theartofindie · 4 years
The brilliantly punchy EP by Paula Luna, ‘False Hopes and Expectations’
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I have taken a break from writing for the past few months to truly reflect on life amongst the current situations we are faced with in our world. Even though there’s anguish and unrest which needs to play out for change, music brings people together. I had the honour of getting a sneak peak of Chilean born rocker, Paula Luna’s EP. Having reviewed her Debut single, ‘I Don’t Owe You Shit’ a little while back, I was so excited to listen to more of her captivating music. False Hopes and Expectations is the Debut EP of Paula Luna, comprised of four imaginative pieces of music that will truly get you stirring in a whirlwind of grunge and nostalgia.
This artist has brought back grunge in a modern, creative way. Exploring the inner depths of dissonant guitar chords, melodies and powerful vocals, all songs exemplify the balance of attitude and realness. The Degradation of Memory, being the first single on the record, exudes 90′s vibes mixed with My Chemical Romance inspiration that throws guitar chords to the front of the song which I adored. Luna’s voice is meaningful, portraying a poetic set of lyrics that fit perfectly with the rhythm. Imagine a mix of grunge, rock, darkness, indie and fierceness all having a party. I can imagine it whilst listening to this song and you don’t want it to end.
Luna’s vocals captivate me from the get go. In ‘... And Mean It’ , the pure, rough and warm tone to her voice enlightens the song even further with the rhythmic guitar and punchiness in the choruses. I don’t know about you but the heavy sounds of the drums gets me so involved in a song and Luna nails the concept. I love the idea of bouncing off the rhythm whilst staying behind the beat at various points of a song. Guess what I’m about to say... She nailed it. The playfulness and attitude in this rock hit breaks the conventional structure of rock which enforces the artist’s uniqueness.
‘I Don’t Owe You Shit’ is the angst you crave to let out once in a while. Luna’s vocals are engulfed with attitude and mystery yet in the choruses, there is no holding back as she exclaims her feelings with roughness, range and power. The guitars are her best friend in this song as they carry her message of grungy, indie chords that ring with distortion. This is a personal favourite of mine as it reminds me a lot of female power and raw honesty from a musician.
When you come to the last song, ‘It’s Not Too Late’, the song plays with lightness and airiness in its rock inspiration as Luna’s softer voice appears, conveying emotion and that playful side we love. Then, the crashes and distortion creates an explosive atmosphere with dark, powerful vocals taking over the show. Let’s just say, it’s not too late to be inspired by grungy vocalists and massive guitars. Paula Luna is creating her own show whilst being inspired by various artists. This EP is fierce. It’s grungy, punchy and nevertheless brilliant!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0foBpvCT7AjvR0ffjIkOkg?si=i8i1epyPTJSe31D3q2vmhQ
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘Haunting, Compelling and Mesmerising’ We indulge in the dark pop single by Alexander Bondor (Released by Chill n Bass/OTRMG)
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Artist Commentary: “Gold is my song of freedom, my release from the “warmth of a cage” that was my previous life. It was a life where everything was planned before it even happened, no surprises, just a safety net waiting for me every step of the way. Even though this would be coveted by many, I always wanted to answer that “call of the void”, I wanted to be free falling into a life of magic, fairytales and adventures. I wanted to be “looking for Gold”. I met Patrick, my producer a few years ago and he helped me search for this. Now, after everything settled, I am so thrilled with the fact that we managed to find Gold together. This is why him and I are like family. We are working on many things together and soon people will discover more and more chapters of my story”
I go through constant motions and endless cycles, searching for new music that means something from the first note, the first lyric even to the last. Searching for music is a literal and spiritual journey. Being enveloped into something so special can be rare but when you find it, the song becomes a part of you, a part of your day, a part of your wellbeing and perhaps a little something to get you through a really tough day. I want you to close your eyes, immerse yourself in a completely translucent world, where everything makes sense even if it doesn’t. I want you to embrace the writing, the talent and sheer honesty created by an artist with such integrity and ability. 
Alexander Bondor is a versatile artist, originally from Romania, who has embarked on a musical voyage. The diverse talent recently released his first single, Gold, under the labels Chill n Bass and OTRMG, woking alongside K/O to produce and express his emotions and challenges in a beautiful, melodic piece that can warm the coldest of hearts. The emotive piano playing from the beginning swells around his warm tonality and storytelling. The lyrics hit home and you’re suddenly understanding how he’s feeling from the very first sentence. The songwriting facilitates its attributes by telling the story of one person however we can all find some refuge in the overall message. 
