A Part 3 of „Dust“? Like how life is after everything that happened. Maybe Peter and Y/N living in a house of their own?
Aww that would be so cute! Unfortunately I don’t plan on continuing Dust, I was planning to leave it with a happy ending knowing that everything turned out ok and no one died :)
The Russos? I’m sorry Idk them, I’ll do my own thing thanks happy endings are way better than sad ones 😘
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DUST HAS TAKEN A LOT OF TEARS FROM OH BOY i just want you to know that you're an effective writer, you gave me so much emotions! great work ❤ Congrats!
Thank you so much! 🥰
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Dust - Part 3
Pairing: Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Word Count: 3690 (Yeah, I know, sorry, but it wouldn’t have worked if I split it to more than one part)
Warning: grief, endgame spoilers, injuries, angst to the max
Summary: A continuation of my fanfic of Infinity War, set in the plot of Endgame.
A/N: Before I begin, I just wanted to let everyone know who is reading this that I wasn’t happy with Endgame. The treatment of female, LGBT and POC representation was appalling and in 2019 you would expect us to be a lot further along than we are now. The ending of Game of Thrones also had the same problems, showing just how poorly women, LGBT and POC are treated in media. I don’t really know how I would have changed Endgame here to better represent people without changing the whole movie, but I hope by having a female character - who by all means can be a person of colour or LGBT, I make sure to leave it as unspecific as possible so you can put yourself into (Y/N) - having a bit more agency and involvement in the plot will let you know that we do deserve representation, and it is not okay that we are not getting it. Also, Nat deserved better, so I’m giving her better. Hope you enjoy it. 
Dust, Part 2
I give no warning before hand when I arrive at the Avengers compound, sitting in the backseat of one of my dad’s old cars he wired to be able to drive itself. Pepper offered to drive me, but I wanted to come alone. This was something I wanted to keep my mom and Morgan far away from. I’d also managed to fill the car with holograms and projections of various ideas for a time machine. Jumping between them all, I pulled different aspects from each that I thought were most likely to work, trying to combine them into something that would give us the best possible chance to bring them all back.
My heart leaps in my chest. I try my best to disassociate what I’m planning and building from the implications of what it could mean. The thought of my dad and Peter gives me so much hope that I feel fear churning in my stomach, an emotion that throws me so much I can barely think straight. So, I refocus on the holograms.
“Miss Stark,” the robotic voice of the car pulls me from my thoughts, “we are here.”
Looking up towards the doors of the compound I see Nat and Steve already rushing out and making their way towards the car. With a deep intake of breathe that falls between a sigh and a shaky gasp, I close all the holograms and open the car door, stepping out.
They both look confused, but hopeful. Steve has a glint in his eyes that suggests he knows what I’m about to say while Nat’s lips are curved up ever so slightly, you would have to know her personally for a long time to be able to notice it. They don’t say anything, waiting for me to say why I’m on their doorstep. I sigh again, thinking about my dad and Peter, my mom and Morgan.
“I’m in.” 
Steve and Nat’s faces crack into smiles, and I cannot resist the urge to let my face do the same.
I’ll admit, I really was hoping I’d get through the whole time travel plan without having to feel much. I was hoping it would be all serious and down-to-business, like the good ‘ol days when I went on missions to an icy tundra to take down a baddie with my second family of superheroes and it would end with us all going home for takeout. This mission did not end up like that. I had agreed to join Steve to go back for the Tesseract, which meant going back to the attack on New York and Thor’s chaotic brother.
Seeing my dad again, years younger and still alive, I wanted nothing more than to just give up. Grab him and drag him back to the present with me. It wouldn’t take long to catch him up. Then I thought of Peter, his laugh echoing in my head and his smile painted like a mural in my mind. The other half of the population also rushed to the forefront of my mind, the smiling faces on missing person posters from when Thanos first snapped his fingers plastered in front of my eyes.
We’re the Avengers, there is no giving up. Quickly wiping my tears, we managed to get the tesseract without any hiccups.
But seeing my dad again wasn’t the end of the heartbreak. Returning to the present and watching Clint fall to his knees as he returned alone felt like my lungs were about to collapse in on themselves.
“There must be some way to bring her back.” I hear a voice reason, but they sound a million miles away as my hearing muffles and my vision blurs with tears. All I can think about is how I’ve lost someone else. Another part of my family gone.  
“It was her life as a trade for the soul stone.” Another voice says, sorrow matching how I feel. “It was the only way.”
Then my mind starts to whir as the cogs turn and I take in a deep breathe. Wiping my eyes, I manage to pull myself together enough to think straight.
“We can get her back,” I say, and all eyes turn to me. “In the same way we got the stones.”
Most of the people before me look confused, some go to object, but I cut them off.
“I know we have to return the stones to the exact spot we took them from. But couldn’t we do the same with Nat? We only have to make sure she returns to that point in time to sacrifice herself to get the soul stone. But who’s to say she can’t live her life before then?”
Faces of confusion change to understanding. Bruce almost looks like he is going to smile.
“So, we go back and get Nat, bringing her to the present like we did the stones. She gets to keep living, and only has to return to that time before she dies,” Bruce reiterates, taking a moment to think it through “that could work.”
“It would be risky, and she would probably have to give up being an Avenger. But if any of us deserve to retire, it’s Nat. Especially after this.” I state.
“Then let’s go,” Clint says, already getting to his feet and moving to put his helmet on again.
“Wait,” I stop him, “we should wait until we’ve reversed everything. If something goes wrong and it puts her in danger – because we all know she would be there fighting alongside us – we could put the future in jeopardy.”
There is a round of nods and mumbles of agreement. A feeling of determination rises in the air.
“Then let’s reverse everything.”
Sometimes I hate being right all the time. Not bringing Nat back there and then was definitely the right choice, seeming as, as soon as Bruce snapped his fingers while wearing the gauntlet, supposedly bring back the other half of the universe, the compound promptly exploded. In all the confusion, I managed to make it up through the rubble and was met with the bane of my life. The looks on Steve and Thor’s faces as they joined me amongst the remains of the compound seemed justification that Thanos was also the bane of their lives.
Pushing the manic thought of how the other half of the universe was mostly likely alive again – dad, Peter, I turned my attention to the titan that wanted to take it all away from me. Again. Memories of a blade slicing through my dad’s stomach, of him and Peter turning to dust in my arms. Anger boiled in my blood.
I barely registered most of the fight. At one point I’m pretty sure Steve had Thor’s hammer, but I was so blind with anger and pain and loss and heartbreak that all I could focus on was blasting Thanos to high hell. The warning signs my suit flashed in my face as I took hit after hit, dealing him my fair share too, only proved to annoy me. Eventually, I took my helmet off. The frenzy had died down and I appeared to be the only one standing apart from Thanos. Pain crept through my body, but I ignored it. I felt Steve struggle to his feet next to me.
Thanos takes this time to monologue, and I watch as his army comes to join him. I don’t really know what is happening. I don’t know where the other half of the universe is, if Bruce’s use of the gauntlet even brought them back. I don’t know if mom and Morgan will be safe after this, I don’t know if I’ve ended what little happiness we had. I don’t know how this is going to end, or how I’m going to die.
But I do know I’m not going down without taking as many of Thanos’ army – if not the mad titan himself – down with me.
