halsunisland · 1 year
Becoming One
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Ai generated image
A short piece by The Dark King
The more you stare, you become one.
The chaos a devil, a teacher it is, he the student of the devil, a picture he admired in his life.
As he looked at the glory of the darkness and desires, fulfilling all a monster could dream of.
And all the dead howling under, from pain and grief, what had come upon them, losing their life, a monster vailed their life with blood and suffering.
His beauty no more, the ugliness of his true self taking over, as the dead swallow him.
Drowning in the river of the damned and deceased souls, the agony he feels within thee, in his cold heart a candle never lit, he feels no more, dead in life and in underlife.
A flick of light would fade in his presence, a change not.
Becoming the devil.
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halsunisland · 2 years
Just like backrooms sometimes we glitch out and fall away from life and people, is it our fault, how to reach back to world? is it the end should we stay stuck in this limbo?
new story.
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Disconnected she felt, have anyone noticed, she exists not, life pass by, everyone walk, they see her not.
She tried to help those in need, she tried to reach her dreams, she had big dreams, she wished to live a unique story, to give something to tell the world, something to enjoy during hard times, enteriment that what she thought she was and what she could give, she failed to know how to connect, fantasy was her only way.
Hope candle slowly melting and fading, years pass by all the same, relighting matters not for the outcome the same, she failed to know how to connect, how to live and be part of this life.
She thought fantasy would be the easy road, afraid of facing daily life, looking at the sad and tired faces of people fighting to survive, with their suffering they succeed, they survive, for her the world she had built all she has and will always have.
She failed to know how to connect.
She fades away. 
No one will notice.
No one knows what happened to her.
If we knew we would know how her story ended, was she just a fantasy someone built or did she really existed? the question would forever remain unanswered.
Sometimes surving is hard especially for those living in fantasy and wish their life we would in a way they know very they would never reach like others, but we have to continue holding hope.
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halsunisland · 2 years
How can I support you?
hi, I'm so sorry for late reply I have been busy. First way if you could simply share blog this would be really apperciated and enough. if you wish to add extra I have https://www.buymeacoffee.com/halsunisland or https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/halsunisland
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halsunisland · 2 years
liminal Space
New photos related to liminal space and short discussion why I’m enjoying this concept.
I've been recently interested in the backrooms from creepypasta and then discovered liminal space, I've always enjoyed such concept and photos but I never knew its term to understand better or that I should be the one recording, often as old 90s, kids before 2000s we never cared to take photos since most of us didn't even own personal mobile or afforded a family camera till we grow old or at least in their teenager years, we just enjoyed our time playing together, strolling inside malls and toys shops, so, unfortunately, I never thought about even holding my mobile camera wherever I go in past.
I believe the reason I love liminal space is that not only how eerie it is to see a place that is supposed to be full of life during dead time or left dead and abandoned but the term had been expanded by users to also include nostalgic places, dream-like, weird designed place, the memories, and history around the picture, what it was, what it will be.
I have personally experienced several times that's why I enjoy how liminal space expanded to include more scenes and techniques that feel more like a personal experience. During my time in Saudi Arabia, during prayer times all malls, shops everything closes down just for prayer time to allow Muslim workers and visitors to pray, but they let other visitors and families stay if they would like, they would simply close doors, most of the lights then reopen a few minutes later once the prayer is done since prayer time takes about five minutes, sometimes they might take about quarter or half hour max to allow everyone to get to the nearby mosque or praying corner inside shops and malls then go back, so it was easy to take perfect liminal space photos with few people around I could wait for them to move away, but sadly as I've mentioned I never cared about holding my camera.
So, from now on I will try to keep my camera or at least mobile ready to capture any good moments or new liminal space scenes, I also would like to take some of those photos with my Nokia 5610 which I always kept in good shape and never wished to let go to give some nostalgia feeling to those photos.
Capturing good and special moments is a lesson I wish I had learned earlier, but most of us always captured those memories inside our brain only, we didn’t feel the need to take out in a picture, in my opinion, we were happier and just living in the moment without worrying about capturing photos while walking and playing, but sometimes we wish to hold it and show to others who didn’t share with us and family and friends from abroad. I believe social media taught us this lesson but sadly, most people use social media to show off and get attention not to preserve memories they love, it’s truly sad to see some trying to capture perfect pictures but haven’t enjoyed the moment, they may be staged photo-session, simply to receive attention not to preserve memories. I remember reading an article about a woman who’d said during her visit to pool, she saw a woman with her daughter, the mother kept demanding her daughter to pose with toys to share on social media and once she finished posting she asked her daughter to collect toys to leave, so they never enjoyed the moment and gave us a fake memory instead, there’s no fun or any details to remember for her daughter.
Finally, I would like to share photos I took with my Nokia 5610 for a supermarket currently in limbo, maybe a dying state in Egypt, I don’t prefer to give its name. I have bought from a lot in past, I knew some of the workers, it was one of the biggest around Egypt back in the past. But after the eldest owner's death and probably other issues it has been slowly dying and remaining in a limbo state, no one knows if it will close at the end or may restore itself.
