valentinevar · 2 months
Need a NASA scientist to immediately explain to me why feysand feel the need to fall over themselves to constantly explain that actually they have the most trauma ™️ and no one else can relate to or understand them because they're so special and broken and edgy and have been through so much™️.
Like it's so cringey. They're standing in tarquin's court that he hasn't finished rebuilding and plotting to steal his shit while feysand hasn't rebuilt a goddammit thing and have been going drinking and having dinner together but they're talking about how people like tarquin will never understand how hard rhysand has it because "there won't be a target on his back or his kid's back because the summer court is neutral"
Sjm will go out of her way to mention that rhys has a target on his back (why or from who is apparently not important) and he is always afraid and then be like but actually rhys has UNTOLD amounts of GODLY power the likes of which prythian OR the mortal realm has NEVER seen before.
Like which is it, is he being hunted or is he sonic.exe?
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valentinevar · 2 months
I think it’s crazy that rhys is constantly going on about how he can’t ever forgive lucien and he’s still trying to make his peace with him and how he can just about stomach him because what the fuck is he talking about 😍??
Is he forgetting that just a few years ago he was the one terrorizing lucien ,threatening him,demeaning him with stupid nicknames,taunting him with his dead lover and estranged mother every single time he saw him??
Is he forgetting that lucien had his ass handed to him UTM just for feyre—that he saved her life twice and was willing to die/get tortured for her??but sure rhys you’re the one that has to find it in you to forgive lucien.I really need rhys to get his head out of his own ass and realize that nobody likes him lol 🗣️🙏.
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valentinevar · 2 months
feyre is such a funny character to me because she gets mad at other people (in her internal monologue) for thinking that rhysand - the guy that portrayed himself as a villain - is a bad guy….while pretending that he tortured her when she was in the night court….girl stand up use your brain
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valentinevar · 2 months
If I see one more person say that the reason Rhys seemed different and less likeable in ACOSF is because we’re seeing him from Nesta’s POV and not Feyre’s, I’m going to go feral.
I’m sorry, I know we find ways to blame Nesta for absolutely everything under the sun, but are we now also trying to claim that she is able to control Rhys’s words, decisions, and actions??? PLEASE BE SO FOR REAL. I do not dislike Rhys because Nesta thinks unfavorably of him and her mental commentary is somehow swaying me. I dislike him because of the things he DOES and SAYS. Nesta does not like Rhys and makes this clear to everyone. But for God’s actual sake…her opinion of him does not control his choices and actions. The story SJM wanted to tell was going to happen, regardless of who’s POV we see it from.
AND, as if that weren’t enough, there are PLENTY of scenes where he acts deplorable and the POV is Cassian’s, not Nesta’s!!! And as we all know, Cassian is so far up Rhys’s butt he can probably see out his mouth. So explain that one to me, please!
Now, does Rhys appear noticeably different in ACOSF than he does in previous books? Absolutely! I am in complete agreement that ACOMAF!Rhys would never handle Feyre’s pregnancy the way he does in this book (The conversation a lot of people are really not ready to have is that Tamlin would be the one to behave this way while Rhys would be the one who swoops in to let us all know how degrading, condescending, and chauvinistic his behavior was and that he would be the one to treat her with agency and respect and would never coddle her and lie to her about her health and her body because she was strong and she could take it).
(Tell me I’m wrong, I dare you!)
So, is Rhys different from how he is in previous books? Yes. But this is not because we are in the POV of someone who doesn’t like him. It’s because SJM’s handling of him is beyond bizarre, and at this point almost has me convinced he is her tool in some kind of social experiment she’s conducting on manipulation and brainwashing in literature. It’s as if she is testing to see how far she can push, how insufferable and hypocritical can she make him behave while still demanding through the narrative that we love and adore him. I used to swear this was not intentional on her part, that she really did think as highly of him as she appeared to, but his behavior as of late has gotten so absurd, it’s honestly beginning to make me wonder if some of this IS intentional and is part of a bigger process. I can only hope that it is.
