canaancardreads · 3 years
Hi everyone!
It’s been awhile but I have news!
I’ve started my own shop on SHOPIFY!
There’s so many new products, new prices, and I’m super excited as well as all sorts of codes you can find if you follow me on my other social media!
I sell crystals, mystery boxes, teas, readings, ingredients, and more!
So check it out here
I’d really appreciate it!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
Balance Spell Ingredients
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Let’s talk about some of the ingredients I use for balance spells! These are just some of the ingredients I use based on their mythology and symbolism. You may not use them in this way- but that’s okay!
Angel Aura Quartz - Angel Aura Quartz is good for balancing the chakras. I personally don’t work with the chakras at this point in my practice but it’s good to know about them.
Angelite - Angelite is a great stone for balancing the physical with the metaphysical in your practice.
Aragonite - Aragonite is associated with the earth which makes it great for stabilizing and grounding. It stabilizes the sacral and solar plexus chakras, stabilizes your spiritual development and encourages delegation.
Ashwagandha Root - Ashwagandha is a great herb for restoring balance to your entire body.
Banded Agate - Great for stability and balance.
Brecciated Jasper - Balance
Buttercups - In the language of flowers Buttercups are associated with neatness.
Cat Hair - Cats are some of the most well balanced animals so it makes sense to use cat hair or cat symbolism in balance spells.
Cinnamon - Cinnamon is a great spice for stability
Crazy Lace Jasper - Balance
Desert Rose - Desert Rose restores balance that may have been lost.
Fire Quartz - Balance
Gelatin - Gelatin is a stabilizing agent in cooking so it makes sens to use it for stabilizing spells.
Goat Hair - Goats also have crazy good balance.
Grape Agate - Grape agate encourages inner stability.
Green Aventurine - Encourages physical, spiritual, and emotional balance.
Green Goldstone - Balances the heart and your emotions.
Hematite - Balances the body.
Iolite - Restores lost balance, Prevents disorientation.
These are just some of the ingredients I use and I’ll be trying to make posts like these weekly. What ingredients do you like to use in your balance spells?
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canaancardreads · 3 years
So I know I haven’t been super active on here but I thought it would be a great time to give y’all an update on my shop! Here’s a list of new products that have been recently added!
- Intoxicating Body Scrub
- Sleepy Tea
- Love Tea
- Menstrual Tea
- 3 Card Reading with Max
- Palm Readings
- Seven Sins Oil
- Various Magic Salts!
And here’s what will be coming on Monday! (As of right now, I’ll add to it as I finish products!)
- Chocolate Cardamom Lust Butter
- Cleansing Crystal Grid
- Grounding Crystal Grid
- Liquid Sorrow
- Liquid Joy
- Fire Crystal Set
- Seance Oil
- Godly Parentage Reading
And all month long every order will come with a ‘Trick or Treat’ code! This is a code that may give a free item, discount, or some other prize (or a trick and you’ll get like 1$ off of 100$). These codes will go live in OCTOBER so it’s a bit of an early Halloween treat!
I’ve also redone my website- please be aware that you cannot currently purchase items on my website- you will still have to go to my Etsy!
I hope y’all enjoy and I’ll update this post as I finish products!
- Canaan
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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No stream today but I’ve got something fun for y’all!
Now you may be wondering, a Halloween sale- in September?
You got it! Spooky season has come early!
All month long every order will come with a ‘Trick or Treat’ code that will activate on the first of October!
Trick codes give things like 1$ off when you spend 100$ or 1 crystal chip.
Treat codes include things like 50% any reading, 1 free tumbled crystal, or 10$ off an order of 30$
Any order no matter how big or small will get a random code and on the first of October you will get a message telling you if you’ve been tricked or treated and that code will be available for you to use until October 31st!
Happy trick or treating everyone!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
Let’s Talk Deity IDs
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Why do Deities reach out to people?
That varies. Deities may reach out because they want to work with you, or people they want you to worship them. Other times deities reach out because they’re your guardian or guide. Some deities may reach out because they’ve been in your family (this is more common with Saints), and on occasion they reach out just to watch.