I glance at Steve. He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes seem to be projecting the same thing. He grips what is left of his shield and I clench my fists, feeling the energy charging through my suit.
A voice crackling through the intercoms in our ears makes us pause. At first, the words are impossible to make out, but soon we understand them.
“On your left.”
As if on que, the sound of a portal pulls our attention to behind us. I can already feel a grin clawing at my face when I realise the voice is Sam’s, but triumph courses through me when the portal opens enough for three figures to step through it. Okoye, T’Challa and Shuri. The latter decides now is the time for a wiggle of her eyebrows and confident wink. I actually laugh at the surreal cockiness of my friend.
My friend, I think. Living and breathing.
It doesn’t end there. The sound of other portals surrounds us, and I turn completely to watch, ignoring Thanos entirely. Some are massive, allowing whole armies to pass through them, while others are smaller with only a few figures emerging. One in particular catches my eyes. Doctor Strange comes through first, followed by the Guardians and then two more people.
I feel like my heart is going to explode. Peter swings through the portal, landing on a large slab of rock. My dad just walks out, his suit fully on but he quickly loses the helmet, looking directly at me.
‘I love you,’ he mouths, the words clear as day on his lips from the amount of times I’ve remembered him saying them to me.
All I can do is smile in disbelief, feeling tears cut their way through the dirt and dust on my face. Steve’s words stop me from running to them, reminding me of where we are.
“Avengers,” he shouts, making me tear my eyes from my dad and Peter and turn back to Thanos, putting the helmet of my suit back on. Steve finishes the phrase in a chilling whisper. “Assemble.”
And we attack. United, it is clear Thanos doesn’t stand a chance.
I attack with the same ruthlessness I did before the portals opened, but this time it is spurred not by the determination of a last stand, but the strength of winning a final battle. Unfortunately, my injuries from fighting Thanos one on one come back to haunt me, making my movements slower and I make more mistakes. I’m soon backed into a corner against the remains of a wall, surrounded by Thanos’ soldiers. My suit screams at me to get myself away, but I cannot escape, and for the first time since the battle began I feel a surge of panic.
Then the soldiers are attacked from two sides – one attacker closer than the other – and soon they are all gone. The helmet of my suit comes down again so I can breathe as I slump to the floor, deciding I deserve a few seconds of time out.
“(Y/N), are you alright?”
“Mom?” I look up to see Pepper, heading towards me, crouching down next to me and taking my face in her hands. Her eyes are filled with concern, but it is difficult to register as I try to figure out how she is here. “What are you doing here?”
“I told you I supported you, didn’t I? How was I supposed to do that from back home?” She tucks some of my hair behind my ear, her other hand still cupping my face.
“Who’s babysitting Morgan?”
“Who’s Morgan?”
Both mine and my mom’s eyes grow to the size of dinner plates at the voice. We scramble to our feet, but we are almost knocked to the ground again at the sight of my dad.
“Tony,” my mom whispers, before running to him. They meet in the tightest hug possible for two people wearing big metal suits, eyes already watering with tears. They’re both mumbling loving words to each other, and all I can do is stand there watching.
“You coming in for a hug too, kid?”
He doesn’t need to ask me again as I sprint towards them, letting them engulf me in a joint hug that I have waited so long for. I bury my face in my dad’s neck.
“I missed you,” I tell him, the taste of my own tears on my lips.
“I missed you too,” Tony replies, hand moving to the back of my head.
The three of us stay in that hug for longer than we should while in the midst of the biggest battle of the universe, but Thanos himself couldn’t have pried me from my parents’ arms then. It was my dad who eventually ended the hug. Pulling back, he looked between me and my mom.
“So, are you going to tell me who Morgan is? Is she the new dog or gerbil?”
My mom laughs, moving her hand up to my dad’s face.
“She’s your daughter.”
My dad’s face splits into a grin, and he looks to me for confirmation. I just nod, realising there is not a single difference between my dad’s grin and Morgan’s. I’m almost about to pull up a photo of her with my suit to show him when we’re interrupted.
“(Y/N)!” The sound of a person landing is heard from behind me, and my name on their lips is the greatest sound I’ve ever heard.
“Peter!” I shout, sprinting at him the same way I did to my dad seconds before, only this time I manage to take Peter to the ground with this hug. He pulls me close, arms tight around my body. He’s rambling in the same way he always used to, telling me about how he woke up and came through the portal.
I don’t really register his words, pulling back to look at his face, taking in every feature I’ve only been able to imagine for the past five years. I faintly make the connection that we’re in the same position we were when he died, but it doesn’t affect me as I cut him off with a kiss, pulling his face as close to mine as I can. Peter responds in kind, hands cupping my face as he relaxes into the kiss. We pull apart with slightly swollen lips and dopey grins.
“That was nice,” Peter sighs.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” I tell him, about to lean in for another.
“Would you mind waiting a little longer? It appears we’re still in the midst of a battle.” My dad interrupts us before we can kiss again, Peter’s cheeks becoming a strong pink as I feel heat rise to mine. We’re quick to get back to our feet, but still stay close.
“Right, yeah, it can wait,” I reply, getting myself ready to carry on fighting, “only been five years, but sure I can go a little longer. No biggie.”
We all just stand there smiling at each other for a moment before being rudely interrupted by some of Thanos’ soldiers and we’re back in the action again. Continuing to fight, I manage to stay close to all three of them to some extent, as we all make sure we have each other’s backs in some way. The fight continues for a little longer, until somehow it is me, my dad and a few other Avengers up against Thanos. Somehow the titan manages to overpower most of us, despite losing the gauntlet. I try to make my way towards it, but that only results in me being thrown far out of the way, slamming into a large chunk of rubble that manages to wind me despite the suit. However, it gives my dad a window to get close to the gauntlet.
I can only watch as he hovers over it, looking up at Strange who holds up one finger. It takes me a moment to work out what he means. One in fourteen million.
Iron Man and Thanos both jump for the gauntlet. From where I am slumped, unable to move as my suit desperately tries to mend both itself and me, I don’t see who manages to get it. They fight, close combat, and I remember the last time that happened. I was in the exact same position; paralysed and unable to help. They eventually break apart, the gauntlet on Thanos’ hand. He looks triumphant, but I can see what he is missing.
“I am inevitable.” He snaps his fingers, expecting to win but receiving nothing.
I look at my dad, stumbling to his feet, the hand of his suit bejewelled with the infinity stones. He turns his hand, so they are in plain view of Thanos and utters one final famous phrase.
“I am Iron Man.”
And he snaps.
The battle comes to a sudden end. We all watch as Thanos’ army turns to dust, the titan soon following them. My suit manages to stop screaming at me and I scramble out of it, leaving it beaten and broken behind as I stumble to where my dad lies. Everyone else isn’t far behind.
“Dad,” I cry out, already at his side. He doesn’t answer, just looks into my eyes. I hold his gaze, trying desperately to ignore his mutilated arm. I soon feel my mom and others join me. I can hear Peter breaking down, and the sorrow of everyone surrounds me. My dad is going to die right in front of me. Again.
