fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
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Perfect Bread:
I absolutely love this recipe! The bread is soft, and is perfect for sandwiches, French toast, and pretty much everything you can think of. I don’t want to buy bread from the store ever again!
6 Cups all-purpose flour
2 ½ Cups very warm water
2 Tbsp. Active dry yeast
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1 tsp. Salt
1 Tbsp. Butter
Combine warm water, yeast, and sugar and let sit until the surface is foamy (If it’s doesn’t foam, the yeast doesn’t work).
When yeast is activated, add 3 cups of the flour, the salt, and the butter. Mix until thoroughly combined, about 2 minutes.
Once mixture is smooth, add the remaining 3 cups of flour. I recommend folding the flour in until fairly combined before kneading.
Once combined, knead dough for 6-8 minutes in a stand mixer, or 8-10 minutes by hand.
Form dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap or a cloth, and let rise for 45 minutes.
Cut dough into 2-3 equal pieces and place into a buttered bread pan, and brush melted butter (or olive oil). Allow to rise in the loaf pans for an additional 10-15 minutes. (🍞 Tip: Use a small knife to make a slit longways across the bread to prevent splitting along the side of the bread.)
Bake bread in a 375°F oven for 30 minutes uncovered, and and additional 10 minutes covered in foil to prevent excess browning.
Makes 2-3 loaves of bread.
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
🐚 𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝒞𝑜𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓅𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 (𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉!) 🐚
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This is my near completed masterpost of shells which I tried listing up some common and uncommon shells for the past few days! I might add more shell info in the future💕
Disclaimer: This list is of associations collected from various sources around the internet and a mix of my personal ones!
     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Abalone: love, healing, prosperity, luck, wealth, balance, peace, cleansing, meditation, psychic abilities, self-love, feminine energies, earth + water element
Angel’s Wing: determination, freedom, angelic energies, positive spiritual guidance, protection, aid in receiving and sending energies, air element
Auger: fertility, strength, courage, power, masculine energies, fire element
Ark Shell: safety, protection, finding strength in the outer world 
Bear’s paw: power, strength, vitality, nurturing, protection, warmth, feminine + masculine energies, earth + fire element 
(Banded) Tulip Shell: binding, friendships, relationships, social life, water element
Bonnet Shell: secrecy, the unknown, protection, mystery, trust, beauty, air element
Button Shell: connections, gatherings, friendships, spirituality, divination, air element
Bubble Shell: inspiration, creativity, happiness, curiosity, wished, intuitions, cleansing, hope, faith, psychic abilities, divination, air element 
Carrier Shell: overcoming shyness, helps getting out of your shell, courage, protection, strength, escaping from negative thoughts
Cat’s eye Shell:  protection against jealousy, gossips and negative energies
Cerith Shell: sexuality, fertility, masculine energies, fire element
Clam: purification, love, friendships, abundance, communication, healing, stability, vitality, protection, protecting emotions, truth, balance, peace, grounding, feminine energies, water element
Cockle: love, friendship, relationships, emotions, centering, gateway to a new life, new beginnings, feminine energies, water element
Conch: love, beauty, friendship, communication, feminine energies, truth, art , beauty, clarity, freedom grace, movement, speech, spirituality, strength summoning, trust, truth , vanity, feminine energies, air + water element
Cone Shell: protection, control, motivation
Cowrie: abundance, prosperity, fertility, love, wealth, pregnancy, growth, divination, sexuality, protection, beauty, menstruation problems, feminine energies, water element
Crown Conch: associated with crown chakra, meditation, divinity, intention, confidence, intuition
Drupe Shell: reflecting oneself, discover and being comfortable of who you are, self trust, confidence, bravery
Fig Shell: wisdom, creativity, peace, love, luck, fertility, divination, fortune, water + air element
Fighting Conch: aggression, defense, warding/shielding, protection, masculine energies, fire element
Frog Shell: moving forward, starting over, new beginnings
Harp Shell: secrecy, beauty, art, protection, feminine energies, water + air element
