I don't even know what I wanna write today
All I know is that I'm tired as hell
Tired as I got nothing left to say
Words feel deep into the wishing well
Together with all my hopes and dreams
So deep that you can't even hear me scream
It's very tiring living in this world
I badly wanna go home---HOME
Home sounds unfamiliar to me now
I'm afraid I'll forget my way home
Can someone please tell me how?
I don't wanna be stuck in this world
It's a mad, mad world
Such a cruel place to live
Hearts here are dead damn cold
Pain and suffering, all they give
I'm tired
I'm tired.
--- @nothing--is--everything
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Got a lot of work to do
But all I can think about is you
Just lying on my bed
My heart's bleeding red
It hurts. It hurts so bad
I'm very, very sad
Wishing upon all the stars
That you ain't just another mistake
Afraid that this feeling will leave a scar
Please, don't be my another mistake
Are you gonna break my heart?
Am I gonna break yours?
Are we right for each other?
Is this just another mistake?
Am I in a verge of another heartbreak?
Please, don't be my another mistake
--- @nothing--is--everything
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There are colors that are more appealing on white back ground.
Some are brighter on black.
Just because the path is dark, doesn't mean it's bad.
Just because the music is low, doesn't mean it's sad.
Ain't no such thing as wrong timing.
The universe is well harmonized.
Things happen because they supposed to happen
exactly how they happened.
That off-key isn't out of tune.
That outcast isn't inadequate.
That imbalance doesn't lack proportion.
All things serve their own purposes.
Bad is not bad.
Off is not off.
Wrong is not wrong.
If you know what I mean.
Everything happens for a reason.
Everyone has their own season.
Good is good because of the bad.
Right is right because of the wrong.
Bright is bright because of the dark.
If you know what I mean.
--- @nothing--is--everything
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The Light Within You
Switch off the light and let the light within you shine
How can you tell if it's bright or dark?
Which is white, which is black?
Is everything gray?
How is okay?
See all the colors in the darkness human eyes can't see
Recount the rainbow
Color your shadow
Is optical illusion an illusion or is it real?
Are we numb or can we actually feel?
Feel the feeling of non-feeling while feeling everything all at once
Follow the beat, listen to it.
Draw the infinite lines
Redefine fine
Calmly be overwhelmed with the peaceful chaos
As you switch off the light, turn your magic on
Find your center and be everywhere
--- @nothing--is--everything
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Particle Flow
Amazing world
Every breath has colors
Particles bouncing in every blink of the eye
Free-flowing and orchestrated at the same time
There's a constellation of rainbow in your heartbeat
Bright neon dotted lights
Breathe in, breathe out
Zoom in, zoom out
What a wonderful creation
It's an amazing world
Scattered lines all over the space interconnected to each other
Infinite possibilities, well harmonized and authored.
Close your eyes
Open your Eyes while your human eyes are closed
Open the door
Close your human mind and swim in the cosmic ocean
--- @nothing--is--everything
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Clearing heart chakra.
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"Dreaming of throwing away or killing worms indicates the dreamer is tired of chasing material enjoyment, and may turn to the development in moral and spiritual aspect."
---Last night's dream.
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That sabaw moment when you try to light your cigar using a usb flash drive.
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Shallow and weak minds don't understand philosophy.
Or at least, don't value it.
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Pain - bait
Friend 1 - You like paksiw?
Me: I love paksiw!
Friend 1: Go here, I'll feed you paksiw
Friend 2: San ka?
Me: office pa, why?
Friend 2: deretso ka dito sa bahay may pasta dito.
Me: anong meron? May occasion?
Friend 2: wala. Movie and wine tayo
Me: ah... Miss ako? Okay. 😂
#blessed 😂
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Feels like I just woke up Like all this time I've been asleep Even though it's not who I am I'm not afraid of who I used to be
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My true love is tall, dark, oh wait! Make that venti. ☕
--- @nothing--is--everything
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Poetic Alchemy
My best kept not-so-secret "secret",
oh, how I love the way we talk nonsense
and everything simply makes sense.
A kind of relationship only superhuman
could ever come close to understanding what it is.
Telepathic connection.
More than blood relation.
Soul recognition. Super powers.
We are the kind who will do poultry deliberation at past midnight
and just like that, innocent men become some kind of livestock who eats "darak".
Whom in the end will be reincarnated to become the rightful king.
Weird as they say, we can't hide what we truly are.
We just need someone who understands the essence of "Craziness".
And I meant that literally and figuratively.
We are soulmates. In this universe and in all those parallel universes.
We cause imbalance of nature through our poetic alchemy made of farts with melody.
Hence, this planet isn't what it is without our every little bits.
---- @nothing--is--everything
*This is dedicated to my best friend Gabrielle Godgiven M. Alfonso who's celebrating her year of existence today.
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Note on Birds, by Rainer Maria Rilke
I’ve figured it out, something that was never clear to me before–how all creation transposes itself out of the world deeper and deeper into our inner world, and why birds cast such a spell on this path into us. The bird’s nest is, in effect, an outer womb given by nature; the bird only furnishes it and covers it rather than containing the whole thing inside itself. As a result, birds are the animals whose feelings have a very special, intimate familiarity with the outer world; they know that they share with nature their innermost mystery. That is why the bird sings its songs into the world as though it were singing into it inner self, that’s why we take a birdsong into our own inner selves so easily, it seems to us that we translate it fully, with no remainder, into our feelings; a birdsong can even, for a moment, make the whole world into a sky within us, because we feel that the bird does not distinguish between its heart and the world’s.
from The Inner Sky: poems, notes, and dreams
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I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts but they need constant attention & one day I decided I had better things to do.
Brian Andreas (via wordsnquotes)
and now, I’m back! Let’s do gardening!
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Let's get numb
Idk why it’s called getting high. I’d rather be low, so low that I’ve sunken into the ground into a small little crack, because god forbid I take up to much space. I don’t want to be high because I know that doesn’t last. I want to be numb because numb is just another extension of myself at this point. I want to be so low that others don’t realize I’m gone till I come up for air, popping my head above the surface on occasion just so they know that I’m “okay.”
“Okay” O is for the obligation I feel to put on an act that I’m happy so I don’t burden others with the worry of little old me. K, k is for the killing that this does to my soul. The extra weight that I carry around trying to hold up my fake personality in front of a crowd. A is for the anonymity, which in the dictionary means lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; the impersonality of something. Basically anonymity is emptiness and emptiness is me. Y, Y is for why you!? Why do you get to be happy? and not just “let’s play pretend so they don’t see through you again,” happy ..but actual “I’m going to wish on this dandelion because I love life,” happy. Y is for why you and not me?
“..oh, sorry, yea I’ll get high with you. No I’m fine. I promise, I’m okay”
“I’m okay.” *repeat till they stop asking*
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There’s this sort of bubble in my chest And it’s always on the verge of bursting And it’s growing And growing And growing But that’s all it does Leaving me unsure Struggling to make certain it never explodes Yet wanting it to at the same time
@existential-words (via existential-words)
It's growing...
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