that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 2 months
Ty for the tag bestie<3
Three songs that have been stuck in my head recently?
1. You didn't know from Hazbin Hotel
2. You give love a bad name
(this is really old and i forgot about it for months... so it's just been sitting in my drafts for a while... my bad!)
✨️🎶ASK TIME🎶✨️
3 songs that have been in you head in the past 3 days like an EARWORM... I'll go first!!
1) too sweet by hozier (this is laced with smth idk)
2) get him back olivia rodrigo
3) beautiful things by benson boone
copy this ask / tag 10 of your followers <333 no pressure :))
Ah ty for ask alims! <3
3 songs that have been in my head:
Home - Edward sharp & the magnetic zeros
Say you won't let go - James Arthur
Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish
Tagging w no pressure loves x (+ anyone who just wants to join in)
@viivdle @annamatix @chaiichait @kazbrekkersfedoraaintgotshitonme @oomens-eyeball @cookieswithforksandknifes @his-littlefox @jesyverse @rabbitholessk @darlingod
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 2 months
Part 3: Into the lair we go
💚: The walk wasn't that far to where the turtles and the rat man stayed from where April was found, but for a 5-year old it was a bit of a distance, one that she did not particularly enjoy walking, much less so when she felt the first few raindrops hit her head before it started to downpour all around her and the Snapping Turtle she was following.
Red, that was his name, or at the very least that's what the rat man called him. April wasn't sure of where she was being taken to, she just knew that it was safer with the rat man and turtles than it was out on the streets of New York, especially as a child with no parents. She followed behind Red for a while, her eyes tracking the sway of his tail as they walked, before they suddenly stopped in one of the alleys.
🤍: They had been walking for quite a while, ducking in and out of the shadows, occasionally getting weird glances from passers-by, but other than that they were left alone. The weirdness of New York is something he would be eternally grateful for at this point in his life. Due to many people running around in costumes of all kinds, most people just assumed that Yoshi and the four tots were dressed up for fun, along with one child who just didn't want to dress up, either way it didn't matter the main point was that nobody bothered them when they were forced to walk on the sidewalk and not in the shadows or alleyways.
💚: After a while they stopped inside of one of the alleys, right in front of a sewer grate before the rat man leaned down and set down the two tots he was carrying, he had carefully set down Blue a little while back when he wouldn't stop moving after the rain started, he was now holding onto Red's hand as they walked, using the larger turtle to help himself balance.
April watched the two of them before turning her gaze back to the rat man, she watched as he got Red's attention and motioned for him to go down first, before getting Purple to go down next after making sure that Red was all the way at the bottom, he told Red to make sure to catch Purple if he fell. Luckily Purple didn't fall and the rat man had April go down next, telling her to make sure that Blue got down safely since he wasn't great with his balance yet, once she got to the bottom.
April of course listened to what the rat man said and made sure that Blue made it down safely. Once the three older turtles were down safely, Yoshi climbed down with Orange in his arms and he set down Orange, telling Red to keep a close eye on him while he shut the grate. The rat man then climbed back up the ladder for a moment to close the sewer grate, before descending again and picking up both Orange and Blue, leaving April Red and Purple to walk next to or behind him.
"So... Why are we in the sewers? I know you said it was dirty but this is not what I was expecting.." She said, trailing a bit behind Purple, making sure to not get too close as she didn't want him to bite her again. The rat man, who still had yet to tell her his name but she'll just call him Splinter for now since he seemed to have so many stuck in his fur, said "Yes, I did say it was quite dirty, you are correct about that. As for why we're down here, I'm not sure how people would react to.. all of this." He gestured towards the two turtles behind him and then waved a paw over his face. She just nodded in acknowledgement, going quiet once more as she listened to the sound of the rushing sewer water next to her, the scraping of the turtle's scales along the concrete, and the soft tap tap tap of her and Splinter's feet against the pavement below them.
After some time, they turned and stepped into a large atrium-like area, it had two 'levels' to it from what she could tell, a few tunnels branching off from the main area on both the lower and upper levels, though most of them looked to be completely empty except for three of them. In one of the tunnels, which now that she got to look inside, wasn't even really a full tunnel, it was quite short and not very long; there was a large box in the middle of the room, on it were crumbs of what looked like they might have been some crackers but it wasn't very easy to tell what they had been before. There was a steady flow of water coming down the wall, and when she looked up towards the ceiling she could see that there was some old tape there, someone had tried to patch the leak but they didn't seem to be very successful.
In the room right next to the previous one, there was a larger box with what appeared to be some shredded up newspapers and multi-colored fabric over the top of the shreds, right next to the box were several laid out newspapers, also covered by a multi-colored cloth. Although, this cloth appeared to be in a large pile off to one side of the newspapers.
