yoenpalabras · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Regulus Black & Sirius Black Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Kreacher (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: Bad Parent Walburga Black, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Marauders, Mentioned James Potter, Mentioned Wolfstar, Hurt No Comfort, Canonical Character Death, Not Canon Compliant, Not Beta Read, im sorry, title from a noah kahan song Summary:
Regulus died on a warm September night. The day had been sunny, a light breeze passing around while standing under the shade, and gentle warmth under the sun. Regulus died, so that Sirius could live.
Title from the song "Dial drunk" by Noah Kahan.
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yoenpalabras · 2 years
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‘Her’ by Brianna @yruos
The Art of Love by Ron Hicks.
Quote by Lemony Snicket.
The Lovers by Rene Magritte.
Lyrics from ‘505’ by Arctic Monkeys.
Sculpture~ ‘Sacrifice’ by Leonardo Bistolfi.
Lyrics from '1121' by Halsey.
Ron Hicks, 1965.
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yoenpalabras · 2 years
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Excuses For Why We Failed At Love by Warsan Shire
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
Barcelona es una de mis ciudades favoritas. Barcelona siempre me ha hecho sentir que estoy en casa, pese a que mi ciudad natal esté a más de 600km de distancia. Pasear por la Barceloneta siempre me ha tranquilizado, y mi pasatiempo favorito es perderme por sus calles y encontrar lugares mágicos. Pero, sobre todo, Barcelona es mi ciudad favorita gracias a mi madre, aunque estoy muy segura que esto ella no lo sabe.
Mi madre tampoco es de Barcelona y, es más, siempre que vamos se queja de la contaminación que se nota en el aire, de que está llena de gente y turistas, del ruido que hay a todas horas... Sin embargo, sé que sin Barcelona, mi madre no sería quien es ahora. Cuando mi madre fue a la universidad (la primera en su familia), tuvo la suerte de conseguir una beca para estudiar en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Y de la tirada se quedo a vivir en la ciudad por 5 años más. Mi madre aprendió muchas cosas allí, no solo académicas si no también de la vida. Conoció a gente con la que creo una amistad que ni la muerte les puede separar, empezó a descubrir como era vivir una vida independiente, la vida nocturna... Para lo mucho que se queja de la ciudad, siempre que me cuenta alguna anécdota lo hace sonriendo y con la voz llena de nostalgia. 
Barcelona siempre ha sido la ciudad que cambió a mi madre y la que, en parte, también me cambió a mí. Cada vez que he podido siempre he aprovecha para subirme al autobús y visitarla, descubriendo a gente increíble y visitando sitios asombrosos. 
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
Estar sola
Mi erasmus me está ayudando a aprender a estar sola. 
Siempre he sido una persona muy independiente; supongo que es lo que tiene ser hija única y criada por una madre soltera, aparte que tampoco era muy popular en el cole. Pero el echo de ser independiente no significa de que me guste estar sola o , mejor dicho, la soledad. 
Cuando empecé bachiller, mi mejor amiga y yo acabamos en clases diferentes, algo que nunca nos había pasado antes. Al principio no le di mucha importancia; soy una persona sociable y ya conocía de antes a mis compañeros. Sin embargo, todos mis compañeros de clase tenían a alguien de su grupo de amigos allí, siendo yo la única que no tenía a nadie de mi cuadrilla. Durante las horas de clase no se notaba, y cuando llegaba el recreo me iba a la clase de mi mejor amiga a estar con ella. Pero, los días que ella faltaba al insti o, cuando teníamos que hacer un trabajo en grupo, yo me quedaba sola , intentando unirme a otros que ya habían formado sus grupos.
Recuerdo a mi tutora decir en la reunión de fin de año con mi madre que había estado preocupa por mi, que no sabía como iba a llevar yo el estar apartada de mi mejor amiga. Yo la taché de exagerada para mis adentros. El año siguiente iba a ir a la uni y mi amiga no iba ir a la misma que yo, obvio que iba a estar bien. No ha sido hasta ahora que he entendido a lo que se refería.
