#zodiac book series
calming-chaos · 6 months
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roxyvegs · 1 year
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alysmondstuff · 1 year
Holy moly dude. People on Pintrest are so talented. I'm addicted, and with no shame.
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chelsea-lat3ly · 29 days
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kiestrokes · 6 months
Reblog to gather a larger sample size. Feel free with explain your answer in the tag! Just for fun 📖
Bonus: mine & @chans-room thoughts 😂
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lilvcalloway · 1 year
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Shadow Princess (2020)
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badbookworm · 7 months
Small Cursed Fates rant/appreciation? (overall ZA book 5 thoughts)
For a dark romance/fantasy, the best parts of Zodiac Academy rly are when nothing dark is happening, huh.
Just finished book 5. And like. Within 5 books, they have undoubtly build very solid and detailed characters, and all who have interesting and different dynamics with each other. I love seeing them interact and hang out since book 1.
Most of book 5 is heavily character focus. The heirs and the twins started the book on a neutral ground, entered a truce, and the heirs plot is coming to terms that they actually like the twins' company, and to hangout with them. And that's cool as fuck, it was very fun to see the friendship develop, the plan to get Darius and Tory together, it was straight up good. I ate that shit up.
ALSO RANDOM NOTE, I DID NOT EXPECTED SETH AND CALEB TO ACTUALLY BE A THING?? AND IT WAS GREAT??? I made a bingo for this book with things I thought would happen, and one of them was just "Seth and Caleb do something gay". I marked that square 10 different times, it was wild 💥💥 I saw a goodreads review say that straight Caleb was his flop era, and now I GET IT. BC IT'S TRUE. Sorry Tory, but the Caleb and Seth side plot is much more engaging then Caleb being a 2° option plaything fr.
Ok, going back. With the comment at the start it might instigue a "it's a bullymance, what did you expect", but because the way the saga gone with turning the bullying into romance in taking it's time, along with all the fighting back and the leading to it is interesting, I'm hooked, genuinely interested and caring for these characters. It's all the other edgy fantasy stuff which stinks. The vibe was ruined the moment Orion was sentenced and it never picked back up. At least in this book, it was boring. I already don't love Orion character, he doesn't appeal to me in any way, and the though of him carrying a solo, brooding, plotline is the most boring thing this saga could've come up to me.
And then the ending came, it was like a cold water splash to remind me what kind of story this is, but it felt like "oh, the cool parts are over now?". I cannot give a shit about the whole thing going on with Clara, I'm sorry, I tried, it's so messy and nasty, and having to see Lionel be the villain for 5 books straight has drained him from any intrigue I had. He's just an villain shaped hole of a character. He's signifies a bad omen, not a character, you see Lionel and you know that something will go badly so the plot can progress, I cannot tell you 1 thing about Lionel besides he's evil. Oh, and the ZA finales are always chaotic and cramped with action and twists, the authors halt all the on-going plots so they can solve and drop them at the last 7 very short and fast chapters, but this one felt extra edgy and fast? I was so done with it with 4 chapters left still. And it feels like book 6 will keep on this trail of the edgyness.
I'm low-key scared of entering book 6 and being bombarded with any forced Tory and Lionel stuff, because I can't find any thorough review of book 6 to ensure there's no SA or anything like that involved with this plotline. The 1 thing that had kept me going with this saga was that, despite a lot of the nasty stuff, the sexual content has kept itself in a mostly consentual territory, sometimes vaguely consentual. But Lionel forcing Tory to say she loves him has already made me physically gag, and seeing Lionel and Clara (which also made me incredibly unfomfy and disgusted) makes me dead ass scared to see the next Tory povs. Non-con is my only big nono in taboo stuff.
Does it get the point across about Lionel being evil and all? Yes, ig.
Anyways, gotta finish what I started. BRB.
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readnburied · 2 months
Best Book(s) in the Zodiac series by Romina Russell
So I finished this series pretty recently and I took my time reflecting upon the series and I wanted to share with you all which book is the best in this series. And without any further ado, this is the best book(s) in the Zodiac series. 
