noorkhannk · 3 years
Death, it comes uninvited and that is it’s biggest tragedy. Now matter how prepared we may be, no matter how much belief we’ve been brought up with, nothing matches the unexpectedness of death itself. This element of it makes it horrifying. But the irony is that the exact same reason makes it more valuable. The constant fear of dying the very next second, keeps the person on their toes. May it be the fear of facing God within them or just the fact that they don’t want to die regretful, they still try to live this live as hard and to the brink as possible. Death is like that villain in the movie who is disliked by everyone but without whom, the movie would’ve never even existed in the first place.
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noorkhannk · 3 years
I want to know and deeply understand people, y'know? Not just the kind of person they are or the things they like, but why they do the things they do, or how they came to be who they are, or which emotion they associate each colour with.
That is the level of intimacy I aspire to reach.
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noorkhannk · 5 years
Safr e Muzzaffarabad | Travel Log | Vlog #11
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noorkhannk · 6 years
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noorkhannk · 6 years
Pakistani Bloggers that aced it this Eid!
Although, this Eid was hardly the one, we get dressed up for, some of our own Pakistani bloggers still aced at it with their attires. Our very own pretty Pakistani bloggers have us gushing over them for this Eid. Their style and versatility has always made them stand out. Here’s a list of the one’s we came across and who looked absolutely fabulous:
1) Arooj Fatima (Ig: @by.rooj):
We loved Arooj’s…
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noorkhannk · 6 years
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Examophobia So I have been seeing all these ppl around me complaining and getting worried over exams and results so I though till the time my vlog gets uploaded 😉 I should tell u guys my opinion of it.
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noorkhannk · 6 years
My Proud Opinion on #Pride
My Proud Opinion on #Pride
So a lot of you have been questioning me regarding my views and opinions on the #LGBTQ community ESPECIALLY after i posted the #Pride Look on my Instagram.
Click here to check out this post
The caption with this post read why i posted this look even though i am NOT an #LGBTQ supporter. The thing is I have a very moderate opinion on this that is that neither do i support it but nor am i against…
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noorkhannk · 6 years
Fracture Reveal
So all of you are well aware that I had gone through severe polynomial fractures on the pinky of my right hand. I was prescribed 4 weeks complete immobile bed rest. During that time period, I was heavily pampered, school was cancelled and life was super easy. But a lot of realisations also dawned upon me…
The first and the foremost was this that I couldn’t bear being dependent on someone else. It…
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noorkhannk · 6 years
Eid ul Fitr '18
Eid ul Fitr ’18
  “Udhar Se Chand Tum Dekho, Idhar Se Chand Ham Dekhen,
Nigahen Yun Takrayen Ke Do Dilon Ki Eid Ho Jaye”
“From the other side , you see the moon, From this side side I’ll see the moon,
Let the eyes clash as such that the hearts celebrate Eid”
Eid Mubarak to all you gorgeous and beautiful ppl out there. Tbvh this Eid was kind of mixed: Good and Bad both. The first bad thing was that I…
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noorkhannk · 7 years
I must say The City School took a great initiative and made a very effective approach. Values-Based Education is such a massive stand and the perfect idea for the reformation and development of the Educational sector. While sitting there and listening to the panelists and keynote speakers talk about the causes and the future effects of this approach, I felt proud! Literally, I did! And although there were times when I wanted to reject some thing said or some work done but in the end if I sum it all up…DAMN City School you guys did GREAT! MaShaAllah! ❤
And although I am against some of the people in the government of Pakistan, in the end they did do some great things in the implementation of this initiative so yeah hats off!
We were ushers, people who had to guide the guests in and out of the halls. We were ignored; made a fool out of ourselves and got extremely embarrassed. But what kept us going on for straight 4 hrs? It was this that we knew that we were getting prepared for our future. We learned that the most important thing that one requires in order to gain a successful lifestyle is Patience/Sabr or according to the TCS’ values: Tolerance. All that time while we fixed ourselves in pplz entrances and talks, we felt almost embarrassed. When our greetings were ignored and our efforts unappreciated. We gained more patience! We gained more practice! We gained our future! ❤ Although, we felt down with all the wrecking work we had to do but in the end it was done to prepare us for a successful future. TCS, Thank you for the opportunity.
  My experience as an ambassador and representative of the City School went by awesome. And i look forward to many more such events in future. ❤ 
Love, N ❤
Values-Based Education by TCS I must say The City School took a great initiative and made a very effective approach. Values-Based Education is such a massive stand and the perfect idea for the reformation and development of the Educational sector.
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noorkhannk · 7 years
Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafaq
Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafaq
“If you’re the same person before and after you’ve loved, than you’ve not loved enough” ❤
Many people, alot of them had suggested me this novel and i had to read it and i am proud that i did.
I loved it the very moment i read the word ‘love’. Such a magnificence. Such a beauty. Elif Shafaq has literally given life to the word ‘love’. I literally cannot describe in words how much of a soul,…
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noorkhannk · 7 years
Who does who a favor?
Who does who a favor?
● changes her name ● changes her home ● leaves her family ● moves in with you ● builds a home with you ● gets pregnant for you ● pregnancy changes her body ● she gets fat ● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of child birth ● even the kids she delivers bear your name
Till the day she dies… everything she does… cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your…
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noorkhannk · 7 years
RIP SriDevi
“Its easy to remember but what’s difficult is to forget”
Sri Devi has been an inspiration throughout my lifetime. She has been a scrimmaging personality uplifting the role of women and empowering them through her work and acts. The saying goes true on her “Be a woman who other women look up to” Indeed a lot of women look up to her. I was deeply grieved by the news of her death. The very Sunday…
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noorkhannk · 7 years
A Difference needs to be made. Every single person leaves behind him a scar, a scar, of which some of theirs are recognized and some are left out…. A change in courses is required. None of us knows when or where death may come to us but once when death has taken over us everyone needs to be recognized, acknowledged and moreover noticed. It is not us who have to be noticed, it is the world.
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noorkhannk · 7 years
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The Spy by Paulo Coelho "The person standing before me is a spy by the heart and by the soul" This novel has me in all the high spirits possible.
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noorkhannk · 7 years
Girl: I am ugly!
Boy: I am pregnant!
Girl: What!?
Boy: I thought we were stating things that are impossible...
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noorkhannk · 7 years
Cute asf
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she is not a very good nurse but she will cuddle u back to health
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