My mom tries to hold me as she speaks to him, assuring him how everything is okay. I barely feel anything, leaning into her slightly as my eyes drift to his hand, the infinity stones still sitting in the burnt remains of his suit. One last stupid, reckless idea springs to my mind through all of the grief. I may not be allowed to live out my life with my dad, but Morgan deserves to know him. As Pepper leans in to kiss his cheek, I take my opportunity to pry one of the stones off Tony’s hand. The purple hue almost speaks to me, telling me what to do.
Admittedly, plunging it into my chest to wield as much of its power as I could was probably not the best idea, but I could already feel it tearing my hand apart so making it as much a part of myself as possible seemed the best option. I hear voices cry out my name, but I ignore them, pushing through the immense pain and focusing solely on my dad. I put every ounce of my being into reversing his pain, healing him.
I lose consciousness before I know if I was successful or not.
The beeping of a monitor in time with a heartbeat is the first thing I notice. It takes me a little while to work out it is my heartbeat. Slowly opening my eyes, I find I’m lying in my own bed. An IV drip is connected to my arm and my desk is littered with ‘get well soon’ cards and large bouquets of flowers.
What I don’t understand most about the situation is I feel completely fine. Sitting up, my condition doesn’t change, so I pull off everything attached to me and get up, making my way towards the door. I hear murmurs of voices that sound like they’re coming from downstairs. Slowly making my way out I walk towards the stairs, soon discovering that pretty much everyone I know is in my living room.
Morgan is the first to notice me as I’m halfway down the stairs. She gasps, making everyone look at her, before sprinting towards me. I catch her at the bottom of the stairs, picking her up and hugging her close to me. The last thing I remember is intense pain and the destruction of a battle, so it is a nice change to be suddenly back in my own home with my little sister.
And the world and his brother. I’m soon engulfed by people, asking me questions and saying my name, but most keep their distance. Except for my parents, who hover around me like I’ll break at any moment and Peter who is the only person to treat me normally, running to give me a hug just like Morgan.
“Hey, okay, listen. I’m fine! What’s going on?” I ask, and everyone quietens down. “What?”
“Look down.” My dad instructs as he nods at my chest. I’m overjoyed to seem him perfectly fine, and with a confused look I do as he says.
“Oh.” A purple light shines from underneath the fabric of my t-shirt. I pull the shirt down enough so I can see what it is, finding out it’s the infinity stone I pried from the others embedded in my skin. “What the…”
“You should be dead,” my dad states bluntly, earning him a nudge from my mom, “but I think the stone is keeping you alive.”
I begin to notice the tingling of power in my fingertips. Maybe it is giving me more than just a second chance to live. I don’t mention it to anyone.
“But if the stone is keeping me alive, how do we return it to where we took it from?”
“Looks like you’ll have to do the same as me.” Nat emerges from the group of people still surrounding me, and despite what she just said I run at her with a grin on my face and pull her into a tight hug.
“So be it,” I reply, “I’m alive. We all are.”
Looking around, I smile at the faces of everyone I know. The people we brought back, the people who survived. I look to my family, Pepper’s arm around Tony’s waist while Morgan sits grinning in her father’s arms. I look to Peter with his warm eyes and charming smile. I imagine kissing him again and again once everyone gets out of my house. The idea of living a normal life with everyone I love thrills me to the core.
“We won,” I state, relishing in the feeling.
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Dust... the next instalment
Yeah so over half way through the last part and it is HELLA LONG. im at 2400 words and still not finished so look forward to that. Hopefully I’ll have it done by this time tomorrow. Just a lil heads up! 
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Dust - Part 2
Pairing: Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Word Count: 1843
Warning: grief, endgame spoilers, Morgan being the literal best thing in all of the MCU
Summary: A continuation of my fanfic of Infinity War, set in the plot of Endgame.
A/N: So, thought I’d only continue ‘Dust’ with a part 2, but it was hella long so look forward to a part 3!
Dust - Part 1
I wake up bathed in my own sweat and breathing heavy. I gulp air into my lungs as the nightmare replays in my head, gripping my mind as it tears me apart. The worst part is; it is no distorted dream. Nothing outside of reality happens in it. I just relive Peter and my dad’s final moments over and over again.
Slumping back into my pillow, I have my usual half hour of quietly sobbing before I drift off again. I never dream in that part of the night, like even the nightmares that plague me decide I deserve a rest by that point. I sleep in a darkness that holds no promise of waking up happy, no promise of change or reversal.
No relief.
The next time I wake up, it is to chubby little fingers poking at my cheeks and whispers of my name.
“(Y/N). (Y/N), are you awake?”
My eyes open to find Morgan where she usually is when she wakes me up, sat with her legs crossed on my bed, in her pink patterned pyjamas with a book in her hands. Sunlight peeks through the blinds, giving the room a golden haze that is so much more welcoming than the suffocating darkness and deformed shadows I was met with earlier that night. Morgan’s lips curve into a smile when she sees I’m awake, making the nightmare seem more distant.
“I am now,” I reply, rolling onto my side so I’m facing her.
“That’s good. Could you read to me then? Seeming as you’re awake.” Her usual cheeky grin emerges that reminds me so much of my dad it hurts, but I manage to keep myself together as I always do around Morgan, sitting up against the headboard.  
“I guess I might as well. Seeming as I’m awake.” I pinch her nose, making her giggle and she moves to lie against me, passing me her book as she gets comfy.
“Peter Pan, huh? How many times have we read this one?” I ask as I open the book, finding the glitter-covered bookmark she made in between the pages.
“Not that many. Make sure you do the funny voices.”
“Of course.”
I begin reading, making sure Morgan can see the pages so she can look at the pictures scattered throughout. It has become a routine as Morgan got older that she would come and wake me up early and ask me to read to her. I’m pretty sure it was my mom’s idea, Pepper no doubt hearing me wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares, but knowing I want to be on my own so I can fall back asleep as soon as possible, but need someone in the morning. Morgan was always that someone.
Ever since Carol Danvers brought me back to Earth five years ago, I’ve had this ache of grief that I can never seem to shake. Nightmares and depression and trying desperately to work to find a way to reverse Thanos’ actions to no avail. My life is just a living hell. Except for Morgan, and Pepper of course. The three of us relied on each other more than anything, especially seeming as I had to fill in sometimes where my dad couldn’t. I see him in Morgan every day, and I know mom does too. It tears us apart, but we love her more than life itself.
I didn’t expect that day to be any different to the rest when Morgan woke me up that morning, but I would be proven wrong.
We kept in contact with what was left of the Avengers, every so often I’d check in with Nat to make sure she didn’t need me, but mostly we tried to distance ourselves to give Morgan as normal of a life as we could. Which was why it was such a surprise to find them rolling up to our house in the middle of the day.
I walk out onto the porch to meet them, leaving Pepper to continue making lunch while Morgan watches a Disney movie.
“Scott, you’re not a pile of dust,” I state, surprised to see the man walking towards me, shoulder to shoulder with Steve. “Where have you been for five years?”
“Trapped in the quantum realm, it was a blast. But I’m back and we’ve got good news.”
Raising my eyebrow I look towards the others. They all have ranging levels of scepticism on their faces, but what surprises me is how they’re mixed with a slither of hope.
“Oh, yeah? And what would that be?”
“A way to bring them back,” Steve states, his eyes watching me carefully.