Helmet Shell: grounding, protection, strength, honor, masculine energies fire element
(Horned) Turban: protection, faith, trust
Horse Conch: beauty, freedom, grace, strength, progress, water + earth element
Jackknife Clam: (inner) strength, speed, warding, secrecy, masculine energies, air element
Janthina Shell: faith, peace, trust, moving forward, going with the flow, trust in the universe, air element
Jewel Box Clam: beauty, vanity, glamour, passion, (self) love, self care, feminine energies, water element 
Jingle Shells: wealth, prosperity, cleansing, positivity, trust, intuition, earth element
Junonia Shell: strength, beauty, marriage, fertility, childbirth, feminine energies, named after the Roman goddess Juno/Hera (Greek)
Keyhole Limpet: finding a way in/out in a situation, meditation, unblocking psychic/divination abilities  
Limpet: courage, confidence, strength, nurturing, self  trust, peace, endurance
Left-Handed Whelk: making drastic / positive changes in life, transformation, air element
Lightning whelk: awareness, banishing, intent, trust
Lion’s Paw: strength, courage, protection, inner strength, victory, pride, masculine energies, fire element
Miter Shell: peace, spirituality, grounding + centering, calm energies, spiritual introspection, lunar magick, feminine + masculine energies, water element
Moon Shell: purification, peace, protection, meditation, clarity, vitality, rebirth, cleansing + charging energies, psychic awareness, cycles, progress, warding, lunar magick, feminine energies, water element
Murex: protection, defense, binding, masculine energies
Mussels: communications, friendships, luck, health, travel, abundance, dedication, determination, community, life giving stability, enduring life’s hardships, feminine enegies, water element
Nautilus: focus, intentions, clarity, wisdom, growth, peace, endings + beginnings
Olive Shells: healing, hope, love, friendship, hope abundance, opportunity, water element
Oyster: love,luck, good fortune, prosperity, banishing, fertility, (hidden) beauty, vitality, passion, turning pain into beauty (pearls), lunar magick, feminine energies, water element
Oyster Drill: curses, warding/shielding, protection
Pear Whelk: control, life, progress, trust, strength, manifestation, fire element
Pen Shell: beauty, confidence, creativity, self-love, art, love, inspiration, feminine energies, water element
Periwinkle: grounding, intuitions, focus, friendships
Purple Snail Shell: beauty, divination, psychic abilities, air element
Pyram Shell: determination, hope, strength, air element
Scallops: travel, love, friendships, movement, beauty, grace, change, fertility, peace, healing, travel, spirituality, happiness, communication, patience, diversity, openess, all-purpose shell, feminine energies, water + air element
Slipper Shell: balance, generosity, transformation, healing, peace, community, helping others, air element
Snail Shell (Garden Snails): fertility, sexuality, travel, protection, home, feminine + masculine energies, earth + water element
Spider Conch: maturity, responsibility, self-defense, maintaining your position, fire element
Spindle Shell: inspiration, meditation, fate, change, karma, destiny, vitality
Strombus Shell: truth, communication, divination, speech, trust, air element
Star Limpet: strength, growth, beauty, art, water element
Sundial Shell: hope, success, victory, the sun, fire element
Thorny Oyster: defense, creativity, intuition, focus, beauty, art
Tooth Shell / Tusk Shell: wealth, business, abundance, strength, aggression, masculine energies fire element
Top Shell: spiral energies, centering, helping energy flow, control, air element
Triton Conch: happiness, intentions, prayers, helps clearing your voice/intentions, use to seek help/attention, air element
Turkey Wing: freedom, happiness, emotions, lifts bad moods, change emotions, water + air element
Venus Comb Murex: vanity, beauty, glamour, love, feminine energies, protection, water element
Wentletrap: creativity, inspiration, art, water element
Whelk: taking control, get a hold of a situation, life changes, good fortune, wisdom, guidance, control, positivity, understanding, spiritual development, air element
Whelk Egg Casing: abundance, new beginnings, faith, luck
Worm Snail Shell: tenacity, hope, life and death, creation, overcoming obstacles, hope, changes, earth element
                          ❤ Note: Please use/collect your shells ethically! ❤
    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
Goals 🌱
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david_austin_roses on Instagram
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
Subtle Witch Tips - Lammas / Lughnasadh
Happy Harvest!
