the-risen-tide · 1 month
Print books are now available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble! ^.^
Guess what everyone, I've finally published a book! ^.^ This is one that I've been working on for a good few years now, and I'd finally felt like it could be put out there.
"Alexia Windrain once thought that she could learn magic. But when her powers failed to manifest, she lived like a servant under a Master Wizard's thumb, barely tolerated, until one fateful day when she would be viciously betrayed by her old teacher for reasons unknown. Saved only by a twist of fate (and a talking cat), her only hope for answers lies across the mountains into the Forbidden Land...a place from which non-magic humans have been banished. Joined by Kaal, the last of the dragons, Alexia must take an odyssey through a world long abandoned and torn apart, through cities haunted by vengeful wraiths, blistering deserts with mysterious predators, and relentless icy wastes hiding wise guardians. Together, the girl and the dragon will rediscover their courage, protect an ancient magic, and face their demons...if the ruthless Bright Souls don't get there first."
Books only available in ebook form for now, print form to follow soon. Cover artwork by Merlin Missingham of DHX Comix. Watch this space for updates! =)
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the-risen-tide · 2 months
Guess what everyone, I've finally published a book! ^.^ This is one that I've been working on for a good few years now, and I'd finally felt like it could be put out there.
"Alexia Windrain once thought that she could learn magic. But when her powers failed to manifest, she lived like a servant under a Master Wizard's thumb, barely tolerated, until one fateful day when she would be viciously betrayed by her old teacher for reasons unknown. Saved only by a twist of fate (and a talking cat), her only hope for answers lies across the mountains into the Forbidden Land...a place from which non-magic humans have been banished. Joined by Kaal, the last of the dragons, Alexia must take an odyssey through a world long abandoned and torn apart, through cities haunted by vengeful wraiths, blistering deserts with mysterious predators, and relentless icy wastes hiding wise guardians. Together, the girl and the dragon will rediscover their courage, protect an ancient magic, and face their demons...if the ruthless Bright Souls don't get there first."
Books only available in ebook form for now, print form to follow soon. Cover artwork by Merlin Missingham of DHX Comix. Watch this space for updates! =)
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the-risen-tide · 3 months
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City Night
I sketched this guy the day after the Lunar New Year ticked over and decided to color him...dragons are my favorite mythical beasties, so I definitely had to draw at least one for the occasion. xP
Everyone have a happy, lucky, and prosperous Year of the Dragon! ^.^
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the-risen-tide · 4 months
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Time for some more art, because I recently called out for emergency commissions. x3 This here's Diego, a character of a friend of mine, enjoying a nice cuppa coffee...or maybe tea, it could be anything as he's from a long-lived race that doesn't really -need- to eat or drink.
I'm rather proud of how this came out, both lighting and anatomy-wise. I'm able to spot more things that don't look right and fix them anyhow. xP
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the-risen-tide · 7 months
THIS. ALL OF THIS. Really, just don't be assholes in general, if you want to read more, then be encouraging, and respect that the authors are PEOPLE who have other things going on and are not entitled to post more of their free stuff just because you want it.
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Please, for the love of god, please don’t be this person. No matter how long it’s been since an update, no matter how many unfinished stories are sitting on their account, no matter what - do not be this person.
Not only is it insanely rude, but you also do more damage than you think be being such a self-entitled ass about something someone created for free and for fun. “This author” can see what you say.
RIP decency indeed.
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the-risen-tide · 7 months
I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat :/ I've joined Discords that came off as welcoming but acted like cliques. Little to no interaction given even when I tried. I'm happy only with the servers my friends are in.
its so fucking embarrassing joining a discord server like hii im a random asshole and heres my stupid attempt at assimilating into possibly years of injokes and personalities that i have to blind read and hope i mesh well with but for now ill just fucking talk to myself publicly in front of everyone i guess because nobody cares about what i have to say
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the-risen-tide · 8 months
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I did some sketches today of the character I'm playing in my group's next D&D campaign, which happens to be Shattered Obelisk.
Silas "Trigger" (He dropped his own surname in favor of a nickname), a chaotic neutral Tiefling Ranger with a criminal background, and should he survive to level 3, the forces that be will make him a Horizon Walker. Handy with skills that will allow him to find and defeat some horrible otherworldly monsters.
That is if he cares long enough. x3 But as per my little flavor text, he's a Jerk with a Heart of Gold-type. I can never make completely evil characters. xP Or if I do they'll have plenty of chances for redeemability.
