context of Targ men almost always disfavoring or disabling their female relatives for power). But his personhood derives more from his Stark lineage than the one he only dreamed to mirror Daeron I. A lot of young noble Westerosi boys had Targ inspirations bc they were important historical figures that literally changed so much of Westeros and the family ruled for about 200 years.
I am also aware that within the universe/Westeros itself, yes by many people's estimation or desires, he would be considered a Targ bastard or--somehow but I think highly unlikely, it turns out Rhaegar married Lyanna and somehow this is ruled a true polygamous marriage even though this has never been really socially incorporated and accepted since Maegor--a legitimate Targ princeling. Doesn't mean he's got a Targ "character", you know?
You'd think certain Stark and Jon stans would love that, but no you got angry people upset that a man is not the center of the universe and the prime hero so they are willing to "dilute" his Starkness or at least "halve" or make it share his personhood to emphasize the supposedly evil Targs. Ha.
This is why sexism, racism, and xenophobia gets us nowhere. You see you own stats, see how most of your audience responds more to the woman of the tale, see how the entire story revolves around her saving the world through her kindness and and you decide that, no actually, we can afford to kill her off and be blind to the fact that we've severely diminished the emotional and logical value of all our next ASoIaF projects...for why, sir?
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
In most of the aus, there's no need to say that Wukong and Macaque need a very long, long heart to heart conversation a out everything that happened between them and the question of just WHAT they are to each other now, but I feel that goes doubly so in the Slow Boiled Au. Because where it's easy to see, Wukong was mostly in the wrong (although Macaque certainly wasn't entirely innocent) in both Canon LMK and in most of the other aus... in Slow Boiled Au it isn't quite like that. They BOTH hurt each other greatly, Macaque for abandoning Wukong when he had needed him most and attacking him, and Wukong for lashing out while he was under the mountain and killing Macaque during the Journey. They both genuinely hurt each other the most out of anyone else, but at the same time, had it not happened that way, then Yubei wouldn't exist. They wouldn't have what they have NOW if they hadn't had the pain of the past. And that's something they need to talk about, especially if Macaque wants to step up as a parent and be there for Wukong's daughter... and to make it up to Wukong for hurting him and abandoning him to his extremely risky pregnancy alone.
In Slow Boiled Au, it's different because the cards are more stacked in Wukong's favor, because after everything that had happened, Wukong has every right to demand Macaque leave his life and never interact with their cub. Because Yubei isn't really Macaque's despite her appearance and them claiming she is, there is no DNA connection. She is Wukong's and Wukong's alone.
But Wukong also cannot deny the pain and suffering he put his mate through as well as how Macaque's actions had led to Yubei's creation.
I can just imagine Wukong and Macaque laying in their bed one night, tired after the day, and Macaque finally getting the courage to ask Wukong that question
"What are we?"
And Wukong... probably won't have an answer. They never absolved their courtship as mates, but it's so much more complicated now with the pain they put each other through and the cub. And now Macaque is pregnant as well, complicating things even more.
These two have a whole new chapter of their lives to write, and it kinda scares them?
Wukong and Mac post-S3 are cautiously introducing eachother back into their lives. Its a very slow, careful process. Wukong doesn't want to lose contact with Mac forever, abd he wants Mac to be in his cub's life and vice-versa... but Wukong also harbors some resentment for how Macaque was quick to judge not only his pilgrim brothers but also his new found family. He wants Mac to actually *talk* to him about why he was upset by these people and have Mac give them true apologys before they can move forward.
Macaque on the flip-side, is going through the same crisis of parenthood Wukong had many centuries ago, and is struggling with some deep self-hatred over his rash behavior + genuine doubt if Wukong still feels love for him in his heart. He wants to be there for little Yuebei, and be a good mate to Wukong, but he isn't sure *where* to begin.
Macaque and Wukong share a nest. They care for the baby together. They tend to the island and the smaller monkeys. They go into the city to meet friends. They help MK hone his skills. They're happy to do almost everything together... but they need to sit down and talk before they become comfortable calling eachother "mates" again.
