#zukka week day three
firelilysky · 1 month
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Zukka week day three: Kyoshi Warrior Sokka | Blue Spirit Zuko
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waiitwotworkshop · 1 month
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First time participating in zukka week ive made ir guys
Day three - kyoshi warrior/blue spirit
Maybe ill do another day who knows im trying my best 😭😭 hit a mini art block right before the first day💔
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huevotm · 1 month
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@zukkaweek day three: kyoshi warrior/blue spirit
I had planned to do a whole thing for Zukka week this year, but work has been a nightmare, so i just managed this v rushed self indulgent mini comic about smudged makeup after battle >:)
I imagine them doing vigilante stuff on Ba Sing Se and sometimes running into eachother, so they sometimes team up maybe?? And ofc Sokka doesn’t know he’s hanging out with zuko and zuko gets a bit bold when he’s the blue spirit. (And also has definitely been wondering how it would feel to touch sokka bc he’s touch starved as hell, so once he gets a little bit, he just keeps sneaking little touches here and there)
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sulkybender · 1 month
Zukka week day seven: free space!
“I told him he’s on bed rest for the next week, and no work for the next month,” Katara says. “And I’m sure we all know how well that will go.”
There’s a collective wince.
“Well, what can we do?” Sokka says, irritated. “It’s not like we can babysit him.”
He can feel three sets of eyes on him, plus Toph aimed in his general direction.
“Oh,” Sokka says. “Oh fuck.”
fragile heart
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avilio-is-dead · 3 months
Fanfic Masterlist Pt 2
Mostly a personal collection. So I can find these again. But it’s here if anybody’s interested. The link below is Pt 1 if your interested in that.
Favorite ♤
Series’s * “
Dick Grayson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Two to Three Weeks (But Who’s Counting)
Makes three
Flowers Are My Love Language
5 times Jason tried to keep his past a secret + 1 time he couldn’t
How far do these roots go down? ♤
Relations status: It’s complicated
Red Hood and The Kid ♤
another try not to cry christmas
My heart is melting and my hands are weak
Sunlit Morning No. 197
Baby, You Read My Mind
And The Yet To Come
Close Your Eyes, Catch The Tide
Riding A Cowboy
Will they? Won’t they? Are they? Are they not?!
Twist and break and shatter
Meet Me High ♤
in the coldest light of day
Down, down cities fall down on me
The Truth is Forced to Come Out ♤
Bonding Bats
He Really Can’t Just Have One
When you assume Red Hood and Red Robin are mortal enemies, yet it all boils down to Taylor Swift CD
I Will hold them for you
A child who forgot to be happy
The Hearts of Gotham
and when I wake up, let me be ♤
We’re not promised tomorrow ♤
PLUTO. ♤ ♤ ♤
let’s kiss (for practice) ♤
Spare Key ♤ ♤ ♤
all your closets of backlogged dreams (and how you left them all to me
don’t look away (they’ll shoot if you do) (and honey, I ain’t ever losing you)
Bleed the Poison Out (What’s Left Behind?)
Ghosts Of The Past
Dead Robins Stick Together
give & take ♤ ♤ ♤
all of it is yours and mine
I want to live in your blood
Thicker than water ♤
Cursed Quiet
Five Times Jason Couldn't Speak (and One Time He Chose Not To)
running on empty
Late Bloomer
Following the ribbon
Seventh-Inning Stretch
Building something new
Make it right
The Wayne Children’s Charity Gala
I'm well acquainted with the villains that live in my bed
Feline Fine
Jason + Roy + Slade
If it’s my imagination (stop me if I’m wrong)
Lost November
Jason + roy + kyle
Wait, You Still Have a Landline?
New Year’s Tradition: The Bottoming Experiment
shootin’ stars & satellites ♤
redamancy: the local sanctuary
Miya Atsumu's Guide to: What NOT to Do in the Workplace
Caution: Hot [Chocolate]
Let’s Get Together
Star Wars
and the soul, if that’s what you’d call it, uneasy ally of the body
I can’t try and make you stay (if you leave me)
Like a quiet love
Dropping In
I’m yours (and you know it)
Shachi x Penguin
Harry Potter
You’ve ruined my life (by not being mine)
C’mon baby go and set me ablaze (put that lighter to my heart and let it clickclickclick)
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aamydra · 1 year
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Zukka Week Day Three
Song Lyrics | Rivals
as a Brazilian of course I'd bring this theme for football, this is one of my favorites works LOL
ID: a digital drawing of Zuko and Sokka as football players Zuko wear the blue uniform from Japan in the World Cup 2022 and Sokka wear the red uniform from Canada, they stand side by side with the arms crossed with the versus symbol in background.
