hellopatrickduff · 3 years
Dull stab
I have been alone during the plague
I risked death to play soft ball
I risked other peoples lives to see my friends
So that I wouldn’t be alone
What does that say about me?
I know I’m not invincible
That ended with the knee problem
But I need others to tell me I’m good
So I can ignore the bad
I drove drunk a lot
I used white privilege to get away with it
I just wanted to go home
Being fucked up is an oxymoronic conundrum.
First you feel fucked up, like you’re not normal,
Then you get fucked up, and wanna feel normal again
But what was I before the first shot?
I was lonely
Sitting in a room
Just like now
I could jerk off but what for?
I know what happens at the end!
A mild orgasm does not change the fact that I am an extrovert who is dependent upon others and their response to my decisions.
If I scream right now no one says anything
No one cares
Are you reading this and relating?
I mean are we destitute?
Determined to read lips through a paper mask and receive half the response for a full load of trouble?
For the thought?
I gave a lot for that exterior response
Perhaps I took an intellectual risk
Pondered the political correctness of the joke
Maybe it was a quirky comment of the state of generality
I want full what I give God dammit
I don’t make enough bread to eat that shit sandwich
I feel like I have a front row seat to that sandwich hitting the fan
I was raised by a drunk ogre who taught me to feel as though I may be punished for a tear
But boy were those eyes wet when he was dying
Wasn’t man enough to tell me either
Maybe I should be alone
I don’t know what to do with stimulation
I hold onto it like a galactic rose
And can’t deal when the rose wants to go away
Or needs to leave
Can’t you come home with me
I could water you and sing Pavarotti
Maybe your pedals could create new universes
A dusty nebula of stars surrounds you as your sun implodes
And then once again I am in that room
With nothing but a slit of sun
And your ashes joining the rest of the dust
Fighting tears and feelings
Getting ready for the next round of chronic discontent
Looking in a mirror
Realizing I imploded years before I saw you
Someone doesn’t need to see that.
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hellopatrickduff · 3 years
Love is a note
Even B
Love is both sound and time
Joy is finding the right note in the moment
Tantalizing infantaliation
Small grooves toward the groovy
Of a record that makes your mind go elsewhere
And see the sunshine of the immortal beloved
Or rise to the dancing bear occasion
Time measured in tone
Pitch expressed in a particular timbre
Lovely people
Dancing in a faceless malaise
Not for sex or profit
Not for any reason
Other than the celebration's anticipated climax
And like a roaring tiger
The many roar into one
Lights flashing
Titillating tempos increase
I'm almost there
Please don't stop
Just a few more scales
Oh my God
Please keep going
Time, taste, sight, and sound
Become one
In infinite variations of eight
Concept to complete
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
I am an ostrich
I eat my young
And fight and fuck for fun
I am affraid
I am increasingly concerned
And anxious of my ignorance
I am a tree stump
But ensconced by my roots
I am starving
Growing more and more fatalistic
In the things other people tell me are bad
I am an optimist
Basking in the lovely glow
Of mushrooming cloudiness and black water rain
I am not that important
Satan is a good salesman
He says I am God
I am powerful
But I died writing this
And this line too
Life is a series of lies we tell ourself to justify the stinging regret living costs us.
We tell ourselves we are okay
We tell ourselves we are not enough
Which is it?
I like gray
Like some people like to be choked while they orgasm
Tingle in their toes to nose
Eyes rolled pure white
Head devoid of worry and oxygen
Letting go
Yet still holding on
Sky Daddy,
Flip the switch.
Stick a spork in me
I'm done pretending I don't care
Too much fun isn't fun
The opposite of what all this says is also true.
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
Goodnight and Bye
Another night alone in bed
I'm not sure if the tears are from the fan
Or the overwhelming ache and isolated dejection
I suspect its the later because my fan is on the right and my tear is on the left
Today my fingers bled
From making love and music for those who will never love me
Not even take me seriously
I have earned these tears
And so I will let them fall and they in turn will let the universe know I am willling
That I am alone and despondent
Overwhelmed with numb feelings of occasional despair
And I may reach feel for someone who knows what its like
And zoom in the sunlight of the spirit and tenderness
And mollify a soul in altruistic care
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
The Yaya's
In your diaphragm
Towards your heart
In your throat
So you can't speak
And expound on your feelings
And lie in endless joy of the feeling of completion
And looking at the stars in your eyes from joy
And having your heart so full your race turns red
And making love in a used car while your favorite band plays the ballads of the lonely
And leering in the eyes of your lover still wanting more
And aching from the guilt of undeserved acceptance
And discerning the streaks of sweat and tears from your lovers face.
You can't describe the sonder of your soul
And you piss your pants when the news comes on
And the news says it will be sunny,
While the government disintegrates
And our leaders cower for profit
And poor lose more than they ever had.
