illiterate--poet · 2 years
A madness, a frenzy, an ecstasy 
tore through my mind
which wrapped around my throat like a panther’s 
as though my words were
choked with irrationality, straining against my voice
My insane infatuation consumed, condemned 
you to my unhinged devotion
I’m out of control now, out of sorts,
manic eyed.
There are gunshot screams loaded on my tongue
Are you terrified?
I’m terrified.
It’s you I love,
euphoric smile, velvet wine, my God;
but you’re drunk on control now, 
watching me unravel,
so better by for me to test your hand
I spit raving profanities,
your quick-paced words begin 
to slur
I laugh at your flaming temper,
you sway
and feed the fire
I spin bold faced lies now,
watch your cheeks 
go red,
I criticize your every move,
you twitch 
despite yourself
I stared in the mirror,
love gone bad.
showed me a Bassarid,
I stared at our reflection 
as eyes glass over
addicts fallen apart
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illiterate--poet · 3 years
writing anxiety
In third grade biology, we once dissected a sheep’s heart
Not knowing much of what were doing, our tiny crowd of teetering children haphazardly cut at tendons like loose strings,
They didn’t break so easily though, they, like a fly caught in a web, put up quite the fight.
Their fate was inevitable, the scalpels we aspiring-scientists held were designed specially to slice through flesh
But the heart is the soul of the body,
And a proper soul can’t stop in its tracks for something as trivial as being dead
I remember, even as the muscles began to finally give, and the cuts came smoother,
this spirit didn’t dull, and the heart refused to secede
Instead of procuring a white flag, it produced a smell, acrid, penetrating through our clothes, clinging to them for hours, a hitchhiker weaving itself into the fabric fibers
Regaining some semblance of control at the last instant
As I sit now, attempting to spill my identity onto this page
I can’t help but flashback to that day,
Reliving it exactly, except, this time, I’m the one on the table
I’m not sure what prefaces the specific moment I’m stuck in,
But looking around I can clearly see I’ve been submitted to a future of dissection
Analysis at the hands of overeager students, who dutifully bend over their clipboards,
And begin:
Peeling through the layers of my body slowly, exposing each one to their watchful eyes
And their hallucinated faces flicker and frown as if
My already trembling body isn’t giving them enough material to work with
I’m ready to give out, but they keep digging, searching for more and
The hyper-stimulated nervous state I’m in refuses to let me calm down
To show them where to look
The disorienting deja vú breaks for a moment and I see that each motion of the dissection
Perfectly mirrors the rhythm of my real-world recitation of self
Every slice of the blade is something so familiar,
And it takes every bit of willpower I have not to grasp it in my hand,
To take hold of it like a lifeline and pass up my turn on the operating table,
To take over the role of doctor like an understudy swooping in at curtain call,
But my defense systems fail me, or perhaps it’s fate
Afterall, just as the muscles were always going to lose their battle to the scalpel
I was always going to lose to the desire to continue
Despite how terrifying it is, or maybe because of it, the need to write is magnetic and although I won’t go willingly, I can’t help but bear the sprint down memory lane if that’s what it takes
By the time I finally spell out the height of my piece it feels like it’s been hours,
And I’m so worn out that I’m almost done fighting, but not quite
I, like the sheep, release a stinging stench like a toxin,
A last-ditch effort at stopping the operation
At hiding everything I still can
But no one’s deterred
The staring scientists watch avidly as my heart begins to pour out of me
Their pencils scraping against clipboard pages
Whispers exchanged as they try to piece me together, better
Their senses overload me
And all at once it’s too much
I let go
And all of a sudden there’s something on the page
I’m too drained to think it through once more so
I take my exit cue
I suppose it's for the byproduct that now so must you.