I have seen a plethora of different deities- I seem to attract the less common deities such as Styx, Surtr, Asmodel, Blaphagor, The Horseman of War, etc And they all bring different things to the table and have different personalities. 
However, it is important to note that deities don’t reach out to everyone, some people are not meant to work with deities, nor are ready to so. I have had many people come to me requesting a deity ID and were disappointed to discover that there were none reaching out.
“Why?” They ask. “Does nothing want to work with me?”
My biggest question is always “Have you researched paganism, mythology, witchcraft, anything of that sort? Or did you have any intention of actively worshiping a god you may have never heard of? Have you seen unusual signs like there may be someone around?”
Most often the answer is “No.”
It is rare for a deity to reach out if you’ve had no interest in paganism or the occult. Getting a deity ID reading as your first every tarot reading will likely not give very interesting results. 
There are occasions where a deity has been with you in a past life or they created you and will come through very early but that is very rare and doesn’t happen often. I did a reading once where Athena created someone and had been with them in past lives but had no intention of working with them yet because they were arrogant, and had no intention of listening to her. However I also had a customer who was created by Dionysus and he had been with them in all their past lives and was eager to work with them. However, more likely than not- if you’ve never had any call to paganism or the occult- a deity will not reach out to you right away.
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What kind of signs might a deity send me?
That depends entirely on you. Sometimes gods send very obvious signs such as herds of stray cats coming to sit on your porch every single day until you notice, or finding bones everywhere. Other times gods send less obvious signs such as a sudden desire to learn archery or an unsatiable craving for haggis. Other times they may just seem to show up out of the blue.
The first goddess I ever worked with was Hekate. She sent me less obvious signs like a really intense garlic craving and the sudden desire to change my entire wardrobe to black. I was mostly oblivious and didn’t realize it was her until she barged into my house and demanded I take care of myself which was terrifying to say the least.
Michael the Archangel is either a guide or a guardian of mine- I’m not entirely sure. He actually didn’t send me any signs- I just suddenly felt like he had been there for awhile and I was right.
It’s important to remember though that not everything is a sign. It’s always important to look at the mundane over the magical first. 
Craving red meat all of a sudden? It may be a good time to make sure your iron isn’t low.
Seeing lot’s of spiders in your house? Make sure you don’t have a window open or an infestation problem.
It’s also important to note that a sign is usually something very sudden and unusual. If you’ve always wanted to learn the Violin and suddenly decide to try it- that’s probably not a sign. However if one day you wake up with the sudden desire to spend your entire savings on violin lessons- that could be a sign (Or you may just be having a manic episode/j).
The biggest thing to remember though is that a god is most likely not going to send you a sign that you won’t notice. While it does happen on occasion is you’re freaking out wondering “What if they’ve been sending me signs and I’ve missed them?!” you probably aren’t getting any signs. Deities will generally up their antics if you aren’t noticing rather quickly.
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Deity Work vs Deity Worship
Before delving into deity work or deity worship it’s important to note that there is a difference. You can worship and work with deities without being a witch.
Christians in a sense do deity work when they do bible studies. Many times when I see people talk about deity work they make it seem like they sit down with a deity and have 1 on 1 conversations with them like they’re a therapist. And some people might if they have the gift of people being able to see or hear them- but normally that is not the case.
Deity work- when doing shadow work usually involves a deity putting you in a situation so that you can deal with some sort of issue that you aren’t facing. However some deities come to help you with your craft and have no intention of helping you get past your daddy issues. Other times deities show up because they’re like “Is no one going to prevent this child from fucking up their entire life?” It really just depends. Either way- deity work implies a giving and recieving of energy and is usually a relationship that is started by the deity themselves. I have heard of people reaching out to deities and have done it myself but I’ve never had very good results. In my opinion it’s better just to let a deity reach out to you. This can help lower the likelihood of tricksters because if you yell into the void- something will usually answer and it’s not always what you want.  
