torontopigsave · 7 years
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Yesterday (June 10th 2017), Toronto held its fifth March to Close All Slaughterhouses, along with dozens of other cities across five continents! Once again we had an incredible turnout with about 800 people participating!
As with the years before, we marched down all the major streets at the city’s core. We also did the die-in, where the activists laid down on the ground to symbolically represent the trillions of animals we tragically lose to the animal agriculture industry every single year, and to show solidarity. As we lay silent on the ground, screams recorded from dying animals inside actual slaughterhouses is broadcasted over a loud-speaker. Most likely, anyone passing by has never even seen the front of a slaughterhouse, let alone heard the horrific sounds that resound from inside; this is intentional on the part of the industry because, as Paul McCartney famously said, “if slaughterhouses had glass walls we would all be vegetarian”. This is one of the reasons for why the die-ins are such incredibly powerful demonstrations; they bring attention to the voices of those who are violently silenced. A newer addition to the march was the inclusion of a Direct Action Now disruption inside a “Whole Foods”, where some of the activists walked in and around the store while holding up their signs depicting the disturbing and heart-shattering reality that was the life of the animal whose flesh a customer is contemplating purchasing. These actions are called “disruptions” because they do precisely that, they disrupt the “normal” act of shopping for animal products, and in so doing, disrupt the speciesist mindset that allows for this shopping in the first place. Finally, towards the end of the march, a memorial was held for all the beautiful angels who have fallen victim to this incredibly cruel and violent system we have developed,.during which flowers and other items were symbolically laid beside pictures of a few of these lovely beings, who represented the plight of their entire species. All in all, it was an incredibly moving and powerful event, and we are CERTAIN that we planted seeds of compassion in many minds, and that at least one person will make a change in their lifestyle in order to show love, the love that we know each and every one of you has, even if it is currently buried deep inside, to all persons, whether animal or human.
Listen to your heart. Go vegan.
Click here to learn about Toronto Pig Save and join our vigils! And while you’re at it, here’s the link to where you can purchase our merchandise, should you so desire.
Click here to learn about The Save Movement and find a Save group in your area. Can’t find one? Click here for tips on how to start one in your own city.
Photo credit to Chandrika Joshi and Faith Keen.
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torontopigsave · 7 years
We are so excited to be a part of this tour and spread the message of bearing witness and speaking out passionately for the animals ,while coming from a place of love
To follow our journey and see when we will be visiting a city near you please click here.
Click here to learn more about The Save Movement and the vegan lifestyle.
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#Repost @thesavemovement (@get_repost) ・・・ To quote one of our dedicated organizers @riahriot , “this is not a drill”!! The Save Movement will be participating in the #WarpedTour this year!! We will be holding vigils and generally speaking to the power that is bearing witness, with our first stop happening next week, June 16th in Seattle, WA. You can follow our travels online (link in the profile), so you’ll know just where and when to find us. We look forward to spreading the message of saving through love 💜💜 ‼️Visit our website thesavemovement.org for information on starting your own group. ‼️Send us an email at [email protected] to get started. ‼️Visit our store torontopigsave.myshopify.com #thesavemovement #torontopigsave #animalrights #animallovers #animalliberation #bearwitness #activism #animalactivism #socialjustice #justice #vegan #vegetarian #loveforall #animals #ecofeminism #feminism #intersectionality #speciesism #inclusivefeminism #compassion #love #peace #getloudfortheanimals #savemovementxwarpedtour
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torontopigsave · 7 years
[Warning: There is a brief moment in the video where a person uses a few swear words]
“Being treated as lesser-than is what is going to unite us .. We are not free until everyone is free” - Collectively Free
“The gender binary is used not just to take away the personhood of humans, but also of animals” (ie: female animals experience different exploitation than male ones - being used because of their femaleness (like cows and goats who trapped in the dairy industry - the following photos, which were taken at Toronto Cow Save vigils, are of mother and baby cows whom the dairy industry had decided were no longer “of use” and had thus sent to be violently slaughtered).
Start your vegan journey today.
Learn about Toronto Cow Save and join our vigils every Tuesday morning at 9:30am.
Don’t live near Toronto? Click here for a full list of the Save groups around the world, or start your own.
Click here to buy our Toronto Save merchandise (we have t-shirts, sweaters, hats, and even dog bandannas)
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torontopigsave · 7 years
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When you are on the side of compassion and love, you cannot lose. 
Live with love. Live vegan.
To learn about Toronto Pig/Cow/Chicken Save and join our vigils click here.
If you don’t live near Toronto, here is a list of the Save groups worldwide. Can’t find one near your home? Start a Save group yourself!!
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torontopigsave · 7 years
After two years, the #pigtrial will be drawing to a close with the final sentencing happening this Thursday May 4th 2017. Here you will find information regarding the events happening that day such as the All Day Vigil for the pigs outside Fearman’s slaughterhell and when the sentencing is due to commence, for those who wish to show their support with their physical presence the day of.
