deliah-clarke Ā· 4 months
not that many of you care, but Iā€™ll be offline for the next few months. Like three ish
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deliah-clarke Ā· 4 months
(Hive Mind) Isaac Clarke x readerRomantic!
Yes. I do Dead space, I have another series THAT DO NOT MIX the x reader and the apprentice storyline are two completely different things. And I only do the remake because I havenā€™t played the other (sad violin music because I wanted to.)
Warnings: Dead Space stuff, doi. Idk I kinda feel like while heā€™s in his Hive Mind version heā€™d be this was (Iā€™ll explain what that is do not fret itā€™s an au Iā€™ve created.) Death, obsessive behavior, clingy, mutilation, Cultist stuff.
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To say the least he would be very clingy, very attached after his beloved girlfriend committed suicide. He would make sure you never even thought of that, (literally with the help of the Marker.)
Hive Mind Isaac is different than his normal version. In this version the Ishimura never reached planetfall but Isaac had repaired it enough to keep it in orbit. He had collected all the Marker fragments and performed the ritual in Captain Mathiasā€™ office. But it didnā€™t bring Nicole back. Instead it set him up to essentially be the new Altman. In the flesh. Only problem was the Marker would need to kill of the Hive Mind, because it was no longer of use to it after Aegis VII was prohibited by Earthgov. Who better than the man who had been currently slaughtering thousands of its children to dispose of it?
And lo, Isaac with his deteriorating mental state, became the next Hive Mind, gaining control of all Necromorphs. The Marker has plans for Isaac. In timeā€¦.
Though this enabled the Unitologists to now loyally worship and follow him (to his dismay)
Anyway now with the influence and power of the Marker Isaac resides on the Ishimura now, making it his permanent new home. Mainly because the Marker is there as well. The Ishimura is in pretty decent shape, er he didnā€™t really clean up the gore because he liked the aesthetic (his mind was altered to be more sadistic and accustom to death).
You would most likely meet Isaac by an emergency landing onto the Ishimura, a rescue or exploration of the long-forgotten ship. Since the Marker ritual Isaac doesnā€™t age anymore soā€¦.
If the case was an emergency landing you and your crew would have wandered the halls aimlessly as they get picked off one by one by the Necromorphs.
Of course having access to all security in the Ishimura enabled him to watch you and your crew. He didnā€™t kill you immediately because he was curious to see how long youā€™d survive.
Though slowly he grew a bit fond of you, you reminded him of his dearly depart just a bit. Which was enough to intellectually communicate with the Necromorph Hive not to attack you.
After killing off your whole crew heā€™d just lurk unsuspectingly in the shadows watching you with interest. Seeing your determination and bravery to survive something that seems virtually impossible peaks and sparks his interest.
He canā€™t help but feel lonely though, itā€™s a difficult concept considering what happened with Nicole.
Heā€™d most likely watch you for a few hours trying to survive.
Then he would reveal himselfā€¦as a survivor, he would lead you to ā€˜safetyā€™ just like ā€˜Nicoleā€™ had led Isaac to the pedestal where he originally placed the Marker (before placing it back on the ship per the Markerā€™s request.)
You two would grow closer and Isaac would grow to need you as a form of attachment and a slight string of sanity.
When he revealed who he really was, of course you would flee in fear. Can anyone blame you?
Well heā€™ll just send every Necromorph on the Ishimura after you, lucky you.
After you are inevitable dragged into his grasp once again heā€™ll never let you go.
Personally, I donā€™t see him hurting you at all. Which means the Necromorphs wouldnā€™t as well.
The clingy and ā€œI canā€™t risk anything happening to youā€ type. The type that would scour the universe to get you back.
As an engineer he still enjoys his pastime of building various things, even a few for yourself.
You do get scared by the Unitologists cultists who basically worship Isaac and yourself (since you are his ā€œsoulmateā€ that courtesy gets extended to you). One of the worst being Mercer (no heā€™s not dead in this.) who the Marker wanted to keep toā€¦monitor Isaac (like the little bitch Mercer is).
Isaac makes sure to give you the love and attention you deserve, peppering little kisses across your forehead whenever possible.
Heā€™ll give you adorable nicknames like ā€˜babyā€™, ā€˜sweetieā€™, ā€˜sweetheartā€™ (thats what he used to do with Nicole.)
