writeandisconnect · 5 years
The Origins.
Since I have pretty much covered the basic of Astrology. Something came up to me recently. It’s time to rewind a little. 
In this post, I will be discussing the origins of Zodiac and the meaning of each Zodiac sign. 
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The term Zodiac derives from Latin zōdiacus, which in its turn comes from the Greek, it means “circle of animals”. It is used to describe the circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic path of the sun.
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Every culture has its own beliefs systems, now, and in ancient cultures. The stars are just one of the many things that human beings have turned to for answers over the years. Travelers used the skies as a compass, and many people used the skies as a source of mystical direction as well. But who? Exactly who came up with this way of thinking? 
Astronomers and historians noted that all of these ideas came together when Alexander the Great conquered Eygpt around 330 BC. 
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Here’s how NASA previously described the logic that led to the creation of the familiar zodiac signs known today:
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Astrology - in the broadest sense - is the search for purpose in the heavens.
Note that there’s a difference between Astrology and Astronomy. For centuries it was considered basically the same thing. However, things changed around the beginning of the enlightenment in the late 17th century. Astronomy came to be known as a science and Astrology not so much. But its popularity in recent years seems to have increased. It relies on factors that numbers cannot compute. In a 2014 poll study by the National Science Foundation, it is shown that more than half of millennials think Astrology is science. Why is that? Bear with me, I’ll get back to that. 
Well, enough of the mundane history stuff for now. Haha. Let’s get down to the interesting part. 
The Origins of the Zodiac Signs
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Aries is known as the Ram, and also the first of the twelve zodiac constellations. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars (drive and energy). In Greek mythology, the god of war was known as Ares. Those born under this star sign is passionate and energetic.  
Taurus symbolizes a Bull, and in the Babylonian zodiac it was called as “The Heavenly Bull”. In Greek mythology, Taurus is linked with Zeus. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus (love and attraction). Those born under this sign have a strong personality, and they enjoy the finer things in life.
Geminis is known as the Twins and it is taken from Greek mythology of Castor and Pollux. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury (mind and communication). Hence the reason why Geminis are talkative. They are lively and curious. 
Cancers are the fourth sign in the zodiac and it is represented by a symbol of a Crab. The Crab stems from the Greek mythology of Hercules fighting Hydra. This sign is ruled by the Moon (moods and emotions). People born under this sign tend to put the needs of others before their own.
Leos is represented by Ancient Greek mythology as the Nemean Lion. Leos is ruled by the Sun (individual and self-expression). They are expressive and impossible to ignore, they light up the room wherever they go. 
Virgos is the sixth sign, this sign is associated with Demeter and Ceres, they were both goddesses of nurturing and fertility. The sign symbolizes by the Virgin indicates purity and innocence. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury (mind and communication) same as Gemini. However, Virgo is endowed with the unemotional, logical and analytical way in things. 
Libra is symbolized by the scales or the balance. In Roman mythology, Libra was thought to symbolize the scales of justice held by Astraea (goddess of justice). Ruled by the planet Venus (love and attraction) like Taurus but, focuses primarily more on love. 
Like the name itself, Scorpio is symbolized by the Scorpion. They are ruled by the planet Pluto (power and transformation). In Greek mythology, a scorpion is sent by the goddess Artemis to kill the hunter, Orion. Scorpios love to uncover the truth in any situation. They are constantly building themselves to be the best version every day.
This is the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius’s symbol in Greek mythology is a Centaur, with an arrow pointing towards the star Antares. This sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter (luck, growth, and wisdom). Sagittarius is always thinking big, due to the planet Jupiter being the largest in the solar system. They are encouraged to expand their mind and heart. 
Capricorn is one of the oldest constellations, also known as “the tail of Goat”. According to Greek mythology, Capricorn is associated with the demigod, Pan. This sign is ruled by the planet Saturn (discipline, fears, and challenges). Capricorns are serious hard workers. They believe you get out what you put in.
Aquarius is symbolized by the Water-bearer. This sign is ruled by the planet Uranus (change and personality). People born under this sign, are more eccentric. Due to their ruling planet is the only planet that spins on a horizontal axis. They like to stir things up and they have a mind of an innovator. 
Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac. Pisces symbolizes the Fish. This sign is ruled by the planet Neptune (dreams and healing). In Greek mythology, the fish is actually Aphrodite and her son, Eros. People born under this sign are intuitive and deeply compassionate individual. 
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There you have it. A little background historical knowledge on the zodiac signs. If you want to read a more thorough history, check this out. To conclude my post, Astrology may not be ‘scientifically proven’ but the fact that people keep turning to the sky does come down to something very realistic. A psychological phenomenon called “the human tendency for ‘self-selection’”. That is the search for interpretations that match what we already hope to be true. 
An astronomer said that “Humans magnify the positives, they forget the negatives. That’s how we’re designed.” and I agree with that very much. 
Thank you for sticking with me till the end. Hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it! ☺︎
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writeandisconnect · 5 years
Hey guys, first and foremost, I deeply apologize for the quality of the video it can be quite painful to watch (had some trouble with the rendering), also I am running out of time so this was kind of the best I can do (for now). I will try to fix it, till then please bear with this. I appreciate your support. 🙏🏼💙
Anyways, I invited two of my friends and course mates to discuss their experiences with each zodiac sign in Astrology. It was fun making this video and I hope you will enjoy watching it too. Please keep in mind that, this is solely our own thoughts and opinion and everyone is different. Also, there’s so much more to it than what we’re saying soooo.. don’t get butthurt haha. 
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writeandisconnect · 5 years
Feels, right?
This might be the topic that I am most careful in approaching. But. I think this is the topic that most people are interested/excited about. 
-wait for it-
Yeees. Compatibility. ARE U READY?
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With all the talks about the elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water) of the 12 zodiac signs. It is vital to know that the elements hold a core aspect of your personality. The elements unite different zodiac signs and shares a way of looking at the everyday life. Have you ever had moments when you meet someone and you instantly click? Thoughts like “where have you been all my life?”, or “wow, you know me so well”. Sometimes even, when the person you just met ticks you off so easily and you just can’t get along well no matter how hard you tried? 
Well, the universe has an impeccable way of working things out. No matter how hard you try to dismiss it, it’s connected in a way. Some relationships are easier to build than others. Why? Let’s find out.
When two Fire signs get together, the energy both hold just instantly intensifies. You may feel like you just met your soulmate. Mutual understandings, the energy both parties exchange and manifests. When they both agree on the same things, all is well. However, when a fight breaks out, it MAY seem like it’s the end. Without a doubt, it’s impossible to put out a fire with fire. Well, if one of the two is willing to let their guard down their relationship is usually the strongest. 
These pairings tend to appreciate each other’s need for stability and routine. They may keep things on the surface, due to the fact that they don’t like talking about their emotional issues. Earth signs like to keep things as peaceful as possible. SECURITY. They need to feel secure, also the responsibility in their relation. Once that’s taken care of, all is goood. 
These pairings truly understand the meaning of “communication is the key in a relationship”. When two Air signs get together, ideas are bound to be exchanged and the foundation of TRUST. Even if one sign is quieter than the other, they know where the conversation is going. Although at times impracticality is found. Constant reassurance and commitment, keep stimulating their intellect will keep things cool.
Well well well, when two Water signs get together you don’t have to worry about emotional problems. Because these people can literally READ YOUR MIND, almost like a sixth sense. They are sensitive and very attentive to each other. It is good and bad, first, you may not be able to articulate the intricacies of why and how. Both parties find a space for mutual love and respect.  
When a Fire sign and Air sign is paired up, they can get along almost instantly. They make a pretty good team. Air signs can understand the thoughts and feelings, the actions and possible outcome of the fire, without extinguishing their enthusiasm. On the other hand, Fire signs can help the indecisiveness of an Air sign. 
These two signs are a well-suited pair. They rely on each other just as how with water the earth is rejuvenated. However, nothing will be able to regain their trust once it is gone. As if there’s a problem in the land, the water is afraid for its own safety. These signs will start withdrawing themselves. 
Upon meeting, these signs portray hostility towards each other. Earth extinguishes the fire, the fire burns the earth. A lot of recklessness, impulsiveness. Although this combination isn’t rare, just be cautious. In order to work things out, they need to spend a lot of time and energy to gain mutual understanding in the relationship and find common ground.