Cuando empecé la uni, no note que estaba sola, seguramente porque todo el mundo (o la mayoría) estaban también solos y, en esas circunstancias, estás más dispuesto a conocer gente. Además, otra de mis mejores amigas iba a esa uni y, aunque no estábamos en la misma clase, nos veíamos casi todos los días. Así que supongo que nunca he estado sola. Hasta ahora.
Llevo 6 meses viviendo en el extranjero y, por primera vez, he sido consciente de la soledad. La pandemia no ha estado a favor de los estudiantes y casi ha sido imposible hacer amistades en clase, y las que se han hecho no son muy solidas. La mitad de mis compañeros de resi se han quedado en casa y los que han vuelto no parecen querer socializar, o no tanto como me gustaría. Además, aquí todo sigue cerrado, así que juntarse a tomar algo o unirse a un club es misión imposible. Por eso, no me ha quedado otro remedio que aprender a estar sola y las palabras de mi antigua tutora han vuelto resonar en mi cabeza. 
He de admitir que ha sido una lección que he superado mejor de lo que esperaba. Estoy deseando volver a estar con mis amigas, y que los comercios vuelvan a estar abiertos para poder disfrutar más de mi estancia aquí, pero he aprendido que estar sola no es algo malo. He conocido un montón de lugares por mi cuenta en mi intento de sobrellevar mi soledad pero, sobre todo, me he conocido a mi misma un poco más. 
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
Todoroki Shouto vs Prince Zuko
So, I should been doing some of my uni work but I like to procastinated and, as atla is my favorite show and for the past months I have been hyperfixed with bnha, here we have this analysis of the differnces between Todoroki Shouto and Prince Zuko. 
I know that it is like a running joke by now that Todoroki Shouto is the anime version of Prince Zuko from Avatar: the Last Airbender. However, I saw a couple of tiktoks during my scrowling that made me change my opinion about this comparison. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the users of these tiktokers, so I would appreciate that you could leave their names in their comments so that I can cite them properly.
It is obvious that Shouto is based in Zuko (the scar, the fact he is almost considered royalty because of Endeavor’s status as a hero, his powers...), and, beacause of that, in comparison,  we can say that Dabi is Azula (similar powers, plays the villain in then show, not so mentally stable...). However, as I’ve mentioned, I saw a tiktoker say that it was actually the other way around: Shouto was Endeavor’s golden child, the prodogy, the weapon that would take All Might from the position of Number #1 hero and win the ‘war’ of who was better between him and Endeavor, much like Azula was to Ozai. So, if Shouto is Azula then, who is Zuko in the BNHA universe? Well, Dabi, obviously. 
If we remember the episode of the battle between the Fire Nation and the Nothern Water Tribe from the first season of ATLA, Zuko says to an unconcious Aang: “My father said that Azula was born lucky. He said that I was lucky to be born”. This makes perfect sense if we compare to the characters Dabi and Shouto. Dabi is the oldest, like Zuko, and he was his fathers first try to become the weapon that would destroy All Might. But his body wasn’t made to handle such a strong fire, so he is weak and doesn’t recieved the same admiration than his younger brother. He ends up being “banished” from the family, with a father that doesn’t want to reclaim him. Shouto, in the other hand, is the youngest and the prodigy, like Azula herself, and has a strong quirk, making him stong and valuable. 
So, if Dabi is Zuko, does that mean that he’s going to become good? Is he going to have a redemption arc? My honest answer: no. Much like Azula, Dabi is presented in the show as a villain and, even if we can feel empathizes with him and understand the motive behind his actions, he’s still a bad guy, unlike Zuko, who was presented in the show just like an antagonist, but never a villain. But, if Dabi is Zuko and if Zuko is, by the end, a good guy then, why isn’t Dabi? Well, enter Uncle Iroh.
During the whole show, we see that Iroh is there for Zuko, for the good moments and the bad ones. He showed his love during his childhood and he went with Zuko when he was banished. He was the first one to see that his nephew could be a good person and a good ruler for the Fire Nation. He doen’t show that kind of affection towards Azula, especially because Azula doen’t regret any bad that she has ever done. However, there isn’t any character like uncle Iroh in BNHA, right? Well, not a first sight but there’s one that is close enough: Midoriya Izuku.