Other than his less than convenient affiliation with the Marker and all it entails, heā€™s a morally rounded but broken person. Always making sure and TRYING not toā€”ā€œā€¦say the wrong thing.ā€
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deliah-clarke Ā· 4 months
Isaac Clarke x Apprentice (Platonic)- Insanity and family
Chapter 1 - Prologue BEFORE New Arrivals So Iā€™m gonna change a few things in the Dead Space Remake storyline to better suit this story (such as Nicole is not gonna be a ā€˜hallucinationā€™ and much more, it will be told in the perspective of 2nd perspective because the other perspectives didnā€™t fit her. And yea, I give my 2nd perspective characters not basic personalities.
warning: hallucination, death, gore, violence, normal Dead Space warning things, make us whole, insanity, mania, Yknow insane Unitologists bs (some warnings are for future chapters just so you know what you are getting into.)
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DIAGNOSE AND REPAIR Communications Blackout
ISAAC CLARKE Engineering and Ship System Specialist
KENDRA DANIELS Computer Specialist
ZACH HAMMOND Chief Security Officer
CPL HAILEY JOHNSTON Security Personnel
CPL AIDEN CHEN Security Personnel
DELIAH [UNKNOWN] CEC Engineering Apprentice
ā€œā€¦Isaacā€¦.I wish I could talk to you, Iā€™m sorry. I canā€™t believe whatā€™s happening. Everythingā€™sā€¦falling apart hereā€¦ Itā€™s strangeā€¦such a little thing-ā€ Pause.
ā€œIs that her? Nicole?ā€ One of Isaac Clarkeā€™s crew members ask him, Kendra Danvers. As she walks up to the hologram of Isaacā€™s girlfriend, Dr. Nicole Brennan.
ā€œYeah, first Iā€™ve heard from her in weeks.ā€ Isaac says as he slightly turns his head toward Danvers.
ā€œShe looksā€¦nice?ā€ You say to Isaac, who was sitting down in front of you.
ā€œThat answer was really half-assed but knowing you Iā€™ll take it.ā€ He said in a slightly amused tone.
ā€œEverything I do is half-assed.ā€ You give an eyebrow raise and a smug grin. ā€œThatā€™s concerning considering your an apprentice to an engineer.ā€
ā€Iā€™m concerning in general.ā€ You blinked with a straight face.
The Kellion shook slightly as Chen interjected, ā€œI would find your seat before you go flying put the front window, here we goā€”nice clean re-entry. Welcome to Aegis VII.ā€
You gave a slight eyeroll as you sat down on a seat next to Isaacā€™s. Crossing your legs a bit as you do so.
ā€œImagine six months staring at that chunk of rock.ā€
ā€œTo an independent miner, itā€™s paradise.ā€
ā€œHehehe minorā€
Everyone gave a sharp but slightly confused glare at you. You gave a cheeky smile, ā€œI-I donā€™t know why I found that funny.ā€
Sigh. ā€œAlright Daniels, where is she?ā€
Daniels crossed her arms and leaned from one foot to another typing on the holographic screen in front of her, ā€œThere confirming visual contact with USG Ishimura.ā€
The Kellion drifted downward past debris most likely from the planet after the Ishimura had cracked it. To reveal not too far away the massive steely ship known as the infamous USG Ishimura.
ā€œWhat a beauty, biggest planet cracker in her class yā€™know-ā€
You interrupted him with yet another snarky comment, ā€œHold on. Iā€™m sorry but does he always say random meaningless shit no one really cares about or just when he fanboys over a ship?ā€
ā€œYouā€™re exhausting you know that?ā€ Hammond glared.
ā€œIā€™m not the one who canā€™t shut their mouth for four seconds.ā€
Chen cleared his throat aggressively to get the attention of the Chief Security Officer. ā€œSir, weā€™re in hailing range.ā€ With a tap of his finger on the orangish hued panel he commend the Ishimura, ā€œUSG Ishimura, this is the emergency maintenance team of the USG Kellion responding to your distress call. Come in Ishimura.ā€
ā€œIshimura? Do you copy, this is the USG Kellion.ā€
ā€œYou ever heard of a full communications blackout on one of these things?ā€
With a glance toward Daniels he responded with a hint of a somber tone, ā€œNever. Come on someone pick up the damn phone.ā€
Over comms a grueling guttural noise emerged into the Kellionā€™s transmission for a brief moment. Mixed with static and an unstable connection it was hard to tell exactly what that was.
ā€œWhat the hell is that?ā€ Danielsā€™ voice was quieter now, clearly unnerved about the audio.
