fanatic-author ¡ 3 years
Murder Is Not On The Agenda
Rating: T (swearing) Warnings: swearing Category: Gen Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia Relationships: Dabi & Shigaraki & Toga Language: English Words: 2,162 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Three villains go on an ice cream run in the middle of the night and absolutely nothing goes wrong. Yeah, right.
Read it here on AO3!
“Tomura, I think I’m dying.” Toga moaned where she lay spread out on the couch.  
“Shut the fuck up.” he replied, not even bothering to look at her. He had the electric fan, and everyone else could suck it.
“Tomura.” Dabi whined from his spot on the floor.
“I think I’m dying.”  
The fact of the matter was, it was nearly 30 degrees and almost 11 o clock at night, which meant it was  hot  with no sign of cooling off anytime soon. And with 7 people sharing a space, it was getting unbearable.
“Shiggy, give me the fan. Kurogiri tell Shiggy it’s my turn with the fan!”
“Eat my ass, bitch.”
Compress was fanning himself with his mask; trench coat, top hat, and even balaclava removed in the intense heat. Spinner was no better, elaborate stain costume stashed somewhere not on his body in favor of as little clothing as possible. When questioned about why a  reptile  which was typically cold blooded had to  cool off , they were met with double fingers and a grumbled “I’m human underneath the scales.”  
The one probably faring the worst of all of them was Twice. He refused to take off his mask, and as such was gently being prodded by Kurogiri to periodically suck on ice cubes. The heat didn’t seem to have much an effect on the warper. Perks of being a living cloud, one supposed.  
“Shiggy do somethiiiiiiiiing.” Toga continued whining, one hand fanning herself and the other laying listlessly off the couch.  
“Do something? You want me to do something!? I don’t control the weather Toga! I don’t control the thermostat, or the pressure systems, or the tilt of the earth this time of the year!” he shouted.
“But you can control the tilt the rest of the year?” Dabi quipped, still lying vulnerable on the floor.  
This vulnerability was immediately exploited by Tomura who launched himself across the room to body slam Dabi, a surprised and breathless “OOF” leaving him. The two of them began rolling around the floor, slapping and pinching the other, but they quickly fell apart in the overwhelming heat.  
“I think I would give my left nut for that Todoroki kid’s ice quirk right about now.” Spinner said from his spot near the window, raising many questions regarding reptiles and nuts no one wanted to ask.  
Dabi twitched but it was Toga who said “Man, I bet he can make ice cream whenever he wants!”  
“That sounds like a hassle.” replied Spinner.
“Making ice cream. Way easier to go buy some.”  
Dabi, Tomura, and Spinner all simultaneously replied “Money can be exchanged for goods and services.” Compress pinched his nose. Twice groaned in overheating agony.  
“Maybe you should participate in our stimulating economy” Kurogiri said “and fetch the rest of us some ice cream.”
“You don’t even feel the heat.” retorted Tomura, but Toga and Dabi had already gotten to their feet, and compress was rifling through his wallet for what bills he had on hand.  
“Get me an ice cream, none of that popsicle crap.” He said, giving Tomura the cash.  
“Screw you.”
In the end it was only Tomura, Dabi, and Toga going because Twice was still too hot, Spinner argued he’d attract too much attention, and Compress was paying. Kurogiri made them walk because he was an ass, according to Tomura.  
“We would attract so much attention if we warped to the 7-11 in the middle of the night.” Dabi pointed out “Like, they would call All Might out of retirement just to beat our ass.”  
“I’d take him.” Tomura deadpanned.  
“If you saw All Might’s emaciated form, you’d piss your pants running.”  
It had been like this for the last fifteen minutes they’d spent walking in the muggy heat to nearest 24-hour convenience store, which when you were hiding from any and all levels of law enforcement, was not anywhere near where they lived. Whenever the conversation seemed to slow down, Toga interjected with just enough barb to get the argument rolling again.  
“Fuck, marry, kill: All Might, Endeavor, Hawks”  
“Kill all 3.” Tomura replied.  
Toga stuck out her tongue at him “You’re no fun. Dabi?”
“Kill Endeavor, fuck Hawks, marry All Might. He’d treat me right.”  
Toga swooned “Oh he would, wouldn’t he? Always coughing up blood...”  
Tomura murmured “freak” under his breath, with only a teaspoon of malice. The three of them entered 7-11, identities hidden from the cameras (and prone to panicking cashiers) under face masks.
