#yuzuru means a lot to me
aureiki · 1 year
very nosy and curious after seeing your ask game answer on yuzuru, how did you start to like him?
// slight mentions of the good ol depression and its effects
Ok so this will be like a long explanation on how I got into Yuzuru and midoyuzu as a ship because they're connected and it's a rather funny story.. as an extra note; I've been into enstars for around 3-4 years now!
Around this year, I'd say February to early March, I was feeling VERY down in the dumps about life and stuff and depression kicked me in the ass super hard ... so naturally I went to find something to make me happy- That being enstars because I somehow found it to be a massive comfort at the time (loser-ish I know)
So at the same time i grew a massive attachment to midori! Because he was the character that kept me happy and motivated throughout that time, so I wanted to learn lots about him just out of indulgence and to make myself happier. Somehow I found myself going through ao3 because I wanted to find midori fics to read.. Now I thought itd be silly to find a midori ship to like because (for me, at least) that's how I get to know characters well by digging through their dynamics and such and interactions- Then I stumbled upon the midori/yuzuru tag.
At the time, my only thought was- "Yuzuru? Who's that again?" and i searched him up immediately (lol) but even then my thoughts then became "oh him. I dont really care about him." But their dynamic was cute and funny, I read their thing on the shipping wiki, the few fics I read were adorable, so hey, why not check out Yuzuru more?
I read a couple dialogue of him, checked out some fine story translations, and even after all that- my opinion still remained as 'oh, he's okay I guess.'
Then I guess something, clicked in me one day that really set me off in a terrible mood, got close to doing stupid things and stuff. That's probably when midoyuzu became an even bigger attachment, cuz the thought of them made me happy, and I clung onto that happiness that they gave me alone. and I just. grew to care about Yuzuru more from ot, even if it wasn't directly- he did still help me, in a way.
I do love him, a lot of things about him. I like how he's written, how he acts, his role in his unit, design, voice, many things! I was (still am) shocked he isn't as popular as I expected him to be.. maybe I just admire him in a way lol, maybe I relate to midori too much and also just someone like him in my life.
So yeah, it's crazy how just a few months back, I didnt even remember who this guy was. And now? He's a massive comfort character that I love very dearly!! I still have lots of stories of him that I've yet to read, and I know damn well that'll make me love him even more. Everytime I see content of him nowadays I find myself smiling and kicking my feet that's truly the power of being hyper fixated lads
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surreal-duck · 4 months
i'll give you better: midori insisting yuzuru starts calling him by his first name and yuzuru Struggling TM (established relationship ofc)
anon did you teleport into my brain because i actually do think about that constantly. yuzuru fighting for his life
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as well as
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shokupanko · 21 days
Today is my birthday! v(^_^v)♪
In honor of that, let’s meet the artist! 🎀
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Wataei trip to Venice. By the end of it they have to buy an extra suitcase because Eichi insisted on buying Wataru masks for his collection.
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andrwgarfields · 1 year
I remember someone mentioned somewhere that yuzuru has a tendency to “repeat his programs” making it sound like an insult…but now i understand why he did it post 2018 Pyeongchang
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
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@nozomiicchii bullied me into making this smh my head
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seangelfish · 6 months
What they do for White Day (pt.3)
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❥ Featured characters: Hiiro Amagi, Leo Tsukinaga, Kanata Shinkai, Ibara Saegusa, Yuzuru Fushimi
❥ Tags: Fluff, established relationships/mutual crushes, stories are based on the !! era, no mention of pronouns
❥ A/N: The final part of my What they do for White Day Enstars special! I hope everyone has a wonderful White Day even if you don't celebrate it! Decided on these characters for last because 1. everyone likes Hiiro and Leo and 2. I haven't written for Kanata, Ibara and Yuzuru in such a long time!
Please check out part 1 and part 2 if you haven't already~
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This was Hiiro's first time celebrating Valentine's Day, so when you gifted him your chocolates after school, he was appreciative that you thought of him. He didn't understand the implications of the gift until you confessed your feelings which made him feel awkward as his cheeks blushed.
Deep down, he knew he liked you romantically too. That's why he stuck to you like glue, greeting you a lively good morning and helping you in any way he can.
But he didn't know that he had to reciprocate your gifts until Aira told him about White Day. He thought your confession had already established a relationship together, but if that's what the customs here are and if it would make you happy, then he'll do his best to make White Day a special day for you!
Thankfully, Aira was there to guide him so he wouldn't mess up. During lunch, he asked you to go meet him by the fountain where he gifted you a silver bracelet and a box of white chocolates. Surprisingly, he didn't need Aira's help in choosing the jewellery because he knew what looked best on you.
"Let me help you put it on!" he said happily. "There. Haha, it looks pretty, don't you think? Happy White Day, (Y/N). I hope we can celebrate even more holidays together!"
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Leo jumped up and down excitedly when he received those Valentine's chocolates from you. He bragged about it the whole day, annoying the NEW DI idols in the process.
"Uwaaa! Thank you, (Y/N)!" he beamed, hugging you tightly. "Hahaha, I like you too, you know? What else should we do today? Should we go to..."
So a relationship was established with Leo almost immediately. The two of you were already close to begin with, so it wasn't too much of a surprise to others. Shockingly, he was a pretty attentive boyfriend. He always found time to check up on you during work and would provide you with drinks and snacks. Sometimes he'd leave notes, some of which were lyrics about you, and others were just stick drawings of the two of you.
These little things would always make you smile. Therefore, for White Day, Leo bought you a box of White Day-themed cookies that the two of you shared together. And of course, he had composed you a song so beautiful that it made you shed a few tears.
"Hahaha, Happy White Day, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed as he wiped your tears away. "I love you so so much! Anyway, is there anything else you'd like to do? We can do everything you want!"
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Kanata was new to the whole romance scene, so when you gifted him chocolates for Valentine's Day, he wondered what the occasion was.
"Oh, I see! So that's what you do on 'Valentine's Day'~" he said excitedly. "Thank you for the 'chocolates', (Y/N). Let's share them, okay~?"
However, that didn't mean he was oblivious to everything. He knew about White Day since Kaoru used to participate in it a lot back in school, so he had some idea of what to do. Additionally, he asked around because he wanted to give you, his lover, the best he could.
So on White Day, the two of you spent time together by the sea, lighting sparklers and giggling to each other's stories. He had gifted you a pearl necklace and a koi plushie from AOUMI Aquarium.
"Koi fishes symbolise love~" he explained, smiling from ear to ear. "I love you, (Y/N). Happy White Day!"
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As he expected, the chocolates you made him for Valentine's Day were alluring and sweet, but what he liked most of all was the love letter you wrote for him. He would keep it in his pocket, rereading the contents when he took his short breaks at work. A smile would always appear when he did so which made coworkers wonder what he was reading.
He had planned everything out before White Day like it was a project that needed to be executed perfectly. He wrote down timeframes, date ideas, and gifts that you might like. Everything had its own section in his 'White Day' binder.
If he could give you everything in the world, he would.
On White Day, he took the day off so that the two of you were able to do everything on his schedule. First was to do an activity that you liked whether it was arts and crafts or something sports related. Second, he brought you on a lunch cruise where the two of you had lunch together on the river. However, when the third activity came, he realised you were getting tired, so he brought you home to relax and watch a movie together.
That was when he gifted you a silver necklace, and of course, he wasn't going to forget the big bouquet of white flowers he had ordered.
You appreciated everything he had done for you today even those he was kind of excessive.
"Happy White Day, my dearest (Y/N). I love you from the bottom of my heart. I hope today was satisfactory. Apologies if it was too much, but I hope we can do this again soon."
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Everyone knew you were childhood friends with Yuzuru, but they didn't expect you to hand him chocolates on Valentine's Day. Because you were so bold about it, you handed them to him in class resulting in cheers from friends and classmates. This embarrassed him greatly, but his heart had skipped a beat.
"Woo-woo!" Subaru whistled. "Congrats, Fusshi!"
He accepted your chocolates, thanking you for them, but he also scolded you for being so brash.
"I appreciate it, (Y/N), but don't do that again."
However, in private, he did accept your feelings. Unexpectedly, he had feelings for you too, but with how good he was at hiding them, you were left speechless – both figuratively and literally because he had left to go find Tori.
But he wasn't going to leave it at that. He wanted to do something for you too. After all, his purpose was to serve. On White Day, he gifted you a bento box he had cooked and white roses he grew and picked. It was sweet until he presented you with the last item – a drawing he did of you.
