thewordstheyfall · 4 years
Toxic people in my life
The is goodbye
I'm cutting you off
It's time for me to stand my ground
And life my life
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
This is your eviction notice
You are not welcome anymore
Pack up your lies and manipulations
Take those memories with you too
You don't deserve to run through my thoughts
Take up my brain space
So this is good bye
Good riddance
Fuck you
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
You're by my side through the highs and the lows
So why oh why do you torment me so
You say you're my friend
But really you hold the noose around my neck
You are the abusive partner that I stay with too long
You make me doubt everything that I know
I realize I'm sick but you tell me I'm fine
How do I fight when you're in my head all the time
You learn and listen to me
But then you use that against me
You find my weakness
And then like poking a sleeping bear
You poke until I bite
Funny... Bite..
It's more like you poke until I starve
You poke until I abuse my body
It's a cycle of abuse
You abuse me so I abuse myself
I'll never be alone if you're always here
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
My eyes
They well up
But not quite enough for the tears to fall
Instead the darkness takes over
Until it's all just dark
The emptiness echos inside
I get the sudden urge to hit my head against the wall
Maybe it will snap me out of this
Or make the tears fall
Or maybe it will just make me feel anything other than this
How does darkness carry so much pain
I want to yell
To scream
To beg for help
But I can't
My words fail me
My body simply forgets how to speak
All I can do is curl up
Wrap my blanket around me
And wait until the sun rises again
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
The pain of losing you
Is like a sunburn
Pain when it's fresh
Healing begins
Followed by more pain
Then it peels
Leaving the skin raw
And in pain
The whole process is painful
But it's the process of healing
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
The moment my phone goes off
My heart skips a beat
I pause
Say a silent prayer
That the message
Will be from you
But everytime I look
It never is
And my heart breaks
A little more
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
It doesn't have to end this way
A simple call
Or text
Can open the door
You've done it before
I'm here waiting
With open arms
For you to let me back in
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I miss you all the time
As quickly as you entered my life you disappeared again
Now I'm left wondering
Was this even real
Am I trying to hold onto
The best dream
That never happened
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I've never felt so safe
So loved
Home was in your arms
I'm homeless now
And all alone
Searching again
For a place
To call home
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I gave you my heart
And you broke it in two
How am I now
Supposed to give it to someone new
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
Are you okay without me?
Are you perfectly fine?
Or are you in pain
Desperately trying to hold yourself together
Like I am
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
Stolen moments
And moments stolen
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I used to look up at night
Getting lost in the beauty of the stars
But now since I've seen you
The stars have never looked the same
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I'm having a what's wrong with me moment
A why did this happen moment
A this is so hard moments
An I wish this didn't happen moment
A where did this start moment
But it's just a moment
And it will pass
Then I can choose
To make some better moments
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I wish you could see yourself
The way I see you
Maybe then you would love yourself completely
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
I wish I could take your pain away
The pain that is hidden so deep inside
I know you keep it hidden from others
But also yourself
I see it
I feel it
I know it's there
It's been there so long
And it runs so deep
Making you feel alone in this world
My love you are not alone
Open your hand
And let me grab hold
Let me walk this with you
You don't need to feel this pain alone
I am here
I will listen when you talk
And hold you when it hurts
I will wipe away the tears that you cry
All the while
Loving you completely
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thewordstheyfall · 4 years
Someday I will get to be with you again
Someday instead of looking through the glass
I will get to open the door
Someday I will get to hold more that just your sanitized hand
I will get to hold you
Someday I won't have to wear a mask
I will be free to kiss your lips
Someday I won't be missing your smell
I will get to breathe you in
Someday I will return to your embrace
To the place I feel at home
I hope that someday is soon
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