Izuku is the first one to try to get close to Shouto, he’s the one that makes Shouto see that his fire is his, and, therefore, show him that fire isn’t something bad. It’s thanks to Izuku that Shouto makes the decision to go and visit his mother. Izuku is Shouto’s uncle Iroh. And Dabi? Dabi doen’t have anyone that believes in him. Yes, he is with the Leage of Villains but, their relationship is like Azula’s relationship with Tylee and Mai: they don’t care about eachother and each one of them is in the league for a personal reason. Maybe that’s why Dabi is like he is: a reflection of his mother, to afraid of his father that end up being seen like weak and making their kids believe that their only purpose is to get revenge. 
In conclusion, we can say that they main difference between Azula and Zuko is the presence of uncle Iroh and that this can be seen reflected in Shouto and Dabi. If it wasn’t for Izuku, Shouto would probably end up having a similar fate like Dabi, the same way that Zuko would have had the similar fate like Azula. 
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
Almost 200 people were murdered in Armenia in 3 days and y'all are still ignoring us.
This is not a war, this is a massacre Azerbaijan and Turkey are committing against the Armenian people.
Turkey's president literally admitted that he wants to finish what his ancestors started. He wants to commit another genocide, and this time he wants to kill us all.
Silence is violence
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
My First  Real Crush
Okay, bear with me because it’s 3am over here and I’m writing this so I can finally fall asleep. So, here we go.
 Now that I’m alone while I do my erasmus, I’ve been thinking non-stop about relationship. and, among them, my first real crush.
My first real crush was the new girl that arrived to my highschool when I was 14 years old. I know, it sounds so cliché, but that’s the truth. My town’s really small and most of us know each other, especially people of the same age. So, the first day of school, all of us were talking about the new student. She came from another part of the country and she didn’t understand the language. She didn’t know anyone either. We met during break, one of my friends was in her class and she was showing her around. I don’t know what I was thinking that day but, before the day ended, I invited her to my birthday party that I was going to have in two days time. Maybe it was because I knew that she would have a hard time making friends because of the language barrier, maybe because I don’t like to make people feel isolated and alone... Who knows, but the thing is that she came to the party and, from then on, we were always together. Always. 
We had the same taste in a lot of things, but we also had different opinions in others, so it was always interesting to talk with her. We hung out after school most days,  went to each others houses, spent weekends together, we even went on holidays together. After a few months, my friends joked that we were even dating. 
It took me some time to accept my sexuality. I was a firm believer of ‘if you haven’t try it, you don’t know if you like it’, which made me invalidate my bisexuality a lot. Not only that, but being in the ace spectrum also made me harder to see myself as bi. So, I always denied that I had any kind of romantic feelings towards her and I became quite annoyed of comments like that. But, in the end, I did end up having my bi awakening.
We were having a sleepover at my house, just the two of us. We slept in different beds, everything was going normal. When the morning arrived, we stayed in bed for a little bit longer, as my parents tend to wake up quite late. So, we were with our phones, just scrolling throught social media when she told me that she wanted to show me something, I don’t remember what but it’s not important. So, I went to her bed, laid on it, and saw what she wanted to show me. After that, I decided to stay there because I was too lazy to go back to my bed. And that’s when i had my bisexual awakening. Because, while we were laying in that bed, she ended up cuddling me. And my heart went crazy. I know, it seemes so stupid, but I never felt that way when someone was hugging me and suddenly I felt tense and relaxed at the same time. And, most importantly, I didn’t want the hug to end.
I would like to say that after that day we confessed to each other and we dated, but that would be a lie. I was so confuse that I didn’t say anything and, after that school year, we became more and more distant. Not because anything bad happened between us, but my friends didn’t get along with her and, as our timetable changed, we had less and less time to see each other. In the end, we became strangers. 
It really makes me sad, to be honest. I really enjoyed hanging out with her and, even if those feelings dissapeared a long time ago, I had fun being her friend. Unfortunately, I lost her phone number years ago and she seems to have eleminated her previous social media accounts, so I can’t contact her anymore. But it’s okay, maybe when i’m back at home I will run into her and I can ask her what she has been doing all these years.
