villainism-book · 7 months
Dismayed by the search for Deeper Meaning?
Consider trying:
✨ Nihilistic Optimism ✨
Nothing Matters!
Everything is Temporary!
You Create Your Own Fate!
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villainism-book · 1 year
if you think Gotham is bad, try living in the real world
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villainism-book · 1 year
If you are too lazy to read (which i know i am) then you can listen to me read to you here.
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villainism-book · 2 years
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villainism-book · 2 years
This should not have taken 25 hours to write.
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villainism-book · 2 years
Who is Nina Robinson?
Nina Robinson (born January 27, 1999) is an American author from Canton, Ohio. The facts contained in this article cannot be proven but sources say they are likely to be the closest to the truth one can possibly get.
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Her debut novel Villainism was independently published on October 22, 2022. In honor of her first novel, Nina was keen to do more than just the writing. She did all the tedious editing and other important jobs that a publishing house would normally help a writer with. She took advantage of the self-publishing platform Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Nina wanted to be able to express what a villain was in more than just words, so she created a special piece of art that you can now see showcased on the cover of the novel. The painting represents the essence of Villainism. Gaze into the villain's eyes and feel the villain's existential horror.
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Author Nina Robinson is fascinated by odd subjects that could be seen as taboo. She is compelled to investigate what is hidden from ordinary daily life and her writing is fueled by uncovering the mysteries and occult phenomena in the world.
While Nina is not playing the author, she could be wearing another one of her various hats, including but not limited to artist, actor, podcast host, blogger, captain of the high seas, and occult researcher.
If one, or many, wishes to contact Nina Robinson they may do so through villainism.com
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villainism-book · 2 years
Latest blog post from writer Nina Robinson
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villainism-book · 2 years
Is the rat the bat? The Batman Riddle Answered
“A rat with wings” sounds a lot like a bat to me. “Something in the way” or in this case is it more like “Something in the Wayne.” Is the choice of song telling us that the Wayne’s are in the way of truly cleaning up the city of Gotham? (Soundtrack: Nirvana, Something in the Way)
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The Batman is a detective noir and viewers follow the Batman as he attempts to solve the Riddler’s clues and uncover the true meaning of his Riddle. The only problem is Batman is an unreliable narrator. We only see the events in the movie from Batman’s point of view. This can lead to us being just as blind as he is when trying to understand the purpose of the Riddler’s actions and makes it impossible to see Batman’s actions objectively.
Batman could not solve the true Riddle: The rat is the bat! Maybe because he doesn’t want to solve Gotham’s issues! In the movie he is led on a wild goose chase to the next location of where the Riddler will be torturing the next corrupt city official. Wayne has Alfred giving him theories and is misled into a bad interpretation of Spanish that even a second grader would not make. In the movie the riddles only lead him to each “crime” scene. The riddles have already been answered, the Riddler is after the politicians and police who were complicit in crimes aiding Carmine Falcone. In this article, I will disclose the truth of the Riddler’s broader message.
On the surface, it is obvious that Gotham is a dangerous and dirty city. It’s not just the streets nor the drug addicts. Oh no, the dirt and grime go so much deeper than that. The city is so drenched in crime and corruption that it’s not only reached the depths of the mafia underworld but it’s also reached the heights of high society; including the honorable Wayne family and the supposed heroes, the police and the politicians.
The Riddler looks up to Batman as an example of someone who is willing to stand up and do something to improve the city of Gotham. The promises of “renewal” have been thrown around for the past twenty years by politicians looking to get reelected, in truth the renewal fund was drained the day it was donated by the Wayne foundation. The Riddler leads Batman to the truth so the citizens can see what kind of people are actually in control of the city. Members of the police and the politicians attacked the one billion dollar renewal fund like vultures until nothing was left for the people it was originally supposed to help. Perhaps the phrases: misappropriated funds, mismanagement, or embezzlement ring any bells? The mayor pretends to have the city’s best interests at heart, the Riddler seeks to expose the city’s trusted officials true colors to everyone. The citizens have already had their cities’ prosperity stolen from them, don’t they at least deserve the truth?