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jubilantmedusa · 2 months
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Untitled Zukka Hurt/Comfort Ficlet #2
“It was good of you to bring him here,” Piandao said.
They were gathered in his library, dried and warmed and fed after their long flight through a misting sky. Night had fallen, the world lit now by torches and candles, casting strange shadows on their drawn faces.
Sokka’s arms felt empty. He had held Zuko through the flight as Zuko had shivered and shivered.
“Zuko’s inner flame has gone out.” Piandao’s voice was even, but the pinch of his mouth betrayed upset. “Not many people know the old ways, the healing of the Firebenders. But Zuko’s uncle does. I have the means to contact Iroh. There is hope yet.”
The silence in the room didn’t feel hopeful. “I thought the ‘inner flame’ thing was a metaphor,” Sokka said, bursting it.
“It’s more spiritual than physical, but it is very real,” Piandao explained. “Our bodies and spirits are entwined. Spiritual damage often manifests physically.”
“Like when you’re upset so you have nightmares,” Aang said.
Piandao gave a curt nod. “Similar,” he said. “This is more severe.”
“It still doesn’t make sense,” Sokka said. His stomach was churning. “Firebenders have an extra spirit part? And if that part is damaged they just waste away?”
That’s what’d been happening ever since Zuko’d thrown himself in front of Aang, taking an arrow laced with something sinister. A gift from Azula by way of the assassins that had been perusing them since they left the Western Air Temple.
At first Zuko’d been hyped up, unable to stop moving for hours and hours. When he crashed, Sokka thought it might actually be a good thing. Get some sleep. Be better in the morning.
But Zuko’d woken up disoriented, confused. And every time he’d woken since there was less of him.
He was growing colder. Sokka didn’t know what that meant. All he knew was that his arms were itching with emptiness.
“We all have inner flames of a sort,” Piandao said. His turned towards Sokka. “Even you and I. But Firebending… to create an element from the spirit’s own energy…” He swirled his hand, then winced, shaking his head. “Iroh will explain when he arrives.”
“When will that be?” Toph asked, leaning forward, harsh torchlight light shining directly in her sightless eyes. “Is he far away?”
“Iroh’s been in hiding since he escaped from Caldera, but I can reach him,” Piandao said, pointedly not answering the question. So they had where Iroh was then. He could be half a world away.
To Sokka’s right, Katara shifted, leaning forward, shadow dancing across her cheek. Sokka could see her eyes and… he knew that look. She had an answer on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to ask the question. “Master Piandao,” she said. Katara would push through anything, even this. “This has happened before.”
“Yes,” he said. “Though it’s exceedingly rare.”
Katara nodded, eyes coming in and out of view as she did. “It’ll kill him,” she said, and Sokka could see Aang sinking at her side, head bowing down until his forehead was pressed into the wooden table.
Now it was Sokka turn. He didn’t want to, but he had to, mouth choking on the words. “How long?”
Piandao’s mouth pinched further. “I’ve only read accounts,” he said, “Some say as long as two weeks. Others, three days.”
Sokka was on his feet before he could breath, his footfalls echoing impossibly loud as he thundered across the tatami floor.
It had already been four days.
The room where they put Zuko was small and square, usually used as a dormitory for Piandao’s students. It had a simple bed with plain gray sheets, a sturdy but unremarkable desk. Flames roared in its large fireplace, making the room almost uncomfortably warm.
That’s the reason they chose it. It was easy to keep warm.
A wooden chair had been pulled up beside the bed. In it, Fat sat, an empty bowl held in his hands. “You got him to eat?” Sokka said, stomach fluttering.
Fat responded with a single nod. “Zuko was always a dutiful student,” he said. “You’ll be staying with him a while?”
When Sokka nodded Fat rose to his feet. “He’ll rally,” Fat said, voice affectionately stern. “Food, rest, warmth. It will go a long way.” Sokka wasn’t sure if Fat actually believed that or if he, if all of them, were trying to will something into existence, trying to project onto Zuko a strength that wasn’t there.