“Cuz this isn’t suspicious as all hell” Dabi muttered under his breath “Spinner should have had to come.”  
The argument had been made that either spinner should have to come or Dabi should be allowed to stay, but Kurogiri insisted on adult supervision for the other 2, no matter Tomura was probably the oldest of the three of them, but he didn’t count because he was Tomura. Dabi had that kind of face that one would assume is older than it actually was, probably because of the horrific scar tissue.  
The three of them gathered around the cooler, bills in hand, staring down the various cool treats.  
“This is all gonna be melted by the time we get back anyway.” Toga pointed out.  
Tomura said “Well the rest of them should have thought of that before giving us their money. Just grab whatever you want.” He proceeded to do so, plucking ice cream cones and popsicles from their icy shelves. Dabi wandered over to the slushy machine.  
Toga grabbed a misshapen SpongeBob popsicle for herself, Tomura despite knowing it was a waste had grabbed three ice creams and one popsicle (for compress), Dabi was currently filling an extra-large slushy. None of the 3 paid particularly close attention to the overhead door bell jingling.  
They  did  however, begin paying attention at the obnoxious voices that had made their way inside.  
“Alright! Uraraka you are on candy duty, Kirishima! Retrieve the slushies! Midoriya, here is the ice cream list, and I shall get chips! Does everyone else have their lists? Reconvene here once you have gotten everything, or close alternatives if the first option is not available!”  
There were various sounds of assent and agreement, which were largely missed by the two villains, too busy shitting their pants.  
“What? How?” Toga whispered, already dropped to a crouch behind the cooler.  
“I don’t know! Shut up!” Tomura hissed back, crouched behind Toga., the various treats shoved in his pockets. He had no qualms using her as a meat shield if spotted.
“Where’s Dabi?”
“He went to the slushy machine.”  
They both peered around the cooler to look where Dabi had gone. Where’d he’d standing instead sat a lone, spilt, extra-large slushy.  
“Oh my god they killed Dabi.” Toga whispered.  
Tomura nodded in agreement “Well, let’s cut our losses and get out of here.”  
“Man, fuck you guys.”  
Both Tomura and Toga shrieked as Dabi came up behind them, and then immediately shushed the other. Unfortunately for the three villains hiding behind an ice cream cooler in a 7-11 in the middle of the night, stealth was not their forte. Quite frankly, not much was.  
A nearby voice, rapidly getting louder, asked “Did you guys hear that?”  
Neither of the three villains waited for their nemesis, one Midoriya Izuku aka the second coming of All Might himself to find them. Toga dashed to hide behind the shelves of snacks in the center of the store. Tomura and Dabi weighed their options, but the prospect of getting blown through a wall at Mach 3 had them quickly following.  
Toga stood crouched in the beef jerky aisle, with the sound of The Uglier Sonic only one aisle over.
“We. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here.” Tomura bit, out as quietly as possible.  
“I vote we use Toga as bait.”  
“ Hey!”  
Tomura shushed them both, all three of them listening to see if their conversation had attracted any unwanted attention.  
“... and 3 bags of sour cream and onion, one of ketchup, and one of... Excuse me, Midoriya? Do you happen to know of the flavor “Chungus?” Kaminari requested a big bag of... why are you laughing?”  
Dabi looked like he was going to have a stroke trying to contain his laughter.  
“I love those stupid kids.” he said.  
“Yeah, that’s why we’re trying to kill them.” Toga agreed.  
Dabi looked to Tomura “So what’s the plan, boss? Light, and run?”  
He shook his head “No, no way. I’m not dealing with these snot-nosed brats today. I just want to go home, and bitch about the heat some more. Murder was not, and is still not, on the agenda.”  
Dabi carefully extinguished the blue flame in his hand “Ok, but we still need a way out.”  
“Alright, boy wonder is at the ice cream cooler, Dwayne Johnson is at the slushy machine, Glinda is grabbing candy 3 aisles over, and we’re less than 2 feet from a speeding bullet. Anything in our way between us and the door?”  
“No.” Dabi answered, right as Toga said “Yes.”  
Wordlessly she pointed, and there standing just outside the door was the worst one yet. Their homeroom teacher. Of course the kids couldn’t just go anywhere they liked off campus in the middle of the night, they had to be accompanied. He was probably making sure no one got in the store to hurt them.  