Edward Nashton has all the necessary experience and raw talent to solve the mystery behind the city’s inexplicable poverty and flourishing criminal activity. The experience of growing up as an orphan gave Edward boots on the ground experience of what life is really like in Gotham for the commoners. Something the grossly wealthy elite such as the Wayne’s could not even begin to grasp. While the politicians only pretend to empathize with its citizen’s woes. This is why the Riddler has loyal followers on the internet.
I have conducted a Cole Sprouse-esque social experimental on Tumblr in the form of a poll. I wanted to see who the people would vote for, the Batman or the Riddler. To my suprise Riddler won there as well. The evidence may be from a small pool but i still think it holds up.
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The people have spoken and they relate to the Riddler because he understands the real struggles people are faced with in Gotham. If the elections weren’t just a dog and pony show by the elite, then Edward Nashton would be voted mayor of Gotham.
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“Since your justice is so select, please tell us, which vermin you’re paid to protect?” -The Riddler.
Being an accountant gave him the tools to analyze the city’s budget and dissect the actual usage of that money down to the last cent. As it turns out, the city officials are either asleep at the wheel or are fully aware of the harm they are inflicting.
“Tomorrow’s Election Day, and Bella Reál’s gonna win. She’s promised “real change”. But we know the truth, don’t we? You’ve seen Gotham’s true face now. Together, we’ve unmasked it. Its corruption, its perversion, masquerading under the guise of renewal. But unmasking is not enough. The day of judgment is finally upon us. And now it is time for retribution.“ -The Riddler.
Since the city officials have long since turned against its citizens for profit, then it was time the Riddler redirect that violence straight to the culprits themselves, powerful old money wealth such as the Waynes, the police, the politicians, everyone involved in sucking the life out of Gotham like parasites.
It is interesting that Batman was more interested in stopping petty crimes such as thugs and dropheads of the streets, than taking down mob bosses like Salvatore Maroni or Carmine Falcone. If Batman did investigations into Falcone he would have found that Falcone has been running the city for the past twenty years and he might as well be the mayor of Gotham. How can such an obvious fact be hidden from Batman? He has more than enough time, money, resources and willpower to discover the true criminals in Gotham and stop the majority of its crime.
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Who is Batman really? Who acts like a double agent, wearing one disguise of Bruce Wayne and another disguise of vigilante Batman? Carefully walking the tightrope between the law and criminality. Who is making under the table deals with the mob and the police? Batman is the rat. He takes information from the mob and rats them out to the police. He uses information from the police to aid his personal vendettas. Batman doesn’t listen to the police, he makes his own rules. Batman is the very definition of a rat. A rat is a dirty beast with the wings of an angel. Batman suits this analogy well. He is something monstrous wearing the mask or in this case the wings of an angel. Batman is not the good guy, like the Penguin, he is a proprietor. Batman is doing business like anyone else. He is not doing some random acts of kindness. Batman is a sole proprietor, he works by himself for himself. He interacts with others for help but ultimately he works for his own agenda.
The Riddler knew Bruce Wayne was the problem. What he didn’t know was that Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same person. If the Riddler knew that fact he would not respect or admire Batman at all. Bruce Wayne has the influence needed to impact those in power and more than enough money to help the city of Gotham.
The late Thomas Wayne attempted to use his spare change of ONE BILLION DOLLARS to aid the city, but to no avail. In the end, the family image was placed above charity. Thomas Wayne chose to do business with criminals.
“Giving back is not just an obligation, it’s a passion.” -Thomas Wayne in his mayoral campaign.
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Unlike his father, Bruce Wayne doesn’t seem to be doing any philanthropy with his inherited Wayne fortune. Does this mean that there is something or someone stopping him from doing so? Bruce Wayne has no intention to truly solve the problem with Gotham but would rather treat the symptoms of the cause but not solve the real issue. The Riddler is not offering any answers but only leading people to the truth. Could Batman be hiding the truth that he is the problem with Gotham, or at least a big part of it? The problem with Gotham can be narrowed down to a few big factors; corruption of public officials, underworld crime, and extreme wealth imbalance. The Wayne’s have a finger in all three of these contributing factors.