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yoenpalabras · 3 years
Reflection on platonic relationships
One thing that I realised over the years is that physical touch is what I use show love and affection, either platonic and romantic. Anyone around me can tell you that I love to cuddle or that I spend all my time hugging and holding hands with my friends. Unfortunately, it’s being a while since I have hugged anybody, not only because of the Covid, but also because I am studying abroad for this year. The last person that I hugged was my mother when we said goodbye at the airport, and that was two months ago. So, to say that I’m a little touch starved is an understatement. 
Right now, I am staying in my university accommodation, in a flat with other five people. And, taking into account how we are living together, I have been thinking about my previous experiences in regards of living with other people (apart from my family), specially since I began university. 
During my first year of uni, I stayed in an accomodation too. However, this accommodation was very different to the one that I am staying now. I was only there during the night, otherwise I spent all my time outside with my classmates or friends and, on weekends, I went back home to stay with my family. 
In my second year, I shared a flat with one of my best friends and  two other friends. I still went back home on weekends, but I started spending more time inside my flat with my flatmates. We all got along really well and we had a lot of ‘family time’ moments. I was really comfortable around them and I always ended up cuddling with them. But, with the beginning of the second term the virus arrived and we all went home for the lockdown. 
After six months of not having to live together with other people outside my family, now I am back again at an accommodation, with the adding that I am living in a different country. And I feel lonely. Don’t get me wrong, my flatmates are really nice and we get along really well but... maybe it’s because of the situation that we are living, maybe it’s because of cultural differences but, we spend a lot of time in our rooms, only gathering together to watch a movie or when we run into eachother during meals. And I don’t mind being alone, I like having my space and having time to organize my thoughts, specially because I am living in another country and I need some time when I am not speaking a language that it’s not my native one. 
But, I feel lonely and, more than that, I feel touch starved. I want, need, to hug people, to cuddle with them when we are watching a movie or just sit close to them. However, I know that other people don’t always feel comfortable with other people touching them, not to mentions that we have being acquaitance for a month or so. 
For the time being, I guess that I will just have to keep hugging the teddy bear that I bought when I arrived here, but I hope that I will meet someone who will feel comfortable enough around me to let me hug them. Because I really want to hug someone.
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
10 de septiembre
Hoy, 10 de septiembre, es my cumpleaños. Hoy he comenzado la veintena, y la he comenzado sola, al otro lado del charco, lejos de mi familia y amigos, sin poder salir de un cuarto a causa de la situación en la que se encuentra el mundo. 
Es una sensación extraña, no voy a mentir. Mi cumpleaños siempre ha caído en una fecha muy mala y es por ello que le tengo un poco amor/odio. Mi cumpleaños marca el comienzo del curso, la rutina, las agendas apretadas... marca el final del verano, de las vacaciones, de los planes esporádicos... Mi cumpleaños siempre ha sido un caos para organizar, intentando encontrar una fecha en la que todos pudiéramos estar libres para juntarnos. 
Pese a eso, mi cumpleaños siempre es una fecha que la miro con cariño. Porque, cuando por fin encontramos un día para juntarnos (sea ese mismo día o una semana más tarde), ese día se vuelve automáticamente increíble. Es un día en el que estoy rodeada de mis amigos, en el que el amor se nota en el aire y una sensación de felicidad nos rodea. Es un día para excusarse y ponerse hasta arriba de tarta de chocolate y pizza, lleno de abrazos fuertes que no quieres que se acaben,con  risas y chillidos de alegría...
Pero este año no tengo eso. Este año estoy sola en mi habitación. Pero mi familia y amigos siguen a mi lado, y su cariño y amor me llegan desde la pantalla de mi móvil, con mensajes que hacen que se me humedezcan los ojos y se me forme una sonrisa enorme en los labios. Mensajes llenos de amor. Nunca he sentido que he tenído tanta suerte de juntarme con estas personas maravillosas como lo he tenído hoy.
Y solo puedo decir gracias. Gracias por estar aquí, aunque físicamente no sea posible. Gracias por tenerme en vuestras vida.
Feliz cumpleaños Alaska, disfruta de los 20.
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
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No Justice, No Peace.  Quote from Emiliano Zapata
Art by Liberal Jane
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
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"Not being heard is no reason for silence"
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yoenpalabras · 4 years
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