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halsunisland · 2 years
In recent years a dangerous diseases has been spreading online called SocioJester.
Online Life:
Long time ago, not so long, many packed their bags and decided to live their life online. They talk online, travel online, eat online. Just like real life instead online.
This is not a joke, and many talked about, you can see people photos while eating, going to holiday and pardon me let’s not say where else, you can imagine on your own.
Sometimes we wonder how their real life is, if they have anymore. Well they are always online so you can never tell.
 Art on Online Life:
A lot of us use internet to deliver their art anywhere to anyone. There’s many methods much easier and faster than before and it becomes our job overtime to focus on and show our passion to everyone and try to entertain them.
There are so many reasons why some of us love doing art risking everything instead of getting granted job with fixed wage, even till today with all world crisis. It is mainly because art help us escape world for some time, we always need a short time to relax, watching a movie, listening to a music, reading, without artists there won’t be any type of entertainment.
Bloggers, video creators…etc work hard to give you bigger and much better contents or at least something to enjoy like a small movie, advice, tutorials…etc. and its up to you if you would like to help them or not and some preferred to keep under paid services or selling only.
That is all good but…
 Problem no1:
The Socio Jester
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Symbtoms includes; daily posting, daily selfies, trying to please everyone or find something controversial to gain attention in hope to obtain some money.
Nowadays I am sorry to say many became literally like a jester. A simple video with someone dancing, playing in front of screen, receives millions of views and earn enormous prices. Is this not like a jester dancing and entertaining the king and queen and entire kingdom?
Where’s artists, writers, brain full of ideas gone?
I’ve no problem with dancers and jesters, but the problem is majority takes easiest road. It takes longer to write, paint, take creative photo, create movies, tutorials unlike the current trend, it feels like they just open camera, dance, talk about whatever and post it to earn. We can see how Tik Tok became big like a big zombies virus spreading, there’s useful videos on Tik Tok but I believe majority are just useless videos.  
Actually, same issue with biggest movies from Hollywood, they often repeat same famous movies or stories, like Disney being most popular company is now making live movies even for movies which should not have been made live, it’s simply moving CGI to CGI without much change. This is mainly easy selling, if someone sees a movie from Disney, they will defiantly watch it right away whether it’s good or not, it’s from "Disney" they will watch at least once. While its good to see remake and sometimes remake or live is better, still I would love to see some of the unfamous stories which many may forget over time or never heard of. There’s many tales never been on movies, Indian, Chinese, Turkish, Arabian not only European, if there were movies for them were not famous enough to reach everyone. Or at least give us a new original idea.
It makes me sad to see some underrated movies, yes, done with low budget, full of errors or delivered in wrong way but had good potential or meaning behind them never get noticed because they are not done by big names or in a perfect way.
  Socio Jester problems:
Most of those random videos, in my opinion attract wrong audience, at least most of audience. Without getting into details, I think you understand what I mean. Before people used to look for certain sites or go on dark web to find such things, or victims, but sometimes its unsafe and you need to be careful, especially on dark web, now it can be done by a famous person on social media. Everyone expect social media to filter and investigate if anyone is suspicious, sometimes this does not happen, so people can be tricked by those contents, especially minors. And by the time the problem arise and people start massive reporting and social media takes action, this person may already have taken all audience to different private platforms, like private chat or done worse elsewhere.
Some of tutorials without mentioning big names are meant for show not to actually give you some tips and tricks, how many times did we hear horrible accidents happens to people after trying to follow those tutorials? And you cannot expect everyone who watches are adults or educated enough to know what is wrong. But most of them make excuses saying well you cannot control who watches, yes so try to make safe, useful tutorials and put enough instructions and warning.
Some of creators health, mental health gets in the way to the point they may trigger some audience not only hurting themselves. All of us have issues and not 100% healthy but when you’re public figure you have many watching you, even if you’re not encouraging anyone to be same, they are still watching and may get effected.
  Problem no2:
Social media requires activity, if you do not come online every day posting anything you will most likely be buried and forgotten forever. This may be the reason why some tend to post every day as possible, anything to stay under light.
  Problem no3:
Which do you prefer creativity or random thing. I prefer creativity, but creativity earn less.
Its either,
Create anything, stay active = money.
Work hard, slow = earn less, worse bankrupt.
  And problem 2+3:
I’ve been thinking part of the reasons some steal, or take easy method is because of all those problems. While looking up I saw some confess they steal some parts because they must always deliver something frequently and fast.
Well its true, but nowadays there are many free stocks and free services. Indeed sometimes we find a particular piece we need but you can always find good replacements, use smarter new ways.
Yes we need money nowadays and its easier to just do anything and earn, but as one writing and doing art I will try as I can to encourage people to return to creativity or at least do something they truly love and enjoy. I’m sure everyone reaps what they sow if they work hard.  If it fails, then you may do what’s best for you.
I really appreciate all creators who post useful contents or short fun, movie like videos for entertainment.