“A what?” I cannot believe them. Having spent countless sleepless nights desperately trying to bring the other half of the population back and yielding no results, this just seems like another hopeful attempt that will be too good to be true. “What does it entail?”
“In short? Time travel.”
I just stare at them for a bit, and they stare back at me, waiting for a reaction. I haven’t watched Back to the Future in a while, but the sleek black car they came here in doesn’t look much like the DeLorean. I keep this comment to myself, trying to swallow the hope rising in me as I tell them to go on.
When Scott is finished, my mind is racing with the possibility that this idea could have. I can already tell I’ll have another sleepless night trying to work it out, but for the first time it truly seems worth it. We could do this.
I’m about to agree to help when Morgan pushes the door open and walks over to me, her hand giving a tug to the bottom of my hoodie. I unfold my arms, moving to put her in front of me and wrap my arms around her. She pulled me back to reality, reminding me of the implications of what we are discussing. What if we change something, and we lose Morgan?
“Mommy told me to come and rescue you. Lunch is ready and Lady and the Tramp is going to finish if you don’t come back in soon.”
“I better hurry up then.”
Taking Morgan’s hand in mine I lead her back towards the door. Opening it, I give her back a nudge and she runs towards the kitchen, where my mom stands already looking at me, her eyes stern and laced with concern. I turn back towards the Avengers waiting on my porch.
“I need to think about this, talk to Pepper. I’ll get back to you.”
“(Y/N)-” Steve begins, but I interrupt him.
“I’ll get back to you.” I shut the door on them without watching them leave. Running my fingers through my hair and letting out a shaky breath, I put on a brave face and walk towards the kitchen.
“We’re going to finish Lady and the Tramp, and then you’re going to tell me everything they told you and what you plan to do about it,” Pepper tells me as she hands me a plate. Her other hand reaches up and tucks some hair behind my ear before resting on my arm, giving it a squeeze.
I just nod, relieved that she is taking charge and telling me what to do. We walk towards the lounge, where Morgan is already slouched in the middle of the sofa, eyes glued to the TV as she munches away at her sandwich.
“Absolutely not.”
“Mom, wait. I think I should at least consider it.”
“No, (Y/N), you won’t. It is dangerous, complicated and has a very small chance of actually working.”
“But it is still a chance!”
I try to keep my voice low seeming as Morgan has gone to bed but it is difficult. After lunch, Morgan wanted to go play in the woods, so me and Pepper held off our conversation until later that night. Now I’d had time to think, time travel seemed an even greater idea than at first thought. As Pepper made dinner, I fiddled around with some ideas for actually making something that could send us back in time. To my absolute surprise, it actually worked. It was possible. There really was a chance.
“And what if something happens to you, (Y/N)? What if you don’t come back? Morgan never knew Tony to miss him, but she is very attached to you. She loves you, and it would ruin her if you died.”
We both fall silent at the mention of my dad. I understand what she means, and a guilt rises in my chest. Pepper speaks up again before I can reply.
“What about me? I lost Tony just as much as you did. You’re my daughter. I rely on you so much with Morgan, more than I should. And if I lost you like we did your dad; I don’t know if I could carry on.”
“You won’t lose me,” I assure her, gripping her hand. “I promise. If I do this, and I’ll only do it if you agree, I promise I won’t leave you and Morgan alone.”
She just nods, looking at our hands as she wipes a few stray tears from her eyes.
“But I really think this is something I should try. It really could work. We could bring them back. We could bring them all back.” My dad’s face flashes through my mind. Followed by Peter’s. I feel my dad’s arms around me, hear his witty remarks. I feel Peter’s lips pressed to my temple, my cheek, my lips. I feel them like ghosts calling to me, telling me how close I am to them.
“If you want to do this, I support you. But if you know it will be too dangerous, if you know it will be something you won’t come back from, then don’t go through with it. Me and Morgan need you.”
“Where is (Y/N) going?”
Morgan’s voice makes us jump, and we turn to see her standing at the foot of the stairs. Her eyes are big and watery, and she is fiddling with the hem of her pyjama shirt.
“On an adventure,” I reply quickly, motioning for her to come and join us “but I promise I’ll come back.”
“You were talking about daddy. Will I get to meet him when you come back?”
“Of course,” Pepper tells her, pulling Morgan into her lap, “I’m sure he can’t wait to see you.”
I can’t wait to see him either, I think. For the first time I feel the hints of excitement growing in me, blossoming from hope. I will get to see my dad again. We can finally all be together, as a family. I look over at my mom and Morgan, smiling at each other as my mom tries to soothe her back to sleep. I can’t help but imagine my dad sitting on the couch with us, a fantasy that is now within my reach.
I smile. It’s time to get the other half of the universe back. 
Part 3
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So... I’m still alive
Hello yeah I’m not dead, just inactive. Just popping my head back in the rabbit hole cause ever since I posted ‘Dust’ I've had lots of people asking for a part 2. Seeming as Endgame is out I was gonna write it set in the movie... except I change everything I don’t like and give it a happy ending. Seeming as there are very little Peter Parker x Stark!reader that have lots of Morgan and a happy ending, thought I’d give it a go. Does that sound like something y’all would be interested in??? Let me know and if enough people want it I’ll write it. 
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Happy fanfic writers appreciation day! Thank u for writing and helping me personally when I was starting tumblr, writing fanfiction for the first time. U r so kind and I'm so happy that u r continuing to write. Just know u r appreciated and I just wanted to thank u for all that u do.💚💚💚💚💚
Aww, thank you so much! You are one of the most amazing writers on this site and I’m glad I could help you out when you were starting out! Xxxx
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Betrayal - Part 2
Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Peter Pan X Reader
Word Count: 1734
Warning: violence, injury, character death
Summary: Requested: Is there gonna be a second part to betrayal? 😍
Part 1
My brain feels fuzzy as I fade back into consciousness, aware of the soft carpet pressed against my cheek. Pushing my hands against the woven fibres, I slowly manage to make it into a sitting position, hazily moving to slump against the nearest wall. My eyes eventually focus on my room, lit by the morning sun dribbling in through the window.
I am completely alone.
Looking to my clock, I read the time as a sickly sinking feeling fills my body.
Over two hours. What must he have been able to do in that time? Destroy the whole of Storybrooke – the first thought to come to my mind. It could all be gone. Coming to my senses, I realise that probably isn’t true as I’m sitting, completely unharmed, in my room. Still, I struggle to my feet, stumbling to the window, all the while praying that I’ll be met with the usual sight of the town.
I’m surprised to see exactly that. Not a single thing is out of place. A breath escapes my lips at the relief that my home isn’t in ruins, but the relief still manifests into fear and confusion a few moments later.
What did he do?
Rushing to my wardrobe, I throw on the first set of clothes I can find. Moving towards the end of my bed, I slip my shoes on before walking towards the door. It opens without a sound, making me aware of the completely silence in my house.
“Mum?” I call out into the hallway, “Henry?”
No one replies. Slipping through my doorway, I make my way towards Henry’s room. The door is open, and I don’t need to enter to know my brother isn’t there. However, unlike my room where not a single thing is out of place, his is in shambles. Books and various trinkets are scattered across the floor, broken, and many shelves are empty. It’s clear there was a scuffle – some kind of fight.
My blood boils.