Nevertheless, it was cute.
"Happy White Day, (Y/N)," he smiled. "I've always loved you and will always keep loving you. I'm free after school, so let's go to that place you keep pestering me about."
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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marinerendevouz · 1 year
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enemies to lovers with fine + switch !
ft. eichi tenshouin, yuzuru fushimi, tori himemiya, wataru hibiki & natsume sakasaki, tsumugi aoba, sora harukawa
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eichi tenshouin
• listen. hear me out here. being the younger sibling of rei and ritsu.
• SO many opportunities for silly shenanigans to ensue
• i can imagine eichi being the one to attempt (keyword: attempt) to court you first
• which obviously, considering his history with rei, is honestly REALLY WEIRD?
• you’re just like . What the fuck are you doing while eichi like . Winks at you or something
• seriously so awkward. you hate his guts tbh and are planning on his downfall together with rei
• ritsu finds it so So stupid. probably gossips ? gossipED ? about you with eichi at tea club . eichi was kicking his feet and giggling the entire time
• part of him doesn’t believe his crush is genuine at first. he thinks that it’s amusing, obviously, but real feelings ? he is simply not allowed to feel those…
• until now that is !
• he thinks your snarky remarks and nonchalant gaze are enrapturing
• meanwhile, you: (ʘ言ʘ╬)
• you accompany rei and ritsu to ensemble square quite often, which means you are (unfortunately) greeted by the presence of eichi almost Daily. A Nightmare for sure
• as time goes on, you see how hardworking and charismatic eichi is while performing his duties as executive for starmaker productions and well. even You can’t deny it’s a little attractive. ONLY a little (a lot)
• once eichi catches on to you reciprocating his feelings, he is SO ANNOYING!!!
• teasing gets way wayyy worse. honestly it’s over for you, personally i would have kms by that point
• and once rei notices your banter with eichi turning into FLIRTING? it is joever for you
• half of him is extremely disgusted . he is clinging to his beloved ritsu to console him . the other half is impressed somehow
• “ah, of all people, it had to be him?” “listen i didn’t want this either, rei” - you
• to see your hatred of what eichi did turn into understanding… really even you’re impressed with yourself
• and eichi is Actively trying to be better . he is a little fucked up but it’s okay you can fix him (and also make him worse)
• also i think it’s so funny to imagine eichi’s pale ass figure visit the dark, brooding, gothic sakuma estate. Family dinner visit !
• rei does not give his approval. he almost throws a plate at eichi
• ritsu just gives you two a thumbs up
• a happy family for sure ❤️
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yuzuru fushimi
• as the best friend of tori, you have personal beef with his butler
• WHY is he always with tori. how are you two meant to get up to mischief with him constantly Watching. Always Watching.
• and yuzuru thinks you are a horrible influence on his young master
• an OUTRAGEOUS CLAIM which you are ready to fistfight him for . you exude nothing but purity, innocence and charm
• tori is somewhere between amused by your hatred for yuzuru and tired of hearing you talk about him ALL THE TIME
• “and why does he have to constantly be watching you? seriously, he should get a hobby. he’s an idol, too, right? actually i can kind of see why, he definitely has the looks to make it in the industry. anyway—” “OH MY GOD SHUT UP (Y/N)”
• tori doesn’t understand why you’re so Oblivious and so Dumb . he cries to eichi-sama about it who is too busy . idk watching wataru turn into a bird
• yuzuru just watches you with that type of . Evil and Scary closed eye smile that he is a pro at
• honestly? you’re quivering in your boots. but also admiring his smile. his smile is really pretty. Wait a minute.
• the complaining turns into swooning ! who would have guessed (tori) (he guessed) (he knew) (and now he has to listen to you talk about yuzuru 25/7)
• you clean up your act in order to impress him. No More late night snack runs with tori. you are a SAINT
• yuzuru finds it endearing and honestly quite entertaining
• soon enough, he finds himself completely charmed by your. erm. really strange(?) behaviour
• he, himself, is also a strange individual so there’s no surprise there
• tori sets up tea dates for the both of you as well awwww. What a good friend (he invites you over for tea with him then runs away when yuzuru comes to serve you tea. it is a Kind Of tea date)
• honestly you scored a 10/10 baddie GOOD FOR YOU
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tori himemiya
• ok i know i have done the sibling ones So often already but. tsukasa’s sibling. YOU being tsukasa’s sibling that is.
• you and tsukasa are constantly discussing how tori has Wronged you everyday
• tori just looks at you both and calls you a fugly pair of siblings
• “listen i’m not saying we bring a lighter to the next fine concert But”
• “that is not appropriate at all… that being said i am not discarding the idea”
• dw about tori he has his own personal bodyguard (yuzuru) to ward off predators (you and tsukasa)
• how is he so much cuter, more successful, prettier, funnier, cuter—
• you know that type of jealousy and hatred that you realise is actually. Much deeper feelings. Yeah. it’s that
• tori gets a lot busier with idol work and that’s when you realise you miss going to the student council office just to banter with him.
• it is so so lonely and so so cold… (2 hours no tori)
• head on the desk. you feel yourself drifting further and further away…
• “hey, what’s up loser”
• RAGE. tori himemiya.
• half play fighting half unbridled rage . its like a pair of kittens toppling over and hissing
• tori also (maybe) (kind of) missed you too. he complained. Loudly. to yuzuru who was like Alright we are going to see them then!
• eventually the teasing insults and fighting turns into the type of fighting that you do as a couple. idk it just KIND OF HAPPENS?
• tsukasa is like. Well i do not approve but at least it’ll be good for our family business
• a good end. a happy end. eichi and wataru have adopted the two of you as their own
• “AMAZING! when is the wedding” “NEVER SHUT UP”
• you buy matching, cutesey couple items and then fight over them
• really what’s a good relationship without a few death threats here and there
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wataru hibiki
• i really cannot imagine wataru having an enemy. SURE he has a lot of haters (tomoya) (hokuto) but even then it is done so in an affectionate manner. There is simply No hatred in his heart. only silliness
• so unfortunately your hatred of him is one-sided ! enemy to lovers part 2
• being a rival actor to THE wataru hibiki is certainly a predicament. i mean he has sentient hair is there anything he can’t do
• and it pisses you off. Majorly. who does this absolute clown think he is
• you try your hardest at Every show, you sing your heart out, put the most effort in
• and then there’s wataru. who is Equally as hardworking but somehow 10x more charismatic
• even eichi tenshouin is his biggest fan . he has capitalism on his side
• so you have a burning jealousy and hatred for this man . Well until he offers to do a show WITH you
• you just give him the blankest stare . What are you on about
• while he’s laughing to himself and monologuing on how you two would make the perfect lead roles
• that’s how you get roped into performing with him and a bunch of idols in dramatica . And well they are certainly an interesting bunch
• as you prepare for the (romantic btw) musical you convince yourself the warmth you feel in your cheeks at his love proclamations is just Method Acting
• IT IS NOT!!!! no one can resist his charm
• you also see how well respected he is as an actor and his true talent on stage
• like . He was one of the eccentrics for a reason. he is stupidly good at acting
• jealousy turns to admiration and well. yeah you guessed it ! admiration turns into an intolerable crush
• wataru, similarly, is impressed at your prowess for acting and shows no signs of being quiet about it. he is yelling how talented you are every 5 seconds and joking how he may Really fall for you
• spoiler warning: he does
• flash forward 6 months . Time for the play
• at the kiss scene it all really comes together . it is a sincerely romantic and genuine kiss
• the crowd is going WILD (except eichi) (he’s jealous) (“i wish that was me fr”)
• backstage, you may just pass out
• but of course wataru is there to lift you up and be a shoulder you can lean on
• And that’s how you scored a date with THE wataru hibiki . he is everyone’s wataru but especially yours
• absolute 10/10 power couple watch out hollywood (and eichi)
• tomoya is just hoping you can tame him or something
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natsume sakasaki
• i am so normal over him guys trust (lie) (such a lie)
• he is the perfect candidate for enemies to lovers . something about him just screams ‘i love you in a way that is so painful and so mean’
• anyways . being the apprentice of wataru after natsume stops being his apprentice
• obviously you were Not Really involved in the war so you’re pretty clueless as to natsume’s former relationship with wataru
• which makes you question why he is such an asshole to you. LIKE he does not take your magic seriously at all
• he thinks that you are not qualified which is . so stupid like you cannot gatekeep being an evil wizard okay that title is for anyone
• in reality… he is a tiny bit insecure that you’re good enough at magic to be wataru’s apprentice
• magic and alchemy has always been something that his character is largely based on and for someone to take over that role so quickly ?!?&:!