Just by reading the elements, it is obvious that this is a chaotic pairing in a relationship. They do share the same enthusiasm but in different ways. Fire signs are impatient and spontaneous, they express their emotions outwardly. Whereas Water signs are more flexible and passive, they need emotional support and the need to be understood. Fire signs are blunt with words and Water signs forgive but never forgets. They need to learn to understand and accept the emotional world of their partner. To accept that they both view things differently. 
These pairings can be as problematic as the previous ones, as land is grounded when air is free. Earth signs can feel like they aren’t able to seize Air signs due to their shallowness. Earth signs tend to suppress their partners with inherent conservatism and pragmatism. If a relationship is established between these two it can be long-lasting and productive. That is if they learn how to talk about their feelings (Air signs stop living by reason - Earth signs, stop trying to suppress your emotions thinking they’re under control).
These signs are attracted to each other at times. It works like admiration, Air signs admire how sensitive and receptivity of a Water sign as well as the intuition of a Water sign. On the other hand, Water signs are attracted to good communicators and the intelligence of an Air sign. In the beginning, it may seem there is development between each other but soon later they will begin to understand how unlike and difficult it is to be together.
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Do you somehow understand more about your sign’s element now? With that said, I hope this helped in a way to view things in a bigger picture. Knowing how your partner's element interact with yours will save you a lot of unexpected situations. I just want to add that, compatibility and relations between all elements have their own benefits and doubts. As long as two parties are willing to work it out no matter how rough it gets and not blame one another. That’s when you know you’re A TEAM.
Once again, thank you for sticking with me. 😇
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writeandisconnect · 5 years
Music music music 🎶
Do you know that just like the type of music you like listening to, astrology can say a lot about the kind of person you are? 
I did a short survey asking people to choose their preferable music choice with the intention of seeing whether the signs have similar taste in their preference of music. Yeah, sure, part of that is personal preference, but another part of it could have something to do with astrology.
There are many reasons as to ‘how and why’ important music is to us. This has always been a topic of interest of mine, how some songs just speak to us and give us words to what we’re feeling. I’m sure everyone has a song you’re thinking about right now as you’re reading this. One way or another, the importance of it differs from people to people. 
In this post, I will be discussing the responses I gathered.
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As I want to keep the survey anonymous, I only asked for the gender. The chart shows that 62.7% of the responses are from males and 37.3% are from females. This sets the start of the info-graphic. 
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Next, the majority of the signs are Leo and Aquarius with a tie of 11.9% (7 responses each). Followed by Gemini and Virgo at 10.2% (6 responses each). Aries, Sagittarius, and Pisces at 8.5% (5 responses each). Taurus, Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio at 6.8% (4 responses each). Finally, Capricorn at 3.4% (2 responses). 
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In this chart, we can see that the majority of 55.9% of responders only believe in Astrology occasionally. 22% believes in it and the other 22% completely in disbelieve. But that’s okay. 
I have always believed that music bonds people. No matter the language, genre, music is something that knows no bound. It’s a topic for everyone, you might not be able to speak the same language as someone else, however, once you share and listen to music together, you’re really bonding.  
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The overall top music genre preferred by the respondents is Pop music. Since there is a vast amount of musical genre, of course, no one person is limited to just one genre. 
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With all the information gathered above, I’m going to suggest something for each of the signs based on their elements. 😇
Firstly, we have the Fire signs (♈︎,♌︎,♐︎). Since fire signs are usually outgoing they need something more upbeat that can keep them going! Whether it’s pop, rap, rock anything that will get them moving. 
Earth signs (♉︎,♑︎,♍︎). These people are drawn to calmer music, more sensual, so anything ranging from soul, R&B, jazz and how can we forget, pop. They tend to stay away from music which is too noisy.  
Air signs (♊︎,♎︎,♒︎). Since air signs are good communicators they need music with lyrics that could speak to them. They appreciate musicality in general. Anything from electronic music, alternative, rap, pop, country, and indie will do good for them. 