“If this was an assassination attempt, we’d be killing it right now.” Dabi said.  
Toga said “Ha. Pun.”  
Tomura wanted to pull his hair out “We’re never this successful when we’re actually trying, what gives?”  
The three of them put their heads together.  
“Think they’ll give me a nicer cell if I sell you two out?” Dabi had a hand on his chin in contemplation.
Tomura hit him.  
“I think stabbing is a viable solution.”
“I think one or more heroes is going to be scraping you off their knuckles if you try.”
“What if we got you to a wall? Make us a hole, then make a run for it?”  
Tomura nodded “I could do it.”  
The three of them began creeping towards the far end of the aisle, closest to an outer wall, when a large yelp, and a crashing sound made the three of them jump. Toga actually startled so hard she hit the shelf behind her, making a frankly impressive amount of noise considering. Thankfully it was drowned out by the sounds of alarm coming from the other occupants of the store.  
“Kirishima! are you alright?”  
“Yeah, I slipped in some...”  
“I’m coming!”  
Then there was the familiar sound of engines revving, and then a  very  impressive crashing sound, followed by two pained cries this time.  
“Dude, why?” one groaned.  
“I apologize, I did not see the slushy on the ground.” The other moaned.  
The front door bell chimed rather aggressively as the front door slammed open, a very menacing aura entering that had each person in that store reconsidering every decision that brought them there in that moment.  
“What. Is. Going. On. Here?” A gruff voice asked, belonging none other than to one pissed off Eraserhead, a voice every villain in the league was familiar with by this point. It usually precluded getting your ass kicked.
All the students gathered around their fallen friends and began clamoring to explain themselves at once, voices shouting and pointing out facts and telling wildly outlandish tales of sabotage slushies on the ground. The volume of the group rose and rose as each member tried to talk over the other.  
“Well that was easy. See ya, suckers.” Dabi said, dashing from his point of cover and out the door.  
Toga quickly followed, and Tomura hesitated but as the group remained quite thoroughly distracted, he soon followed as well. No one inside noticed the three villains taking off in to the night.  
“Holy shit!” Toga laughed outrageously, now several blocks from the convenience store, and lavishing in her nearly lost freedom. She jumped off the sidewalk, running around with her arms spread in malicious joy.  
“Just so you guys know, I wouldn’t have actually sold you out for a better cell. Just so we’re clear.”  
“Shut up while you’re ahead, Dabi”
Toga howled in joy “and I didn’t even have to pay for my ice cream!” She pulled out her SpongeBob popsicle, ripping the wrapper off to expose the misshapen face that was supposedly a cartoon character. She plopped it in her mouth with a satisfied hum.  
“Oh my god.” Tomura stuck his own hands in his pockets, pulling out the treats he’d shoved in there when this all began.  
“Oh, hell yeah!” Dabi plucked one of the packaged ice cream cones from his hand. Tomura didn’t even fight him for it, ripping open his own ice cream treat and digging in.  
He couldn’t help chuckling “Those heroes helped us rob a convenience store.”  
Dabi nodded “This is the best day of my life.”  
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fanatic-author ¡ 6 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Category: F/M Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia Relationships: IzuOcha, EraserMic Language: English Words: 3,071 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: When everyone drew lots for the 1-A secret santa Uraraka didn't realize they were supposed to buy serious gifts, now she's gotta track down Deku before he opens the ridiculous present she bought him!
Merry Christmas @gattofisch!! I am your Secret Santa! I hope you enjoy the fanfic, and have a wonderful holiday season :D
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fanatic-author ¡ 6 years
How We Will Be Made
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Major character death Category: Gen Fandom: One Piece Characters: Monkey D Luffy, Portgas D Ace, Sabo Language: English Words: 6,577 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: With infertility plaguing the world for nearly a decade, and nuclear war on the horizon, Sabo just keeps his head down and does what it takes to survive. Ace and Luffy have lived a happy childhood in the mountains with their flight clan, but the sky is dying and they must seek out safe lands. In a world where they don't take risks and don't follow their heart, will they make it out alive? (Unofficial prequel to How We're Made by Paox on AO3) 
Link (Ao3)   
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fanatic-author ¡ 6 years
Dressrosa AU part 1
I’ve been writing this fic for a little while, and I decided to post part 1? this is unbetaed, unedited, and incomplete so idk when I’ll get around to finishing it but once i do i’ll edit and post it on AO3. For now, enjoy the tumblr exclusive
Ace smiled to himself, a little hesitantly and still internally shaking with nerves. He fiddled with the skinning knives he'd left out on the counter to distract himself, a testament to how distraught he was that he even managed to forget his knives out. They still had fish scales on them.  