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the-risen-tide · 9 months
This. I've been having to practice the "show, don't tell" method to my storytelling because I have a need to pause to explain things where it might not be necessary (in fact it rarely is ever, I find). XP I still world-build, but only to prepare to answer questions. X3
I truly cannot think of anything more pointless for a fantasy writer to worry about than "Who domesticated wheat in your world?"
I've seen at least two different threads bring this up. It's so pedantic that it's ridiculous. I'll go so far as to say that answering this question will make your story worse. Unless your plot directly hinges upon the agricultural history of your imaginary realm, there is no reason for anyone in the story to know, mention, bring up, or in even the slightest way care about the answer to that question, and absolutely zippo reason for anyone reading it to take time out of their presumably adult life to take even a microsecond to consider it.
Who domesticated wheat in our world? Does it matter? Does not knowing the answer stop you from having a morning slice of toast?
Stop telling people that they need to create thousands of years of worldbuilding before they can include even the simplest details. You're writing a story, not an encyclopedia. This Cinema Sins approach to worldbuilding is joyless and mean-spirited and it actively makes for worse storytelling.
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the-risen-tide · 10 months
Me: Seeing people all throughout the internet hating on sequels to their favorite movies, shows, etc. and being super judgy about every single story decision, shipping, what-have-you
Me also: Enjoying the ones to mine anyway, because isn’t it awesome that we even got continuations and more depths and stories and characters and new things happening in these awesome universes?!
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the-risen-tide · 1 year
So a couple of posts ago I put up a rather gushing review of the sequel to my favorite anime. x3  Since then, my writing muse has been nonstop flooding my brain with fanfiction ideas, mostly little fluffy romantic thoughts and missing moment stuff featuring Sesshomaru and Rin and their family...and as I take any excuse to grab the fickle and rare jewel that is motivation to write, a small but growing collection of short stories has come to fruition. x3
I wanted to share it here as I share all my fanfics (if not directly, there’s still a link to my FF.net if anyone would like to peruse x3), but as I lurk around the fanworks, I still see a lot of by-now ridiculous hate towards what is a very beautiful (and very canon) love story, that I was hesitant to do so.
Then I thought, “Wait...if I don’t post, that means I’m letting the haters win.
Can’t have that, can we?!”
The Sun, the Moon and the Ages
So there’s a link on my AO3 to my Inuyasha/Yashahime inspired short story collection for my fellow like-mindeds.  It’s also on my FF.net!  Both collections are updated at the same time, whenever I do, which has been lately roughly five to seven days or so between stories. x3  I hope you all find it and enjoy. ^.^
Letting my fellow fans know that I’m not easily intimidated by toxicity. :3
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the-risen-tide · 1 year
Pfff I already imagine a meeting room in my headspace where they debate or something
you should absolutely give your ocs relationships with each other because nobody can object to you coming up with the most hilariously insane dynamics for them when they literally belong to you
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the-risen-tide · 1 year
Wow, I can see I’ve already attracted a naysayer in my notes. x3 I dunno if that speaks of the fandom itself, or if it speaks of the fandom as it is on Tumblr.
Regardless, I love a good debate; so instead of instantly going for the block-hammer, I’m first going to offer some counterpoints, which I feel everyone should have seen if they’d watched the show in its entirety (so, spoilers, kinda).
1. I’m not saying Sesshomaru is perfect.  Nor am I saying the writing is perfect (one thing I don’t really get is whether or not he knew what powers the Rainbow Pearls would give the girls other than enhanced demon abilities (seemingly), and where the heck a portal through time that dragged Towa off came from; I may have to watch the episodes a few more times).  BUT,
2. You have to take a look at his actions from a demon’s point of view, and not a human’s (the characters acknowledge in the very last episode that his actions were questionable, but as a whole they were all about giving them all the opportunity to come into their own strength; the “rite of courage and cowardice”).  He still wanted the girls to live for Rin’s sake, and if you look at it through a demon’s point of view, he was pretty generous in making sure they had the best chance of survival:
3.  Giving them the Rainbow Pearls.  Sealing them away from his ACTIVELY HUNTING FOR THEM enemy’s eyes in a barrier.  Having Jaken watch over them as they grew and then spiriting Setsuna away in a protected half-demon village once she was out of the fire.  All without arm’s reach, because he still had to project an air of ruthlessness around his enemies, and let them believe that the girls were dead, when in fact:
4. Everyone seems to underestimate the powers of a half-demon.  He first-hand knows not to, having his ass handed to him by Inuyasha several times in the original show. xP  Could he have helped the girls out of the fire?  Yes, but that wouldn’t have stopped Zero and Kirinmaru from continuing to go after them with more and probably worse inescapable methods, showing that arguably the strongest demon lord in the show has a weakness.  At that point he had to trust in the circumstances that he’d put into motion and make them believe they’d succeeded.
