Hi :) I love your headcanons they're so in character but still manage to fit the requests 💕🥺 could I get a headcanon for Zoro comforting a sad s/o? Tysm
Thank you! you submitted this a while ago so I’m not sure if you will actually see it or not. but we’ll see.
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* Oh no, feelings.
* This guy isn’t super great at this kinda thing
* His first reaction would probably be to find whoever upset you and slice them   to pieces (refer to gif above)
* fr
*Nami would have whack him over the head before he really took in your upset state
* Honestly kinda awkward about it
* his coping method for basically anything is ‘getting stronger’
* he would invite you to train with him to take your mind off whatever upset you
* Or he might ‘begrudgingly’ cuddle
* He totally doesn’t actually like it or anything. Baka.
*Takes you up to the crows nest with a warm blanket and some tea
* You can tell him anything, he won’t judge, and he definitely won’t tell anyone unless you want him to
* He just might not understand why you’re upset about some things.
*Someone was rude to you?
* “So? Beat their ass.”
*” Zoro, no.”
* Would totally be down for taking a nap together
Sorry if these sucked. As I addressed in my last post it’s been a little while.
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Hey, so... Its been a while....
And I have quite a few things I’ll be addressing in this post, so fairly long post ahead fair warning.
First of all, I would like to give a bit of an explanation on why I’ve been gone..
Shortly after making my most recent post, a bunch of crazy stuff happened in my life all at once. I don’t talk to most of my ‘friends’ anymore either, I emotionally tore myself apart for them and they apparently found better friends now so... Since those events, I have been stuck in this endless rut of very very serious depression and anxiety. It’s not a huge deal, I just haven’t been able to find motivation to do pretty much anything, and writing falls on that list.
I know most people probably don’t care. I'm not looking for attention or pity, I feel like I owe some of you an explanation, idk.
I am going to try to continue writing, I just don’t know how often I’ll be updating and stuff.
I’m really sorry because I know I’m probably just going to disappoint you guys; I have changed so much during this time and my writing is going to be so different now. I looked back at my old stuff and it’s like looking at someone else’s work.
That being said, I’m only going to try to write headcanons for now, until i can maybe get back into it.
One of my major problems is going to be getting inspiration and ideas for my work. so some asks might not be answered as quickly as others.
Aaaand that's about it, sorry for dumping this load of dramatic crap on here, I'll hopefully have this blog going again soon.
If you have made it this far thank you for reading both this post and possibly my other works as well.
See you around.                       -TheIdiotArtist
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One of my best friends started a one piece headcanon blog!
She is currently waiting for requests, so if you have any ideas, her blog is here: https://ambertheauthor.tumblr.com/  
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Edit on rules!
just making some minor changes on some rules.
1. no NSFW
2. Gore and dark themes are fine
3.I can’t write for Cracker, Doffy, Kid, or Sanji’s other fam members (this will probably change, I just haven't seen enough of their personalities to feel comfortable writing about them)
and that's it for now!
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Hey! Can I request a scenario where Law's S/O ask him to exchanged their hearts? (Not like changing body but Law having his S/O heart in his chest and vice versa) thank you 💕💕
Laws s/o wants to exchange hearts:
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*y’know most people would be a little disturbed by this
*but this is law we are talking about
*he’d just see it as ‘cool’
*Although, being a doctor,he would be a bit worried about something going wrong
*You would probably have to listen to a long speech about how hearts worked 
*seeing as if your blood types were different, that could cause major problems
*But if everything was medically safe he would be fine with it
*Know he’ll research the living crap outta it before he even thinks about attempting it
*he doesn't want to lose another person he loves
sorry this was so short!
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Hi!! Have you seen Franky?
I’ve been trying not to, someone stole his speedo for a prank again.
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I’m Alive
Ok, I am so sorry I have been so busy, but happy 2020 people! go blow some shit up! (no, not really lol) 
So uh, here is a problem, technically I'm not allowed to be on any social media, (I've got overprotective parents) so it’s really hard to get stuff posted...… but I still try.
I love writing and being part of fandoms but that's kinda hard when EVERYTHING HAS TO BE LOOKED OVER BEFORE YOU SEE IT
Also my mom is talking about getting some sorta devce that lets her see everything the family looks at. so hopefully I won’t have to close this down :’(
Just letting you guys know that it’s possible that it might happen in the future! 
again sorry about everything! 
also super sorry to the anon who requested the breakup scenario, I feel awful I haven’t gotten it out yet, I've made several versions but they looked so OOC I had to delete them. I’m working on it though I promise!
thank you all for being so supportive! 
