bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Nexus #Zubu #Shapeshifter #TrueForm #PoodleArtMyArt
This is Nexus the Zubu. He is the college teacher for shifters but can also be a Shiften language teacher.
Shiften is the language for realm 1 (land of the shifters) and realm 12 (the cursed sitcom world where shifters, half shifters, and humans live.) since that's where shifters mostly live at. Zable Fable lives in realm 12.
Since he can clone himself if he gets sick or is busy he can tutor other beings. He has two mouths but mostly talks out his tail face to speak Shiften but uses his tummy to speak whatever language his ears picks up. But he tends to mix it up.
He still has that error face thing on his back. His voice is distorted but low and monotone. He sometimes glitches out from not charging right. When you shake his hand you do get static charged even if you are wearing something covering your hands.
His favorite foods are books and technology but magazines and videogames are like junk food to him. This is before his whole school got cursed by a unknown being and was teleported randomly.
Shiften Example Nexus: Em is store going? What day or night? (English: They are going to the store? At what time morning or night?)
I always like fake languages in video games like Phantomilian, whatever Blinx's is speaking, Splatoon, Banjo and Kazooie. Or the Khonjin house Ep 25 episode.
His fake human form
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
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stomatologiahappydent · 5 months
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Zuby múdrosti sa prerezávajú vo veku, keď sa predpokladá, že už v sebe máme trochu múdrosti a odtiaľ pramení aj ich názov. Najnepriaznivejšia poloha je „ležatá“, čo prináša i komplikácie pri jeho odstraňovaní. Tretie osmičky sú prakticky nefunkčné, preto bývajú často spojené s množstvom problémov. V priestore medzi zubami múdrosti a ďasnami sa zvyknú usadzovať zvyšky jedla a spôsobovať tak zápaly alebo zápach z úst. Vyčistiť tieto miesta je pomerné náročné, až takmer nemožné.
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zdravljeirecepti · 1 year
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danwithouttheplan · 3 months
Does anybody have that post that's like "streaming services will be named blubi. they'll literally be called deebles... catch it on zubu. catch it on zubu.
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Happy STS! You asked me this yesterday, so I'm going to get you back; are there any fun swears in your world? Or any otherwise innocuous customs that are considered rude in certain parts of the world?
There are many different curses and swears, however for the interest of brevity, I will be focusing just on a few used around the southwestern shores of Lake Shebali in the land of Kishetal, more specifically the area around Labisa, homeland of Ninma, Narul, Zatar, Suru, etc etc.
This will in essence just be a list of insults and swears and their appropriate uses within Kishite society.
Note that insults and swears are different from curses, which are specifically meant to elicit harm through some sort of ritual. While most curses are mere superstition, with the proper funds and access to sagecraft, certain curses may actually provide the desired effect. As a result, "cursing" or other forms of dark magic are strictly banned within Labisa, though this has not stopped the proliferation of underground "curse mongers". An example of a curse: hum akir shukalaf tiwaz kadaf er akir tatunuf alpanunuf (hoom /ahk-eer/ shoo-kah-lahf / tee-wahz /kah-dahf/ er /ahk-eer/ taht-oon-oof/ ahl-pah-noo-noof) May his spear be broken and his arrows dull A fairly common curse, usually carved on things like broken pottery, meant to cause impotence.
To keep this short I will only address the words Tuk, Sush, and Balka with a few variations (though certainly not all) as well as a couple of rude gestures and some random swear words:
Tuk/Tuki/Tukut: Fuck/ Fucking/Fucker (specifically in an animalistic or barbaric manner)
Shabalic origin, identical to that used in Shabala. Seshit/Seshiti is the more polite/proper way of saying this
Tukipahut: Father-fucker (more accurately "daddy" fucker, paha being the diminutive version of pa or father. This particular insult is typically used in reference to people who are spoiled, rich, or bratty, in some sense it can be thought of as a nepotee, someone that relies on a more powerful relative or partner.)