The only light in the room came from candles and the fire. Maroon curtains were open but it was only black outside, moonless. Shadows danced on Zuko’s face as he lay still and quiet, dressed now in loose pajamas. He looked comfortable at least. Lying on his side, wrapped in a thick, red blanket, with only his head and his toes poking out.
He’d be lost without that blanket, Sokka thought. The red was the only color in the room.
Sokka hesitated for only a moment before kicking off his own boots and settling himself down on the bed, his empty arms reaching, wrapping around the boy in the red blanket. His leg too, so desperate for touch. And maybe Zuko needed it, because he nuzzled forward, pushing his nose into Sokka’s cheek, his hands into Sokka’s chest. Even his feet shifted until the soul of his left foot was somehow pressed into Sokka’s right ankle.
They'd never gotten to touch like this, not really, during the strange flirtation they’d had since returning from Boiling Rock. Everything was stolen glances, lingering conversations, arms pressed together even though they didn’t have to be. A lingering hug. Everything fleeting. Everything discreet. Like it was half real and half a dream.
One stolen kiss. Arms shaking. Lips frantic. In the misting rain.
Now Sokka was living a nightmare. Zuko smelt like sweat and leather. His arms still shook from the memory of holding Zuko while Appa flew, Zuko’s body cold and trembling. The longest Sokka’d ever been able to hold him, and it was because he was dying.
But he wasn’t dead.Zuko was warmer than he’d felt in days.
“You’re going to be alright,” Sokka said, even though he didn’t believe it. But maybe Fat had it right. Maybe it was best to pretend Zuko was strong, even if it was a fiction. Maybe it’d be true if they lied. If Zuko believed them.
Sokka took a deep breath as it let his eyes close, holding Zuko as closely as he could.
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julchenawesome · 1 year
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Zukka week 2023
Day 2: turtleduck pond & second chance (FLWOGB)
"Hina claps with awe at the eruption of flames from Zuko’ skin. It is yellow, yes, orange too, but there is purple in the fire, and green, and red, blue, white, pink and more, all dazzling and brilliant as they burst from Zuko’s palms.
“Cool!” she yells, but Sokka hears her as if from a distance, finds his heart catching somewhere between his throat and mouth at the sight of Zuko’s shy smile, the rainbow reflected in his eyes. The light flickers over both their faces, vibrant and ethereal.
[... ]
Sokka turns on his heels slowly, awestruck at the colourful warmth surrounding them. Zuko’s taken care to keep the flames a safe distance away, but Sokka can still feel the gentle heat of the fire flowing around him. It sinks into his skin, pushes all the way through to some unknown, untouched part of him that resides deep within his chest, making it unfurl until its blossoms peek out like the first buds of spring. And when he comes to a stop right back where he started—staring at Zuko’s cupped hands, his upturned mouth, his hair shimmering a thousand different shades, the way he looks up at Sokka just then with his unscarred eye squinting at its corner, bright and effusive and striking— the blossoms spread wide in his chest, trailing up and down and throughout him, catching at his seams. Coming alive.
And he thinks, oh.
And he thinks, oh shit. "
From "Feels like we only go backwards", Chapter 16, by @oldpotatoe. Yeah, I'm not for getting this fic like... Never. This scene is an example for a second chance to fall in love :) and also... Turtleduck pond.
I hope you liked it!
[ID: the Turtleduck pond Background, a shadow from the tree over three people. Sokka, Who looks amazed/enamored to Zuko, light on him. Zuko, shinning with many colours of the flames, seems Happy while showing that trick to the little girl (Hina), Who we only see her back, but feels amazed. A little turtleduck looks at Zuko from the pond. END ID]
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bisexuallsokka · 11 months
divorced zukka week. day one. the break up. day two. yearning to raise izumi together. day three. reunion sex. day fou--
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zukkaweek · 1 year
The poll is closed and the final prompts for Zukka week are decided! Thank you all so much for participating!
We have closely followed the developments of the poll and have decidied to officially grant a third prompt for the last day, so we have three winners:
Enemies to Lovers
Again, thank you all for voting, submitting and participarting! The official list will be updated shortly, and we are excited to see all your creations for Zukka week 2023.
Please feel free to send us any questions you might still have!