Then S4 happens, forcing both monkey parents to navigate eachothers past memories in order to reunite and save their kid(s).
Thanks for the free couples theraphy Azure! >:)
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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This is why I always tell the BL protagonists not to date across the closet line. Because coming out and being out and living out can all be separate things but it can very difficult to live them differently from the person you love, even if you do make it work.
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Yuuuup. Dating across the closet is hard and it takes a lot of work and stress and it hurts. But it hurts both people, the person who wants being gay to be their secret and the person who wants to be able to out and proud and the love between them hurts because that is a line that is also a wall and it's very hard to love if you're not on the same side of a wall.
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(I will give Shiro a point for the whole bottom thing, that didn't need to happen or come out and Ken mostly did that because he knew she was looking at him for something else despite her own husband and that made perfect sense but it was toeing the line even if they were both out from how Shiro acts.)
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And this is how it has to go down. The person in the closet has to control the narrative because it's their secret to protect and their sense of safety and security being held by their position. The person who's out cannot control the narrative because their narrative is automatically taking away the choice that the other person has made. Ken must understand Shiro's stance and choice in order to remain in this relationship because Shiro being outted is a choice he can't make for him.
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The instant way his face falls when Ken turns away because he is realizing that this might be too far even though he's convinced he's protecting himself? Right to the heart.
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Just... my entire heart.
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And then they do the most sensible thing... don't talk about anything, just distract your boyfriend with food and then insist you eat ice cream. Perfect. A+. I love the relationship and problem solving inherent in eating together to soothe the pain. @absolutebl Ah, the gift of Gaga finally getting me to watch this when downloading never did. The blessing of not having to binge is upon me!
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
mmm no syd's never been here and she's drinking it in...not that there's much to drink in
this isn't like bachelor 'chic' this is depression: the apartment
but i love that the show is dedicated to shattering any illusions she might have had about Chef Carmen Berzatto but also building her up to knowing just Carmy -- his asshole moments, his good points, his traumas, his sense of humor, and his quirks
blue sharpie -- blue again -- but hey i hope it's a sharpie that works?
um. carmy. that hand on her lower back?? completely unnecessary, but i'm thrilled we've absolutely shattered the touch barrier...but it was completely unnecessary touching, she was already moving.
syd just absorbing the jeans being in the oven is hilarious. the bear is a comedy
"don't look them in the eyes" i love you ebra
that cut to carmy's chef whites as syd is talking? more foreshadowing i think -- does syd have a nice pair of chef whites? is carmy gonna give her one (which would be Ridiculous of him those are so expensive but ii can kinda see him doing it as a vote of confidence? he's not great with money we've seen that)?
"chaos menu but, um...thoughtful?" that's carmy in a nutshell XD
my gosh him staring at her. baby.
it's SUCH interesting body language -- syd is forward, focused, writing, and carmy's standing with one hand on the counter, posture open and angled towards her? watching her as he speaks? i think he's gonna find himself in deep by the time he realizes even a little of what he's feeling, and it's gonna be beautiful
syd smiling at the chef's whites, at his monogram. this is 100% being set up for later. they already foreshadowed it in s2e1 with tina calling her "the new carmy", i'm just putting 2 and 2 together
wait those were in a box last ep and the box was by the window. carmy was looking at them, they had camera focus. so why are they by the kitchen now? did he move them? why'd he move them? why, carmy, why would you do that i wonder?
