kinnundo · 3 years
Valid. I always read it more as a benevolent soul being corrupted by a world that despised them, that the real monsters are Man, and that you shouldn’t play god if you’re not ready to take responsibility for it. Though I definitely have bias against Victor, and bad father figures in pop culture.
The question I asked when reading it for the first time was “how much of the creature’s actions are his own fault? How much of it did he learn from Victor, how much did he learn as defiance against the cruel world he was born into? His murders are inexcusable, absolutely. But would he have committed them if the child’s father hadn’t shot him? If the blind man’s family hadn’t ran? If Victor had stayed? Excuses excuses I know, but still, he was only a monster because the world saw him as one.
Your interpretation is going to make me revisit the book, tho, because I never considered that parallel between Creature and Creator before, I just saw the “don’t be a dick to people and they won’t kill you” vibe. It’s a really interesting POV that I’m excited to consider more. Thank you!!!
Anyone who says that Frankenstein wasn’t the monster hasn’t read the book.
Frankenstein WAS the monster, Frankenstein’s ‘Monster’ was more human than their creator.
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kinnundo · 3 years
Anyone who says that Frankenstein wasn’t the monster hasn’t read the book.
Frankenstein WAS the monster, Frankenstein’s ‘Monster’ was more human than their creator.
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kinnundo · 3 years
Mulan is trans Headcanon
First of all, I am nb but I don’t personally identify as transgender, so if I say something wrong or hurtful I’m sorry, please let me know so I can correct it.
In the animated Mulan, she is earnestly trying to perform all the duties expected of women in her village, like she’s genuinely up for it. After she fails the test, she sings Reflection (when will my reflection show who I am inside).
Soon after this she joins the military in place of her father by masquerading as a man.
This is all known, and it’s the basis of the ‘Mulan is a trans man’ theory, but my HC is that she’s actually a trans woman.
This would explain why she’s so able to pass as a man in the military just by redoing her hair, and it would add another sad layer to the story, that to protect her family who are clearly supportive of her transition, she presents as male, going through god knows how much dysphoria while she does.
What she ends up doing isn’t traditionally feminine by her society’s standards, but she vibes with it and makes it part of herself, redefining what it means to be a woman.
I think it’s quite an inspiring story tbh, she goes through all that pain for months or even years, and then becomes her own woman in a way she’s comfortable with that doesn’t fit with societal expectations but is still objectively female.
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kinnundo · 3 years
I have a little goblin warlock boy who was adopted by a gay halfling couple. He always felt ‘other’ so tried to find his goblin heritage, inadvertently getting the goblins to attack his home, so he made a pact to defend the village, but they were so scared of him that they cast him out.
His best friend is a mule with a straw hat, and he loves sleeping under a starry sky
Welcome new friends. I live in Toronto. And I'm watching Dimension 20. In my own Do&Do campaign, I play a non-binary enchantment wizard name Edern who is dealing with the death of their Father and mental health/addiction.
Tell me about your D&D character. I want to know about them.
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kinnundo · 3 years
Percy Jackson is a trans man headcanon
Disclaimer: I am not trans myself, so if anything of what I’m about to say is wrong or harmful, I am so sorry, that is not my intention, please let me know how I can fix the post to make it less so. Also CONTENT WARNING: abusive households
I was talking with my ex the other day about the Percy Jackson casting call that Uncle Rick posted, and I thought that he should give it a go. He’s 23 and they asked for someone who can pass as 12, but he’s really short and has a lot of voice control because he’s trans, so I said that he could give it a go. Then a lot of stuff sort of clicked together. So I now fully headcanon that Percy Jackson is a trans man for the following reasons.
It would make Percy’s home life in book 1 a tragically accurate allegory for the experience of young underprivileged trans people, who are forced by circumstance to stay in an abusive situation, because the alternative could be a lot worse. Sally stays with Gabe because his pungent odour repels monsters, thus keeping Percy safe. To me that reads a little like a trans person having to put up with a terrible home situation because it’s still preferable to the streets. With a little retooling of dialogue this could be a great story of hope for young trans kids, and/or just something that resonates with them.
It would add another layer to Gabe, and give an explanation as to why he hates Percy. Showing transphobes on screen wouldn’t exactly be a fun experience, but the comeuppance he gets at the end, the fact that Percy and Sally get happy endings away from him, and the fact that it would imply that transphobes are smelly and disgusting, are all neat developments.
Amazing representation for young trans people that, honestly, Rick would probably be the most likely person to add to his story given the chance.
Whaddya think? Good? Bad? I love it (obviously XD)
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kinnundo · 3 years
*buys an oversized beige coat and dyes my hair ginger* tonight we dine in hell.