And in the final room were some large sticks with newspapers and cloth underneath them, perhaps some form of padding to prevent the smaller turtles from getting hurt if they decided to climb onto the sticks, as well as some tennis balls and slightly smaller sticks in a pile on the opposite side of the room from the larger sticks. They looked chewed on and torn in many places, as well as snapped in others, clearly a favorite of Red.
This entire area where Splinter and The turtles lived seemed both dirty but also clean, lived in well but also not, if she was going to be completely honest, she didn't think she'd mind staying here if it was something over her head and at least some sort of food every once in a while.
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 2 months
just now realizing that i had said that i would post the other two parts of my au on here and completely forgot... so imma do that now..
Part 2: Enter April!
Please keep in mind that the ages of the tots and April are: April: 5 years Raph: 4 years Donnie: 3 years Leo: 3 years Mikey: 2 years
Also, this part takes place several months after the initial mutation of the boys.
💚: A 5 year old April is wandering around the streets of New York, trying to find a place to take cover before the rain hits later that night. She had seen on a newspaper that it was going to rain soon, and she remembers hearing someone mention that it was going to rain tonight. She sees a pretty dark alleyway that doesn't appear to have anyone in it and decides to take cover there, hiding amongst the trash and under the trash bags, hoping they can cover her enough to make sure she doesn't get too wet. Then, she hears it, something shuffling nearby, a hiss and then some growling, and then it stops. Soon the hissing and growling is being shushed by someone she can only hear and not see.
🤍: "Shh Red..! You'll get us caught if you keep being noisy like that.." He sighed, turning towards the other three turtles on the ground, his tail curled around his legs as he crouched down and separated Blue and Purple so they would stop arguing while Orange was crawling around and playing with the trash he would find laying around.
Yoshi's ears twitched as he heard some of the trash bags shuffle and move when there was no wind as Red growled in the direction of a pile of trash bags that was bigger than the others. Hearing and seeing this, he stood in between Red and the pile of trash bags while the other three tots hid behind Red. Purple was hissing, Blue was hiding behind Purple, and Orange was in his shell in Blue's arms.
Yoshi growled at the pile of trash bags, every hair on his body standing on end as the bags continued to move around until one of them fell down and revealed a human child, she was quite dirty, her clothes were covered in dirt and grime, torn in some places more than others, and her very curly hair was just below her shoulders in length.
💚: April stared at Yoshi for a long while, not saying anything as he stared right back at her. Both of them started like that until Purple nearly jumped at April, hissing like a wild animal, at which point April realized she was staring at a giant rat man and four very strange looking turtles and she started to scream, both out of shock and fear. Yoshi quickly shushed her, hoping to get her to stop screaming before someone showed up, which wound up working when she stopped screaming and just stared at the five of them open-mouthed.
🤍: He stood there, and stared at her for only a moment longer before quickly saying "please don't tell anyone.." he had clasped his paws together and was basically begging her to not tell anyone about them.
"I don't have anyone to tell.. nobody listens to me anyways..." She had mumbled the last bit but he still heard all of it regardless, hearing this he stopped begging and stared at her for a moment, "where are your parents little one?" He asked her, crouching down so he was more eye-level with her.
Red had stopped growling when April stopped screaming, Purple was growling but at least he wasn't hissing, Blue seemed more comfortable but still stayed behind Purple, and Orange was out of his shell and staring at April. Yoshi took note of all of this as he talked with the young girl, learning that get name was April and that she didn't have any parents as they were gone, he wasn't sure if that meant that she was abandoned or if they were dead but he wasn't going to ask either way.
🧡: He stared at her, watching as the big rat man (they aren't calling him dad yet bc it's only been a few months) talked with the strange girl, she looked so interesting, but he could tell just based on the sounds coming from the others to not trust her just yet, so he waited... and waited... and waited. Until he got so bored he decided to ignore the desperate chirps from the others as he waddled/crawled over to April and stared up at her, his tiny tail wagging behind him when she looked down at him and waved, which he responded to by waving back at her.
💜: He watched Orange go towards the strange human and chirped at him, trying to get him to come back because it wasn't safe, he knew how to speak like the large rat man did, but when he was defensive or scared like this, he couldn't form any proper words and just chirped in desperation. He then watched in horror as the girl reached down and started to pick up Orange, to which Purple responded by charging over and biting her arm, refusing to let go until she put Orange back down.
💚: April cried out in pain as she looked at Purple and the small amounts of blood coming from her arm before she set Orange back down and backed away from Purple once he let go of her arm, wincing at the pain from the open wound. "Why did you bite me?!" She shouted, holding her arm, while trying to get it to stop bleeding as she glared at Purple, backing up further when he hissed at her before dragging Orange away and chirping at him, scolding him for going near the strange person.
