mercymiku · 2 years
Read my published prose!
I haven't written almost any poetry in years, but, in the meantime, I have been writing stories, and some of them are available online!
For more frequent updates and writerly things follow my instagram: @mercedes_georgia_mayes
If you like my poetry, do consider checking out my stories below:
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mercymiku · 3 years
It was the dog, I think.
No...perhaps the cat.
Running off without looking back.
You said it was hazy- it all happened so fast-
but the details were clearer than they
should have been. Clear enough to last,
fresh in my mind and ordered now
amongst recollections:
a leash too tight
a shout too sharp
discordant whines
redrawn lines
'what's yours is what's mine's...
It was me, I think.
No...perhaps it was you.
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mercymiku · 3 years
Home is where you’re not:
The air is fresher here.
Hmm, colder too.
Doesn’t seem to matter much
when you slip into view.
The sky seems so much wider here.
Duller, though, at times.
But none of that can phase me
if I see it through your eyes.
The food tastes better here.
Except for when it’s not.
I can’t find the room to complain
when you occupy my thoughts.
My heart feels warmer here.
Sometimes it gets too much.
So strong it feels that often
I have to brush away
your touch.
My head feels clearer here.
I can piece together more.
I can start to remember just how much of a bore 
it is, how much of a chore, 
that monumental hill just to reach the fucking store.
And I can’t quite remember what I brought you here for
if you won’t go up the hill 
if you keep smoking in the clean air
and telling my mum her food can’t compare
or that you love the way the snow traps us here.
Can’t seem to remember,
or perhaps seeing for the first time,
that I had painted you 
a false shade of the sublime.
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mercymiku · 4 years
The Lesser:
The scales are unbalanced,
the weights upon them cause a sway,
but I can’t see the difference either way.
One side is burdened with all I stand against
the other, although heavy,
seems, at least, to make some sense.
And Justice blindly brandishes them both as if to say:
these are the only options, 
there is no other way.
I wonder that she does this. 
I’ve wondered for a while.
And yet I also recognise the lack of any smile
upon her stoic face.
Of what she seems to value, I cannot find a trace.
What, then, is she suggesting, as she dangles these scales above,
perhaps there are more powerful things than truth and justice and love.
~ I don’t want the lesser of two evils, I want no evil at all.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Free-range thought in the midst of containment:
how it feels to be trapped in your own home.
A fancy cage with less jarring bars 
obscuring the outside world.
Still, my shit’s on the floor, and nobody 
is coming to clean it up. I’ve left the door open 
and no one’s complaining that it’s like a barn.
And I am watched, all hours of the day
little cameras, little eyes through curtained slits,
will she make a break for it?
I won’t. I don’t. 
But that’s the problem with free range, you see?
The thought is unchecked, unbalanced, unlike me
and it escapes the bounds of conformity: 
what if I, too, defy convention, defy detention- 
but the stress is getting to me, I’m plucking out my hair-
I’m motherclucking scared and I find myself fattening 
like they want me to, not like the pretty animals 
roaming the zoos, but like a lamb to the slaughter,
like a moth to the flame, until I’m plump enough to shoulder 
the blade coming down around my neck.
~I think I’m starting to lose it.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Too Fast:
In my haste- in your indulgence of it-
there is a moment
cast in precious ivory and doubt
where I lose something.
And in the time it has taken 
for me to realise- you to catch up-
the impression of its importance
has bloated in my mind- your ankles.
Suddenly, I cannot trust
Your judgement- my restraint,
For fear of sculpting my life
A sharper shade of risk.
~You shouldn’t have to hold me back, but sometimes I need you to.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Background Noise:
Lights and smiles abound.
The world is swathed in sound;
People singing, people cheering,
Ignoring all the silent leering
Of all the millions far away
Unable to rejoice this day.
Phones are off and tvs streaming.
This day there is no room for screaming...
Unless it’s at our family
Those that we love most ardently.
For love explodes this time of year
Into frustrated floods of tears.
It’s hard enough without the crying
Of all the others out there dying-
So let us stop, tune out, okay?
It won’t hurt (will it?) just for today.
~It’s so loud...Please, turn it down.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Straws will not break the camel’s back.
