growthgiggles · 10 months
Blogging is nothing like what I expected...
Turns out, blogging is just about having something to talk about every day. I always have something to think about but I’m not an oversharer. I mean, I can be, but I don’t know. My thoughts are usually self-evolving and they work best in thought form, I guess, not so much in written expressed shared-with-the-world form. So I’m obviously facing my first challenge as a blogger. Coming up with…
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growthgiggles · 10 months
What If You Could Have It All
Add up all the things you’re living on now and top that up with all the things you want that seem just outside your pocket’s reach. Then whatever it all amounts to, set up a plan to get that much money and go hard. Of course don’t forget about contingencies. Life is not a fairytale. Bumps and curve balls are always coming. You can afford anything you want. Growth Giggles. Sure you are broke…
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growthgiggles · 10 months
So I've Gained Some Unexpected Weight...
Who knew maintaining a healthy diet isn’t all it takes to stay slender and look fit! For a year now, I haven’t been moving as much as I used to before Covid struck. And now, I’m about 5 kilos heavier and my waist is an inch wider. I hate it, and I think I’m lowkey freaking out. Googling, I found out that part of the reason why is the terrible mood I get in once in a while, and the depression of…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Cosy Solo Home with Nature and Texture
Live Alone, Love Your Home! Snuggle up under a soft throw as you check out my ridiculously awesome ideas for bringing a homey vibe into your singlehood home. You did it! You have your own place, and the sky is the limit. This is your chance to relax and enjoy the little things that make living solo special to you. Whether it’s simple, natural decorating ideas, library corners, or cozy shukas,…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Everything's Pointless.
When You Feel That It’s All Been Done Before. Daily writing promptWas today typical?View all responses The sentiment that “everything has already been done” or “there is nothing new under the sun” is a notion that has been expressed for centuries, and it can sometimes be disheartening. This belief often arises from the observation that many ideas, concepts, and creations can be traced back to…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
The Secrets of Self-Description. How would you describe yourself to someone? We each describe ourselves differently in different situations, because first impressions matter. Whether it’s in a job interview, a networking event, or a social gathering, the way we present ourselves can have a lasting impact on how others perceive us and relate to us. Photo by Shamia Casiano on…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
From Buddy to Bully.
The Nickname Effect. How others see us and refer to us can seriously go tour head and impact our confidence. Worse if it highlights our flaws, or weaknesses, and becomes an inevitable source of embarrassment. Many of us live out a masquerade, afraid of being slammed or snubbed for breaking the rules of romance, for example,  by finding ourselves single too long, divorced too soon, or in…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Standing Up For Yourself.
Effortlessly Setting Boundaries In Elegance, Grace and Style. What would you change about modern society? Polite assertiveness is your secret weapon in handling encounters where someone is talking down to you or someone else or making backhanded comments. Last night, I binged on a couple of episodes of “Dawson’s Creek,” a TV series created by Kevin Williamson that revolves around the lives of…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
How To Be Lazy And Smart On Your Day Off.
No Guilt, No Boredom. A day off can mean lots of things to lots of different people. It may mean staying in and going full Showmax marathon, catching up with all the episodes you missed working all week, because you can, and that’s the best way to watch anything really. Or it may mean doing your laundry, washing your carpet, cleaning out your fridge, setting out your outfits for the next week,…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Stand Up For Yourself.
When someone’s talking down to you or making backhanded comments, shut it down politely. Last night, I binged on a couple of episodes of “Dawson’s Creek,” a TV series created by Kevin Williamson that revolves around the lives of a group of friends as they navigate through the tumultuous waters of adolescence and young adulthood in the fictional town of Capeside, Massachusetts. With its…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Hope Is Not a Feeling, It’s a Skill: Master It and Transform Your Life
Did you know that hope can literally change your brain? That’s what Marilynne Robinson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, suggests in her insightful book on hope. She explains how hope can create new neural pathways in our brain, which can boost our mood and well-being, supported by the concept of neuroplasticity, which demonstrates that our brain can adapt and rewire itself based on our…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Good Night, Good Morning: How To Really Sleep Well and Have A Good Day.
Nothing beats rays of bright sunlight to really wake you up. It doesn’t matter how many hours before dawn I opened my eyes, there is something about the warm, golden glow of the sun that has a miraculous way of energizing me and cheering me up. As it rises, and its gentle rays filter through the buildings and windows, creating a dance of light and shadow everything seems to bloom. A reminder of…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
Signs That You Need A Mental Health Day
Daily writing promptWhat do you listen to while you work?View all responses It’s Monday morning and your alarm goes off. You hit snooze, once, twice, three times. You finally drag yourself out of bed, feeling like you haven’t slept at all. The thought of facing another day of endless meetings, overflowing inboxes, and demanding deadlines fills you with dread. You snap at your roommate over…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
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growthgiggles · 11 months
How to calm a heated argument.
You can only avoid clashing for so long; you may just want to sort something out, stick up for yourself, or to let someone else or a crowd know what you think and how you feel. You need to be good at communicating and with logic to argue well. They help you figure out how to approach the issue. A causal argument is when you try to make people believe that one thing made another thing happen. It…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
LMAO: Leave Me Alone Oh
You know what’s a tricky thing to do? Finding the right balance between being alone and having people around. It’s a never ending struggle over here. The business of enjoying your own company while also having meaningful connections with others takes a lot of practice. But trust me, it’s worth it. Because when you find that sweet spot between solitude and socializing, everyone will like you. But…
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growthgiggles · 11 months
The Honest Truth About Honesty.
Oh God, Give Me A Bitter Soul Being blunt does not mean being overtly inconsiderate. If you say something without considering how it will affect another person – or say it and not care – then you’re not being blunt; you’re just mean. Even if it’s not sugarcoated, “bluntness” is not the way to excuse disrespect. THE ODYSSEY ONLINE Have you ever met someone so brave, they were not afraid of…
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