"i bet it felt really good wearing it." "yeah, it did" gosh they're really going for this huh. they're stealing looks at each other, carmy's opening up...see if they go on like this they're both gonna get to the Point of No Return too quickly. so this is going to stop, and i have an inkling why (it's the one thing i'm spoiled for!) but...my gosh
syd tucking her hair behind her ear before asking him a question? girllllll you're In It
"i doubt i'm gonna tell you to f//k off" him admitting he'd probably tell her whatever she wanted to know? absolutely groundbreaking i love it this is adorable
"when you got that call. that three-star call" "f//k off" HE'S LAUGHING AND THE DIMPLES AND THE SMILE ARE OUT IT'S SO CUTE they're straight up flirting at this point, like, full stop. damn flirterers they're too cute
and she asks the question anyway! and he answers it anyway! his answer being panic -> dread isn't great, but he answers it! and makes a joke at the end and she laughs and makes another joke and he laughs!! it's great!! it's intimate, it's funny, it's soft and honest...this is an amazing conversation and their relationship literally cannot continue forward from here or else they're gonna get to first base way faster than the show's paced for so...come on out, miss complication, i know you're waiting in the wings...
oh no. that's mold. not the complication i was thinking of, but definitely a complication
"mold is the death knell" yuuuup i effing knew it oh gosh this is horrible
fun side note: the crapbox college apartment i lived in with 5 other girls for 3 years was closed for reno for like 2 full years after i finally moved out b/c the walls were just apparently full on mold behind the drywall. i heard about that and was like oh that explains the breathing problems (mold allergy!) from 18-21. huh.
they're just full on calling natalie mom. the foreshadowing is not subtle
carmy and syd work so well together and i'm about to get Violent about it aren't i
also carmy's writing in blue, syd's in red. stability and passion, love and loyalty, boldness and serenity, aggression and passivity.
just a note, those two colors make purple, aka the color that represents creativity, wisdom, wealth, and enlightenment. just saying, you know, if they wanted to make purple or something
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dudepilled · 7 months
AAAAAAAAA THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ME RAMBLE 👉👈 Can u share any Corkscrew x Doe hcs you have :D ? Or any Dude x Doe hcs!
One of my personal hcs of Cork x Doe is that even tho I think Cork is the second tallest Pdude (tallest is p3 in my mind), Doe isn’t intimidated by him at all 💀 even when they first met she wasn’t put off by how tall & buff he is or him scowling.
Like they’ll be shopping together and she’s ‘taking too long’ trying on different clothes and Cork is huffing while she’s showing him all the different outfits on so she’ll be like “Aww poor baby. Hold on I’m almost done ☺️” and ruffle his hair or something and everyone around is like ⁉️
She definitely has that hunk wrapped around her finger
YUUUUP and thank you for letting me talk about Doepor
They are that one redneck couple I'm calling it now. He sees her with a shotgun and that's foreplay to him
I feel like Shtopor has really big hands and Doe loves how rough and calloused they are. She's a sucker for being held by her hips. They are a touchy feely couple, especially in public. Ass smacking, borderline feeling eachother up in public, they are that couple. Shtopor also doesn't get in the way of Doe. Like let's say she's telling a guy to fuck off for flirting with her. Shtopor wouldn't step in until it looked like the situation was getting out of hand. He's taller than most guys so they guys end up leaving after he arrives.
They shotgun beers, get high, watch shitty horror movies and be happy. They argue sometimes but it's mostly diffused before it gets anywhere
Shtopor dirty talks in Russian and she loves it. Especially being called a good girl in Russian too
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fire-fira · 7 months
Oh noooo the horror of comicvine yet again. Is this character actually in the issue, or just a single background panel? Read to find out, lol. I'd absolutely love the fic recs for when Im done facing said horror though, and what's your favorite headcannon? Also happy La'gaan is precious.
Yuuuup. (Thus part of why I'm planning on eventually combing through myself so I can-- hopefully-- give a better thought out list.)
As for the fics:
From The Bones by MsWikit (otherwise known as @insuffera6le6itch here on tumblr) is-- bar none-- one of my favorite deep-dives on La'gaan's history, and extrapolates and builds additions to the subtle details seen of him in the animated series. Forewarning, this one will emotionally punch you in the gut and probably make you want to bundle La'gaan up in a pile of blankets, because the poor kid goes through A LOT.
School Days by MsWikit/insuffera6le6itch. This one gets into La'gaan's early days at the Conservatory of Sorcery and is part of what initially put in my head the idea that it's thanks to Queen Mera that La'gaan was admitted in the first place, and that she's a bit protective when it comes to him. I don't go back to it quite as frequently as From The Bones, but it's definitely left an impact.