Tukimahut: Mother-fucker (similar to above, though without the nepotism angle, typically much more generally used)
Tukikihut: Child-fucker (The reverse of Tukipahut, an insult applied to nepotists, those that favor their own children. Can also be used in the more literal sense.)
Tukizubut: Pig-Fucker (A filthy or disgusting person, pervert, or literally what it means. Pig, Zubu, is a popular insult itself and is interchangeable with the word Balka below)
Tukijabut: Sheep-Fucker (derogative word for people that do not live in cities/ "hillbilly")
Tukisaramukut: Butter-Fucker (Specifically used in reference of Makurians and Kishites who live on the other side of the mountains, this is the even more insulting version of Ukishut Saramuk "butter eater")
Naholitukut: Dead Fucker (Literally a fucker that is dead, when written or spoken as a single word this is used to refer to someone that is impotent or otherwise unable to perform thus "dead")
Tukwa Dab/ Tukwa Dabub: Fuck you / Fuck yourself
Sush/Sushi/Sushut: Shit/Shitting/Shitter (Specifically human)
Shabalic origin. Duz/Duzi is the more polite way of saying this
Ukishut Sushub/Ukisush: Eater of Shit (A general insult, a disgusting person, a jerk)
Ukishwa Sush!: Eat shit
Akkut Sushub/Akksush: Speaker of Shit (A particularly vulgar way of saying "liar")
Mishuzut Sushub/Misusush: Kisser of Shit (A suck-up, sycophant)
Pabakazut Sushub/Pabsush: Hunter of Shit (A poor person, someone who digs through refuse on the street for scraps or other valuables)
Balka- Dog (unwanted, feral, dirty, not quite equivalent to the English use of the word bitch closer to something like mutt.)
Shabalic origin. Kuba is the polite equivalent.
Balka-Duwushut: Stupid Dog (Someone that is uneducated and typically poor, the more vulgar version calling someone Duwushut/Duwush: Stupid)
Balka-Maluwut: Dirty/Filthy Dog (What it sounds like)
Ushbalkut: Dog food (Typically used to refer to an enemy, someone that is going to be killed and thus "eaten by dogs" this can also be used as a threat or a curse)
Sushbalkut: Dog shit (a nuisance, an annoying person)
Kip Balkub: Child of a dog (What it sounds like, when Balkub is replaced with Zubub, thus Child of a pig, this is used to mean, bastard)
Random Swears/Insults
Kunpu/Kunput: Ass (Either the body part, a person acting in an annoying matter, or on rare occasions a "bottom" though this is more often hurpu/hurput literally "hole")
Ikuwa: Ass (animal)
Pibisa: Piss
Olbi: Drunkard (stemming from Olibis meaning wine)
Gur: Ugly
Nahsha: Barbarian/Savage/Forestfolk (Literally no bread)
Duwush: Stupid
Kip: Child (Context)
Luya: Prostitute/Whore (Used for people of any sex or gender, the more polite or even dignified version of this is Luluya)
Bushku: Cock (The more dignified version of this would be Uluku)
Yusha: Cunt (The more dignified version of this is Uluma)
Kiluki: Rat (Thief, a sneaky person)
Kilukuki: Weasel (Popular pets/pest control, name is used to refer to a foolish person)
Pefu: Fart
Rude Gestures and Actions:
Holding the index and middle finger up with all other fingers tucked in and the palm facing a person (The peace sign) is the equivalent of calling someone Luya or else an adulterer, the two fingers being representative of multiple phalluses. Two thumbs up has a similar meaning.
Showing a person the bottom of your foot at any time is rude as it implies a disparity of status.
Sticking out one's tongue is considered vulgar, and may be used by prostitutes as a way of attracting customers.
Covering one's head while indoors is considered highly rude, the exception being helmets and if status permits, crowns.
Hissing (like a cat or snake) is considered a sign of deep disrespect if done between adults, as this is typically associated with grabbing the attention of naughty children.
