#zac effron gif
a-kind-of-merry-war · 2 years
Probably a stupid question, but if One Night in Hartswood was made into a movie, which actors would play Raff and Penn?
ANON NO this is not a stupid question! This is a very important question that has been plaguing me since I started writing the damn thing 😅
(starting with the caveat here that no single actor is perfect for either of them, BUT...)
I always said that Josh Whitehouse had excellent Penn vibes:
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Which, I maintain, holy hell, but also (as many of my long-suffering followers know) I've been on a bit of a Timothée Chalamet kick for Penn. But now I'm looking at that gif again going... but Josh....
(also shout-out to Season 2 Loras Tyrell in Game of Thrones)
Raff is a lot harder, and currently sits somewhere between Kit Harrington, Aiden Turner (as Kili), Simon Neil (the lead singer of Biffy Clyro) and... basically any guy with long dark hair and a beard, frankly. He's like a puzzle!! He should be really easy to fancast but he's just not.
......apart from his body type, which is Zac Effron:
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gingeraleluke · 2 years
hi mads ! ! i hope you are doin' well ^^
if it's okay can i request a fic (for vinnie) where the reader is feeling exceptionally lonely and burnt out,, like she had a fallout with her best friend and at the same time she feels as if in every relationship in her life she's giving her 100% but she isnt receiving the same (if that makes sense!! also i'd really appreciate if they're alr dating in the fic <3) and j kinda angsty but w fluffy ending :)
ive been feeling vv lonely lately and had a fallout w my best friend who i held dearly so i'd really appreciate if u could write this for me ! ! i understand if u can't tho
i adore ur writing btw it always makes my day 100 times better ! ! mwah i luv u have a great day <3
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x fem!influencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: vinnie’s girlfriend has a hard time feeling his presence.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: kinda angsty, but also very fluffy, like one swear word, vinnie cheering his girl up and reassuring her, broken heart from a friendship, reader is sad and lonely:(
𝗔/𝗡: i have never related so much to something in my life and i just knew how much i would have loved to have someone write about it like this for me so hopefully you enjoy this!! as someone who is always giving their all and receiving little in return, i 100% know the feeling. just remember that people like us are special and that everything works out in the end <3 ily PS: i made reader an influencer in this hope you don’t mind lol
y/b/f/n: your best friend’s name
you weren’t quite sure what was wrong with you.
you had assumed that you were lacking something in the basic human needs department and that that was why you constantly found yourself chasing after everyone.
maybe you were just…boring?
but, no, that can’t be it. how can a girl with thousands of followers be boring? yet, how can a girl with thousands of followers feel so alone at the same time?
these were the questions that constantly spewed from your head, spinning a web of uncertainty that you would get tangled in and no one could pull you out of it.
“pass me my towel, sweet girl.”
not even your boyfriend.
“hmm?” you broke from your daze, looking at the boy who was calling your name and mentally trying to figure out how long you were zoned out for.
“my towel.”
he was on the edge of the pool, the upper half of his body on display while the lower half was still submerged in water. his arms were flexing as he held his body up, lifting himself halfway out of the water.
“oh.” you lifted your chin from your palm and leaned over to grab the green towel, walking to the side of the pool and handing it to vinnie.
“thank you.” he muttered, the water splashing as he pulled himself up and out of the pool— not even bothering to use the stairs.
it was the first time in a while that you two got some alone time. vinnie living at the hype house made it quite difficult at times, and being super introverted, you always hated going around there. sure, you were a social media star, but you hated the constant cameras and chaos that came with the house. you much rather preferred having vinnie stop by your apartment instead, but since no one was at the house, you let it slide.
he noticed how as soon as you gave him the towel, you immediately dropped back down to your seat, chin in your hand and your phone laid beside you, anxiously bouncing your leg. you wouldn’t even look at him, and would instead just drift out into space, your gaze falling on whatever was in your way.
you weren’t really present.
vinnie momentarily wrapped the towel around his head to absorb the water from his hair before draping it around his hips, drops falling from his hair as he stepped forward.
“did you know that zac effron was in ‘the greatest showman’?” vinnie asked, watching as his girlfriend hummed an absent reply. “yeah, i saw a preview of it and i didn’t even know he was like still acting..”
sometimes when vinnie didn’t know exactly what to say, he’d fill the silence with whatever random thought he could find.
“mm.” you stayed zoned out, your brain analyzing every little thing you ever did and judging yourself for not doing it differently.
huffing, he walked in front of you, squatting down so he was at your level. your brain immediately shut up as soon as his face appeared before yours.
“huh?” you asked again.
“sweetheart, you’re out of it.” vinnie stated, his hands on both of your knees to balance himself.
“i-i know, i’m sorry..” you weren’t sure where to look so you decided to focus your gaze on his earring, wanting to zone out once again and avoid all confrontation possible.
“is it y/b/f/n?” he questioned, already knowing your answer.
“she still hasn’t answered you, huh?”
“nope.” you spoke, frowning and popping the ‘p’.
“well..” vinnie reached over and grabbed your phone, holding it up out of your reach.
“you don’t need this right now, okay? it’s only gonna make things worse, trust me. i know it’s hard, but it’s gonna be right here with me, okay? i’ll take good care of it and you can get it back later, alright?” he grabbed your shoulder, making you look at him.
you groaned a reply, standing up before him.
“good girl, now let’s go.” vinnie held onto your wrist, dragging you behind him and into the house.
“go where?”
“go cuddle, duh.”
you’re stomach erupted into millions of butterflies from his words and yet you still felt empty inside. “you sure, vin?”
“yes, sweet girl. let me just dry off.”
“okay, baby. i’m all yours.” vinnie grunted, jumping into his bed beside you. his eyes danced down to your outfit.
“y/n, what are you wearin—take it off.”
“here.” he tore off his shirt, leaving his chest bare again and threw it at you. “strip and put this on. it’ll be more comfy.”
“but, vinnie, it’s 2pm..”
“so? no one’s gonna bother us, trust me, and there’s nothing that needs to be done right now, y/n. just come here and get comfy.”
“okay.” you muttered, tearing off your clothes while your boyfriend laid behind you patiently. once his shirt was hugging your body, you plopped down beside him.
“there’s my sweet girl. see how much better this is?”
“mm.” you hummed, clinging to him immediately and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“do you wanna talk about it baby?”
“i don’t know, i just…i need you.”
“i’m right here baby.” he chuckled, holding you closer.
“i know, i just…everything feels really out of reach right now.”
“how so?” he asked, swirling shapes with his fingers on your arm.
“i don’t know, i just… i miss y/b/f/n. she was the only person who i really felt loved by, other than you of course, and…i don’t know, i feel like people don’t care about me the way i care about them. like, i know it may sound stupid but, i just feel like no one really….wants me. like i’m always used by people and yet whenever i want something in return, i’m the bad guy.”