Usopp smiled sadly from his place at the dining room table, the sun shining through the window and catching on his dark curls. The entire room was pleasantly lit with the happy sunlight streaming through the windows overlooking the waters outside, where most fishermen were laughing and joking as they made their catches of the day. Ace was forever grateful for Usopp's friendship, that he was willing to stay inside on such a wonderful day just to calm Ace's nerves.  
"You know he'll be fine" Usopp assured from where he sat, watching as Ace paced and fiddled with random objects around the room "It's an honest question, and an honest inquiry. The king will placate him, and send him on his way no worse than when he began"  
Ace heaved a huge sigh, desperately trying to rid himself of the weight that plagued his heart "I know, but that's the problem, it is an honest inquiry because there are legitimate reasons to be suspicious of what happened that night. Everyone just accepted what his majesty said pertaining to that night but-" he shook his head, tearing his eyes from the window to pace some more "I'm just worried. I've never been more terrified than on that night"  
"And what do you think will happen?" Usopp insisted "The king will imprison him? Execute him? Just for asking-" he cut himself off as Ace paled, actually considering the potential consequences of the foolish inquisition "Ace, come on..."  
"I should have stopped him" Ace moaned in grief, burying his hands in his face. Slowly Usopp rose to guide Ace to a seat at the table "It's just not worth it, what if he is killed?"  
"It's worth it to him" Usopp offered "He's a knight, he values things like justice and honor, protecting the innocent and wonderful bullshit like that"  
Ace hiccupped on a sob, desperately fighting tears "Yeah he really does" he rubbed the ring on his hand, the golden gleam catching the light "It's what I love about him"  
Usopp rubbed his back reassuringly "Hey, there you go it'll be alright. Those two idiots have been stuck together through thick and thin, they'll come back just fine. Probably a little pissed off but then you'll be there for him, right?"  
There were tears dripping down his cheeks now, stubborn little things insisting on showing his distress further. He brought up a hand to rub them away, smiling at Usopp "Yeah, yeah they'll be fine"  
"There you go!" Usopp exclaimed, popping up onto his feet "Why don't we make a nice big meal for the two of them, to help placate their frustration at the situation?" The added bonus of distracting Ace went unsaid.  
He rose from his spot at the table to join Usopp in the kitchen "That sounds good, but do you even know how to cook?"  
"Of course I do!" He rebutted, affronted "I can make fish stew, fish pie, fish on the cob..."  
Ace mimicked a yacking noise, ignoring Usopp's overzealous displeasure at Ace's implication "All you fishermen are the same, you're lucky you have Kaya or you'd be dead by now, I swear"  
"I'll have you know I once cooked for the king himself, and he swore it was the best meal he'd ever had! In fact, he said it was so good, he made me swear to never cook for another again!"  
Ace laughed at the ridiculous story "Oh really, and was that the new king or the old?"  
As Usopp floundered for a witty response, Ace approached the large gaudy vase taking up more than its fair share of counter space with its enormous flowers. He'd put it there since the kitchen window received the most light during the day, but for now they'd survive a few hours in the dining room.  
"Here Usopp" he called over as he lifted the heavy vase into his arms "You can go put this thing in the other room for me"  
"Oh! Isn't that the one-"  
Ace didn't manage to hear the rest of Usopp's question, because a shock ran through his entire system, freezing his muscles, his tears, and the very thoughts running through his mind.  
What's happening what's happening what's going on why-  
For the briefest of moments Ace fought with everything he had to hold on, unwilling to let go but they slipped through his fingers like water, getting sucked away with such a rapid speed he hardly had a second to cry out in panic-
He came back to himself with a sharp gasp, clutching his throbbing hand to his chest, curling up on his knees (when had he fallen to his knees?) His entire body shaking with phantom sobs but for the life of him he didn't know why.  
"It's okay" Usopp assured him, and Ace felt like he'd been hearing that all day, but why? "You dropped the vase, it was a pretty heavy thing. You're surrounded by broken glass so I'm gonna help you out okay?"  