Zodiac Series
1. Zodiac
2. Wandering Star
3. Black Moon
4. Thirteen Rising 
The best book(s) in the entire series: 
This is the first book and the start of this beautiful world and that’s exactly what I love about it; the world building. As a fan of astronomy and astrology, a universe with planets for the zodiac signs is something I needed in my life and I’m so glad this author gave it to me. This is also free off most of the complications that occur later on, which is a given, considering this book is the where the problem starts. 
Thirteen Rising
This is the conclusion to the series and this book was incredibly bittersweet for me. So many of my favorite people died and there was just so much pain and heartache even though the victory was incredibly sweet at the end. There was just a lot of emotion packed in this book and it made me realize just how invested I was in the characters and the storyline. The villain who is not so much as evil as misunderstood stole my heart. I mean he had my heart since the beginning of the series, oddly enough, but in this book I cried for him and he deserved better. He deserved so much better. 
And that’s it. These are the books I think are the best in the Zodiac series by Romina Russell. Though I loved the entire series, these two books definitely stood out. Have you read this series, and if not then are you planning to? Let me know if you agree with my opinion or not. I would love to know. 
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there needs to be a support group for people who've been reading the zodiac academy
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fictionalfantasies · 3 months
(NOW ON AMAZON) The Zodiac Series: Capricorn Sketch & Activity Book!
Thanks to @book_bolt and @amazonbooks for bringing my dream to life of having my own physical book I put together. It's #smallcontent but hopefully our girl Adena will have her own physical book as well! you can still read #capricorn on @wattpad @tumblr and @patreon! check the #linkinbio to order this activity and sketchbook from yours truly. thanks in advance for all your support!
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bookishbethanyerin · 2 months
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• post-zodiac academy book recs •
The post-Zodiac Academy book slump is extremely, outrageously real.
Though I definitely think it’s worth taking some time to absorb everything in Restless Stars and let yourself bask a little bit in the bittersweet afterglow of finishing a long-running series, eventually, you’ll want to pick up something new. So here are a few book recommendations of addicting and fun stories!
These are largely romantasy and fantasy, but I’ve also thrown in some magical realism and contemporary romance if you’re looking to switch things up a little more.
And if you, just, generally want to scream about Zodiac Academy, please know I am always available for that!💙✨
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averyjmeson · 2 years
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torydarius headers black – zodiac academy
like or reblog if you save.
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roxyvegs · 1 year
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alysmondstuff · 1 year
When am I going to get my happy ending, no sorry, THEIR happy ending (darion) (bluelance) ya already know. Like obviously there's going to be a book 9 because book 8 was not a happy ending, but c'mon. I'm desperate. Give Lance a fucking break bro, I mean really? Jail, Powershaming, Dead family, SHIT what more?! That's enough sweetie. Please. Just give me some happiness, and give Lance a good fucking life. I'm still re-reading everything because I'm in love. Thank you GOodnight 💙 ♎
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chelsea-lat3ly · 1 month
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bluelavenderhaze · 2 years
Bluelance and Courtly Love Analysis
Spoilers for up to book 6
There are obvious similarities and allusions to Lance as a representation of Lancelot.
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While Darcy isn't exactly like Queen Guinevere personality wise, her name (Gwen/Gwendalina) is a pretty obvious reference. There are also more general references to Arthurian myths.
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On my re read of the series I noticed how much Darcy and Orion's relationship follows the principles of Courtly Love, especially those established in Chretien De Troyes Lancelot, The Knight of The Cart.
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The points about Darcy being inaccessible and their love being dangerous to consummate are obviously established from the first book onwards, but the rest takes place over the series, as they both develop their love for each other. Lance doesn't start out as a noble knight but has to become that for Darcy.
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He eventually becomes a knight worthy of her by recognising her as his Queen, swearing himself to her, sacrificing his social position for her, and fighting on her behalf. These are pretty standard Courtly Love tasks that knights perform.
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Disregarding the general characteristics and focusing on the last three that are specific to Courtly Love, it becomes clear that this applies to Lance in a similar way to Lancelot. Both notably offer complete loyalty to the woman they love and are willing to endure shame for her.
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As well as Lance becoming a better person due to Darcy.
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I honestly really appreciate the research the authors did to accurately depict Courtly Love instead of just using names similar to Lancelot and Guinevere for a cute reference. I never expected that when I started the series.
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