“you aren’t though and everyone feels like that.”
“yeah, but, i’m just so used to constantly giving my all to people and always getting nothing in return and it just really fucking sucks..”
“i’m sorry, pretty girl. i wish everyone was smarter and knew how special you are…because you are, you’re really dope. like….10/10 in everything, i promise.” his voice was soft and he left a small kiss beside your eye once he finished talking.
“you’re my boyfriend, you have to say that.”
“no, sweet girl, i mean it, okay? look, i’m sure everything with y/b/f/n is gonna work itself out, so don’t drain yourself over it. everything is gonna be okay y/n, i promise, and you aren’t stupid for feeling like this. a lot of people do, including me.”
“i’m just so tired…like…i don’t know, i need a break.”
“i know, baby, come here.” he rolled you over so that you could lay against his chest. “i’m all yours right now, okay y/n? we can watch whatever you want, it’s your choice.”
you nodded happily, grabbing the remote and turning on your favorite show, happy to have your boyfriend there beside you.
@radioblah-blah @eilishbby @lolalee24
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mangio-formaggio · 9 months
The thing about me is that at age of 12 my brain chemistry was altered by the episode of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody where Zac Effron is a guest star and Maddie got kissed by his character. So whenever I thought about Sharpay × Troy I remembered that potential chemistry was always there and for years it was low key my crack ship. And then I rewatched the trilogy through the perspective of an adult, and it's painfully obvious that when Troy is around Sharpay he permanently looks like he would rather have a lobotomy🤣
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
top 5 childhood movies
Going in reverse order bc ✨drama✨
5) White Chicks
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Did this movie age poorly? Probably. Is it hella cringey looking back? Heck yeah. Can I still quote half of it from memory? You bet your ass I can!
Idk why but me and my brothers/cousins used to LOOOOOOOOVE this movie and we probably watched it at least once a week, and whenever it was on cable for sure
But also terry crew singing a thousand miles??? Everyone needs that in their life
4) Elf
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I could watch this movie day or night, summer, spring, fall, or winter literally WHENEVER and I will always cry because the power of love and Christmas bringing people together????
I remember when this movie first came out I actually HURT MY STOMACH from laughing so hard, it’s just truly a classic 💞💞💞
Also I am gay for Zoe Deschanel
3) The Princess Bride
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I don’t think I discovered this movie until I was like 12 or 13?? I saw the cover in a $5 dvd bin at Walmart but it was the cover that was an ambigram and I was like WOAH WORDS and asked my mom if we could take it and she was like HELL YEAH WE CAN bc she knew the movie.
I almost didn’t finish watching it once I started it bc it looked Old and Boring but then my dad walked in and was like “YOURE WATCHING THIS MOVIE??” And lost his shit and kept telling me how badass it was and I was like aight I’ll keep watching
So yeah I judged it by its cover BUT LOOK AT THIS COVER
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2) High School Musical 2
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I’m putting HSM2 bc personally I like it better but let it be known that the original still has all my love and respect 💞💞
I beg to differ, but my dad SWEARS that I would literally watch this movie as SOON as we got home from school EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don’t think it was eeeeeeevery day but. I know I did have the entire script memorized at one point so that when I got bored in school or at church I would just hit “play” in my head until something interesting came along and that’s why I’m bad at math
I also had. SOOOOOO much merch from this. A backpack, pants, a night gown, an alarm clock, a jewelry box, a blanket… bc for YEARS every birthday and Christmas I just got HSM shit because everyone Knew that was My Thing. And it was FANTASTIC. I was living my best life tbh thanks Zac Effron
1) 13 Going On 30
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The year is 2004. I am seven years old. My mom takes me to the movies, just me and her, no stinky brothers allowed. Jennifer Garner. Mark Ruffalo. Tons of 80s music. Romance. Best friends to lovers. Reconciliation. Existential Crisis. Vienna by Billy Joel. The obsession begins.
This is the first movie I remember seeing in the theaters even though I am TOLD we also saw finding Nemo??? The good ole hippocampus hadn’t developed long term memory yet tho so 🤷🏽‍♀️ the chokehold this movie had and still had on me…. When it was released on DVD oh lord. Oh LORD I never stopped watching it. I would play the bonus feature game, watch bts, go to scene selection and watch the razzles scene over and over.
Also I’m incredibly bisexual for Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner it only took me ten years to figure it out 👉🏽😎👉🏽
Thanks so much for this ask! It was incredibly entertaining!
Send me Top 5 Anything
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chicken-fifi · 2 years
V (BTS) Drabble - Temptations
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Description: Your back is quite tempting, especially when he has big plans for what he want to do to it.
Warnings: creepy back obsession, murder implication, the scene i had in mind is from Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile starring zac effron (the biographical ted bundy film) where he's looking at his gf's (if i remember correctly) back/spine
Word Count: 306 words
Taehyung looked down at the book beside him, a drawing of the human spine on the page with the names of each vertebrae typed out. He shined the flashlight on your spine, his fingers hovering over your skin as he figured out where each vertebrae was in your body. He looked back down at the book and looked at the sloppy notes he’d written in the margins of the page. There was an arrow pointing to a specific spot in the drawing. His eyes went back to your spine and found that spot.
If he were to slice you in half, this area would leave all organs untouched. The division of your body would be surgically precise and leave all vital organs unscathed, making them perfect to sell on the black market. A sinister smile swept over his face as he thought of how pretty you would look laying there anticipating the moment when he would attack and -
“What are you doing?” your voice asked, ripping the sheets away, barely giving enough time to grab the other book and open it to a random page.
“I was reading,” he lied, knowing you’d believe him without any doubt. “I didn’t want to wake you so I grabbed the flashlight and figured the light wouldn’t bother you if I was under the covers.”
You gave him a strange look before looking down at the book on the mattress, noticing the other book underneath but opted not to say anything. It wasn’t unusual for Taehyung to switch between books when he was reading.
“It’s late,” he said, closing the books and putting them on the nightstand. “You should get some rest.”
“I hope that means you’ll also be getting some sleep.”
He gave you a tight lipped smile before nodding and settling down. You turned onto your side, your head moving to rest on his chest. His hand went to your back and landed on the spot he’d been looking at before you’d nearly caught him. Oh the temptation to just grab a scalpel and begin cutting…
But no. He had to wait. First he needed to practice on someone else. For now, the temptation would have to be kept at bay.
Tagging: @iamthecabbage@confusedchildsstuff@multistan-kpopfanfics if you would like to be tagged and aren't please let me know!
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havange · 2 years
Have you seen the greatest showman?
