#~you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor~
iamred-iamyellow · 30 days
~August Slipped Away~
♥ pairing: charles leclerc x carlos sainz jr
♥ summer romance
♥ inspired by the folklore love triangle
♥ 501 words - short fic but a part of an ongoing series
♥ notes: none of these pictures are mine, I found all of them on pinterest. cross posted on ao3
♥ part 2 | masterlist
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The salt air in Monaco was a nostalgic feeling for Charles. The sweet memories of his childhood rang in his ears but the more recent, tragic moments swirled with them. His home country never reciprocated the same amount of love he had for it. Nothing seemed to go his way here.
It was a summery morning down by the Mediterranean Sea. A group of seagulls flew by the coast where Charles was watching the sunrise and drinking his coffee. He spotted a few couples on an early walk and a group of men playing volleyball. It was a delicate moment until a not-so delicate object struck his face. The pressure knocked his head against the rocky wall he was sat at and he instinctively clutched the back of his hair. He looked up in surprise, a man rushing over to him.
"Mierda, are you okay?" he asked, eyes darting all over Charles.
"Yea..." Charles mumbled, staring down at the spilled coffee that had flung out of his hand and landed on the ground.
"Let me buy you a new drink." the man offered, holding his hand out to help Charles up. Charles took his hand, standing and brushing the wrinkles out of his clothes.
"You don't have to-"
"It's the least I could do," the man cut him off and smiled. "I'm Carlos. Sorry for hitting you in the face." he laughed softly.
"Charles," he held his hand out. "And don't worry, it's fine."
Their hands gripped each other's gently, thumbs lacing together in a shake. They lingered there for a moment, savoring the warm touch and taking note of the way Carlos' hand practically swallowed Charles'.
"Now how about that coffee? I could use some of my own." Carlos smiled, breaking his hand away.
There was some sort of unbreakable spark between the two. Smiles and laughs were shared throughout the summer months. They'd spent days together on what an outsider would describe as dates. Gelato, beach trips, and long walks around the small country.
On this particular evening Charles invited Carlos to his apartment. Carlos noticed the intimate details of the Monegasque's place: the rust on his door, a selection of sweet teas, and a light cream colored cardigan draped over a chair by his kitchen table.
They sat on the couch together talking about their lives until their gaze locked, shattering their oblivion to the tension in the room. The visit to Charles' apartment was clearly not just a friendly invite. They exchanged soft kisses and breathy whispers, stumbling off the couch into another room. Maybe they didn't expect to be waking up next to each other, but they both knew they wanted it.
The sun blazed through the curtains, a slight breeze trickling through a gap in the window. Charles woke up first, rolling over to admire the man lying in his bed. He soaked in the feeling of Carlos beside him, taking a few deep breaths. It felt like a weight had been lifted. Like a curse had been broken. 
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claraoswalds · 7 months
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Was it over when she laid down on your couch? Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? "Come here," I whispered in your ear In your dream as you passed out, baby Was it over then? And is it over now?
— Taylor Swift, "Is It Over Now?"
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beargyufairy · 5 months
You drew stars around my scars
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But now I'm bleedin'
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that-no-ones-left · 8 months
Kit is Now That We Don’t talk and Ty is Is It Over Now this is my contribution
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
can someone please edit divorce arc sylki to “is it over now?” thank you so much for listening to my request 🫶 follow for more great ideas
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hardcockcafe · 7 months
two of us + is it over now?
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munadyke · 6 months
i have a disease. symptoms include relating every single song i hear to jackieshauna...praying for a cure. but not for my sake.
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mioakem · 8 months
“The new girl is my clone” TAYLOR???
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femmme · 8 months
tswift is literally evil, it is AMAZING what her music can make me feel nostalgic for.
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stylesinthewild · 7 months
remember the two ghosts / falling mash up 😩🔪
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aqpippin · 8 months
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lovesickallovermybed · 8 months
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you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor
1989 taylor's version (from the vault) tracks
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lochsides · 8 months
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aliaology · 8 months
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summary: jack realizes yns music is quite literally a call out, directed towards him, and his brothers egg it on. pt.3
series masterlist
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“i called my mom, she said ‘that it was for the best!’ remind myself the more i gave, you’d want me less”
jack could’ve hit his head against the counter ten more times and the song would still be ringing through his ears like a splinter that wouldn’t come out of his hand.
quinns hand made contact with the back of jacks head. “knock it off, jack.”
jack groaned, shoving his head into his arms. he groaned again, this time the noise being muffled due to the his arm. “she wrote a song about me, quinn.”
quinn rolled his eyes. “you don’t know its about you” he told.
jack scoffed, head shooting up. “she literally called me out. the parties, that stupid red sea reference, even the chorus. its so obviously me. and then her newer single that dropped thirty minutes ago?’
quinn shrugged, “could be about trevor”
jack rolled his eyes, “no way in hell, quinn. they never hooked up and her newer one is about some guy hooking up with her later on—“
“you sound obsessed, jack.” quinn told. jack looked down, embarrassed.