I move quickly, running back into my room, I slam the doors of my wardrobe open again, moving to the back where I have a bag stashed beneath a pile of clothes. I open it, just to check it is still filled with the same collection of things I put in it when leaving Neverland. It is, and I close it while throwing the strap over my shoulder, running from the room, down the stairs and out the front door.
There was no point checking for my mother. If Henry was gone, she would have gone after him, and I had to do the same.  
Sprinting down the path to our house and out the front gate onto the street, I realise that it is just as quiet out here as it was inside. There is no one. And although it’s early, I remember the amount of early birds living in Storybrooke, many who are all up and doing things long before seven.
I begin walking, heading in the direction of the centre of town – where most evil villains seem to enjoy being evil in Storybrooke. My heart beats erratically in my chest. Images of Henry flash through my mind. What if he’s hurt? What if Pan did something to him? What if he isn’t even in this realm anymore? How would I get to him? As I walk further through the town, I begin to worry about everyone else. Where are they all? Shops are closed up, houses are empty, there is absolutely no one in sight.
On passing Gold’s pawn shop is when I really begin to worry. Peering in through the window, I look into the empty shop before trying the handle, nervous at the fact that it just swings open. Making my way in, I head straight for the back room.
“Gold?” I call out, wanting nothing more than for his annoying voice to reply with a ‘dearie’ and tell me how much of an idiot I am. But the only answer I get is silence, and when I enter through the curtain I find nothing.
I stand dumbfounded for a moment before turning on my heels and walking out. My next destination, I decide, is the biggest building in Storybrooke. A place big enough for every person that lives here.
The town hall.
It’s the only place I can really think of him going, especially after Pan asked me where all the exits were on the building. A flash of embarrassment makes my cheeks turn pink. How could I have been so stupid as to have trusted him?
I let the thoughts of self-loathing slip away as I approach the building. Looking through one of the windows, my worst fears become true. Pan is standing on the stage, Henry by his side, unable to move due to Pan’s magic, and every person in Storybrooke gathered in the open space of the hall. From what I can see, worry and anger are painted across everyone’s faces, but I don’t have time to look at many as I duck down below the window.
My hands are shaky as I reach into my bag, fingers bashfully wrapping around the bottle of dreamshade stashed in a side pocket and I struggle to unscrew the cap. The rest of my preparations for what I’m about to do are just as haphazard, but it doesn’t really matter. I know what I have to do, and things don’t have to be perfect for them to work out.
A few moments later, I am standing up again, facing the door with a determination flaring in my eyes. I already know Pan is using his magic to keep the door shut – I don’t need to check – so I decide to get his attention by picking a rock from the floor and throwing it as hard as I can at one of the windows – almost relishing in the ear-piercing shattering and lightheaded joy of destruction. It is silent for a heartbeat, then the doors slam open, displaying me to the audience in the hall.
“Nice of you to join us, (Y/N),” Pan’s voice echoes towards me, sinister in its own special way.
“I had to sort my mind,” I reply, voice level and cold as I set my plan into motion.
“And is it sufficiently sorted now, little bird?” Pan challenges. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me – Henry’s more than anyone else, I can only imagine the fear and hope in them – but I keep my eyes solely trained on Pan’s.
“I believe so. I’ve certainly decided who’s side I am on,” before he can ask which, I interrupt, “yours of course. So, what is your plan, Peter Pan?”
The smirk that covers Pan’s lips makes a smile tug at the corner of mine. He believes me.
“Well, my love. I’ve been thinking about how much I truly miss Neverland. But when I really begin to think about it, I realise that I didn’t so much like being on an island. Too restricting. So, I’ve formulated a plan, to turn Storybrooke into a new Neverland.” Pride fills his eyes like a roaring fire – as if he’d come up with the most ingenious plan there ever was. “Unfortunately, it comes at the price of Henry’s heart. Hope you don’t mind.”
While he had been evil monologuing, I was making my way towards the stage, trying my best to ignore the faces of the people I cared about looking at me with utter betrayal. I had ascended the steps of the stage as he spoke about Henry’s heart and was now right in front of Pan.
“Not at all,” I replied, forcing a small smile to my lips as I lean in, one hand gliding to pull down on his neck as the other slipped into my bag.
I can feel Pan’s grin against my lips as I deepen the kiss, ensuring his attention is completely on my lips as I pull the freshly soaked dagger from beneath the flap of my bag, drops of dreamshade no doubt still rolling and dropping off the tip in fat, gloopy drops. The kiss breaks just at the right moment. I open my eyes despite our lips still brushing against each other, seeing Pan’s eyes still closed as he speaks against my lips.
“I’m so glad you chose me,” he whispered.
“I didn’t,” I whisper back, pulling away enough to plunge the dagger deep into his chest, leaving not a second for Pan to react. He gasps, stumbling back, eventually falling to the ground. I go down with him, keeping my hand firmly gripped to the handle of the dagger, ensuring he has no chance of survival.
As Peter gasps for breath, I quickly move my free hand into my bag again, locating the enchanted cuff that will stop his magic and slipping it onto his wrist, watching the panic fill his eyes.
“I’d say I was sorry, but I’m not. I trusted you and now you’re paying the price for proving that I shouldn’t have. There were other ways I could have stopped you, but I liked this way better,” for my next words I lean in close, my lips grazing against his ear, “this way, you get to feel the same betrayal I did.”
As I move away again, I take one last look at his striking green eyes. They are glazed over with pain, but the deep emerald is still clear as day. His mess of brown curls are even messier now than they usually were, and I resist the urge to run my fingers through them. I even allow myself a quick glance at his lips, still soft and pink despite the dribble of blood spilling out from the corner of them. A small pang of pain occurs in my heart as a ghost sense of love flitters through my chest. But I don’t regret what I’ve done.
“Goodbye, Peter,” I say, and I’m surprised by the little amount of emotion in my voice. It’s not long after that he stops breathing.
Once he is gone, I quickly stand. Turning and moving towards Henry who stands bewildered in the middle of the stage. We meet in a tight hug, his head resting against my shoulder while I press my face into his hair. In that moment, I have no doubt that I made the right choice.
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Let’s Just Cuddle
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Word Count: 1107
Summary: Requested: Peter Parker fluffy cuddle fic
“All right, you two. Remember, I left takeout menus on the counter, call me if you need anything and keep it PG,” May winked as she put her keys in her purse, her last words causing Peter’s cheeks to go scarlet and a chuckle to escape my lips.
“We will, May,” I smiled, and we both waved goodbye from our seat on the sofa.
The door closed, and me and Peter remained where we were as the programme we had been watching ended. Peter’s aunt was going out for the night to have dinner with some old friends and had suggested that Peter invite me round for some takeout and a movie marathon. So here we were, curled up under a blanket in front of the TV, hands interlinked beneath the soft fabric. Although May had stated multiple times how much she loved me and was so happy for me and Peter, it still felt a little bit weird showing affection in front of her.
As the credits rolled, signifying the end of the show, I turned to Peter, using my free hand to run my fingers through his soft curls.
“Can we order some food now?” I questioned, already hungry even though barely an hour had passed since May, Peter and I were scoffing slices of cake left over from May’s birthday a few days prior.
“Yeah, I’m starving,” Peter agreed, also conveniently forgetting the cake we had eaten.