I haven’t yet
But I’m obsessed with the soundtrack! Specifically the song “On the side” which is sung by Zac Effron and the wonderful Hugh Jackman
I love hearing Hugh sing! My heart🥺
But now I can’t stop imagining Logan singing along to musicals when he thinks nobody’s around 💀
I thiiiinnnnkkkk I’ve watched like one episode with one of my cousins🤔 where is it at? So I can watch it.
That mutherfucker would try to hide the fact that he actually liked the show and the songs with his entire BEING stg
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Logan swearing you didn’t catch him humming the songs💀
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gamescantsleep · 5 years
Happy Wildcats New Year Bros
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aposperiitis · 6 years
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We found his act y’all!
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anauro · 2 years
Say no more 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Hey was wondering if you do requests, could you do an Austin with an older Harry gardners daughter kind of thing? Kind of like he gets really interested in her, thank uuu
New Muse
Austin Sommers x fem!reader
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"Harry!" an eccentric figure approached my dad, greeting him with enthusiasm. The man was dressed in a flamboyant fur coat, dark eyeliner defined his waterline. "So good to see you!"
"I can't talk for long, Austin, I promised I'd take my daughter out for a drink on her 21st." Dad indicated over to me, sitting at the bar, tapping my fingers impatiently on the bench.
"Ah..." the man acknowledged my presence. "You must be y/n Gardener. Austin Sommers, playwright." He extended his hand out to me, and so I shook it. "She's a right stunner isn't she, Harry?" Austin mumbled into my dad's ear, with a click of his tongue.
"Are you sexualizing my daughter?" accusation lingered in Dad's throat.
Austin seemed to realize his mistake immediately, his cheeks flushed bright red. "I apologize, dude... that was entirely out of line. The crackhead I fed on this morning... still has my head buzzin'."
An awkward silence filled the air before the man spoke up once more.
"Well, I must be off now, Harry, y/n. Catch you later." Austin wandered off, leaving me alone with my father.
"I can stick up for myself, Dad."
"No, you can't," he snaps back, taking a swig of whiskey. "Besides. He isn't your type."
"How the fu- I mean... like you know my type, you're literally my father! That's just weird, Dad."
"Sure I do," he swirled the ice cube around his glass. "Don't act like I didn't see all those Ed Sheeran and Zac Effron posters up in your room."
"Shut up! That was like a tiny obsession that lasted for a week in fifth grade!"
"Was it? Huh."
Austin's POV:
"Austin. Austin!" Belle clapped her hands in front of his face to get his attention. He quickly averted his gaze away from you, and looked at Belle.
"What are you staring at?"
She gives him a knowing glance. The kind a mother gives her son when she knows he is up to something.
"Is it her?" Belle cocks her head in the direction of a young woman seated at the bar beside Harry Gardner; you.
"Harry's daughter," he sighs.
"Good luck with that one. He is one protective father."
"Yeah no shit, Sarah."
"Belle, to you." She corrects. "She is rather striking, isn't she."
"Again," Austin smirks. "No shit, Sarah."
Belle rolls her eyes before casting her glance back to you.
"Austin, look," tapping his shoulder lightly. "Harry's gone to the bathroom. Now's your chance."
He begins to stand and make his way over to you when he sees Mickey slide along the bar to sit beside you.
"Fuck you!" He mouths.
"Oh good gracious me, not that hustler." Belle beckons Austin back over. "Don't worry. Once she lays eyes on the pile of crap he calls his house she won't even look at him again."
Harry emerges from the bathroom and Austin's face lights up.
The two writers amuse themselves watching on as your father chastises Mickey, shooing him away like a common rodent. During the conflict, you turn your head to the corner of the room. You meet Austin's gaze unintentionally, but smiling sweetly regardless.
He felt his heart skip a beat, just for a second.
The frosty morning breeze nips at my ankles, as I trudge through the aisles of the market. I mentally check all the items from the list off in my head. Tea, coffee, eggs, 12 steaks... shit. Forgot the steaks. I make a b-line for the fridge section, beginning to load the bloody trays of meat into my basket
"Why hello there, stranger." A voice approaches from behind.
It's that guy from last night at the bar. Austin.
"Stocking up on essentials are we," he notices the extensive amount of beef in my possession. "New to the pill?"
"Nah. It's for my Dad."
"Harry? Harry can hunt, what the fuck is he doing making his daughter go out and buy him shitty, stale cow carcass?"
I can't help but let out a giggle.
"I'm just saying!" he throws his hands up in defense.
"No, no, it's okay. He's a little hungover... actually, let me rephrase that. A lot hungover."
Austin cackles lightheartedly.
"I think the fact that his little girl is now her own woman messed him up, me turning 21 yesterday and all. But he'll be fine."
I pack the final steak in my basket.
"I guess I'll see you around, then." I smile and begin to walk away."
"Wait! Y/n!" I turn back around to face the man. "I, ah, was just wondering if perhaps you wanted to come over to my place, for a drink?"
"I'd love to."
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sketch-mer-6195 · 3 years
Rewrite the Stars (Fili x OC)
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My very first lyric fan fiction I have ever written and completed. I hope you all like it. Song: Rewrite the Stars by Zac Effron and Zendaya
Word Count: 7284
(A/N: I had no clue it was this big... enjoy anyway!)
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied
“Are you sure that we’re not going to be found by your uncle?”
“Absolutely. Why would he look in here?” Fili chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Brenn.
In a small room that was used to hold old armor, tapestries, and some odds and ends, Fili pulled her close to his chest where Brenn smiled up at him sheepishly and laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. His warmth radiated from his person and gave her a sense of comfort and safety. A warm smile played on his lips as he kissed the crown of her head and closed his eyes. It was such a quiet and peaceful moment for the two younglings. Both a Prince and Princess from two different families, yet their families were not keen on their young romance. But they felt certain.
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pullin' you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?
“I love you, Fi.” Brenn murmured and pulled back to look up at the blonde prince.
Fili smiled and looked down, capturing her chin with his thumb and index to pull her in for a kiss. Soft yet full of passion, Brenn wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer. A small hum rumbled from his chest as his arms wrapped around her waist tighter and earned a small growl to play along. As the need for air became dire, both Fili and Brenn broke the seal from their lips, their breath ragged but silly smiles on their lips. As they pressed their foreheads against one another’s, their eyes closed as they relished the love and adoration that they held for each other.
“Hoot Hoot!”
Well, at least they tried.
Both flinched as Kili hooted out from the other side of the door, meaning they had to wrap up their little secret meeting and get out of the cramp room quickly before his mother or her father found them. As they detangled their arms and grasped each other’s hand, Fili guided Brenn to the door. With a gentle knock, they both waited for the signal to leave one at a time. There was the familiar rhythmic knock that Kili would give to tell them the coast was clear. Both shared a sigh of relief before looking into each other’s eyes and smiling a small smile before sharing one last brief kiss before they went their separate ways.