Always greet the oldest person first when making formal greetings, addressing someone else is considered rude.
Mixing wine or pouring beer only for oneself is considered rude, it is customary to offer to pour for at least one other person, and only after they accept or refuse can you prepare some for yourself.
When eating if a person takes a bite off of a piece of food and then sets the rest of said piece back on the serving dish from whence it came this is considered incredibly disrespectful, thus why Kishic food is served in a manner that allows for it to easily be either eaten in bite sized pieces or broken into pieces without the use of teeth. Basically if the food leaves the plate, it cannot go back, even if that means you must hold the food until you finish eating it all.
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kocourmokroocko · 2 years
CW: Zuby
Rodinně dědičný duch prokletých zubů mne dnes opět navštívil, tentokrát v podobě stoličky, co se prostě... rozpadla vejpůl. Jakože čau. Nazdar. Sbohem. Jsem jest byvše rozpolcena jak Voldemortova duše do relikvií smrti. Na pohotovosti mne doktor překvapil, když kulišácky vyndal pouze JEDNU půlku! Nabíd jsem mu, že se nemusí stydět a může si nechat i tu druhou, ale nechtěl jí. Mám jí prej dát jinýmu doktorovi. Má vůdčí hypotéza jest, že ten druhej doktor je jeho soulmejt a on ho nemůže v tak velký nemocnici najít, hlavně s těma strašně krátkejma přestávkama na kafe, ale skrz ty dvě půlky jednoho zubu se konečně shledaj. Třeba jim začnou vibrovat v kapse, když se budou míjet na chodbě, nebo tak něco. Jsem pyšný, že má stolička bude začátkem něčeho romantického a krásného. Každopádně novej fanfiction námět objeven, RIP, zube, jsi nyní součástí omegaversu brněnský úrazovky. Díky za pozornost.
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transboykirito · 6 months
Never thought I was into trans boys but your T voice is… 😳 HNNNGGGG Are you interested in being bred? Do you degrade cis men? 🫣🥵
"More... Hug me, harder..."
More strength was brought into his arms as they hugged me tightly, sending shocks that numbed the very core of my mind.
Unable to hold it back, a deep, long breath leaked out from me.
I whispered, with my lips near Kirito's ears.
There was hesitation in what I said, but... there was no regret.
Perhaps he didn't hear it, but Kirito was making a bewildered face.
I found that puzzled expression lovely, but a vehement embarrassment came over me.
"Li-Like I said, it's okay!"
"That's why I'm asking what is??"
Do you really not understand in a situation like this?! ...It happened the moment I realised that.
...Somethi--ng snapped.
"Like I said! I'm okay with having sex!"
Due to the blood rising to my head, I screamed an outrageous line out loud.
Kirito prepared to enter me...
With the thought of that, despite it merely pressing against my entrance, honey flowed out from me without end.
"Hmm, do it... deeper."
*zubu... zubuzubu... guchu*
Every time Kirito's member gently sunk into me, lewd noises came from me, the count of which surpassed the act itself. But this was no time to be shy over those sounds.
"Fuaa... ah-"
An ardent heat and numbness surged from where we were connected; my head, my body close to melting away. I didn't realise that I was embracing Kirito tighter to me, wanting to feel him deeper within me until I noticed the pleasure it was giving me.
"What... no... no way, it's only my first time... why do I feel this good..."
The first time will hurt. That detail I learnt from magazines and such flittered about my mind.
To feel this good on my first time, was I just really perverted from the start?
I felt burdened with that worry without realising that SAO was different from the real world, but I still ended up grinding my waist, wanting more of Kirito's cock in me.
"Liz, aah... i-if you do that, I'll..."
"Haa... nn, sorry, I can't stop anymore... You feel so good, Kirito..."
*guchu, chupu, chupo* Each time Kirito's member thrust in and out of me, a sensation much like that of an intense electric shock assailed me, and I bit into his shoulder in an attempt to avoid succumbing to it.