ā€œI-Iā€™m sorry weā€™re going in that? Oh heeeeellllllll no.ā€
ā€œIā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine.ā€
ā€œTch, yeah cause that tone sounded reassuring.ā€
ā€œWell, it sounds like their communications array is bustedā€¦ maybe a broken encoder. Deliah, Daniels and I can handle it in forty eight hours max.ā€ He gave a quick gesture with his head toward Daniels.
ā€œAs long as one, Iā€™m not left alone and two, itā€™s not dark Iā€™ll be fine.ā€ You scoffed.
ā€œAlright Chen, take us in.ā€
Johnston spoke up, ā€œGravity tethers engaged, automated docking is a go.ā€
The Kellion began is descension as it was pulled in by a purplish-blue colored tether. The ship let out a slight creak and parked on the left side with a deafening clang, causing canary yellow sparks to burst out of the wall, causing both Isaac and you two flinch your head away, though his was more subtle. The alarms blared violently, electricity shooting all through the ship, emitting a grotesque, shrill cry. The vessel was rapidly thrusted inward to the Ishimura, pulling it forward at insane speeds. Sparks from the ship flew as metal screeched with a howling roar, splintering metal screeched at high frequencies. The crew was thrown and tossed maliciously in their seats as they attempted to steady themselves.
ā€œShitā€”Shit! Weā€™re coming in too hot! Itā€™s gonna smash us into the hull!ā€ Chen exclaimed while veering the ship in a desperate attempt to avoid narrowly crashing into the Ishimuraā€™s hull.
ā€œThere aim for the emergency stabilizer! There, that blue light. It might slow us down!ā€ Isaac shouted frantically as he kept jolting in his chair.
ā€œDrop the blast shields everyone brace yourself.ā€ Hammond commanded urgently toward the crew, hoping this would be enough to keep the ship together.
With a deafening rumble the rammed shut, slightly muffling the horrifying outer hull of the ships. The whirring of the Kellion intensifies as the screen showing the outside of the ship only displayed the visible outside for seconds and went static. Leaving you and the crew completely blind. The ship vibrated, causing blurry vision and slight nausea from you.
As quickly as it began, the ship came to a decently quick halt, the ship giving up the last of its energy as it powered down. The lights dimmed until they went out completely.
ā€œEveryone okay?ā€
ā€Iā€™m good.ā€
ā€œIā€™ll live, Johnston you alright?ā€ Chen asked with a small amount of worry but did well at hiding it. The blast doors clicked and zoomed upward, leaving the glass with a greenish misty light and a worn-down ā€œUSG Ishimuraā€ sign. A few of the letters flickered or werenā€™t even on all together.
ā€œItā€™s my ankle. I think itā€™s broke,ā€
ā€œCould be worse.ā€ You uttered, still shaken.
ā€œWhat the fuck is going on with flight control? That guidance systems a death trap.ā€ Daniels barked harshly, annoyed and concerned considering they almost died.
ā€œBetter add it to the repair list. Chen whatā€™s our damage?ā€
ā€œComms are down. Lost the port booster. Weā€™ve got a fire on one of the stabilizers and the singularity cores a mess. Could be worse but not by much.ā€
ā€œThen letā€™s get some help. Johnston stay with the Kellion, weā€™ll send a medic. Everyone else with me.ā€ Hammond motioned a hand.
Daniels and Hammond gave a quick glance toward Isaac as they walked past him. Isaac bent down for his helmet and placed it over the top of his head, being his apprentice you also had the same helmet. Just slightly tweaked to help with the weight of it. As Isaac stepped out of the wirey, sparking mess which was now the Kellion, you followed suit closely. No one, you, your mentor or your crew knew what unspoken nightmares would be waiting for you in the USG Ishimuraā€™s deathly cold embrace.
Depending on how well this does I will write the next chapter. Might not I am not positive honestly. Btw this is the prologue not chapter one, thatā€™s the upcoming chapter.
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deliah-clarke Ā· 4 months
Guess whoā€™s writing an Isaac Clarke/ Dead Space Fanfic!!!!
This is due to the extreme lack of Dead space fanfics out there (Well on Tumblr anyway. Iā€™m writing my own, because Dead Space is severely underrated. So to all my Dead Space fans out there, ā€œyeā€
I am going back to edit this because the first chapter has been released!
And I have an x reader story out.
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deliah-clarke Ā· 5 months
Yandere Absolute Carnage x Romantic!Reader Alphabet
For all my fictional serial killer obsessed peoples. (18+ for obvi reasons) Warnings: itā€™s Carnage so that should say a lot. Violence, yandere themes (obviously), kidnapping, darkish? Gore and stuff. Idk what else to put its freakin Dark Carnage that says enough.