I created a list of subtle witch tips for folks who are looking for some low-key harvest celebrations during this busy time.
🌽 Bake a loaf of Quick Bread - Unlike most breads which take hours to prove, quick breads are just that - quick! Have a search around Pinterest or your favorite recipe places and find something that strikes your fancy. I happen to be partial to beer cheese breads with caramelized onions. While mixing your dough be sure to infuse it with thankfulness for all that you have been granted this year.
🌻 Do a ritual centered around your goals for the year - Make a list of everything you hoped to work on this year and evaluate how far you’ve come. Make offerings in celebration of all you’ve accomplished and meditate on what you can best do to manifest everything you’ve hoped for. 
🌽 Go for an early evening walk - Bask in the warmth and light that continues to suffuse the later hours of the day. As the days grow darker, you will come to miss the greenery and easy evening productivity. There’s no easier way to be grateful for something than to acknowledge it in the moment and be fully present in the world.
🌻 Let go of regrets with a burning spell - Lughnasadh is also a period of reflection as with the bounty of life comes the memory that death is not far behind. Sit quietly and meditate on what plans you had that are not working out, or what endeavors you should be letting go of. Write all your regrets and what you want to rid yourself of on pieces of paper or corn husks if you’re feeling particularly seasonal. Gather all of them up and burn them one by one to release yourself from such burdens as we go into the tail end of the year. 
🌽 Tidy Up - While we usually think of harvest time as a period of abundance, for farmers it is also a time of cleaning. Once the bounty of the fields is collected, work begins to prepare the ground for more crops, or for the soil to sit under a sleepy blanket of snow until spring. Take some time out of your Lughnasadh celebrations to clean your space - your altar, your home, or even just your bed or desk. Evaluate that which is no longer serving you and consider donating unwanted items so that others may benefit from your abundance!
Wishing you all a very happy first harvest! ☀️
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
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Look at these beautiful flowers I found in Valletta, Malta!!
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
🔮50 Simple Charms🔮
🔮 Source: @wiccanartistry
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Basil at the door, windows, or scattered in the home will increase money.
Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling.
Eat a pinch of Thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.
Place chips of Cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.
Carry an Anemone Flower with you to ward against illness.
Hang a bit of Seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.
Keep a jar of Alfalfa in your cupboards to ensure the prosperity of your house.
Burn Allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well as speed healing.
Cut an Apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a prosperous relationship.
Carry an Avocado pit with you to let your inner beauty shine outwardly. Avocado is also an aphrodisiac.
Strawberries are an aphrodisiac.
Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to your house.
Celery is an aphrodisiac.
Place Almonds in your pocket when you need to find something.
Scatter Chili Peppers around your house to break a curse.
Carrying a packet of strawberry leaves will help ease the pains of pregnancy.
Scatter some sugar to purify a room.
Throw rice into the air to make rain.
Carry a potato in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against colds.
Eat five almonds before consuming alcohol, to lighten the effects of intoxication.
Place a pine branch above your bed to keep illness away.
Chew celery seeds to help you concentrate.
Carry of chunk of dry pineapple in a bag to draw luck to you.
Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count the seeds: if the seeds are an even number, the answer is no. If an odd number, yes.
Eat olives to ensure fertility.
Toss Oats out your back door to ensure that your garden or crop will be bountiful.
Eat mustard seed to ensure fertility.
Place Lilacs around your house to rid yourself of unwanted spirits.
Eat Lettuce to drive lustful thoughts from your mind.
Rub a Lettuce leaf over your forehead to help you sleep.