Throwing the blanket off our legs, we both got up, heading towards the pile of menus scattered across the counter. Flicking through them, we eventually agreed on pizza and I threw myself onto the sofa again, lying across the whole length of it, while Peter called the pizza place. Once he had hung up, Peter walked over to where I lay, placing his phone on the coffee table and looking down at me with a pout.
“What about me?” He whined.
I didn’t reply, instead turning to lie on my back and holding my arms out. Peter got the message, blushing slightly as he lay down over me, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around my back, while mine wrapped around his waist.
“Is this okay? I’m not too heavy, am I?” Peter questioned, his voice slightly muffled as he spoke against the fabric of my jumper.
“You’re fine, Pete,” I replied, moving my legs so he lay between them and tracing one of my hands up the length of his back, eventually intertwining my fingers in his hair. Peter let out a satisfied hum as my fingers continued to weave through his hair and he moved so his hand rested on my shoulder, drawing light patterns as his eyes fluttered shut. A small smile graced his lips as did mine and we stayed like that until the door bell rang.
Peter jumped slightly at the sound and I laughed as I realised he had been drifting off to sleep.
“Being Spiderman tiring you out?” I teased. He only smiled in return, leaning forward and gently kissing my lips before getting up to answer the door.
I stayed where I was, only leaning forward to grab the remote and set up the movie we planned to watch. Peter returned a minute later with a pizza box in his arms, placing it on the coffee table before slumping back onto the sofa.  
As we tucked into the pizza, the movie began. We quickly realised it wasn’t the best movie in the world – actually very far from it – as the two of us had only just finished the pizza when we began to lose concentration.
Just over an hour in, completely bored out of my mind, I decided to turn my attention to Peter, cuddling into him. My head rested on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. He was quick to react, clearly not finding the movie that entertaining either. Another ten minutes or so passed before I decided I could stand it no longer.
“I’ll admit, I’ve seen better movies,” I stated, lifting my head from Peter’s shoulder so our eyes could meet.
“I agree with you on that,” Peter replied, moving to tuck loose strands of hair behind my ear.
“Let’s just cuddle instead,” I said.
“Definitely.” Peter turned where he sat, slumping backwards so he was lying down, pulling me down with me. Laughing, I got more comfortable, moving my legs so his could fit and they unconsciously tangled while I pulled myself up enough so that my face hovered just above Peter’s. There were a few seconds of silence before Peter spoke.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, almost breathlessly.
Nodding, I leaned in and our lips met just as perfectly as they always did. It began to get more eager as I hooked my fingers on the hem of his t-shirt, grazing against the skin of his neck while is hands cupped my cheeks. We eventually broke the kiss as I pulled away. Looking down into Peter’s soft brown eyes a smile played on my lips and we both soon erupted into a flurry of giggles, cheeks tinted pink.
Once we calmed down, I laid my head against Peter’s chest, enjoying the rise and fall at his steady breathing. His hand began to run up and down my back and I felt him tilt his head forward enough to place a kiss on my temple. Smiling, I moved just enough to kiss him back, placing my lips gently on the skin of his collarbone, exposed by his shirt as I must have pulled it down slightly when I lay down.
As his hand continued to ghost up and down my back and I drew intricate designs on his chest with my fingertip, we both began to drift to sleep, lulled by the steady hum of the discarded movie.
It was later than she had expected when May entered back into the apartment, noticing the lack of noise. Slipping her shoes off as quietly as possible she crept into the living room, glancing at the menu screen still running on the TV before her gaze dropped to the sofa. Craning her neck to see over the back of it, May caught sight of the two teens, tightly wrapped in each other’s arms, fast asleep. Chuckling, she walked further into the room, picking up the remote and switching off the TV before picking the blanket up off the floor and draping it over (Y/N) and Peter.
“I do love my two lovebirds,” May whispered to herself as she turned the light off, making her way towards her bedroom.
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Not My Brother
Pairing: N/A
Word Count: 1087
Warning: Angst, sadness, general heartbreak, man
Summary: Requested: HI! I read your fic, ‘dust, and I love it so fucking much!! If you take requests, could you do one where the reader is peter’s twin sister and she’s in Wakanda when peter dies so Tony has to tell her what happened pls xo
I hadn’t felt fear like the kind I felt when fighting in Wakanda, when it began. There was this overriding chaos everywhere I looked. It seemed to be never-ending, a flurry of action and violence, all for the one goal of protecting Vision and stopping Thanos. I had known Shuri for a while now, which was why when I found out that Tony Stark had zoomed off into space with my twin brother in tow, the safest and most appropriate thing to do would be to put my suit on and travel to Wakanda. See what I could do to help.
Tony had taken both me and Peter under his wing at the same time. He gave us both suits, and was pretty much our dad by that point, although he’d never admit it. I was terrified for Peter when I heard his excited voice flurry through the speaker in my suit, describing how he was currently in space and had just re-enacted a scene from Alien.
“Well, I’m on my way over to Wakanda,” I boasted.
“Lucky,” he whined, “Say hi to Shuri for me?”
“I will, say hi to Tony for me. Oh, and that wizard you said about too,” I replied.
“I will. (Y/N), I can’t wait to show you the new suit Mr Stark made for me. It’s so cool!”
“I’m sure it is, show me when you get back,” I laughed, but the laugh slowly quietened as I said my next few words. “Please be careful, Pete.”
“You too, (Y/N/N),” Peter replied in the same tone before reverting back to his ecstatic one to say goodbye.
That had been hours ago. The memory faded away as I continued the battle, trying to stay as close to Vision as I could in order to protect him, but getting lost often as I fought off more enemies.
Then, it happened. The never-ending chaos just stopped.
For a moment, everyone seemed in a state of confusion. Then it dawned on us. He’d won. Thanos had gotten all the infinity stones. The next few minutes involved every single person standing as still as statues, an eerie calm filling the air. Then it began.
One by one, people began to disappear. Turning into dust that blew away in the wind. Looking through the dense mass of trees, I saw a glimpse of Bucky. He dematerialised in seconds, leaving behind Steve with a mixture of disbelief and horror on his face.
I felt sick to my stomach. Panic and helplessness began to set in and I did the one thing I always did when I was in trouble. Putting the helmet of my suit back on, I spoke out to the A.I.
“Call Peter,” I said, voice shaking as my lip trembled. His face flashed up in front of my eyes with the word ‘calling…’ glowing below his chin. I looked into his warm eyes as I felt my heart beat faster. The photo was from a day the year before when Aunt May had taken us both to a theme park. I took it when we were sitting waiting for a ride to begin. Peter had a goofy grin on his face and his eyes sparkled in excitement. The memory made me feel even sicker considering he still hadn’t picked up.
It felt like hours that I was calling him for, and when his face flashed out of sight as he didn’t pick up, I felt all the blood rush from my face. I didn’t process myself taking the helmet off again, and only just felt my hand move to cover my mouth as I fell to my knees.
Yet, I still had that stupid sense of hope. Maybe he just didn’t have the suit on. He must still be safe. He has to be.
Hours had passed since Thanos had won. The few of us that remained had gathered in the throne room, no one saying much, all so grief-stricken and stunned that there weren’t many words left to say. Looking around, I watched everyone in their varying states of despair. From Shuri sobbing for her brother next to his throne to Steve sat with his head in his hands, I couldn’t stand it.