“I will see you in my dreams, sanâzyung.” He whispered and winked at her, successfully earning a bright blush and a slap on his shoulder.
As Brenn shook her head, Fili peeked out the door and soon left as if nothing ever happened and left Brenn in the dark room alone. She soon began to count down from five slowly to wait for the signal from Kili once again. As she mentally got to one. The same rhythmic knocking came through, signaling her that it was safe. As she walked out of the room, she saw Kili standing there, but looking a little nervous which made her quirk a brow.
“Ki? Is everything alright?” She asked.
But he casted his gaze to the ground which made her concerned and nervous. “I uh…”
Brenn flinched at the sound of her father’s voice and slowly turned to see not only her father, but Kili and Fili’s mother, Dis with glares that could burn them to the depths of Mount Doom. Fili had a nervous look on his face as well as his mother had him by the scruff of his fur lined jacket. He looked like a child who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  Her father grabbed a hold of the back of her jacket as both parents took them to the throne room where they stood before not only Thorin, but Brenn’s mother as well, who both shared the same glare at the two. If only the floor could swallow them up. But sadly, they earned a long scolding from their parents and relatives.
“You two are far too young to understand what love is.” Khutin stated, his arms crossed.
Brenn glared up at her father and grabbed Fili’s hand in her own. “Adad, we know and completely understand how we feel for one another. I love Fili and even if one of us is in peril, our love will never burn out because of death keeping us apart.”
If Fili wasn’t head over heels for Brenn before, he was in heaven now. Her words filled him with so much pride, adoration, love, and joy that she felt the same way he did for her. How he felt so lucky to have found her.
What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
“And do you feel the same way, Fili?” Thorin asked, looking at his nephew who was still smiling and staring at Brenn with deep adoration in his eyes.
Looking over to Thorin, he took his hand from Brenn’s and placed a hand over his heart. He looked at Brenn’s parents, then to his uncle, and lastly to his younger brother who nodded with a reassuring smirk. Taking a deep breath to calm his pounding heart, Fili looked back at her parents and his uncle.
“My heart cries out for one other, for she is the light in my life and the reason I smile day in and day out. Brenn has not only brought me happiness, but unconditional love that I could never ask from any other Dwarrowdam for there is no other like Brenn outside of my kin. She is my One. The woman that Mahal has blessed me with as our hearts are intertwined by fate itself. I know that one day, when she accepts, will be my wife till our last breath we share as one.” Fili had proclaimed, surprising her parents but earning a proud smirk from Thorin and a teary smile from his own mother. He looked over to Brenn who had her hands to her mouth as she had tears roll down her cheeks. His words sunk so deep that she knew she would never forget his proclamation of love for her. Fili walked over to her and grasped her hands in his before kissing the back of each hand.
“Will you do me the honor and have me court you, Brenn? Daughter of Khutin.” Fili proposed.
As she looked down at their clasped hands, she felt something cold press against her palm to see a pair of intricate beads in her hand. Carved runes and inlaid with diamonds and sapphires, Brenn lost her breath for a moment before looking up at Fili and nodding her head vigorously with a beautiful smile. Fili smiled just as happily as she did before looking over to their relatives. Thorin nodded with a small smile of his own, his mother who was once furious now happy to see her boy growing up. But Brenn’s parents had a bit of a scowl. Her mother is more so than her father. But tradition is tradition and they can't do anything to deter their courtship and possible marriage.
That didn't stop them from voicing their dislike.
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
Several years had passed since Fili and Brenn had started courting and both were happy and ready to make the next step in their life together. Yet something was stopping them and Fili had begun to notice how her mother would hover around them, nearly suffocating Brenn with questions and almost coddling her day and night. Though romance was never an issue, it was when the question of being married was when Fili began to worry for the worse. Was Brenn second guessing? Was she scared of possibly becoming a princess? Was it something he had done? He had to know and ask, but was afraid he would be shut out if he did ask. 
“You’re never going to know if you don’t ask, dunderhead!” Kili exclaimed as they were in the training field.
As they had their swords locked together, Fili growled and was able to turn his foot to gain a stronger footing and push his younger brother back. Kili stumbled a couple steps, but was able to regain and take a quick swing at his brother who ducked and rolled out of the way. With a heavy sigh, Fili shook his head and quickly wiped his brow from the sweat that was threatening to get into his eyes.
“It’s not as easy as you think, brother. This is the woman I am deeply in love with and want to be married to till the rest of our years. One simply doesn’t saunter over and ask so willy nilly. You have to take caution and think before you speak.” Fili said eloquently.
With a dramatic eye roll from Kili, the two brothers finished their training and headed to the weapons vault to hang and put away their weapons.
“Why don’t you two just elope and get hitched?” Kili asked as he handed Fili his shirt.
Fili chuckled softly as he grabbed his shirt and crumpled it to slide it over his head. “Because she has to be certain. It is tradition, brother.” 
“What is tradition, Ghivashel?”
Both brothers looked over to the main hall door where Brenn had come through. Dorned in black breeches, a burgundy tunic and her fur lined boots, she wore a jacket that Fili had gotten her on their sixth year of courting. Her courting braid and bead tucked behind her ear while the rest of her dark umber hair pulled in a braided ponytail. She stopped in her tracks as she saw her beloved shirtless and couldn’t help but gawk a little. She could see Fili smirk a little, a bit proud that he could still have such an effect on her. As he walked over to her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush to his still glistening chest which made her squeak and lay her hands on his shoulders only to yank them back.
“FILI! You’re All Sweaty!” Brenn squirmed as Fili laughed heartily and held her closer.
He nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck which made her laugh and groan in disgust at the same time. There was no real anger, just genuine love and adoration, no matter how sweaty Fili really was. Kili was happy for his brother and for Brenn, he just hoped that the two would finally get married and not have to dance around in their courting. After their playing around, Brenn wrapped her arms around Fili’s neck and kissed him which he gladly reciprocated. Earning some teasing from Kili, Fili slipped his shirt on before walking Brenn out of the training area and walking down the halls to his private chambers.
“Amrâlimê, may I ask you something?” Fili asked as they both made it to his chambers.
“Of course. What seems to be troubling you?” Brenn asked as she sat on the edge of his bed.
Fili closed the door behind them and headed to his bathroom to wash up and change into fresh clothes. “I was wanting to know…” He gulped and paused for a moment until he heard Brenn call out to him. 
“I was curious… what do you see in our future? As a couple?” He finally asked.
Brenn felt a hard lump in her throat when he asked the question. Instantly her mother’s words rang through her head which rendered her silent. Fili furrowed his brow as he had not heard a reply from her. He had finished washing up when he came out with the same breeches that he had on and shirtless once more to see that Brenn had her head hung low.