If someone were to look at where we were joined, they would see our nether regions jammed against each other, and Kirito with his unbelievably thick penis...
Impaling... what was below my clit which was engorged with excitement, my vagina, making damp noises while drenched in sticky fluids.
"Aah... this is so perverted... b-but... it's so good, Kirito... this really is my first time, alright, it's because it's you, all because of you, that I'm like this, Kirito!"
"I know... Liz."
As though trying to soothe me, Kirito kissed me.
Those kind eyes and words of Kirito... I love them, so very much.
My thoughts have already melted away into a mess, but I couldn't help but continue bucking my waist, longing for more of Kirito.
...This is so embarrassing, but it feels so right...
"! I'm... nn..."
Kirito's desperate cries were conveyed to me. The mere thoughts of them shook my body with euphoria and passion.
"It's okay, Kirito. Let it out in me..."
Kirito's thrusts became more frenzied. Each push sent my breasts, which could hardly be called plentiful, squirming as their peaks grazed against Kirito's chest, setting off fireworks in my head.
"Aah... Haa... I'm melting... I'm melting---!!"
The moment Kirito's hot fluids gushed into me... I embraced him just tightly as I hit my climax with him deep within me.
Shivering in the chilly night wind, my eyes opened.
"A... dream?"
As I gradually regained my wits... my entire body flushed red in an instant as I recalled the contents of the dream.
SAO has a system with an extensive range of emotions, so my head might really be letting out steam now.
Upon turning towards Kirito in a panic, I saw him sleeping with a somewhat carefree expression.
"...Just what, am I dreaming about--"
Calming down, I lowered my tension and... what is this chill?
When I looked between my legs, where I was sleeping in the sleeping bag... there was a sticky wetness.
"Don't... tell me..."
Opening the menu in a fluster, I checked the Ethics Code Cancellation Mode buried at the bottom of all those levels. ...It was on.
"I-I... While sleeping with Kirito, without even knowing... Uaah."
It's true that I'm the type that can stop alarm clocks no matter how complex they are, without waking up.
But still, this is way too embarrassing!
"Ah, geez, this is all your fault as well, Kirito!"
That's certainly a childish sleeping face, now that I look at it properly... While thinking so, I tried telling the sleeping Kirito.
And then, I slipped back into the sleeping bag, burying my face into Kirito's chest.
"I fell in love with you... Kirito."
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alennia-becker101 · 9 months
My friend sent me this picture. They said they found this at a nearby shop.
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The Amazing Digital Circus knock-off lego-like thing! They made Caine into "Kana." Seriously, they spelled it at the box. And turned Zooble into "Zubu." And they wrote "Gidtal Circus" instead of Digital Circus. I'm so done.
(Just searched these abominations up and...)
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ectortravel · 2 years
Dobré ráno cestovatelia,
aj na začiatok týždňa sme si pre vás pripravili niečo dobrodružné plné zážitkov, ale aj oddychu.
Jedinečná kombinácia dvoch nádherných krajín, kde spoznáte Srí Lanku v plnej kráse s bohatou históriou, zlatými chrámami, slonmi, "Pevnosťou v oblakoch", ajurvédskymi i botanickými záhradami, chrámom Budhovo zubu, a Maldív, kde budete oddychovať na tých najkrajších exotických ostrovoch na svete.
Nezmeškajte jeden z dvoch termínov v roku 2023.
27/02/23 alebo 28/10/23
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Program zájazdu
1. deň
Odlet z Viedne.
2. deň
Prílet na Srí Lanku, do hlavného mesta Colombo. Po prílete sa zoznámime s touto čarokrásnou a tajomnou krajinou. Oddych a ubytovanie po ceste.