Walking out towards the balcony, I told the suit to call Peter again. I had tried thousands of times already, but I still had hope that each time I called, he’d pick up.
Just as it began to ring, I heard the throne room doors open behind me and a series of gasps and scuffling ensued. Turning, I instantly made eye contact with Tony, who had never looked as broken as he did now. Everyone’s eyes were on him, but his were only on me. It was enough, seeing the look in his eyes and the fact that Peter wasn’t trailing him like a lost puppy, but I had to hear the words. The voice still rang out loudly in my head as it begged for another ending.
Please. Not him. Anyone but him. Not my brother.
“Where is he, Tony?” Each word came out sounding more broken and quieter than the last. “Where’s my brother?”
Tears began to trail their way down Tony’s cheeks as he walked towards me, head bowed in shame and heartbreak. I felt tears spill out over my own eyelids as he prolonged the pain, not being able to bring himself to say it.
“I’m sorry,” he eventually mumbled.
“No,” I stammered out, stumbling backwards.
“I’m so sorry,” Tony repeated his apology, moving closer still, getting ready to catch me.
“Please,” I cried, “no.”
It was then that my legs started to give out, but Tony managed to catch me and pull me into his chest before I could hit the marble floor. I cried into the fabric of his shirt while he cried over my shoulder, neither of us strong enough to do anything else. We stayed like that, both of us wishing we could have taken Peter’s place but knowing that was impossible.
“I’ll get him back, (Y/N). I promise,” Tony said between sobs. It was strange, him calling me by my name instead of ‘kid’. I decided I hated it.
“We.” I corrected, feeling the anger burning inside me as we slowly pulled away. “We will get him back.”
Tony only nodded, but his eyes hardened slightly as the determination kicked in. Both of us just knew, in that moment, that we would bring Peter – and everyone else – back. No matter the cost. 
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Make The Most Of It
The Maze Runner
Pairing: Thomas X Brenda (Trenda)
Word Count: 635
Warning: None
Summary: Requested: hey, i was wondering if you could write a thomas x brenda fic, where they are both in the safe haven, happy to have each other and leaving the past behind? 
It was almost silent, save for the sound of waves sloshing up against the shore, then slowly dragging themselves back into the ocean. Thomas stared out into the horizon, studying the golden line between the sea and the sky, blurry due to the rising sun that seemed to melt and drip like syrup. He sniffed at the salty air, having one of those moments by himself where he sat in silence, long before anyone else woke up and let the guilt take hold.
So many died. Dead and gone. Good people. Alby. Chuck. Winston. Teresa.
His mind always returned to Newt. Maybe it was the horrific way in which he passed, but Thomas always saw him as the one that deserved the pain the least. The person who really deserved the pain, he thought, was himself.
Many friends had died. Friends that deserved to live in a paradise. But Thomas was the lucky one. Thomas got to live. Thomas was the one who got to live in paradise when really, he should have felt the life leave his eyes as he lay on the cold stone floor outside the WICKED facility, a sharp blade buried deep within his –
“You shouldn’t blame yourself. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
Thomas’ mind silenced. The bad thoughts melted away. Her voice had grounded him, like it always did.
“I couldn’t save them.” Thomas’ voice was barely above a whisper, the words catching and scrapping along his throat and the inside of his mouth, peppering his lips with sharp cuts as he realised the weight of his words. He hadn’t saved them.
“You saved me. I hope that counts for something. I would have died without you, Thomas.” Brenda stated, sitting down next to the brunette.
“It counts for more than you could ever know,” Thomas replied, wondering how he could enjoy the flutter of his heart as her leg brushed against his, given what he had just been thinking about. The giddy feeling of love rushed his brain like a drug, sweeping the guilt back into its dark little corner where it resided.
“Is that so?” Brenda slyly smirked, turning her head to look at Thomas as he ducked his down, feebly attempting to hide his blushing cheeks.
Admiring the attractiveness of Thomas’ face as he became flustered, Brenda suddenly felt a surge of confidence, moving her face close enough that she could place a soft kiss against his cheek. As she moved away again, Brenda slipped her hand into Thomas’, giving a gentle squeeze.
“You aren’t to blame for anything that happened, Thomas. And you know what they’d say if they saw you wasting this second chance you were given – the second chance they never had – on letting the guilt take charge.” Brenda’s words caused tears to prick in Thomas’ eyes.
She was right, he thought. How was she always right?
Nodding, Thomas had an idea. He was wasting his second chance. He couldn’t do that any longer.
“How do you think I should make the most of it?” He questioned, moving ever-so-slightly closer to Brenda.
“I don’t know,” Brenda mumbled, looking away as she thought about it.
“Like this?”
Thomas placed his free hand against Brenda’s cheek, gently moving her face to look at him before leaning in, placing his lips against hers. The fireworks exploded in his chest as she kissed back, and he felt her hand slip from his. Brenda instead placed both her hands against Thomas’ cheeks, pulling him closer as his hands travelled to her waist, doing the same. Their foreheads pressed together once the two had broken apart, small smiles tugging at their lips.
“Yeah,” Brenda whispered, eyes still closed, hands still resting on Thomas’ cheeks, “I’d say that’s a good way to spend it.”
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Can write a x reader about Combeferre from The Miserables please :3
Sorry, requests are currently closed!
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There’s Your Chance
The Greatest Showman
Pairing: Phillip Carlyle X Lutz!Reader
Word Count: 942
Warning: Mild danger, slight injury
Summary: Requested: Hellooooo!!! Would it be alright if I asked for a Greatest Showman imagine with Phillip x Reader where the reader is Lettie's or Phineas's daughter and she's an acrobat/trapeze and one day she gets a minor injury and Phillip comes to help her (fluffff!!) and asks her on a date and her parent gets protective (but she says yes). Thanksssss!!
A/N: Sorry it’s taking me so long to write stuff, I’m stuck in a bit of writer’s block at the moment but hopefully I’ll be out of it soon! 
Phillip sat in wonder as he watched the girl he had grown to fall in love with practice her act. She threw herself from various ropes and hanging bars, spending never-ending seconds flying effortlessly through the air, completely detached, before taking hold of a rope again. Small grunts and gasps of effort escaped her lips as she forgot all about the world around her, complete concentration on getting her actions right.
The girl was a thrill-chaser and risk-taker, but not careless. She knew her life hung in the balance if she messed up.
“You know Lettie is very protective of her daughter, and you’re not doing a very good job of hiding your lust at the moment, Carlyle.” Charles’ voice snapped Phillip from his day dream, a frown adorning his features at the connotations attached to the words.
“It’s not lust. Nothing like that. It’s adoration,” Phillip corrected the man coming to sit next to him, “how does she manage to do it so effortlessly? It’s like she is completely defying gravity.”
“(Y/N)’s been doing it for years, apparently. Lettie said she was jumping across furniture and hanging from the ceiling like a spider at the same time that she learnt to walk. She’s like a weird bird-spider hybrid.”
“She’s beautiful.”