• so he Pretends that whenever wataru is telling him about your latest experiments and tricks that he is Not impressed .
• he's basically the yawns . sloppy. boring. lazy .
• he actually really wants to discuss magic with you but every time you meet he just scowls and acts like a bitch. in usual natsume ‘i hate being vulnerable or showing any feelings’ agenda
• so that means you’re going to have to make the first move. otherwise the enemies to lovers slowburn 100k words pining fic ends HERE
• if you ask him for help with magic he is going to be so smug
• like “hM, i figured the likes of you would need help from me afterALL”
• just try not to punch him in the face it will be WORTH IT OKAY!!!
• his hands are actually really shaky the whole time and he is trying his hardest not to mess up it’s actually So so cute
• and natsume gets to assess your magic prowess too (he’s impressed btw. he wouldn’t tell you that so i’m passing on the message. he's falling in love so quick but don’t tell him i told you ok)
• and so you meet up at his secret room regularly ! and with sora too who you become apprentice buddies with ^_^ so joyous
• listen i wasn’t going to include the love potion natsume trope in this but these headcanons are tropey enough let me have this
• you confess by making a love potion together with him PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
• anyways you are the best most magical couple in all of ensemble stars . you create tricky little spells to foil your enemies (eichi tenshouin) and then kiss wearing witch’s hats . the end
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tsumugi aoba
• another good enemies to lovers candidate but in a More pathetic way i think
• you’re the producer for past fine. please hear me out on this concept
• i think your beef would be similar to eichi and hiyori . like divorced couple type romance
• you are regretful of the war and find the memories to be bittersweet. then you talk to tsumugi and he’s like Yeah haha i would probably do it again
• and yet he’s still one of the only people who truly understands and unconditionally supports you… this is a sick and twisted world
• i think tsumugi is too moe kyaah anime girl to have any hatred towards you so the enemies to lovers will (once again) be one sided
• he brings up your time as second years and you feel the need to throttle him
• yet you know him so well too, especially how he overworks himself
• and as an ensemble square producer you have to take care of his soggy pathetic self. Sorry
• that one romance trope of the person bandaging the wounds of the love interest . that’s you two except it’s you dragging his ass to bed at 3am
• he will complain . so you have to compromise on letting him cuddle you
• everyone notices how close you two are btw . sora is that one image that’s like ‘hey why does senpai call you babygirl’ ‘how about we stop talking for a little while’
• you Deny all the outrageous claims that you CARE??? for him and say it is rather your past together that makes you feel obligated but it was like two? three? years ago mostly everyone has moved on. stop lying to yourself
• you two have healed Together… and that is what makes your love so raw and vulnerable and eughhsjk this is so sappy and cute. Throws up
• hiyori and nagisa are both so happy that you two are together and finally found peace (sort of)
• eichi is like Hm. interesting . this is awkward
• but it’s okay . because everything is fine (haha get it) now and you and tsumugi are (past) war criminals together ^_^
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sora harukawa
• sora is too full of JOY and HAPPINESS to be enemies with anyone . So we are going a bit off script you are rivals in this scenario
• video game rivals to be precise ! i feel like the 🤓 typing this but it’s CUTESEY I PROMISE
• mostly you two play multiplayer games together and get a teensy bit competitive . in the video game club of Course which means we get natsume to be the (totally unbiased) judge
• sora is realllyyy good at video games which means you frequently lose . this is why you have waged war on him
• you will not STOP until the ultimate gamer title becomes yours
• sora is just ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ he’s happy to indulge and play games with you because your colour is always so bright and vibrant when you do !
• little does he know you are plotting his Demise. his demise on little big planet or something
• days, nights, weeks, months you train to beat him. and you never do
• he keeps winning everytime and always acts so modest about it which is even WORSE!!! you can't even get mad when he’s so polite about beating you
• once sora notices your colour becoming more dull because of how demotivated you are he gets really worried (◞‸◟;) he loves playing games but loves spending time with you more…
• once you admit that you’re upset about being worse at games he thinks of a quick solution ! play games together instead of against each other and he can teach you all his tricks
• (natsume offers to help too but he's Not important and he is an asshole . Do not trust)
• so your weekly gaming tournaments basically turn into gaming dates ft thirdwheel natsume and sometimes tsumugi
• cutest CUTEST couple 10/10 i love
• natsume approves too btw . 10/10
• tsumugi is a Little confused but he has the spirit (he also rates 10/10)
• (rinne will not be Making an appearance in fear of shu finding out but he also rates 10/10. Save him from shu)
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i would have made a separate post for this but i feel like no one would read it so. i’m finally back after um. 10 months. i was super busy and kind of lost interest in enstars and other things so i pretty much abandoned this blog… BUT I HAVE RETURNED! i’m going to try posting every so often and interacting more with you guys on here ^_^ i cleared out my inbox (sorry to anyone who sent things in, it was cluttered and stressing me out haha) so feel free to send me any asks! i will NOT be opening specific requests, but you can feel free to send suggestions for prompts, scenarios or characters you want me to make headcanons for and i’ll try my best!! i also want to try out writing proper fics alongside the silly hc posts, but i might mostly post those on ao3, though i would like a nice balance between silly and serious(ish). i will also try writing for other fandoms like mhyk, twst and pjsekai since i am heavily in those as well but yeah!! my official comeback methinks. hope to chat more with everyone! ♡
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neo404 · 3 months
HockeyPlayer!Nick x FigureIceSkater!reader
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• The two of you met by accident. He had a match in the ring next to yours, when he entered, he didn’t notice the whole place was empty until he heard a sharp blade hit against the ice, and when he looked up from his phone, in the ice were you jumping and spinning around. He was dumbfounded, never has he seen a guy look this graceful on ice, it was always pushes and shoves when he was on the ice.
• When you finish your program you pose on the middle of the ring, when you hear a ‘Wow…’. Nick who was still standing there admiring you got a bit shy of his natural reaction. Then, to make the situation more awkward he added. “So… this is not the jockey ring, right?” you laughed, and pointed the direction to him, and when he was about to leave, he complimented your performance and shyly asked if you trained there usually.
• From there, your relationship bloomed, you told him about your competition next weekend expecting nothing of it, but he actually went, and cheered and clapped harder than anyone. No shame at all.
• Your flirting consisted in mocking each other for their sports. What do you mean you can score a point but not do a double axel? Or, what do you mean you can spin on ice but can’t hit the puck?
• Lots of dates around skating. Him teaching you how to play hockey and you teaching him to do simple movements to do in pairs.
• You always go to his matches and wear his spare jersey (he loves that, he goes crazy when he sees his name on your back) to cheer him up. You become good friends with the rest of the team (specially his brothers).
• He always goes to your tournaments (no matter if they are on different states) and always arrives with a bouquet of flowers or a box of your favorite sweets (sometimes both).
• He loves to tie the laces of your skies.
• He loves to put his helmet on you because it fits a bit big and he thinks its cute.
• He will make you watch the matches of his favorite team and you eventually learn a few names and recognize a few faces.
• You make him watch the performances of your favorite figure skaters (mine if Yuzuru Hanyu btw, just wanted to say that lol) and he eventually learns the name of a few movements. He still doesn’t get how they (and you) spin so many times in the air.
• He loves to help you choose your outfits for the tournaments; he is very good at it.
• If he loses a match, he is very upset and needs lots of cuddles and kisses. Every time his coach is rude to him, he will bury his face in your neck and mumble about how they don’t appreciate him.
• He loves when you cheer for him and take photos of him. He won’t say it, but he melts when you show him off.
• When he gets injures, he is very stubborn but listens to you when you tell him he needs to rest. On the other hand, you still want to skate even when injured. So, he literally has to restrain you in bed so you can recover, he will lay on top of you (being careful to not squeeze the injured part of your body) so you can’t get up.
• Is very sassy and annoyed when the judges are biased or didn’t score to his liking (he think you should win every single competition you enter). Surprisingly is good friends with your coach (Nick bough them cookies and now they are besties).