I would love to be active and connect with everyone as possible and as often, I can create patreon like everyone and invite you to discord with monthly membership, but I’ve no idea how to do so while staying creative, I enjoy taking my time to write something good as possible, of course I may do some bad posts and art but at least trying and doing something I enjoy, and other times I simply do not feel well to do anything. I also understand not many can afford paying monthly membership. especially nowadays. I cannot handle daily positing life, even weekly may be hard for me. However, if I get enough requests from those who enjoy what I do we can come up with some suitable plans for all of us.
As for theft, I believe thieves will do anything anyway, I’ve heard of some who pays for membership just to steal what’s inside and gain more than what they have paid for membership. Unfortunately, copyrights laws and actions still slow and does not protect everyone even if you pay for officially registered copyrights.
  Once again please remember to do what you enjoy, try as you can, do not start with easiest roads, work hard first, I wish you all best, may we all survive this hard online life.
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halsunisland · 2 years
Art Journey
Art was one of the classic hobbies in past, women used to sew and craft pieces to spend their spare time, some enjoyed wearing pieces created by their own hands. Till today art is considered hobby but some turned into serious job to earn from. Also, approaching art nowdays may be due to a story or a different reasons not necessarily a mere, random hobby/job.
I’ve always learned and done crafts and drawing at school as a child just like anyone, but it felt like you have to keep certian mathematic rules, how to draw bodies/animals, how to create a box, how to bring out certian thing as it should.
My early memories learning drawing specificly wasn’t good, I never understood what was requested exactly and how to bring out perfectly, and I had issue with one teacher at the time, this might be why I never enjoyed drawing. For crafting, I never found anything particularly intersting to create so I never did much, till finally the moment came, i think before 2011-2012. The first time I’ve watched the Illusionist movie and saw the locket, I couldn’t take my eyes off, especially since I loved doing magic tricks in past, it was really intersting to see its mechincal trick. I decided I must have somehow, but of course it was impossible, I was still young and no one would create for me at cheap price yet I didn’t give up the idea and insisted I will have someday.
fortunately I talked about it with my uncle, he offered giving me some wood pieces and hand saw workers didn’t need after finishing their work, since then I started learning and studying how it’s mechnical part work and the trick and while doing so I decided to create accessories too and since then, crafting became part of my hobbies and started searching online to get inspired by more unique pieces.
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halsunisland · 3 years
Meeting The Librarian
Our first meeting with the librarian, Adam and small talk with him about nowadays issues.
I was sick past days but I’m finally back to bring more stories and topics for you.
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Today, I went to one of big libraries here to read more books about this island. I also went to talk with one of librarians, Adam.
We talked about a lot of things, but he wanted to express his concerns about nowadays issues and discuss.  “The end of the world?” He wondered. “No one knows of course, I mean yes a lot of signs appeared, but there’s more, when and how they will happen, no one knows.”
He started telling his story and how he spend his life doing researches not only working as librarian.
I love searching and reading, I’m always curious how far this world has reached, crimes, morals, greed, injustice. It keeps getting worse than better and when you think you saw enough you find more, you think it’s like before dark times then good times but when you look how much people and world changed you no longer think good times will ever come back. It’s actually said before the end of the world, the world will suffer from three hard years including drought and hunger then more events which we all may think fantasy and does not make sense, hard to imagine, but they may happen and when they do happen it’s the end nothing will matter anymore, not your good work, helping others or anything, it is the time world stops and comes to its end. Everything has start and end, why would be here on this earth if it is meant to go on forever?
One of those famous signs the sun will rise from west instead of east, some of the scientist says a reversal of the planet's magnetic field will happen and is already slowly happening. Gog and Magog famous story which some believe it is just a myth.
Another about a man who’s said that he’s chained inside island or cave where no one will find him, even now that people travelled everywhere and discovered almost all lands, it seems like this place is hidden from our sight. When world forgets his story he will then come out and play as god, he will be able to bring heaven and hell, rain and fire, travel fast to deceive people who are not faithful enough or at least does not remember his story to discover his tricks. Then Jesus will come back to earth and kill him.
This seems like a fantasy story you can read in a book or watch in a movie but the world saw so many strange things over years so maybe it is real.
Anyway, I had a friend who was reading and researching all of the end of the world signs and keeping up with world events, he was even writing books about, he used to say the end is near and repeat same line almost every day, how close? He did not know but he knew it was close. Even time length change or so we think, in past we used to feel like the day is long now it seems shorter and getting shorter, maybe because life now requires more work or maybe time is shrinking over years so end seems to be getting closer but we will never know. What he did not know is that his end was near not the end of the world, he went to sleep one day and did not wake up next day. 
We all do mistakes and bad things and no one knows when the end of the world or our own end but the least we can do is trying to do something good, work hard and love each other. 
I thanked him for the information he’d given, I will surely meet him again later to talk about other things as well as learn more information about this island.
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halsunisland · 3 years
War Games
The outcome of decisions, debates from high authorities is bigger than you can imagine and only humans suffer from outcomes.
Let us talk in general regarding some things in nowadays problems I won’t point at certain issues, I don’t, publicly, write articles especially discussing religions, beliefs, politics, or any serious topics in detail.