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Affection:How much affection does he give?
Heā€™sā€¦.not all for it. He may be touched starved but he just seems to kinda deal with it. He was barely even affectionate to Shriek (who is no longer alive cause of cult sacrifices). Not to mention he would show you little to no affection at first as well. If youā€™ve been around him long enough he might possibly give a tiny kiss here or there. But affection is rare.
Blood: How much blood is he willing to spill to keep you?
As much as he wants really, hell, at some point heā€™ll stop doing it just for your sake and just go around killing for fun in those moments. He is Carnage, itā€™s in the name and reputation.
Cruelty: How much of an a-hole can he be?
1000% an a-hole. He would purposely make fun of you and tease you, just to get a reaction. Not like you could do much to 13 feet of walking death. I mean he can get annoyed pretty easy since he has the whole stress of ā€˜Awakening his dark symbiote godā€™ thing goinā€™ on. Norman legitimately complimented him and Carnage gave him a tired eye glare and to sum it up said, ā€œshut the f*** up, Norman.ā€
Death: How would your death impact him?
To sum it up your death to him is like a someone deliberately breaking a childā€™s favorite toy. Heā€™d be pissed to say the least. One, he went through so many things trying to capture you in the first place. Two, He f***ing liked you! He thought you were fun and he liked your personality, looks donā€™t really matter to an undead, infested serial killer much, so it was more for your personality. Three, eventually he planned to break you and youā€™d finally accept that this was your life and heā€™d have a new partner in killing!
Iā€™m sure with Carnage being Carnage heā€™d eventually get over you but the mention of your name at any point would piss him off.
Enemy: Would he ever turn on you?
For the most part he can tolerate a bit especially from lilā€™ old you. He finds it amusing you have so many snarky and rude things to say to his face, heā€™ll just sit back on his throne while you are on the floor, wrists bound by symbiotic red tendrils as you sling both clever and stupid insults at him.
But the second you interrupt his gory killing sprees, which could only be cause by you escapingā€¦well would be dragged back by the neck, broken legs dragging behind you, bleeding out of your mouth. With him throwing you roughly back down and bound by the tendrilsā€¦.4x as many that time.
Friendly: Can he be friendly? How often?
Not very. If you do eventually accept him and you two go on killing sprees together (though he would keep a tight leash at first since he doesnā€™t fully trust you). He will definitely be his own, twisted version of playful with you, making sicker types of jokes just to see your reaction. He can be friendly-ish if you give him the chance, though it would probably involve wearing peopleā€™s faces, messing around with internal organs, face painting with blood, stuff like that. Hope you have a strong stomach because he wonā€™t hold back for anyone.
Give: Would he give a present? What would he do if he received one.
Erā€¦his gifts arenā€™t the mostā€¦humane. Sometimes heā€™ll leave little gory surprises to freak you out and watch you gag. He hasnā€™t really ever given you a present like a normal lover would, but he tries regardless, if he feels you deserve it.
He would be confused if he was given a present by you. The first question heā€™d probably as is, ā€˜how the f*** did you get out of your restraints?ā€™ And if that wasnā€™t an issue heā€™d probably give a dismissive ā€œthanksā€ and open it in private, heā€™d see this as getting through to you, which would crack an excited smile from him, regardless of what you gave him.
Hell: What is he willing to put you through?
Anything. Except death, because he wonā€™t let you get the satisfaction of dying if he was punishing you.
Ignore: How does he feel if heā€™s being ignored?
There was a panel of Carnage running at Eddie and shouting ā€˜Pay Attention To Me!ā€™. So it is most likely that he doesnā€™t like being ignored. Heā€™ll say something mayyyybbbbeeee at a max of three times if heā€™s feeling generous which is rare. Past that he has no problem dragging you out of The Spire and dangling you with a tendril wrapped around your foot above some of the tallest buildings in New York.
Jealous: Does he get jealous? Yes. He doesnā€™t like you around anyone outside of your ā€˜familyā€™ (demagoblin, doppleganger, cultists and the hive.) Out of jealousy heā€™ll often do many things that seem out of character and confusing to you. Such as hold you close and give you awkward but well-meant affections. He would typically do this to people like Norman Osborn, (who thinks heā€™s Kasady), Carnage does not like you talking to Norman and that is usually where the jealousy starts. Carnage will pull you close to him and absolutely coddle you. If it was anyone else you talked to outside of who he allowed, (this is if you accepted him) he would absolutely rip out their spine and shove it down their throat the second you left the room.
Knavish: Is he willing to be dishonest?