Impure by insuffera6le6itch. This one touches on the headcanon that La'gaan was branded and goes into the event itself. Forewarning, it's brutal.
Four Days by insuffera6le6itch. This one touches on the aftermath of La'gaan being branded. Be ready for FEELS.
Week of La'gaan: Free For All by insuffera6le6itch. If you want some fluff of La'gaan's time with insuffera6le6itch's OC Aurelius then you'll probably enjoy this. (I love the man so much that I would say it's a crying shame he's not DC canon, but considering DC's track record I'd be worried what they would do to him.)
Baby La'gaan by insuffera6le6itch. A mini-fic focusing on baby La'gaan and his parents, Kai and Cor'rel (also insuffera6le6itch's OCs). Kai is 10/10 one of the best dads in my opinion.
Lagoon Baby by insuffera6le6itch. More fluff of La'gaan and his parents. Forewarning for some harsh realities of The Bones due to extreme poverty.
Lagoon Baby v. a Crab by insuffera6le6itch. And yet even more fluff of La'gaan and his parents, this time with La'gaan 'hunting' a crab. Forewarning for the lousy shit of poverty and La'gaan being entirely too well acquainted with going hungry at way too early an age.
Lagoon Baby Takes a Nap by insuffera6le6itch. Tiny La'gaan winds up taking a nap in a hole because he's tired and cold and gives his parents a heart attack due to thinking he got snatched by a predator. Yet again, poverty sucks.
Kai's Death by insuffera6le6itch. This one is exactly what the title says, and it is heavy, but it 100% makes sense as part of why La'gaan is so guarded.
Bad Dreams by insuffera6le6itch. This one follows on the heels of Kai's Death and is... really heavy, but wonderfully done.
To say the least, insuffera6le6itch has loads more and I highly recommend looking through her Lagoon Boy tag. And if you want art (and other fun things they've accumulated) I recommend looking through @captainjerkface's blog and their own Lagoon Boy tag. (10/10 captainjerkface's La'gaan art and comics are on point.)
As for my favorite headcanon for La'gaan, I'd have to say it's the fact that when he actually fully relaxes and is comfortable around someone, to the point that he's willing to just drop his walls around a person and play around and goof off, it's a guarantee that he's going to hit that person with a giant flood of puns.
And the boy doesn't just do it in his first language; this is a kid who is canonly implied to have learned English by nosing around on the internet-- when the rest of Atlantis did not have internet access-- and he isn't above throwing puns in his second/third/fourth-whatever language. (His friends are particularly doomed if he decides to slip in multi-lingual puns that play the various languages he knows against each other.)
Additionally, if he does let his walls down enough to throw puns around that freely, then it's safe to assume he cares about that person a lot and might have pretty well adopted them.
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Thuyết for character ask game also hi bro we are women
favorite thing about them
WHERE DO I BEGIN i think the whole microscope and morse motif is soooo fucking good. uhhh i like her fixation with strange buildings. i like her whole backstage arc about feeling conflicted about harming peixin via the visions but not really being able to do anything about it because of míra and also cas to an extent.... its fine its cool
least favorite thing about them
i say this wholly in jest and it mostly sticks in my mind as being really funny because of your reaction to me mentioning it for the first time. anyway yeah the vague idea i had of just like. oh yeah maybe this character stanley designs could be like some kind of slav/eastern european in general WRONG she is french now
favorite line
first ones that came to mind. smiles serenely
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the things we've discussed about like. her and isel talking are forever lodged in my brain. like yeah had she not only talked to him once before dying im sure they wouldve gotten along wouldve loved inspecting each other about the stupidest shit. isels paintings and her buildings orbiting around each other inspiring each other.... its niceys to me....