This is why many witches tell newer witches to use caution when starting deity work. Making sure you know how to properly vet your deities is an important tool in avoiding tricksters- however not every witch believes in tricksters and that’s okay too. I personally believe in them because I’ve encountered them but it depends on what you believe.
Deity worship on the other hand does not imply a relationship at all- it is a one sided giving of energy and is usually started by the practitioner. While you may petition a deity you worship for help- it is not a working relationship. The practitioner gives energy via worship and offerings and the god or goddess does not necessarily have to give anything back. Though it is usually started by the practitioner occasionally gods or goddesses do reach out for the sole purpose of asking for your worship and just like with deity work- you can politely decline.
If you think a deity may e reaching out the best thing to do is to get an identification/confirmation from a trusted reader (I offer them on my shop), maybe even more than one and then vet them using a pendulum. I’ll be uploading a bunch of deity vetting questions for my Minor and Major arcana patreon members to use!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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Hi everyone!
Sorry for the lack of updates I’m just trying to get back into the swing of everything as I’ve been dealing with a bit of a tough time recently.
There will be a restock on Monday as usual and streams will go as usual during this upcoming week.
I have 6 readings left to do which I’ve divided up so I’ll be doing 3 today and 3 tomorrow. Hopefully next week I can knock them out a lot faster.
There have been some new updates to the confetti. It will now contain way more goodies that you can hear about on my Tik Tok or you can read for yourself on the listing. They are still on pre-order and the first 10 people to pre-order will get some kohakuto candy in their order!
This is a reminder that I do have a patreon and I’ll be posting lots of cool stuff there like polls and I’ll soon be adding a ‘Deity Questions’ list to help people vet their deities so if you have any deities that you’d like added to the list just let me know! It will be available to my Minor and Major arcana tiers.
I will be lowering the Pendulum tier to just 1$ a month rather than 5!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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Hi everyone!
If you follow me on my other social media’s or ordered a reading from me this week you may have noticed that I have yet to send anything out or that there haven’t been any streams this week.
My grandfather unfortunately passed away a couple days ago and my fiancé and I had to pack up and drive 10 hours to the funeral without much notice.
The funeral was yesterday however after this tragedy and on top of some other mental health issues I’ve decided to take just a few days away from everything so we will not be back until Monday and I was unable to bring any divination equipment with me due to my family’s religious views
Readings will start being sent out on Tuesday this upcoming week. That also means there will be no restock until next Monday.
Thank you for sticking with me.
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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I have made a petition which you can find on my website.
The goal of this petition is to demand that companies like Exxon and Chevron are held accountable and indicted for their crimes against humanity.
The United Nations determined that clean water is a human right and by destroying our water supply and air- these companies are committing human rights violations.
I need as many names as possible! We need over a million and we’re at 4 right now!
Please share this, sign it, post it. We have to act now and these companies will not stop until we hit them in the wallets.
This is a huge matter that needs more traction! Please sign if you can! It unfortunately will not let me post the link but you can find the link on my ‘Petitions and Resources’ page on my website!
Please take the time to sign and share- this is not the time to not sign because it’s inconvenient or takes too long. This is a matter of life and death if you can- please sign!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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My witchy discord server is officially up!
I’ve decided to open it to everyone but patrons will have more channels available.
If you’re interested in joining send me a message! Any practice, age, or experience welcome!
Spiritualists, Occultists, Demonolaters, Witches, Pagans, Native Spiritualists, anything like that- you’re welcome!
I hope to see you there!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
Let’s make a singing bowl or a simmer pot for relaxation and releasing pent up tension.
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For this spell you’ll need
- Olive Leaves 🍃
- River Water 💧
- Driftwood 🪵
And that’s it!
I find this spell works best with a singing bowl but it can easily be used in a simmer pot.
You don’t have to use all river water but you will need at least a little bit.
Add your olive leaves and drift wood and watch it float on the water. Imagine the leaves carrying all of your worries. Imagine on each piece of driftwood there is a burden written. Imagine them floating away down a river and taking all of your worries with them.