3. deň
Cestou sa zastavíme v sloňom sirotinci v Pinnawala, kde momentálne žije približne 70, vrátane tých najhravejších a najrozkošnejších, sloních mláďat, zachránených po rôznych zraneniach z džungle. Ich kŕmenie a kúpanie je obrovským zážitkom. Dambulla. Zlaté jaskynné chrámy v Dambulle považujú mnohí za najspirituálnejšie miesto na  Srí Lanke. Mystickú atmosféru miesta vytvára až  150 sôch Budhu a množstvo farebných fresiek  na stenách. Vstup do jednotlivých jaskýň je zo  100 m vysokého skalného masívu, ktorý otvára pohľad na nádhernú panorámu krajiny.
1. Dambulla
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Zlaté jaskynné chrámy v Dambulle do vás svojou spiritualitou vdýchnu novú energiu. Do jednotlivých jaskýň sa vchádza zo 100m vysokého skalného masívu, ktorý ponúka panoramatický výhľad na okolitú krajinu. Vo vnútri sa už naskytá príležitosť prezrieť si množstvo farebných fresiek či 150 sôch Budhu, vytvárajúcich typickú atmosféru.
4. deň
Pozrieme si stredoveké kráľovstvo Polonnaruwa. Mesto zostalo takmer v pôvodnej podobe napriek tomu, že je staré viac než 800 rokov. Jeho slávu pozdvihol kráľ Parakramabahu I. v 12. storočí.  Mestom prechádzalo množstvo zavlažovacích kanálov, bolo tam postavených množstvo chrámov a sôch Budhu. Do dnešného dňa sa zachovali  pomníky slávnych, ktoré slúžia ako modliace  miesta. Popoludní možnosť fakultatívneho výletu jeep safari a jazda na slonoch v jednom z Národných parkov.
2. Polonnaruwa
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Stredoveké kráľovstvo Polonnaruwa si aj napriek svojmu veku uchovalo väčšinu svojej vtedajšej krásy a slávy. Pri jeho vzniku, pred asi 800 rokmi, boli vybudované rozsiahle záhrady so zavlažovacími systémami, paláce a iné budovy. Toto prostredie v sebe ukrýva nie len osobité čaro, ale keďže bolo aj náboženským centrom, je možné tu nájsť aj množstvo sôch a sošiek Budhu.
5. deň
Sigirya čiže „Levia hora“, trón kráľa Kasyapa alebo „Pevnosť v oblakoch“, skala týčiaca sa strmých 200 m nad okolitý terén, patrí medzi tie najväčšie zaujímavosti a od roku 1982 je zapísaná v zozname svetového kultúrneho dedičstva UNESCO. Na tejto pevnosti sa odohral príbeh zrady a boja o moc, ktorý môžeme čítať zo zvyškov kráľovského paláca a fresiek dievčenských postáv. Po „levích schodoch“ vystúpime až na vrchol tohto mimoriadneho monumentu. Cestou do Kandy navštívime dedinu Matale, ktorá je plná ajurvédických záhrad s korením a miestnym ovocím. Príchod do kandy, hlavného mesta sinhálskeho kráľovstva až do roku 1815, keď nadvládu prevzali Briti. Uprostred mesta sa rozkladá umelo vytvorené jazero z roku 1807. Na jeho brehu stojí najposvätnejšia budhistická pamiatka Dalada Maligawa – Chrám Budhovho zubu. Návšteva typického predstavenia kandyjskej tanečnej skupiny.
3. Kandy
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Súčasný názov druhého najväčšieho sídla na Srí Lanke pochádza z dlhšej verzie „Kande uda rata“ – mesto v horách. Tento opis nás už vopred pripravuje na prostredie, v ktorom sa ocitneme po príchode do Kandy. Atmosféru centra mesta dotvára umelo vybudované jazero „Mliečne more“, na brehu ktorého stojí najposvätnejšia budhistická pamiatka – Chrám Budhovho zubu.