Finally, the Water signs (♋︎,♏︎,♓︎). These signs are all creative in their own way, they definitely have a deep appreciation for art. Anything nostalgic, lo-fi, indie, alternative, folk. Anything they can immerse and get lost in. 
What do Music and Astrology have in common? Well, it definitely connects people in a mysterious way. Also, they are a form of expression, to allow us to communicate how we feel inside and out, and they bring us together, as individuals and cultures. 
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Thank you for reading & happy sharing! 💛
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writeandisconnect · 5 years
A fun conversation between me and my friend Sarah. In this podcast, you will hear us discussing her birth chart in a slightly more detailed manner. 
If you have read my previous post, you would know that the three main components to know about your birth chart is your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant/Rising sign. I briefly introduced Sarah hers, and the reaction from her seems to be positive! ☺︎ 
Click and listen to find out more! 
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writeandisconnect · 5 years
Science and faith?
Previously, I briefly introduced what astrology is about. Now, it’s time to ponder on the similarities and differences of Chinese and Western astrology.
Fun fact: The specific names for the modern western zodiac come from the Greeks. The word Zodiac itself comes from the Greek root word ‘zoe’, of life.
Chinese astrology: the 12 signs are derived from a myth that when God was developing a calendar, all creatures on Earth were summoned to participate in a race. The first 12 to cross the line were awarded signs in the Chinese zodiac. (I remember there’s a movie I watched when I was younger based on this myth, it’s called Zodiac: The Race Begins).
Western astrology: the 12 signs are based on constellations’ positions relative to the earth. The constellations were named according to Greek mythology.
Chinese astrology has three other pillars that create your fate, making four pillars in total: birth year, birth month, birth day, and birth hour. Whereas in Western astrology focuses on celestial alignment of constellations with planets, stars, the moon, and etcetera.
Let’s look at the similarities and differences, in Chinese astrology system there are five elements which are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.
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In the lunar calendar, each element is linked to a 2-year period and manages the motivating forces in your life.
For instance:
Fire (🔥) (火) = inspired by excitement Earth (🌎) (土) = motivated to create secure foundations Metal (🏅) (金) = driven to create order Water (🌊) (水) = compelled to form emotional bonds Wood (🌲) (木) = motivated and desire to explore
Whereas, in Western astrology, there are only four elements. Which are: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. (if you watched Avatar you would know, ha-ha) 
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Each element is associated with three zodiac signs, moreover, it governs the prevailing psychology of each group.
Fire🔥: Aries ♈, Leo ♌, Sagittarius ♐ Earth🌱: Taurus♉, Virgo ♍, Capricorn ♑ Air🌬: Gemini ♊, Libra ♎, Aquarius ♒ Water💧: Cancer ♋, Scorpio ♏, Pisces ♓
Fire signs tend to be passionate, dynamic and temperamental, and sometimes impulsive. Earth signs are more grounded in terms of keeping things real, slow and steady. Air signs are driven by motion, they are full of actions and ideas. Finally, the Water signs, intuitive, empathetic, like water they can be refreshing, or they can drown you in their depths.
Got it? All these elements together form the natural world, so each is in some way dependent on the other. As the first sign is Aries (fire), followed by Taurus (earth), Gemini (air) then Cancer (water), it goes like a cycle in order, like rinsing and cleansing.
Chinese astrology looks at the lunar phase of birth and links a person’s temperament with the phase of the Moon (New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon) at the time of their birth. Conversely, Western astrology classifies each four zodiac signs to three qualities (Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable).
New Moon 🌑 Adventurous and seeks an innovative environment Waxing Moon 🌒 🌔 Hard working and desired merit-based systems Full Moon 🌕 Diplomatic, seek out environments where the protocol is emphasized Waning Moon 🌘 🌖 Introspective, desire peaceful surroundings
Fixed (♉,♌,♏,♒) Persistent, reliable and determined, do not give up easily. However, unwillingness to change can also lead to missing out on opportunities and getting stuck in their own ways. Cardinal (♈,♋,♎,♑) Dynamic, initiatory, passionate energy that isn’t afraid to try new things. Always up for things and doesn’t always take the rest they need. Mutable (♊,♍,♐,♓) Flexible, changeable, adaptable. “Go with the flow” type. Often struggle with distractions, lack the focus to move decisively.