The sound of a singing bowl adds to the calming effect but if you’re using the simmer pot method you can put on some relaxing music. Imagine the steam flowing out of the pot is steaming it out of your pores and out of your home. Imagine it’s washing away all your worries.
For the singing bowl method- simply use until you feel calm. For the simmer pot method- use until the water has evaporated.
If you’d like to see more spells you can join the Minor Arcana or Major Arcana tier on my patreon. Minor Arcana members have access to more basic spells (All are personally crafted by me) and the Major Arcana members have access to more advanced spells like curses and rituals. But all tiers are welcome in the discord server where you’ll be able to talk and share ideas with other witches!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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I have a patreon now that you can join with lots of cool benefits!
I’ll post spells for major and minor arcana patrons (first one is already up) and major arcana patrons will get more advanced spells such as rituals and curses!
I’m working on making a discord server for anyone who wants to join and meet new witches, share tips, etc. which you’ll be invited to if you become a patron on any tier!
Major arcana patrons will get extra bonus items like candy or stickers with their purchases and will be invited to play games on streams like cards against humanity and phasmaphobia!
And don’t worry pendulum patrons will be able to cast votes about what should come next on my store!
And that’s not even all of the benefits!
I hope y’all will consider supporting me! Link is already up on my website!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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Hi everyone! First thing is first- stream today at 12:00 pm EST as usual. I hope to see you there- all of my readings slots are still open!
Second! I have moved to a new tik tok account. It’s the same name but my old account is just a personal account now and I’ve given the name ‘CanaanCardReads’ to my business account.
I will no longer be posting product stuff on my personal tik tok unless it’s really big so if you still want to see readings, get updates, and possibly see skits from my weirdest readings you can follow me on that new account!
I hope to see y’all there today!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
Deep Cleansing and Resetting Protections
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Deep Cleansing a Space
So today I’m taking some time to do a deep cleanse of my house and redo my protections. Here is an example of a home protection bottle I did that needs to be replaced. (This thing STUNK).
A particularly nasty spirit managed to weasel its way into my house and head made life rather sucky for the past week. It thankfully is gone now but my house still feels like it’s dripping with negative energy. So I thought it would be a good time to talk about setting up your own protections and how I personally deep cleanse my house.
I start by taking down my protections (Just briefly-don’t worry), just so that I can start with a fresh slate.
The best way to deep cleanse your house is to actually clean it. I know it sounds boring but it’s going to do a way better job than just waving smoke around your house or screaming at the walls. 
I personally have my own spray that I use to help me cleanse but you can use florida water (Some people say that Florida Water is a closed practice), moon water, or any mixture of cleansing ingredients such as Tarragon, Moon Water, Rain Water, Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Sea Water, Vervain, etc.
I’ll usually go around and wipe down all of the windows and mirrors with this mixture followed by some windex (You can give your windex the intention to cleanse I just prefer to use my own mix as well). I’ll also add some of this mixture to the washing machine when I wash my clothes and to my mop water and I’ll wipe down the counters and tables with it as well. 
If you have a diffuser you can add a few drops of lemon oil, peppermint oil, sunflower oil, etc to it to help you detox your house.
When I sweep I make sure to sweep with the intention of sweeping away negative energy and sweeping in new- clean energy. When I vacuum I imagine the vacuum sucking out all of that gross stagnant energy as well.
With something like this I also want to be sure to cleanse all of my divination methods such as my pendulum, tarot decks, word set, and charm set to be sure they don’t have anything lingering. 
Then you can go in with your smoke cleansing or sound cleansing or however you choose to do it. I also like to do a simmer pot as well to make sure the house is really purified.
Now that your house is deep cleaned you can start setting your protections back up.
Resetting and Making Protections
Maybe this is your first time setting up protections or maybe you’re just looking for tips- either way- let’s go over some different types of protections you may have.
- Physical (Crystals, Plants, Spell Bottles, Traps, Talismans, Sigils)
- Metaphysical (Spells, Burning Protective Herbs, Locks, Simmer Pots)
Physical protections are going to be things that you can physically see and check regularly. Metaphysical wards are going to be more like protection rituals, locking your mirrors, burning protective herbs, etc.