💜: "Purple! Don't bite people!" Yoshi scolded quickly, Purple turning to him and growling, chirping while pointing at April and trying his hardest to communicate with Yoshi before growling in frustration at not being able to talk properly and sitting down while crossing his arms, he was very obviously pouting about being scolded even though he was just trying to protect Orange. His tail curled near his legs while he glared at the floor, growling whenever Orange or Red tried to get close to him, only relaxing slightly when Blue went over and comforted him.
🤍: "Are you alright April? I'm so sorry about him.. I'm still trying to teach them to not bite.." He crouched down near her and held out his paws, silently asking for her to put her arm in them so he could inspect the wound. "I'm okay.. I just wasn't expecting it.." She said, wordlessly complying and giving him her arm, flinching when he grabbed some antiseptic and put it on her arm where Purple bit before adding a bandaid. "Well, I'm glad you are alright.." He paused and thought for a moment, resting one of his paws on her arm over the bandaid before saying, "Would you like to stay with us? It's not very clean but it keeps us safe and out of the rain.." He looked up at her waiting for a response as she stared at him, her mouth hanging open again.
💚: She stood there for a while, thinking about it as Yoshi stood up to his full height and picked up the three youngest turtles, leaving Red on the ground since he was able to walk already. She watched him do this before finally deciding, "I think I'd like that.."
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 2 months
Writing Prompt (part 1)
So a while back i was scrolling on here and found a list of writing prompts, got really inspired and stuff so here's what I wrote. I'll probably write more later but who knows?
The prompt:
You’ve noticed a pattern. Whenever you try dieting, your favorite restaurant has an unlimited nacho night or your friend has coupons for a free Pizza. It’s the apocalypse, rations are running low. As a joke, you say you’re going on a diet. Seemingly on que, you hear a knock on your bunker door. (The actual thing i wrote is after the cut)
Leo has started to notice a pattern, any time he tries to save on rations, someone  (mostly Mikey now that he thinks about it) always manages to show up with more food, or convince him that there’s more than enough for everyone. It’s the middle of the apocalypse, rations should be running low by now but somehow they aren’t. He’s starting to become very suspicious of this, so he tries to skip a meal, and gives his food to Casey Jr. Almost right on que, Mikey shows up in the mess hall with an extra plate and heads straight towards him and CJ.
Leo stares at his brother as Mikey sits down next to him, setting the extra plate in front of him. “Mikey how did you even..” He gets cut off by Mikey putting up his hand to stop him, “you know we have enough food Leo, you can eat.”
He sits there for a long while, contemplating what just happened as he stares at the food before slowly picking up his utensil and eating the food. They sat there in silence for a while, letting the noise of the mess hall surround them as they ate in silence together before he finally got tired of them not talking and finally breaking the silence between them. “Mikey, how did you get this food? Because last I checked, we didn’t have enough food for everyone to be eating this much.” He asked, turning to face his youngest brother as he did.
Mikey sat there for a moment, continuing to eat his food before finally sighing and responding, “I just found some extras in the storage… It’s really not that big of a deal-” “Where.” Leo was staring at him hard now, practically glaring at his younger brother as he gripped the edge of the table. “You know.. In the storage? It was hidden behind some boxes, but there was food..” He said, slightly less sure of himself now.
“No, Mikey. I mean where specifically. Show me.” Mikey stared at him for a moment, fidgeting with his hands before standing up and leading him towards a storage room not too far from the mess hall, turning into the room Leo sees that it’s not just a storage room with food, it has wires and what looks to be parts of robots, or computers. Something like that, he’s really not too sure. Mikey fidgets with his bandages again, picking at them and staring at the large boxes as he starts talking, “it was in that back corner, I thought it would be okay to take the food since there’s other food in here too…” Mikey mumbles as he continues to just stand there and fidget with his bandages. Leo finally breaks away from his thoughts and moves without a word to the back right corner of the mostly dark room.
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 3 months
Good news! (And just an update in general)
So, in my last update about my phone I had said that I should have a phone soon... yeah I still don't have one, my dad was super busy with work and taking care of our foster dog while she got better, she had some really bad sores and stuff in her mouth that made it painful for her to eat but she's better now:D anyways, we're getting my new phone delivered to us since they didn't have any in stock at the store. I'm hoping it comes in today or tomorrow, i know it was shipped but i have no clue when it's going to arrive, I will post my final update when it does arrive, but yeah, that's all for now. Have a good day/evening/night y'all
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 3 months
as someone who both supports the LGBTQ+ community and is part of it, i feel the need to reblog this, it's honestly nuts that some people will just scroll past this
If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
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As a bisexual, it sickens me that some people WILL keep scrolling.
