blogmyownworld · 7 years
Ways to be happier
I used to have a really bad time with anxiety and depression and I just want to share some things that helped me (It may not help everyone but that’s okay everyone’s different). 
-Make a list of things that you are thankful for: This honestly was the biggest help for me. I think if you counter every negative thought with something you're grateful for it really helps. Even if it’s something simple it doesn't matter as long as it makes you happy. 
-”Stop focusing on what you shouldn’t be doing and start focusing on what you should be doing”: This one sounds really simple but trust me it works. Stop beating yourself up over not doing and just accept that you might have messed up. Just tell yourself you’ll do better tomorrow. 
-Learn something new: Learning new things will make you feel more productive and you’ll also be taking care of your brain. 
-Exercise: You’ll get a good rush of endorphins and I know I always feel a lot better after I exercise even if I am just going for a short walk. 
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
I’m not sure which is worse: intense feeling, or the absence of it
Margaret Atwood (via chilledoutvibes)
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
Happy new years!
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
New Years Resolutions
It's that time of year again. These are my goals this year. I may not reach them all but I'm going to try. 1. Hunt down art, writing, and basically any creative opportunities. Be more open to opportunities in general. 2. Volunteer. 3. Get a deeper relationship with God and those around me. 4. Take better care of myself (excersize, drink more water, eat better, etc.). 5. Learn to cook. 6. Learn to play a new instrument (a/k/a the ocarina because that's what I got for my birthday). 7. Blog more. 8. Disconnect from technology more. Live in the moment. 9. Learn a new language. 10. Read more. What are your goals this year?
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
Love Lingers Forever
Love lingers in the house,
Matching flannel pajamas and bare feet,
Dancing on the kitchen tiles.
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
Song Saturday: I really love this song (and here other music as well) because it all feels very dreamy. It’s the kind of music I really enjoy closing my eyes and listening to without doing anything else. 
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
Writing prompt
Whoever the person touches becomes a permanent part of their life. Write about what people they avoid and what people they chase down to touch.
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
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My language journaling got a little cuter this week. I really love learning another language and Korean is super fun. 
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
Song Saturday: 
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
15 (possibly) Useful Words That You Probably Don’t Know
 Hobbledehoy- An awkward, clumsy, or ungainly youth. 
Chork- To make the noise that feet do when one’s shoes are full of water. 
Clinomania- Excessive desire to stay in bed. 
Lethologica- When you think of something but the word for it escapes you. 
Melaprism- The mistaken word for in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect.  
Riposte- A quick one liner reply to an insult or criticism.
Igotum-  explaining the unknown in the less known 
Juvenilia-  works, especially writings, produced in one’s youth (every writer has some juvenilia they are not proud of).
Footle- to act or behave in a silly way
Simonise- to shine or polish to a high sheen.
soliloquize-  to utter a soliloquy; talk to oneself.
sycophant-  a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite. 
Pleonasm-  the use of more words than are necessary to express an idea; redundancy (i.g. as free gift or true fact).
anathema-  a person or thing detested or loathed.
cloudburst-  a sudden and very heavy rainfall (honestly this one is the cutest).
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
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nothing is safer than the sound of you reading out loud to me
-the perfect date
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blogmyownworld · 7 years
10 Tips For Being Healthier
I’m not someone who is necessarily super healthy or super fit but I do try to be healthy when I can. These are just some tips (that I use regularly) to help you live a healthier life. 
1. Take any opportunity to walk whether it’s parking farther at school or work so you have to walk farther to the door or taking stairs instead of an elevator. 
2. Find a healthy version of a food that you love. If it’s milkshakes try drinking a smoothie instead. If it’s cookies or chocolate try putting nutella on a gram cracker or something. If it’s chips try eating baked chips, crackers, or chex mix.  Sometimes the “healthier” version of these snacks isn’t that much healthier but it’s still a step up. 
3. If you aren’t hungry enough for an apple than you are probably just bored. 
4. Try doing different kinds of exercise. Not everyone loves cross-fit, running, or yoga. You may have to try out different kinds of exercises to find what you like and what will keep you going. 
5. Going to dance classes, joining a baseball team, or just getting some friends together for a game of kickball is an excellent way to enjoy exercise, socialize, and make exercise feel less like of a chore/obligation. 
6. Get a workout partner. It will keep you both accountable. 
7. Try listening to podcasts when you go on walks, I do this and I find that I walk a lot longer just because I want to finish the podcast before I finish my walk. 
8. When you are going for a harder workout find the music that really gets you going.  
9. drink lots of water. This is advice you hear all the time but it’s important for a reason. If you drink a lot of water it will help your skin and your appetite along with other benefits. If you drink water in the morning and before meals it is supposed to help you lose weight. 
10. Drink coffee there is some disputes on how healthy coffee is for you but it has proven to rev up the metabolism and give you the burst of energy you may need to get through the day or workout. 
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blogmyownworld · 8 years
Stop and pick the wildflowers
One day on my way to school I stopped behind an old man at a stop sign. He got out of his car and at first I was a little irritated because I didn’t know what he was doing and I was already late. Then I saw him pick some pretty wildflowers real quick from across the street. wave apologetically at me and get back in his car and drive off. I don’t know exactly why he picked those flowers but I do know me being upset with him was pointless and I couldn’t help but think of how cute that was. My imagination immediately went to thinking that he picked them to bring home to his significant other. It doesn’t really matter why he picked them but I do think this story says something about our generation. We need to slow down sometimes and appreciate the things around us. we need to stop and smell the roses or stop and pick the wildflowers sometimes. 
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blogmyownworld · 8 years
Song Saturday: I really like the dissonance in this piece I know some people may not like that but I think it makes the piece more interesting. Dissonance is such an interesting thing in music, It makes it seem as though the music is at at odds with itself. 
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blogmyownworld · 8 years
I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book.
Benedict Cumberbatch (via lawrencepubliclibrary)
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