“Gross,” Charles stated, laughing at the glare he received from his remark.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Lettie and P.T. stood with grins on their faces, pride swelling in their chests at the amazing spectacle that was (Y/N)’s act. Phineas had become like a father to the girl – as she had only ever had her mother growing up – so the look of pride on his face was not too dissimilar to that on Lettie’s. The two clapped and cheered her on at the bigger stunts, while feeling their hearts skip a beat each time it seemed as if (Y/N) wouldn’t make it to the next rope. Although, she always did.
“How would I ever tell her?” Phillip sighed, head propped up against his palm. His eyes moved from (Y/N) to her mother, an underlying fear bubbling in his stomach. “And what would Lettie do?”
“Oh, Lettie would kill you,” Charles remarked, laughing again at the slight widening of Phillip’s eyes. “But as for (Y/N)-”
His sentence was cut off as a sharp snap filled the room. (Y/N) was suddenly falling, the rope she had been holding broken in two and plummeting with her, but only one reached the ground.
(Y/N) caught hold of one of the other ropes on the way down, rope burns searing her hands as she tried to strengthen her grip, lessening the impact of her fall when she eventually made it to the ground with a somewhat graceful thud considering the circumstances.
“There’s your chance,” Charles mumbled, but Phillip was already too many steps away to hear it, rushing towards (Y/N) who sat in the middle of the ring, an odd half smile on her lips.
Phillip was the first at her side – although Lettie and P.T. weren’t far behind.
“(Y/N), are you okay?” He questioned, worry flooding his features as his hands rested on her arms, eyes scanning her body for injuries.
“I’m fine, Phillip. Managed to save myself at the last second,” (Y/N) replied, a light laugh escaping her lips.
Letting out a relieved breath, Phillip’s hands slipped down (Y/N)’s arms, fingertips grazing along the warm skin before stopping at her hands, their fingers unconsciously linking together.
“You nearly scared me to death,” Phillip stated, staring into her eyes as they twinkled, her smile growing as (Y/N) let out another laugh at his words. Before she could reply, the pair were interrupted by the arrival of a very worried mother and concerned father figure.
“Are you hurt?” Lettie gripped her daughter’s shoulders as she checked over her just as Phillip had while P.T. placed a hand on (Y/N)’s back, slyly doing the same.
“No, no. I’m fine, don’t worry,” (Y/N) gave a reassuring smile, heart fluttering still at the sensation of her hands linked with Phillip’s.
“What’s this? What are you doing?” Lettie interrogated as she motioned towards (Y/N) and Phillip’s joint hands. The concern was replaced with an underlying anger as Lettie began to understand the situation.
“I believe they were having a moment,” P.T. interjected, moving his hand from (Y/N)’s back to Lettie’s shoulder, an attempt to hold her back. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, knowing full well the emotions the couple felt for each other, even though they didn’t quite know it yet.
Lettie looked between the three of them. From P.T.’s growing smirk, to (Y/N)’s humble smile to Phillip’s blushed cheeks.
“If you so much as harm her in anyway, I swear-”
“Mum, he hasn’t even got around to asking me yet,” (Y/N) spoke up, laughter bubbling in her throat again. “Give him a chance.”
A silence encapsulated the group as Lettie thought for a moment before standing and walking towards the backstage area.
“Come on, P.T. And you, Charles. We have acts to go over.”
The two men followed Lettie, Charles giving Phillip a thumbs-up and P.T. gave (Y/N) a light pat on the back before also standing and following her mother. Speaking of, before she left the room, Lettie looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with her daughter, giving a wink before leaving.
When (Y/N) and Phillip were finally alone, they stayed in silence for a few seconds as Phillip began drawing small circles on the back of (Y/N)’s hands with his thumbs.
“So,” Phillip finally broke the silence as (Y/N) looked up to meet his eyes, “are you free tonight?”
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hey so if you're big on writing fics and i needed to find, like, a beta reader, how would you recommend going about doing that?
I don’t actually have one! I just read over what I’ve written a few times before posting and hope that’s enough... If you were trying to find one I’d probably just make a post on here advertising that you need one and someone will be more than happy to help! 
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✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
You are so lovely, this has made my day! XXXXXXX
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Could you do a fic where the lord of Leeds is insecure? Thank you 💛💛💛
Sorry, requests are closed, and I actually don’t really plan on writing for TGS anymore. I’m just finding it really hard to write for it. Xx
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Bad Day
The Greatest Showman 
Pairing: Jenny Lind X Reader
Word Count: 500
Warning: None
Summary: Requested: Jenny Lind x Reader where Jenny is touch starved and the reader and Jenny just snuggle and spoon for hours? Thx! // Can I add something to the Jenny x reader touch starved one? Maybe the reader had a hard day and so she snuggles with Jenny and Jenny is just like, “what is happening? This is weird... but really nice...” 
A/N: On my quest to slowly turn everyone into massive Ben Howard fans, I suggest you listen to End Of The Affair while reading this because it really reflects the atmosphere I was trying to get across. Enjoy :)
Living without her Living at all Seems to slow me down
I slam the door as hard as I can as I enter the flat. My mood is slightly lifted by the warm glow of candle light and the smell of food cooking in the kitchen, but the overwhelming anger and sadness from the day still hangs over me like a cloud.
“Jenny?” I call into the quiet of the home, my voice sounding just as pathetic as I feel.
“In here,” her voice replies from the bedroom, smooth and welcoming. My eyes almost prick with tears at the relief of being home with her, knowing everything bad is locked on the other side of our front door.
Kicking my shoes off and hooking my coat to one of the hangers by the door, I plod along the wooden floor, socks padding my footsteps and lightening the sound as I make my way towards the bedroom.
The door is slightly ajar, and I half-heartedly push it open just enough for me to slip through. Pushing it closed again behind me. I don’t want any of it getting in. I just want to shut the whole world out. Jenny is on the bed, a blanket over her legs as she rests against the pillows, focussed on the book held in her hands.
“Hey, lovely. How was your day?” She asks, not looking up, eyes still scanning the pages.
I don’t reply, instead walking across the room without a word, collapsing next to her and leaning my head against her leg, the soft blanket pressed against my cheek. The lack of reply must grab her attention, as I hear Jenny closing the book and placing it on the bedside table. She then begins to move, shuffling down and moving the top half of my body up, so I’m eventually laid against her chest.
“What’s wrong?” Jenny questions, concern laced in her voice.
“Bad day.” Is all I have to describe it as. I don’t want to talk about it, barely even want to think about it. Jenny can clearly sense that, her next words an instruction rather than another question.
“Get comfy. We’re spooning until dinner is ready then we’re eating it in bed, wrapped in blankets. Sound good?” Her breath tickles my neck, and I feel tears well up in my eyes at the comfort she supplies.
Nodding, I roll onto my side, listening as sheets rustle as Jenny moves to curl her body against mine, laying the blanket across us both and wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me closer into her.
“Thank you, Jenny,” I whisper.
A soft kiss is placed against the nape of my neck before she replies.
“You do the same for me when I’m feeling down.”
Warmth radiates between us as I feel my heartbeat slow, sleep pulling at my eyelids.
“I love you,” Jenny whispers against my neck, voice soothing and full of love.
“I love you too,” I mumble back, a smile curling my lips as I feel her smile against my neck.  
Living forever Hell, I don't know Do I care, do I care The thunder's rumbled sound
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