Absently Ace remembered nodding, and Usopp gently guided him out of the sphere of broken shards. All over his kitchen floor lay shattered pieces of bright and colorful glass, the flowers it had held already wilting on the floor without the water and sunlight. A golden ring sat in the center with several droplets of red, his own blood from where he'd cut his hands as he fell, littered around in tiny dots.  
He felt strangely numb, like there was a static running through his mind softening everything around him. He'd stopped crying, but was hyperaware of the tears tracks down his cheeks. His hand absently throbbed in pain, blood still leaking from the wound he'd been left with from dropping the vase.  
"I'm sorry Ace, I know how much you loved that vase"  
He shook his head, slowly, in disagreement "No" he whispered "I honestly don't even know why I had the ugly thing"  
"Ho, Ho! Ho, Ho! Here you will find the best quality fish, for the best quality price! Come here to feed your family the nutrition they deserve!"  
Ace chuckled from his spot on the counter, wrapping up the cod in waxed paper for his customer before him. He wiped his hands on his apron before resuming the action.  
His customer gave a small grin of his own "Enthusiastic little fellow, isn't he?"  
"He's one of a kind" Ace agreed "I wouldn't trade him for the world"  
"And you shouldn't!" He passed over the coins to Ace, who dropped them in the jar by his feet "Toys like that are hard to come by. You know my daughter managed to befriend a doll in town, took her months for the thing to warm up to her, you know beyond their usual toy-ness. And then one day poof!" He mimed a small explosion with his hands "This toy car came out of nowhere one day and decided my wife was his best friend! The little thing follows her everywhere now, during the day. Carries groceries for her, helps her clean, that sort of thing. I have no idea how they decide to just stick to one person"  
"My guess?" Ace offered "Luck of the draw"  
The man gave a large guffaw before collecting his fish "You're probably right! have a nice day Ace!"  
"And you too Mister Hernandez!" He called after him.  
The toy calling out advertisements for him offered his own farewell, before leaving his perch to join Ace at the counter. Comically he stuck his arms onto the counter, allowing the rest of his body to hang of the edge. He gazed up at Ace with one small button eye, a bright blue stitched on with black.  
"I think we served even more people than yesterday, Mister Ace!" He proudly exclaimed, clearly taking credit for the apparent increase in sales.  
Ace only shook his head with a fond smile "And I think we served all the same as we did yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before..." He quirked an eyebrow "It’s a small dockyard, Mr. Prince. Not too many wander out this way aside from our usual customers. But" He rubbed a finger through the doll's yellow yarn hair, topped with a small felt crown "I do appreciate the help"  
It was amazing how a little doll with one button eye and a beaded smile could appear so proud of himself. His chest puffed out and he swore his little smile grew that much bigger.  
With an excited whoop Mr. Prince threw himself off the counter, landing as gracefully as his namesake "Then I shall continue my hard work for Mr. Ace, may he be the king we deserve!"  
Ace bit off a sharp laugh "I'm no king, I'm but a humble fish salesman, and I'd be happy to stay one for the rest of my days if it meant a roof over my head, and three meals a day"  
"Oh!" Mr. Prince swooned, spinning dramatically before landing flat on his back "What a noble one! Truly, a man worth protecting!"  
"Oh?" An unseen voice inquired "I did not realize there was a charming prince hiding amongst these docks"  
Mr. Prince spun around with ferocity to face his newfound foe with a sharp "Halt!" But Ace paid the toy no attention, for his attention was caught by the stranger before him.  
Ace could immediately tell he was a man of the sea by his stride, slightly off kilter on solid land, not like the local fishermen who spent all day on the waters and all night at home all their lives, well-adjusted to both.  
His clothing was practical but fashionable, which was far more than any local could claim of their gear. His boots were of a high quality, but well worn and he had a long weathered jacket with a pair of fingerless gloves pocking out from the pocket.  
A sailor, a marine, or a pirate.  
The stranger also ignored the chattering toy to lean on Ace's counter, golden studs in each ear gleaming in the weak sunshine. His grin was sharp, and his eyes sharper as he evaluated Ace from his old boots covered in fish scales to his stained overalls, and finally his tussled curls much the same way Ace had judged him, sizing him up.  
"If you caught that" Ace finally managed to say lowly under his breath as the man leaned in "Then you also heard me state that I am no prince"  
"Ah" he shook his head "I heard you say you were no king, nothing about a rather handsome prince"  
"Then you admit you were eavesdropping!" He leaned further in, until their faces were inches apart "I am no prince"  
The stranger cocked his head to side, grin not slipping from his cheeks "But you admit you're handsome?"  