If I were you
I'd give myself a break
And make some more bread for your shit sandwich
And earn your freedom in the light of the spirit in the lost paradise
Of relative contentment.
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
I feel alone in a crowd of people
When they talk
All I hear is noise
Jubilant chatter
People laughing so hard
Their eyes shut
Causing lines on their face
That make their eyes look like peacocks
Attracting other mates
Subconsciously saying:
"Look at me."
"Look how fun I am."
"Look at my healthy mind."
I get the joke
Pretend to chuckle
But make a grievous error.
I look down.
Didn't they tell you keep your head up?
Now everyone asks me am I okay?
If the crowd were intelligent they would've asked:
Why do you care?
And then I'd be honest and say I don't think you can SPELL care!
And I'd rise like a phoenix
Lunging at that person
Smashing my glass against that person's skull.
The peices would explode
Causing bits of glass and tequila to fly in the crowds faces and genitals.
And now those peacocks of pleasure
Turn to turkeys of pain,
Stinging, stabbing pain
Then the room cathes fire
As I sit
The crowds screams grow more silent
I am finally in the peace of a burning silence.
And a small smile drapes over my face for once.
My eyes close
Head leans back,
Then ash.
All because I had to socialize...
Some trade-off.
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
What Lies Beyond the Horizon
What lies beyond the Horizon?
What lies beyond truth?
Aren't we all sick of another buzz?!
Another light?
Another notification?
What are we doing here?!
Where's the buzz of existence?
And not just the buzz of a bottle or bag.
Where's the meat of it all?
The meat in our teeth,
The juice in our bones?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Be honest
Is it something other than disdain?
Why did love fuck off?
Where's all the life to fuck on?
It dropped off like the collective testosterone in today's society?
Where'd all the passion go?
Why is passion fueling racism instead of justice?
Collective justice
Remember that?
Me neither...
Why don't we sleep anymore?
Is it so expensive to live we can't afford to rest?!
When's the itch of it all gonna make us scratch?
When's the fire at our feet gonna be the fire in our ass?!
When Jesus stops playing hide n seek?
I can't take it anymore
This bloody heart cries for healing
I can't stand this illusion we've accepted
I won't shed another tear of powerlessness
A pain so great
It crushes my soul
The death of freedom can't die voluntarily
Free press mocked illegitimate
Woman made to things
Men no more
I won't let this stance of indecision,
Pervade the collective conscience.
I will not be calm
I will not be civil
Made civilized by a disgusting, distant, disgrace
That expects me to serve
And be grateful!
I don't wanna be tired anymore!
When's the last time you woke up refreshed?
When's all the shit in our souls
Going to be flushed away?
Made whole?
Made aware the direness of our situation?
Is what our senses are really all there is?
What makes us feel?
Why do we cry?
Lose of love equals loss of water?
Give me a break!
Give me,
A fuckin break.
Is your life under control?
Or in control?
Did you stop,
Look to the stars,
And ask...
What's the difference?
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
Under The Gun at Group
It is 2:05
Will I complete this poem in time?
Did the topic slip my mind?
And other thoughts been too unkind?
Did I drop the bomb?
Get in on?
Just before I sang my song?
Is there any reason I should write?
Can inspiration help my fight?
Sometime pressure is needed
For late thoughts are often conceeded
I am empty
And discontented
Writers block
A dusty trap of valueless neurons
Did I dip my cookies in rotten milk?
While drinking a gallon of silk?
Did I lose the vapors of existence?
While I ever complete this sentence?!
Will I ever touch the ground?
Write a line that's so profound?
Did I take a dip of ranch?
(No fuck ranch, ranch can go to HELL)
Did I start the fight without the bell?
Did I forget to wave the flag?
I messed up, now I need scag!
Dig a hole without a shovel
Did I walk a tight wire without tying my shoes?
A mess I made not so novel
Did I replace my reds for blues?
Oh well
Take your topic and go to hell!
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
Baleful Bob
Slime oozes
A gang-rape of innocence
Whiskey reeks while he calmly blabbers
"If you don't do it, I'll just get it myself..."
Reluctantly, I get him another beer
Confused and five
I drink some
To see what all the fuss is about
First sip
Instant illness
Soon after
I am recorded while my father beats me with a belt
With a casio tape recorder
Purchased at RadioShack
Dad's favorite store
Perhaps my brother used it as leverage
I've never asked him why he recorded the beating
Strange laughs linger lightly
From a confused youth
I realized this isn't a game
Sons sits watching smut
My Father's limp penis tugged by a wasted, wanting hand
I realized this was a game
To him
Years later
After a day of vomiting
He lies in bed
Next to his wife
Sobbing after son placing his urine in the toilet
"Boy what a good son huh Polly?"