Add Lemon juice to your bathwater for purification.
Eat grapes to increase psychic powers.
Carry a blade of grass to increase your psychic powers.
Smell Dill to get rid of hiccups.
If you place a Dill sachet over your door, those who wish you ill can not enter your home.
Place cotton on an aching tooth, and the pain will ease.
Burn cotton to cause rain.
Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and sew it shut to make a charm to bring back a lost love.
Carry a small onion to protect against venomous animals.
Eat grapes to increase fertility.
Place a sliced onion in the room of an ill person do draw out the sickness.
Place an onion underneath your pillow to have prophetic dreams.
Place morning glory seeds under your bed to cure nightmares.
Walk through the branches of a maple tree to ensure that you will have a long life.
Mix salt and pepper together and scatter it around your house to dispel evil.
Smell Lavender to help you sleep.  (Lavender makes me fall asleep so fast).
Hang a pea pod containing nine peas above the door to draw your future mate to you.
Eat a peach to assist in making a tough decision.
Carry peach wood to lengthen your lifespan.
Carry a walnut to strengthen your heart muscle.
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
Looking for active autumn blogs for fall 2019! As the crisp weather rolls in, I am in search of new and cozy blogs to follow. So, reblog this if you are an active autumn blog! 🍂☕️🧡
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
witch tip/saging tip
when you burn sage, as you know you're banishing stale or negative energy
that bad energy needs a way to get out
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
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- 🌿Nothing better than the veggie garden section at sunset🌿-
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
floral body scrub recipe!
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this is a really nice soothing body scrub I just made up and it left my skin so so soft!
- caster sugar (or any coarse sugar you have on hand)
- sea salt
- dried lavender flowers
- dried rosemary
- (crushed) dried rose petals
- olive oil (or whatever oil you prefer)
- lavender oil
- peppermint oil
1) add sugar and salt to a bowl (3:1 ratio)
2) mix in as much dried lavender, rosemary and rose petals to your desire
3) add 5-10 drops of lavender oil and 3-5 drops of peppermint oil
4) add olive oil and mix well until the mixture sticks to skin easily without being too wet/oily
5) scoop into an airtight jar/container and seal- then use with your leisure!
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
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There is wisdom in the woods. There are blessings in the brooks. 💚🍃
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
Not witch related but so cute. I could not resistent reblogging this so here it is :)
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
🌊Ocean Spell for Cleansing the Soul 🌊
July 22nd was sacred to Neptune, the god of the sea. Since this is when many people visit the beach, it's also a perfect time to do a bit of spiritual cleansing in the ocean. After all, the sea contains not only salt, which is associated with purification, but also moving water, which can carry metaphysical baggage far away from you.
Do this spell at sunrise or as close to low tide as possible. If you can, time it for a week after the full moon.
You will need:
Glass jar with a lid
Stand barefoot in the sand, along the water line. Close your eyes and consider all the things that are weighing you down. What aspects of your life or draining you of your spirit? These things need to go away.
Imagine these issues trickling slowly out of your body, from your head down to your toes. Let the water wash over your feet, and as the tide ebbs and flows, picture it drawing your problems away with it, carrying them far out to sea.
When you feel refreshed, as though the ocean has cleansed your soul, slowly count to nine, then fill your glass jar with water. Take the water home with you, and if you need a bit of a booster later, drizzle the water over your toes in the bathtub, and send your problems down the drain.
Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
magickal coffee cake
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merry meet! this recipe is my grandmothers, and its always been a favorite of mine. perfect for drawing love and happiness. make sure to state your intent beforehand!
🍄what youll need:
✨1 1/2 cup sugar
✨1/3 cup shortening
✨2 eggs
✨2 cups flour
✨2 tbs vanilla
✨1 cup milk
✨3 tsp baking powder
✨1/2 tsp salt
✨4 tbs melted butter
✨1 cup flour
✨1 cup brown sugar
✨any spices, nutmeg, cinnamon
☀️cinnamon is associated with the element fire and the sun. cinnamon can help with digestive problems, stomach aches, and gas. cinnamon has been known to draw love, happiness, and money.
