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Holiday Knights The New Batman Adventures
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BATMAN #126 Variant Cover by RYAN SOOK
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same dude who jerked himself off to writing bisexual superman lmao
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I feel like TT should be taken off bat books entirely his dialogue is a bit cringe and that fridging joke he made Babs make was just nasty.
No truly that ‘fridged’ thing pissed me off soooooo bad in the recent issue.
Like, when out of the multiple people currently writing Babs in ongoings, you’re the one getting like the most flack for your portrayal of her specifically because of how you approach stuff regarding her disability… making a tongue-in-cheek reference to the name of the trope used to describe the situation she became disabled in the first place is just in very poor taste. It was cringey, it was an awkward sentence, and was unnecessary.
For context/explanation, during the most recent Nightwing issue Babs gets briefly captured by kidnappers who put her in a refrigerated van, which she then tells Dick and Wally about, and at one point phrases things like this:
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“Nightwing. They’re after you. They’ve fridged me to get to you.” (Nightwing (2016) #90)
Now, even beyond my above complaints about this, there’s a whole other level that makes this stupid: ‘Women in Refrigerators’ is a trope named after an event that occurred in-universe (the murder of Kyle Rayner’s girlfriend Alexandra DeWitt). Like yes Babs is literally in a refrigerated van… but ‘fridged’ is not a real word when detached from the ‘Women in Refrigerators’ trope. It’s not in the dictionary, it’s a term that only exists in a specific context- and the way she’s using it here fits the use for the ‘Women in Refrigerators’ trope. Plus a panel earlier she already explained she was in a refrigerated van, it’s not like this is the way she’s introducing the concept of a fridge being involved. Saying ‘fridged’ in-universe like this just makes Babs seem like a jerk for casually referencing a tragedy from Kyle Rayner’s life that she, Dick, and Wally all know about.
Honestly, these meta jokes/references in the comic have just gotten more and more distracting as it’s gone on. One or two things like this isn’t inherently bad, but this many just… feels like it’s there to get a reaction on social media, and distracts from the story. This ‘fridged’ one feels most drastic because it’s in text rather than just a visual gag like the others have been, but this is what I’m talking about:
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Mug referencing the ‘some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb’ scene from the 1966 Batman film (Nightwing (2016 #80)
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T-shirt of the ‘Batman slapping Robin’ meme based on a panel from World’s Finest Vol. 1 #153 (Nightwing (2016) #81, #83)
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Shirt parodying the Comics Code Authority logo, that literally has ‘DC Comics’ written on it (Superman: Son of Kal-El #9, yes technically not in the Nightwing run but it was the crossover and still made by Taylor and Redondo)
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T-shirt with DC’s logo from 1976-2005 (Nightwing (2016) #90)
All of these from one author’s books within one publishing year is just excessive 🤷‍♂️ Each of the visual ones on their own wouldn’t bother me but this many together does. That plus the fridging joke… just don’t like it. It’s distracting.
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Shazam definitely has a verified twitter account & it's one of the more popular official superhero twitter accounts bcos Billy just posts whatever the fuck he wants
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“Because to him it does not!”
WW 1987 #122
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Well this panel reads different in the age of Spoiler-culture and MCU’s refusal to tell actors anything lest they possible reveal it. 
(Catwoman V1 020)
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jason coming back to gotham and realizing like... a lot of things are named after him. in his memory. i wonder how that feels. and he’s like ok there’s a library, and a community centre, and a hospital wing, but that has to be it, right? but nope there’s a lot more!! because a lot of gotham got rebuilt after the earthquake with help from wayne enterprises lmao
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reading comic books provides you with a level of tolerance for not knowing what the fuck someone is talking about and pressing on anyway that is absolutely invaluable to the humanities actually
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[Image ID: The meme of DW from Arthur standing in front of a door with a sign. The sign says: "The character you are writing for has an established backstory and personality, you can easily ask any of the fans for a reccomended reading list." DW is labeled "DC writers" and says "That sign won't stop me because I can't read." End ID]
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Have a snort for the road!
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Another episode of “Someone’s barely disguised kink!”
Just saw a post and now I need to know.. What the heck was all that Tendatodd Storyline about?? Like, how did that happen and why did someone think it was a good idea??
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Okay so there is a longer post out there tht explains it except i don’t want to link to it anymore bc I have now seen its on a blog tht posts batc*st and i’m not about that
But essentially there’s this story called Brothers in Blood (Nightwing Vol. 2 #118-122)
It’s in the One Year Later era so Blüdhaven is gone now and Dick is relocating to NYC… and Jason’s there impersonating Dick as Nightwing and killing bad guys. Obviously Dick is NOT amused. Jason wants to work as a team and well that’s just not gonna happen.
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(Nightwing Vol. 2 #119)
Meanwhile there’s a new love interest for Dick, this woman named Cheyenne Freemont who’s a fashion designer and a metahuman! The whole story starts with them sleeping together which is a choice. Through… plot if we can call it that… Dick ends up working as a model at her company, oh and she does a whole Nightwing inspired fashion line because he’s in the news a ton. Jason causes problems, as he does.
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(Nightwing Vol. 2 #120)
There’s also these guys, The Pierce Brothers, who are doin all sorts of crime and well, they’re where the whole tentacle thing comes in. Nightwing (and Jason!Nightwing) are fucking up their crimes and this guy they work with has… the ability to turn into a giant tentacle monster and eat people, which happens to Jason.
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(Nightwing Vol. 2 #121)
Cheyenne suits up as a Nightwing too and her and Dick go to save Jason
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(Nightwing Vol. 2 #121)
There’s a whole big fight etc etc they save him and he’s free, but due to Jason having been eaten and spit back up and staying inside the chrysalis thing as long as he did, he gains the same tentacle powers temporarily as an after effect
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(Nightwing Vol. 2 #122)
He does then spit the guy back up im just out of image space bc tumblr’s stupid. The powers get resolved off-page and Jason sends a telegram telling Dick he’s back to normal at the end.
so yeah its. its something! why did this happen? i could not tell you.
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Hatred. Malice, even.
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Batman #441
There's something about Tim that makes me want to edit all his dialogue to be Vine quotes 😂
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I do like when they make Mary the more brutal one of the Batson siblings. 
(The Power of Shazam! 030)
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