You think it's easy
You think I don't wanna run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
“Brenn, love. What’s the matter?” He asked as he walked over to her and sat next to her.
He rubbed her back, gently coaxing her to speak to him. Guilt riddled him now that he asked, especially since she started to sniffle. Wrapping her in his arms, he pulled her close to his chest and rocked her from side to side, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“Shhhhh… I’m sorry. I should never question you with such a question like that.” He reassured her as he kissed the crown of her head.
“No, you have a right to ask.” Brenn sniffled before taking a deep breath and looking up at Fili with a sad smile that faltered. “I have been...my Amad… We’ve been talking and…” She tried to explain and see that he was patiently waiting and hanging on to each word.
How she became so lucky with a man like him infuriated her. Cursing in Khuzdul, she rose to her feet and went to the hearth where she crossed her arms to gain some distance from him. Fili watched her from where they were on his bed and waited for her ever so patiently. He didn’t want to push her or try to force her to speak. But, he was tired of waiting at the same time. He rose from his seat and walked over to Brenn and wrapped his arms against her waist once more, kissing her shoulder gently and leaving a gentle trail up to her neck. His braided mustache and his beard tickled her skin, making her squirm and giggle softly and cheer her up easily. As his lips found her ear, he playfully nipped at her ear lobe where he growled in her ear.
“You can never escape the wrath of the lion.” He growled playfully and squeezed her sides.
I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all
Brenn laughed and turned in his arms to wrap her own around his neck and pulled him in for a deep, passionate and almost dire kiss. It caught him off guard as he stumbled slightly, but steadied himself and kissed her deeply. Her fingers ran against his scalp, minding his braids so not to pull on them but through her body language, she wanted him and needed him. He was more than glad to give it to her, but he knew it was to hide how she was really wanting to tell him. Pulling away and breaking the kiss, Brenn looked up at Fili with a confused brow raised as he sat back down on the edge of the bed and pulled her to his lap so she was now straddling his lap.
“Brenn… Ghivashel… what troubles you?” Fili asked gently, placing his hands on her hips and rubbing small circles on her sides.
“What? I want to be with my love? Is it a crime to want the man that I love?” Brenn asked, avoiding the knowing look from him.
With a gentle sigh, he straightened up and grasped her hands that were clasped behind his neck and held her hands firmly, but gentle. “My love, my princess… You are so natural when we are alone, away from prying eyes and your own kin. But when your family is around, when we speak about our deepest thoughts. You avoid everything and hide behind your own walls. You hide behind affection, which I adore and will cherish each and every passing moment. But, you must speak to me about what troubles you, even if it is what I have done. We are one.”
“Please, Brenn. My One. The woman I want to live the rest of my years with, do not fear to speak your mind. I will alway love you, no matter what you say to me.”
His eyes held so much truth as he spoke, it shook her to her core and made her heart pound in her chest hard and rapid. Damn this dwarf to know her so well! Then again, they had been courting well over eight years. With her brown eyes avoiding his blue ones, she shook her head and pressed her forehead against his own.
“I don’t know if we should be together…?”
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
His eyes were larger than saucers. Did he just hear the dreaded words that he feared the most? Shaking his own head vigorously, Fili cupped her face in his calloused hands and began to pepper her face with kisses and speak to her only in Khuzdul. His voice cracked as his emotions began to overwhelm his senses and tears began to streak down his cheeks. The mere sound of his voice failing him made Brenn choke out a sob of her own. Pulling back, Fili looked at her and this time made her look into his eyes.
“Why now? What have I done? Please, I beg of you… Let me make this right.” He pleaded, begged her. 
She shook her head and let out another hard sob. “Y-you did nothing…”
She had no idea how to explain it to him in the easiest way possible. So she was blunt. Telling him about her conversations that she had with her mother who had been against her courting a Durin and someone of direct descendant. How Brenn and Fili had found their One and how close they had become since their first meet. How she wanted Brenn to marry someone that was from the Blue Mountains and not someone who’s Kin was in exile because of Smaug the Dragon.
“I know she can not do anything and that she isn’t…”
“But she is!” Fili interrupted her, making Brenn flinch as he rose his voice a little.
Sighing softly, one of his hands found one of her own which he interlaced his fingers with his own. “I can not lose you, Ghivashel… You are the only one that I know and the woman that I dream of every night. My heart and unwavering love is only for you and you only as I trust no other with my heart.”
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours
“Please… forgive me. I just want everyone to be happy.” Brenn started. “You, my Amad and Adad, your family…”
“Have you ever wanted to be happy?” Fili asked.
Looking up at him, she nodded only to feel his lips press a tender kiss onto her cheek. “Then tell me… what makes you happy?”
Looking up at him, a soft smile crept onto her lips as he returned an impish smirk and tilted her chin up. “There’s my beautiful rose. Never forget that I have and always be here for you, through health and illness. You are my One and I will always love and protect you till our last breath we share together.”
Before they could marry though, Thorin and his younger brother and most of his kin had left to travel to Erebor to reclaim the mountain. With word that there was to be a meeting with all seven Dwarf Lords about the quest, Brenn had joined her father and was soon travelling with Thorin to Bag-End where the rest of his company were awaiting for him. Although she had told Fili that she would wait for him back west, she was not going to fear and worry for her future husband if he lived or died. Thorin, although against it, originally understood why she went against his and Fili’s words and joined the company. As they walked up the soft rolling hills of the Shire, they both could hear the singing and music playing from the house where their burglar resided which both dwarves smiled a little to hear the jovial and cheery tune that the rest of the company had made on the fly. With the song coming to an end and laughter filling the air, Thorin knocked on the door three times which the laughter died immediately.
“You sure know how to bring a party to a grinding halt, Uncle.” Brenn stated in a coy fashion.
Thorin looked at her with an un-amused look and raised his brow. She had recently called him “Uncle” in private to show her own excitement of becoming a part of his family and kin. Even though she was pushing his own buttons, he knew that she was going to be a strong asset for Fili as she would make a brilliant queen once Fili became king. With the door opening and Gandalf introducing Bilbo to Thorin and soon Brenn whom he was surprised to see, most of the other dwarrow’s were as well.
Especially Fili.
“Ghivashel?!” Brenn turned around as she took her fur lined cloak to see Fili standing in the hall and soon picking her up and spinning her around  a few times.