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Both Batman and the Riddler want to help the city of Gotham but who is more unbiased in their position? Edward Nashton has nothing to gain and nothing to protect. Bruce Wayne has his family name to protect, which offers him a special place at the top of high society and he has his cushy wealth that keeps him more than comfortable. Despite what he may say, he has the power to use his powers as a Wayne and the Batman to ensure the city stays the way that it is, so that he can continue to benefit from a life that is built on the misery and ignorance of the poor people of Gotham.
Batman chooses to use violence to beat up petty criminals. The same criminals who his Wayne family wealth subjugates.
The Riddler is inspired by Batman to use violence to punish the white collar criminals that no one else can, due to their untouchable elite status.
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The Riddler makes a bigger difference than Batman because he is directly targeting the criminals who are making life a living hell for everyone in Gotham, including the criminals Batman is beating up on. The Riddler knows that the petty criminals of Gotham are just a symptom of the whales with all the power, money and prestige. The elite think that they won’t be held accountable because they are upheld highly in the media. The elite own the media and can get the public to believe any story they want. The Riddler uses the same media that the elite weaponized, to expose them for who they really are by unmasking the slimy public officials. The people of Gotham have been brainwashed into a stockholm syndrome scenario where they worship and vote for the people that couldn’t care any less about them. Batman works with the corrupt police to protect his own interest. Everyone in Gotham with power or money has a grubby hand reaching out for their slice of the pie. The public is entirely ignorant of this hidden business world that lies behind the veil of politics and public displays of false philanthropy.
The Riddler is the hero of the people while Batman is the protector of the elite.
Edward Nashton is a lower class commoner who fights for the basic human rights of the common people. Human rights such as clean food and water, a warm roof over the heads of babies, and living quarters for orphan’s without the presence of vermin.
Bruce Wayne is an upper class elite who protects the business interests of the elite. Business interests such as mayoral campaigns, police interests, and any threats to the well being of corrupt politicians.
This is a villain’s view of "The Batman” 2022 movie. Do you have a film theory of “The Batman?” You can submit your theories on the Villainism Tumblr page.
Article written by Nina Robinson, author of novel “Villainism”, via villainism.com
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villainism-book · 2 years
Is Batman the true villain? C’mon the Riddler seems like a pretty nice guy and everyone loves him!
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villainism-book · 2 years
This is a tough one...both are pretty scrappy. Anyone want to make any bets?
Bruce Wayne
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"Fear is a tool. When that light hits the sky, it’s not just a call. It’s a warning. For them." -The Batman
Edward Nashton
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"It can be cruel, poetic or blind. But when it’s denied, its your violence you may find." – The Riddler
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villainism-book · 2 years
The Joe Goldberg Effect
The Joe Goldberg Effect
Is a basic ball cap all you need to blend in with the crowd and schmooze your way to the top of the social order? 
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Joe is perfectly bland and boring. He isn’t extreme in his attitude or manners. His clothing is indiscreet, wearing only the basics that might be found in any light academia wardrobe. It’s as if he is a movie star hiding from the paparazzi and he thinks his baseball hat and black sunglasses are going to make him blend into the background- and he might be right. The only things that stand out about Joe are his rare 1967 Buick Skylark and his murderous obsessive compulsions. Take away those two things, suspend your belief and Joe might just be a master of disguise.
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Joe doesn’t allow himself to get angry or show that he is irritated. He definitely doesn’t show his hand and he keeps his cards very close to his chest. Always careful not to let others see his true motives or the real meaning behind his actions. Joe is known for his calm and collected nature. He comes across as fair and rational-minded. He seems to do everything just right. Playing the perfect boyfriend, the responsible employee, or the friendly neighbor, whatever the situation calls for. He is the dad of the social group, he always plays like he is the responsible one, keeping everything under control and is always looking out for his friends. Although Joe fantasizes about the perfect woman and projects this image of the perfect girlfriend onto almost any girl he meets. Joe is also capable of projecting this fantasy onto others to see him as the perfect person they wish him to be. Whether romantically or not, Joe is able to get others to like him by making himself appear like the fantasy figure the person in front of him needs and wants him to be. It’s not like they want it to be Joe specifically, but when no one else is able to fill the role, Joe is more than willing to make their wish come true. Joe does this to get people to relax around him and fall in love with him, making it easier for him to get what he wants. Using his hypnotizing voice that is well suited for ASMR, Joe tells people what they want to hear, knowing that people will believe anything as long as it fits their version of the truth. 