Weeks later he dies alone in the ICU
The idiots never told me he was dying
I'm the only one who cries at his funeral
After putting the drink down
He dies before he could be a real father
I ate my pain
The grips of gripes seem oh so appealing
But he gave me everything I have
Or will ever have
Taste and tears
So I cling to what was not explicit
Or intoxicated
Or Ill conceived
Or in a bar
Or beaten into me
Or indoctrinated
By nuns
By their madness
By his crazed father
By child molesters led by Christ
(Who dont actually know who Christ is)
By drunk maternal chaperones
By competition
By failure
A loud persistent failure
Succeeding only in inadequacy
Treated by all forms of abuse
He rests now
He was
His son makes excuses for him
He curses with the Gods in Valhala
He flies in the cosmos of nothing and everything
He crosses his legs and pretends to meditate with Buddha
He does portraits and Mohammad is his muse
He lies in a large inflatable duck with shades, ironic floaties, and a smile on the river styx
He eats bread while Jesus winces
He is free
And so am I
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
The Bat
It is dark
In bed, on my back
Street lights make the white ceiling look grey
I am warm
And secure
The mattress feels like censored quick sand
Fully sunken in a cocoon of blanket, heat and
I feel something sharp sink into my left forearm
And then my face
Over again
High screeching, heart bursting fear
No matter how my arms flair
Or my legs kick
I feel the fangs of evil fall upon me
There is a bat in my room
Trying to kill me.
It flies through the left corner of the ceiling near the window
The blinds shaking;
I turn left to look for my attacker
But see that the blinds are still
My arm and face
I check my shorts
Neither side fired.
I roll to the right and fall back asleep
"Fuck that shit..."
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hellopatrickduff · 4 years
Waiting in Line at Costco During Covid
Yes! A sweat spot, right in front of the exit, three spaces away from the curb facing the street and ultimately the goliath monstrosity.
Walking, I am then acquainted to a large line of scared, masked nervous wrecks and a tall, lanky worker. He states firmly as I approach the entrance:
"Sir, please go to the back of the line."
I am confused,
"Oh shit..."
I say in my head as an impending doom creeps from the back of my mind, and slivers down my spine, settling somewhere near my stomach and kidneys.
As I walk I start breathing heavily, the ensuing fog from my facemask lifts, coats the lenses of my new glasses, purchased at a different costco just before the eye department shut down.
A short, latino man races me to the back of the line. He cuts diagonally as I follow the cones connected by plastic barricades all the way down to the very back of the parking lot. Tough race old boy, he beats me by at least 10 furloughs.
An intrusive thought of murdering him comes to mind, and my conscience edits it by adding the clause "if he puts his hands on me." Flashes of my hands bloodied by his slowly crushed skull become unpleasant.
"CANCEL-CANCEL, this man is just doing the best he can and probably just trying to provide for his family."
I recommit myself to peace and the thought goes away.
We move slowly, six feet apart. "There better be paper towel man." Leaving would be a luxurious escapade; seems like everyone on the east coast needs paper towel. Not one pack to save my sack.
The minutes move like turtles fucking on glue traps as I grasp my cart handle a little tighter the closer I snake towards the entrance. After 30 minutes I reacquaint myself with the worker and see a sign:
My un-gloved hands touch my tired face. I pull my pocket knife out and cork screw the stern workers left eyeball. The screams give me pleasure as I go in to shop for food I don't need.
I approach my car after shopping with a great sigh of relief, security didn't even bother looking for me. As I reach for my keys I suddenly realize... I don't carry a pocket knife with me.
Never have, never will.
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hellopatrickduff · 5 years
The Inner Workings of the Male Pre-Pubescent Mind
What day is it? I hope it's the one where I don't have to go to school. The days where Mom makes those special pancakes and I can watch all the TV I want! Maybe Dad'll come home with Jankees tickets and I can scream at Jeters bat. Dad knows EVERYTHING about New York, He goes there all the time, Delivering fancy packages for Franny. She's nice! She always smiles when I visit her and her big dog. She's Mommy's age and I never knew girls could have nice, curly black hair. She looks like Howard Stern, But girl version. Maybe that's why Daddy works for her?! He likes to laugh at him. Sometimes Franny visits me in my dreams, When I'm not dreaming about Rachel or Allison. Especially Allison, I'll try not to give her anymore peanut M&M's, Mom says she's allergic so she can't eat em. Every now and again my thing gets hard when I think about her. It doesn't hurt, But I feels weird. Sometimes it gets hard when I look at Daddy's magazines. The ones where they have no clothes on and always look angry. I don't like when it gets hard, The only thing that helps is when I close the refrigerator door on it till it goes away. The soft part, I like it. Then when it goes away, I like to go outside and play with my big brother Charlie. He's real old, He's 13! He goes to a different school than me, And doesn't seem to like it. He likes Howard Stern too, And laughs with my Dad. I love my family. The end.