• Once he bought two new pair of skates (one for him and one for you) and exchanged the laces from one of them, now you have a skate with white laces and he has one with black ones. He says that is to carry each other every time you step on the ice (which is when the both of you train and give your best). “It’s my lucky charm… and my mantra, when I see it, it reminds me that I can’t punch the other players in the face because you don’t like violence.”
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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yuzurujenn · 27 days
[2024.08.29] FS Life Extra - Yuzuru Hanyu PROFESSIONAL Season 2
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Interview: Hanyu Yuzuru
“I realised that there was still so much potential left”
Hanyu has completed his 2nd year as a professional athlete. Having completed his first solo tour, "RE_PRAY," it appears that he has explored and elevated his expression to a higher level, both as a producer and as an artist. However, the responses that he spoke of were unexpected. From this valuable long interview, we explore where Hanyu Yuzuru is now in his third year as a professional and the state he is aiming for.
(Interviewed in Sendai on June 17, 2024)
Q: Let's start with the recent activities, starting with Fantasy on Ice's Makuhari and Aichi performances. What was your overall impression?
A: Well, after all, since I did my own solo tour, my awareness as a professional, my sense of who I want to be as a skater and the kind of effort I want to put into shows have become much more solid. In that sense, even though it was "Fantasy on Ice," I think I was able to approach my performance with a completely different sense of responsibility than I had up until last year.
Q: Was it due to the experiences and feelings accumulated during your second year as a professional?
A: Although it has only been two years, my sense of responsibility for the show, my gratitude for everyone's willingness to come to see me and support me, and my desire to cherish and respond to their expectations have all become stronger. Even though it was not my solo show this time, I felt that I performed with the same passion. Maybe because I was with other skaters, this feeling was more prominent in my heart, and I felt that I had indeed changed since becoming a professional skater.
Q: Do you feel differently in solo shows and shows with other skaters?
A: Until last year's Fantasy, I strongly felt that sense of comfort that comes with it being "Fantasy on Ice”. However, for example, there were certainly physical challenges, like having to do a quadruple jump in the Opening, but this year, rather than feeling that sense of comfort, I thought more about what it meant to skate here, and treated each program sincerely. However, after all, the seniors have gradually retired, such as (Evgeni) Plushenko and Johnny (Weir), and while Stéphane (Lambiel) is still here, (Nobunari) Oda-kun was not in A tour, and I felt that I have become a more senior, prominent figure in “Fantasy on Ice”. In that sense, I did feel a sense of responsibility. I felt that I needed to lead where I could, and the performance expected of me was no different from my solo show. And while skating, I was also thinking about the meaning of performing two programs, so in that sense, looking back now, this atmosphere was probably what I wanted to convey in Fantasy this time. As for the collaboration program, I performed “Meteor” with a sense of nervousness, as Nishikawa-san (Takanori) was also very passionate about the song. And I think because I was able to echo his passion with my skating that a sense of power and agility was brought out in that program.
Q: "Meteor," which was also the insert song for "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," is a song that holds a lot of meaning for you as well?
A: Yes. It is one of my favourite songs, but since I like it so much, it was not easy to imagine myself skating to it. On the contrary, if it is a piece I am not familiar with, when someone says to me, "Please skate to this," I can still think about how to skate while listening to it. But, because it is a piece I am already very familiar with, I will think, "Eh, I already have this image in my mind, but I need to build the skating from here?" In that sense, because I like it, it is even more challenging to skate this program. I remember it being very difficult.
Q: I heard that it took you about four weeks to create the choreography.
A: It really took that long (laughs). After all, Nishikawa-san has very strong vocals, and I had to think about how to match that. And because I’m so familiar with this song, I could hear all the different sounds, so I needed to decide how much I should express. I also wanted to stay true to the image of the original work as well as the feelings that Nishikawa-san himself would have singing this song, but since I was the one skating, I also wanted to value the image I had in my mind. It was really difficult as there were so many complicated elements entangled together. When I was choreographing, I kept thinking, "This is not right, that is not right."
Q: It's because you have a strong attachment to the song.
A: It's really difficult.
Creating a program that starts from the feet
Q: The program included choreography that evoked a story. Was this choreography inspired by your desire to value not only the music but also the story that had influenced you?
A: That’s right. The story is of course important, but I also didn't want it to become like a theatrical performance. If I focus too much on the story, it will easily become too theatrical and lose the essence of the music. When I choreograph, I always try to "avoid making choreography that can be put into any program." I believe there must always be a unique relationship where the choreography is essential to the music and the music is essential to the choreography, so, while valuing the story, I was very conscious of expressing the image, rhythm, and melody of the music. 
Q: The gesture of putting Tori (the bird-shaped pet robot that the protagonist got from his childhood sweetheart) on the shoulder made me think, "Could it be…?" even though I’m not familiar with Gundam.
A: Yes, yes (laughs). The main character (Kira Yamato) is bound by the past, but he has to fight because of the expectations placed on him. I am not the type to be overly tied to the past, but I think I can understand that sense of obligation to fight while carrying expectations. It doesn't matter if you want to do it or not, it's like you have to continue on as part of your mission. When I skated with those feelings, I thought that if I expressed too much of myself, it wouldn't fit the music. Considering various things, I was hesitant to make the choreography with Tori at first, or to make it a point like "That's the scene", but going back to what I said earlier, when I thought about "what can only be done in this program", I thought "But, this is Kira, and it's "FREEDOM", so if I thought about it properly, I thought it's better to include it. If there’s a part that leaves an impression, it would make it easier to recall the story. I thought it would be easy to convey to the viewers, and I thought it would not only satisfy my own feelings, but also satisfy those of the viewers. I put it in while considering the balance.
Q: When I first saw it in Makuhari, I didn't know who choreographed it, so I thought the choreographer must be a fan of Gundam...
A: Haha, he is (laughs). But I think that's a program that typical figure skating choreographers wouldn’t be able to do. When I’m creating choreography myself, I often notice that I tend to start from the feet. For example, "Ashura-chan" was like that, and "GIFT" too, where I build the choreography by setting the rhythm with the feet first and then adding the upper body movements. So, the upper body doesn’t lead; often, it takes a while for the upper body movements to come together. In figure skating, it’s more common for choreography to start with the upper body and then add steps or turns as needed. Since I start with steps and turns, my programs probably end up being a bit different from what you might expect from a typical figure skating choreographer. Because I’m aware of this, when I create something like "Messenger of Ruin" or a program for a solo show that’s more like a typical figure skating program, I sometimes think the opposite, "Lead with your upper body!"
Q: You remind yourself of this.
A: Yes. Otherwise, it might not feel like figure skating. I think about whether I should focus more on picking up the melody, or if I should create parts where I don't pick up the melody to make it feel more like figure skating.
Q: Is this approach of creating programs starting with your feet related to what you said before about your tendency to catch the sounds of bass and drums when listening to music?
A: Ah, yes, I do catch them. It's partly because of that, but it's also something that figure skaters generally don't do with their feet. For example, this time I had my own part in the finale of Fantasy, “High Pressure,” and I had to improvise differently each time, as it would be too fast if I had to pick up all the sounds of the percussion with my feet (laughs). But I did it unconsciously, and I have always liked doing that kind of thing since I was a little kid. So, it is not something that a typical figure skater can do, but something that only a person who likes music and can hear sounds very well can do. In that sense, I guess I am a bit more like a dancer.
In addition, I believe that my style may have been influenced by Alexei Yagudin and Kurt Browning. Yagudin's "Winter" (2001-02 season short program) has that famous toe step, and if you ask me whether it’s about capturing the sounds, I think it’s more about matching the gradually rising violin sound to create a climax. I just adapted that approach to fit with the rhythm. Kurt Browning, on the other hand, focuses more on capturing the rhythm than the melody and is very precise. The beats and rhythms that are difficult to hear are visualised in this way, changing how the music is perceived. It’s like experiencing music visually. I was greatly influenced by Kurt in this respect. So, I was influenced by both Yagudin’s use of toe steps to emphasize the melody, and Kurt's footwork that fully expresses the sounds that are often unnoticed and hard to capture. I think my style was formed in this way.
In fact, when I was creating "Meteor", I watched a lot of Yagudin's performances because I really had no ideas (laughs). Speaking of which, the initial feeling was very similar to Gladiator. In the opening of Gladiator, he turned his body holding a sword like this, and I used that as a reference. When I was creating “Meteor” for figure skating, I wanted to present a very cool choreography, and when I thought about what a cool choreography is, the first person that came to my mind was Yagudin.