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If it’s not to much too much trouble could you make a hc of Law, Smoker and Katakuri getting scolded at by their s/o? ☺️
Sure! I had to drop Katakuri since I haven’t seen him yet. (I know, I’m super behind in the series X( ) Hope this is still ok. Thanks for the ask!
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*So, Law
*He found a mouse in the sub
*And was just like ‘Oh, I’ll just use this little bitch for my science experiments’
*>laws evil face
*And you found out and got all upset for some reason
*”Law! I can’t believe you would even think about harming a poor, innocent, mouse like that! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!”
*Law’s facial expression:
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*”It’s hardly innocent y/n-ya”
*you take the squirming mouse form his hands and start baby-talking to it
*”Poor little mousey, was that mean law rude to you? Don’t worry I’ll let you go as soon as we reach an island…”
*then Law would just sigh and go back to his paperwork
*Acts like he doesn’t care
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*you were in public with smoker
*And he started getting a little inappropriate…..
*(you know)
*embarrassing you
*He may have gone a little too far
*And you ‘overreacted’ and started yelling at him
*”seriously, Smoker! Cut it out! Or I swear I’ll push you into the ocean, then we’ll see who laughing!” (empty threat of course)
*”Alright, alright, calm down woman!”
*Instantly stops
*he may be a powerful military man, but when you get angry it scares him
*not that he would ever admit it, lol
*legit nervous
  Hope this is ok! Sorry if it’s stupid! If you want me to rewrite it I will.
 God, I have a scenario request and it’s taking me forever, I’m so sorry! X(
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So, just a note, I can do scenarios and other things, but fair warning they will take a bit longer then headcannons. sorry about that, They are just a bit harder to write. 😓 
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Thanks for all the support, you guys are awesome!
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Hi!! Your headcannons are cute! Keep up the good work! Can you do one where the reader like to watch Sanji cook and he likes seeing the wonder in her eyes watching him work? I've noticed no one pays attention to his skills until the food comes out. Please and thank you!
Ooh nice one. Thanks for the ask!
 Sanji with the reader who loves to watch him cook:
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  *At first you were just bored, and had asked Sanji if you could hang out in the kitchen for a while
  *He said yes, of course. (I mean, it’s Sanji, c’mon)
  *So, you were just kinda hanging out
  *And you started watching him cook, and it was just so amazing
  *And ever since then you always hung out in the kitchen to watch him cook
  * while Sanji was focused on cooking he was really fun to be around (he didn’t    get nosebleeds lol)
  * and he would answer any questions you had about techniques and such
  *he would even offer to teach you to cook
  *it’s just so cute, he would be so happy being able to talk to someone about        cooking
  *Always has the sweetest smiles when you ask him questions
  *you’d better bet he’s going to show off a bit
  *will make you little snacks and stuff
  *Blushes if you complement him
  *Sometimes asks you if you would like to help him in the kitchen
  *so adorable
Hope this is alright! If you want me to redo it just let me know!  (the gif isn’t mine)
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Hey! i love your blog!! Could we get something for ASL liking one girl? What would they do to win her over/resolve it? Thanks so much!
Sure thing! I think this is what you meant, but if i misinterpreted, let me know and I’ll rewrite it.
( Sorry, I know it’s really short!)
 ASL all falling for the same girl:
     As kids:
          *at first, they wouldn’t realize they liked the same girl
          *They would all ask Makiko for advice on girls
          *When they realized they liked the same girl they would be like: 0-0
          *then all hell would break loose
          *Luffy: “y/n’s mine!”
          *Ace: “Shuddup ya little punk! I saw her first!”
          *Then they would start fighting cartoonishly
          *(y’know with the clouds of dust flying everywhere and once in a while you see like, an arm or a leg poke out or something)
          *Eventually Sabo would stop the fight and be like: “Hey! It’s y/n’s     decision,  so why don’t we ask her?
           *Then they would find you and ask you, with a massive blush on their faces, who you ‘like’ liked
           *After that, it’s your choice…………………………………………………..
  As adults:
           *Okay I’m going to pretend, for the sake of this ask, that they actually got to all meet each other as adults  >sob
           *as adults, they would be a bit more mature in this situation
           *they would probably either go straight to you and ask you
           *or, they would decide ‘whatever happens, happens’ ,
           *But then go about doing sweet stuff for you, to butter you up,
           *Then if they found out that they all had the same idea, they might fight a little.