It was then at that moment that Mr. Prince, having managed to climb back onto the counter, got between their two faces to point his felt sword an inch from the man's eye.
"Halt I say! Who be you to intrude on Mr. Prince's property in such an insulting manner?"  
With his eyes still shining in amusement he backed up a step, slowly raising hands in the air "Relax little toy, no need to prove your honor. I am Marco, a humble customer here to buy this gorgeous man's wares"  
Mr. Prince sputtered in anger, Ace flushed but refused to leave his stare "Well you're just in time, I was about to close up shop but we still have some left. Mr. Prince" he leaned over the counter, catching the orange sun and pink skies between his neighbor's two houses "The sun is setting now, time for you to go"  
Mr. Prince stilled, his solitary button eye following Ace's gaze to the strip of visible ocean, quickly turning pink in the setting sun's light "Alas" he admitted "Tis time for me to retire for the night, may I see you safely and healthy in the next day"  
Ace hated watching Mr. Prince leave, how his shoulders slumped and a solemn air clung to him as he left, leaving him a ghost of his fantastic character during the day. Sometimes he wondered if the toy really was hit so hard when it was time to leave, or if Ace was gaining a small glimpse into his true character every day. He didn't know which hurt more.  
"So" Marco caught Ace's attention again as Mr. Prince rounded the dirt road up the hill out of sight "He has a curfew? A toy that uptight has an even more uptight wife who keeps him on a tight leash? They're perfect for each other"  
Ace rolled his eyes, groaning in good nature "All toys go home at night, it's forbidden by law for toys to stay out, but you'd know this if you were local"  
"Ah" Marco admitted "Is it really so obvious? Here I thought I was blending in just fine"  
"It's a small community Sir, and I know every face I serve and buy from. You are dressed for the sea, but your gait" he gestured to the man's feet, crossed in front of his counter "Suggests you've been off land longer than anyone else here. And so, I ask you this, are you a sailor, a marine, or a pirate?"  
Marco stilled, his eyes glancing up to meet Ace's challenging stare "I underestimated you, observant one. You could tell immediately I was not from here, and so you are now deducing if I am a simple man, a man of the law or" His grin widened "A man who is of danger to you"  
"I don't like your attitude" Ace decided, leaving Marco sputtering "I ask you a simple question and yet you do not reply with a simple answer. Instead you decide to play mean games meant to intimidate and frighten me, not to mention the way you treated my friend. I implore you to complete your business here and be done with me"  
For once Marco's suave expression was wiped clean off his face, leaving him with wide eyes and a slack jaw before he burst into laughter "I have never met a man like you before, Ace. I will complete my business here, but believe me I will be returning. Two pounds of tuna please, should you have it. "  
Ace grit his teeth but continued his business as cordially as possible, giving him the last pound and a half of tuna he had, plus half a pound of fish he hadn't the slightest idea what species it was of. Marco was unbothered, paying the requested amount of gold (slightly higher than what he normally charged, but it was clear Marco hadn't a shortage of coin) with that, Marco left Ace with some parting words "Don't lose that fire of yours, I'll certainly be back"  
"I sure hope you return with your gold" he shot back, wiping down his counters "and more respect for Mr. Prince"  
Marco laughed, tipping his hat as he sauntered away "Why bother? He's just a toy"  
Ace clenched his jaw, throwing his cloth on the counter and returning to the inside of his shop to clean far away from the obnoxious man outside.  
He decided, right then and there, that he and Marco would not ever be friends.  