‘I’ve been looking for gold but I found only tin
I’ve been looking for love but I found only sin’
Simplicity at its finest as he starts to sing the first few lines that ring in your brain, perhaps a memory resurfaces and you start to think about them all over again. With other powerful lyrics playing over the mesmerising melodies and harmonies in the background, the lyrics are the centre of attention, calling you to memorise each word and syllable as if life depended on it. I found beauty in the poetry of the song with his strong songwriting skills. Some of my favourite lines including:
‘I’ve seen the fortune and fame that I want to get, Through the loneliest smoke of a cigarette’
‘I’ll be as free as a bird while releasing my rage, But I can’t do it all from the warmth of a cage’
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The pain expressed through the song releases a passionate outcry about the artist’ dreams and hopes. A way we can all relate where something in our lives didn’t quite go to plan, our careers seem to be falling down a slope of hopefulness or relationships dividing you into another dimension. However, it is music like this that gets us to talk, to communicate our emotions in healthy, explorative ways, just like he has. The subtle, soothing tones of his voice release such emotion and hope, it’s hard not to listen to the songs and stories all over again on repeat. Along with the strong writing theme, the music flows amazingly throughout with beautiful violin melodies, dreamy piano notes and electronic beats to give an extra taste of modern dark pop. The chorus, although haunting and compelling, has an uplifting vibe where I honestly imagined myself in a meadow, shouting out all my worries and anxieties away to then retire to my sanctuary of positivity. This song was created for people who needed hope in their dreams or relationships or even themselves. The song exasperates incredible artistry that I cannot wait to hear what Alexander Bondor has next, to carry on his sundry sound of creativity. 
Listen to the song with a different approach or perhaps many. You’ll find yourself questioning things, realising things and understand how one song can be so thought provoking, emotional and raw. I’ll leave you with the golden lyric:
‘Because I’m sick and tired of standing in line, To see the start of a life that I don’t wanna make mine’
                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Listen to Gold here and make sure to follow the artist for updates and an upcoming music video:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1gAw6P0lVVcgVZlCcGiKlx?si=ih7JzGbASs-Yc7MD55u0Rw 
iTunes: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/gold-feat-k-o-omega-instrumental-mix/1480859422?i=1480859773 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7X1yK8bHfs 
Alexander Bondor: https://www.instagram.com/alexanderbondor/ 
Label: http://www.chillnbass.com/bio 
(Picture does not belong to me. Credits to Artist and Team)
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘A Vibrant, Mellow and Melancholy Masterpiece’ We review Claire Pitt Wigmore’s new single, My Nostalgia.
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It was a Sunday and I was in dire need of new music that could hopefully release some emotion and integrity. The sun was beaming, my curtains were open and my window had some speckles of dirt. It was a sign for me to start writing and to start listening to a song a dear friend of mine recently released. Claire Pitt Wigmore is a multi-instrumentalist from Margate, Kent in the UK who blows away people on a daily basis with her mad piano skills and breathtaking guitar playing. Having seen Claire play live numerous times, she always had a way with her guitar that made people captivated by her creative light. When I saw she released her first single, I jumped to the opportunity to write about her new adventure. Being in bands, exploring numerous genres and vibes, Claire has found her niche in an indie paradise I never want to leave.  
From the first chord that was struck, I imagined Kurt Cobain bopping his head whilst smoking a cigarette in his Seattle home. Although vaguely reminiscent of 90’s rock, it gave away a modern take on Indie music with relaxed, aspirate vocals that suited the calming verses throughout the song as well as some well spaced guitar chords that set the mood. Imagine yourself in a room with velvet furniture, dimmed lights and classic rockbound posters on the wall. You’ve had a pretty overwhelming day with personal shit and relaxation is the only thing you wish for. ‘My Nostalgia’ is your anecdote. This song is by far one of the most calming, relaxing indie songs I have come across with Claire’s dreamy vocals and intoxicating guitar riffs. The chorus enlightens you with a more upbeat approach in the drums and her vocals expanding in pitch. 
I heard inspirations of Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Wolf Alice and more however it’s originality hit me with the song’s constant melody and rhythm pulsating through my body. You are pulled into a world of haunting beauty no matter in which part of the song you’re in. Claire has created a truly overwhelming piece of music we can all relate to. Her talents are shown through every segment of the piece with her guitar playing and lyrics, having written the whole song herself. I was taken a back, not knowing exactly what to expect. I expected something glorious knowing how talented of a musician she is but I really was addicted to the sound and effortless mastery behind the song. Its simplicity is the most beautiful part of it as it masters a raw take of indie music with emotion. The melodic guitar riff and solos in between really captures the true essence of Claire Pitt Wigmore as she invites you into her mind of musical nature. Claire NAILED it. 
This multi-instrumentalist is one to look out for as she soars through her music career with a humble, professional and imaginative attitude. This single is officially one of my favourite songs of the year, especially to review. It’s a gift that will mesmerise and relax you, evoking all types of emotions which is a songwriter’s loving achievement. Claire also plays in bands such as NIFTY and Squangey Bobbins, based in Kent, as she shares her musical abilities for everyone to indulge to. Thank you Claire for releasing such a great piece of music and everyone wants to hear what you have next in store. 