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adriancatrin · 10 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Got a few of these & each one has slightly different questions, I'm just gonna combine them here haha. Thanks @erisenyo @chiptrillino and @isaac !
Three ships: zukka (ofc), andriel (lol), and... idek, i guess marichat (unfortunate)
First ever ship: first ship i remember getting into was spuffy (btvs) (i think i was like. 5) but first one i got involved in fandom for was frerard
Last song: "Common People" by William Shatner lolll. as much as that song is bizarre for existing (william by covering that song you became exactly the kind of person it's about), it's a real fuckin jam my god. the way it accelerates and the two voices get increasingly intertwined as it goes on is mesmerizing to me
Last film: I think Paranormal Activity a few weeks ago? I've been on a haunting kick. if anyone has good ghost/possession/etc recommendations i'd love them
Currently reading: went through a few more stories from Gothic Fantasy's Asian Ghost Short Stories collection, I've been reading it for ages but it's always a good time. of the ones I read recently my fave was "The Magnanimous Girl" by Pu Songling. it's super short but i loved the girl lol
Currently watching: just finished the Plagiarism and You(tube) video by hbomberguy (highly recommend), but more generally i've been watching a lot of Phasmophobia gameplay vids and streams (again, I'm fr on a haunting kick)
Currently consuming: just some black tea
Currently craving: shrimp lo mein mmmm
Sweet/spicy/savory: savory and spicy! over the years my tolerance for sweet stuff has gone way down
Last thing I googled: "excellerate spelling" 😔 the worst part is that i know this will happen again
Favorite color: my answer changes every time depending on what context a color is in, but most of the clothes in my wardrobe are dusty reds/merlots so i guess that's an indication it's my favorite? also an indication i'm fire nation
Relationship status: single
Currently working on: a zukka ghost story which, given my recent track record for finishing fics, probably won't see the light of day. also been doing a bunch of drawing studies of people kissing, for reasons. what i really should be doing is getting a job, but that feels like walking off a cliff, so I'm avoiding it
This is so long lol sorry!! I'm sure a lot of people have already answered one or many of these, idkkk @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma @ozais-lobotomist @transboyzuko @odorumeruhentokei @yayee-prsp @honeyedsunlight @somethingfoamy @haroldtea @sulkybender
anyone else who sees this pls feel free to take it! and tag me, i wanna see
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zukkaart · 11 months
zukka + Lover album!!
I am SO excited for this one because it gave meeee
"Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince" !!! Let's get right down to it for the prompt game!
(Sorry these prompts are taking so long for me to get through school has been crazy)
**** long post ****
Highschool AU, Zuko is captain of the volleyball team, Sokka is the head of the drama club
"So sad we paint the town blue, voted most likely to run away with you"
Sokka sang quietly to himself as he pressed the piano keys slowly. He was becoming increasingly more frustrated. He'd been stuck on this song he was writing for weeks now. He had the middle and the end but the beginning was eluding him in the most frustrating way.
The eighteen year old boy looked up at the clock hung crookedly against the far wall of the rehearsal room. Nearly five o'clock. His last class had ended hours ago. Sokka had loaded up his classes his junior year so now, as a senior he only had half days.
He usually stayed an hour or so to take advantage of the free instruments in the practice room, but today he was biding his time until the mens homecoming volleyball game. Usually he didn't bother with sports events -maybe a soccer game here and there- but that was mainly because he enjoyed being outside.
But today, his friend Yue had practically begged him to go with her because she was supposed to be meeting someone from another school on a date and she was nervous. He reluctantly agreed to her delight. In reality, he didn't mind. He liked volleyball but he liked the captain of the team much more. It's why he typically didn't go to those games.
That might not make sense to most people, but to Sokka it made perfect sense. The further away from Zuko he stayed, the less likely he was to make a fool of himself, and the more likely it would be that his crush would pass. Although, over the course of the last two years that hadn't seemed to work.
"Sokka! You ready to go?" Yue burst through the door of the practice room wearing her favorite purple mom jeans and blue crop top, her white hair in a flowing fishtail braid that hit her lower back.
"Yeah yeah I'm ready," He closed the lid of the piano and stood.| "How do I look?" She spun in a circle with her arms out. "Perfect as always," He gave her a quick kiss on her temple, "Let's go"
They won the game three sets to one.
The next morning Sokka was shoving his books into his locker when an almost unfamiliar voice came from behind him.