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
"I'm a little busy at the moment." Marco snapped, not even turning his head from the reports on the strawhats movements littering his desk. They'd been obnoxious as of late, attacking deeper and deeper in their territory and quickly becoming one of their biggest threats. Alvida didn't move from the doorway "Look, I need to know how much to expect from relationship, Marco. What are we doing-?" "It's a business transaction" he didn't have the TIME for her Hollywood bullshit at the moment "nothing more, nothing less" Alvida stood stock still for a moment before biting off a sharp laugh, moving into his room despite his glare "I know that, you fucking idiot. I'm not as dumb as you seem to think. You whitebeards aren't all about your acting and successfull films" she sat herself on his desk, forcing him to finally look at her "Those who know the Whitebeard Company and the Whitebeard family know the Whitebeards on very different terms. That's what they say. I know you've got more going on than what meets the eye, but this business transaction is an important one for both of us. For you maybe it's just another side of everything, but for me this is keeping me in the spotlight and will grow my career exponentially. I need to know how far we're taking this. Is it a brief fling? Are we getting married eventually? Kids? Divorce? I need to know what to expect, and to plan appropriately" she caught his gaze, which had slowly morphed from anger to surprise, and hid a laugh behind her hand "you didn't think I was some bimbo you could whisk away in your fancy car and golden days aesthetic did you? Break my heart when it no longer convenienced you?" She leaned in until their faces were inches apart, and for a heart stopping moment Marco thought she might kiss him "Hollywood is a business Marco, one I've been in a lot longer than you. Learn to play the game, or it'll be game over for you" Marco hadn't the faintest idea what to say.
0 notes
fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Preview for upcoming fic
Alright ladies and gents for a moment forget your struggles in the world, forget the wars, the global warming, the worldwide poverty and let me take you to a much more magical place: Hollywood. Let's lay the scene, it's 20XX and anyone who wants to be anybody knows the Newgate family, relatively new to Hollywood but old, old money. And by old I mean prohibition Era, the golden times of romantic car chases and dashing damsels swooning for our swashbuckling criminals. This family was popular for all the right reasons: they had money, they were philanthropists, and all so fucking good looking. They had that 1920s golden Era Hollywood aesthetic on lock. Let me give you our main cast: Marco, eldest on of the family and next in line if Edward ever actually kicks the bucket. Stunningly attractive, everyone either wants to fuck him or be him. Thatch: the charmer, you wanted a successfull romcom you better have him in it. His good looks and natural charisma had half of Hollywood falling head over heels before his first award show. Haruta: the mischievous trickster, everyone's favourite acrobatic villain (She even does her own stunts!) Izo: the beautiful model marrying into the family. Her and Thatch were the ultimate couple of this golden age of Hollywood.
Oh and who am I? Well I'm the one they murdered
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Control Chapter 5
 Luffy had never known love, or comfort, for as long as he could remember. Alone and terrified within the bowels of the Kaigun labs, eleven year old Luffy had resigned himself to a life of experimentation and torture, when an opportunity by the name of Ace grants him freedom. With Ace and Sabo, Luffy learns there is so much more to life, and to this world, then what the government wants you to know.
I hope you're all excited for chapter 5! This chapter is a little calmer than the last, but I promise you this story isn't slowing down anytime soon. As per usual warnings are at the bottom, Art by CaptainSway (next chapter i promise) however there is a new Beta Reader by the name of Lynette!!
Chapter 5 (AO3) Chapter 5 (Fanfiction)
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Control Chapter 4
Luffy had never known love, or comfort, for as long as he could remember. Alone and terrified within the bowels of the Kaigun labs, eleven year old Luffy had resigned himself to a life of experimentation and torture, when an opportunity by the name of Ace grants him freedom. With Ace and Sabo, Luffy learns there is so much more to life, and to this world, then what the government wants you to know.
Guess whose back, it's me with Chapter 4! Warnings at the bottom of the chapter, Art by CaptainSway (we’re still not there, but we’re getting close I promise) Betaed by Ally
Chapter 4 (AO3) Chapter 4 (Fanfiction)
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Control Chapter 3
Luffy had never known love, or comfort, for as long as he could remember. Alone and terrified within the bowels of the Kaigun labs, eleven year old Luffy had resigned himself to a life of experimentation and torture, when an opportunity by the name of Ace grants him freedom. With Ace and Sabo, Luffy learns there is so much more to life, and to this world, then what the government wants you to know.
And I’m back with Chapter 3! Warnings are at the bottom of each chapter, and their is art by CaptainSway which can be found here (this chapter still had yet to be posted), and this story is beta read by lovely friend Ally 
Chapter 3 (AO3) Chapter 3 (Fanfiction) 
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Hey you don’t even need to click the link, here it is! It’s beautiful I’m a mess everyone go praise her 
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Fanart pic for @hashtagraptorsquad‘s fic Control
Summary: Luffy had never known love, or comfort, for as long as he could remember. Alone and terrified within the bowels of the Kaigun labs, eleven year old Luffy had resigned himself to a life of experimentation and torture, when an opportunity by the name of Ace grants him freedom. With Ace and Sabo, Luffy learns there is so much more to life, and to this world, then what the government wants you to know.