They’ll just keep piling up in their neat little stack.
Each extra strand will bear a weight
and the camel in turn will acclimate.
By the time the next strand has started its descent
the camel will forget where the last straw went.
Eventually, it will be so commonplace 
that the straws will appear without leaving a trace.
The camel so resilient, the stack so tall,
that it would be more uncomfortable to have no straw at all.
And each little straw will seem all the smaller,
to the straws higher up in the pecking order.
Straws will not break the camel’s back.
They’ll just keep piling up in their neat little stack.
~We can all get used to things. It’s staying shocked that counts.
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mercymiku · 4 years
The Machine On Its Last Legs:
Wake up! Groggy, blurry, haze.
A dizzy lurch through empty days.
Try to trace back all your steps,
What you gained and what you left.
Get up! Dizzy, haggard, tired.
Drink some coffee, go get wired.
Let your eyes roll over screens
Filled with hate and hope and dreams.
Look out! Lazy, worthless, tool.
Be careful you don’t look a fool.
Rub your eyes and bite your tongue,
Your day has only just begun.
~ When did productivity become a virtue?
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mercymiku · 4 years
I want to hear the glassy rain
Cast itself into the unknowing void
And return to its composite shards
Hear its stony splatter against my skull
And feel the grainy grunt of
Wetted fabric against my skin
I want each drop to slice me open
Turn me into shreds of flesh and cotton
Into gashes of red against the grey
That dilute and drain into the soil
Food for a more solid organism
I want every shimmering bead to bury itself
In the weeds of my hair
Lodge inside my pores and sink deeper
Deeper down in between the particles
That compose my being and freeze-thaw
Until I’m reduced to rubble
Eroded and untroubled
~Tear me down
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mercymiku · 4 years
Ego Ideal
It starts slowly
My reflection in your eyes
Your reflection in mine
A subtle image 
Grasped by like minds
A mirrored action
Ruled by give and take
A shared appreciation
For what’s at stake
Suddenly a dance
You step forward I step back
Our swords clash between us
In defence and attack
And now it’s all to quick
I crave my image like I’m sick
We slice and cut to carve us out
Of each other’s eye
I want the me in yours
You want the you in mine.
~I want to be the me that you love.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Got a hankerin’ for flesh that’s yours,
a wish to chase you out of doors,
a need to get you in my clutches:
outta those clothes and into these crutches.
Got a thirst for blood that’s in your veins,
a want to pick apart you brains,
a hunger for your precious heart:
to bite and tear and rip apart.
~Make me your corpse bride.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Walk in, steal the floor; 
make the masses feel your draw.
Chin up, steps clear;
instil passion, instil fear.
Gaze forward, eyes aglow;
let them think what they think they know.
Dress trailing, form tall;
leave them crawling in your thrall.
Steps fading, leave no trace
but the memory of your transient grace.
~I’m a crowd pleaser.
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mercymiku · 4 years
Caged indecency
Picked loose
Tender scabs 
Plucked through
Tightened flesh
Paradise lost
And found
~some beginnings are endings
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mercymiku · 4 years
Why thank you- I’m rather fond of it myself! x
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mercymiku · 4 years
Come Home:
I keep a shell in my pocket
which, when I hold,
let’s me feel the press of your
palm as you pushed it in mine.
It lets me hear
the gentle whisper over the waves,
your breath warm against my jaw,
our noses pink against the wind,
my heart tame beneath your words.
I hold it when I’m alone
and I want you to come home.
~It doesn’t take much to miss you.
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mercymiku · 4 years
It is not a beautiful thing
that flowers in my chest.
It is a blunt and mounting pressure
that blooms beneath my breast.
It constricts with creeping vines
my lungs, my throat, my heart:
I worry that it’s planning
on tearing me apart.
It wanes and waxes with the tides
of my unruly thoughts.
Just when I think it’s gone away,
I feel it shift- contort.
The petals push against my skin,
the roots dig in, then squeeze,
the pollen gets into my head,
and I go on, diseased.
The blooming isn’t beautiful,
of seeds corrupt like this.
But hope springs eternal,
and I cannot resist.
~I need some weed killer.
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