i also think the connections she has with cas and lusine are sweet. like "yeah the only person whos in the exact same situation im in who actually is more capable of protecting me than myself" and "person who requires a lot of stimulation and attention to recover (overseen by guy who hardly gets the chance to talk about asinine archaic tech and architecture and music etc etc.)" smiles
SIGH you hear about incomprehensible yaoi. yeah. her and olzhas. theyre both sick in the head they love each other but will never say it outright and one of them will die before anything happens. yuuuup. its all fine and good
special mention to thuyết and cas though. the original yaoi
i dont know theres many bad examples.... uhhhh mentioning thuyết and míra because theyd be terrible for each other but i do think the idea of thuyết having like a momentary crush on míra that very quickly gets pulverised is pretty funny
random headcanon
hmm i think her classic pet cat. name of marteau. was just like a tortoiseshell that was completely brown save for having a gray head. so that it looks like a hammer. i should draw that hah ive had that idea in mind for ages
unpopular opinion
shouldve lived or something
song i associate with them
have spent the past few minutes listening to this which. yuuuup. her and olzhas song to me. sighs serenely
favorite picture of them
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its classic.
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
general thoughts and shit are going here in a list! see ya’ll on the other side!
got a late start bc i was w a friend i hadn’t seen in a long time.
oh shit okay jakarta this is where it pretty much started yea?
yuuuup there’s military men
this is so fucking horrifying bro
the slow buildup is so fucking good
i’m excited to see what neil does w this episode bc we know the dude can direct the shit out of a game haha
oh my god wait so the u.s. government probably got the idea to bomb after they did in jakarta?? CRAZY.
i feel so sorry for this woman. she’s absolutely horrified. these poor people in general dude. jesus christ.
the cold opens so far have REALLY set the tone well for the episodes and series as a whole
if anyone skips this intro, i simply do not trust them
this is fucking gorgeous
joel and tess sitting there like parents the next morning after you miss curfew💀💀
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here?” “just you.” “oh, funny.” THEMMMMMMM AAAHHHHH
his hand :(
anna torv is so pretty
LMAO the difference in what they’re eating
“you must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you.” AND THE WAY HE DOESN’T EVEN FUCKING BLINK
bella is literally ellie you bitches that doubted them better EAT GRASS
“whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine”
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“fuck you man i didn’t ask for this” !!!!!!!!!!!!
bella is ellie bro
joel is so over this shit lmao
“jesus fine i’ll just have to throw a fuckin sandwich at them.” I LOVE HERRRR
omg joel moving the heavy ass furniture HAHAHAHA
pedro looks so goddamn fucking good my god
omg i remember seeing bts of this SOOOO long ago this is crazy
she lied about riley to tess :(
“mom, dad, boyfriend?” “i’m an orphan and uhh nooooo” so subtle and so good.
THE MUSIC FROM THE GAME AHH it’s changed slightly but it’s the same basically
sorry haha
“i don’t know how to swim.” “seriously?” “you think we have pools in the QZ?” “no, smartass. i mean-“ *jumps in to show her that it’s shallow* “i don’t know how i was supposed to know that” LMAOOO I LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH ALREADY
also it’s not the last of us without wading in some gross water
“you’re a weird kid” “you’re a weird kid”
proceeds to get fucking jumpscared by a skeleton and joel jumps to see what’s up
him reaching to help her up and them both letting go as soon as possible but joel lingers there and looks at his hand🥲
probably bc of the whole infection thing but also 🥺
guys if you have to take the elevator shaft DON’T.
omg now they’re left alone together HAHA
“where’d you learn to do that?” “the circus” AND HE JUST LOOKS SO EXASPERATED HAHA
i love that ellie is so inquisitive about who joel is in both the game and series now. i would be doing the same if i was traveling with this man i met less than 24 hours ago, but it just hits so much harder knowing what joel’s been through yknow?
him stopping her immediately from asking personal questions bc he doesn’t wanna get attached and doesn’t want her to get attached either bc that would be harder for him AHHHHHHHHHHHH
“how long do infected live?” “oh i thought you went to school” IN SUCH A SASSY WAY I LOVE HIM
he looks so fucking good.