Obliviously, because nowadays when it comes to debating topics, problems, anything. The “agree to disagree” no longer exist, anywhere in the world, it’s one side trying to push certain belief to the other. It has gone far, a whole society trying to push certain beliefs into children and people and if you dare to disagree you will see hell, sometimes, worse than just getting bullied and shamed, it could lead to arresting you.
But at the end of the day, the damage is usually minor and limited to 1 person, 1%.
 When it comes to disagreement in debates with higher positions, involving presidents or high authorities above everyone this may lead to actual damage and a big number of innocent people dying. isn’t this how some of the biggest wars started and some still going? And usually, for them, it is considered a sacrifice for the best.
And in this case, it is always out of our hands and we can’t get involved to change, but, what annoys me the most is the response of some of the citizens, they stand up and support what happens, the damage and the death of people and consider a victory for them. Well even if they are your enemies and you despise them for any reason and support authorities' decision, think of it, this is a human being who most likely just trying to live their life like you, maybe they are against those decisions and wish to live in peace but can't get their voice out.
Imagine if a baby, child survives and lost all his family and grows up in an orphanage or in the streets, think of this human being, would you ever wish to see such a thing happens to you? In fact, this is what makes more enemies, this child will for sure grow up and try to take revenge because you supported his family's death and your authority decision instead of standing up against bad decisions. This is what makes some hate certain citizens, and groups in the first place more than high authorities.
 At least in past some had respect and used to at least keep women, elders, and children out of those issues so at least if men die, children will have their mother to raise them, but this no longer happens.
 Again, I’m talking in general not pointing at a certain problem or certain country and meant for all events happening in many countries.
 I’m not a big person and even big people, artists, business people..etc can't do anything, it’s far bigger than us to get our voice to them, we are just trying and I’m thankful to all big names who tried to ask for peace.
 May God have mercy on all innocent people dying in vain everywhere.
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halsunisland · 3 years
The Black Ghost
Do not forget to check my story at r/creepypasta : The Black Ghost
Also a big thank you for Skuela for the audio version. The Black Ghost (audio version) check their channel and give them a sub.
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halsunisland · 4 years
The What IF Glitch
Ever went into "what if" mood and became a problem, trying to think what if this or that. 
One of my friends when we have any problems we always say, I need a new brain, I need a new RAM, I need a new nose as if our body like a computer or robots and needs new chips or software to work probably, we should go shopping on Amazon or somewhere to buy new parts and fix those problems.
One of the famous error bugs some face is the "what if", you get stuck thinking what if this or that.
Sometimes when you’re under pressure, stress, and overthinking you might suddenly get stuck, your whole body and brain stops, everything turns into colors as you are now locked inside your brain. A lot of "What If" human’s brain may generate which causes a big delay and stop you from going forward but “What If” we cannot stop this bug?
You’re are numb and frozen, the day does not move, doing nothing, just sitting waiting for this bug to go away, you wonder "if" you will escape. 
Some use this bug to predict different scenarios before events to be prepared, some use it to predict bad events only, some use it to predict good events only, however, sometimes it drives you insane and worsen your anxiety and stress instead. 
Few days pass and this becomes like a normal glitch, like moving with a slow glitchy machine, you cannot stop, even when you try, it comes back and haunts you. 
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halsunisland · 4 years
Do Not Support Rude And Bad Artists
Please do not feed rude artists who cannot read and try to destroy young aspiring artists, as well as bad artists who may use their money in wrong doings.
Also discussing why art cost and supporting artists overseas is not easy as it may seem.
I would love to write a list from time to time with artists and authors I get inspired by or simply enjoy checking them but then I wonder if they would return the favor, artists supporting each other, especially a new young artist or would they ignore till you be something and big, like your name everywhere to notice you because of course they have fans and spams and won't see you in middle easily. 
Still I will do it, I will appreciate it if they write back but if they do not it is completely fine by me.   
Sometimes I hesitate for another reason, the personality of this artist/author. Of course, no one is perfect neither am I, but sometimes it's hard to ignore when person is extremely rude, disrespectful, arrogant or even worse committing crimes.
In my humble opinion there's no reason to support bad artists/authors/entertainers…etc. do not force yourself to like work if it is not done by good people there are so many others around the world, sometimes, in fact, they force you to stop supporting them when you get in touch or see what they do. You cannot, for example, support a person who murders or rape people, at least I would not. As for a person who's just does not have a good personality it’s a matter of respect for respect, if you do not respect me why would I respect you? I try to be kind and respectful no matter what but people tend to abuse that kindness and respect.    
This happens a lot but most recent, few days ago under one of the artists’ pieces I asked which materials she'd used, this is a simple question and I expected either: 
1- Direct me to her tutorial if she has or if she sells courses.
2- Explain, this material, because it’s better since....etc. or I bought pieces from "site" and put them together. 
3- Simply, ignore answering in the first place.    