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 3 months
If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
more unfortunate news..
so.. unfortunately, my phone is broken.. again. same issue as before, we're pretty sure a chip inside the phone is corrupted, hoping my dad can make it back from the vet in time to take me to the phone store but i really doubt it. Our foster dog is sick sadly, hopefully she gets better soon, but yh, so imma have to get a new phone either today or tomorrow.. so, that's fun (no it's not, that's sarcasm i swear.) but yh, uhhh.. ty for reading my ramble again-
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
Unfortunate news..
so.. i'm just gonna go ahead and let everyone on here know, that unfortunately, due to me not being able to access my school email anymore, i can no longer log into this account on my phone, which means that I most likely will not be very active on here for a while. However, i do have another Tumblr account that y'all can go ahead and go check out if you'd like!:) @that-0ne-shr00mi3 <- here is the account, go ahead and go check it out, it's going to be my alt for now, or at the very least until school starts up again, i have already followed everyone from here on there as well so dw about that, i will most likely just be reblogging my posts from here onto there, but i will stay logged into here on my laptop. (unfortunately that will be the only thing i am logged into this account on for now.. but that's not the point.)
In other news, I have my phone back, it is working, unfortunately i had to factory reset it which is what signed me out of all of my stuff in the first place:/ Anyways, ty for reading my ramble, go ahead and check out that other account of mine, I will try my best to continue working on posting things for y'all, that will most likely be where i primarily post from for now, at the very least until school starts again. If anyone wants to interract with me at all, that's who you should @ (seriously pls-) uhhh... anyways! ty for reading this, have a good day/evening/night, happy pride month, and don't forget to eat/drink water!<3
(One final note, imma @ the people who i interracted with on a regular basis/who @ me in a lot of things rq so they know what's up-) @boots-with-the-fur-club @phoebepheebsphibs @bookish-karina @iobsesswaytoomuch and @daboyau
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
TY for the tagggg<333 here are my favorite bloggers (some of them i talk to on a regular basis, and others i just enjoy their writing)
@phoebepheebsphibs @boots-with-the-fur-club @littlemissartemisia @iobsesswaytoomuch @remedyturtles @revitalizationrat @risestarkissomega @somerandomdudelmao @beannary @tangledinink
Thank you!
@waxsuyaaa @the-ellia-west @evil-comic-artis-t @illarian-rambling @untoldshortsofthefandoms @bloomblanche
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
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honestly? fair enough.
@dandylovesturtles @remedyturtles @gooeseyleo @iobsesswaytoomuch
Look up your name in the gifs and show the first gif that comes up
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@absurdumsid @inka-boi @childofthest4rzz @tobi-draws @largefound
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
So, i'm gonna go ahead and let y'all know about why i haven't been super active lately, my phone is currently broken. It's not broken in the sense that it won't boot up or anything like that, it'll boot up but not fully. Basically, my phone will power on but it won't get past the screen that normally leads to the screen that will actually allow me into the phone. My dad is taking it to a place today so i'm not gonna be super active on here for a while, the only times that I will be active on here is if i remember to go on here on my laptop (which is what i'm posting this from). So, super sorry to anyone who @'s me in anything or responds to something that i've posted, i most likely will not see it right away. I might have to get a new phone too, but idk yet, i will keep y'all updated as best as i can with what's going on Phone wise. And i will try my best to continue updating AO/TTR, it just won't be as easy since i now don't have a way to use emoji's. If i'm being completely honest, i think i'm gonna put that on a brief pause just until i can either get my phone fixed, or get a new phone (i might have to factory reset my phone but i don't know yet, i'm hoping that the place that my dad is taking my phone too, can fix it but if not then i'm gonna have to factory rest it.) So I do apologize for the inconvenience of both me not responding to much of anything, and for not updating my fic, I will be working on the next part, it most likely just won't get posted for a while since i don't have a way to use the emoji's to differentiate who is who. Anyways, thank you for reading my ramble (sorry ik it's quite long) and I hope that i can get back to updating my fic for y'all and responding to things ASAP!
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
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RIP Kabosu, who inspired one of the most influential memes of all time; Doge.
2/11/2005 - 24/5/24
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
Do you have a sona or canon design??? 👀
AAAAAA, I am unfortunately still working on my sona! However, I might as well give you a canon April design.. I'll probably do a full body too.. welp... Here I go into the unknown of drawing!:D (btw this design will be from my au:>)
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
i’d care if the person i reblogged this from vanished
idc if you reblog this from me but reblog it every time you see one of your friends or mutuals have reblogged it
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
For me, I wanna say the most difficult part isn't necessarily what I'm drawing, but how I'm drawing it? Because the 2003 turtles have got some pretty bulky builds, even when referencing the Fast Forward/BttS proportions where they were noticeably slimmed down, and so it's tricky to strike a balance between giving them enough muscle so that they don't look scrawny/underfed while also not giving them so much muscle that they look ridiculous. (I... I just like a little realism when it comes to my proportions, okay?)
That said, drawing their shells, specifically the back portion, is a pain in the arse.
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that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy · 4 months
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.
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