Now that these people accept Joe and even rely on him they will be more likely to go along with what he wants so they can keep getting what they want, which is Joe fulfilling their needs by playing a role. Joe gets people to depend on his very presence. Joe is quiet and willing to let others talk his ear off spilling their guts to him. This creates a therapeutic effect and people begin to identify with Joe making him out to be a closer friend then is actually the case. Usually Joe knows way more about them than they do about him. Not realizing that they’ve been doing all the talking and not asking him anything about himself. Joe is the perfect blank slate for people to project on. They believe Joe is whoever they want him to be, their best friend, their perfect boyfriend, whatever meets their needs. People realize they need to have Joe around because he is so pleasant and comfortable to be around. Not to mention, Joe is usually the most helpful person in the room. Joe is willing to do more for a perfect stranger than that person’s close friends and loved one’s are willing to do. Joe looks for what people are lacking in their life and fulfills the demand. Joe is patient and knows that putting a little time in his relationships will go a long way. Sometimes you have to play the long game to win the war.
Just like how Joe can mold himself into what others want him to be, he can also mold people into becoming what he wants them to be. Getting inside of their spirit by mirroring the people around him, he makes them believe he is not so different from them. Once they feel like Joe is one of them, he can convince them to make changes they otherwise would not. Joe knows that people are not willing to surrender their beliefs and preferences for someone they just met. Joe knows that if you just pretend to show the same unique sense of style and taste, they will come to respect your opinion, because they see themselves in you. People love to believe that their way is superior and will want to stick to their own ideas. If they see themselves in you, then they will feel like agreeing with you is merely affirming their own ideas.
When Joe is unable to charm his way out of his tricky circumstances, he is willing to resort to lying. Lying in the heat of the moment can prove more than difficult, especially if you are one to crack under pressure when put on the spot or just not as quick witted to come up with a reasonable lie that you won’t regret later. Remember, your lies must match your entire story and they will need to check out when others test them for their validity. Others may not do their research and check up on your whole background, so you may be able to get away with a white lie here and there.
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Now Joe is one to investigate and check up on people, including searching through their background thoroughly with a fine tooth comb. To some, Joe is a stalker, but Joe knows that you cannot go into battle without knowing thy enemy. When we first meet a new person or enter into a new group of people, whether that’s colleagues or a community, we are usually in over our heads and have no idea what is truly going on. There is always a story and people always have a past. Like Joe, we wouldn’t want our fantasies and preconceived projections of people to interfere with the facts of who these people really are. Even after getting to know a person, we may disregard what we learn about them and only continue to believe the first impression they had on us. Despite the fact that the reality may not align with the idealized version of that person we created in our minds. Often, only when it is too late, do we realize our mistake and find out how we’ve overlooked their actions and completely missed seeing them for who they really are. Misjudging people and situations can be avoided. By investigating, we are able to remove our rose-colored glasses before we enter the battlefield. Joe has a radar for pretenders and confidence men, maybe because he is one. As you can tell from Joe’s inner monologue, he doesn’t see the world the same way as others do. He is able to see through the facade of every person around him, seeing them for who they really are and seeing their true intentions. Although Joe may wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to love, he is usually able to see right past the masks people wear and the theater people play. Joe looks past the pretense and gets right down to the bare bones of a situation, sometimes literally.
The Joe Goldberg Effect is so intriguing, because we aren’t used to seeing a weirdo like Joe be able to fool people into thinking he is this suave and smooth guy. Joe starts out having no girlfriend, he has no money, no friends, and no sanity. Yet, throughout the series, he is able to win the hearts of his love interests and enter into a circle of wealthy friends and acquaintances. Due to the genre and nature of the drama in the show, Joe uses this chameleon super power to the extreme, literally changing his name and whole identity. This doesn’t mean that this power couldn’t be used in a less extreme way. Perhaps the Joe Goldberg Effect can be used for more noble purposes.