Upon birth, babies are screened and given a random ability based on what their parents had. Your dad had telepathy and your mom could sing any song perfectly, even mimicking the voice. You were given the seemingly useless ability of playing songs into someone else’s head.
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kinnundo · 3 years
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If you follow me on my other socials, you know that I take commissions! This is a sample I finished today! These make great gifts or commemorative pieces for special events in your life! Follow linktr.ee/nyarth_vader to find out how you can commission a piece of your own!
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kinnundo · 3 years
So beautiful!!!
A lil WIP
Don’t quite know what I’ll do with it
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kinnundo · 3 years
Yano how some letters are silent in some words? Like the k in Knight or knife? Well it turns out there’s more than we thought!!
Yeah I was reading through random books in the library and found a SLT book which said that in reality, all letters are silent.
All the time.
Never speak.
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kinnundo · 3 years
I read English as a first language, I speak it as a second language and I comprehend it as a fourteenth language.
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kinnundo · 3 years
Wheeeeen Cattain Ameowica sleeps inside his shieeeeeeeeld,
all those who try to remove that shield must yieeeeeeeeeld,
when he’s curled in a ball and he will not move
Then the red and the white and the blue will snooze
When Cattain Ameowica sleeps inside his SHIEEEEEEEEEELD!!!
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Kitty Avengers are back! This time it’s Captain America!
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kinnundo · 3 years
So I was talking to my partner about my plans to get an ancestral claymore sword called bloodtusk forged to pass down to our firstborn on their 18th birthday, and she mentioned that we could make it out of the iron in people’s blood, which made me do the calculations and figure out that it would take about 570 people’s blood to make enough iron for a claymore sword (and that’s before calculating how much would be needed to turn it into steel which I’m not an expert on). Basically I had the realisation that maybe that’s how Valyrian Steel is forged!
I think that Valyrian Steel is made from the iron in the blood of slaves of the Freehold. We know that blood sacrifice is the root of most magic in The World of Ice and Fire, and we know that this sacrifice can be imbued into swords, given that Azor Ahai spilt the blood of his love Nyssa Nyssa to forge Lightbringer.
There’ve been theories about Valyrian Steel’s forging requiring blood magic, well what if this magic came in its purest form, with the steel itself being taken from the blood of the slaves of Valyria? The average human has about 4g (0.14 oz) of iron in their blood, and while Valyrian Steel is lighter than standard steel, we can get a decent idea of how much it would take by using the weight of a longsword (1.5kg/3.3lb), telling us that it would take around 375 people to make one sword (lets assume that that’s 300 instead because of V Steel’s light nature). We know that Valyrians treated their slaves poorly enough that the Faceless Men were created.
V Steel is also dark in colour, which could come from the redness of the blood darkening the finished product.
The Targaryen words are “Fire and Blood”, and since Dragonfire is strongly suggested to be involved in the creation of V Steel, perhaps blood is as well? The blood of the conquered giving strength to Valyrian swords. Most Valyrian steel swords are ancient heirlooms, such as Ice, which was in the Stark family since the Age of Heroes. Perhaps when these ancestral swords were created, the families gave up one of their own to have their blood used in the forging?
This part is a bit of a stretch, but maybe that’s why the Lannister sword Brightroar was ill-fated. It’s said that the Lannisters paid enough gold for it to raise an army. If they paid so much, maybe there was a different deal? Maybe the Lannister who commissioned the sword didn’t want to spill Lannister blood, similar to Tywin’s devotion to his family, so they paid more for it to not require Lannister sacrifice, and maybe this meant that the bond between the sword and the house was weaker, allowing or causing Tommen II Lannister to lose it in Doomed Valyria.
This idea of blood sacrifice for an heirloom I think really fits in George’s world, where the concept of heroes and truly good people rings false.
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kinnundo · 3 years
Gen Z have evolved away from any kind of survival instinct, but this has not been replaced by reckless productivity, rather just mildly disappointed indifference. A Gen Z could get stabbed by an insane masked murderer and be like “yeah... yeah this might as well happen.”
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kinnundo · 4 years
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kinnundo · 4 years
But without the pinky finger, how will people know I’m sophisticated when I drink tea?
I'm so annoyed with pinky fingers. they don't DO anything. either start pulling your weight like all the other fingers or imma de-evolve you
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kinnundo · 4 years
From a name like... Disney?
Mob bosses would be more successful if they called themselves something else besides the MAFIA. Name yourself Disney or something, no one will expect foul play.
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kinnundo · 4 years
have decided to sell out my dreams!
for the bargain price $4.20 you can purchase the Clown Dream I had last night!
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