“whats jack obsessed with?” trevor asked, walking inside the kitchen. he stole a grape from jack and popped it into his mouth.
“y/n’s song” quinn spoke.
trevor scoffed, “why are you so hung up on it? its just music.” trevor shrugged.
“hes upset because hes getting called out.”
jack groaned again, head hitting the counter.
quinn rolled his eyes again. “you’ve gotta stop doing that dude. listen— she probably made these ages ago and just now got to releasing them.”
trevor popped another grape in his mouth. “not too sure about that, but i know she started writing them when you two broke up.”
luke slowly walks in. “seriously? you guys are torturing the man talking about his ex.”
jack nods, signifying lukes words to be true.. luke goes into the cupboard to grab a plate. “just ignore it.” he shrugged.
trevor snorted. jack sent the boy a glare, causing his laughter to abruptly stop. “how can i just ignore it? shes getting big and her music is everywhere already.” he asked.
quinn gave him a look. “then face it, jack. you can’t keep putting yourself in denial for something you caused.”
jack let out an exasperated groan for the 100th time. “gee, thanks quinn. way to make me feel better.”
“dont start giving him shit, jack.” luke spoke.
jack rolled his eyes. “whatever, im going to my room.” he got up and went for the stairs.
all three boys looked around at each other. silence fell through the room. suddenly, the sliding door opens. “whats going on?” cole asked.
“quinn picked his side of the argument.” trevor spoke, slightly glaring at quinn.
quinn gave one back, “dont act innocent, trevor. you screwed her over too. you and jack need to own up to it and stop cowering like little kids. you are both in your twenties for fucks sake. grow up.”
quinn went off to his room, leaving a wide eyed group of boys behind.
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jacks brows furrowed as he listened to the song in his earbuds. his girlfriend napped next to him as he sat up on the bed. he hates to admit it, but he kinda deserved this.
“lets fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later. if shes got blue eyes, i will surmise that you’ll probably date her. you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor, you search in every model—“
he stopped the song, taking his earbuds out and tossing them to the floor. he cheated, and now was dating the girl he cheated with. it was sad, really.
fiona, she was a woman who loved money. jack, was a man who loved attention. maybe that’s why they were together. but she wasn’t horrible like people said, right?
quietly, he went to tik tok and made a fake account, that way she knew he didn’t stalk her profile. i mean— she has no idea he even uses it still.
jack searched fionas name up, ultimately clicking on her profile. she had one video up. he clicked on it.
ick ick ick ick
she was lip syncing that really terrible audio that went ‘he chose me, he dont want you. he chose me’ and honestly, jack was appalled.
but before he could open the comments, she started to wake up. he swiped out of the app and deleted it, tossing his phone to the side afterwards.
“hey baby.” he smiled.
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now that we dont talk!
tags! @honethatty12 (if u want tags, just ask <3)
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Is It Over Now?
Rafe Cameron x Reader
angst, angst, angst
Word Count: 1K
Summary: Breaking up with Rafe was one of the hardest things to do, but at least you’d be free and feel good right? …Right?
A/N: I’ve never written a fic before um
And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashing lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Rafe Cameron, a name you hear all throughout Kildare, not always in a good context but often with the name Y/N L/N attached to it. Since in diapers you and Rafe knew each other. Best friends to lovers is what it was, the perfect trust fund kids who were destined to eventually fall in love, wed and have the perfect fairytale family together.
It truly was all on that track before the small cracks in the relationship weren’t talked through and patched but left neglected and unattended till there were too many to handle and she cracked.
After the break up you took the time to reconnect with everything you neglected throughout your romantic relationship with Rafe. Your friends, family, yourself. This time was the first time you’ve felt free since you started dating Rafe, the memories and time with him prior that were strictly as friends were the best years of your life, and so was the beginning of dating him. Till you realized while Rafe slowly destroyed himself with his malicious coping behaviours of drugs and violence, he was also destroying you.
Consoling him and endless ways to help him always worked with him, honestly anything that was just with you. But focusing all your attention into making sure he was okay, drained from your duties to make sure you were okay.
Suddenly everything just revolved around Rafe and you couldn’t take it anymore. I mean, you took a whole gap year for him from university that eventually turned into two, which eventually turned into not going anymore because you were scared he was going to get himself killed.
Even after everything you did for Rafe including putting your life on hold, gave him no mercy to show he was “okay” without you. The rates of parties at the Tanney Hill spiked up and so did the amount of girls in the Outer Banks whispering about their amazing night together with Rafe Cameron.