So no, Rhys does not seem different and less likeable simply because we are seeing him through Nesta’s eyes. He seems different and less likeable because he IS different and less likeable, and a hypocrite to boot. No matter who’s POV we are seeing it from, he does and says insufferable and hypocritical things all throughout the story. But the cult following that this man has is unmatched, and so many people are literally incapable of admitting they feel any kind of distaste for him or that he may have done something wrong. So instead the response becomes “He just seems that way because we’re in Nesta’s POV and Nesta doesn’t like him.”….as if being in Nesta’s head creates some kind of opitical illusion where Rhys’s behavior isn’t real. Whatever makes you feel better, I guess!!
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valentinevar · 2 months
Tamlin: *is personally targeted by Amarantha to be her lover, denies her advances & gets cursed, spends the next 50 years sending his sentries out to ultimately die (something he feels extreme guilt for and tries to stop), actively takes in refugees from other courts, spends a majority of his time hunting down Amarantha’s monsters from his lands so they can’t harm his people, gets a human woman to fall in love with him but sends her away so she won’t be in danger, goes UTM, basically becomes Amarantha’s lap dog, somehow holds all of his emotions back because ANY sign of ANY emotion would get Feyre killed (did I mention how down-bad Amarantha is for Tamlin? Yeah.)(Also, Rhysand somehow finds it suitable to parade Feyre around like his own personal whore because…he wanted to rile Tamlin up? Which would have lead to Feyre’s death…🤔), ends up killing Amarantha*
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jesus man, I know you hate him but give roses where roses are due. Tamlin did A LOT, but I guess doing Amarantha’s personal tasks (like killing children) is the only thing that holds any merit to the High Lord of the Night Court 🫤
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valentinevar · 2 years
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valentinevar · 2 years
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valentinevar · 2 years
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As much as I appreciate Loki's glorious hair flips, life would be easier with a man bun😉
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valentinevar · 2 years
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Frost Giant Loki variant. I wanted to make him a little different❄️
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valentinevar · 2 years
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As some of you may already know, I have a thing for priests👀 So here's my unplanned Priest Loki variant, inspired by one completely unrelated tiktok video
I've been out for quite a while, thank you so much for staying with me🙏 There's much more to come, so stay tuned!
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valentinevar · 2 years
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Marvel heroes/ Disney villains mashups(❗NOT A FANCAST❗)
I was out of Tumblr for quite a while, but I'm glad to be back with a complete six fanarts challenge!🤗
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valentinevar · 2 years
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By popular request I made some Loki wallpapers💚 Should I do more of these in the future?
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valentinevar · 3 years
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This is sims 4 medieval pack, it contains more items than any pack that I have ever released. The full set gives you a freedom to make your own medieval city, farm or even a palace. Most of the items are based on the romance of 14th century, the chivalry and fairy tale stories that we all loved. This has been the hardest project I’ve ever done. Thank you for all of you people here whom supporting me. Download.
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valentinevar · 3 years
Let’s Talk About Tamlin
Okay. Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, because this is going to be a long one. There are some things I’ve kept to myself for a good year in regards to The Tamlin Situation and now that ACOWAR is out, I just can’t fight the need to share them anymore. Do Not Enter if you haven’t finished ACOWAR–there will be spoilers!
Keep reading
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valentinevar · 3 years
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Attention: On July 14th 2021, the God of Mischief will be transforming Tumblr into TOMBLR and Tom Hiddleston will be answering some of your questions!
Ask wisely.
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valentinevar · 3 years
[MM] Happy Birthday, Zen!
Hello, this is Cheritz.
It looks like April is just around the corner! You know that the members of the RFA are always rooting for you, right? Well, we hope you can feel the love♥ transmitted from their heart to yours! :D
We made it halfway through the week, but we got worried that you might be having a rough day. :(
So we dropped by to make an exciting announcement about something you’ve been waiting for!
Here’s a sneak peek at…
Zen’s new birthday title illustration!
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Would you like to know where Zen spent his birthday this year and whom he was with?
Access the game during the following event period and check out his magazine-cover-like birthday title illustration!
Event Period (title illustration): 1st - 15th of April (KST)
Before we leave, we would like to show our appreciation to all the voters of the ongoing <Storytelling Event in Celebration of April Fool’s Day> that’s being held on Twitter!
Please also remember to have a delightful trip down your memory lane during the <Spending April with Zen> birthday event period with Zen the star of the galaxy.♥
Thank you.
Best, Cheritz
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valentinevar · 3 years
*lies to therapist as I have an image to maintain*
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