“what about that guy last night?” THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER KSHAKSHSKV
saved by the bell joel haha
i like that this is how they’re introducing the tendrils more. tess is telling both ellie and the audience how they work
these practical sets are INSANE
i fucking love how they’re so smart with each other already
the way they’re trying to get her to shut up lmao
this is bad. they are making so much noise without making any noise and i’m STRESSED
that’s so many bodies holy fuck
“twisted ankle, but yea.” AND ELLIE GETTING BIT AGAIN AND SAYING “i mean if it was gonna happen to one of us.” AND TESS’S FACE OH MY GOD PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE
this is another way i KNOW neil directed this
the way joel is immediately tending to tess :(
and how she’s snappy w him bc he’s being pessimistic, as per usual, and she’s dealing with A LOT rn
he looks kinda hurt dude AHHH
i’m crying.
“is it everything you hoped for?” “jury’s still out. but man you can’t deny that view.”
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and the frame stays on the ladder with the capitol in the background like the game 🥺
omg the way tess is so far ahead of joel and ellie AHHHHHHH
him checking on her arm to see what’s up AHHH
oh fuck. it’s the capitol building.
the way his paternal instincts have already kicked in i can’t. the way he moved ellie from the bodies UGH.
tess’s desperation is so palpable from the moment she stormed inside. anna torv is fucking fierce and i love her.
“that’s not my fucking home!” uh oh.
me during this whole fucking scene:
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oh my god.
the way he DRAGS her out of there.
oh my god. the way she’s left standing there but she takes those last few breaths to recenter herself. FUCK man.
this is almost worse oh my god.
the way she’s frozen in fear oh my god
the tendrils will never NOT be disgusting.
jesus christ.
i fucking LOVE that final shot of ellie. i will also discuss further.
i gotta wait a week for bill and frank??? DAMNIT.
the part where joel is talking to bill looks like a flashback! he’s got a lot less gray goin on. i’m excited to see more of their relationship!
barrie gower popped the FUCK off holy shit
FUUUCK man tess was literally about to start her redemption and she finally found hope :(
“neil understands how to create fear” YEA HE FUCKIN DOES GODDAMN
okay! holy fuck! i’m emotional! AHH!
i’m gonna go think about this shit and make seperate posts for my thoughts later bc it’s almost 3am haha
fucking amazing job to the cast and crew again. holy fucking shit.
i’m obsessed.
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placeinthisworld · 8 months
I think it might get to the point where Taylor Swift will show up in discussions of propaganda to divert attention from a genocide.
Israel tweeted about the arrowhead security guard who joined the IOF with Taylor's face and name attached to it. She never corrected it. She felt the need to go after the wedding and gaylor rumors but Israel claimed her as a Zionist and used her brand for their propaganda and she said nothing. I still can't forgive her for that. Taylor Swift wants us to believe she doesn't know that happened? The tweet is still up.
She tried to do the same when white supremacists claimed her as their aryan goddess. There goes her promise to never let that happen again.
yuuuup, definitely found it funny how she had tree run to the press to clear up the gaylor/ joe wedding rumors but let zionist claims and IOF affiliations are totally fine to be spread around lmao.
thinking about her saying “I need you to forgive me for doing this… I need to be on the right side of history.” in 2020 and then literally fucking up again. swifties love to say that she doesn’t have to be a political leader or advocate bc she doesn’t owe anyone anything but she literally said herself that she wanted us to forgive her and to let her SHOW US THAT SHE IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY.
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cheegu3 · 1 year
No because part 8?!!! WDYM JUNGWONS A KILLER???? Man I knew jungwon was bad but I never expected this also hoping YN will get her revenge in the end because after I just found that out I’m rooting for her even more
Love the part and can’t wait for part 9!!
I’m HOPING I’m not spoiling anyone by answering this 😭
but yuuuup he always had those bad vibes tbh I hope some readers at least picked that up for him, that he was “ different “ than the others
we’re all rooting for our girl y/n 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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