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Coneline, definitivt ett måste på Fitnessfestivalen! Jag är själv taggad på att äntligen få prova massa övningar med maskinen ställt mot väggen i 45 graders vinkel! #coneline #fitnessfestivalen #isoinertial #flywheeltraining
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@myo_kinetics Thanks for a very nice diagram showing how to breathe correctly. . #onetrickaday #onehackaday
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#mentalhealth As one who suffered #depression I cannot stress how important it is take care of your mental health. Just like regular #exercise it requires that you do it routinely for the best #benefits. I recommend @headspace it gives you many tools to help you make sure your mind is your #partner and not your #enemy. Hence focusing on your #mentalhealth is the #onetrickaday #onehackaday
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Haven’t trained in a while the the #Coneline #PL5. This is an old video of my training with the 4 different wheels to show you the difference in #inertia when #training. The different inertias effect the speed of the movement and total effect. Some #experimentation is recommended to achieve best results for each individual. Good news are that @coneline_training is coming to @fitnessfestivalen this year and this is a #prime #opportunity to try #flywheeltraining. Believe you won’t regret giving the #machine a #spin. I personally believe that @coneline_training is a #gamechanger.
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#progressivemusclerelaxation If we likened the body to a #guitar we would like to fine tune it so that it may #perform at its #best. Then it is important to know that each muscle is like a guitar string. With need the right #tension or #muscletone to perform at our best. A muscle might need to be tensed, #facilitated or relaxed, #inhibited. I would argue all muscles require practicing tensing and relaxing to achieve #optimal #condition. Hence, I recommend listening to a progressive relaxation script or similar at least once a week. More if you have #time. Thus PMR is the #onetrickaday #onehackaday.
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Lots of people I hope by now know about the benefits of #magnesium. It helps you #calm down, relieve #muscle #ache it also helpful in boosting #immunity. I would like to @likezen for such an easy image to share. But know there are many companies that offer #magnesiumspray #magnesiumoil #magnesiumlotion. So where you live might decide where you buy. . But for today I recommend #topical #magnesium as the #onetrickaday #onehackaday
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Thanks to @strengthsensei1 and @designsforhealth for helping us take care of our #health by giving us simple yet meaningful #advice. Taking care of our #brain is of course more #complicated than just giving one tip or advice. But for today I suggest taking #omega3 and #vitamind as the #onetrickaday #onehackaday. For some of you it could be a #gamechanger . http://www.fasebj.org/content/early/2015/02/23/fj.14-268342.abstract
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As I think it is important to always look for ways to improve you need to try new things. Always liked the idea of #flossing my muscles and joints to improve #mobility. But thanks to @lukepechmann @jennyaurthur @healingwithwilma I finally have something extra to try on myself and my swimmer friends. Hence today #flossing is the #onetrickaday #onehackaday I hope for someone it can be a #gamechanger
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A big thanks to @mobilitywod for something new and simple to try. #guasha can be used as an alternative to #painmanagement maybe a #gamechanger for some? As it is simple to use I suggest #guasha to be the #onetrickaday or #onehackaday
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Very late #onetrickaday #onehackaday #OptoDrum and its #optokinetic stimulation can be used to evaluate #vision. As it is a strong #stimulus a training effect on your vision and #balance or #vestibular organ as a way to #improve is plausible. . I will try to investigate further to provide better #instructions on how to make it a possible #biohack of your vision and balance.
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Thanks to @rehabscience for an interesting #biohack to try. I tried investigating this myself a couple of years ago. I did so as a #layman. I then heard it can help reduce #pain or improve #mobility. Hence I want to invite people to #experiment a little as it seems to be little #research on the subject. If searching for more information i suggest searching for #neuralflossing #neuralmobilization . Hence today #neuralflossing is my #onetrickaday or #onehackaday
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Thanks to @joovvsocial for such a beautiful diagram showing that infrared light can penetrate deep beneath the skin to help with #healing and #painmanagment Also stay conscious of how #bluelight can be something that disrupt many natural processes like the #circadianrhythm . Hence red light, near infrared light especially is the #onetrickaday #onehackaday
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Thanks to @supremefitnessnyc for such a nice #infographic but it is true that cold showers can be very beneficial building mental fortitude and is suggested to help with #depression and boost #testosterone so it could be a #gamechanger if you are willing to give it a try. . So today cold showers are the #onetrickaday or #onehackaday. Hoping to add a new trick/hack everyday. Hope you like these tips.
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Thanks to @grassfedroots for such a beautiful infographic on binaural beats. I personally like using binaural beats to help me focus or reduce stress. I recommend people with #ADD give it a try as well. There are multiple apps to use for binaural beats I recommend you try to find an app you like. (Headphones needed for best effect) Hence binaural beats is the hack or trick of the day. #onetrickaday #onehackaday #binauralbeats #binaural #gear
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Love the work they do over @amnacademy Sitting usually isn’t very productive but if you get a rocking chair that changes as it appears to help with recuperation. I will try to share something useful everyday. Hence I call it #onetrickaday and #onehackaday Hope you find it useful. #fitfam #gamechanger #complexmovement #amn #amnacademy #functionalneurology #vestibular #functionaltraining #posture #reflexology
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12th of September, Not sure how to appropriately name this exercise or movement but notable was that it felt very taxing on the nervous systems as I was forced create so much tension and coordinate it. I think this kind of exercise will help improve neural drive. Making it impossible to recruit more muscles for all types of exercises. If you are interested to know more contact me, here on Instagram or by email. [email protected] I am happy to help those who are interested. Don't forget to directly contact Coneline as well. @coneline_training [email protected] #coneline #flywheel #flywheeltraining #inertia #inercia #isoinertial #isoinercial #tension #inertialtraining #bodybuilding #trainhard #havefun #trainsmart #strongerthangravity #gamechanger #eccentricoverload #eccentric #strength #strengthandconditioning #trainingdevice #growth #progress #unconventional #feeltheburn #rows #squats #onelegged (at Nya Gatti Training)
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12th of September, This felt like an awesome #glutebuilding #combo. I could have added deadlift, RDL and rows and curls too on this setup I believe. Next time with the awesome #Coneline #PL5 I will try to add more to the circuit but for today it felt like it worked my glutes on a new level, can highly recommend! If you are interested to know more contact me, here on Instagram or by email. [email protected] I am happy to help those who are interested. Don't forget to directly contact Coneline as well. @coneline_training [email protected] #coneline #flywheel #flywheeltraining #inertia #inercia #isoinertial #isoinercial #tension #inertialtraining #bodybuilding #trainhard #havefun #trainsmart #strongerthangravity #gamechanger #eccentricoverload #eccentric #strength #strengthandconditioning #trainingdevice #growth #progress #unconventional #feeltheburn #rows #squats #rowingsquats #hipthrust (at Nya Gatti Training)
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