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If you want to understand a villain like Joe Goldberg and learn more about evil used for good, then you should read Villainism by Nina Robinson. Joe’s villain origin story began with reading books, so here is a good one to start your library.
In Netflix’s “You” Season 4 it looks like audiences will get to witness the peak of the “Joe Goldberg Effect.” Joe’s stalker tendencies, turned full on detective- as he is dubbed a “Sherlock Holmes” in this new season of “You.” We will get to see how he changes his entire identity twice, Nick in Paris to Jonathon Moore the London professor. I guess the ball cap isn’t enough to suffice for two whole identity changes, so this time around he’s hiding his true identity behind a Hollywoodian beard. Will Joe Goldberg once again be able to charm his way up the social ladder now that he’s dealing with what appears to be the most wealthy elite in the world?
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Written by Nina Robinson
Feb. 5 2023
Photos from Netflix’s You (season 1,2,3,4)
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villainism-book · 2 years
Loki is one of my OG favorite villain’s! How can you not love him?
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villainism-book · 2 years
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villainism-book · 2 years
The Joe Goldberg Effect
The Joe Goldberg Effect
Is a basic ball cap all you need to blend in with the crowd and schmooze your way to the top of the social order? 
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Joe is perfectly bland and boring. He isn’t extreme in his attitude or manners. His clothing is indiscreet, wearing only the basics that might be found in any light academia wardrobe. It’s as if he is a movie star hiding from the paparazzi and he thinks his baseball hat and black sunglasses are going to make him blend into the background- and he might be right. The only things that stand out about Joe are his rare 1967 Buick Skylark and his murderous obsessive compulsions. Take away those two things, suspend your belief and Joe might just be a master of disguise.
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Joe doesn’t allow himself to get angry or show that he is irritated. He definitely doesn’t show his hand and he keeps his cards very close to his chest. Always careful not to let others see his true motives or the real meaning behind his actions. Joe is known for his calm and collected nature. He comes across as fair and rational-minded. He seems to do everything just right. Playing the perfect boyfriend, the responsible employee, or the friendly neighbor, whatever the situation calls for. He is the dad of the social group, he always plays like he is the responsible one, keeping everything under control and is always looking out for his friends. Although Joe fantasizes about the perfect woman and projects this image of the perfect girlfriend onto almost any girl he meets. Joe is also capable of projecting this fantasy onto others to see him as the perfect person they wish him to be. Whether romantically or not, Joe is able to get others to like him by making himself appear like the fantasy figure the person in front of him needs and wants him to be. It’s not like they want it to be Joe specifically, but when no one else is able to fill the role, Joe is more than willing to make their wish come true. Joe does this to get people to relax around him and fall in love with him, making it easier for him to get what he wants. Using his hypnotizing voice that is well suited for ASMR, Joe tells people what they want to hear, knowing that people will believe anything as long as it fits their version of the truth. 
Now that these people accept Joe and even rely on him they will be more likely to go along with what he wants so they can keep getting what they want, which is Joe fulfilling their needs by playing a role. Joe gets people to depend on his very presence. Joe is quiet and willing to let others talk his ear off spilling their guts to him. This creates a therapeutic effect and people begin to identify with Joe making him out to be a closer friend then is actually the case. Usually Joe knows way more about them than they do about him. Not realizing that they’ve been doing all the talking and not asking him anything about himself. Joe is the perfect blank slate for people to project on. They believe Joe is whoever they want him to be, their best friend, their perfect boyfriend, whatever meets their needs. People realize they need to have Joe around because he is so pleasant and comfortable to be around. Not to mention, Joe is usually the most helpful person in the room. Joe is willing to do more for a perfect stranger than that person’s close friends and loved one’s are willing to do. Joe looks for what people are lacking in their life and fulfills the demand. Joe is patient and knows that putting a little time in his relationships will go a long way. Sometimes you have to play the long game to win the war.