Follow Claire Pitt Wigmore on the links below and if you haven’t listed to My Nostalgia yet, what are you waiting for?! 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClairePittWigmoreMusic 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clairepittwigmore/ 
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/6ZnqYge7KV0n1NmlIbpoxl?si=0-NFuO8ETJWl9iEy9dvh2g 
Single released by: https://www.facebook.com/LazyDazeRecs 
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘Imaginative, Innovative, Interesting’ I embrace Nigel Thomas’ new album, ‘Well well’
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Writing is a powerful source of putting your energy into a creative outlet. It’s something I enjoy, need to do as a form of sanity to make sure I’m in tact, still alive. The same with music. Most of us find comfort in its ways of security, enlightenment ‘feel good’-esque idiosyncrasies that we hear all round us. The pop songs, dominating the industry to the independent artists who beat their own drum, in fact, I found refuge in a new album where this artist does what writing and music should be doing together. A rhythmic, stylistic trophy full of catchy lyrics and relatable themes. A creative outlet of writing and music embodied in an album called well well. I am indeed talking about Nigel Thomas and his incredible new piece of work.
Nigel Thomas is a London based singer and songwriter with a history of great musical success. Starting out in Indie band, The Foxes, touring and singing with singles hitting the Indie charts, he’s now released something so tasteful, it struck a chord with me from the first song, Rita. An emblem of jazz chords mimicked by a piano to the likes of The Boomtown Rats days, it turns jovial and joyful within seconds. A harmonica, praising a country melody with the rhythm, continuing its upbeat flair. A great opening song with strong, dynamic vocals from Thomas, it gives an immediate insight of what to expect in the album. It kept me excited, in suspense.
Track two, Stepping Up, features lovely indie themes with a mix of country blues. My favourite part being the chorus with its catchy phrasing and vocal performance. The surprising guitar solo distorts its way through with its surprising uplift, tying the song altogether. I beckon to remember country and Indie rock mixing into something so alternative and unspoken. Thomas has created his own category. ‘I’ve Seen Forever’ is a song I will forever be grateful coming across. Simple acoustic guitar meets whimsical harmonies from Thomas throughout the song. Drums dropping in with a strong beat and story behind it. The mix of fast phrasing from the lyrical standpoint is extraordinary. The surprises just keep on coming…
Bring it on, a song called ‘Your Fire’. I have figured out Thomas’ fire from this song. An inspired view of Artic Monkeys yet better. I said it. It’s punchy, it’s catchy, it’s in your face so much that from the first note, my face did that thing. You know? Where your face scrunches because the raunchy guitar is so funky and the melodies intwine into a vine of complete dirtiness that your face creates this smirk. A smirk of real appreciation for fine music. As I continue exploring this album, the Indie Rock inspirations ensue through with melodic riffs and focused vocals that really open your mind up. Every song came as a surprise, a little bit unexpected yet familiar.
‘Alchemy Rose’ brings me back to my days of a rocker teenager who believed that outcasts were the future. The type of teen that locked herself in her room whilst praising my Kurt Cobain poster, listening to My Chemical Romance on repeat (on CD, of course) to then tweet how shit school is because nobody quite gets you, even though you don’t want them too. The angst of the song is 2000’s modern mayhem. It’s beautiful. 
The mothership docks at bay. ‘Smiling and Laughing’, the last track. Thank god for this because as much as I loved the rest of the songs, I heard my trusty friend, the ukulele, swimming its way through the melodic, happy song, ensuring the title of the track lived up to its promise. It most certainly did with its cheery, anthemic message. A little Indie surprise that brought me back to The Beach Boys making a sudden appearance. 
Overall, a great, feel good album that has a lot of promise, punch and integrity with the artist’ routes really showing through every single song. The finished product is an Indie go to for all of those people who want some different yet recognisable. It’s a creative outlet of music and writing, wrapped up with a ukulele shaped bow at the end. 
Listen to Nigel Thomas’ new album, well well, in the links below. Follow his social media with the links below. Show your support by sharing this article. 
Latest Single Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHTSZJCHFgs 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nigelsongs 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nigelsongs 
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theartofindie · 5 years
Latenight Honeymoon, Live @ The Finsbury, London (24/08/2019) ‘Four fires on stage created an electric experience’
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                                            (Photos: Zombtory Photography)
London is a bustling, alive city full of small venues for music acts to show their original material to the world. Whether you’re an acoustic guitarist, playing some mellow tunes to an intimate crowd or a loud rock band creating an atmosphere of pinned up aggression, angst and delight. There’s something for everyone in the city and I was lucky to come across four guys who call themselves Latenight Honeymoon. The Alt Rock band hail from Enfield Town, making indie tunes with a spice of alternative flavours and catchy melodies. The excitement and build up to the event lead to high expectations, with the band recently performing at TRUCK Festival and supporting Bloc Party. I remember standing around with a friend, waiting for this band as I queued their singles on Spotify one after the other. Ready and set, other bands performed which set the mood until everyone crowded in the venue foretelling this upcoming band that has created their own bracket of indie goodness. 