"Hey Sokka," He jumped and spun around, startled. To find Zuko standing close enough to lean over him slightly, smirking the same way he did on the court.
"Hey, uh- hey me?" Sokka pointed at his own chest dumbly, "Yeah, hey you. I saw you at my game last night." "Oh! Yeah," Sokka blushed, "Homecoming you know? I went to the soccer game after too,"
Zuko's brow furrowed slightly at that, but only for a moment.
"I see. Well, did you enjoy it at least?" "What part?" Sokka flirted, with more confidence than he felt, and immediately regretted it.
"Any of it. All of it." Zuko entertained him, seemingly amused by his question. "Well, you almost missed you serve in the first set." Sokka spoke before he could think.
But Zuko didn't look insulted at all. In fact, a small but honest smile broke out across his features.
"You were watching me that closely?" He asked, leaning in closer.
Sokka said nothing, just stared at him so long that Zuko had to break the awkwards silence himself.
"Well, I've got class, but maybe you can meet me later and tell me about more of my mistakes." He said it as a statement. Not a question. As if he already knew that Sokka would say yes.
"It wasn't a mistake really I didn't mean to-" "At six. The coffee shop around the corner." Zuko interrupted, and brought his thumb up to brush Sokka's jawline. Sokka regained his nerve then.
"No," Zuko's smile dropped "No? Why? Did I do something?"
Sokka scoffed. "Are you even aware of your own reputation?" To Zuko's credit, he looked genuinely confused.
"No not really, I don't listen to gossip. What do they say?" "They call you the heartbreak prince." Sokka clarified matter-of-factly.
The taller boy let out a short but genuine laugh and covered his mouth with one hand.
"Are you being serious?" "Unfortunately," "Unfortunately?" "Yes" "Why unfortunately?" "Because it means that anyone associated with you has nothing short of a storm coming their way," Sokka closed his locker and made to turn back towards his next class, but an arm shot out in front of him blocking the way.
"Oh come on, you know that's ridiculous. I'm just a guy," Zuko didn't drop his arm even as Sokka turned to face him again, holding his books tight to his chest.
"You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes Zuko." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means that you shouldn't start a fight you can't win,"
That easy smirk returned to the taller boys features
"Are you saying that there's someone I'll have to fight for you?" "No." Sokka said too quickly. "But I can't be the center of gossip," "Well that's my whole world. You know what they say about you?"
It was Sokka's turn to be shocked. He wasn't anyone. He composed his music and directed his plays in near anonymity. Sure he partied a lot, but it was usually because one of his friends insisted he come.
"They say you're a bad boy, that you're trouble, and that I shouldn't take a gamble on you."
Sokka's mouth dropped open slightly in shock.
"What? I've never done anything that could even remotely warrant that!" "Sokka, at Jet's party last week you basically imploded his entire clique," "He deserved it! They deserved to know the kind of person they were hanging out with," "Hey, I'm not disagreeing, but you also can't say you haven't earned it" "What about you then?" He poked Zuko in the chest sharply, "What makes you so perfect? You're on the cover of the school newspaper every week," "What can I say? They like a pageant smile, but I promise that being amazing at volleyball and smiling for a camera isn't all there is to me"
Sokka rolled his eyes at the arrogance, but couldn't help himself
"Prove it" "Let me. I'll pick you up at seven,"
"Fine. But if you're late I'm not opening the door." "Deal." A more genuine smile graced Zuko's features then. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Sokka's cheek. "See you then," And strode off in the opposite direction.
Sokka didn't bother going to his next class. He practically sprinted to the practice room
You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you Than I was at 16, lost in a film scene Waving homecoming queens, marching band playing I'm lost in the lights...
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erisenyo · 9 months
Helloooooo i just BINGED the Burning Bright verse and I need to go immediately read it again — but…is there…no actual proposal fic???? Or am I missing it???? Because…I need the actual marriage proposal so badly 🥺🥺🥺
First off, hello!!
Second off, I am THRILLED that you binged through the whole series and immediately want to read it again! I aspire to write things you want to just turn around and start from the beginning, and that are a whole new experience the second time through, so this really puts a smile on my face :)
Third off...you might have uhhhh stumbled upon the AU-long running gag I am doing purely for my own entertainment at this point lol.