Just like how Joe can mold himself into what others want him to be, he can also mold people into becoming what he wants them to be. Getting inside of their spirit by mirroring the people around him, he makes them believe he is not so different from them. Once they feel like Joe is one of them, he can convince them to make changes they otherwise would not. Joe knows that people are not willing to surrender their beliefs and preferences for someone they just met. Joe knows that if you just pretend to show the same unique sense of style and taste, they will come to respect your opinion, because they see themselves in you. People love to believe that their way is superior and will want to stick to their own ideas. If they see themselves in you, then they will feel like agreeing with you is merely affirming their own ideas.
When Joe is unable to charm his way out of his tricky circumstances, he is willing to resort to lying. Lying in the heat of the moment can prove more than difficult, especially if you are one to crack under pressure when put on the spot or just not as quick witted to come up with a reasonable lie that you won’t regret later. Remember, your lies must match your entire story and they will need to check out when others test them for their validity. Others may not do their research and check up on your whole background, so you may be able to get away with a white lie here and there.
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Now Joe is one to investigate and check up on people, including searching through their background thoroughly with a fine tooth comb. To some, Joe is a stalker, but Joe knows that you cannot go into battle without knowing thy enemy. When we first meet a new person or enter into a new group of people, whether that’s colleagues or a community, we are usually in over our heads and have no idea what is truly going on. There is always a story and people always have a past. Like Joe, we wouldn’t want our fantasies and preconceived projections of people to interfere with the facts of who these people really are. Even after getting to know a person, we may disregard what we learn about them and only continue to believe the first impression they had on us. Despite the fact that the reality may not align with the idealized version of that person we created in our minds. Often, only when it is too late, do we realize our mistake and find out how we’ve overlooked their actions and completely missed seeing them for who they really are. Misjudging people and situations can be avoided. By investigating, we are able to remove our rose-colored glasses before we enter the battlefield. Joe has a radar for pretenders and confidence men, maybe because he is one. As you can tell from Joe’s inner monologue, he doesn’t see the world the same way as others do. He is able to see through the facade of every person around him, seeing them for who they really are and seeing their true intentions. Although Joe may wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to love, he is usually able to see right past the masks people wear and the theater people play. Joe looks past the pretense and gets right down to the bare bones of a situation, sometimes literally.
The Joe Goldberg Effect is so intriguing, because we aren’t used to seeing a weirdo like Joe be able to fool people into thinking he is this suave and smooth guy. Joe starts out having no girlfriend, he has no money, no friends, and no sanity. Yet, throughout the series, he is able to win the hearts of his love interests and enter into a circle of wealthy friends and acquaintances. Due to the genre and nature of the drama in the show, Joe uses this chameleon super power to the extreme, literally changing his name and whole identity. This doesn’t mean that this power couldn’t be used in a less extreme way. Perhaps the Joe Goldberg Effect can be used for more noble purposes.
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If you want to understand a villain like Joe Goldberg and learn more about evil used for good, then you should read Villainism by Nina Robinson. Joe’s villain origin story began with reading books, so here is a good one to start your library.
In Netflix’s “You” Season 4 it looks like audiences will get to witness the peak of the “Joe Goldberg Effect.” Joe’s stalker tendencies, turned full on detective- as he is dubbed a “Sherlock Holmes” in this new season of “You.” We will get to see how he changes his entire identity twice, Nick in Paris to Jonathon Moore the London professor. I guess the ball cap isn’t enough to suffice for two whole identity changes, so this time around he’s hiding his true identity behind a Hollywoodian beard. Will Joe Goldberg once again be able to charm his way up the social ladder now that he’s dealing with what appears to be the most wealthy elite in the world?
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Written by Nina Robinson
Feb. 5 2023
Photos from Netflix’s You (season 1,2,3,4)
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villainism-book · 2 years
Are you hyped for season 4 of You?
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villainism-book · 2 years
I love the concept of lying. The idea that you can create a fake story on the spot and speak of it so smoothly, the fact that everyone is completely blind and decepted. It’s so unsettling yet so interesting.
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villainism-book · 2 years
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good night sweet prince…
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