Dark room. Positive Crowd. Green lights. I’m at the front and the music starts. First chord is struck, I’m taken a back as the aura of the band has lifted everyone onto a level of zestful fun. Two singers and guitarists, Tom and Ted, rocked out in front of me, in their own world, playing the songs like there was no tomorrow. I reminded myself that I was in a small venue and not the O2. It felt empowering to know this fantastic band performed as if there were a hundred thousand of us. They entered with their dazzling outfits, smart and brisk, rocking to their tunes with great musicianship and communication. Their popular single, Live Your Life Without Me, captivated me from the get go as the crowd sang along. The dynamics were on point, their performance was extraordinary and all I could think about was how this band needed to be seen more. This compulsivity lead through me to make sure people know about them because this gig blew me away. They kept the crowd involved through every song, blasting their musical pieces to every single person in that room. The warmth between everyone in the darkness lit up such an energising storm, the guitars and rhythmic drums pulsating through our veins with such angst and desire, it was illuminating.
One of my favourite songs by the indie rockers was Forever Blue. Tom’s beautifully pitched vocals created such an emphasis of professionalism, showing his true talents and voice could really tell a story whilst keeping up with dreamy guitar lines. His voice went higher and higher and I’m pretty sure everyone in the room stood in silence, swaying to the beauty of a delicate yet ponderous song that weeped with promise and rectitude. The set lead into some heavier stuff with songs like Bonnie & Clyde, leading Tom and Ted to jump into the crowd, perfecting their showmanship with messy hair and loud singing, it ended the night perfectly. I’ve been to many gigs but it was one of the best gigs I had attended. Latenight Honeymoon are genuinely humble dudes who play their music with meaning and honesty that just makes you want to hear more. The band are touring in October, hopefully releasing new music that I’m sure we’re all anticipating. This band is one to watch, literally, as well as to watch in the future. The creativity and illusiveness is mesmerising, that’s it, a mesmerising band. Follow their social media for tour updates and remember, if you’re looking for four beings with electrifying talent, Latenight Honeymoon are your go to music stop. 
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LatenightHoneymoon/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latenighthoneymoon/ 
Photography: @zombtory
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘Angst, Honesty and Fierceness’ We listen to Paula Luna’s new single, ‘I Don’t Owe You Shit’
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I was lucky enough to have exclusive access to this song. Headphones on, closed eyes and a glass of water (keep hydrated kids). I entered a dark, truth telling tale of a woman who has so clearly experienced a situation beyond compare, refuging within a creative space for her to tell a story. The title says it all with the grungy guitar and backbeat, mixed with the solidifying vocals and lyrics. Luna’s storytelling is apparent, from the first verse to the last. The roughness in her voice is addictive as well as the bluesy guitar tunes, distorting through the verses and clearing with some calm, jazzy chords post chorus. 
The punchy vocals, to me, sounds like Luna is speaking to this person, with anger, with truth behind her voice. The singing becomes secondary which I thought worked really well with the song. Her strong vocals have musical inspiration alongside a familiarity of Gwen Stefani, whom Luna admires. The music is driven, in your face, similar to the likes of Arctic Monkeys. The mix of raw storytelling and rock driven music is something I don’t hear anymore so to hear it today with a  fierce woman telling her story of strength, it’s beyond fathomable, beyond legendary. 
Chilean born Paula Luna exudes fierceness, not only with her song, but her growing music career that I’m on the lookout for. My appreciation for women in rock, women in music is ever-growing. Mainly, I love to see women feel and be empowered, to know they can speak their truth and share stories with the world, no matter the detail, how big or small, we can listen and look at them through a creative aspect. To listen to Luna’s vocals and rock n’ roll inspired music is something quite cathartic for me. The diversity and sheer honesty beyond her makes an exhilarating listening experience. 
Thank God for the guitar solos! I heard the solo halfway throughout the song which I crave whilst listening to rock anthems. It told its own story, structured and heartfelt, just like the song. Musically, the song is driven, catchy, punchy and alternative. The vocals are rough, enlightening with slightest taste of twang, favoured in rock music. It’s great to hear a female musician, simply putting herself out there in a creative whirlwind. Rock n’ Roll and Feminism. Two of my favourite things. She doesn’t owe this person anything, she doesn’t owe us anything, she doesn’t owe us shit, except for more amazing, fresh music. 