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hellopatrickduff · 5 years
Swiss Cheese
Each day, there blooms a new sun
Gold, yellow, orange
Rims of violet, purple, and pink
And each day I look into the mirror
Searching for something.
Someone really
All the petals of the sunflower have flown away.
Heavy breaths of passion
Replaced by the sighs of lonely discontent
Action turned lethargy
Lethal yet lascivious
An unexplained feeling of death
Shrouded by solitude
My company, the thoughts in my head
Sans valve, loins rejuvenated by science
My heart can no longer bare this condition
I have faith in love
But does love have faith in me?
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hellopatrickduff · 5 years
Saying Goodbye to Booze and Other Things
I walk through the bar and into a booth
She's late as usual
The hostess is cute but I control myself
We Irish fall in love like racecars use fuel
Fast and quite often
But I'm doing a lot of things I dont want to do these days
MaryJane shows up smelling like her namesake and Tequila
My favorite
Ever since I found out I have some Spanish in me,
It explains my proclivity for Latin liquor
And lots of it...
A proclivity we both once shared
I am transported by her green eyes (that are covered by sun glasses)
Fiery red lips and black hair
A black hole black
The kind you can't escape from
"Late as usual... where you been?"
She says nothing
Not much of a talker today I guess
Lunch time is too early today
"I'm sorry, have I inconvenienced you?!"
She continues texting
Hate when people cant focus on something other than their own feelings and thoughts
A practice magnified by the advent of the so called "smart" phone.
"I can't do this anymore, Mary you're killing me, I can't... fucking stand the persistent pain you cause me and my family and the consequences our relationship. I'm done."
She smirks with a smarmy confidence as the texting continues at a feaverous pace.
"Heh!" But as if I'm not there.
I whisper "Don't you fuck-... dont laugh at me okay? I'm serious this time. I'm through."
She stops texting
Cocks her right eyebrow past the brim of her Ray ban's and from a smirk through her pierced lips, a cold glance take its place.
A mixture of not quite sad and not quite angry expression overcomes her
As she speaks, I am utterly terrified
But I won't let it show
"You smug, fat-faced tub of lard.. how dare you?!"
The waitress saunters over
"Is everything okay here guys?"
"No, three shots of tequila and a rum and coke? Do you serve agur-diente?"
"Jesus Christ MJ you look like you just came from a bar! I knew this was a bad idea, you are totally out of control and I'm done!
"You're not through."
The calmness with which she makes this statement shocks me and manages to recapture my attention.
"You're through when I SAY you're through. But hey... it doesn't have to be this dramatic! Remember the time we went to Bradford's for Wednesday karaoke, and you and I sang Wings of love by whats-his-name. And then we went to the city and drank screw drivers in Central Park and watched the sun rise through the Met water fall?"
"No I dont, as a matter fact but I'm SO glad you had a wonderful time. Take a hint, and go to Hell."
I walk out.
I dont want to walk back in.
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hellopatrickduff · 5 years
I'm back you rat bastards
You filthy fucks
You aspiring assholes
I've been frozen in obscurity
Wondering why an orange reality star
Hates latinos so much
Wondering when the nightmare ends
Skipping in the hell of the American ego
Relishing the Costco hotdog deal
While managing to have 4 jobs in one year
I've been frozen in Smirnoff Ice
(The worst kind of flavor... self pity)
The sarcasm seeps in my psoriatic membrane
Bill Murray told me I needed self control
But mistook it for self confidence
And so I stood on a stage
And told jokes that weren't funny
Begging for approval to eat
When I had the weight of the world in my stomach.
I met a human exercise Yoda
Who told me to jump
And I asked how high?
Pools of me, sprinkled in the astroturf of psychosis
I sought for music I couldn't play
And girls I couldn't fuck
I read a lot of nothing
And watched a lot of the same
Pick your medium
It's a disappointing distraction
Designed to display a fancy fantasy
But you already knew that didn't you?
I cooked Alaskan salmon
With sriracha, lemon, szechuan sauce
The juice spilling down my fuzzy cheek
And I stood in the mirror with toothpaste on my tongue
And said good night to the rising sun
Even though it melted my igloo
I, still, though it was cooler
I had pictures on Instagram
No likes, just love
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hellopatrickduff · 7 years
Lonely nights staring into the void The vast realities of existence Is there no more fun? Isn't there something else out there? Out in that void Wondering? Maybe waiting In the hallway of a journey to nothing. The world a grand hardware store And I've no use for for hammers and copies of keys that unlock doors to nowhere. I am lost looking at nothing but my flaws I eat to feel full but I feel so empty in the now The worst thing about happiness is you have to work for it The lazy always suffer from their choices. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
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hellopatrickduff · 7 years
An Energy Unlike Any Other
Love will bite you Love will excite you But most of all
Love is life’s greatest teacher Of which we are all willing pupils.
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