Balin and a couple of the elder dwarrow’s were glad to see that Fili’s beloved was there, but also knew why she was there as well. Sharing a sweet and simple kiss, Fili escorted her to the dining room where he guided her to the back where Kili sat. As he sat down, Brenn took her place on his lap where he held her close and nuzzled his nose into her neck before Thorin explained the quest and all that was yet to come. Even though Fili and his brother were excited, both worried that Brenn would join, their uncle explained that out of everyone in the meeting she volunteered to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. With complaints and dislike that a Dwarrowdam would be joining the company not because she was female, but that she was to be married to the crowned prince. After much debating and Bilbo passing out over the contract, it was a good time for most to relax and find a piece of floor or furniture to lay for the night.
All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
"Promise me you won't ever leave my side?" Fili said as he had laid his bedroll and Brenn’s together near the fireplace.
"Fi, you won't even let me go to the market unless Kili came along." She teased.
He looked down at her with a rather serious look in his eyes which made her groan. "Alright…"
Sighing himself, Fili laid down to which Brenn soon followed and curled up in his arms which happily enveloped her. He used his jacket and her cloak as a pillow for them as they listened to everyone else finally settling in for the night before they left. His lips found their usual path on her neck where his mustache and the beads sent shivers down her spine. She did her best not to make a sound, but her squirming only made Fili continue his playful torture before finding her lips and capturing them with his own in a soft and slow kiss.
Although he was holding himself back, Brenn could feel all of his emotions in this kiss. His love and devotion, his fear and some frustration, his desire and want. When they parted from their kiss, they leaned their foreheads against one another and closed their eyes. Feeling their bond only growing stronger and knowing this journey could be their last. Fili looked deep into her eyes as sleep slowly began to take hold of their minds and could only smile at her, his dimples showing from the firelight.
"Amraliastî, kurdel." He whispered before pulling her close to his side.
"And I love you, Âzyungûn." She smiled before they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
It feels impossible
It's not impossible
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible
During their travels on the Great East Road, nearly being eaten by trolls and hunted down by a pack of orcs they were now in the safe haven of Rivendell. Fili, Brenn, and Kili looked around and found a large fountain which ended up being one huge bath for most of the company as Brenn was ushered to private bathing chambers. Much to Fili’s dismay. With dinner going well with a food fight at the end and some apologizing for their behavior, Fili, Kili, and Brenn mostly, both Fili and Brenn began to walk down the paths and gardens of the Elven Kingdom. With a few stolen kisses and enjoying the peace and calm that Rivendell offered. 
Fili’s eyes lit up as he found a gazebo that looked like it was carved from the stone with the setting sun behind it giving a romantic ambiance. He practically dragged Brenn to the gazebo and spun her a few times. A gleeful laugh rang in the air that sounded like a symphony of beauty in his ears. Pulling her close to him, Fili began to sway and dance with her as he hummed a soft tune that only they could hear. Brenn laid her head on his shoulder and smiled as she hummed along with him as this was the first time in a couple months that they could be romantic and alone without the Company around. And possibly their last until the mountain was reclaimed.
“Marry me.”
Brenn stopped her humming and lifted her head to see him better. “Pardon?”
Fili slowed to a stop and smiled at her, those dimples showing as he took a step back and went down on one knee. He grasped her hands in his and kissed her knuckles tenderly.
“I want to marry you, today. Here in Rivendell.” He proclaimed.
“But… I thought we were going to wait until your uncle reclaimed the mountain? Fili, you know how he is about elves and to have our wedding here.” Brenn explained only to feel his grasp grow a little tighter which silenced her.
“Brenn… I know what we said, but I fear that the worst is yet to come. I want to know that I gave you all that you needed and wanted as your husband. Protect you and love you as your husband and not your husband-to-be.” He stated, his eyes revealing his own fear of what the rest of the journey held for them.
Brenn had wanted to get married sooner as well, but never wanted to push her boundaries or voice it to Fili. So to see that he was wanting to marry her sooner made her feel sure that they were meant to be. With a warm smile, she could see he was hanging in suspense to hear her answer if she would marry him today, licking his lips nervously in hopes she would say yes.
“Yes...Yes I’ll marry you.” Brenn said with a bright smile.
With a whoop and picking her up to spin her around happily, Fili ran to find his uncle and brother and to ask for permission from Lord Elrond if he and Brenn could wed in his kingdom. Even though there was some heated discussion and trying to persuade the lion prince and his fire princess to wait till they were in Erebor, Thorin gave them both his blessing to wed. The entire Company were excited for the younglings, and even though it was nothing grand like a traditional wedding that most dwarves held, they could see that Fili and Brenn were happy. Lord Elrond blessed the wedding and their marriage along with Balin who led the procession to the best of his knowledge and memory. Bilbo felt honored to witness but was lost as they mostly spoke in Khuzdul. He could see how proud Thorin was for his eldest nephew and Kili was just as proud for his brother as well. It was a beautiful and simple wedding that went off without a hitch. With the wedding and the night coming to a close, Fili and Brenn were given a private chamber to spend the night alone as newlyweds. A brief honeymoon of sorts which was better than going back out to continue the quest.
With a heated night, his marriage braid in her hair next to her courting baird, and both finally being a married couple, Fili and Brenn laid in the oversized (in dwarf standards that is) under the sheets, in each others arms, relishing the night and smiling like love struck teenagers. As he looked down at his wife, Fili tilted his head down to press his lips on her hair line and letting his mustache tickle her forehead. An exhausted smile spread across her lips as she curled up closer to her husband.
“I can’t wait to tell your mother…” Brenn giggled and let out a quiet yawn which made Fili chuckle.
“I can only imagine what she is going to say once she hears about our wedding.” He mused before pulling her on top of him. “But for now, let us enjoy this night and forget about the journey. Tonight, it is just us, my yâsith.”
With a lazy smile, Brenn hummed and kissed his lips briefly. “As you wish, yâsûn.”
How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
War was loose, originally starting with the Elves and the Dwarves from the Iron Hills led by Lord Dáin. And soon, Orcs, Men, Elves and Dwarves were in a full blood bath. Yet, Thorin and his Company were hidden within the mountain per the King's command. Brenn had joined the company even though Fili tried to persuade his wife to stay in their shared chambers. Dressed in breeches, boots, a long tunic that was lightly padded along with chain mail and armor, she was ready for battle if need be. Fili had given her a pair of daggers that he had found in the armory along with a sword and began to keep her close while the sounds of war echoed into the halls of the mountain.
"If we do go out there, I want you to stay with Kili and I. Never go far and don't fight alone." Fili huffed and bantered while he braided her hair.
His normal steady hands shook slightly as he braided. Normally a relaxing moment for them both was only to try and ease his mind of the battle that ensued outside. Brenn felt him tie off and clasp her braid in place and lay his hands on her shoulders. Turning to face him, she took his hands in her own and ran her thumbs over his knuckles only to see him close his eyes and let out a sigh. His hands slowly steadied as she continued to comfort him and whisper words of reassurance to ease his mind.