Catch ‘I Don’t Owe You Shit’ now:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1fm1QuXQBEUFkRQejNeDeU?si=aFHT23IhRu2otl4fDUZd4A 
Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kvRvHAc1PGw&feature=youtu.be 
Soundcloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/paulalunamusic/i-dont-owe-you-shit 
Paula Luna: www.instagram.com/iampaulaluna 
(Currently accepting submissions. Please contact me on: [email protected]
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘A raw take of rhythm and emotional response’ Single Review of the extraordinary, ‘Hard To Sleep’ by NIFTY
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Rapper with live band, NIFTY, are set to release their new single, ‘Hard to Sleep’ soon and I got exclusive access to the single. I had an expectation of what I’d hear since I’ve seen NIFTY live as well as listening to a few of their other tracks. I knew it was going to be punchy, to the point, honest and heartfelt. When I watched them live, Harvey’s vocal performance was clear and rhythmic whilst the band were melodically in sync, feeling every note they played. Generally, rap music is something I’m not completely familiar with. However, listening to this song with rock application in the guitar riffs, an emotional chorus that a whole crowd could get behind to amplify and a bass line that enlightens the soul, my whole view of rap changed.
You’re gifted with a Santana’esque guitar riff in the beginning leading into a soulful bass line that ties the verse altogether. The lyrics tying fast, straight to the point with the instruments, al most taking their time, it works. It works so well with the rhythm, the melodies, the rapping that it portrays a whole story in itself. The chorus blasts out with raw lyrics of ‘ I find it hard to sleep, sometimes it’s hard to breathe’ with the guitar supporting its outcry of storytelling. The groove is unquestionably my favourite part as it carries the chorus into a catchy interlude. The lyrics are outspoken, relatable, something we can all adhere to somewhere in our lives with Davey’s truthful vocals telling us what we all think about. 
This song surprised me in the way of not hearing this type of music often. The nostalgic guitar riffs and groovy licks made me al most want to protest. The protest of making sure music like this is heard. Making sure Rap and Rock is incorporated into a delightful mix of musical taste in everyone’s palette. Each time the song grew and played, the more things I heard, lyrically and musically. The pure angst and raw emotion in the lyrics as well as the instruments all tied in to make an extraordinary revolution of tasteful mayhem. A mix of funk, rock, rap and soul is something I would imagine to be complicated, perhaps easily forgettable however NIFTY designed their own genre with this song. An undefined piece of music that shouldn’t have a label. You take out of it what you hear. You take solitude and feelings with the lyrics whilst dancing to the undeniable groove the band possesses naturally. 
Overall, my expectations were beyond met. The creativity behind this band is one to watch, hopefully inspiring all sorts of musicians to broaden their musical boundaries and for listeners to broaden their tastes with open minds because this single shows me that the raw talent of songwriting, musicianship and creativity can really create something emotionally spectacular. 
Catch ‘Hard To Sleep’ on the 12th of July on NIFTY’s Social Media:
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/NIFTYRAPPER/
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/niftyband/ 
Single Release Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/856824697991656/ 
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘The tranquil world of Frequency.Fixer’ We explore the imagination of this Ambient, World Artist
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Have you ever laid in bed, no urgency to fall asleep, tired and unfazed? Or you’re trying to channel that inner spiritual being of yours because the positivity on a Monday morning is at an all time low? Yes, same. I found a possible solution to help you sleep better and to gain some good energy for the week. I’m of course speaking about Frequency.Fixer and his albums of delightfulness. 
I came across a recent album, entitled ‘Travel Music (World)’. On that day of its discovery, I moped around my apartment, dreaming of the sun as the clouds were hanging low in the sky whilst the humidity hit my body. Spotify at the ready, I pressed play. At one push of a button, I was sold. Introduced by the melodic intro track, ‘All The Sounds’, echoes of sitaars and plucked tunes made an instant smile appear on my face. Then skipping to ‘Danza De La Luna’ with Latin-inspired themes of acoustic guitar, shakers and bongos, encapsulated with world music central stylings. It’s a pleasant surprise that you just keep on getting sold by, song by song. I added ‘Solo La Luna’ to my daily meditation playlist whilst listening to the wondrous chants in ‘Native Angel’.
I’ve been a fan of world music ever since I can remember. The need to connect with the earth and our surroundings is something I’ve always found important in my daily routine. Music plays a huge part in that, particularly in this case being world music with its calming tone and relaxation tools. Frequency.Fixer incorporates modern musical themes in the most creative aspects whilst still keeping traditional world music techniques in mind. 