Instead, a random person replied, "Why are you asking instead of buying from her?" then the whole conversation turned into me sneaking in and trying to steal her pieces and her clients. I've been sick and probably did not reply accurately, sometimes when I'm tired or not paying attention I tend to repeat lines in messy way which may be confusing and long/boring to read, beside English is my second language so sometimes I may not write perfect grammar or words to express what I mean, but I made sure to explain that I'm asking about materials not asking "how it was made I want to duplicate" and I would gladly support artist and buy this piece if I could but I'm planning on advertising for her to hopefully bring more clients for her, the least I could do if I can’t buy a piece. And I cannot understand why those ladies were replying on owner behalf unless they are family members or close friends hired by her.
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I know I may not have commented correctly, but I meant with try, trying some sculptures and that im not as good at it as her, and for artists sculpting pieces would probably understand what I meant, because some clays may be heavy to wear as accessory, some crack, some bad for fine and complicated details, that's the reason why I was asking in first place which would be better for accessories, while I can search I believe it's not wrong asking to collect different opinions, and I did share my work link, deviantart though not shop because I do not sell my pieces then decided to delete because I realized it may disrespect owner, it was just to show them that I'm not a random person and that I have a different style and in fact I don’t really enjoy sculpting unless my pieces requires it so our materials and what we designs are in fact completely different there are no similarities and reason I hope to avoid unnecessary big budget on something not core in my pieces. 
I expected after that the artist will simply delete comments and I did mention if she wish I can delete my comments by myself and everything goes as it was, instead she blocked me and made this post:
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While I excuse artists, because there’s many copy and steal nowadays and maybe my comment was really confusing, but there’s no reason to accuse a young person trying to learn and write such a post and of course everyone will support her because she has a page and brand so there’s no reason to explain and talk to her using another account, she already ignored my explanation. I can write more on this issue because I realized why she did this, but I do not prefer disrespecting people and their work, therefore I removed her name, also to avoid giving her views. I hope next time she tries to teach or delete and ignore instead of accusing a young person trying to learn.
What makes me sad is such simple comments by her to a young, single, 1 person artist like me who’s struggling to find any support and something to help them climb end up betrayed by big artist and could get their reputation destroyed and even their love to art and refuse supporting artists because of such 1 bad artists, words spreads fast online and it hurts us as young aspiring artists to be betrayed in such a way by older artists, all for wrong accusations and then writes a sad post about how she’s the only artist who cannot afford her bills, which is, in my opinion pathetic.
I’m writing about this for rest of artists to be careful.
Please make sure to read what your fan wrote so you won’t lose this fan or ask them to re-explain, when you have thousands and millions of fans 1 does not matter but 1+1 will be bigger over time, do not make up a conclusion without trying to understand. Remember on internet there are people from all over the world, some may not be that good at English and translators do not work. I know we are tired, busy, especially with nowadays covid-19 issue but if you’re not sure simply delete comments, there’s no reason to make assumptions on something did not even happen or destroy young artist just because you’re paranoid and selfish when you do see your art/words duplicated, physical evidence do then feel free to share duplicated piece and shame that person or write whatever you wish and in fact report if you can although I know reporting takes time, money and sometimes does not change anything especially if its from different country, but that does not mean every single artists asking for help is 100% thief, it could be a genuine student. 
I believe it is not wrong to wish to learn, this isn't first time I ask artist what type of materials they use and many of the artists I follow give tutorials or sell courses or just ignore answering, either busy or do not wish to reply and I respect their response, I did not expect getting attacked by mobs or artist block me and accuse me of trying to rip her off.
Very famous quote "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"
While this quote about living, it is possible to apply with art because although art is a hobby sometimes indeed it's the way we pay our bills and usually for art it's preferable if the person already love it and is already talented to come up with their ideas but when they learn and become more experienced the result becomes much better, most of us put their old pieces beside new pieces and notice big difference.
All artists know how materials can cost much, especially in certain countries so trying to learn first and collect enough opinions will cut the road short. For example, with sculpturing, there are so many different types of clay as I explained, air dry clay, different types of polymer clay, epoxy clay, each artist has different opinion on this, lightness, cracking, finished texture…etc. so depending on piece how many agree on which to start experiencing with? 
I do regret so many things and I wish I had good art teacher to guide me but sadly when it comes to fantasy and cinematic pieces there are not so many teachers here or even older creators to ask them, so most of my experience was trial and error and done so many mistakes and wasted so much money from my dad’s income, that’s why I always try to lower those mistakes by asking and help those who didn’t even start at all to avoid my mistakes with my little experience better than nothing instead of bashing them away. 
And speaking of cost, why some cannot support artist and it’s not that simple? 
Do you know USD/Euro (which is usually the currencies most used online) exchange rate in some countries? 
Do you add shipping cost and countries with enormous taxes fee which may be up to 50-70 USD/Euro depending on distance or country price or maybe more actually? 
Do you know some countries take Customs Duty tax and it can be sky high? 
I received a gift from a competition which was shipped from Sweden to here, Egypt, it was supposed to be free to door step, no shipping cost, no taxes. They took 45 EGP from me, why? No reason and if I sue post office nothing will be done. 