4. Chrám Budhovho zubu
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Na Srí Lanke sa traduje, že pri Budhovej exhumácii boli zachránené štyri zuby – tri sa dostali do iných svetov a jeden práve sem, do Kandy. Ťažko povedať, nakoľko je táto povera pravdivá, hlavne, keď zub bol viackrát ukradnutý, každopádne domáci veria, že práve prítomnosť zubu v tomto chráme pomáha ochraňovať ostrov a tamojší budhizmus. Nech je pravda akákoľvek, dôležité je, že vďaka tejto povere vznikol príjemný chrám so zlatou strechou a jedinečnou atmosférou.
5. Sigirya
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„Levia hora“ alebo tiež „Pevnosť v oblakoch“. Aj pod týmito menami poznáme neobyčajnú skalu týčiacu sa 200m nad okolitý terén. Kedysi tu mal sídlo aj kráľ a z jeho paláca ešte môžeme nájsť zvyšky popisujúce príbeh boja o moc, ktorý sa tu odohral. Vystúpte až na vrchol a nenechajte si tak utiecť príležitosť vychutnať si pohľad na krásy okolitej krajiny.
6. deň
Prehliadka mesta a návšteva chrámu. Navštívime kráľovské botanické záhrady Peradenyia, kde najlepšie spoznáme bohatstvo a rozmanitosť miestnej flóry.
6. Peradeniya
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Kráľovské botanické záhrady Peradeniya, ktorých pôvod sa datuje do 14. storočia, ponúkajú možnosť spoznať bohatstvo a rozmanitosť miestnej flóry a zároveň vychutnať si plnými dúškami ich krásu. Oblasť sa rozprestiera na ploche viac ako pol kilometra štvorcového a môžeme tu nájsť tu viac ako 4 000 druhov rastlín, vrátane orchideí či paliem.
7. Maldivy
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Nádherné tropické pláže, palmy a tyrkysové more, to sú asociácie typické pre panenské prostredie Maldiv ležiacich v Indickom oceáne. Táto moslimská krajina poskladaná z 19 koralových atolov a viac ako 1000 malých ostrovčekov dbá na všetky svoje tradície aj ochranu prírody, vďaka čomu si u turistov udržiavajú svoju popularitu.
8. deň
Pobyt na nádhernách plážach tropického raja na Maldivách s all inclusive.
9. deň
Pobyt na nádhernách plážach tropického raja na Maldivách s all inclusive.
10. deň
Pobyt na nádhernách plážach tropického raja na Maldivách s all inclusive. Podľa odletových časov prelet do hlavného mesta Male. Odlet do Viedne.
11. deň
11./12 deň Podľa odletových časov prelet do hlavného mesta Male. Odlet do Viedne.
Zmena programu vyhradená.
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atangledfate · 1 month
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" Ah could activate Project Tremor... Zough she is quite unstable... perhaps it would be enough to Zubue Surge... hmm, it iz Risky... but considering my present position... perhaps my best call... though i need a better way to control Zem both..."
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polychromovana · 4 months
Napuchla tvar a zase reseni zubu. Ted absces a nesnesitelna bolest
Nechci si furt ztěžovat ale potrebuju to
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stomatologiahappydent · 7 months
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Zubné korunky
Zubné korunky sú dnes už veľmi známe a esteticky dobre pôsobiace náhrady zubov. Korunky nenahrádzajú celý zub, ale len jeho viditeľnú časť , teda tú časť, ktorou žujeme potravu alebo vidíme pri úsmeve.  Aby sme ju mohli použiť, je dôležité, aby boli zachované aspoň zubné korene. Ak zub chýba celý, používame zubnú korunku ako súčasť zubného implantátu.
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abodehaven · 6 months
It is designed to assist the user when walking at home or outside offering safety and confidence when walking.
This device replaces your walker, manual rollator, mobility scooter or electric wheelchair and walking stick.
It is a great companion and offers the user confidence when walking anywhere by using the mobility walker as an electric wheelchair.