My first big bang project and it was a fun one! Pic is huge, so click through to see the entire thing! This piece was a bit of a challenge because I kept suffering from ‘colouring style changing every day’-itis plus cats trying to give helping paws. Hopefully it came out alright! Loved what I read from the story so far and I can’t wait for the entire thing to be published! Go read it!
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Control Chapter 2
Luffy had never known love, or comfort, for as long as he could remember. Alone and terrified within the bowels of the Kaigun labs, eleven year old Luffy had resigned himself to a life of experimentation and torture, when an opportunity by the name of Ace grants him freedom. With Ace and Sabo, Luffy learns there is so much more to life, and to this world, then what the government wants you to know.
Chapter 2 (AO3) Chapter 2 (Fanfiction.net)
And here we have chapter 2! Warnings are at the bottom of the chapter, feel free to message me here, on fanfiction (Zoewinter1) or on AO3 (Zoewinter1) if you'd like to know anything specific, be they triggers, squicks, or just things you don't generally like, or if you'd like to let me know what you think, I love feedback! There is art by CaptainSway (which is for a chapter that hasn’t been posted yet btw) which can be found here and this chapter was Beta read by my wonderful freind Ally
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Control: Chapter 1
Luffy had never known love, or comfort, for as long as he could remember. Alone and terrified within the bowels of the Kaigun labs, eleven year old Luffy had resigned himself to a life of experimentation and torture, when an opportunity by the name of Ace grants him freedom. With Ace and Sabo, Luffy learns there is so much more to life, and to this world, then what the government wants you to know.
Chapter 1(AO3) Chapter 1(Fanfiction net) 
Yo this is my Big Bag fic for the One Piece 2016/2017 Big Bang project. I'll be posting a chapter every second day for the next month or so just to make sure I can get everything edited. Real life and motivation have been hitting me left and right but I'm doing my best to get at least some of this fic up in time. Warnings for this chapter at the end, and feel free to ask for any specific trigger or squick warnings. Art by CaptainSway, Betaed by my wonderful friend Ally
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Great News!
I’m on the last chapter officially, I know there’s been delay after delay and it’s 100% my fault curse you motivation you fickle bitch but i’m aiming to have this done, editing and all, by Monday!!!
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
An absolute writing lifesaver
Hey so I wanted to share this absolutely lifesaving tool I discovered via @letswritesomenovels who did an excellent post with plenty of motivation tools and tips which you can find here but there was one that stood out to me the most, and totally saved my ass (and story) 
This handy dandy tool is called Write or Die and it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. You set yourself up with a word goal, a time limit, and a mode (of which there are three to choose from) There’s consequence mode which makes the screen go red if you stop writing for more than a few seconds (which is great if you have a hard time focusing and you’re prone to zoning out mid sentence like myself) There’s stimulus mode, which provides you with some nice background writing noise (usually sounds of the ocean or something similar) which will stop if you stop writing for more than a few seconds (this mode is good if you’re trying to get words down, but you’re in a more relaxed mood) and there’s my favourite, Kamikaze mode which turns the screen red and starts unwriting your work if you stop (this one is stressful, but really great at just making you get words down no matter what) 
And not to worry there is pause button if you need to get up, or take a break for any reason so you’re not totally strapped to your computer for the time period. My only complaint is the inability to save your work to document, but what I do is just periodically pause and copy my work. 
It’s crunch time for me right now and my motivation was at an all time low. I was barely managing to get 100 words down a day, and this website managed to help me get nearly 4,000 words down today (around 2,500 of those were done in one sitting and I am notoriously bad at focusing so this is incredible)
Seriously writers if you’re absolutely stuck on a scene, try this out because it will force you to write something and that is the best way to just get started, and from there scenes will take off on their own. 
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
I’m Alive
hahaa sorry for dropping off the side of the earth all of a sudden but I’ve been in big bang writing hell, the good news is my fic is almost done! Only 4 chapters left to write, then I need to edit the entire thing pray for me I SHOULD be posting this thing around the third week of May but I don’t have my official publish date from the organizers yet so everyone just hang tight, you’ll have this 76,000 word fic soon enough after editing it will probably be longer end my life also this fanfiction officially has a name: Control
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
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fanatic-author ¡ 7 years
Thought I’d let you all know I just surpassed 26,000 words for the big bang fic 
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