There's a fucking universe in you
And sometimes when you break it's to shine your light on the world a little brighter
I wrote this for us
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But It Was Real
One day,
My imprint won't be so poignant 
It will be faint enough 
You'll think of me
As just some sick, twisted dream
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I drink sweet tea, to cover up all the  b i t t e r n e s s  in me
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Same Room, Same Air
The first drag I ever took of a cigarette left the taste of ash in my mouth 
And a burning in my throat all the way to my lungs 
Until I coughed so much I felt sick 
That's how I feel being in the same room, breathing the same air as you 
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The Chaos Within
I write to make sense of the chaos in my head
Trying to speak the words only leaves them on the tip of my tongue
For if they left my lips and floated to someone else’s ears
I'm almost certain there would be a crusade of my bones 
Instead of a compassionate understanding of my soul
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How ironic
That we draw countless h e a r t s
On the body
We so viciously h a t e
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Day vs Night
How peculiar it is to be sad when the sun is shining
Feeling out of place and exposed
When the sun and daylight is portrayed as happy and joyful
But all you feel is overwhelmed and shut out
Everything seems so heavy
Then the sun sets
And it's like a blanket of comfort wafting over you
There are no expectations because the rest of the world is asleep
You find your peace in the dark and make sense of all your emotions
There's solace in the melancholy of the night
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So You’re Smoking Again...
Some of us have demons we thought we exorcised The truth is they just went into hiding and became dormant Well, mine has come back out to play Wreaking his havoc through my entire body The nicotine is the safest way I can ward him off While I try to figure out how to get rid of him completely
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One of the hardest things at any point in life is having to admit that you've failed. The second hardest thing is remembering that not every failure is a bad thing.
-excerpt from Chapter 2: The Bleeding
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I bleed in pastels to mimic the beauty of sunsets.
excerpt from Chapter 1: The Shattering (iwrotethisformexforyouxforus)
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Untitled VIII
Sometimes I get so lost in my own head
Then you pull me in closer like I'm the oxygen you need
Little did you know it was you who was saving me
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When you're happy they're clear and bright like the sky, but when you're sad they're deep and dark like the ocean.
your eyes
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You say that the only reason it's raining today is because you're sad. Oh, if only that were true. But you and your emotions alone cannot control the weather. The rain simply reminds you that you are sad. If someone had sole control of the weather do you think the sun would ever shine?
Emotions and the Weather
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People Like Me
See people like me We don’t reach out for help We don’t ask We don’t say something is wrong It seems weak Especially when everyone else is fine Why ruin someone else’s day? Then there’s two of us having a bad day So we drink Or we start smoking Waiting for you to say something Maybe we just stay in our rooms Or deject from conversations Waiting for someone to reach out Because we’re scared to admit we’re not perfect Because everyone has to be FUCKING perfect What happens if no one notices? Oh, I’m glad you asked! We continue our bad habits Whatever they may be Until they send us over the edge And we break completely 
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I’m a volcano And you’re the iceberg I melt straight through Spewing angry words like lava Until you’re nothing but a puddle on the floor It’s not what I want It’s not what you deserve I wish I were less volatile I’m sorry for my loss of control Volcanoes are unpredictable And I’m trying to become dormant Without killing the better parts of me
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So just want to share how stoked I am about my post making it over 300 notes, I never expected to have that many people come across any of my writing I was just hoping whoever did found what they needed! So thank you all!
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It Goes On
The sun is coming up Just like it always does Like it always has Long before me Long before you Long before us And tonight the sun will set Just like always I don’t know why I’m still surprised It goes on even if “we” died But I always am I wonder if that will ever change
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