foherepoetry · 4 years
My soul is twisting
in ways, I can not say.
My throat will never
be able to sing again.
Because my heart is aching
and I can’t bring myself up to be
the girl who plays your strings.
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foherepoetry · 5 years
Memories of a life
5 June 2019, 21:44
A plane is flying towards its destiny
leaving behind a trail of pink brightness.
The past is visiting my hometown,
like an old friend he tells me
all the adventures he’s had since.
A big toothy smile he wears,
mine forms unconsciously,
I thought I would never see him again,
but there he is so tall and slim,
older, voice deeper than ever,
eyes as wide in surprise as the blinking sun.
My past is returning home,
he tells me to say hi to my mom.
Like an idiot, I grin as tears pool
in the corners of my eyes.
His body a reminiscence
of our joyful childhood.
His words sound like our laughs
while playing chasing, mindless
playground games.
A plane crosses the sky,
leaving behind all the moments.
I wave farewell, hoping my friend
sees me up from the clouds,
as he heads back to twenty o’ five.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
Too young to know how to live
7 May 2019, 23:44
Time weights me down,
all the lives I haven’t lived.
The future moments press
its pointy fingers on my cheeks.
You own a life that has not
been lived yet.
You are so young, you haven’t
lived enough to know.
There is a whole future
for you out there.
I reiterate, and say you
have a future ahead.
It is true, I do not know what
lays on this long street.
But I drive
without a driver’s license,
the wheels keep turning,
like the needles of the clock.
Remember the clock that
hanged in your classroom wall?
It doesn’t tick anymore.
Has time stopped then?
Maybe that is why you’ve
stopped living too.
Your infancy is frozen in
the past,
where is the key to that lock?
Why can’t I go back to the
moments I was a child?
My memories are build up
from photographs.
So, what are the real memories
that I remember living?
All that I did before now,
might be forgotten one day.
And forgotten is lost,
forgotten means it didn’t happen.
why can’t I remember forgotten things?
My life, my life, my life.
What am I saying,
I’m too young to have lived a life.
So what is this mass of moments
pooling in my hands?
Is this not a life?
No! you are to young!
Then what is it?
Wasted time!
Why is it wasted time?
It is wasted time, ‘cause
you don’t remember it.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
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foherepoetry · 5 years
Death of a world, people
15 April 2019, 00:54
Sometimes we dance
with our hands tied behind our backs,
a thought in our minds that say:
grooving is all about the feet, the hips.
And sometimes we dream of the sky,
while our wings get clipped by fears,
a voice pronouncing: root your dreams to the earth.
And sometimes we close our eyes
and see what our world ought to be,
wishing someone did something
about the mess we’ve created.
Sometimes at family dinners, or friendly gatherings,
our mouths condemn society about
its unhealthy ways in personality and nature.
We do not realize that we are that same hateful society we talk about,
like talking about friends behind their backs.
We say our planet is dying,
but what we don’t say it that we are dying with it.
We look into our babies’ soft sleeping faces,
hoping they’ll do better that we did.
We are not even trying.
We are not even trying
to unclip our wings and sore to the skies,
We are not even trying
to untied our hands,
too busy gazing into each other’s eyes.
We are not even trying
to see the world as it is,
we build our buildings, our schools and our parks.
yet we forget our wild forests and grasslands.
We mistake our deserts for desserts.
We are not even trying.
I’m not even trying,
to make everything better,
to cure my rotting disease of aboulia.
And so, I take that golden glass with pouring wine,
and wait for the stars to fall on my head.
—Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
Late at night
3 January 2018, 20:45
I could see the lights flicker in your eyes,
just like the stars do in the sky.
I wish I could look into your eyes forever,
because late at night
when I’m laying on my bed
staring at the ceiling
I can’t help but wish
I could see the stars.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
Growing up, growing apart
21 February 2018, 00:21
One day my life was
a blossoming flower.
The next, all my petals
were gone.
One day I had all my life
ahead of me.
The next,
my life was all behind me.
What happened?
I do not know.
Maybe it was
what they call
growing up.
Although it felt,
as if I was growing apart
from the girl I called
—Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
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foherepoetry · 5 years
What do you do when you’re feeling sad?
8 January 2018, 20:21
What do I do
when I’m feeling sad?
I try to smile but
it hurts.
I try to laugh,
it still hurts.
I turn off the lights
the darkness matches
with my insides.
The music is on,
the 80s bursting
out my speakers.
And I dance.
I jump and
let myself cry.
I shout: I’m sad!
I’m very sad!
And I dance,
and dance,
and dance.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
you and me. || me and you.
17 January 2018, 22:52
The contrast between
your hands and mine,
your heart and mine,
your feelings and mine,
your soul and mine.
My hands holds yours,
yours mine.
My heart beats to your rhythm,
yours to mine
My heart feels with the same intensity,
as yours do.
Me and you,
two parts of a whole.
One but two.
You and me.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
If you’ll let me
10 April 2018, 20:38
And if you’ll let me,
I’ll take your hand and lay a kiss on its back.
And the next time you smile,
I’ll let you know how sweet you are
and how hard I’m trying not give you a kiss.
And if you’ll let me,
you’ll be on my mind 24/7
‘cause I don’t want to forget you.
And the next time I have the chance,
I’ll let you know how much I care about you,
and how seeing you happy makes me happy too.
And if you’ll let me,
I’ll encircle my arms around your body,
put my ear to your heart just
so I can give it thanks for keeping you alive.
And I promise it’ll be short,
I promise I won’t bother nor I’ll be clingy.
But please let me show you how important you are to me.
And maybe you’ll want an explanation,
but I might just not have one.
And maybe it’s your voice,
or the way you speak and make jokes,
or maybe it’s your eyes or the way you laugh.
And maybe it’s a little bit of everything,
isn’t that enough?
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
The Hottest Fire
27 December 2017, 01:13
Your eyes burn blue,
like the hottest fires do.
You slid your arm around my waist,
setting my dress aflames.
You held on tight
so I would not leave.
But when we kissed
I turned into ashes.
And the Wind stole me anyway.
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foherepoetry · 5 years
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The Jeweled Hills - Joseph Kleitsch
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foherepoetry · 5 years
love terrifies me
24 April 2018, 17:47
You make me happy,
and that terrifies me.
As fast you make me laugh,
you can make me cry.
As fast you make my heart beat,
you make my heart stop.
As alive as you make me feel,
you can make me feel like dying
You make me happy,
and that terrifies me,
‘cause I’ve handed over
my whole life to you.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
The Hottest Fire
27 December 2017, 01:13
Your eyes burn blue,
like the hottest fires do.
You slid your arm around my waist,
setting my dress aflames.
You held on tight
so I would not leave.
But when we kissed
I turned into ashes.
And the Wind stole me anyway.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
mountains & demons
21 May 2018, 22:33
‘Cause I carried mountains,
when I was supposed to climb them.
Now my back is hurting,
my feet are covered in blisters
and my knuckles are bleeding.
‘Cause I played with the demons
when I was supposed to fight them.
Now my heart is breaking,
my mind is fucked up and
my eyes are red from crying.
-Elen Fohere
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foherepoetry · 5 years
White spring
25 April 2018, 20:48
It seems it’s snowing,
but it’s spring
and you’re glowing.
-Elen Fohere
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