Q: So, the cool image you had was Yagudin.
A: Yes! I also like Plushenko very much, he is incredibly cool, but it’s not so much about the choreography, but rather the strong aura he exudes from within. As I get older, the more I listen to music, the more I can see the world that Yagudin wanted to express. I’ve only come to realise just how skilled he was now.
Q: In the past you were absolutely crazy about Plushenko.
A: That’s right. I always thought his overwhelming aura was so cool! But this time when I was creating “Meteor”, I was quite influenced by Yagudin's style. The toe-steps at the end of the interlude, just before falling to the ground, was completely Yagudin. The rhythm was a bit different, and the use of arms was more Hanyu-like, but that kind of footwork was definitely Yagudin, at least to me.
Q: I’ll watch it again later.
A: Please do! (laughs) It influenced me a lot. After the intro, when the singing starts and at the line ‘Frozen~’ (凍りついた~♪), the way the legs are spread out and the body is turned is something that Yagudin often used as well.
Q: Yagudin is scattered everywhere.
A: Yeah (laughs). I always watch it thinking, "I was influenced by him." (laughs).
Q: The costume is also very elaborate.
A: Yes!
Q: How was the design decided?
A: I first gave an image concept of the kind of design I wanted, and then having the designer to create and complete the design based on that.
Turning trouble into opportunity
Q: What about the decoration on the shoulder?
A: That was just a coincidence, really! Even the similarity in colour to the Gundam model that came with the limited edition of Nishikawa's "FREEDOM" CD was a complete coincidence.
Q: That's amazing!
A: I originally had an image of that colour as well, but when I first received the costume and checked it, the colour was much whiter and a bit of a lighter blue. At that point, I didn't know about the plastic model, but I was thinking that, “It would look better if it was darker", and then, during the costume check, I accidentally hit my forehead and got covered in blood (laughs). So, the costume got covered in blood as well, and I had to get it washed right away, but because of that, I was able to say without compromising, “Please make it a bit darker”.
That incident left a permanent scar, but I couldn't help but think it was a fateful injury (laughs). If I hadn't ended up covered in blood, I probably wouldn't have said anything. The colour was originally a lighter blue. So, it might have all worked out for the best in the end.
Q: Is your forehead okay now?
A: Although the scar is still there, the pain has mostly subsided. However, I still feel some pain when a large drop in atmospheric pressure occurs. Also, when I turn over while sleeping, it rubs against the scar, which can be a bit painful. But, while skating, I don’t feel any pain, and it’s nowhere near as painful as when I sprained my ankle (laughs).
Q: You have had many painful injuries in the past.
A: Yes, only painful injuries (laughs).
Q: Also, I think "Danny Boy" in Fantasy has evolved even more than ‘notte stellata’.
A: Wow, thank you!
Q: What did you do to make it even better?
A: I studied a lot about how to use my body and how to express myself in April. 'Danny Boy' was where I could most clearly showcase that. I gradually came to understand how to use my feet in jazz, how to incorporate the sound of the piano into my body, and how to pick up the nuances of the rhythmic fluctuations that I could feel as someone with a strong sense of rhythm. That’s the program where I could express these most easily.
Q: So, the evolution of your performance in Fantasy came from that study.
A: That’s what I would like to think (laughs).
Q: I thought the program was good at “notte stellata”, but it was even better at Makuhari, and I was really moved. The lines were also very beautiful.
A: Thank you! I’m so happy! Indeed, in such a program, the more delicate the way you show the lines of your body, use your arms, and how you connect your body with your arms, the better. It’s about wanting to use big movements, but not using the full range of motion, while still having everything perfectly controlled and in the right angle. It’s something you have to master for it to look good. Conversely, the more you master it, the better the program becomes. I feel it’s similar to programs like "Ballade No. 1" or "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso."
Q: Until last year, you only skated one program. Why did you decide to skate two programs now?
A: When I was offered to perform on the show, I had already planned to skate two programs. After being told, "For this Fantasy, these are the song choices for you to collaborate with", I listened to those songs and thought, "Ah, one program probably won’t be enough." After all, many people know about my solo ice show, and for those who spent almost the same or even more money to watch Fantasy, I felt that I couldn’t just perform one program. I have such a sense of pride that I didn't want them to feel that it was insufficient. When considering how to maximise audience satisfaction, I felt that two programs would be the best approach.
But it was really hard... In ‘notte stellata’, in the first program it was a triple axel, so I didn't need to do a quad jump. But for the opening of Fantasy, I had to do a quad jump right after I got on the ice, which was really challenging (laughs). Naturally I had to prepare on land, as I also need to be ready before stepping onto the rink. But there was no 6-mins practice on ice, so it was really hard to do a quad jump right after getting onto the ice in that state... It was really tough even from the warm-up stage. Then I had to perform "Danny Boy" soon after that, so I was really exhausted.
Q: Now that Fantasy has ended, I think you finally had a chance to take a break. But are you already gearing up for the next stage?
A: I’m really thinking about various plans and keeping my antennae up. I can't go into details, but I have to do a lot of work. In that sense, it is a very challenging time for me.
Q: Are you in the stage of preparing various things now?
A: I guess you could say I'm in a phase where I'm actively putting things out there, rather than just nurturing ideas. For me, rather than accumulating ideas and then releasing them all at once, I tend to be better at inputting and outputting simultaneously. It's kind of like improvising choreography while listening to music. My expressions were born while being influenced by something. So, whether it's about planning or doing a photo shoot, most of the ideas that come to me are often inspired by the music on the spot.
Q: I always wondered how you gather your input.
A: Surprisingly, it's manga, and of course games. Recently, I've been reading some philosophy books and papers, so I might be spending a bit more time on such texts these days. I actually don't hate reading papers, and I read about two a week. It doesn't have to be a long paper, a short one is fine, and when I'm not feeling like it, I just read the summary (laughs). There are times when I just read the introduction and the conclusion and think, "Oh, I see, that's what it was about," but even so, I think just acquiring that knowledge will increase my range of expression, or broaden my perspective, so I try to make a habit of reading.
Q: How do you find papers to read?
A: When I was making RE_PRAY, I read a paper about game storytelling. The article analysed what was contained in the storyline of a game, and finally concluded that games have these characteristics. The paper was about how novels have this kind of storyline and these characteristics, but games instead have this kind of storyline and these characteristics. I read a lot of such works while creating RE_PRAY.
Behind the scenes of RE_PRAY
Q: How was the RE_PRAY tour for you?
A: I really learned a lot. It wasn't a one-month tour, but a series of performances over a longer period at several locations, so my mental state and my perception of "ice story" were completely different each time, and the reactions and feelings of the people who watched were different too. This tour really made me realise just how closely expression is linked to one's state of mind and background.
Q: The lighting and projection mapping were also very cool. In that regard, I felt a sense of novelty.
A: It made me realise again that there is still room for improvement in the field of ice shows, in terms of the use of lasers, projection mapping, and even lighting. I wasn't able to participate much in the production of "GIFT" (the first Ice Story). I didn't have the time. I was also working on "Prologue," so we didn't have many meetings.
Q: After all, it was being done at the same time as Prologue.
A: That's right! That's why I didn't have time to attend many meetings, but in RE_PRAY, I was more involved in the direction, visuals, and many other things, and in the process, I realised that there was still so much potential left. Conversely, I also realised how much that I hadn't been able to do before.
Q: The animation was also cute. Like (8-bit) pixel art.
A: I had a meeting with a designer who creates pixel art, and we decided that this would be good. When we think about games, they're not just limited to pixel art; there are so many games now with incredible realism. Nowadays, there are many games that are almost like movies, resembling real people, but still, I wanted something that would make the concept of game easily understandable for those who come to watch skating and ‘Yuzuru Hanyu’, and convey it in a way that’s straightforward. We thought a pixel art approach might be effective for that purpose. Although I really love realistic games and initially wanted to go with a more realistic style for the title screen, we ultimately decided that we wanted the audience to feel a bit of nostalgia when they saw the screen. That’s how we ended up with the pixel art design.
Q: It's very cute, I hope you will release merch someday.
A: Sure, we will, please buy it (laughs).
Q: I'm looking forward to it (laughs). Also, in “Prologue”, you performed “SEIMEI” at the beginning of the show with jumps like in competitions, but in “RE_PRAY”, “Messenger of Ruin” was placed at the end of first half of the show. And it was a free skate composition.