Another time my friend sent a choker gift to me she’d bought but did not wish to use, she sent in a small envelope and paid shipping cost, I was surprised by 250 EGP tax! Small chokers here from store are 50 EGP max if not 15, I appreciate her gift of course, but can you see how high this tax? 
Imagine If I keep buying many pieces online to support all artists, I cannot even buy the materials I am missing for my own pieces. Can you see how it can be like cost of buying online in some countries?
Sometimes it’s simply out of our hands and I did for fact discuss that with open-minded and kind artists and they did tell me they do understand how difficult and high the cost and low options for international supporters, they didn’t bash me or claim that I’m coming to steal them or share a pathetic post, that is why I believe advertising is the least we can do when we cannot support and no reason for bigger artists to hurt or accuse a young artists. 
Please learn to be kind, patient, if you do not understand, ask person to re-explain, put clear rules if there are things you do not want, such as refusing to take questions to save our time and avoid misunderstanding situations. If you do not wish to share your knowledge that is up to you, but I believe in artists community and how difficult art trades is becoming and cost of materials increasing in some countries its better to be kind and teach or at least give small hints if you do not wish to share your secrete recipes at all.
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halsunisland · 4 years
The Queen's Birthday
It’s a big a day, It’s the queen Marebelle and her descendant Mare birthday! 
The kingdom suffered from dark times, Marebelle herself suffered a lot but when she ruled the kingdom with the king the light once again shone on the lands.
They always say there’s some people who are like angels living between us, you cannot believe how kind and good they are, they are willing to do anything to bring smile on your face and see you happy and safe no matter how you treat them and what you do to them. We sometimes even call nurses and doctors angels because they work hard to save our lives, especially nowadays, god bless them. 
The queen and her descendant were seen as angels, and they are almost alike not only having same names. 
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What’s better than talking to Mare on this day so I decided to go to meet her personally, she loves talking and does not mind answering questions. 
I went to the park, her favorite place after bringing a gift with me, she was waiting for me with a wide smile and hugged me, I wished her a happy birthday then we went to sit under a tree to start talking.  How do you celebrate your birthday?
My husband, always insists on bringing a gift for me, even if it is a simple gift, like a rose which is already enough, roses means a lot to me. We usually go out for a walk here in the park or to the museum, sometimes we also play a short fairytale for fun. 
Some people do not like to celebrate their birthday, some take it as just tradition, some just for party and getting gift, what do you think of your birthday? 
My husband indeed is a one who does not like to celebrate his birthday, he’d even disappear somewhere in the city to avoid any wishes! But I decided with our friends to just celebrate on random days without telling him.
I believe we are born for a reason, so, as long as we are alive to celebrate a new year from our life then we continue our journey and there must be more we will give to this world, no matter how our life is like there must be a reason we may not see.
Do you see reason for your life already? I only hope that I’m here for others, to see them happy and living good life, I hope whomever I’ve met, may have helped in any way even with at least a simple, nice word. 
What’s your wish this year? I wish world gets back to normal, everyone to stay healthy and safe and that it is not the beginning of bigger issues yet to come. This is what I wish for nowadays.
  I thanked her for talking to me and answering questions and wished her a belated happy birthday once again, we will talk to her more later to get to know more about her story and her ancestors.
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halsunisland · 4 years
It All Turn Real
When all your words and everything you write turn real and become your worst nightmare. A strange story from one of local citizens.
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She was found in a locked dark room, her lips sealed with stitches and cover on her eyes. She was pale and weak, almost like a zombie. They removed stitches on her lips and took long time to help her get fed. After few weeks, when she seemed better they asked her to explain what had happened. She had been missing for two days but she wasn’t eating or drinking, just locked in this room, they were lucky to find her fast enough before she dies from dehydration. Her parents were nice people and would never hurt her, they were worried about her and searched everywhere. Did someone hurt her?  She was in front of both police officer and psychiatrist, she was looking at each one of them without saying a word then asked, “Would it repeat if I say?” 
They were puzzled by her question but the police officer tried to guess with his job regular questions and answers, “Do you mean would the person who did this repeat same actions if you tell us?”
She shook her head, “When every single word you say or write turn real...” she explained, I thought it was all luck we often say things and they just happen, we often feel like we saw this exact scene, exact people and exact actions happened before but it was happening a lot that it seemed abnormal. So I decided to start writing a short story with unusual event for fun. I actually enjoyed writing random pieces so a short story would be a fun experience anyway.
The story:
I was playing hide and seek with my best friend inside a building, the loser will have their head disappear, just playing, right? We played for a long time, it seemed fine and we were having fun.
Last turn. I saw my friend in front of elevator trying to hide inside, the door opened, she looked with her head inside before getting in, asking with joking tone if I’m hiding inside, suddenly the elevator door in unexpected speed of light closed on her neck and went up, up till her neck was torn.
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This is a story, a very strange one and does not make sense right? No, part of it happened to be fair and worst. I was going out with my friend, she laughed and pretend to repeat my story scene when we went to take elevator and it all happened right in front of me and I could not pull her out fast enough, she died in front of me both in the story and in reality. I lost my closest friend because of a weird curse. 