Another fabulous way to show us and the pigs support is to join our Thunderclap campaign. This will help us draw more and more attention to the trial, and therefore, more and more attention to the pigs and other animals that are still suffering and having their lives taken from them each and every single day. The attention this trial has brought to The Save Movement has resulted in the creation of dozens upon dozens of new Save groups all around the world, with more starting up each month, and a countless number of people going veg as a result. This just goes to show the power of media attention when it comes to social change, and thunderclap is a great way to garner this attention and make one’s own noise/thunder.
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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After literally years the Pig Trial will finally be coming to a close this Thursday March 9th 2017. Throughout the trial we have heard that Anita Krajnc, who has been criminally charged for giving water to a pig suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration in the summer of 2015, acted out of concern for the animals, as well as the environment, and the health of her fellow humans. Experts upon experts have testified on topics ranging from the environmental devastation of a non-vegan diet to the incredible emotional and cognitive intelligence of farmed animals such as pigs. This trial, which stemmed from an attempt to silence Toronto Pig Save, has brought international attention to the fight for animal rights, and since the first court date years ago, hundreds of groups have been created in countries all over the world and have joined The Save Movement. It is for these reasons that we can confidently say, though we do not yet know the legal outcomes of this trial, that we have won, for any advancement in the world’s compassion for nonhuman animals is a victory in our eyes.
Please join us outside of the Burlington courthouse one last time to show the world that you know that giving water to a suffering being, to show them compassion, is not a crime!! Schedule: 8:00 am: Vigil at Fearmans slaughterhouse at the corner of Harvester Road and Appleby Line (821 Appleby Line, Burlington) 9:00-10:00 am: Vigil at the Burlington courthouse at 2051 Plains Rd E, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 5A5 10:00 am: Concluding arguments A simultaneous slaughterhouse vigil will take place at Fearmans pig slaughterhouse, 10 minute drive from the courthouse. If you are unable to attend, you can still follow! There will be live feed from both the courthouse and from the vigil on the Toronto Pig Save page. #CompassionIsNotACrime #PigTrial
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness:
“The owners and association that run one of the largest and oldest dog meat markets in South Korea, agree to close their slaughterhouses.
Not just the dog meat slaughterhouses, but all of them. The chicken slaughterhouses. The duck slaughterhouses. The rabbit slaughterhouses.
They told me that many local activists and international groups have lobbied and petitioned, asking for the same thing. They told me that when they come, all they do is argue and fight with them.
He said, “This is the first time ever, that someone has come asking how we can work together.”
He said, “You should feel lucky, because today is historic.”
Our first victory…
(Deeply rooted in tradition, Gupo Meat Market has been slaughtering animals for over a century.
Today marks the first time in history that they have agreed to make a change, accepting to work with our foundation.
While the process of emptying the cages still needs to be presented to the government, the hard part is over. Getting the dog meat traders themselves, to want to become something else.
This victory - let it be for the animals.)” 
This post was taken from the Animal Hope and Wellness Facebook page where a short, yet beautiful video of a little dog being rescued from a slaughterhouse+farm which is currently being destroyed can be found. His name is Ari and he is one of 47 that were rescued yesterday. Thanks to this instrumental leap forward of the closing of this large slaughterhouse-chain, so many more Aris will be saved from their suffering.
While far from being the “first victory” for Animal Hope and Wellness on behalf of the animals (they have already saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, by dismantling individual slaughterhouses/farms and direct rescues), it is certainly one of the most monumental. And not just for the animals who are being fought for and represented by Marc Ching and Animal Hope and Wellness, but for all animals and the entire animal rights movement!! In addition to those that will be rescued, re-homed, and given a new chance at life, this victory also means that a vast number of chickens, ducks, dogs, and rabbits will now be spared from ever having to experience such sadness and pain.
Endless gratitude to Marc Ching, those who work with him, those who support him, and the “business” owners who are finally letting their true compassion shine!!
*All pictures belong to Animal Hope and Wellness and/or Marc Ching with the exception of the two pictures depicting the beautiful moment when Toronto Chicken Save, with the critical aid of Marc, rescued four chickens.
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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Toronto Pig Save holds regular vigils every week. And if you would like to bear witness with us, but are not available during the scheduled vigil time, please contact us and we will organize a vigil at a special time that works for you.
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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TPS Vigil December 2016
Vegan because they died screaming and fighting for their lives. Vegan because, just like your dog/cat, they wanted to live and be loved.
Learn about Toronto Pig Save and bear witness with us.
Don’t live in Toronto? Bear witness with another Save group or organize your own.
Photo credit to Louise Jorgensen.
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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torontopigsave · 8 years
“What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life” - Walt Whitman
“In these eyes, it was clear to see the intelligence and fear, and all the dimensions of individuality possessed too by any human being. They were dog eyes. They were cat eyes.They were the eyes of the planet herself. Their eyes were our reminder never to stop fighting for them. There was no longer an, “I”, there was an, “us”, there was a, “them”. An activist went home grieved, and he picked up his pencils and he drew for the first time in four years. He wanted to remember her. He wanted to etch her on the inside of his eyelids and forever be haunted by her, just as it haunted me to want others to know her, to understand her.”