A: When I skated "Roncapu" at the end of first half of "GIFT," it was pretty tough, and I went into it thinking, "No, this isn't possible," but I managed to do it at the time... I wonder why I made it (Messenger of Ruin) into a free program (laughs).  
Q: To challenge your limits (laughs).
A: Really (laughs). When I was writing the story, or rather, once the structure was in place, I already had in my mind that 'this is definitely the music for the free program.' It wasn't about my stamina or anything, I just did it because I thought it was the best choice. But people around me were saying things like, 'Will you be okay? You were shaky even in the short program'. But I felt that it was precisely because I was shaky that I was able to fully express "Ruin", so I was like, "It's okay, it's okay to be shaky." I believed that “since I’m close to breaking down, the expression will come through”, but looking back now, I realised I was being really reckless.
Q: But even after doing all that crazy stuff, you kept moving without taking a break during the intermission.
A: Yes, I have to keep moving, really... I used a huge amount of spray to keep my hair in place. I used a really strong spray, so much so I couldn’t comb through it, and if I try to force it, the hair might all fall out. The comb would often break too. So, I had to wash my hair. First of all, since my fingers couldn’t get through the hair with shampoo, I had to use conditioner first to dissolve the hairspray before I could use the shampoo. One round of shampoo is not enough, so I had to shampoo twice, then apply conditioner again, making it a total of four washes. Instead of using a shower, I had to stick my head into the basin (laughs). It really took a lot of time, and after that, I had to dry my hair, style it, warm up, and then go out right away. It was really hell (laughs).
But I wanted to change the stiff hairstyle to a new state to make it look like it never happened, or rather, I wanted to change the atmosphere itself. The theme of RE_PRAY itself is "Starting from saved data", even though I had gone through the route of "Messenger of Ruin" (Save Data failed, Act 2), but I should start from where the data was saved, so in terms of the timeline, it means I should be back to the time before Act 1. Therefore, I couldn’t just restart with the image of being exhausted with messy hair after "Messenger of Ruin".
Q: You have to go back to the initial state.
A: Yes. Since I should be in the initial state, it needed to look like I wasn’t tired at all, and start with a completely different atmosphere as if ‘The data is loaded', so in my mind I had already decided to 'undo all the hair setting and start over.' In my simulation, I thought I could do it in 20 minutes, but it took longer than expected... So as soon as “Messenger of Ruin” was over, I took off my shoes, but it took about 5 minutes to take them off, then I went to the waiting room, where another 7 minutes passed. Then I managed to wash my hair in about 10 minutes, and from there it took me about 5-7 minutes to set my hair, warm up for 7 minutes, then put on my shoes immediately. It was hell.
Q: You said on a TV program that if you take a break, fatigue would hit you hard, but it seems you didn't even have time for rest.
A: Yes, that’s true... If I stopped to rest, I would realise how tired I was, so I tried not to stop, but, well, I didn't even have time to rest in the first place (laughs).
Q: I was going to ask you when you realised this, but I didn't expect this (laughs).
A: Haha (laughs). But because I was doing that in RE_PRAY, I knew that if I stopped, it would be over. Notte stellata 2024 is another example. There were three programs, "Notte (Stellata)", "Carmina Burana" and "Danny Boy", and I had to think about how I could maintain my physical condition without taking a break between those programs. Just like when I was doing my solo show RE_PRAY, I was constantly trying to keep my body in top condition for the next program.
Q: It's evolution through experience.
A: Yes. So, in a sense, this Fantasy feels the same way. I was always on the move.
notte stellata 2024 “I hope everyone will be happy”
Q: And about 'Notte Stellata 2024.' Regarding the collaboration with Mao Daichi, was it decided first to include 'Carmina Burana', or was the collaboration with Mao Daichi decided first?
A: Daichi-san came first. It is very difficult to decide who to collaborate with in the first place. Considering that the brand 'Yuzuru Hanyu' has a strong impact and there are many people at the venue who come to see “Yuzuru Hanyu”, it is very difficult to choose someone who can attract equal attention. While thinking about this, we thought "It would be better if the person could sing and dance as well. So Takarazuka Revue might be a good fit." When thinking about someone who could captivate the audience just with their aura in Takarazuka, we thought it would be great if we could ask Daichi-san.
Q: I see. And “Carmina” is one of the songs that fans have been asking for as a program they want to see someday.
A: Yes, "Carmina" is a piece with strong religious overtones, so it was difficult to use it as my own program. It could be seen as a difference in religious views.
Q: That is indeed difficult.
A: That’s right. I had always wanted to use it, but I thought it would be difficult to use it for my own program, but the producer (of “notte stellata”) sent me “Carmina” and said, “Go with this”. So rather than me choosing the song, it was decided by the producer from the beginning. He wanted me to skate to this, and collaborate with Daichi-san on this. So, the song was already selected and arranged. And I was determined to do my best.
Q: The worldview and aura were amazing.
A: When I saw “Carmina,” I knew that I could not do it alone. Each of us had a clear role to play, and the collaboration was something we could not have done without each other, so that was a good thing.
Q: I had the impression that “notte stellata 2024” was brighter than the first show, with a more positive aspect. At what point did you decide to go in this direction?
A: After last year's “notte stellata” was over, we had already talked about the possibility of doing it again next year, and at that time I was already thinking about making it more cheerful to some extent. Last year, I was too much affected by the 3.11. It was the first time for me to deliver a performance to people on March 11, after all, I rarely meet people on March 11, and I was often at home on that day. This year, however, I decided to do my best not just for my own personal feelings, but also to express my wish for the people who suffered from the various disasters, including 3/11 and the Noto earthquake, to “cheer up” and be healthy.
Q: Since I am also from Tohoku, I thought the first time would still be difficult to watch, but this year, I felt much more hope and positivity, so I was somewhat relieved.
A: Just like with RE_PRAY, I’ve been reflecting on what I really want to convey, and not just what I want to express but also “what I hope for”. I’ve started to think more about how I want things to turn out and what I need to do to express it. Of course, there are certainly things I want to convey and express, and many ways to do that, but I’ve gradually started to think about what I want the audience to feel and how I want them to react. This is true for both ‘Meteor’ and ‘Danny’, it’s not just about pushing my own emotions onto them; rather, I feel like I’ve started to view things from a broader perspective and think, “I want the audience to feel this way, so it’s okay to express it in this way.”
Q: In RE_PRAY, when you said that “everyone (the audience) is a player”, is that what you meant by that?
A: Yes. This is my recent theory, but when I read a novel or a manga, the dialogue and narration of the characters are ultimately spoken in my own words, or rather, in the voice of my own inner thoughts. There are voices of voice actors that I imagine, but in the end, it's my own voice that resonates in my head. It's the same with games; the story progresses, but the player who advances the story is myself, and that's what makes games interesting. In figure skating, since there are no words, and it's a form of physical expression without language, there’s a lot left to the viewer’s interpretation. This is why there is a greater freedom of interpretation, and this is also why some parts are difficult to understand, and this difficulty in understanding also allows for a greater degree of freedom in the feelings that can be received. I want people to enjoy this aspect, which is at the core of RE_PRAY and Ice Story.
For example, skating to 'Danny,' the way it is received in 'Notte' compared to 'Fantasy' would be completely different. With the various programs leading up to "Danny Boy", the way it's being perceived changes, the way the music is heard also changes, and of course, the lighting is different too, and I think that’s what makes skating so interesting, and Ice Story is always seeking for that. But, until now, I've often said things like, "It's so different depending on your emotions," or, "I have this image in mind, but I want you to see it as you feel it”, that being said, I feel like maybe I can guide the audience a little more too. I think that the idea of ​​"I want you to go a little bit in this direction" came out strongly in "Notte."
Q: Will ICE STORY continue in the future?
A: Yes!
Q: You said in RE_PRAY that "the end is the beginning of the beginning," but do you have any new plans other than Ice Story in the future?
A: I am thinking of various things.  It's difficult to be specific, but entering my third year after spending two years as a professional like this, I’ve realised just how much I was lacking. This second year made me aware of how shallow the things I’ve been taking in so far. Therefore, I want to incorporate a wider range of information and study various things more deeply. I hope to gradually expand and deepen my expertise. I think that will contribute to expressing figure skating in a way that is uniquely me. For example, there are very ballet-like expressions, very dance-like expressions, and very figure-skating-like expressions. Rather than having these exist in a half-hearted way, my goal now is to study properly how to express myself in a way that is in line with the theme.