           *THEN after that there would be an awkward time where they would all end up asking you out.
           *At the same TIME.
           *of course, then its your choice…………….
Sorry, this is terrible >-
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You gotta stop saying sorry it’s suck because your work is amazing! I like all of asks you’ve done so far☺️
Thank you! that means a lot! :D
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Helloooo!! Can I ask for a HC for Law, Zoro and Hawkeye pre-and relationship ?
Yay! I finally get to do something with Law! He is one of my favorite Characters! XD Thank you for the ask! Sorry if the charichters are OOC I tried.
    *Have fun with this guy
    *When he realizes he likes you he will most likely try to avoid you
    *Because of his past, he tries not to get too close to people
    *He’ll also stare at you
    *A LOT
    *Has to hide his face in his hat whenever you act cute because he feels his      face heating up
    *Surprisingly kinda shy when it comes to this kind of thing
    *Does secretly try to keep an eye on you when you fight
    *His crew would realize he likes you and laugh their asses off
    *Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin dropping obvious hints and scheming ways to get      you two together
    *I say ‘obvious’ hints, I mean they go about it so ridiculously you would just be      like ‘???’ 100% of the time
    *It will take him a long time to finally convince himself to ask you out
 In a Relationship:
     *The sweetest boyfriend ever
     *Would talk to you about his past
     *Actually smiles
     *(Not a Luffy smile lol, it’s a gentle smile)
     *Bepo cries because Law looks so happy
     *You can literally talk to him about anything
     *Won’t hug and stuff in front of other people
     *Especially in public
     *mostly because he is a wanted pirate, and he doesn’t want you to be a    target for marines
     *Sleeping with you (not like that) helps with his insomnia
    *very protective
        *Won’t even realize he likes you until robin points it out
        *”You like her, don’t you?”
        *”I don’t know what you’re talking about.” (blush)
        *then he’ll start being really awkward
        *You guys have fun training together
        *Beats up Sanji if he flirts with you
        *You’re just like “Zoro, are you ok?”
        *Like law, he does a lot of staring
        *lets you hold his swords
        *When the crew stops at an island he probably hang out with you
        *You guys can talk about stupid stuff and not feel embarrassed
In a relationship:
     *Low-key likes it when you take naps with him
     *don’t kiss him or hold his hand in public
     *He’ll get embarrassed and yell at you
     *he has to maintain his reputation you know.
     *Can be surprisingly deep
     *keep an eye on him so he doesn’t get lost
     *one time you found him stuck in a tree
     *Buys you a lot of stuff
     *Just kinda hands you something he bought just like: “here.” (blushing)
Mihawk (hawkeye) :
      *You will not be able to tell he likes you
      *For real
      *Master at hiding his emotions
      *Will talk about really deep things with you
      *A bit more open with you than he is with other people
      *You guys will often talk about books and/or swords
      *Makes sure you can defend yourself
      *Perona can somehow tell he likes you and teases him
      *Then there was this one time
      *This random drunk dude was making you uncomfortable
      *And Mihawk threw him through like, twelve buildings
      *so yeah……
      *After that he ended up asking you on a date
  In a Relationship:
            *So romantic
            *Compliments you in Spanish
            *Cue romantic candlelight dinners
            *Put his hat on your head because he thinks it looks cute
            *Brings you home roses all the time
            *Dances with you under the moonlight
            *Surprisingly not super overprotective
            *But if he sees another guy messing with you……well……
            *You guys like reading together
          *Takes you places all around the world
            *On the way there he will cut down some ships ‘for fun’
            *Scared of you on your period (sorry if you’re a dude. )
 Sorry if this was crap. I have some other asks i’m working on too, (I’m not skipping them lol) sorry if they are taking a while X(
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What if Sabo and Zoro said something mean to their girlfriend during a heated fight and their girlfriend running out of the room crying but they didn’t regret it until like hours later where they regret being such idiots and want forgiveness? Sorry if it’s to long 😣
I did one shots since you didn’t specify, but if you would like me to do something else, just let me know! 😊 (sorry if it sucks..)