Through this interesting find, the album ‘The Paths Are Unclear’ resonated with me. The pure difference between this album and the latter was the sheer beauty of pain, raw emotion of sombreness. A lot more classical instruments and minor theories thrown in the mix. ‘Ascension’ should be a movie soundtrack, the part where two lovers see each other and in the mist, one gets killed whilst the other painfully watches. ‘Waiting For The Kiss That Never Came’ should be in that film where an apocalypse happens, the wife waiting for her husband to come back with rations, to find out he turned into a zombie, her world collapsed. I’m getting besides the point in my movie director aspirations but my conclusion has come to this: Frequency.Fixer is the ultimate composer of all genres with his ambient compositions coming from all over the world. He has created his own genre, his own instrumental world that we can all relate to in some way. Get your yoga playlists ready as well as your popcorn because this artist is one to watch!
Find Frequency.Fixer’s tracks here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5EQzpixKKu3GTmu3J7ZhXg?si=s1YMmR9rSnSkzPjodEb6xg 
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theartofindie · 5 years
‘A breath of fresh air’ We inhale the synthadelic, melodic track by Mostly Bones
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Stumbling upon a growing melody made of synths and distorted undertones, you’re welcomed by a light yet striking piece of music. Of course talking about Mostly Bones’ new track, An Almost Recognisable Place. How I relate to that title as I started following the string like movement of the melody and mainline, it took me back to a place in my childhood, running through a forest, family behind me, as I restored my imagination of fairies and goblins besides the trees of the pathway. Although my interpretation of the melody was quite a throwback, it takes you to another place, nonetheless. 
The song grows stronger with its electronic backbeat and harpy placement of the symphony. A little nod of the head is what you’ll find yourself doing, possibly dancing like Stevie Nicks with your embroidered shawl, wind blowing through your fabulous locks. The whimsical elements of synth pop appears in an out of the song, contagious as the hook stays in your system. It has a retro feel, one comparing to old school video games perhaps. The strings in the background creating a base emphasis, the synths carrying the main melody whilst a modern backbeat withholds a sense of relaxing, familiar rhythms. 
Halfway throughout the song, a modulation appears in the instrumental track which somehow makes sense, even though it probably shouldn’t. A minor transition equalling to a surprising uplift. The crescendo is a cinematic finale of the song, the instruments coming together, dropping out, fading in, out, making its way through the world. 
Overall, a brilliant little tune that’s sure to make you have a good day, have a think about some nature around us or to let us know how alive we are in the moment. The electronic track is a modern, poetic piece that really withstands so much potential and promise. Book a one way ticket to Synth City and enjoy the ride. We can’t wait to hear what Mostly Bones has in store for us next!
Listen to the song with these links:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2bH1ftksj64iJ93lYKT3yw
Youtube: https://youtu.be/d5hb6y4wqZ8 
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/an-almost-recognisable-place/1454068837?i=1454068843&app=itunes
Make sure to also follow Mostly Bones on Facebook for his latest music updates:
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theartofindie · 6 years
King No-One:’Punchy, Powerful and Equal’ Live review at Camden Assembly
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I’m stepping into an all brick wall room that can fit just under one hundred people, with a bar at the back and some teenage girls right at the front, waiting for the opening acts to appear. The atmosphere is booming, the lights are bright and after two acts, the main group enter from the side and there they are, King No-One. ‘Constellations’, one of their most popular singles, starts erupting into the air like wild fire with everyone, including myself, jumping around like excited hooligans. We’re proud to see such an open, indie band play with such conviction and honesty.
As the setlist goes on, lead singer Zach Lount, stops to make an announcement about equality, feminism and how they do not tolerate any hatred or discrimination at their shows. They want everyone to feel safe, comfortable and to be able to enjoy themselves with no limitations. It’s enlightening and respectful for a growing rock band to make a stance that a lot of other bands won’t even slightly mention. Maybe because it’s not cool to mention feminism anymore? 
‘Two Islands’ is on, a crescendo single of theirs that talks about love and its feelings. ‘Alcatraz’ bursts into flames with Camden Assembly singing every single lyric alongside Lount. Drummer, James is electric and guitarist, Joe is plucking out sweet melodies amongst the theatrical climax in the show. The boys are energetic and unforgettable. It ended way too quickly and with that,  they need a bigger room to fit a wider audience. Camden Assembly could barely hold their contagious electricity. We’re all equal but King No-One know how to stand out.
(Photo does not belong to me. Original Content belongs to photographer, Sara Feigin) 
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theartofindie · 6 years
‘The beauty of simplicity’ We take a look at HAERTS’ new album, ‘New Compassion’
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The German indie pop group are back at it again with a forty-six minute sensation that’s sure to make you travel to a whimsical, folky world. The duo released this in October 2018, sticking with their sole intentions to their roots of indie folk with synthy undertones and anthemic instruments. It opens up with atmospheric ‘No Love For The Wild’ which amplify’s Nini Fabi’s beautiful voice. You get hit with a growing phase of spirituality and contentment. The album protrudes folk and indie elements which captures your childhood innocence and unsure adulthood. 