It started off with me having Big Plans for that pendant in To Open Every Door To Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun. And then I had a specific vision for the proposal in mind. But instead, I wrote multiple other fics along the timeline and just slipped a reference to pendants, proposals, armbands, etc. into each one for my own amusement.
Sooooo long story short, no, there isn't an actual proposal in the core three fics of the Burning Bright series (in part because my modern sensibilities were too strong to have a 17 and 16-year-old getting engaged like 3 days off a war when they both have so much growing and learning left to do).
But! The intent is there on the part of the boys, and the fic itself is like...mostly planned and probably happening for Zukka week this year depending on prompt alignment. (And also I already wrote the wedding in To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved) so there's that too lol)
(Fourth off...Are you "E" by any chance?)
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andrea-lyn · 1 year
wip update, bc of the moving, the shaking, the posting, etc.
things that are done and ready to be edited and/or posted:
Chapter 4 of the declan + ronan fic (prob early next week bc I have dentist appt + surprise parties + father's day this weekend)
Fitzcrozier genie reincarnation fic! Debating if I'm splitting that one in two or three, but will be coming up very soon
At the rate I wrote amnesia, though it's only just been plotted, I anticipate posting the prequel/sequel to that Roy/Jamie before I leave for my vacay at end of month (it's a twist on 'the team finds out')
And the rest:
The outlander time traveller's wife old guard au which is daunting and scary and every time I open it, I ask myself if I'm ever going to finish it. I might need figure out what I would enjoy most, because it's probably a 50k+ piece and even though it's already at 15k, it just feels so overwhelming
Joe/Nicky crackfic about them being unsuspecting henchmen for Merrick (AU), where they are desperate for work and think this is just a security gig. They make a lot of problems for Merrick and soon they are getting poached
RNM Michael-is-a-jeweler!AU, where there are still aliens, and he meets the man of his dreams (who is getting married). Yes, the inspiration for this is Hallmark
Cowrite with Christi! We officially abandoned the second one bc honestly, see point about the 50k old guard fic -- too daunting, but gdi, determined to get this one out
My Blue/Gansey Pushing Daisies AU (with side Pynch) which is a bit closer to finished than I thought! It just needs some plotty wrap-up scenes and more flirting, but that's the fun part to write
The Hangster Much Ado About Nothing inspired future fic, which is also probably closer to done than I think, but I just work on this one so infrequently. I also need to figure out if I'm really going to keep their call signs in the prose or use their names and I honestly have not decided
I have four different Zukka fics, help, including: Bad at flirting (should be done soon), marriage pact with a twist, timeloop with a twist, and cracky Galavant inspired fare
Annnnd then there's a Xenk/Edgin bc I'm weak
And I say all that, knowing that if another Roy/Jamie idea bit me, this list would just grow exponentially, but that's me
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transboysokka · 1 year
A short Zukka h/c story through dialogues. They're just really fucked up.
CW: big themes around eating disorders, small themes around alcoholism, one or two mentions of [emetophobia], general angst
"Zu...?" "Hm?" "You know how you said you'd tell me if things got bad again?" "Yeah?" "Well..." "What?" "When was the last time you had something to eat?" "...Oh."
"You wanna talk about it?" "I don't even know what to say, Sokka. I'm just Like This..." "Well, you know I'm here for you." "I know, babe. I love you so much."
"I'm so hungry..." "Then you should eat something, baby..." "I just... can't."
"Would it help if we went somewhere else? We could sneak out to the night market and find some xiaochi." "Okay, yeah. Some watermelon juice sounds nice." "Okay, but maybe something else too? Would you share some douhua with me?" "...Okay. I'll try." "That's all I ever ask, babe."
"Another headache?" "Mmhmm. Bad." "It'll help if you..." "Can't eat right now. I'd just puke it up." "Okay, let's try some apple juice."
"Babe, you know I don't like to pressure you..." "I know. I love you for it." "I'm just really worried..." "I know. I'm sorry." "I'm sorry too, babe... But I have an idea." "Hm?" "Would it help if every night before we go to bed, you tell me what you've eaten that day? For accountability." "...." "Zu?" "I hate that idea. But I do think it will help..." "Okay, great!" "Today I had some orange juice." "Babe, that's..." "What?" "Nothing. Thank you for sharing with me."
"I had some rice at lunch today." "I'm proud of you."