I am not skating alone
Q: Finally, some Q&A that aren't about the show. How do you maintain your motivation after becoming a professional athlete? I guess it is different from competing.
A: I guess it's the expectations that people have of me... Honestly, what is it... I don't really have much time to think that "I really love skating!" After all, practicing skating is tough, and it's also hard to practice without anyone watching. But because people have high expectations of me, I want to live up to their expectations and go beyond them. I guess that's my goal, or motivation. Q: Are there any plans for SharePractice in the future? A: I would like to do it, and I thought about doing it before, but the security issues are really difficult! I really don't want to cause trouble for the rink. Q: How about not doing it live? A: That would be better. But you know, if it's not live, I can't interact with the comments and such, which is a bit sad. It’s SharePractice after all. But I do hope to do it again someday. Q: And speaking of Hanyu-san, you’ve always been very proper at greeting people, but what does greeting mean to you? A: Thank you. After becoming a professional, I have come to think more and more that “I am able to skate because of the support of the people around me”. It's the same for production, ice making, management, promotion, and so on. I really feel that the power of people is involved in many things. I’ve come to realise again that I am not skating alone, and I’ve been reflecting on how much I need to be grateful to the people around me. Q: Also, congratulations on becoming a GUCCI ambassador. I also saw the photo exhibition "In Focus: Yuzuru Hanyu Lensed by Jiro Konami" in Ginza. Have you become more interested in fashion?
A: I don't have much interest in fashion (laughs). I have no intention to wear so-called fashionable things on a daily basis. I'm no Steve Jobs, but I don't usually put much thought into it too. Or rather, it's not like me. It’d be strange if suddenly it's like, "Wow, Hanyu has become really fashionable!" (laughs). Q: Why not take this as an opportunity? (laughs).
A: This year I turn 30, which is a milestone (laughs). But I feel more comfortable in a jersey that allows me to move around freely, I want to feel more athlete-like in that regard. Q: As you just said, this year is a milestone for you, but what is your ideal image of your 30s?
A: When I was a teenager, I used to say, "30 is an old man" (laughs). I remember being scolded by (Miyamoto) Kenji-sensei, like, "30 is not old!" (laughs). When I was a teenager, I had a strong impression that skaters in their late 20s were getting less and less able to jump and losing physical strength. So, I thought that 30 is old in competitive figure skating. But now that I'm learning about different training methods and ways of expression, I'm starting to think, "That’s not so old after all." So, I want to continue to improve my skating, express myself better, and evolve in life. Hehe, I'll do my best in my 30s. Q: Yuzushenko (ゆづ シェンコ) has also grown up. A: Yes! (laughs)
Q: Lastly, please give a message to your fans.
A: From now on as well, nothing will change. I will work hard as always!
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Source: FS Life Extra PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 50-65 Info: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594622488 https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594622771
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surreal-duck · 4 months
you single handedly both made me love midori and yuzuru more and also ship them i love your art sm <33
TYSM!! :> if mdyz has 1000 fans etc etc ive truly never recovered.
they both on their own too are rly neat characters that are very dear to me go listen to mahiru no zanzou and green to the sky btw. or again if you already have. did u know how much midori loves and adores ryuseitai. he means everything to mee her growth is soooo good i think abt climax so much hearing the voiced clips still kind of break me. and yuzuru where do i start. all i can say is that im doing this to him
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xitty · 3 months
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I sympathize with Kaoru every time someone brings up something he said/did back in school. Yeah, he was often acting pretty stupidly but I mean how others just can't let go of their image of you even when you are proving them otherwise.
Sometimes Kaoru's change is brought up positively, like in Sandstorm, and that I love, and in this mini-talk it's more of a neutral observation, but for example Nazuna just can't give Kaoru any credit even after all this time. That reminds me of a friend of mine who for the longest time kept bringing up some of my old opinions (nothing drastic even but it was annoying nonetheless) and if I said I don't think quite like that anymore, she'd go "whaaaat you can't be serious!!!", or she'd tell all the embarrassing stories from past to new people. And I felt everyone only knew old me instead of current me.
I liked a lot in the Intelligence story when Yuzuru apologized to Kaoru for not seeing he has changed. Kaoru was surprised, very few people talk seriously to him about it.
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dailyhelldorm · 2 months
[TL] Eichi 3☆ Story - Together
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Writer: Happy Elements, Inc (Happy Elements株式会社) Characters: Tori, Yuzuru, Eichi Season: Autumn
Eichi: Fumu. I don't mind. But I want to know your reason. Just why do you want to leave it for next time? Tori: Uhm, you see. If we are wishing for dreams, then they should be made by everyone in 'fine'… can the four of us do it together?
[Let's start ♪]
Location: Common Room
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Tori: Ah~ah~ Even though today is 'Eichi Day', Hibiki-senpai suddenly has work to attend to. We even promised to visit the aquarium together too.
Eichi: Oh my, Tori. Having me here is not making up for your loneliness because of Wataru’s absence?
Tori: Eh? No way, there isn't such a thing, Eichi-sama! Being able to hang out with Eichi-sama, I'm already happy as it is ♪
It is just that, I was slightly looking forward to our four-people date to the aquarium, that's all...
Yuzuru: Well, this time it couldn't be helped, Bocchama. I heard that the theater group Hibiki-sama belongs to suddenly called him in, they needed an emergency substitute for their local play.
Tori: Oh well. I understand that he still needs to prioritize his work first and foremost.
Eichi: That's right. It's a shame that Wataru can't join us, but let's save the enthusiasm for the later day. Today will only have three of us enjoying our day off together.
Tori: Uhm. Just like what you said.
Ehehe~ Eichi-sama. Today I will escort you with all my might!
Eichi: Fufu. I am looking forward to it ♪
Yuzuru: Then, two young masters, where shall we visit today?
Tori: Eichi-sama, what do you want to do today?
Eichi: U~hm. Let's see...
Ah, I do. Actually, I want to come to this certain place—
Location: Shopping Mall 1F
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Yuzuru: Uhm... This place is the shopping mall.
Tori: Eichi-sama. Is this the place you truly want to come?
Eichi: Yes. I was feeling like doing some shopping today.
Yuzuru: Shopping... In my opinion, you needlessly have to do the shopping by yourself, the Tenshouin Household opts to do it for you. May I know your reason?
Eichi: Well. Although all the goods here and there are brought into the salon gathering by the responsible parties, just gazing at those things... How it is, isn't that quite monotonous?
When I just graduated from Yumenosaki, I once excused myself and came to watch Hajime-kun and everyone doing a shopping mall live here...
After the live, we walked around and went shopping together, and it was a fantastic experience. So by all means, I wish to share that joy with Tori and Yuzuru.
Tori: Heh, did something like that happen? I am so happy that Eichi-sama wants me to experience the same interesting stuff that happened to you... ☆
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Eichi: Fufu, if you are happy with it then I am pleased.
Yuzuru: I have understood Eichi-sama's reason for choosing this place. If that is the case then I will support you to the best of my ability.
Eichi: Yes. I am counting on you. Besides that, do you know recently that they have installed a transacting register system for consumers to scan their own purchases? If I'm not mistaken... I think they call it the self-checkout.
That sounds very intriguing. I want to try and meddle with that machine at least once... ♪
Tori: Eh, there is a thing like that!? I want to try it too!
Eichi: Then shall the two of us do it together?
Yuzuru: Uhm... From what I can see, it's quite a shame that all the stores around this place have yet to install self-checkout machines.
Location: Cafe Shop
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Tori: Fufufu~ We have gone and bought a lot in our shopping! Eichi-sama has coordinated me today, so on our next 'Eichi Day', I will organize the date for him.
Eichi: I am looking forward to it, Tori.
Yuzuru: After we're done with our shopping, Eichi-sama strongly suggests that we come to this cafe and have our rest here… Do you have some intention in your mind?
Eichi: Yeah. Truthfully, I have wanted to eat 'this thing'.
Tori: Do Eichi-sama have something you want to eat? Let me see the menu too ♪ Let's see, let's see...
Eh!? Eichi-sama wants to eat this?
Eichi: Yes. This Dream Jumbo Parfait is becoming a hot topic on SNS, so I want to eat it once.