‘The Way’ is a punchy, Fleetwood Mac-esque, folk anthem that exudes enriching organ sounds and painful lyrics by Fabi. The songs tell a story and create emphasis on the lyrics. The vocals are full of reverb and comprises of a lot of high notes that really shows off the lyrics and meaning of them. The backing vocals are superb with graceful harmonies very similar to typical, gospel songs even with a mix of ABBA sounding harmonies which works really well with the sound HAERTS are aiming for.
‘Gone, gone like you’ve never been, now I’m gone with the sky, in the ways of the wind’ is the opening line of ‘Sign’ on the album. The acoustic start is promising but surprises me with its electro pop build-up but falls back to a simple structure. You expect a crescendo as it's a ‘typical’ song manner to include in music. Hitting the chorus, it’s angelic, crisp and spiritual. We hear similar sounds of gospel attributes and organ chords mixing with powerful harmonies. It’s a standout method in ‘New Compassion’ as we listen on.
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I was waiting to be caught off guard as it’s an interesting feeling to have when listening to a new album. I got it, with the song ‘Fighter’. The starting notes of fusion and background vocals leading into an 80’s bass rhythm in the background got my foot tapping faster than I could have known. The build up is exciting and the crescendo is spiritual. HAERTS take you on a spiritual journey with every song but this was definitely a stand out with a powerful chorus, shouting out a message about weakness and strength beyond compare. 
The album is a psychedelic underworld with 60’s vibes and undertones that will take you back to a place you didn’t even know existed. The band, signed to label Arts and Crafts, have released an album that’s shown them for who they are and who they will continue to be with extreme growth and musicianship. The enlightening album has folk, psychedelia, pop, electro, indie goodness that’s guaranteed to get your foot tapping or heart singing. Songs such as ‘Your Love’ off the album have been in famous tv shows like ’13 Reasons Why’ as their album continues to grow with integrity and humility.
In a recent interview with BlackBook, Fabi mentions that their writing has always been about processing and healing, getting things off their chest. This album has simplified, summarised yet poured out every inch of their soul onto a record. ‘New Compassions’ is an album for processing and healing in a simpler art form. 
(Photos do NOT belong to me. Belongs to owner)
References: https://bbook.com/arts-culture/blackbook-interview-haerts-return-new-single-album-way/
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theartofindie · 6 years
‘For those few hours, I was just having the time of my life!’ Why scrutinising function band work is old news. This freelance vocalist sets it straight.
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 I always hear some musicians, particularly experienced folk, speak about how wedding bands are lowest of the low when it comes to performing and how function work is the epitome of music. However I wanted to see what it’s really like from the perspective of an independent woman who’s in a function band to see how it feels and what she really thinks. I interviewed the enthusiastic Phoebe Brooks who decided to set it straight when it comes to function work.
If you could introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little bit of yourself:
I’m Phoebe, nineteen and I study music performance as a vocalist at ACM Clapham. I am also the lead vocalist of the function band, Studio 33. For my aspirations, I would love to tour the world with different bands singing all different styles to everyone.
When did you know you wanted to start a career in music?
Cliché as it is, I’ve been singing “my whole life”, well since I was about five,I’ve always had the dream. It wasn’t until I was about thirteen that I realised that I had to make the decision to do this professionally so then the work started to happen.
You’re young and fresh in this industry which can be quite exciting yet terrifying. What made you start a function band?
It was actually my boyfriend that originally started the band. He thought it would be a great way to make money and get great live experience at the same time! We’ve learnt so much about the industry without having to do gigs for free!
It must of been quite an ecstatic feeling to get your first check from a gig.  What’s been your favourite one so far?
I think one of my favourites has to be one of our latest ones at a birthday party. It was our first gig with our new drummer so everyone was a bit nervous but it went so well! Everyone was dancing and I danced so much that I felt like I’d just done a work out! For those few hours, I was just having the time of my life.
That sounds amazing and to have gotten paid for doing something you love must be liberating. Why though, do you think function work has such a bad reputation?
I think the bad reputation is down to the stereotypes and the song choices. If you google the setlist of a typical function band, it’s the same 50 songs, especially with all the cheesy party songs. 
So we try to choose songs that not every band plays so we stand out as having a unique setlist.
Function work is often considered as easy work but it actually takes a lot of discipline and quick learning with the ability to take requests at a click of a finger. I think function bands can also be confused with cover bands. Everyone can have a go at playing covers either for fun or as a career but to have a good function band takes talent, dedication, hard work, flexibility and sanity. 
That’s an interesting point of view that I’m sure a lot of us will think about. Which brings me to ask, for those who may have an interest in this side of the music industry, what advice could you give?
Keep it fun! A function band is a business. If you run it yourself you have to take care of all the bookings, finances, equipment, admin and so much more, and I’m surprised I don’t have muscles by now with the amount of equipment I have to carry around to set up a gig! But if, at the end of the day, you’re performing songs you enjoy and the audiences enjoy it with you, you’ll love your job and getting paid on top of that is a bonus! 