To conclude this post, I just want to highlight that everybody has a form of belief, and sometimes this belief it can neither be proven nor disproven. You don’t have to rain on someone else’s parade just because your belief is not the same as theirs. As with anything in the realm of astrology, take your findings with a grain of salt. Speaking from my own encounter, I have people who asked me questions like when I meet someone for the first time do I immediately ask what their sign is? Or when I meet a potential significant other whom I am attracted to. Do I judge them based on their sign? The answer is, no, I don’t. That’d be kinda freaky. (unless the person is a fellow astrology enthusiast haha). What I usually do is I like to slowly discover and observe how they’re like before guessing or asking them. It actually brings more clarity to me after finding out later on.. like “oh, so that’s why you’re acting this way, you’re a Taurus..” (just an example ☺︎).
Thank you for reading, ♥︎
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writeandisconnect · 5 years
What is Astrology?
When prompt with the question, “what is your sign?” Most people will reply with the simplest form of answer which is their star sign; which refers to the 12 constellations of the zodiac, this is a form of sun-sign astrology. 
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However, Astrology is much more complex than just your sun-sign. It often gets misunderstood, as some people find it hard to relate to their sign more than others. So, what is Astrology? This post will strive to uncover that. I hope at the end of this post, you will understand a little more about Astrology. :)  
First and foremost, Astrology is a field of study that includes cosmic objects such as stars and planets and what they have on human lives. How the positions of the sun, stars, moon, and planets at the time of people’s birth is said to shape their personality, affect their romantic relationship and predict their economic fortunes, among other divinations. Astrology is a combination of religion and science. It is much like the study of psychology, it is an academic discipline and a social science concerned with society and the individuals within a society.
Typically, what most people know about astrology is their “sign”, as mentioned above the 12 constellations of the zodiac. This is a form of sun-sign astrology, your sun-sign describes the center of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become. It is probably the simplest form because you only need the date of your birthday to know your sun-sign horoscope. 
On the other hand, you have your moon-sign astrology which is the second most important influence in your horoscope chart after sun. The moon-sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your sun-sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your moon-sign describes who you already are. 
On top of that, we have the ascendant/rising-sign in astrology which is considered as important and significant as the Sun and Moon-signs, because the Ascendant-sign is specific to the time and place of the individual birth. Therefore, your rising-sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful. 
In other words, your sun-signs points to what you are learning to develop and become as you express the full qualities of this sign, you can experience greater fulfillment and confidence. Your moon-sign will describe what you do naturally, how you are likely to react emotionally, the things that you do instinctively, and what you will feel in various situations. You can think of your Ascendant as symbolizing the qualities you project in different situations or the ‘mask’ that you wear as you encounter something new. 
Now you must be thinking “so, that is why sometimes I don’t relate entirely to my sun-sign”.. Yes, that is because there is sooo much more matters that are co-related to it. 
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So, how do you find out what your moon-sign and ascendant-sign is? Well, since we’re part of the story of the Universe (i know, wow), our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The movement of the planets engages with the fixing in time energies of our birth chart. Therefore, in order to figure out your birth chart, you will need the date, time and place when you were born. Your birth chart will be based on not only the Sun but at least nine other celestial bodies. Once you figure out, you can try understanding yourself more here. 
Bear in mind that, Astrology is an incredible tool of self-discovery. However, there are bound to be stereotypes as Astrology can be baffling at first because it involves a different kind of wisdom. Personally, I was intrigued when I first found out there is more to horoscopes than just your sun-sign. Prior to discovering I was a bit sceptical because sometimes I feel like I’m connected to my sign but other times I feel completely opposite. Once I got my birth chart I immediately read it up and did some research and I felt like I understood myself more. 
To me, there is a value in Astrological study and it is personal understanding. An astrological chart can be used as a guide in everyone’s life, like a map. You can read about your desires and your fears, your talents, and your gifts. Additionally, astrology can help us gain objectivity when we are confused. The idea that reality, and all its parts, are entangled in ways we can actually study.. isn’t it exciting? As long as you keep an open mind and give it a chance it just may surprise you with the knowledge it brings.
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writeandisconnect · 6 years
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