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illiterate--poet · 3 years
I wish I could write like rain drops dribbling down the windowsill
Soft smooth salt
Rustling through leaves
Pushing past bustling herds with hearts on their sleeves
Strangers pose no dangers, they come and they leave
I wish I could write like rain drops
Tiny little worlds
Colliding, crying
Their little pitter-patter on the glass like bullets flying
Tear-infused, they splash on the ground, backtrack to a golden era, dying
I wish I could write like rain drops
Relentless roaring rivers
Reminiscent rhythms
Rock-pop anthems plucked out on well-worn wood, better worn bass
Ripping through the shorn classical-esque mold, hard to ignore, so loudly in your face
I wish I could write like rain drops
Flutter like feathers through whipping winds
Float on down past the Tamborine tree-limbs
Catching in Kleenex, scarves like tornados,
Spinning through, some mile wide crescendoes
I wish I could write like raindrops
Too bad the words ebb and flow like a worn-dry swamp instead
Sticky, sticking to the memory glue that holds them in place
Overflowing, not going where they should
So carefully crafted but this lions mane won’t be tamed
Shouting and calling, taking their own names
I wish I wrote like rain drops, calm, pretty little things
Instead the washed-up pond-scum spits out on my page
It’s a whirling mess, it’s me, it’s my pride, it’s my shame
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illiterate--poet · 3 years
nothing gold can stay
"so this is what we've become" he whispers once more
face contorting with an untold rage
phrases echoing, mere murmurs moving, softly, under his breath
his hands laying still within my chest
our hollowed hearts clinking against one another so far past their breaking point and yet, still cruelly intact
the overflowing pitcher of our past
has us filled with a lurking desire that represents everything we could have been and the nothing that we've become
these golden children have rusted
i guess underneath our charmed sparkle we really were no different from the crowd
there's an unrealized satisfaction spoiling the aura around us
an unsaturated world, just
black and white-- our broken brains slowly losing all recollection of color
the landscape is filled with melting dreams and momentary whims falling in to one another
glances and gazes wander, stumbling against reflections of what they once were
portraits of their glory days now overcome with cobwebs and shadows
these star studded students aimed their shining pupils too high,
too high...
much too far away to ever realize
that the sun they aim for will burn them alive
we used to be dreamers too
with bright smiles and rosy cheeks
our hopes wrapped in soft celebratory satin and a laughter that rang in tandem with songs playing on the radio
so melodious, enviable, sweet
too bad we didn't notice our gifts until they'd been handed down to the next
over the years we've watched as the world seeped the life right out of our eyes, our hair, our bodies
together only in our solitude
we sink to the earth
the ground that we used to bound so vivaciously across
these steps that betrayed us
the memories floating around like phantoms
impossible possibilities
our hearts beating only to spite those who warned us of this future
if only we'd believed them when they told us that this potential was on just on loan
imagine that
maybe then we wouldn't be stuck in this
a last ditch effort to prove our former teachers wrong one last time
as if our misfortune was their doing
fantasizing that this obstinate nature wasn't the thing to plunge a dagger into our chests,
pretending that our stubborn stares weren't what got us into this mess
we always thought we were immortal and i suppose that's why
we're near-dead so young
we didn't make room for anything permanent because we thought we owned this world
so as the death march plays and our funerals remain deserted
we laugh and we cry alligator tears
for no one else is here to pretend that grief is streaming down their cheeks
we tell here
a tale of two wasted lives
burnt-out and yet still burning bridges
bitter talent now stale
upturned spirits rotting
souls resting but certainly not in peace
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illiterate--poet · 3 years
simple truths
there are certain undeniable truths about oneself,
or so i'm told
a specific stagnancy, the blinding consistency of a light house
keeping you grounded, helping you navigate this enigmatic world around you
but what happens when you start to question these roots
these foundations that shaped your very core, suddenly ripped out like garden weeds
without the rug underneath you where do you fall?
a whole world of truths can be constructed from just one statement- isn't that odd?
principles and ideologies take root in one simple identity you hold and never let go, even when you do
following you around like a phantom shadow that you can never hunt down
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
life float
it feels kind of like i’ve been drowning forever
stuck in the water
flailing, gasping, reaching
but i can’t swim
and then you come along
like one of those life floats
and you pull me up
i’m still almost fully submerged
but my head’s up
i could breathe again if i wanted to
for the first time in a lifetime i can see something better
the light at the end of the tunnel
so, despite every instinct i have, i take a breath
take your hand,
and let you teach me how to swim
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
does anyone else simultaneously romanticize and tear themself down?
it’s like half of my brain is constantly on the run to places i’ve never been
i’m laughing field of wildflowers, having picnics on bridge rails, recklessly driving through the city, enjoying a minimalistic life
but i’m also wealthy and traveling and well-recognized, respected
a lawyer or doctor or ambassador
a poet, photographer, author
i can never make up my mind because the world is so big and bright and beautiful and i want it all, every minute completely worthwhile
but this vision, this desire to experience it all and not waste a single second
it is my downfall:
i want too much, too fast, for too long
and how can i possibly achieve every perfect desire i hold so closely to my heart?
