Interesting that we need a study to show that there are a lot of #bigoted white men out there. http://www.newsweek.com/white-men-react-poorly-women-and-minorities-power-positions-study-finds-839862
To live in a community that does not include cis men visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/
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#TW #Rape by the state! Rape by deception is a very real thing. It is where the person has sexual with someone else only because they lied. And it is something the state does specifically to #Environmentalists and people on the left to benefit the ruling class. If that is not enough they even victim blame the left for it. Source. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/jan/22/undercover-police-cleared-sex-activists
To be free from patriarchy visit  https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/
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Chris Hedges on America entering the “Trump Phase” of late capitalism
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we need conversion therapy to be illegal. we need parents to go to jail for doing this to their children. we need providers of conversion therapy to go to jail for offering a service that abuses and kills lgbt people. conversion therapy is a hate crime.
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Asexual people are welcome in the feminist ecovillage https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/
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If your brand of feminism is on a university reading list, it is probably problematic.
The goal of feminism is not just equality it is also about freeing women. 
And universities can not offer information about this.
The reason for that is that universities rely on outside funding whether it be from the Koch Brothers, Rockefeller’s, or some other rich capitalist promoting an agenda of wage slavery. A choice between wage slavery and/or domestic slavery is not a choice of freedom. 
If you think that these donations come without strings attached then you are mistaken and should watch the following video. 
This is why when we look at feminism that comes from Anarchist or Marxist organisations we see that they are far more relevant and far more important for the freeing of women. 
This is also why feminism from Universities often focus on smaller issues that don’t harm the power structure of the patriarchal mainstream society. 
It should be noted that this problem extends past just feminism and extends to all fields, from holding back the development of good science to promoting economics and agricultural practice that is harmful to both the planet and Humanity. 
In short, there is a difference between ACADEMICALLY CORRECT (because some inaccurate studies can be sourced) and REAL WORLD CORRECT. 
Do not wait for your teachers to give you a book that has been approved of by the ruling class. Get online and start learning today, find others who are also wanting to learn about the same things and create your own work shops. Because you can achieve a higher level then what a University offers. 
To be apart of the real revolution visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/ It should be noted that this does not mean that women have not been helped by universities. The difficulty is that the University system has huge problems, now that we have the internet we can do much better. 
We can make a better system! 
And thus we should make one…
[ To see more context about this issue visit https://youtu.be/50ZebmQq51Q ] 
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The US has notoriously carried out awful and horrendous imperialistic actions all over the globe - couped out/bought democratically elected leaders (in Iran, Guatemala and Chile for example) and supported genocides and dictators (Cuba, Pakistan, Chile, Indonesia, East Timor, El Salvador, Cambodia, Guatemala etc.) as well as using many other tactics to ruin and oppress the people of the world.
They are not the only imperalistic state to plunder and destroy the global south and east, but they have a long list of war crimes which people should know about. It is always profits over people, like in Iran, where the democratically elected president had nationalized the oil industry which was previously owned by BP, which caused the president to be couped out and replaced with a leader who was more "business friendly" to the US and UK. They also killed and couped out the Marxist and democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, and replaced him with the brutal dictator Pinochet. The Iraq war is a big one too, where the invasion and occupation created conditions for both ISIS and Al Quaeda to grow. The US and other imperialist nations have toppled many marxist and anarchist governments and movements in the name of "freedom".
People say that you can't kill ideas. But you can kill people. That is why we need ways and spaces to stay safe.
To stay safe and have a positive life not supporting Empire, visitwww.jungle2jungle.org
Here are three more sources:
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This video shows some of the left wing reasons for gun ownership.  To live in a safer world, where you don’t need guns, visit www.jungle2jungle.org
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To be safe from rapists visit http://www.jungle2jungle.org/
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MTV finally cover #Revolution and #Classism as something that goes hand in hand. "Are Cracker, White Trash, & Redneck Racist? | Decoded | MTV News" https://youtu.be/wIIt-gTHWOY 
To be free from Classism visit http://www.jungle2jungle.org/
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What is a Trotskyist? https://youtu.be/xWgeDLEJwxMTo be free from capitalism visit http://www.jungle2jungle.org/
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#Michael #Moore: "Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People" Michael Moore makes it clear that the problem with gun violence is not the guns them selves but rather the problem is society and who gets to own the guns. https://youtu.be/-JVORszwdNA
To be safe visit http://www.jungle2jungle.org/
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To live in a space where women are supported visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/
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Yes the #Quran is #misogynistic, and sure the #burkini is problematic. But you know what is not ok... Banning people from having the right to choose. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/burkini-cannes-islamophobia-banning-the-burkini-is-misogynistic-and-western-feminists-are-turning-a-a7188806.html
Also growing up as a Muslim we used the word Quran, for those who want to get their words right this issue here is a link http://www.mohammedamin.com/Community_issues/Koran-or-Quran.html
To organize to support women world wide visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/FeministExplorers/
To  be free from misogynistic people and governments visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/ 
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#Venezuelans heed Maduro's call to start urban #farms https://youtu.be/2OB33iQT3jY 
If you want to be apart of the self sufficient revolution visit. https://www.facebook.com/groups/herlandcommune/
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"Here's one particularly heinous example of racism: When Dandridge was hired as a headliner at a big Las Vegas casino hotel, she was told she could not swim in the hotel pool, or the pool would have to be drained and washed down because a Negro had been in the water. Enraged by the prohibition, Dandridge defied the hotel management by showing up poolside in a bathing suit. Then she stuck her toe in the water while gasps of consternation rose up.
The moment could have been played as melodramatic, but in "Introducing Dorothy Dandridge," directed by Martha Coolidge ("Rambling Rose"), it unfolds skillfully enough to be unforgettable. In the next scene Dandridge is shown after her night's performance, walking past the pool, and indeed the hotel has drained it. And three laborers -- all black -- are on their hands and knees scrubbing."
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