So I was deeply saddened and terrified what if next word worst? Who’s next? You can imagine for I cannot say. Maybe it is just a strange luck but why would I risk?
Why every single thing I say and write happens? Should I seal my mouth forever.
I’m really scared please cover my mouth and tie my hands! Or maybe I should write next about my end, at least I would have chance to apology to my friend and save myself, the world from my curse…
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halsunisland · 5 years
Dark Fate
Sometimes some live facing worst of life misfortunes, they believe trying to achieve something to hold on gives them reason to go on but they do not live to see if it all was for good. anonymous story from one of the old ladies in the kingdom. 
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She grew up with big dreams just like any child, her list as long as you can imagine, her life as good as you can imagine before it was all gone with the wind. The day it started falling apart and for misfortune to come to her in all shapes and sizes, she found her house burnt into ashes when she came back from school. 
The loss of all her belongings and her house was hard to condone but she was thankful at least her family is alive. Everything can be redeemed over time and return as it was, as long as they are safe. It was hard for her to focus on her education and study hard so she did not get accepted in the university she was planning on joining. Yet she kept going and hoped it was for best. 
Before last year, before her graduation she lost a very close friend, she was deeply saddened and her mental and physical health dropped down and could not finish her graduation. Sometimes losing a close friend may be as devastating as a close family member and the grief from previous events started haunting her as well, making it worse than better. 
 After recovering and starting to let it go and burry all sadness, she was able to focus on her education and graduate, it is the time for her to finally work and chase her dreams but unfortunately, she had an accident and went through a long recuperation. She decided to write books and build a world for herself to escape as well as educate people. 
She became a successful author, loved by many. It's going well, she feels happy and things starting to shine for her after a long time. She also met and married a great man. Then the rayless rail of her dark path came upon her once again, her husband betrayed her. Later people stopped appreciating her work and no longer understood it. She was forgotten over time and all her progress is back to nothing. 
And the danger from lightning is gone when the thunder is heard, and the worst is over when darkness has arrived. Her family was infected with the plague, all of them and died. They were all left for her, the only reason she’s still fighting in life to make them proud and happy. She lost it all, she had nothing left, she screamed why? Why, does not make sense anymore! It’s the end. 
There must be a reason. We live for a reason, she lives waiting for a reason. After her death, it’s said that people found her books years later and read, they learned a lot from. They even made souvenir in the memory of her. Although she did not live to see, her efforts and struggles were for a reason and she was rewarded for after all.
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halsunisland · 5 years
The Prince And The Devil
Today is a special day, 13th of March is the birth of the king, Lycidas as well as his friend, Nicholas.
the king was known for his love for art and writing. And history repeated itself, there are two young boys Luke who's like the king and his friend Ryder who's like the king's friend, they are both born on the 13th of March as well. Luke loves writing short stories and poems just like the king. 
You will get to know more about them and their lives over time but here's one of his pieces:
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Original colors by Aladdin Collar. Edits and repainting by me.
Once upon death, born a child from breath of windy night, he was a beautiful mite, raised between group of damned troops, in dark age where people rage took over the horizon, none were able to speak, there’s ton of evil, who care about nothing but destruction. 
The child was getting the best of what he wished for. But there’s no good life in apocalyptic end we reach by our hand. To devil he made deal, to save everyone from evil deed. To everyone out there, a tribute shall be made to bare us from evil deed he orded. 
So it was done, and was fun to prince, who thought he rolled dice for his advance of killing the villain. cold as ice the heart became, the good no more to be seen within his soul from underneath soil all darkness can be sheen. 
By years passing and time, the higher darkness climb, no deal with devil shall be prime, for the real power comes from god might. 
From prince fear he felt gone, to be damned in the forever wind of the fogy storm, the prince kidnaps the light within a maiden to seek forgiveness from, the wonder of would light defeat darkness, alas they never to meet for its black or white no grey, the reason we cannot see peace within war, least we do fight. 
I met her, Beautiful, bright face, full of faith too hard to be sought, as if catching the unseen. Will I ought to run never to live no more for I cannot bare to see what I cannot seek? 
He ceases to exist as he surrenders his soul to fade and melt into ashes, a serenade melodies play for what he once wished, memories flashes with no good only his dark fate for he cannot wash what he brought. 
To world he’s a forgotten, once in history, once no more, a story to be told by the forgotten ones in a memory of life to be feared.
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halsunisland · 5 years
The Ghosts Dance
A poem from the dead, or so she thinks for her soul died during that night.