Also, don’t give up on it. It’s A LOT of work. My boyfriend and I run the band together and people drive us insane sometimes but when it all works out, we get that extra satisfaction that we did that all ourselves. You’re getting paid to get amazing industry and performance experience.
Phoebe continues to work with her function band around Kent and London, constantly improving her skills and gaining more confidence in music directorship. Function band work is a job, a respectful job that’s always up for debate, but as Miss Brooks said, ‘A function band is a business’ and who are we to judge those who turn their art into reality.
(( Picture does not belong to me. Photo belongs to Studio 33))
References: https://www.facebook.com/pg/studio33band/about/?ref=page_internal
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theartofindie · 6 years
The Unforgettable Roots of Jazz Music: South Africa 🇿🇦
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A tap from our foot, the base of our heels feeling the rough earth, hot heat on our skin. In the air is undeniable, unmistakably joyful music, the type where punks and corporates can dance and start a conversation whilst sipping coffee and clapping their sweaty hands. The beautiful culture warming our veins, the African sunset is just over Table mountain and it’s glorious. We don’t really talk about jazz anymore but when we do, the talk goes back to America, back to where it started from the staple of blues and oppression. Rightfully so, it’s a topic widely discussed between muso’s and enthusiasts that we acknowledge where it all began but thus, we forget about the other roots, the warm roots of South African jazz music.
 Not only was the genre popular in the States but it exploded in South Africa. Apartheid was ruling and ruining lives but somehow, black music was stronger than ever. Through unity and oppression, through loss and pain, African jazz became the beauty of the nation. Jazz musicians met up and performed in local nightclubs, bars and venues, imitating popular music, using different percussive sounds and unique, unforgettable melodies. There were smiles in such a disruptive time.
 Bepop Jazz whistled its way into South Africa by the Jazz Epistles, bringing United States Bepop Jazz to the nation. Trombones, trumpets, rhythmic drumming patterns similar to its origin except made into their own. The pioneers brought this genre into Cape Town, during apartheid, starting a revolutionary change in jazz music, popularising a genre that’s so widely appreciated, even today in our modernised music approach. So can we say that jazz music’s origins can be rooted to South Africa?
 Jazz music took a turn in my country, when the Sharpeville massacre occurred, where politicians wanted to hide the murder of many people, leaving jazz clubs to close, musicians out of work. They fled around the world to keep jazz alive and to bring African Jazz worldwide, where it’s still known. The genre was and is never forgotten thanks to our musicians spreading the word, playing the beauty of African music worldwide, inspiring listeners about their stories even just through a flute solo. 
 Step onto the warm ground, the orange dirt and seek the pink skies above you, the Marula tree besides you, the hot air hugging you, mahewu beer in one hand and an mbira in the other. Listen to African Jazz with a different point of view, let it take you back home, back to where it started, back to a place you’ll never forget. Ngiyanemukela.
(Picture does not belong to me. Used for visual context. All rights belong to original owner)
References: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=3IhJmobbZ4wC&redir_esc=y
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theartofindie · 6 years
Unsigned & Unfazed.  A theatrical stance called King No-One
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There it is, a sponsored ad on facebook of another indie rock band, showing their glorious material in their own right. The visuals, however are straggering. Professional, charismatic and unique. The lead singer is wearing a studded jacket with tape over his nipples, the band in their own world. My attention is set on them from one scroll. I thank Facebook everyday which is something I don’t usually say out loud.
 The group comprises of Zach Lount, James Basile and Joe Martin, twenty-somethings who tour the U.K exploring different sounds and arts with their music, performing in front of thousands and busk for some extra cash and exposure. I ask myself about how a band with such flavour and creativity does this all even though they’re unsigned, yes you read that right.
Feminist indie rock band, King No-One are an enlightening bunch that have just released a new single called ‘Out Of My Mind’ which drives a heavy guitar riff and passionate vocals from Lount. Al though the band are unsigned, it definitely does not limit their career or growth. In fact, Lount, the lead singer, said in a recent interview that they love being independent and being in charge of their music’s propriety. They are showing bands and artists worldwide what potential we all have to create our own musical path in the industry by planning our own shows and spreading our own captivating message of ingenuity.
Watch the new music video for ‘Out Of My Mind’ in the link below
[[Picture belongs to King No-One]]
References: http://www.kingno-one.com 
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theartofindie · 6 years
Hello readers, music snobs and general intellects. This is Musical Happenings. A blog for you that cares about music, art and the world. Here you’ll find pieces that focus on music, live reviews, stories, art and opinion pieces about modern songs and old. Contact us if you’d like to submit your own story/opinion! Enjoy xo
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theartofindie · 6 years
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theartofindie · 6 years
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December 5, 1991 - London, United Kingdom
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