⭐️nutmeg is associated with bringing luck and money. do NOT use more than a teaspoon, in high doses nutmeg is toxic and can cause hallucinations. pregnant women should be careful when using nutmeg.
🍄what to do:
preheat oven to 375° f
cream sugar and shortening for about 5 min
add eggs, one by one, beating until creamy
add vanilla
in a medium bowl, add baking powder and salt to flour and whisk it together
slowly mix in the flour mixture and the milk, alternating between each (2 spoonfuls of the mixture, 1 splash of milk, until its all mixed together
pour cake batter into 9" by 13" pan
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combine all ingredients for the topping, stir with a fork until crumbly. sprinkle the topping evenly on top of the cake
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bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. you can sprinkle some powdered sugar on if youd like!
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✨blessed be!✨
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
Can I live here???
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escape from the world in the little countryside, live in the old house, wear vintage clothes, spend entire time reading novels, grow vegetables and have friendly neighbors
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fantasysandfaeries · 5 years
Things to do or not do in order to avoid haunting/possesions and other potentially demonic situations
(EDIT: Pro tip: dont burn grimores. Burry or hide them, dont burn them.)
If you find a doll with a locket or tag baring its name, DO NOT READ IT. Do your best not to remember it if you do, and under no circumstances do you say it aloud. Leave it where it is, walk away. Forget it exists.
Do not meditate in an area of death. Be it a graveyard or a haunted place, or anywhere where death may have occured. When you meditate you open yourself up to the world around you, including potential entities.
Do not use a ouija board in an area of death. Preferably, dont use one at all, unless you are well versed in the area, and even then be careful. Ouija boards do not summon entities, but they act as permission to enter lives if you use it incorrectly.
If you hear a woman crying in the woods, you call out, and she does not answer, leave. Especially if you are with children.
If you are in the woods and you hear a baby crying that isnt yours, do not leave. Stay inside whatever tent or cabin you are in. Lock the doors if you can. If youre in a cabin, make a fire if you have the reasources inside, but do not go outside.
Do not talk to anyone you do not know in a graveyard. avoid contact. This is where the living walk with the dead and it is best to leave them alone.
Be mindful of antique objects. If it makes you feel strange, or you experience sleep paralysis or any potentially paranormal occurences happen, get rid of it. If that means preferably burning it or selling it to a pawnshop, just let it go.
If you feel strangly drawn to a house, as if it may be a welspring of positive energy, you may want to speak with a medium before buying. People who are sensitive to paranormal but have not practiced, will not be able to tell the difference between positive and negative energy.
You may feel the need to look up certain creatures looking for explinations for happenings. This is okay, however, do not speak the names out loud. In some situations knowing give you a power, in others speaking the name can summon it.
If you have a particular dream that reoccurs and/or feels too realistic and too, for lack of a better word, creepy, write it down. It may mean something, it may not, but having it to refer to may help prove or make you feel more understanding of situations. If anything ot could be an omen for the future. Just dont let yourself obsess over it. Write it down and move on.
If you are walking alone and a black dog approaches you, let it walk with you. Turning it away or being hostile will make it hostile, but if you let it walk with you, it will protect you on your ‘journey’. When you are home or at your destination, thank it, and ask to take your leave. It may also leave on its own, let it. It generally would show up at night, and leave before daybreak, but thats not always the case.
If someone comes to your door, and you cannot see their eyes, do not answer. If you do answer, do not let them inside. Try to be polite, and turn them away. Close your door and lock it. They may not want to leave easily, and may try to take you with them. Do. Not. Leave. If you do see their eyes, they will be pure black. But it is unlikely you will. If you do, resist as best as you can. Slam the door in their face if you have to. It can show up as a child or adult(s).
These are all legitamently based scenarios off of others expiriences or my own.
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