"Sokka? It's a little early to be drinking." "What? Oh, I just--" "Hang on, I'll get a glass and join you." "No! That's... Really not a good idea..." "Why?" "I mean... on an empty stomach?"
"Babe, I had dinner with my uncle today!" "That's great! What did you guys have?" "You mean, did I eat anything." "Well-" "Yeah, I had a bowl of bantiao and a few servings of cabbage." "That's so great, baby, I'm so proud of you! How do you feel?" "Like I'm gonna be sick."
"Baby, I'm sorry, I try not to be like this with you, but I'm just so worried..." "Sokka, I'm fine." "You haven't been yourself at all. You're having outbursts during council meetings. You aren't training anymore, you sleep way too much. You look... This getting dangerous, Zu." "I said I'm fine! I've made it this long." "Baby. You haven't eaten anything in days..." "That's not even true! I've had juice!" "Zuko. I think it's time we let somebody else help us with this problem." "It's not a problem! I have lots of issues, but this isn't a problem-" "I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said-" "Just leave me the hell alone! This doesn't even affect you." "Doesn't affect me?! Do you know what it does to me to see you like this every day, wasting away? You're killing yourself, Zuko, and I can't let you. If you don't eat something tomorrow, I swear I'm going to have to take you to-" "You wouldn't dare." "Babe, I have to. I can't just-" "If you take me there, I'm never speaking to you again. You can't do that to me. I thought you loved me!" "Baby..." "I'm... I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I'm so sorry Sokka, I know I'm fucked up and I love you so much, I'm sorry..." "...I... I can't do this right now."
"Sokka, I'm getting worried about all this drinking..." "Oh, you're worried about me! Fucking rich." "Sokka, really, you've had enough." "So eat something, then." "...What?" "Yeah. You're the one doing this to me. I won't stop drinking until you get help." "Sokka, that's... not fair..." "You doing this to yourself is what's not fair!" "Sokka..." "I won't eat until you eat."
"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry I said that..." "I'm sorry too."
"Today I ate-" "You're fucking lying." "...What?" "I asked the kitchen staff about what they've been preparing for you and they said you haven't been in the dining room all week." "So you're spying on me now?" "Baby, you need help. We both do. I'm calling Katara." "I... Fine."
"Katara says I need to eat three meals a day, every day." "She says I need to stop drinking." "She's gonna watch me eat." "She's gonna check up on me every day too." "Why are you laughing?" "How did we get like this?"
"Sokka, I'm sorry I haven't been there for your recovery." "Hey, this is for life. And you know you're not responsible for this, right? It's... always been a problem." "I just want to be there for you." "And I know that, baby. But the best way you can help me right now is by working on yourself."
"How are you doing, Zu?" "This is... really hard." "For me too. But it's worth it." "Yeah." "I'm always... thinking about it." "Me too." "I just feel like I need to be in control, you know?" "Is that how it started? The food thing?" "Yeah, maybe." "Thanks for telling me, babe."
"I just get so angry sometimes." "You want to talk about it?" "I'm angry that I did this to myself, that I couldn't see that I was sick. I'm angry that it took me so long to even want to get help. I'm angry that I destroyed my body. Katara says it will take time, but I want to go train and I hate that I'm not strong enough yet." "You need to be kind to yourself. Your body is recovering from starvation." "I know that. And I'm trying. To be kind. But I hate that I've already starved once in my life and I've done it again to myself, but willingly this time." "Not willingly..." "I'm so weak, Sokka." "No, babe. You're strong. You survived this. And you decided all on your own to get better." "We'll help each other." "Yeah, we will. It's not gonna be easy." "It never is. I knew that when I fell in love with you."
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ao3feed-zukka · 1 year
Flirty Pai-Sho rivalry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dZvhEqs
by CGJ
He’s always appreciated someone who gets the job done. And Zuko, for everything he is, is capable and driven. It wasn’t so thrilling when he was chasing them, but now? Sokka feels like he gets the chance to see what it’s like up close. The look in Zuko’s eyes when he’s working on something, giving it all he’s got. It’s fascinating, it’s captivating, it’s… it’s hot.
Zukka week day 3: Rivals
Words: 3136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Zukka Week 2023
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Suki (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Toph Beifong & Sokka
Additional Tags: Zukka Week 2023 (Avatar), Wrote this in three hours baby, I'm Bad At Titles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dZvhEqs
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