thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
Navigating the Perception of Intuition
Navigating the Perception of Intuition
Is it really intuition, or is it paranoia? Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com We’ve all had those days where things just aren’t lining up at all.  You might even believe that someone is out to get you, to sabotage your life in some ridiculous way. Maybe it’s a coworker. Maybe it’s your mom. Your best friend, your boss.  You might even think it’s your own child.  But what do our perceptions of…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
Dream a Little Dream with Me
Dream a Little Dream with Me
Those we never meet in life live in our dreams. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Have you ever met someone in your dream whom you’ve never actually met in real life? Was it what you expected it to be? I’m often entranced by those I meet in my dreams. And perhaps the most exciting part is that you’ll never know when these introductions will occur. They’re random. Chaotic. Subtle reminders of the…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
When Your Old Life Returns a New Life Begins
When Your Old Life Returns a New Life Begins
Dreams of old herald changes on the horizon Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com The smell of fall after a cool morning rain is an unmatched scent. It’s this time, this season, which holds the scent of life changing. Leaves morph in color and texture, changing from brilliant green to red, yellow, amber, crimson and brown. They curl and flap, clacking against bare tree, against bark and skin. They…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
It's Time to Beware of Cultural Tribalism
It’s Time to Beware of Cultural Tribalism
Where your allegiance is, your behavior will follow Photo by Fredox Carvalho on Pexels.com As I stand in my yard in the morning, my bare feet pressing against the leaf riddled ground of mid-November, I’m entranced by the warm-cool wind as it glides over my face. It’s scent offering a petrichor of a time long passed. It is within these small moments in the early morning where I’m reminded of…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
Try Living a Life Without Adversity... I'll Wait
Try Living a Life Without Adversity… I’ll Wait
True growth is found along the rocky path. Photo by Nacho Juu00e1rez on Pexels.com If someone asked you to paint a picture of your life, how would your composition look? Would it be full of color, of life, sound, with beautifully accented margins? Or would it be dull, gray, scrawled with deep strokes of coarse charcoal? The truth is, most of our life compositions would be a collage of color…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
Falling Along the Pathway to Home
Falling Along the Pathway to Home
Image Credit: Unsplash Where is home? For some of us, for we who’ve moved about all our lives, this isn’t the easiest question to answer. For others, you don’t even have to think on it too long. Home is where you grew up, it’s where your parents raised you. Maybe it’s a family home. Perhaps it’s a place, that place you first remember, the one that burned itself into your memory; a familiar…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
Noise Ordinance Notice to the World
Noise Ordinance Notice to the World
Image Credit WorldBeat Cultural Center A time comes in life when you have to just call it like it is. And unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last few years, you’ve probably noticed how noisy the world has become. You can say it. It’s gotten loud here. Too loud. Personally, I’ve managed to shut a lot of it out. But the nature of my work requires me to be “plugged in” every single day.…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
Are You Obeying YOur Personal Truth?
Image credit: Center for Peacebuilding “The world is full of confusion and contradiction. We cannot expect to do anything that is absolutely right. We can only measure rightness by the truth within ourselves. And our own truth will never be quite the same as somebody else’s.” ~ Jay Woodman, SPAN When we are young, we are taking in so much of the world. As the world whispers softly to us, we…
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thejeremiahstephen · 3 years
As Motion Returns
“It’s a thing to see when a boy comes home.”― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath It’s always strange returning after so long. Here this blog is in its 9th year, and yet I still keep returning. As my original intention still remains true, this blog has been used for the sole purpose of sharing my deeper thoughts, those swirls of madness that line the basement with their perennial cobwebs.…
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
A Perfect Time to Forget
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“The good and the beautiful is not forgotten; it lives in legend and in song.” ― Hans Christian Andersen, Classic Fairy Tales
There was a time in your life when everything made sense—when nothing was complicated. Nothing made you question your place in the world. And nothing stood between you and living a full life, with a pure heart.
You were inquisitive, daring and brave.
You were loving,…
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
Compliments of Balance
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Image credit incimages
“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Consider your favorite song. What is it that you like about it?
Is it the melody? Maybe it’s the baseline, or the chorus. Perhaps it’s the simplicity of simple chords and vocals.
No matter what it is, your favorite music is only made possible by one thing.
It is the silence…
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
The Lake House
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“The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only one big thing — desire.” ― Willa Cather, The Song of the Lark
You have a special place in your mind. We all do.
Deep within the wellspring of mind, under the faint footprint of consciousness exists a space where thought is formed. It is here where our greatest ideas are born. But from where they come, we’ll not ever know.
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
Let the Games Begin
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“Time is a game played beautifully by children.” ― Heraclitus, Fragments
There’s a game we all play when we’re young.
This game has different rules. It has different players and equally different playing fields. It changes as you age. Sometimes it changes by the day.
It can even change by the minute.
The game is formed much in the same fashion as thought. It dwells within the imagination, deep in…
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
In Transit
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  Image credit: Thrive Global
“I���ve always believed there are moments in our lives which can be defined as a transition between the before and after, between the cause and the effect.” ― Benjamin X. Wretlind, Castles: A Fictional Memoir of a Girl with Scissors
Transition is an interesting phase. You see the change firsthand, unfolding in real time. But, as all change contains vast nuance, you also…
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
Blessings of Birds and Rain
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  “It’s the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it.” ― Frank Warren
There’s a word for that feeling you get, the one that takes your breath away.
I’m sure you know what I speak of. When you enter a sphere of pure engagement, in love with the moment. When you’re completely still and you can feel your heart rise in your chest.
Time is no longer a construct. All there is, is. You’ve…
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thejeremiahstephen · 4 years
Remember, You We’re Once a Giant
  image credit: Bernheim family
  “We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.” ― Oscar Wilde
Remember when you were young, standing tall, walking among the world as a giant?
We all do.
We all walked among one another as giants, once. But this was very long ago.
Long ago when life was simple.
I used to think life was a simple pleasure. Once, it was. Long ago I was that boy…
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