5. Once they grew up enough to no longer be bystanders to the fight, he still came to help them on several occasions; if not by directly doing so, then by showing his daughters what they could surely do with their abilities (in one notable moment that he DID help, he freaking took a LETHAL BLAST from Kirinmaru, directed at them).  Not once did he ever show that he didn’t believe in them (which, again, was pointed out by Moroha in the last episode when they were doubting that themselves).
One questionable moment doesn’t make character regression; he’s made up for it with plenty of other good actions.  He’s still come a very long way since the events of Inuyasha; even WITHIN the events of it...you don’t even need to look that deeply between the lines.
And that’s my other two cents. xP
So I’ve just finished binge-watching through both seasons of Yashahime (I was really excited to finally see the whole thing dubbed on Hulu; Inuyasha has been one of my favorite anime shows when I was younger, and I found the sequel series to be great as well).
But okay, the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WRITING though…!  A character trope that I absolutely adore is the “heel-face-turn”, when a villain/antagonist turns into a good/better person over time, and when it’s well-done, it’s my bread and butter (among lots of other well-done writing tropes, but I digress).
We first meet Sesshomaru in Inuyasha as a ruthless demon who hates humans and half-demons, and has designs to build an empire on conquest…but throughout the rather large timeline of the rest of the show, he becomes the recurring B-plot character who goes through a good amount of inner growth, some of which can arguably be more compelling than the A-plot, because he remains a very stoic and enigmatic being dealing with lots of flaws, and the characters and the audience learn to read him through his actions.
When we meet him again in Yashahime, he’s a father, who goes through hell and back to keep his human wife and half-demon daughters safe, and said daughters are the main characters of the show.
Needless to say I don’t think I’ve gushed so hard over a single character before. XD
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the-risen-tide · 2 years
My BatIM fanfic has been updated again, finally! :3  Hope those who read enjoy Chapter 10, wherein a Machine is dealt with and a little devil is fought to be freed, once and for all.
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the-risen-tide · 2 years
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Before I forget, I’m still on a D&D high, so I drew a ref sheet of one of my more recent characters, who won’t stop prancing around in my head.  Of course it’s the Bard x3 Although he’s not really the prancing type.
Danxem “The Dreaming Strings” (he plays a violin), a Black Dragonborn Bard of Creation.  I have to admit I had fun trying to emulate the Black dragon underbite without making him look like a nightmare. x3  He has the Urchin background; his mentor, who took him in from the streets, is a Bard of the College of Whispers, the more shady and sometimes unscrupulous school.  Though Danxem owes his mentor for everything and was his inspiration into the world of music, he chose the College of Creation to rise above the shameful acts and deceit on the dark side of the world, wanting to instead make people happy and the impossible possible...even if he has criminal underworld ties that he’d love to sever and can’t so easily.
A character quirk of his is that he cannot use his acid breath weapon; there’s a bit of trauma associated with it.
And yes, I know Dragonborn aren’t supposed to have tails, but my DM allows it, so long as it’s only for cosmetic purposes (from what I’ve seen, a lot of people love giving their Dragonborn tails as well anyway xP).
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the-risen-tide · 2 years
And here we go again, yet another new chapter of my BatIM fanfic, because I guess I wanted to churn my way through this thing. x3 Lots of new inspiration for writing I suppose, it sure ain’t a bad thing. :3
The ink is drained...the door is opened...an unexpected new ally is gained, and the most emotional truth yet is finally revealed.  What will our heroes do when they face an enemy that’s bigger than any of them?
I must also say that upon writing this, I realize that there might have been some inspiration from Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein in creating the Ink Demon. x3
Do enjoy!
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the-risen-tide · 2 years
For anyone interested, I’ve finally finished the latest chapter of my BatIM fanfic!  Took me a while, but I think I’ve got my writing motivation back some. x3  Go check it out, and if you haven’t read the rest of it and are interested, give it a try!  It’s fun writing these characters, especially Betty Boop, who I’ve finally made sure is still an integral part of the story after being unintentionally shoved into the background for a little bit. x3
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the-risen-tide · 2 years
Has anyone else’s posts from people they’re following just disappeared from their feed all of a sudden? :/  Like, I haven’t posted here on this page in a bit, but since today all I’m seeing is my last one and that of one other person.
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