He wouldnā€™t really need to be, he doesnā€™t typically spare feelings, if not ever. If he needed to lie to manipulate you into doing what he wants, then yeah he would.
Love Letters: How does he show his appreciation to you?
When you accept him heā€™ll gift you some stuff from your first kills, stuff from the first time you met, along with the occasional compliment from him.
If you still hadnā€™t accepted him he wonā€™t do anything you show his appreciation, why the f*** do you deserve it?
Mask: Does he hide his true self from you?
Nah. Heā€™s just your sadistic, masochist lover as you know him.
No: How does he feel about his lover telling him no?
Heā€™ll be a bit shocked no doubt, but heā€™ll be quick to shut that s*** down. Heā€™s definitely more dominant in your relationship. There are a few instances where heā€™ll (begrudgingly) accept no, as you can imagine.
Oppression: How many rights will he take away?
As many as he feels you shouldnā€™t have.
Perseverance: What are the lengths he will go to get you back?
Honestly he has the entire hive to hunt you down, but heā€™d make it personal and hunt you himself. Heā€™d never let you go, itā€™s more about pride than love though. And when he got a hold of youā€¦youā€™d be in for the worst time of your life.
Quit: Would he ever stop pursuing you?
His pride wouldnā€™t let him.
Regret: Would he ever regret kidnapping you?
Thatā€™s laughable to him if you even thought that.
Sanity: What will he do if you lose your sanity
HELL YES! That would be absolutely amazing to him. A sadist little lover, equal in bloodlust and insanity sittinā€™ pretty by his side as you both watch the world drown in red. A dream come true to him.
Touch: What happens if someone puts their hands on you?
That would result in a slow, painful death for anyone who lays a finger on you. Especially when you accept him and all that, you become more open to him. He would twist off their limbs and splinter their bones, among other things. No one gets to touch you. He doesnā€™t like to share.
Union: What are his future plans?
Marraige, dating, whatā€™s the difference? Itā€™d really be up to you he doesnā€™t care what title you two have.
Vengeance: Would he avenge you if you died
Initially, heā€™ll get over you pretty fast, but he would, like I said, your name would be a sensitive subject.
Witā€™s End: How much ā€˜til heā€™s had enough?
Like I also said, he can tolerate you pretty well, but as soon as you make a big mess up, such as, extremely setting back the awakening of Knull. Heā€™ll definitely be angry. And end your life for that setback.
X-ray: Does he care about your health?
As your future lover he does, heā€™s just not super open about it. Honestly hes fine with hurting you, just not other people hurting you. He doesnā€™t want you to dieā€¦yet.
Yearn: Does he need you? Want? Yeah. Need? No.
Zenith: Will he break his love to get what he wants?
Thatā€™s basically his whole goal.
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deliah-clarke Ā· 5 months
Avengers (2018) issue #33 - Moon Knight beats Thor with his own hammer
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This is for @ominoose
Itā€™s nice to see another fellow comic lover - @moon-mr-knight
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deliah-clarke Ā· 5 months
Difference between the Moon Knight series and comics
Warning: violence
You know whatā€™s weird? That they decided to make Jake Lockely more violent than Marc Spector when literally Marc Spector used to carve crescent moons into his enemiesā€™ faces. He also has cut off one of his enemies faces and held his skin over his own face as he looked into a mirror completely unhinged. (Pretty sure it was Bushmans face).
He also stabbed Midnight through the head with a clock hand after Midnight tried to remove his vertebrae with a pair of pliers. Then when Bushman was revived Marc impaled him with a machine gun.
Marc has cut Deadpool into pieces with a blade that made Deadpool have to be surgically stitched back together. He has fought and beat to near death almost all the Avengers then proceeded to steal their powers all in the name of Khonshu. Moon Knight also caught and held Thorā€™s hammer then used it to kick his own ass.
He cut his own brotherā€™s throat out, Randall Spector after being deceived into thinking he was ā€˜Khonshuā€™s chosen oneā€™ it made him feel special so Randall created the persona ā€˜Shadow Knightā€™ and went on a killing spree trying to go after his brother, forcing Marc to kill him.
In my opinion the ā€˜Moon Knightā€™ series didnā€™t do Marc justice, now donā€™t get me wrong I still did enjoy it butā€¦the comics are my babies. I just donā€™t think they gave Marc enough credit, yet with like a handful of scenes Jake Lockely is the most violent?
Here is one of the comics of the crescent moon carvings:
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deliah-clarke Ā· 5 months
When Task Masterā€™s even scared of you.
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my own personal 9/11
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