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on a windy night the mighty thunder blow
shaking the forest, a music plays low
getting higher for ghosts rest has been interrupted
a girl comes to join, lost her way home
leaving her vessel alone
for ashes of past and present left her broken
with no way to come back
leaving her roaming with silence
a ghost dancing in loneliness
  (her body decays every second
past stabs every tick of clock
ashes flying with wind)
  she continues roaming
with bleeding eyes glancing back
wondering why she can't go home
is her road already blocked by stone?
she dances and dances in silence
trying to forget and continue her way
in afterlife with no pain inside
though past shadows hunts her
losing her mind she screams
  (her ghost decays every second
past stabs every tick of clock
ashes flying with wind)
  on a windy night the mighty thunder blow
shaking the forest, a music plays low
getting higher for ghosts rest has been interrupted
a girl dies in front, lost her way home
leaving her soul alone
for ashes of past and present left her broken
with no way to come back
  rain falls, over roses dewdrop
as crystal light shines with hope
to re-spawn what's left to bright sky
and bring her to rest
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halsunisland · 5 years
A Princess Nightmare
A story from the past from a person who'd lived in this kingdom, about nightmares and dreams. When you have dreams, they could end up good or bad but most of the people prefer living stable life and just day dream or set side dreams, some of us try to achieve their dreams, and when it gets too hard to accomplish you wish to never wake then it turns into nightmares.
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Dark Prince by LouieLorry 
A sunny kingdom where light never disappear, darkness never seen on their lands, kind king and queen with beautiful daughter; Princess Meredith. She was a smart princess, loved learning from her maids and tries to help everyone.  Her marriage was getting arranged with another prince, Meredith did not mind and was happy with her parents’ decision. 
Alas, her kingdom fell into darkness and the king could not recover the loss, despite the turn in the fate, they were trying to keep everything as stable as possible, They did not believe peace will ever leave them no matter what they may suffer, and to put fuel on fire the prince did not accept marrying their daughter after the misfortune events, they lost the last hope to redeem their kingdom power.
The young princess who’d felt deeply sad, seeing her parents and their kingdom in such a situation; started meeting a weird, black-cloaked ghost who’d changed everything for her.
She first saw the ghost when she went as usual to sleep, the room was dark, only moon light shining it, she found a black shadow behind window, standing still. Although she was terrified, she started approaching with careful steps, trying as she can to be strong. She felt a strange power, feeling of fear and darkness coming from it she cannot explain. With her hand she tried to touch it, thinking it might be a thing, a person but when she did; the ghost disappeared.
Next day she told her parents what she’d seen however they thought she was having a nightmare. The princess thought the same but when she went to sleep she saw that ghost again, this time she was able to recognize that he’s a man as he was humming a song.
I have been despised, lost and disappeared from life; will a good princess as all tales tell save me?
“Who are you sir?” As soon as she’d asked, he’d disappeared, vanished as if he exist not. 
She thought it would not happen too frequently, just nightmare during this time. Alas, six days had passed yet the same ghost continued appearing, humming same song, she could not ignore it anymore.
This time she agreed to save him on one condition; to explain more. The ghost agreed and asked her to follow him. He took her on a long road walk into the forest then stopped at a lake; the princess could not remember going to before. They took a boat and started moving far into the lake. There was a castle ruins on the other side.
The ghost took her near an old tree, “Here, where love, dreams and everything has been buried then soul rose to the other side where fairies and wishes came true.” He said then asked. “Will you come with me to the other side?” 
She started stepping back afraid, “I do not understand, and why would I follow a person I do not even know?!”
He took her hand then covered her with his cloak. “Look!”
The princess started seeing images of a beautiful kingdom, better than her father’s kingdom, her marriage with that ghost whose cloak fell revealing a beautiful king and all of her wishes becoming real.
“Can you give me a time to think about it and each time show me something new?” the princess asked as she still did not feel convinced enough to leave her real life for such mysterious delusion.
The ghost agreed as long as her decision does not pass month and she can only follow him after midnight.
He took her back to her room, before he leaves she asked him for his name but he refused to tell her. It was still night so she was not able to tell her parents about it. 
Next day at morning she told them that she sees him often and described the place he took her to. They told her that this place does not exist according to their map, but they could remember such stories, so they took her to library to search.
She spend her day reading all books when she finally took last book she had left to read and found some useful information on front page; the book suddenly started burning. She tried to put out the fire fast but the whole book turned into ashes within seconds then fire stopped on its own leaving a small paper, written on;
Be careful, do not look for information.
She froze and became confused, how and why such a thing happened. She could no longer look more so she went to sleep and waited for the ghost to come and take her.
He knew that she was looking for information and asked her not to; as he will tell her anything she wishes to hear as long as it’s not a secret.
Now whenever she tries to seek information one of the villagers suddenly burn, leaving cloth with same message. 
This time the prince showed her images of her parents, crying in a funeral, which was her funeral then he showed her how happy she will be with him regardless of her parents pain.
Meredith woke up after having this weird dream. She is not a princess nor she has a kingdom; just a normal girl who’d wished her dreams would come true so her escape was in lucid dreams, but this dream was special and weird for her. 
She left her bed and started walking towards the door, but suddenly she heard knock on her window, she looked and was surprised by a black cloaked ghost.
She went close afraid. “Who are you?”  
The ghost opened the window which wasn’t locked and offered his hand. “You know who am I, so…will you come with me?”
Meredith disappeared and no one found her again, but after years they found her corpse near a castle ruins, under a tree, her body still same but her skin pale blue and in her hand a small bottle which seemed to contain a poison and a piece of paper written on it;
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