“We’re going to be alright, Ghivashel. Soon we’re going to be out of this blasted war, live in peace and tell stories to our children about this great adventure that we, our kin, and new friends did together.” Brenn said with a smile that faltered some and her voice cracking some.
Fili lifted his head and locked his blue eyes with her hazel green ones. He could see the fear in her eyes. Somehow she was starting to lose hope with Thorin and his sickness, the war and possible death of so many. He pressed his forehead to her own and cupped her cheek with one of his calloused hands. Her eyes fluttered closed as a tear ran down her cheek quickly only to be swept off her cheek by her husband’s thumb.
“It’s alright, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” Fili said firmly.
With a small smile, Brenn nodded and earned a soft kiss on her cheek from him. But the sweet moment was interrupted when Kili started to vent to Thorin who had emerged from the depths of the mountain in garb that represented who he was when they all left the Blue Mountains and not in his grandfather’s royal garb. His eyes did not hold the lust, delusion and hunger for gold. Instead, he was humbled up and back to his old self which everyone was relieved and proud to fight alongside him one last time in this war. He walked over to Fili and Brenn and pressed his forehead to each of them and gave them the option to stay inside the mountain to not only survive if he were to be slain.
Brenn grasped his hand and shook her head. “With all due respect, Uncle, I would rather fight and die by my kin’s side than hope and pray to Mahal for your return.”
With a slight chuckle from Thorin, he nodded and brought her hand that held his to Fili’s hand and smiled at them both. “One day, you both will rule Erebor and I will personally see to it that it will happen.”
The battle was full blast when they rode out on the chariot manned by Balin. Dwalin, Kili, Fili and Brenn were defending and demolishing trolls, orcs, wargs, and goblins that stood in their path. But the wargs were overrunning them as they took out one of their goats on the chariot. Fili pulled Brenn close to his chest after they got attacked by another warg but slain thanks to Kili’s expert shot with his bow.
“We’re carrying too much weight! We won’t make it!” Dwalin said to his brother.
“Take the goats. Ride them to Ravenhill.” Balin explained and smiled down at his younger brother. “My goat riding days are over. Durin be with you.” He reassured the others with his usual warm smile.
Fili and Brenn were the first to go and got onto one goat, cutting the harness free and following Thorin to Ravenhill. Kili and Dwalin were right on their tails as they followed their king to the post where Azog signaled his army. Once there, Fili, Kili and Brenn went to look through the tunnels to scope out where the orcs could have been to try and flank them out. As they worked their way down inside, the distant sound of footsteps got all of their attention to look to where the higher parts of Ravenhill was. Kili went to go after them only to be stopped by his brother.
“Search the lower levels. I got this.” Fili said and then looked at Brenn. “Follow Kili. I’ll be alright.” He reassured her.
They stared at one another for a moment before earning a nod from both she and Kili. Kili grabbed ahold of her arm to guide her to the lower levels, but she pulled her arm out and called out to Fili who stopped dead in his tracks.
“I love you.” Brenn exhaled before flashing a smile at her husband.
With a smile of his own, although full of nerves, Fili nodded. “I love you too, Amrâlimê.”
“Come on.” Kili exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Brenn’s hand and dragged her with him.
As they traveled deeper and deeper into Ravenhill's corridors, they didn’t know that they had fallen into a trap, something that Thorin had no clue about. Kili and Brenn watched each other’s backs as they ventured deeper only to find no sign of Azog and his followers. That was until they heard the Black Speech that only Azog could send chills down a fire drakes spine.
“This one dies first… then his brother… then you, Oakenshield. You Will Die Last.” The Defiler roared out across the frozen river.
Kili looked up to see his brother being held in the air by the pale orc. Brenn just caught a glimpse of Fili’s boots and gasped loudly only to have Kili push her back under the arch. He was not going to break his promise to his brother and let her be killed in battle.
“Here ends your filthy bloodline!”
All of a sudden, the body of Fili, Son of Dis, Crowned Prince of Erebor, lay dead in front of his brother and now widowed wife as he was dropped several stories by Azog. Brenn’s eyes widened in utter horror as she clasped her hands over her mouth to mute her shrieks. Kili pulled her to his chest and did his best to hide her eyes from her dead husband. Brenn was almost in hysteria, but did her best to keep her composure to continue on and fight. Now, she had the fire burning in her stomach. Now, she was going to avenge her husband’s death and personally find the Defiler himself and sever his head from his shoulders. Pushing out of Kili’s arms, she ran towards the upper levels of Ravenhill with Kili at her heels to find the murderer.
It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours
Being ambushed and separated from Kili, Brenn kept her ground against the orcs that had separated them both and soon got help from the elf maiden, Tauriel. Her training that she had gained from Fili helped her out immensely. Her adrenaline was what kept her going along with her rage and vengeful spirit burning like fuel to her  forge. But now, they were looking for Kili to regroup to try and stop Azog and Blog. As the two women called out to Kili and could hear him reply, they were suddenly ambushed by Blog himself. Fighting toe to toe with the large orc was turning to become almost impossible as he out weighed them both and easily pushed them back. Tauriel was thrown across the floor with such ease by Blog that she looked like nothing, but Brenn was quick and went to slice the orc by his calf.
But with another simple swing of his weapon, he blocked her and grabbed hold of Brenn’s neck. He picked up Tauriel by the neck and smiled menacingly at his new found prey as the two struggled in his steely grasp. Suddenly, Kili came down on top of Blog which successfully helped free Brenn and Tauriel. Brenn got back to her feet and charged after Blog once more as Tauriel was almost thrown off the cliff and in a daze of sorts. Spinning and with her sword high above, Brenn went to deal a deadly blow across the orcs stomach to give Kili the final kill shot. But she stopped dead in her tracks as she felt a sudden sharp pain in her chest. Her eyes widened once more. Her body suddenly grew cold. Hot and sticky blood fell across her stomach down her legs which made her look down to see she had been mortally stabbed in the lung and liver.
The deafening sound of Kili screaming in rage and agony grew muted, as if she fell underwater. All of a sudden, the ground came crashing into her and soon, Kili too. His body laid lifelessly next to Brenn’s dying form. It felt like an eternity until Tauriel came back to them once more. Seeing how she hovered over Kili and was beginning to mourn for his death and kiss his lips ever so lightly. How Brenn could have shared one last kiss with her husband. How she could have said yes and kept Fili with her in the mountain. What was supposed to be a sob sounded more like a choking gurgle from her throat, catching the elf’s attention and coming next to Brenn.
“Lie still… Please, just breathe. I will do as much as I can to keep you alive.” Tauriel said as she turned Brenn onto her back.