When crafting a protection spell you need to think about what you need protection from. Do you want protection from negative spirits?, negative energy?, hexes and curses?, demons?, the fae?, emotional attacks? if you are someone who works with a specific pantheon you may only want deities of that pantheon in your house. I even have friends that have protections against angels.
These are all important things to think about when setting up protections. Also- how far with the protection spread? Is it over the whole house? Is it just you? Just a specific room or space? your aura? What exactly is it protecting?
Next think about what exactly the spell is supposed to do. Is it just supposed to block them? Will it harm the person who tries to cross your wards? Will the energy be sent back to them? Will your wards catch it? Once again, an important thing to think about when crafting your wards.
I recommend writing down a list of all the things you need protection from and see how many spells you’ll need based on that. Once you know what you need protection from, where you want it to go, and what you want it to do- it’s way easier to choose ingredients, colors, moon phases, whatever you choose to do in your craft.
Here’s just some of the things you can research and use in protective spells.
Blackberries, blueberries, oak, acorns, coconut, daisies, shark teeth, cat tails, marshmallow root, comfrey, juniper berries, lemons, magnolia, magnolia, cat hair, stink bugs, turtle shells, orange peel, mullien, snapdragons, bergamot, vervain, porcupine quills, willow, lilies, hazelnuts, crab shells and claws, brussels sprouts, shells, goose feathers, dragons blood, bloodroot, pine needles, spearmint, olive oil, wormwood, turmeric, oregano, hyssop, angel aura quartz, alfalfa, corn, dill, figs, sage, banded agate, rosemary, eucalyptus, maple-
And there are so many more- just be sure you research your herbs and plants cause they provide protection against different things.
Happy casting!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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Just a reminder that my Twitch stream is tonight at 4:00 unfortunately I’ve been banned from posting on tik tok and I’m really just done with them so I’m doing my best to post more on other social media’s.
If you like witchy content, tarot readings, crystals, and deity work you should follow me.
I currently have I believe 5 readings lined up for tonight’s stream but there is still time to order. I do logomancy readings, tarot readings, pendulum readings, and charm readings. I also sell energy drawings, deity kits, crystal pouches, surprise boxes and I’m hoping to add more soon!
You can find my website at canaancardreads.webnode.com and find the link in my pinned post. Go check it out!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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So due to tik tok banning my live today I’ve decided I’ve had enough of them blatantly trying to silence and target witches and pagans and I’ve decided to move back to Twitch.
The schedule will be exactly the same as my lives were. You’ll be able to find the link to my Twitch on my website at the very bottom of the page. I hope to see you all there this Sunday!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
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We’ve got a live today!
I apologize for not posting more on here I’m currently trying to run my Instagram, and Tik Tok and keep my business going.
That being said if you’d like to support me you can order a reading by going to my website. I will be doing readings on live today on my Tik Tok (All of my accounts are linked on my website). There are currently two tarot readings left for live and they’re both with the gothic tarot. But I also have charm readings, logomancy readings, and pendulum readings still available for live.
However I also do readings via Tik Tok video, email, and Etsy message which are still in stock for my other decks. I do all sorts of different kinds of readings from past life, to relationships, to just a basic reading.
However if you’re not interested in readings you can also support me by ordering some of my other products! I also sell spellwork (All of my spellwork will be posted tomorrow upon restock), charm casting sets, crystal pouches, deity boxes, surprise boxes, and aura drawings!
My crystal confetti is currently on pre-order under my crystal pouches and the first 3 people who pre-order will get a wire wrapped ring and a crystal bracelet with their order, and the first 10 will receive a baggy of some kohakutou crystal candies with their order!
I hope to see you there! You can find the link to my website on the pinned post on my page!
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canaancardreads · 3 years
I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again and again: if someone tells you to get rid of your medications/doctors for witchcraft/spirituality, get away from that person as quickly as possible and as far as possible!
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