dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
For a girl that’s always hoped to truly embrace the world and it’s beauty but never felt free... she makes me feel wild. Feeling so free that my worries just escape me;
At one with myself.
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
I don’t believe I ever really felt true passion, not until I felt it with her.
Something so intensely organic, so raw and real.
Even in a silent embrace;
I feel the buzz run through me.
I Gravitate towards her without hesitation. In the simplest of touch my whole body is ignited. It’s like my soul is on fire and my aura is dancing around it in a trance of complete bliss.
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
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Bestie Knows. 👭🍁
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
5 tips to a happier everyday: Tip 5 - If you can’t solve it now, the solution is meant to come later. So don’t stress yourself any further and let it go. Good things come to those who wait.. Tip 4 - Meditate. Whether it happens while you do your make up or when you clean, even while you lay in bed before you get up. In silence find wholeness, clear your mind before the day comes rushing in. Tip 3 - Drink water. You won’t notice the difference by doing this but your body will thank you for it I promise. Tip 2 - Achieve 2-3 things that you need or want to do with your day so theres fulfilment at the end of your night. Make memories with yourself. Tip 1 - Listen to music, better yet sing it. You know the songs you listen to when you’re in a good mood, make a playlist out of it and just listen. Its the best remedy for all the bad thoughts and mood swings.
patthewriter, writing prompt #71: Write 5-10 things you can do to make yourself happier every day. (via wnq-writers)
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
Francois Lelord, Hector & The Search for Happiness (via books-n-quotes)
Those are the two things you want to do most when you love somebody: to save them (sometimes from themselves) and to be near them always.
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
Mahbod Seraji, Rooftops of Tehran (via books-n-quotes)
Sometimes I find myself sitting in one spot for hours, staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing, and most disturbingly, caring about nothing.
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
I’m tired of being the wrong one, of meeting the wrong one. I’m tired of being alone, and contrary-wise happiest alone. i’m tired of being made to feel as if I am only half of me if I am alone. I’m tired of taking chances that don’t work out, tired of not being enough or too much. Tired of risking it all on the hope that this is the one. Hope is exhausting, and nothing at all like they say it is. It’s not exhilarating, there is no thrill in the chase. Hope that he’s ‘the one’ is exhausting and disappointing. I am sick to death of love. I am only learning now how to love myself, to ask someone to love me is far too much to hope for, and I wish to death you’d stop expecting it of me. I am sick of this hope, of the leap in my chest. And I am tired.
captain-darthsydious  (via wnq-writers)
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
I fell in love with quotes at a very young age. I guess it was interesting to me that someone else is able to unknowingly express my thoughts when I’m at a loss for words; it has me wasting hours on the simple thought that our minds must have soulmates too.
vigi-la-veris (via wnq-writers)
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
How can I go from kissing you to barely hearing your voice? How can I lose you when it'd never be my choice?
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
I didn’t mean to fall in love, but I did. And you didn’t mean to hurt me, but you did.
I miss you so bad. (via written-on-polaroids)
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
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palette aspects by B. Damani
1. Sadness: I really miss the days when I knew what I was doing. 
2. Fear: The loneliness has left me wild. 
3. Pain: How long can I last when the gloves are off and I’m taking all the punches?
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
I’m like that. Either I forget right away or I never forget.
Samuel Beckett (via quotemadness)
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
Don’t try to love someone that has nothing to give, unless you are willing to give your everything. Don’t try to love someone that needs saving, unless you are prepared to patiently wait for them to save themselves. Don’t try to love someone that is broken, unless you are ready to hold all of their pieces until they’re ready to put themselves back together. Don’t try to love someone that is contemplating the end, unless you are fully aware you might lose them. Don’t try to love someone that will push you away, unless you are going to pull them back in. Don’t try to love someone, unless you know you are strong enough to. Don’t try to be someones hero, unless you are going to stay.
K. D.V. the lost art of me (via thelostartofme)
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dxntsaveher-blog · 7 years
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You (via books-n-quotes)
Don’t be a fool. Don’t give up something important to hold onto someone who can’t even say they love you.
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