i can’t and i won’t--
not now not ever--
the knowledge destroys me
knowing that one day i’ll have to choose which impossible fantasy to chase and which to delicately destroy
every step that i take, every tear i shed, every breath i release will never be enough
i will never be able to satisfy myself
i will never make myself fully proud
and that kills me
because every moment in my life i’ll look back and wonder if i made the right choice
no matter how successful i get, i’ll never be truly happy
because i could not do be enough
and for this: i loathe every ounce of my being
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
thought jumble
Sometimes I just Feel nothing? It’s kind of like I’m floating in a void somewhere Maybe I’m— an astronaut lost in space Or the captain of a sea wrecked ship A ghost or hallucination not
there. Is it numbness? Or do I feel so much that it overwhelms me Until its all gone Like a sponge, soaking up everything around me until- I’m wringed out Damp but dry and empty So very empty What even is a sponge without its water           Am I seriously comparing myself to a sponge right now? But it kind of does make sense, doesn’t it? Because sometimes the things that just don’t work are the closest we can get to the truth Because, in all honesty we don’t work, We don’t make sense I mean the odds of us even having a place to exist are 1 in 700 quintillion 700 quintillion known planets in the universe          +1 for us of course That logic in itself is flawed It doesn’t take into account so much more how was this tiny fragment of time the perfect one for us? how could we survive the famines and droughts and diseases? Not that it matters anyways, However the math turns out, we’re really just a microscopic blip on the cosmic scale An overlooked mistake that shouldn’t exist but did and still does somehow It kind of gives me hope (In a weird unnerving way) Because if our tiny blue dot could survive for this long, If she could beat the minuscule odds put forth Then maybe I can get through it too.
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
to drown in thin air no one (in sight) you and i but i could barely breathe this love your love my love-- for you-- it suffocates me choking me the way i wish you would, if only to admit that you want me dead that you might even feel anything for me at all would be more than enough but you don't, do you, dear? do you understand that you're hurting me more than death ever could, do you, dear? do you know that the thought of your kiss your lips your skin leaves me mad, do you, dear? how could you ever comprehend the fact that you are a fire taking up my oxygen . not stealing, (because i'd gladly let it be yours)          because my body          my soul          my mind belong to you already just as they always have, do you, dear?
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
There’s a world out there
And there I can retire to my thoughts
It's a lonely little world 
Just me, myself, and I 
But i 
Don’t mind
No. distractions 
No. more-judgment
Tired eyes 
Tired mind
To free myself 
I might have to be blind
                 just let me black out,
it’ll only take a minute
I crave this place this whisper of a life
but there’s more to life than just something going on
than just my lonely little quiet place
And i need to return to the real world at last
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
Blowing away 
Gray sky
I try… 
           To find 
                      My way
                                   Back home
                                                 But i can’t
                      i can’t
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
 through the halls
 i pass
 golden light
 enters my sight
 i sigh
 in delight
 kings, crowns
 regal they stand 
 frozen in paint

 never thought
 could be 

but then
 i enter
 the Chapel engulfs me
 it's Beauty

i forget 
 the crowd
 And: Stare
 i'm not disturbed
 by the Glare
 of Light on Stained 
 the kink my 

 strikes 2
 they try to pull me through
 the doors
 but the 
 still Calls 
 out to 
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
through Tight fingers
the notes fall in
into one Another
Singing their song
follow along
I have no control 
for it must lead me through
if I want the music
to hold on to pitch and tune
Close your eyes 
Listener listen carefully
for deep inside
you will feel the melody
effortless, calm 
Steady your bow
mellifluous, sonorous 
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
Drift to sleep 
And find your dreams
Lie with hope
At peace with night
Start your flight
Throughout these dreams
and - Fold yourself
Into soft spaces- and
Hide inside
Your blessed blanket- and 
Dreams be peaceful- and
Dreams be calm- but 
Dreams are delicate
Dreams are gentle- and 
Dreams must last- or 
Life will be wasted
Love will not happen
Dreams carry us through
Dreams inspire us
Dreams are the future 
Dreams are everything
-a dream is the light
-that helps us through dark
Dreams are everything.
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
I resist shivering 
But it’s freezing 
And I must give-in
I have striven
To endure this
For much too long
And the very earth seems to hiss 
A warning in the form of a song
Telling me to go back
And I try
But the ground slips beneath me
And I fall like a sack
I lonesomely cry 
And in that very place I lie
The frigid air 
And the wind pulling my hair
The snow on the ground 
No people around
Everyone inside
But I’m facing this chill
I’ve tried to get up
But I’m stuck
Glued to the ground-still
Until the cold melts away 
And in I tuck-into myself
Waiting and waiting for somebody else
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
if you have any requests or ideas for what i should write about, please direct message me. i love you all so much!
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illiterate--poet · 4 years
returning home would be a dream in itself but first we must find it; returning home would click the heart shaped lock within my chest into its place but what's inside; returning home would be foggy and glossy and fresh and everything and nothing at once but home is no more than that globe-shaped greenhouse empty, but for our echoing voices pinging against the glass
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