But as Tauriel was about to place her hands on her wounds, Brenn grabbed the elf’s hands making Tauriel look at her in utter surprise. “What are you doing? I need to save you!”
“Don’t…” Brenn said, her voice failing her with each passing breath. “I want you...to take me… to my husband. Kili’s brother.” She took in a sharp breath and began to tremble under Tauriel’s hands and fear flashed before her eyes as she had accepted her fate. “I wish to die in my husband’s arms. Please… I beg of you.”
Her lip trembled as tears fell down the sides of her face and into her filthy and bloodied hair. Tauriel could see that there was no way of saving Brenn, but she did not want to see more death. She slowly shook her head as tears pooled in her eyes and fell down to hit Brenn’s cheeks. Raising a hand and taking in another sharp and jagged breath, she grasped her arm and smiled up at the elf.
“My brother… he would want you to smile. Rejoice that you are alive, for you will always see him smile from the heavens and stars every night for you.” Brenn said with a pain filled smile as she looked next to Kili once more. “Please… I beg of you… take me to my husband.” She begged.
With reluctance, Tauriel scooped Brenn up in her arms and hurried to get Brenn to see her Fili once more. Life was slipping away with each passing second from Brenn as they drew closer. Her blood stained Tauriel’s brilliant green tunic as she carried her dying body. It wasn’t long until Tauriel saw Fili’s dead form in the snow. With a pained hitch of breath in her throat, Tauriel sat Brenn against a boulder and laid Fili in a way that he was at peace. His eyes closed by Tauriel’s gentle touch and his body laid in such a fashion that he was awaiting for Brenn once more. Gently, Tauriel picked Brenn up and carefully laid her next to Fili’s lifeless and cold form, draping his arm that was under his dying wife’s form around her waist and his free arm over to cradle her head. Brenn laid her head on his shoulder and could barely nuzzle into his neck. Her arm haphazardly draped across his torso which felt as heavy as stone. The only warmth was that of what remaining blood pooled under them.
Her dying eyes gazed up to her husband, grey and cold, but at peace. A pain filled but happy smile graced Brenn’s lips as her last tears fell and landed on his shoulder. Although it was her last day with her husband, they had made it to Erebor as husband and wife. He protected her and gave her all that she could ever dream of and more. And they fought together. Now, they will die together in each other’s arms.
“Till our last breath… we share… as one… Ghivashel.”
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied
Conclusion Chapter: Together Again
Alternate Ending: Men Lanaubukhs Me
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hocuspocusrph · 7 years
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Zac Effron + Jenna Coleman crackship || Requested by anon
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infinity-sansa · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
I don't understand the controversy around the casting for the new movie of Wicked. Both main roles are great singers with some experience in acting and musicals.
Cynthia Erivo is in her thirties, but so was Idina Menzel when she played Elphaba on stage. I don't know her, but she looks lovely and I can't wait to hear her sing.
Ariana Grande is a fan of the musical, she sang "Popular" before and wasn't there an SNL skit where she tried several different musical genres and she nailed it? And even if she's not like Kristin Chenoweth, where's the problem? She can be her own Glinda. Isn't that what makes different adaptations of musicals so interesting? To see how the new cast will play their own version of their character? I remember the first time I saw Norm Lewis as Javert, I was doubtful (and stupid) but his performance blew me away! There are so many great interpretations of "Mr Cellophane" out there!
The fact that it's a theatrical movie? Come on, the 2007 movie adaptation of Hairspray was the reason I got into musicals in the first place, and the casting was also composed of celebrities (John Travolta anyone? Zac Effron, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken and so many others?) It was a Hollywoodesque adaptation compared to the indie vibe of the first one, but that's what hooked me in the world of musicals and if the Wicked movie does the same with new people, bring it on!
53 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 09:19:00 GMT
I'm not a monster fucker, I swear! (Am I?) 😳
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104 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 18:08:33 GMT
Call me innocent or prude, but I never realized there were so many monsterfuckers amateurs out there, holy shit. I looked at the Venom tag and one of the most popular posts has 64000+ notes, that means that even if people both reblog and like it, there are at least 32000 hardcore alien putty/human loser fans out there. I seriously don't know if I should be impressed or scared. 😳
156 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 06:40:42 GMT
Comics Venom and Movie Venom be like:
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And the obligatory new Venom meme:
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577 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 19:38:21 GMT
DC, are you trying to tell me something?
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See the full post
6106 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 19:01:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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I posted 10,286 times in 2021
78 posts created (1%)
10208 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 130.9 posts.
I added 9,308 tags in 2021
#shows - 2521 posts
#movies - 1553 posts
#vanessa hudgens - 1152 posts
#music - 1030 posts
#taylor swift - 1007 posts
#brooklyn nine-nine - 556 posts
#ted lasso - 536 posts
#wandavision - 335 posts
#marvel - 322 posts
#i love this dress - 296 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#if anybody even bothered to go to my ask box i would be fine with anything as long as its respectful
My Top Posts in 2021
5 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 07:44:24 GMT
6 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 06:57:41 GMT
9 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 16:16:02 GMT
14 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 05:55:36 GMT
I want some mutuals.
Reblog or Like this if you reblog these and I’ll check your blog out.
Aubrey Plaza
Avril Lavigne
Juno Temple
Bella Heathcote
Hayley Williams
Emma Watson
Taylor Momsen
Rooney Mara
Charlavail Effron
Zooey Deschanel
Emma Stone
Lady Gaga
Amanda Seyfried
Emma Roberts
Lana Del Rey
Charli XCX
Foxes (Louisa Rose Allen)
LOLO (Lauren Pritchard)
Charlie Heaton
Natalia Dyer
Rami Malek
Lucy Boynton
Bo Burnham
Pete Davidson
Hunter Schafer
Alexa Demie
Florence Pugh
Anya Taylor-Joy
Ariana Grande
Dua Lipa
Vanessa Hudgens
Zac Efron
Ashley Tisdale
Sarah Hyland
Selena Gomez
Taylor Swift
Jason Sudeikis
Brett Goldstein
Maren Morris
Kacey Musgraves
Maggie Rogers
Phoebe Bridgers
The Pretty Reckless
HSM trilogy
The Office
Parks and Recreation
The Good Place
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Simpsons
Stranger Things
How I Met Your Mother
Ted Lasso
Saturday Night Live
Gossip Girl (OG)
New Girl (Saw 1st season)
Schitt’s Creek (Saw 1st season)
The Nanny (Saw the first 5 episodes)
The Sopranos (Saw the 2 episode)
Shameless (Never seen it)
20 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 08:02:18 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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flyinghetfield · 5 years
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► James Hetfield as Officer Bob Hayward in Extremely wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
458 notes · View notes
gamescantsleep · 5 years
Happy Wildcats New Year Bros
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