ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
Hey Google Docs, I have no idea why it took you six hours to make my fic document available offline, but you do you.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
Music Tag Game
Tagged by: @ms-magnolia
Rules: List the top ten songs you’ve listened to recently.
Parade - Matchbox Twenty
No Peace - Sam Smith (featuring YEBBA)
Catch and Release - Silversun Pickups
Glitter in the Air - P!nk
Paper Dolls - Rob Thomas (featuring Ruth-Anne Cunningham)
When We Were Young - Adele
Me, Myself and Hyde - Ice Nine Kills
Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling (featuring Lzzy Hale)
All Fall Down - OneRepublic
Into the Ocean - Blue October
This is not in order, nor is it my top ten songs of all time. I also limited it to one song per artist/band. I’m so happy I got to participate in this one.
I tag @daughter-of-ophelia and @dedicca
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
Awesome response! I agree whole heartedly and I wanted to add something for anon.
It is okay to be bad at games. The whole point is to have a fun or enjoyable experience. Practice playing games will ultimately make you better at them and no one was born with a controller or mouse in their hand.
I like to have a few games where there aren't really failure states to start off with in learning new controls. Things like the aforementioned Harvest Moon and Pokemon are great examples. Other games will let you set difficulty; put this on a setting you think will make the game the most enjoyable for you.
Ultimately, just have fun and play the things that interest you!
I don’t know how to play video games
Some helpful resources you can use are: YouTube, WikiHow, asking a friend, research your gaming device and the game you want to play, don’t skip the tutorials, and have a willingness to learn.
I’m not the best person to ask for this because I spent my years playing on a Nintendo Game Boy for Pokemon Sapphire and Harvest Moon. But I guess if you’re looking for a general idea of how a game is played so you’re familiar with the controls and how it’s played through, gaming playthroughs are something you can look into. If you don’t mind looking through other people’s experiences and seeing the story told from another’s gameplay perspective.
Other than that, I don’t play that many games anymore and I’m seriously outdated with all the new tech that’s coming around, so I can’t help very much.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
More friends from the Nomad of Nowhere.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
The Nomad of Nowhere left a couple of friends outside the Austin convention center.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
I'm so excited! Not only is there going to be a Fan Service panel at RTX, but it is titled Fan Service on Ice!!! That would suggest that Ice Adolescence and Yuri on Concert will be a topic of discussion!
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
Sometimes I'm really amazed by just how often I'll think about movies I've seen that I didn't like or think were very good. It can be a performance, a plot point or a character I come back to that clearly left an impact if I'm still thinking about it. I'm always torn on if I should give these films another watch or not.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
Real support.
I have two cute stories about my super supportive parents.
A little context for these: I recently decided to give streaming on Twitch a go to see if I can work my way up to doing it as an income source. My parents do not consume content online and had no idea what Twitch was until I told them I was going to be streaming there. My dad and technology do not get along.
Both of my parents have downloaded the Twitch app, created usernames and follow me. I love them so much for this.
When mom isn't at work (she is a surgical ICU nurse and works 12 hour shifts) she will try to jump into my streams and watch. I noticed she was there for one and after I finished streaming I called her to ask how I did. My dad picks up the phone and tells me that he came in to her having fallen asleep with my stream just chatting away on her phone with it next to her. I love that she was so set on watching and helping my numbers even when she was dead tired.
The other is about dad and happened today. I logged into my account to find that I had comments on the video of a previous stream from my dad's account. I was talking to my mom and she said that dad had told her about watching my stream at the fire department (he is a firefighter and works 24 hour shifts) and even typing in chat to me (he doesn't care for texting), but I didn't respond to him. I told her, well that's because it wasn't live, he was watching Tuesday's stream. She told me that I can't tell him it wasn't live because he was so excited to be helping and was just beaming.
I am so grateful that they support me, even when they are busy, don't understand what I am doing exactly or how the platform works. It means the world to me.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
It is so good! Acceptance, understanding and love for everyone! I'm sad that a season isn't more than 8 episodes.
I cannot recommend Queer Eye enough.  Every episode is a comedy and a documentary and a tear-jerking therapy session all in one.  No matter who you are, drop what you’re doing, two seasons are streaming on Netflix.  
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
On Writing a Cohesive Story.
So, how do other writers tell a full story in about 1,300 words? I really envy them! I'm currently at almost 6,000; the whole point of the story hasn't happened yet and my brain is yelling at me that I forgot to explain how a character got their shoes off.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
This song is so beautiful. It has been running on repeat in my head for days now.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
This made me think of Hustle Cat!
every now and my cat does something very human like and i get very nervous and ask him “are you a person trapped in a cat’s body. or did you choose this body” very seriously to see if this time he will communicate with me and he always kinda looks to the side and then does what i imagine to be a person doing a bad impression of a cat and it makes me so nervous cuz  i do way too much weird shit around my cat for him to actually be a dude pretending to be a cat
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
My favorite pictures are the ones where we are laughing, where I'm getting the side eye for even taking a picture, where there is a knowing smirk for a reason that will be lost to anyone else that would look at them.
I want all the pictures of where we are and who I'm with, but tend to erase myself from the equation. I will take the few pictures I allow of myself over and over again or even worse, make my significant other take the pictures of us over and over when they adamantly believe that I look great in the last seven.
We need to be less self-editing and just allow ourselves to be. We'll miss those pictures that we deleted ourselves from or never took later. I already miss them now.
It’s a real strange experience to find out what other people’s favorite pictures of you are. You get so focused on the right angle and how sharp your jaw is and if you look like you’re posing naturally. Your favorite is where you’re ethereal or otherworldly or just the best version of who you want to be.
But then your best friend says it’s the one where the two of you are looking at a flower, the one you hate because your arms look bad and your chin is one with your neck. And your sister likes the one of you in the car, asleep with your mouth open, with greasy hair. Your mom likes “all of them, sweetie” but she particularly likes any you smile in.
It’s strange because what we want to show the world - perfection, beauty, effortless picturesque moments - they’re not what our loved ones look for.
They like what they see because it’s usually the real you, the one they love, the ugly unkempt unposed one. They love that you get so excited about nature and that you fall asleep on every car trip. They love your joy, and the way real smiles look, the silly moments and unflattering angles and all of it.
For a long time this plagued me. I can’t fucking take a good picture of myself.
But the other day I was looking through photos of my friends; thinking about what I liked and they didn’t. I liked the one where, yeah, she wasn’t quite twisted to the camera - but there was this glint in her eye I’m so familiar with. The one where he’s blurry in the snow but his smile is obvious anyhow. The one where she’s dancing in her bathing suit, full of abandon. The ones where it’s the memory that matters; candids under out of focus fireworks, overexposed kisses, left-the-flash-on at the top of a mountain.
I mean, I don’t think I’ll ever love my friends less just because they post an ugly picture. They could post a million of them and I’d still be down to hang in the morning. The idea that I’ll somehow become disgusted with them just for an ugly selfie is silly, selfish. Shallow. And not gonna happen.
So how come I expect them to leave just because I don’t always photograph like the epitome of beauty.
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
As someone who receives compliments quite frequently and almost exclusively on something that I have no control over (my natural eye color); I make a concerted effort to compliment people on things that are conscious choices they have made in their lives. I think it means more than, "Hey, you had good luck in the genetic lottery for this one thing."
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ibasmartcookie8 · 6 years
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Mario Oddesy is really awesome and has some of the cutest Mario characters since the Lumas in Galaxy. I fell in love with the Shiverians and the nesting dolls that are souvenirs in their kingdom. So, I just finished making them! I'm so happy with how they turned out!
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