Warning: swearing (no F-bombs tho)
He sighed at your ridiculous behavior and turned back towards his paperwork, ignoring your sobbing as you left the room. Somehow the scene just kept replaying in his head. You had kept insisting he stop working and get some rest, but of course you wouldn’t understand. As chief of staff, he had tons of paperwork to deal with, and he needed to get it done, he didn’t have time for anything else. He was halfway through sorting through his paperwork, when koala burst in. “Oh, you idiot!” she yelled, fuming.  “What now?” he snapped back, irritably. “You don’t tell your girlfriend she’s useless and to get lost!” was her reply. “koala, I really don’t have time for this right now…” Koala’s face grew redder than a tomato, “I don’t care! Do you really care more about your stupid work then you do y/n’s feelings?” “well, I- “he stuttered, but she interrupted him, “You made my best friend cry you son of a bitch, so you better go fix it!” she stomped out, slamming the door behind her. He huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose, exasperated. But Koala’s words were starting to sink in, and reality hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in the wrong, He made you cry, he was being an idiot just like Koala had said……. He felt terrible. As he stood from his desk, he finally felt the weight of his drowsiness. ‘When was the last time I actually slept? My God, I’m such an idiot.’ He set off at a brisk pace towards your room. When he reached your door he hesitated, then knocked. “y/n?” he called softly, “Y/n I’m sorry.”
He only saw your teary eyes for a second before you ran out of the room, slamming the door behind you. “Pfft, whatever.” He scoffed, stalking off towards the training room angerly. ‘Everything I said was true, it’s not my fault she was too weak to take it.’ After taking out his aggression through training, and practically murdering a couple punching bags, he headed back onto the deck to take a nap. He had just closed his eyes when, all the sudden, something hit him in the face, hard. He jumped to his feet, only the see the world’s shittiest cook, swirl brow. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Zoro barked. Sanji was on fire, metaphorically, and literally. “How dare you make poor, beautiful, y/n swan cry! You’re going to pay for it you stupid moss-head!” Zoro yanked his swords from their sheathes violently. “You watch your mouth, Nose-bleed! It’s her problem, not mine!” Then Nami stepped in, glaring at Zoro angerly, “Really, Zoro? Because you were the one whom, and I quote, told her she was a weakling, and you didn’t know why you ever decided to date her.” Zoro winced, He didn’t say it like that……did he? He looked towards the other side of the deck, where you were sitting, being consoled by Robin. He felt a pain like a dagger to his chest. ‘damn, I really messed up…’  He walked over to you slowly. “y/n?” You turned away from him, trying to hide the tears welling up in your eyes. He knelt so he was sitting next to you. “y/n……. look, I swear I didn’t mean it the way it sounded I just…” Robin looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He sighed. “y/n I’m really sorry, I was upset, and I was saying things that weren’t true……. I-I’m so sorry.” He hugged you gently.
Again, sorry if this sucks, I tried.
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Hi!! I would like to request how Ace, Sabo and Zoro would react to their s/o telling them they’re pregnant?
Sure thing! thanks for the ask! :)
*probably would think his s/o was joking at first
*”ha ha, y/n very funny....”
*But then he sees his s/o’s serious face
*”wait, FOR REAL!?”
*”Yes, Ace, for real.”
*Hugs them so tightly
*completely shocked
*”So......is it a boy or a girl?”
*”We won’t be able to know until later”
*buys his kid everything
*and I mean EVERYTHING
*”Ace, what are you doing?”
*(Ace, holding tarantula) “Well I thought the baby might like it...…”
*promises to always take care of the both of you
*completely shocked
*stands there looking at his s/o for five minutes
*Then you start getting worried
*”Sabo...…...I-im so s-sorry if you didn’t want this....”
*Sabo snaps out of it and walks over, pulling you into a hug, smiling softly
* “Of course I want this y/n, I’ve never been happier.”
*just so sweet 
*Takes you shopping for maternity stuff
*Like Ace, buys his kid everything
*Makes sure you get enough sleep
*Is always worried
*Gets you any food you want, even if its something crazy
*”What does pregnant mean?” 
*Legit has to ask chopper
*”OH, right that...”
*Can’t wait to teach his kid the way of the sword
* doesn’t let you fight while you’re pregnant
*somehow finds a REAL mini sword for his kid
*Idk man I just work here
*Trains even harder to make sure he can protect you both
*Has you take naps with him
*super loving and supportive
*still doesn't know too much about that kinda stuff tho
*Super protective
*if the kid is a girl she’s not dating anyone until she is 70
 Sorry if this sucks, I tried..
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Being a female straw hat crew member ,  you could research the most  complicated dish ever and ask sanji to make it...…..and he most likely would. 
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Again PLEASE feel free to send requests! Even if it’s the most random shit, I do not really care.
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