That said. As one might expect, it will be difficult for one person to finish the parfait due to its enormous size. So I want everyone to join in and we can eat it together.
For some reason, they say that if they finish eating this parfait, their 'wish' will come true. And it seems that there is someone out there who actually got an actual result.
Fufu. Even when I found the talk absurd, I also think this is quite a fun thing to do. Maybe we should ask for ‘fine'’s smooth advance and for our dreams to come true?... ♪
Yuzuru: This parfait seems four times bigger than a normal one... Just from viewing its picture, I already feel my stomach full...
Overeating is no good. Much less to say about Eichi-sama's body, in exchange for finishing the parfait, it might make your body go down for a while.
Eichi: Oh dear, Yuzuru's words are as harsh as always.
How about you Tori? You enjoy sweet things, right?
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Tori: Uhm... About this... I...
Yuzuru: Oh my? What is with your stutter I may ask? I had expected that Bocchama would start whining just to eat the parfait... Is there something wrong?
Tori: You know, Eichi-sama. About this parfait, can we eat it the next time?
Eichi: Fumu. I don't mind. But I want to know your reason. Just why do you want to leave it for next time?
Tori: Uhm, you see. If we are wishing for dreams, then they should be made by everyone in 'fine'... can the four of us do it together?
Therefore, next time when Hibiki-senpai joins us, why won't we come again and eat it then?
Eichi: ...Ah, that's right. Just like what you said, Tori.
On our next 'Eichi Day' with Wataru too, let’s challenge the parfait when the four of us are together. ♪
[The end ☆]
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
S/o being a real wife material and girl friend and a daughter of a gang leader/yakuza. (To be honest I been messing around the Cai chat group of Gun and my OC somehow it end up being my OC being to wife material that Gun fell for her lol)
SAM!! I DID IT!! So so sooooo sorry for taking so long. Thank you for the ask and providing your services for delicious C.ai. You provide the best little brain children. This turned out REALLY fun to write! As always, I read the request and hit half of it at best 🙇🏻‍♀️
Gun Park x Reader: I do
Part 2 here
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Gun easily picks you out.
At first the madame refuses. Gun stuffs her mouth with so much gold that she tells you he is top priority, a V-VIP. You cannot say no to his company, and she would happily face the wrath of your father.
So be it.
Sitting in a quiet corner, where the dimlights are forgiving with the worn leather sofa and the permanent water stains on the low table, Gun watches you sashay across the room to him. In a flimsy dress, cheap and shiny; skin-coloured to allude to nudity and keep the salacious patrons hungry and eager.
Your movements turn many heads. It's not a surprise.
"Hi~" you say, your voice sickly sweet as you take a seat next to him. Too close to be appropriate in anywhere but a hostess bar. "What's your name, handsome?"
"Shiro Oni," he replies simply, the words ringing in the air.
Gun lights up a cigarette, giving you a small courtesy to catch up with the meaning of the name, of tonight.
Your demeanour from a second ago is already long gone.
"Yamazaki Yuzuru," you spit, automatically recoiling away, "Or is it Gun Park you go by now?"
"Call me whatever you want, it doesn't matter," he takes another drag, impressed that you worked it out so quickly. Impressed that you know of his other alias.
"What do you want?" With anyone else you would have stormed out of the room, but you can't afford to leave.
"I'm here to discuss our agreement."
A simple statement of fact that incenses you.
"No fucking way."
"You keep saying no to an arranged marriage. Are you stupid?"
"I don't want to marry a fucking stranger." This is too far. You're in no mood for this conversation. You stand to leave but his hand reaches out, grabbing your wrist.
"Not so fast. I have an offer for you."
His tone compels you, all business and serious. No-one ever includes you in the family business. No-one ever takes you seriously.
It's here that Gun really looks at you. His pitch-black eyes staring into yours and chilling you to the bone. Yet you don't flinch, you're not afraid.
Gun smiles a little at this, you could be useful.
Your reputation precedes you. A spitball with a rebellious streak, a force to be reckoned with. Could have been great if you were born a man. Shame that the Yakuza still has outdated traditions. What a fucking waste.
"You don't want to be the daughter of a Yakuza clan forever. No ambitions, no power, no freedom. Forever under the thumb of your father and other men."
Gun can read you already. No-one behaves like you do expecting to just be a meek and filial daughter all their life. His next words reach into your soul.
"Join me, come to South Korea. I will make you my equal."
An equal? A partnership? Unheard of in the underworld. Scoffed at by your father, your mother, your brothers despite how much better you are. There must be a catch. "And what do you gain from it?"
"It benefits our clans to join. Saves a lot of headaches especially when my attention is elsewhere."
It's an honest admission of a weak spot you did not expect. "What if I say no?"
Gun stubs out his cigarette, so casual, so relaxed. "Then I will just kill every single one of you. Everyone you know will die."
Ah, there it is.
You thought your hairs would stand on end, you thought your jaw would drop in shock. But of course with the Shiro Oni, even with his 'attention elsewhere', when has anyone ever rejected him and lived to tell the tale. The Magami clan bloodshed a grim warning to anyone that would ever consider crossing him.
Gun's full attention is on you. A weaker person would shrink under his gaze. "Do you accept? I won't ask again."
You deliberate.
A chance to be greater than your birthright; to be seen as more than what is between your legs.
It's certainly enticing.
As much as it pains you to admit it, he's right. Your entire clan will either die by his hand or best case, stay where you are and you are destined to amount to nothing.
And maybe you can get to know this demon in South Korea. This 'Gun Park'. Being together. Here is a stranger that already offers you something no-one ever has, that fulfils all your desires without even fully knowing you.
Childish notions of romance still float in your head, despite how much you have tried to harden yourself from such foolish daydreams.
Staring into his eyes, you swallow down any doubt. You don't think about how this is exactly like making a deal with the devil.
"I do."
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
okay i decided to do a random number generator and some tarot cards so uhm. lets see. this is just spitballing ideas under the cut btw not an actual fic
for the characters i got yuzuru and mao, and i pulled the chariot, the three of swords, and the magician. so i think this is a deviation from the canon of the game in the ! era, at least in my mind, though i'd need to read more trickstar and fine stories to really do this idea justice and clean it up so just take this as me word vomiting a plot onto a post.
there are minor parallels between mao and yuzuru and their roles in their respective units, given that both of them take on more work than they should and are in the student council, combined with yuzuru's being tori's butler. they get along well enough and mao calls yuzuru by his given name now so its not like they get along poorly. this is all i have gathered just from quickly skimming mao's wiki page and their section on the relationships page.
i think...this fic would be a deviation from the canon in that trickstar doesnt come out on top and are defeated by fine and their counterparts from it (ie hokuto and eichi, wataru and subaru?, mao and yuzuru and i guess that leaves makoto and tori but i am not versed in trickstar lore very well so take this with a mountain of salt i never said this was going to be good) but which happens after they have developed this relationship where at least mao consideres yuzuru a friend and now that's just. shattered.
yuzuru doesn't necessarily realize in the moment what their relationship was to him until its broken before him on the stage as he pushes forward with fine until the very end, and it sinks in a little afterwards, maybe a few days, when mao is suddenly very very cold to him at the student council meetings. whatever amiability there had been before is gone, and there's no getting it back any time soon.
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hi! I saw that a matchup event is open and I (of course) had to join : ) here I go!
FANDOM: I would like a MALE HAZBIN HOTEL matchup request please! the characters I don’t want is husker or angel dust (I have no problem with them but I don’t feel comfortable with having them as romantic partners…..)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and l've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more 😃
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, baba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Anthropology, Zoology, Theology(+ more) Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch & words of affirmation (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see who I got!!!! :-)
hey jaxrel!! i knew pretty much immediately before you even submitted who i was doing for ya haha, and that person is…
Lucifer !!
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You and Luci are like the gay dads to Charlie and the gang it’s actually so cute
Lucifer lovesss to get deep into shit and philosophical with you haha
He loves having lazy days in bed with you, just curled up together, talking about anything or just fuckin’ sleeping lmao
Both of you two struggle with mental health on your occasions, so the fact that you two can pick each other back up is super sweet, you and Lucifer grow to better understand eachother and pick up on the little cues which make handling the harder days a lot easier for the both of ya!
Lucifer also loves your various styles, as I said in your last request, he definitely has you style him some sick fits for his important meetings haha
He also loves making you little small duck related gifts, because ducks are the only thing he knows how to make😭💕
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