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denicekvacice · 6 months
25. března 2024, pondělí ráno
Dneska se mi zdálo, že mám obrovskou díru v zubu a v tom zubu mám menší keramickej. Symbolismus si z toho nechci vyvodit, spíš to beru jako připomenutí jít k zubařovi. Což nevim jestli bych psychicky teď zvládla. Zubařku mám milou a ani mě to nikdy exrra nebolí, ale nenávidim zvuk tý vrtačky. A jak je to uvnitř v hubě tak je ten zvuk 100x silnější. Mám pak potřebu si vyškrábat oči zatimco se mě zubařka zdvořile ptá, jak se mám ve škole (teď jsem měla myšlenku, že o tomhle napíšu fejeton, kterej jsme měli zadanej dobrovolnej na libovolný téma.)
Jedu právě k doktorce, proto kecy o zubaři. Na hlavní blog jsem psala jak jsem tim paralyzovaná. No musim si dojít pro potvrzení o zdravotní způsobilosti na přihlášku a tu musim do velikonoc odevzdat, takže mám konečně důvod tam jít. Asi mám problém s tim jít zase za dětskou. Už jsem se s ní rozloučila, i maminka za naši rodinu (jsem nejmladší děcko) a já ji tam mám znova ťukat a chtít papíry. Ještě takhle po půl roce... K nový obvodní jsem se dostala holt až na konci ledna. Aspoň to je další věc, co budu mít vyřízenou.
Mezitim co tady řešim doktory je náš sbor v Itálii na soutěži. Nejela jsem kvůli praktickejm. Přišla mi jako kravina počítat příklady v autobuse. Teď toho lituju. Nebo aspoň bych byla mnohem radši v Itálii než teď v Praze. To by zase znamenalo ale, že bych v březnu musela chodit na zkoušky a soustředění a přijít na koncerty, na což jsem kvůli škole prostě neměla čas a hodilo by mě to do horšího skluzu než ve kterym momentálně jsem. Teď mi ale začali kamarádi, hlavně Anička, posílat vlogísky. Takový obyčejný videa jak jdou dlouho a je jim zima. Hrozně mi to chybí. Neviděla jsem všechny měsíc. Štve mě to, že jsem takhle musela zmizet kvůli škole. Já nechci bejt tenhle člověk. Prostě to tak vyšlo. V dubnu a květnu tam budu chodit abych se doma nezbláznila. Příští rok snad soutěž vyjde a budeme moct všichni, i když mezi náma budou zase maturanti.
Včera mi Anička i psala, že jí tam chybim. Jsme ji holky nechaly trochu ve štychu. Verča má dneska maturák, tak se nedivim, že nechtěla jet. Druhá Anička ale nevim proč nejela. Myslim na ni tady z Prahy a posílám telepaticky sílu, ale radši bych tam blbla s ní. Na soustředku pak bude prdel ale.
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utopia-concept · 8 months
Vihor u glavi kao da putujem od oblaka do oblaka. Promaja udara u misli, grče se i kvare mi dan. Možda je anomalija jer ipak, sretan sam.
Malo kad razmislim. Levitiram tijelom po događajima, planovi se preklapaju u kašnjenju Roba na podu, paučina u uglovima, kamenac na zubu... Noć me mami i opet je ljepša nego dan.
Fobija me straši, život me plaši i nikako da letargija završi.
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Vědci přečetli DNA pravěké ženy ze zubu jelena
Může to vést k nové éře bádání
Mezinárodnímu týmu vědců se podařilo nejen přečíst genetický kód pravěkého člověka, ale také ho spojit s konkrétní osobou. Z provrtaného zubu jelena z denisovské jeskyně na jihu Sibiře izolovali DNA ženy. 👏👏
▶️ Co odhalila DNA pravěkého člověka nalezená v zubu jelena? ▶️ Proč lidé v západní Africe 140 tisíc let nevyhledávali inovace? ▶️ Co věděli šamani z doby bronzové o drogách?
Poslechněte si celou Laboratoř. Debatují antropologové Lukáš Friedl a Vladimír Sládek, spoluúčinkuje herečka Martina Hudečková.
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