Worst of all you couldn’t say it didn’t bother you. Even with everything you still loved Rafe, a person and love that you had can’t just be erased. Then again, your journey to reconnect with everyone meant reconnecting with friends, which meant reconnecting with the party life.
The difference between you and Rafe was at least you had the decency to keep your nights out of sight, keeping it low and minimal and not throwing it out to the entire country that you were now single and ready to do anything with anyone now.
Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later
If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her
You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor
You search in every model's bed for something greater
Perfect, everything’s been “perfect”. Three weeks after the break up you’d say you’d been doing okay but some things just don’t feel right anymore. The high of being free was finally settling into the reality that you’ve lost your best friend and boyfriend.
Although Rafe was draining and depended on you like you were his nurse, he also was still your boyfriend. Or now ex-boyfriend. All the little things you began to miss and thoughts of “did i make the right decision?” Scathed your mind over and over. You didn’t think you could go anywhere without seeing something that reminded you of him, not even your own bedroom.
It wasn’t till a trip to the country club when you saw Rafe with an oddly familiar aura with him.
The girl he was with looked exactly like you. Her hair, her eyes, her smile. Irritation fills your body, you thought you’d been going crazy when the other night you told your friends the theory that Rafe was only going with other girls that resembled you but this really confirmed it because this girl was an exact clone of you.
Did he dream of my mouth while he kissed her? While he did anything with her? Because he knew well off in no matter how many girls beds he climbed into he’d never find anything greater.
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later
(Flashing lights) I was hoping you'd be there
And say the one thing (oh, Lord) I've been wanting (oh, Lord)
But no
2 AM, you’ve been at this party for eight hours in honest hopes you’d bump into Rafe. You couldn’t take it anymore. You were weak and missed him. Every thought you had was of him and seeing him so easily run off with half Kildare’s population was killing you. That’s why you were here. You took the entire day to mentally and physically prepare yourself to see him at the party and get him back. It was pathetic but you couldn’t take it anymore.
But he never came. You sat in the corner of all these sweaty people dancing and snorting drugs for hours and Rafe never showed up. You thought about calling him, or just texting him but even that was too much.
On your way out of the party you hear a ping from your phone and open it to a message from your friend that sent you Rafe’s most recent post.
It was of her. That girl from the country club. The girl from the club sitting in your spot, your hidden, secret secluded beach spot that you and Rafe discovered in sixth grade near the water that tourists and locals didn’t even know about.
Your heart shattered. Tears spilled down your face as you crumbled down to take a seat on the houses front steps.
It was so naïve of you to even think that Rafe wouldn’t exploit that spot. You knew how petty he was. You should of seen in coming. Yet deep down you were hoping that it would never get to that point.
But here you were, on the front steps of a random house party sobbing into your hands all because you truly believe that Rafe Cameron was going to come to the party and say the words you’ve been yearning to hear from him again.
I Love You
How foolish.
pt. 2…?
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faiirybread · 8 months
was it over then? ︴dr3
🎬 in which.. they have the messiest break-up ever
pt2! pt3!
danielricciardo just posted!
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Let’s fast forward to 300 take out coffees later..💗
tagged: yourusername
liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 9.7million others
📌 yourusername looking forward to 300 more with you 💗
user1 the IT couple!!
landonorris no pic credits? 😕
user2 mama e papa
lilymhe pls give yn back i miss her
danielriccardo no 😝
yourusername IM COMING LILY
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f1gossip just posted!
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RUMOR: Daniel Ricciardo and Y/N Y/LN on the rocks? Sources say their recent vacation was an attempt to keep their relationship alive after months pf arguments and possible infidelity.
liked by user1, user2, and 76k others
user1 NONONO
user2 yourusername danielricciardo PLEASE SAY ITS NOT TRUE
user3 its just a rumor its just a rumor its just a rumor its just a rumor
user5 nuh uh
user6 ‘looking forward to 300 more with you’ THEY ARE NOT BREAKING UP
deuxmoi just posted a story!
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yourusername just posted!
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you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor
tagged: lilymhe
liked by lilymhe, alexalbon, and 879k others
user1 mom where is dad
user2 please no PLEASE
lilymhe love you to the moon and to saturn 💞
yourusername i love you too lils
user3 the smashed dr3 bottle NOO
user5 ‘looking forward to 3000 more coffees with you’ to ‘you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor’ im gonna sleep on the highway
landonorris we’ll be alright 💛
f1wags just posted!
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yn and daniel seen arguing last night.. i think its over you guys
liked by user1, user2, and 65k others
user1 nuh uh
user2 i refuse to believe this is real
user3 in my mind this is photoshopped
user4 STOP.
user5 i cant do this
user6 good riddance
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