Go vegan for Hope. For although she could not be saved, maybe one day her sisters can.
I want you to open your eyes. I want you to open your eyes and take my hand. There is so much you need to see.
Learn about West Yorkshire Save and bear witness with them.Look into their eyes.
Learn about The Save Movement and find a Save group in your area.
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torontopigsave · 8 years
In an agricultural system, as well as an entire culture, where so much emphasis is placed on hiding what is unpleasant, even if that means hiding the truth, it can be easy to forget that for them, for the innocent, intelligent, emotional, beautiful animal persyns who are caught in the system, the truth is their lives. They don’t get to “just stop thinking about it” when the pain becomes too much; for them there is no escape. At least not while we continue to hide from the truth, to avoid non-graphic videos such as these, and hide our heads in the sand. Knowledge is power. Knowledge of the truth is ultimate power. By bearing witness and making yourself aware of their lived experiences, you make yourself aware of both the truth, and your truth: the truth about the animal-loving, compassionate person you know yourself to be. So take a few minutes to watch this video and learn what the truth means for them. And then live according to your truth, by showing the animals that love and compassion you have inside yourself by living vegan.
Learn about Manchester Pig Save and join their vigils.
Learn about The Save Movement and get involved in a Save group near you.
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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On November 1st, neuroscientist Lori Marino, who has a PhD in biopsychology, testified before Justice David Harris at the Pigtrial.
Marino discussed the cognitive and emotional abilities, and the behavior, of pigs.
“Pigs usually form social groups of several females and their offspring” — but can’t do that in a factory farm setting, said Marino, who has testified about a half-dozen times in the U.S. as an expert in animal psychology, but never before in Canada.
“Pigs certainly have personalities,” she said, noting they exhibit human traits such as curiosity, shyness and bullying.
“They have a sense of themselves in terms of a social community. Pigs and dogs are very similar in terms of sociability.
“They (pigs) seem to have the ability to tell time, and (exhibit) negative anticipatory behaviours when they have to go into confinement for a long time,” said Marino, executive director of the U.S.-based The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy.
She said pigs experience fear, joy and happiness and have “very good” long and short-term memories.
“They are at least as emotionally complex as dogs and as psychologically complex as primates.”
Marino said it’s unclear how to equate a pig with humans but that “it sells pigs short to say they are as sophisticated as a human toddler — they are more complex than that…. They are at least as cognitively advanced as monkeys.”
“Yes, they (pigs) are persons,” she said, noting that not just a human is a person. ......................................................................
The next court session will be happening this Thursday from 9-5 at the Ontario Court of Justice in Burlington. While court is in session, a vigil will be held outside of "Fearman's Pork" slaughterhouse where Toronto Pig Save and other Save Movement activists will give the pigs water and love in their final moments, just as we have been doing for years, and will continue to do. Please join us for the peaceful rally that will take place outside the courthouse (meet at 8:45am) and/or in bearing witness to the beautiful baby pigs. In the meantime, please share the #pigtrial story far and wide along with the message that compassion is never a crime. 
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torontopigsave · 8 years
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Three Save Movement activists in North America have now had run-ins with police over giving water to suffering pigs who had only minutes left to live. What do you call a society that has laws which allow for, and even encourage, the horrific torture and death of billions of the gentle and innocent, while prohibiting simple acts of compassion, other than broken? Only when we treat all beings with kindness and respect will we experience peace amongst ourselves. On which side do you belong; that of callous indifference, or that of compassion towards all? Neutrality never helps the oppressed, so there is no middle-ground here. You either believe that an act of compassion can never be criminal, or you believe in the sanctioning of violence and killing.
Please show solidarity with these activists and the animals they are fighting for by sharing their cases, attending any protests/demonstrations that have been scheduled, and/or attending vigils with a Save group near you. The next #compassionisnotacrime court session will be taking place on November 10th in Burlington, ON and is for Anita Krajnc of Toronto Pig Save. #govegan #pigtrial #smithfieldpigsave #torontopigsave #thesavemovement #activism #animalactivism #peacefulprotest #humanrights #feminism #ecofeminism #socialjustice #justice #justiceforthepigs #animalrights #animalliberation #loveforall #animals #showcompassion #love #compassion #kindnessmatters #liveandletlive
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torontopigsave · 8 years
Another wonderful video from Bite-Sized Vegan that looks at the pigtrial; how it all started and what it currently means for the millions of pigs still enslaved by the animal agriculture industry. To put it simply; criminally charging co-organizer of Toronto Pig Save, Anita Krajnc has really backfired on the slaughterhouse/pig flesh industry as a whole.
Learn about living like an animal lover.
Learn about the Save Movement.
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